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2.1 Gross National Product: SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

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SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

2.1 Gross National Product

(Billion Rupees)
Current Factor Cost Constant Factor Cost of 1999-2000
Sector Amount Growth (%) Amount Growth (%)
FY 08 FY09 FY10P FY 08 FY09 FY10P FY 08 FY09 FY10P FY 08 FY09 FY10P
1. Agriculture 2,017.18 2,603.83 3,016.57 19.7 29.1 15.9 1,148.85 1,195.03 1,218.87 1.0 4.0 2.0
i. Major Crops 671.37 974.19 1,101.67 22.9 45.1 13.1 373.19 400.49 399.73 -6.4 7.3 -0.2
ii. Minor Crops 211.55 235.80 281.33 14.9 11.5 19.3 138.89 136.60 135.01 10.9 -1.6 -1.2
iii. Livestock 1,051.44 1,304.64 1,537.50 19.2 24.1 17.8 601.41 622.53 648.11 4.2 3.5 4.1
iv. Fishing 52.39 53.73 56.18 22.8 2.6 4.6 20.83 21.32 21.63 9.2 2.3 1.4
v. Forestry 30.42 35.46 39.88 0.6 16.6 12.4 14.53 14.09 14.40 -13.0 -3.0 2.2

2. Industrial Sector 2,658.21 2,931.54 3,269.80 20.0 10.3 11.5 1,387.12 1,360.92 1,427.97 1.4 -1.9 4.9
i. Mining & Quarrying 301.47 346.81 346.26 19.4 15.0 -0.2 138.05 137.71 135.41 4.4 -0.2 -1.7
ii. Manufacturing 1,950.52 2,067.49 2,369.03 24.5 6.0 14.6 1,036.10 997.97 1,049.57 4.8 -3.7 5.2
a) Large-Scale 1,467.23 1,500.89 1,710.85 27.6 2.3 14.0 723.63 664.41 693.36 4.0 -8.2 4.4
b) Small-Scale 334.61 395.01 444.57 19.5 18.0 12.5 240.14 258.17 277.56 7.5 7.5 7.5
c) Slaughtering 148.69 171.60 213.60 7.9 15.4 24.5 72.34 75.39 78.65 4.2 4.2 4.3
iii. Construction 260.34 294.99 308.43 15.6 13.3 4.6 127.08 112.88 130.20 -5.5 -11.2 15.3
iv. Electricity and Gas Distribution 145.87 222.25 246.09 -13.9 52.4 10.7 85.89 112.36 112.79 -23.6 30.8 0.4

Commodity Producing Sector (1+2) 4,675.39 5,535.37 6,286.36 19.9 18.4 13.6 2,535.97 2,555.95 2,646.85 1.3 0.8 3.6

3. Services Sector 5,246.20 6,546.59 7,557.13 21.0 24.8 15.4 2,847.04 2,892.09 3,023.92 6.0 1.6 4.6
i. Transport, Storage and
Communication 1,155.87 1,630.28 1,894.19 14.2 41.0 16.2 539.30 554.12 578.97 3.8 2.7 4.5
ii. Wholesale and Retail Trade 1,829.94 2,100.66 2,391.06 26.9 14.8 13.8 934.23 921.02 968.15 5.3 -1.4 5.1
iii. Finance and Insurance 556.68 625.47 667.55 24.5 12.4 6.7 338.39 314.81 303.52 11.1 -7.0 -3.6
iv. Ownership of Dwellings 239.01 298.79 345.76 15.9 25.0 15.7 145.52 150.63 155.92 3.5 3.5 3.5
v. Public Administration & Defence 530.07 662.72 794.44 13.3 25.0 19.9 320.57 332.11 357.13 1.2 3.6 7.5
vi. Community , S&P Services 934.62 1,228.67 1,464.13 23.0 31.5 19.2 569.04 619.41 660.24 9.8 8.9 6.6

4. Gross Domestic Product (FC) 9,921.58 12,081.96 13,843.49 20.5 21.8 14.6 5,383.01 5,448.04 5,670.77 3.7 1.2 4.1
5. Indirect Taxes 667.604 763.501 896.702 19.9 14.4 17.4 372.65 360.58 374.53 3.0 -3.2 3.9
6. Subsidies 346.389 106.121 71.763 191.2 -69.4 -32.4 190.29 41.09 26.43 151.7 -78.4 -35.7
7. Gross Domestic Product (MP) 10,242.80 12,739.34 14,668.43 18.1 24.4 15.1 5,565.38 5,767.54 6,018.87 1.6 3.6 4.4
8. Net Factor Income from Abroad 208.916 344.491 570.615 32.5 64.9 65.6 85.59 112.84 193.71 3.8 31.8 71.7
9. Gross National Product (FC) 10,130.50 12,426.45 14,414.10 20.7 22.7 16.0 5,468.60 5,560.88 5,864.48 3.7 1.7 5.5
10. Gross National Product (MP) 10,451.72 13,083.83 15,239.04 18.4 25.2 16.5 5,650.96 5,880.37 6,212.58 1.6 4.1 5.6
11. Population (Millions) 160.97 163.76 166.52 1.8 1.7 1.7 160.97 163.76 166.52 1.8 1.7 1.7
12. Per capita income (FC) (Rupees) 62,934 75,882 86,561 18.6 20.6 14.1 33,973 33,957 35,219 1.9 0.0 3.7
13. Per capita income (MP) (Rupees) 64,930 79,896 91,515 16.3 23.0 14.5 35,106 35,908 37,309 -0.1 2.3 3.9
Note: Total may differ due to rounding off and growths (%) are arrived at from original value. Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics
FC: Factor Cost, MP: Market Price P: Provisional, R: Revised

Real GDP Growth

Agriculture Industry Services Real GDP

-2.0 FY05 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10

Economic Growth, Savings and Investment

2.2 Expenditure on Gross National Product

(Billion Rupees)
Current Factor Cost Constant Factor Cost of 1999-2000
FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 P FY 06 FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10 P

