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Module 1a Arnis PDF

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Some key takeaways are the history of Arnis in the Philippines and its declaration as the national martial art and sport, as well as discussions on stances, terminology and objectives of the module.

Some of the different stances discussed are open stance, straddle stance, cat stance, back stance, forward stance and cross stance.

Some Arnis terminology discussed include pugay, kali, and sinawali.





Lesson 1

➢ Learning Outcomes
➢ Pre - Activity
➢ Resources
➢ 1. 1 History
➢ 1. 2 Arnis Terminology
➢ Post - Activity


Lesson 2

➢ Learning Outcomes
➢ Pre - Activity
➢ Resources
➢ 2. 1 Warm-up Exercises
➢ 2. 2 Stances
➢ Post – Activity
➢ Rubrics
➢ Assignment
➢ Key term
➢ References


Lesson 1

Learning Objective

After studying this module, you will be able to:

• Gain understanding about Arnis: legal mandates, historical

background, three forms of play, organization, values in Arnis,
uniform and equipment, and basic skills
• Demonstrate the appreciation of Arnis not only as a traditional
sport but also as part of national heritage.
• Demonstrate proper execution of skills.


Arnis was declared as the Philippine National Martial Art and Sport on December

11, 2009, through Republic Act 9850 signed by Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo. As

per R.A. 9850, the official adoption of arnis as the national martial art and sport

shall be promulgated by inscribing the symbol of arnis in the official seal of the

Philippine Sports Commission and by making it as the first competition to be

played by participating teams on the first day in the annual Palarong Pambansa.

The Philippine Sports Commission is the lead agency to implement the provisions

of this Act.

Assess your knowledge of Arnis terminologies

Pre - Activity by completing the following crossword puzzle

3. A slashing or horizontal 1. a strike which consists of moving
movements or technique which the stick Characteristic in front of
consists of pointing the stick the body in a fanning
forward, and moving it rapidly and 2. a combination of pre-arranged or
horizontally, from left to right in choreographed striking, blocking,
front of the body. coordinating the arm and leg
movements, timing, and sayaw
5. a striking technique that consists body shifting movements, which is
of circling the stick overhead equivalent to the form or dance of
before each up and down striking other martial arts.
movement in front of the body. 4. an intricate technique of
striking using two sticks wherein
6. ( Single Stick) in which a single the movement resembles the
long wooden stick or rattan cane is woven pattern of the sinawali or
used split-bamboo matting.




Pen and Paper

Arnis stick

a.) Robin Padilla

b.) Ronnie Ricketts
c.) Manny Paquiao
d.) Juan Miguel Zubiri

Arnis is a martial art was spawned in
Philippine soil. It was known in the
ancient Philippines as kali, an ancient
By force of necessity and self-
Malayan word which implies a large
preservation, he became expert fighting
bladed weapon longer than a knife.
with his hands, either bare or with the
This art was practiced primarily for the
stick and a bladed weapon. Even before
self-defense by the pre-Spanish Filipinos
the introduction of bladed weapons, the
who were noted for their friendly nature
early Filipinos were already fighting
and legendary hospitality. Kali must
people using the bow and arrow or the
have derived from tjakelele which is
native fencing in Indonesia.
The primitive Negritos coming from
The linguistic kinship is not without
Central Asia during prehistoric times
basis considering that what is now
were experts in these weapons. The
Indonesia was once in ancient times, a
testimony of the Muslims' love for the
part of the Sri Vishyan(Islam) and
bladed weapon is their variety of styles
Madjapajit(Hindu) empires whose
and variety of knives which include the
spheres of influence reached the
kris, bolo, kalis, laring, barong, gunong,
kampilan, gayang, pira, punal, itak,
History is quite definite, however, that
banjal, bangkcon, laholand the panabas.
during the reign of the ten datus in
Even today, one can find the most artistic
Panay, Kali was taught to children in
knives in Mindanao and Sulu in different
school called bothoan as part of their
sizes and styles. The freedom-loving
education. The art of hand-to-hand
Muslims of Mindanao and Sulu are
combat has always been an integral part
credited with experimentation,
of the Filipinos in his long, turbulent and
systematization, and martial use of the
bloody history.
bladed weapon.
Scantly records show that it is possible
that the ten Borneandatus who landed on Arnis is a close-combat affair, thus skill in
the island of panay in the 13th century parrying and striking must be developed
were subject to either these two ancient with utmost dexterity. The expert use of
empires. the leg and hip fulcrum maneuver to
outbalance and throw an opponent must
be perfected.
Unlike other martial arts which make use of Arnis Terminologies
complex body maneuvers, Arnis as it was
Abanico Corto and Abanico Largo
then and as it is now in its modern form,
puts emphasis on the use of sticks and a strike which consists of moving the stick
hand-arm movements. Characteristic in front of the body in a
fanning – like movement, hence, the term
Like in the early times, Arnis today has
abanico which means “fan” in Spanish
three traditional training methods:

(1) Muestrasion or pandalag which teaches

the artistic execution of the swinging, Solo Baston

elements and stroking for offense and ( Single Stick) in which a single long wooden
defense in repetitive drills. stick or rattan cane is used
(2) Sangga at patama or sombra tabak
wherein striking, thrusting and praying
in pre-arranged manner is taught.
Anyo or Form a combination of
(3) Lagra muton or labanang totohanan in
which two trainees engage in a free Pre-arranged or choreographed striking,

practice trying to outmaneuver each blocking, coordinating the arm and leg

other using their skills. This is the movements, timing, and sayaw body shifting

ultimate phase of Arnis Training. movements, which is equivalent to the form

or dance of other martial arts.
This was arnis, the prehispanic martial arts
which were the brawny and bloody power
of the early Filipinos in the protection and Banda y Banda
preservation of their dignity and honor.
A slashing or horizontal movements or
The glorious lives of Filipino heroes are technique which consists of pointing the
stick forward, and moving it rapidly and
linked with the awesome power of the
horizontally, from left to right in front of the
martial art Arnis. They triumphantly waged body.
their heroic battles for freedom and liberty
Espada y Daga (sword and dagger) or the
as a testimony of the power and long wooden sword and short wooden

effectiveness of Arnis. dagger.

Rompida a striking technique that consists

(Sancho, W. Teaching Arnis in Physical Education p.6-7)
of circling the stick overhead prior to each
up and down striking movement in front of
the body.
Up and Down or vertical movement which is Code of Conduct
similar to the rompida except that the stick is
not encircled overhead prior to each up and
down movement in front of the body. Practicing martial arts with proper conduct
is just as important as achieving excellence
in physical training. Correct etiquette

Sinawali an intricate techniques of striking should

using two sticks wherein the movement basically create a positive image for oneself
resembles the woven pattern of the sinawali his training hall, and martial arts as a
or split-bamboo mating.
whole. It is all about practicing with the
right intent and fostering good relations.
Equipment The most club has its own rules and code
of conduct which students should adhere
The stick used in Arnis is commonly made up
to. The instructor should regularly promote
of rattan or yantok but other hardwoods can
these rules as part of the discipline that
be used too, like Bahi or kamagong. It is 1
comes along in learning the martial art.
inch in diameter.

Standard Uniforms of Arnis

The players should wear the following in

playing the Arnis:

- Red Pants
- White T-shirt

Padded Sticks
Ideal for arnis sparring (Duelo) training and
Uses high-grade vinyl outside material for
better grip and ventilation
Tough internal assembly made of high-
density rubber foam tubing material
Designed to take a series of hard hits
Color: Red, Blue

Post - Activity
Multiple Choice: Encircle the best and correct answer.

1. In ancient times, Arnis is known as.

a. espada
b. tagak
c. kali
d. sinawali

2. It is known as the Philippine Martial Arts.

a. arnis
b. estoque
c. sinawali
d. tjakelele

3. In records, which century the ten Borneamn datus landed in the panay island.
a. 10th century
b. 12th century
c. 13th century
d. 14th century

4. In which part of the country Arnis started to influence?

a. luzon
b. mindanao
c. panay island
d. visayas

5. During the reign of the ten datus, what is the name of kali when they taught to
children in a school.
a. arnisado
b. bothoan
c. kalis
d. kali

6. Which among of the following were used by the early filipino in fighting?
a. hand
b. stick
c. knifes
d. bow and arrow

7. This kind of combat is an integral part of the Filipino bloody history.

a. mano y mano
b. espada y daga
c. arnis de mano
d. sombra tabak

Arnis Exercises and Basic Stances

Lesson 2

Learning Objective

After studying this module, you will be able to:

• Gain understanding about Arnis: the importance of exercises and

body conditioning.
• Demonstrate the appreciation of Arnis not only as a traditional
sport but also as part of national heritage.
• Demonstrate proper stances and body shifting with confidence.


Exercises provide many excellent health benefits, in addition to instilling

discipline and confidence within your body. Through improving one skill
during practice, you will able to build a healthier and coordinated body
movement in executing basic stances of arnis.