Total Consumption Expenditure 6,544.53 7,340.04 9,113.74 11,283.78 13,127.81 4,296.65 4,415.04 4,518.38 4,712.14 4,945.70

Private Consumption Expenditure 5,720.23 6,543.84 7,835.31 10,254.63 11,815.29 3,708.07 3,882.89 3,779.31 4,206.10 4,371.95

General Government Consumption Expenditure 824.30 796.20 1,278.43 1,029.16 1,312.52 588.58 532.15 739.07 506.04 573.76

Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 1,565.84 1,814.62 2,094.74 2,210.92 2,196.97 840.98 955.14 1,024.70 908.86 890.30

Change in Stocks 121.97 138.77 163.89 203.83 234.70 82.93 87.65 89.05 92.28 96.30

Export of goods and non-factor services 1,161.26 1,230.66 1,316.44 1,636.20 1,892.55 965.86 988.16 935.30 904.38 1,031.53

Less Import of goods and Non-factor services 1,770.39 1,851.09 2,446.01 2,595.39 2,783.60 1,003.05 968.04 1,002.05 850.11 944.97

Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product at market prices 7,623.21 8,673.01 10,242.80 12,739.34 14,668.43 5,183.37 5,477.95 5,565.38 5,767.54 6,018.87

Plus net factor income from the rest of the world 149.90 157.63 208.92 344.49 570.62 84.34 82.43 85.59 112.84 193.71

Expenditure on Gross National Product at market prices 7,773.11 8,830.64 10,451.72 13,083.83 15,239.04 5,267.71 5,560.38 5,650.96 5,880.38 6,212.58

Less Indirect taxes 569.08 556.87 667.60 763.50 896.70 395.44 361.84 372.65 360.58 374.53

Plus Subsidies 104.40 118.97 346.39 106.12 71.76 72.55 75.60 190.29 41.09 26.43

Gross National Product at factor cost 7,308.43 8,392.73 10,130.50 12,426.45 14,414.10 4,944.82 5,274.14 5,468.60 5,560.88 5,864.48

Provision for fixed capital consumption 560.95 625.34 712.23 832.18 891.80 388.48 423.61 437.11 442.44 450.44

Net National Product at factor cost 6,747.48 7,767.39 9,418.28 11,594.27 13,522.30 4,556.34 4,850.53 5,031.49 5,118.44 5,414.04

Growth (%)

Total Consumption Expenditure 18.7 12.2 24.2 23.8 16.3 5.6 2.8 2.3 4.3 5.0

Private Consumption Expenditure 14.4 14.4 19.7 30.9 15.2 1.0 4.7 -2.7 11.3 3.9

General Government Consumption Expenditure 61.7 -3.4 60.6 -19.5 27.5 48.3 -9.6 38.9 -31.5 13.4

Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 38.0 15.9 15.4 5.5 -0.6 19.9 13.6 7.3 -11.3 -2.0

Change in Stocks 15.8 13.8 18.1 24.4 15.1 4.9 5.7 1.6 3.6 4.4

Export of goods and non-factor services 13.9 6.0 7.0 24.3 15.7 9.9 2.3 -5.3 -3.3 14.1

Less Import of goods and Non-factor services 39.2 4.6 32.1 6.1 7.3 18.7 -3.5 3.5 -15.2 11.2

Expenditure on Gross Domestic Product at market prices 17.3 13.8 18.1 24.4 15.1 6.2 5.7 1.6 3.6 4.4

Plus net factor income from the rest of the world 11.5 5.2 32.5 64.9 65.6 -5.0 -2.3 3.8 31.8 71.7

Expenditure on Gross National Product at market prices 17.2 13.6 18.4 25.2 16.5 6.0 5.6 1.6 4.1 5.6

Less Indirect taxes 21.5 -2.1 19.9 14.4 17.4 10.3 -8.5 3.0 -3.2 3.9

Plus Subsidies 14.3 14.0 191.2 -69.4 -32.4 3.8 4.2 151.7 -78.4 -35.7

Gross National Product at factor cost 16.8 14.8 20.7 22.7 16.0 5.6 6.7 3.7 1.7 5.5

Provision for Fixed Capital Consumption 15.1 11.5 13.9 16.8 7.2 4.8 9.0 3.2 1.2 1.8

Net National Product 16.9 15.1 21.3 23.1 16.6 5.7 6.5 3.7 1.7 5.8

Note: Private consumption expenditure has been taken as residual. Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics
1. The series may not be comparable with similar series given in earlier reports due to revisions by the Federal Bureau of Statistics.
2. The figures of exports and imports used in this table are based on trade statistics which are compiled on the basis of actual entry of imports and actual exit of exports from the
country. The deficit on the current account of the balance of payment computed from these data does not equal the estimates of external resource inflow provided by Planning
Division (Table -2.4) as the latter is based on Balance of Payment data compiled on the basis of Payments for imports and receipts from exports
3. The figure of net factor income from abroad given in the table includes the imputed value of accompanied personal baggage whereas Planning Division's estimates of this
variable (Difference of national and domestic savings given in Table-2.4) exclude personal baggage. Hence the two figures are not comparable.

SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

2.3 Gross Fixed Capital Formation

(Billion Rupees)
Current Factor Cost Constant Factor Cost of 1999-2000
Sector P
FY 06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY 06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 P
I. Private Sector 1,197.74 1,335.86 1,539.65 1,620.98 1,564.43 635.90 691.54 756.04 672.02 637.99
Agriculture 143.54 151.34 147.38 171.38 191.13 69.30 70.79 107.27 112.89 120.52
Mining and Quarrying 31.32 49.01 62.76 89.68 95.12 13.92 21.12 23.92 29.10 30.07
Manufacturing 320.50 346.58 362.82 371.10 352.85 167.92 177.64 164.33 136.67 126.62
i. Large Scale 254.73 272.46 270.58 250.58 219.45 136.94 140.53 123.72 92.23 77.98
ii. Small Scale1 65.77 74.12 92.25 120.52 133.40 30.98 37.11 40.61 44.44 48.64
Construction 19.25 24.26 19.09 28.21 27.60 14.29 16.98 12.04 13.02 11.99
Electricity and Gas Distribution 32.37 29.63 32.84 31.44 25.54 14.87 13.20 12.91 10.47 8.33
Transport, Storage and Communication 312.55 324.34 372.54 357.85 307.04 160.82 161.80 163.80 130.96 110.41
Wholesale and Retail Trade 29.16 37.23 43.14 52.00 54.42 18.12 22.58 23.05 22.96 23.97
Finance & insurance 38.69 77.97 147.27 83.27 47.64 23.77 46.25 78.38 37.63 20.99
Ownership of Dwellings 149.17 158.72 181.73 219.87 231.66 91.65 94.15 96.72 99.36 102.07
Services 121.19 136.78 170.06 216.19 231.44 61.24 67.03 73.62 78.96 83.03
a. Public Sector 162.02 172.70 204.87 212.88 218.43 81.81 85.15 88.74 76.15 76.75
Agriculture 2.04 0.23 0.13 0.14 0.23 0.98 0.11 0.05 0.05 0.08
Mining and Quarrying 18.25 26.55 31.99 46.72 49.39 8.11 11.44 12.19 15.16 15.61
Manufacturing 6.30 3.67 1.26 4.25 3.89 3.38 1.89 0.58 1.57 1.38
Construction 6.86 14.04 14.42 14.66 16.47 5.09 9.82 9.10 6.77 7.15
Electricity and Gas Distribution 37.42 43.86 55.60 57.77 55.56 17.19 19.55 21.86 19.24 18.11
Transport, Storage and Communication 80.10 70.90 84.61 65.70 63.36 41.22 35.38 37.20 24.04 22.79
i. Railways 4.75 3.68 4.30 1.61 0.28 2.45 1.84 1.89 0.59 0.10
ii. Post Office and PTC 15.23 11.98 14.45 23.81 23.83 7.84 5.98 6.35 8.72 8.57
iii. Others 60.12 55.24 65.87 40.28 39.25 30.93 27.56 28.96 14.74 14.11
Financial Institutions 2.32 3.71 4.77 8.05 12.62 1.42 2.20 2.54 3.64 5.56
Services 8.74 9.72 12.08 15.59 16.92 4.42 4.76 5.23 5.69 6.07
b. General Government 206.07 306.07 350.22 377.06 414.11 123.27 178.44 179.92 160.69 175.56
i. Federal 53.52 78.86 83.18 59.66 75.72 32.02 45.98 42.73 25.43 32.10
ii. Provincial 113.51 156.26 179.76 211.33 245.54 67.90 91.10 92.35 90.06 104.09
iii. Local Bodies 39.04 70.95 87.29 106.07 92.85 23.35 41.36 44.84 45.20 39.36
II. Public Sector (a+b) 368.09 478.77 555.10 589.94 632.54 205.08 263.59 268.66 236.84 252.31
Grand Total (I+II) 1,565.83 1,814.63 2,094.74 2,210.92 2,196.97 840.98 955.13 1,024.70 908.86 890.30
Growth (%)
I. Private Sector 40.5 11.5 15.3 5.3 -3.5 21.9 8.7 9.3 -11.1 -5.1
Agriculture 6.3 5.4 -2.6 16.3 11.5 -9.1 2.2 51.5 5.2 6.8
Mining and Quarrying 70.4 56.5 28.1 42.9 6.1 44.5 51.7 13.2 21.7 3.3
Manufacturing 30.8 8.1 4.7 2.3 -4.9 14.3 5.8 -7.5 -16.8 -7.4
i. Large Scale 31.7 7.0 -0.7 -7.4 -12.4 18.2 2.6 -12.0 -25.5 -15.4
ii. Small Scale1 27.7 12.7 24.5 30.6 10.7 0.0 19.8 9.4 9.4 9.4
Construction 43.5 26.0 -21.3 47.7 -2.1 44.3 18.8 -29.1 8.1 -7.9
Electricity and Gas Distribution 178.8 -8.5 10.8 -4.3 -18.8 136.8 -11.2 -2.2 -18.9 -20.5
Transport, Storage and Communication 103.5 3.8 14.9 -3.9 -14.2 75.9 0.6 1.2 -20.0 -15.7
Wholesale and Retail Trade 36.4 27.7 15.9 20.5 4.7 19.4 24.6 2.1 -0.4 4.4
Finance & insurance 26.8 101.5 88.9 -43.5 -42.8 12.7 94.6 69.5 -52.0 -44.2
Ownership of Dwellings 15.4 6.4 14.5 21.0 5.4 2.6 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
Services 28.6 12.9 24.3 27.1 7.1 10.4 9.5 9.8 7.3 5.2
a. Public Sector -0.3 6.6 18.6 3.9 2.6 8.8 4.1 4.2 -14.2 0.8
Agriculture 827.3 -88.7 -43.5 6.2 66.7 653.8 -88.8 -51.8 -11.3 66.0
Mining and Quarrying 21.7 45.5 20.5 46.0 5.7 3.3 41.1 6.5 24.3 3.0
Manufacturing 194.4 -41.7 -65.6 236.4 -8.6 164.1 -44.1 -69.4 170.8 -11.8
Construction 55.6 104.7 2.7 1.6 12.3 56.6 92.9 -7.4 -25.6 5.7
Electricity and Gas Distribution 31.6 17.2 26.8 3.9 -3.8 11.8 13.7 11.8 -12.0 -5.9
Transport, Storage and Communication 12.2 -11.5 19.3 -22.4 -3.6 -3.1 -14.2 5.1 -35.4 -5.2
Financial Institutions 38.1 -22.5 28.6 68.8 56.8 94.5 54.9 15.4 43.3 52.8
Services 41.5 -21.3 24.3 29.0 8.5 10.2 7.7 9.9 8.9 6.6
b. General Government 5.1 -8.1 14.4 7.7 9.8 17.5 44.8 0.8 -10.7 9.3
II. Public Sector 118.9 59.9 15.9 6.3 7.2 13.9 28.5 1.9 -11.8 6.5
Grand Total 3.5 15.9 15.4 5.5 -0.6 19.9 13.6 7.3 -11.3 -2.0
P: Provisional, 1: Slaughtering is included in Small Scale Source: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Economic Growth, Savings and Investment

2.4 Investment and Savings at Current Prices

(Billion Rupees)
Amount As % of GDP
Item FY 06–10
Amount FY 06 FY 07 FY08 FY09 FY10P FY 06 FY 07 FY08 FY09 FY10P

Gross Total Investment 2,149.2 1,687.8 1,953.4 2,258.6 2,414.7 2,431.7 22.1 22.5 22.1 19.0 16.6
Changes in Stocks 172.6 122.0 138.8 163.9 203.8 234.7 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6
Gross Fixed Investment 1,977.2 1,565.8 1,814.6 2,094.7 2,210.9 2,197.0 20.5 20.9 20.5 17.4 15.0
(a) Public Sector 525.5 368.1 478.8 555.1 589.9 632.5 4.8 5.5 5.4 4.6 4.3
(b) Private Sector 1,451.7 1,197.7 1,335.8 1,539.6 1,621.0 1,564.4 15.7 15.4 15.0 12.7 10.7
Net External Resource Inflow 562.4 338.1 446.3 885.9 737.5 404.3 4.4 5.1 8.6 5.8 2.8
National Savings 1,586.8 1,349.7 1,507.1 1,372.7 1,677.2 2,027.3 17.7 17.4 13.4 13.2 13.8
(a) Public Savings 116.8 195.4 87.8 (187.7) 285.5 203.1 2.6 1.0 -1.8 2.2 1.4
i. General Government 71.8 140.6 40.7 (216.5) 264.3 129.7 1.8 0.5 -2.1 2.1 0.9
ii. Others 45.0 54.8 47.0 28.8 21.3 73.3 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.5
(b) Private Savings 1,470.0 1,154.3 1,419.3 1,560.4 1,391.7 1,824.2 15.1 16.4 15.2 10.9 12.4
i. Household 1,254.2 1,001.8 1,245.8 1,355.6 1,136.9 1,530.9 13.1 14.4 13.2 8.9 10.4
ii. Corporate 215.8 152.5 173.5 204.9 254.8 293.4 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0
Net Factor Income 286.3 149.9 157.6 208.9 344.5 570.6 2.0 1.8 2.0 2.7 3.9
Domestic Savings 1,300.5 1,199.8 1,349.4 1,163.8 1,332.8 1,456.7 15.7 15.6 11.4 10.5 9.9
GDP (Market Prices) 10,789.4 7,623.2 8,673.0 10,242.8 12,739.3 14,668.4
GNP (Market Prices) 11,075.7 7,773.1 8,830.6 10,451.7 13,083.8 15,239.0

P: Provisional, Source : Planning and Development Division

Investment and Savings at Current Prices

Gross Fixed Investment National Savings
GFI as % of GDP(RHS) National Savings as % of GDP(RHS)
2,400 25.0
2,000 20.0
Billion Rupees

1,400 15.0

1,000 10.0
400 5.0
0 0.0
FY 06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10

SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

2.5 Area, Production and Yield of Important Crops

Area : ‘000’Hectares
Production : ‘000’Tonnes
Yield : Kilogram per Hectares
FY 07 FY 08 FY 09 FY 10P
Area Production Yield Area Production Yield Area Production Yield Area Production Yield

Food Crops
Wheat 8,578 23,295 2,716 8,550 20,959 2,451 9,046 24,033 2,657 9,105 23,917 2,627
Rice 2,581 5,438 2,107 2,515 5,563 2,212 2,963 6,952 2,346 2,883 6,883 2,387
Maize 1,017 3,088 3,036 1,052 3,605 3,427 1,052 3,593 3,415 950 3,477 3,660
Gram 1,052 837 796 1,107 475 429 1,081 741 685 1,050 571 544
Bajra 504 238 472 531 305 574 470 296 630 476 293 616
Jowar 292 180 616 281 170 605 263 165 627 248 154 621
Barley 94 93 989 91 87 956 86 82 953 86 82 953
Moong 218 139 638 246 178 724 220 157 714 183 119 650
Mash 33 16 485 33 17 515 28 14 500 24 11 458
Masoor 39 21 538 30 15 500 31 14 452 31 14 452

Fibre Crop
Cotton 1 3,075 12,856 711 3,054 11,655 649 2,820 11,819 713 3,106 12,914 707

Other Crops
Sugarcane 1,029 54,742 53,199 1,241 63,920 51,507 1,029 50,045 48,635 943 49,373 52,357
Rapeseed & Mustard 256 212 828 224 176 786 233 188 807 233 188 807
Sesamum 71 30 423 76 33 434 91 41 451 80 33 413
Tobacco 51 103 2,020 51 108 2,118 50 105 2,100 50 105 2,100

Food Crops
Wheat 1.5 9.5 7.8 -0.3 -10.0 -9.7 5.8 14.7 8.4 0.7 -0.5 -1.1
Rice -1.6 -2.0 -0.4 -2.6 2.3 5.0 17.8 25.0 6.1 -2.7 -1.0 1.8
Maize -2.4 -0.7 1.7 3.4 16.7 12.9 - -0.3 -0.3 -9.7 -3.2 7.2
Gram 2.2 74.4 70.7 5.2 -43.2 -46.1 -2.3 56.0 59.8 -2.9 -22.9 -20.7
Bajra 14.3 7.7 -5.7 5.4 28.2 21.6 -11.5 -3.0 9.6 1.3 -1.0 -2.3
Jowar 15.0 17.6 2.4 -3.8 -5.6 -1.9 -6.4 -2.9 3.7 -5.7 -6.7 -1.0
Barley 4.4 5.7 1.2 -3.2 -6.5 -3.4 -5.5 -5.7 -0.3 - - -
Moong 4.3 21.9 17.0 12.8 28.1 13.5 -10.6 -11.8 -1.4 -16.8 -24.2 -8.9
Mash -5.7 -5.9 -0.2 0.0 6.3 6.2 -15.2 -17.6 -2.9 -14.3 -21.4 -8.3
Masoor 14.7 16.7 1.8 -23.1 -28.6 -7.1 3.3 -6.7 -9.7 - - -