Pre - Activity

Multiple Choice: Write the letter of the correct answer

____1. An open stance is done by standing with both feet about

shoulder-width apart.

a. cut stance b. back stance c. straddle stance d. open stance

____2. is done by stepping left foot sideway-left, legs twice the width
of the shoulders, knees slightly bent.

a. open stance b. back stance c. straddle stance d. cat stance

____3. from ready stance, move one foot (R/L) forward maintaining
both feet in parallel positions.

a. open stance b. forward stance c. back stance d. cat stance

___4. is done by stepping one foot (R/L) across the other (R/L), knees
slightly bent.

a. cross stance b. back stance c. forward stance d. cat stance

___5. starting with the open stance, move one foot (R/L) backward with
rear foot pointing outward and front foot pointing forward forming
“L” shape.

a. open stance b. forward stance c. back stance d. cat stance

 Video Clip

 E-Book

 Pen and Paper

Twirling exercise and warm-up

➢ Wrist Exercise with Cane (Shaking) ➢ Arm Raise

1. Raise left hand holding the cane, while
1. Properly hold the cane at the middle,
swing or shake the canes forward and back the right-hand drop-down at the side.

2. Try to control when swinging by 2. Execute the movement alternately up

holding it tighter to add tension on
and down.
the wrist.
3. Make the movement (shaking
/swinging) as fast as you can, while
➢ Cane Twirling (up and down)
counting up to 10 counts.
4. Execute the routine in front, side, and 1. From starting position, bring both
up portions.
canes downward executing one
➢ Crossed-Arms Swing twirling/wrist circling (forward
1. Properly hold the cane in the middle, 2. Bring both canes upward executing
swing your arms in front across the one twirling/wrist circling (backward
chest. movement)

2. Swing your arms alternately (right 3. Repeat the movement 10 times, up

over left and leftover light) and down.

3. Execute the movement alternately, 10

times ➢ Alternate Cane Twirling (up and down)
1. From starting position, bring right
cane downward executing one
➢ Wrist Exercise with Canes (Twisting) twirling/wrist circling (forward
1. Properly hold the cane in the middle,
2. While performing a movement (a.)
pointing vertically upward.
Bring left cane upward executing one
2. Twist the cane sideways. Try to twirling/wrist circling (backward
control when swinging by holding it movement)
tighter to add tension on the wrist.
3. Repeat the pattern alternately, 10
3. Make the movement (twisting times.
/swinging) as fast as you can, while
counting up to 10 counts.

4. Execute the routine in the front, side,

and up

Being courteous or giving pugay at all times is one of the

means of training in any kind of martial arts. It is important
that common courtesy is displayed between opponents.
Remember that we do not demand respect, but rather earn
it. Courtesy means behavior marked by polished manners
or respect for one's opponent and for the fundamental
rules and principles of sportsmanship.

Proper grip

The proper grip is made by holding the cane one fist

distance from the butting part and tightening one's
fingers around it with your thumb compressed
against your forefinger.


Proper body positioning maintains stability and balance in

performing different skills. It also develops power and
form in enforcing defensive and offensive fighting. A
player can never hope to fight effectively without knowing
these fundamentals in arnis.

Open Stance
An open stance is done by standing with both feet about
shoulder-width apart. The knees should be straight,
holding the stick (both ends) on the waist level about six
inches away from the body. It is commonly used when
standing at ease during training.

2. Straddle Stance
Straddle stance is done by stepping left foot sideway-left, legs twice the width
of the shoulders, knees slightly bent. Distribute the weight evenly or put the
center of gravity on both legs. Arms in fighting position.

Cat Stance
From back stance position, bring the front foot in front of the rear foot, toes
pointing downward, transferring weight at the rear foot. Arms in fighting

Back Stance (Right/Left)

Starting with the open stance, move one foot (R/L)
backward with the rear foot pointing outward and front
foot pointing forward forming "L" shape. Both legs are in
a straddle position with both feet flat on the ground.

Forward Stance (Right/Left)

From the ready stance, move one foot (R/L) forward
maintaining both feet in parallel positions. Knees should
not be too bent otherwise, it will be hard to maneuver.
The rear leg is fully extended with both feet flat on the
ground. Distribute the weight evenly on both legs. Arms
in fighting position.

Cross Stance
Cross stance is done by stepping one foot (R/L) across the other (R/L), knees
slightly bent. Maintain weight at the center while arms are in fighting position.

Post - Activity

Reflect on what I learned:

Create a 1-minute video demonstration of routine combining the different

twirling exercises and stances used in Arnis.

Rubrics for video recording

Fluidity 20%

Dynamic 20%

Correctness 25%

Synchronization of 25%


Total of 100%


Advance study the single sinawali & advance sinawali.

Key Term:


Open stance

Back stance





Presas, R. (2009) Modern arnis. “Philippine style of stick fighting”.,

Philippines: National Bookstore

Diana N. Dy Sports for Life Health optimizing Physical Education

Electronic Sources :




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