Fibre Crop
Cotton -0.9 -1.3 -0.4 -0.7 -9.3 -8.7 -7.7 1.4 9.9 10.1 9.3 -0.8

Other Crops

Sugarcane 13.5 22.6 8.0 20.6 16.8 -3.2 -17.1 -21.7 -5.6 -8.4 -1.3 7.7
Rapeseed & Mustard 12.8 17.1 3.9 -12.5 -17.0 -5.1 4.0 6.8 2.7 - - -
Sesamum -13.4 -14.3 -1.0 7.0 10.0 2.8 19.7 24.2 3.8 -12.1 -19.5 -8.4
Tobacco -1.9 2.0 4.0 - 4.9 4.9 -2.0 -2.8 -0.8 - - -

P: Provisional Source : Ministry of Food & Agricultural (Economic Wing)

1 Production in '000' bales (1 bale = 375 lbs or 170.09711 Kilogram)

Economic Growth, Savings and Investment

2.6 Production of Selected Manufactured Goods and Minerals

Average FY 06 – 10 Production Growth (%)
Manufactured Goods/Minerals
Production Growth% FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10P FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10P
Manufactured Goods
Cotton Yarn (Thousand Tons) 2,801 4.3 2,547 2,845 2,915 2,913 2,787 11.7 11.7 2.5 -0.1 -4.3
Cotton Cloth (Million Meters) 985 1.8 904 978 1,016 1017 1,009 -2.3 8.2 3.9 0.1 -0.8
Jute Goods (Thousand Tons) 119 1.1 105 118 129 137 106 0.0 12.4 9.3 6.2 -22.6
Vegetable Ghee (Thousand Tons) 1,120 0.6 1,152 1,180 1,137 1,062 1,070 9.9 2.4 -3.6 -6.6 0.8
Cooking Oil (Thousand Tons) 273 5.6 254 270 272 276 295 12.4 6.3 0.7 1.5 6.9
Sugar (Thousand Tons) 3,508 2.8 2,960 3,527 4,733 3,190 3,132 -5.0 19.2 34.2 -32.6 -1.8
Beverages (Million Bottles) 6,374 14.3 4,620 6,205 7,351 7,569 6,125 34.9 34.3 18.5 3.0 -19.1
Cigarettes (Billion Numbers) 68 1.7 64 66 67 76 65 4.9 3.1 1.5 13.4 -14.5
Cement (Thousand Tons) 25,519 13.9 18,564 22,739 26,751 28,380 31,160 13.5 22.5 17.6 6.1 9.8
Pig Iron (Thousand Tons) 809 -12.4 768 1,009 993 791 483 -32.5 31.4 -1.6 -20.3 -38.9
Coke (Thousand Tons) 314 3.8 182 326 291 424 345 -76.5 79.1 -10.7 45.7 -18.6
Fertilizers (Thousand Tons) 6,182 2.1 6,088 5,937 6,117 6,285 6,481 4.1 -2.5 3.0 2.7 3.1
Urea 4,888 1.9 4,806 4,733 4,925 4,918 5,056 4.3 -1.5 4.1 -0.1 2.8
Ammonium Nitrate 339 1.0 328 331 344 344 346 -0.6 0.9 3.9 0.0 0.6
Nitro-Phosphate 325 -2.0 357 326 330 306 304 5.3 -8.7 1.2 -7.3 -0.7
Super-Phosphate 162 -1.0 161 149 162 187 149 -1.2 -7.5 8.7 15.4 -20.3
Dia Ammonium Phosphate 469 10.9 436 398 356 530 626 6.9 -8.7 -10.6 48.9 18.1
Chemicals (Thousand Tons) 697 2.6 650 686 734 723 693 5.9 5.5 7.0 -1.5 -4.1
Soda Ash 358 6.8 319 331 365 365 410 7.4 3.8 10.3 0.0 12.3
Caustic Soda 227 -1.6 219 242 248 245 182 5.8 10.5 2.5 -1.2 -25.7
Chlorine Gas 17 -3.2 18 17 18 16 16 -5.3 -5.6 5.9 -11.1 0.0
Sulphuric Acid 95 -1.1 94 96 103 97 85 3.3 2.1 7.3 -5.8 -12.4
Paper & Board (Thousand Tons) 459 1.6 477 465 448 450 453 13.3 -2.5 -3.7 0.4 0.7
Cycle Tyres & Tubes (Thousand) 13,065 -5.1 15,491 15,602 13,467 10,089 10,678 6.7 0.7 -13.7 -25.1 5.8
Motor Tyres & Tubes (Thousand) 19,491 20.9 13,106 17,304 16,617 21,604 28,824 12.8 32.0 -4.0 30.0 33.4
Tractors (Numbers) 57,899 10.6 49,439 54,610 53,607 60,107 71,730 13.0 10.5 -1.8 12.1 19.3
Trucks / Buses (Numbers) 4,946 -1.8 5,343 5,403 6,139 3,792 4,053 7.6 1.1 13.6 -38.2 6.9
Motorcycle (Thousand Numbers) 990 21.3 752 839 1,058 918 1,381 31.7 11.6 26.1 -13.2 50.4
Bicycle (Thousand Numbers) 496 -4.4 590 486 536 420 447 0.3 -17.6 10.3 -21.6 6.4
Electric Transformers (Thousand
39 -1.6 45 54 37 29 30 21.6 20.0 -31.5 -21.6 3.4
Natural Gas (Billion Cubic Feet) 1,442.4 2.0 1,400 1,414 1,454 1,461 1,483 4.1 1.0 2.8 0.5 1.5
Crude Oil (Million U.S. Barrels) 24.4 0.1 24 24 26 24 24 0.0 0.0 8.3 -7.7 0.0
Coal (Thousand Tons) 3,764.0 1.2 3,880 3,702 4,066 3,679 3,493 15.2 -4.6 9.8 -9.5 -5.1
Rock Salt (Thousand Tons) 1,888.4 3.5 1,859 1,873 1,849 1,917 1,944 12.8 0.8 -1.3 3.7 1.4
Gypsum (Thousand Tons) 707.8 9.3 601 624 660 800 854 8.9 3.8 5.8 21.2 6.8
Limestone (Thousand Tons) 29,202.2 0.5 18,420 25,512 31,789 33,186 37,104 24.0 38.5 24.6 4.4 11.8
China Clay (Thousand Tons) 31.2 -2.1 53 31 32 17 23 39.5 -41.5 3.2 -46.9 35.3
Chromites (Thousand Tons) 126.0 49.9 65 104 115 90 256 16.1 60.0 10.6 -21.7 184.4
Silica Sand (Thousand Tons) 399.0 6.7 411 402 403 370 409 33.0 -2.2 0.2 -8.2 10.5
Dolomite (Thousand Tons) 252.8 0.8 184 342 360 250 128 -8.0 85.9 5.3 -30.6 -48.8
Magnesite (Tons) 3,375.8 14.0 2,446 3,445 3,940 2,639 4,409 -19.2 40.8 14.4 -33.0 67.1
Sulphur (Thousand Tons) 27.0 2.6 25 28 29 26 27 4.2 12.0 3.6 -10.3 3.8
Baryte (Thousand Tons) 51.8 4.2 52 47 50 63 47 23.8 -9.6 6.4 26.0 -25.4
P: Provisional Sources: Federal Bureau of Statistics

Growth in Production of Selected Manufactured Goods Growth in Production of Selected Minerals

Cotton Yarn Sugar Cement Fertlizers Chemicals Natural Gas Coal Rock Salt Limestone
40 50

30 40
20 30
% Growth

% Grow th

-30 -10

-40 -20
FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10 FY06 FY07 FY08 FY09 FY10

SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

2.7 Agriculture Credit Disbursement, Recoveries and Outstanding (Net)

(Million Rupees)
Period DPBs ZTBL PPCBL 5 CBs Total

FY 07 – 10 (Average)
Disbursement 153,321 277,564 25,220 405,417 861,520
Farm Sector 89,964 258,195 21,449 271,131 640,738
Production Loans 79,039 230,200 21,329 258,683 589,249
Development Loans 3,753 27,995 120 12,329 44,199
Corporate Farming Loans 7,171 - - 118 7,289
Non Farm Sector 63,358 19,369 3,770 134,286 220,783
Recoveries 141,180 257,972 27,414 398,927 825,493
Outstanding 93,553 320,316 37,053 222,155 673,076

FY 07
Disbursement 23,977 56,474 7,988 80,393 168,830
Farm Sector 17,603 54,684 5,651 61,554 139,491
Production Loans 15,008 51,422 5,561 57,885 129,875
Development Loans 819 3,262 90 3,585 7,756
Corporate Farming Loans 1,776 - - 84 1,860
Non Farm Sector 6,374 1,790 2,337 18,839 29,339
Recoveries 18,797 54,081 6,484 76,775 156,137
Outstanding 18,100 66,756 8,776 53,659 147,291

FY 08
Disbursement 43,940 66,939 5,931 94,749 211,560
Farm Sector 23,673 61,761 5,159 69,081 159,675
Production Loans 22,345 56,316 5,140 65,527 149,328
Development Loans 1,046 5,445 19 3,520 10,031
Corporate Farming Loans 282 - - 34 316
Non Farm Sector 20,267 5,178 772 25,668 51,885
Recoveries 36,421 60,647 6,282 88,445 191,796
Outstanding 25,633 75,339 10,033 57,610 168,615

FY 09
Disbursement 41,627 75,139 5,579 110,666 233,010
Farm Sector 23,859 69,525 5,246 71,198 169,827
Production Loans 20,027 61,714 5,240 68,270 155,249
Development Loans 1,048 7,811 6 2,928 11,794
Corporate Farming Loans 2,784 - - - 2,784
Non Farm Sector 17,768 5,614 333 39,468 63,183
Recoveries 42,677 69,971 7,367 110,008 230,022
Outstanding 24,265 83,755 9,429 56,306 173,754

FY 10
Disbursement 43,777 79,012 5,722 119,609 248,120
Farm Sector 24,829 72,225 5,393 69,298 171,745
Production Loans 21,659 60,748 5,388 67,001 154,797
Development Loans 840 11,477 4.9 2,296 14,618
Corporate Farming Loans 2,329 - - - 2,329
Non Farm Sector 18,949 6,787 328.4 50,311 76,376
Recoveries 43,285 73,273 7,281 123,699 247,538
Outstanding 25,555 94,466 8,815 54,580 183,416

5 CBs: 5 Major Commercial Banks (NBP,HBL,UBL,MCB,ABL) Source: Agricultural Credit Department, SBP
DPBs: Domestic Private Bank-5CBs

Economic Growth, Savings and Investment

2.8 Holding-wise Agricultural Credit Disbursement

(Million Rupees)

Holding 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09
Jul.-Sep. Jul.-Dec. Jul.-Mar. July-June
Farm Sector

Subsistence Holding 92,291.92 94,857.45 107,624.77 18,547.81 44,915.95 68,914.88 103,320.73

Economic Holding 32,077.65 37,920.12 41,038.26 6,835.83 17,991.16 28,857.48 44,960.21

Above Economic Holding 15,121.84 26,897.87 21,164.24 4,373.40 10,930.57 17,036.67 23,463.70

Sub Total 139,491.41 159,675.43 169,827.27 29,757.04 73,837.67 114,809.02 171,744.65

Non Farm Sector

Livestock Dairy & Meat 10,962.70 17,366.49 22,248.41 4,078.64 12,040.82 19,090.45 29,137.03

Small Farm 6,754.72 7,824.96 9,898.63 2,887.20 8,913.76 14,113.41 21,623.22

Large Farm 4,207.98 9,541.53 12,349.78 1,191.43 3,127.06 4,977.04 7,513.81

Poultry 16,461.27 31,362.35 38,165.84 10,055.14 19,514.20 30,539.59 43,978.78

Small Farm 1,080.13 3,005.86 1,723.92 9,984.28 19,333.25 30,319.38 43,099.39

Large Farm 15,381.14 28,356.49 36,441.93 70.86 180.95 220.21 879.40

Fisheries 458.33 803.76 652.79 83.40 233.20 777.05 1,606.80

Small Farm 279.50 433.20 320.23 82.07 231.00 771.96 1,601.66

Large Farm 178.83 370.55 332.56 1.33 2.20 5.09 5.14

Forestry 1.03 0.61 0.43 0.73 0.73 - -

Small Farm 1.03 0.16 0.43 - 0.73 - -

Large Farm - 0.44 - 0.73 - - -

Others 1,455.73 2,352.03 2,115.55 136.73 634.20 1,103.97 1,653.22

Small Farm 843.68 912.01 976.56 135.30 628.91 1,048.09 1,591.71

Large Farm 612.05 1,440.02 1,138.99 1.42 5.29 55.88 61.51

Grand total 168,830.46 211,560.66 233,010.31 44,111.66 106,260.82 166,320.07 248,120.48

Source: Agricultural Credit Department: SBP

Subsistence Holding: upto 12.5 acres in Punjab & NWFP, upto16 acres in Sindh, upto 32 acres in Baluchistan
Economic Holding: 12.5 to 50 acres in Punjab & NWFP, 16 to 64 acres in Sindh, 32 to 64 in Baluchistan
Above Economic Holding: above 50 acres in Punjab & NWFP, above 64 acres in Sindh, & Baluchistan
Small Farm: Upto 150 goats or meat cattle, 5000 birds (broilers), 1000 birds (layers), 2 acres pounds for fisheries and one boat exceeding
five gross ton capacity for fisheries
Large Farm: Animals in number more than those for Small Farm

SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

2.9 Land Holding-wise Farm Loan Disbursement

(Amount in Million Rupees)

Size of Farm in Acres
Period Upto 5 5.1 - 12.5 12.6 - 25 25.1 - 50 50.1 - 100 Above 100 Total

FY 08
No. of Borrowers 67,723 109,260 29,916 9,092 4,441 1,593 222,025
Amount Disbursed 6,321.34 9,572.53 4,235.06 2,400.50 3,934.68 829.92 27,294.04
No. of Borrowers 91,035 99,446 22,538 10,446 4,981 1,878 230,324
Amount Disbursed 8,211.43 15,927.69 6,235.95 3,909.93 2,969.55 1,782.94 39,037.48
No. of Borrowers 90,364 173,027 20,507 6,281 3,490 926 294,595
Amount Disbursed 8,410.49 9,999.99 5,629.65 2,848.70 6,397.80 722.20 34,009.02
No. of Borrowers 228,287 148,449 45,707 15,564 8,704 3,533 450,244
Amount Disbursed 13,426.51 19,514.89 9,469.45 5,761.88 7,210.44 3,951.73 59,334.90

FY 09
No. of Borrowers 95,950 93,388 19,338 8,355 5,223 2,236 224,490
Amount Disbursed 7,888.15 9,428.58 4,362.84 2,703.91 3,565.38 1,789.57 29,738.41
No. of Borrowers 254,888 176,436 24,721 9,803 4,834 2,124 472,806
Amount Disbursed 10,072.17 14,374.74 6,623.58 4,198.10 2,184.03 2,078.45 39,531.06
No. of Borrowers 17,011 236,467 24,040 8,339 4,822 951 291,630
Amount Disbursed 7,602.31 15,010.67 6,387.40 3,445.64 2,728.46 1,850.56 37,025.04
No. of Borrowers 227,285 133,953 42,423 14,478 6,969 2,214 427,322
Amount Disbursed 19,483.93 19,939.86 11,809.81 5,713.67 2,788.36 3,797.13 63,532.76

FY 10

No. of Borrowers 77,146 84,678 16,252 6,544 3,010 1,282 188,912
Amount Disbursed 7,455.37 10,521.81 4,388.99 3,164.92 1,977.83 2,248.13 29,757.04
No. of Borrowers 138,419 149,396 26,382 8,723 3,945 1,991 328,856
Amount Disbursed 11,122.86 14,582.30 7,459.20 4,405.72 3,382.94 3,127.61 44,080.63
No. of Borrowers 84,251 101,432 19,316 6,001 2,747 1,341 215,088
Amount Disbursed 12,346.22 12,869.36 6,039.94 3,675.83 2,608.82 3,441.84 40,982.01
No. of Borrowers 81,549 173,418 34,283 12,465 6,501 2,908 311,124
Amount Disbursed 7,134.58 25,805.85 12,029.86 6,463.59 3,566.91 1,924.17 56,924.96

Source: Agricultural Credit Department: SBP

Economic Growth, Savings and Investment

2.10 Financing for Fixed Industrial Investment

to Private Sector - Disbursement

(Million Rupees)
Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct-Dec 09 Jan-Mar 10 Apr-Jun 10 FY 10
Manufacturing 13,825.35 10,629.37 9,948.17 11,810.21 12,936.14 45,323.89
1) Food Products and Beverages 2,490.80 742.38 643.44 614.41 1,145.79 3,146.02
i. Food Products 2,490.80 742.38 643.44 482.82 1,142.64 3,011.28
a. Sugar Industry 1,442.12 463.02 554.02 170.00 490.00 1,677.04
b. Other Food Industry 1,048.67 279.36 89.42 312.82 652.64 1,334.24
ii. Beverages - - - 131.59 3.15 134.74
2) Tobacco - - - - - -
3) Textiles 2,613.44 2,874.06 1,982.61 1,736.30 2,758.19 9,351.16
i. Spinning Textiles 1,277.03 1,145.29 818.77 473.28 1,134.62 3,571.96
ii. Weaving Textiles 694.29 89.04 384.95 507.13 321.39 1,302.51
iii. Finishing 18.86 0.00 223.29 256.61 200.00 679.90
iv. Readymade Garments 411.54 125.93 205.25 76.53 0.30 408.01
v. Others 211.71 1,513.80 350.35 422.75 1,101.88 3,388.78
4) Tanning and Dressing of Leather - - - - - -
5) Paper & Paperboard, Printing & Publishing -- 18.34 2.52 190.00 0.71 211.57
6) Coke & Refined Petroleum 525.25 25.34 126.66 433.63 0.08 585.71
7) Chemical & Chemical Products 3,515.39 3,569.40 3,324.91 4,777.15 1,751.49 13,422.95
i. Fertilizers and Nitrogen 1,851.13 3,139.76 3,266.01 4,231.77 1,033.58 11,671.12
ii. Medicinal & Pharmaceuticals 34.35 160.64 26.68 35.48 309.34 532.14
iii. Other Chemical And Chemical Products 1,629.90 269.00 32.22 509.90 408.57 1,219.69
8) Rubber & Plastic Products 6.89 1,214.98 101.25 142.90 56.20 1,515.33
9) Non-Metallic Mineral Products 2,898.97 1,112.09 762.02 170.00 1,258.37 3,302.48
i. Cement 2,484.66 1,112.09 762.02 170.00 1,258.37 3,302.48
ii. Other Non-Metallic Minerals 414.30 - - - - -
10) Basic Metals 82.24 403.26 456.92 634.30 1,219.93 2,714.41
11) Fabricated Metal Products Except Machinery & Transport 81.73 198.98 195.94 580.14 90.23 1,065.29
12) Machinery & Equipment Except Electrical 4.80 - 101.70 115.71 126.32 343.73
13) Electrical Machinery, Apparatus and Office Equipments 150.00 100.00 - - 2,695.98 2,795.98
14) Electronics Industry 500.00 - 808.29 500.00 1,250.00 2,558.29
15) Transport Industry 303.22 - 500.00 593.88 2.30 1,096.18
i. Motor Vehicles, Trailers and Parts & Accessories 200.00 - - 593.88 2.30 596.18
ii. Other Transport Equipment 103.22 - 500.00 - - 500.00
16) Sports Goods - - - - - -
17) Other Manufactured Goods 652.59 370.54 941.91 1,321.79 580.55 3,214.79
Ship Breaking and Waste/Scrape (Junk) etc. - - - - - -
Electricity, Gas and Water Supply 10,107.16 7,098.23 11,318.54 4,332.00 1,900.56 24,649.33
Services & Miscellaneous Industries 2,631.07 5,092.21 3,469.81 1,281.32 3,257.09 13,100.43
Total 26,563.60 22,819.81 24,736.52 17,423.53 18,093.79 83,073.65
Source: Statistics & Data Warehouse Department, SBP

Financing for Fixed Industrial Investment to Private Sector-Disbursment

Textiles Food Products and Beverages

Cement Services and Miscellaneous Industries
Total (RHS)
6,000 30,000
Million Rupees

Million Rupees

4,000 20,000
2,000 10,000
0 0
Apr-Jun 09 Jul-Sep 09 Oct-Dec 09 Jan-Mar 10 Apr-Jun 10

SBP Annual Report-Statistical Supplement FY 10

2.11 Pakistan: Flow of Funds Account

(Billion Rupees)
Domestic economy
Overall Domestic
General 1 Rest of the world
Transactions/ Sectors Sector Private sector Banking
FY9 FY10 FY09 FY10 FY09 FY10 FY09 FY10 FY09 FY10
Gross national disposable income (GNDI) 12,763.1 15,265.6 725.8 1,223.0 12,037.3 14,042.6
Final consumption 11,283.8 13,127.8 1,029.2 1,312.5 10,254.6 11,815.3
Gross investment 1,998.0 2,197.0 377.1 632.5 1,621.0 1,564.4
Change in stock 203.8 234.7 203.8 234.7
Export of goods and non-factor
services -1,822.4 -2,076.4
Imports of goods and non-factor
services 3,072.5 3,159.9
Net factor income and private transfers -260.8 -463.8
Private Transfers -253.9 -286.8
Official transfers -12.8 -39.1
Non-financial balances (S - I) = CAB -722.6 -293.9 -680.4 -722.1 -42.2 428.2 722.6 293.9
Foreign financing 608.8 212.0 149.7 312.3 287.5 -50.6 171.7 -49.6 -608.8 -212.0
Non-monetary 437.2 261.6 149.7 312.3 287.5 -50.6 -437.2 -261.6
Direct investment (FDI) 290.1 185.9 290.1 185.9 -290.1 -185.9
Net foreign borrowing 147.1 75.8 149.7 312.3 -2.5 -236.5 -147.1 -75.8
Monetary 171.7 -49.6 171.7 -49.6 -171.7 49.6
Change in net foreign assets
(ΔNFA) 171.7 -49.6 171.7 -49.6 -171.7 49.6
Of which: Valuation changes 150.9 -47.5 -150.9 47.5
Domestic financing 541.6 596.1 -292.4 -629.9 -249.2 33.8
Monetary 316.4 330.4 -67.2 -364.2 -249.2 33.8
Domestic credit 2 3
316.4 330.4 380.8 275.8 -697.3 -606.2
Broad money
-448.1 -640.0 448.1 640.0
Non-monetary 225.1 265.6 -225.1 -265.6
Non-bank 225.1 265.6 -225.1 -265.6
Net error and omissions 113.8 81.9 -10.8 -186.3 47.0 252.3 77.5 15.8 -113.8 -81.9

1 For the purpose of flow of funds accounts, banking sector is assumed not to have any nonfinancial transactions - that is, its saving-investment gap is identically equal to zero.
2 Budgetary support including accrued interest
3 Includes change in commodity operation financing to PSEs
4 Includes domestic privatization proceeds
5 CAB: Current Account Balance

Intersectoral Financial Assets Flow during the Year FY10 (Billion Rupees)

265.6 312.3
General Government


Private Banki ng Rest of the World

276.0 49.6



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