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PYQs Repeated Themes 2013-21 IASbaba

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Polity - Important Topics for Prelims 2022
Most Repeated Topics from 2013-21


Preamble • The main objectives of the Preamble and
their importance. (2020)
• Various Philosophies in Preamble like
Sovereignty, Socialist, Secular, Republic,
Democratic, Justice and their features. (2019)
Important Amendments in Indian • The 42nd Amendment Act,1976 and salient
Constitution features.(2018)
• The 44the Amendment act,1978 and its
salient features.(2020)
Fundamental Rights • Features of fundamental Rights v/s
Fundamental Duties DPSPs(2020)
Directive principles of State Policy • Features of Fundamental Duties(2017)
• Difference between Fundamental Rights and
Fundamental Duties. (2013)
Fundamental Rights • Art.14-Right to Equality (2021)
• Art.19-Right to Freedom (2019)
• Art.21-Right to Privacy (2018,2021)
• Art.23-24-Right against exploitation (2015)
• Art.29-30- Cultural and Educational Rights.
Important Schedules in Indian • 5th and 6th Schedules (2015)
Constitution • 7th Schedule (2016)
• 10th Schedule (2019)
Various forms of Government • Difference between Presidential and
Parliamentary forms of Government (2020)
• Constitutional Government and
Representative Government (2021)
Legislature • Differences between Rajya Sabha and Loka
Sabha (2018,2020)
• Speaker of the Lok Sabha – Roles and
responsibilities (2018)
• Provisions and restrictions to contest in Lok
Sabha and Rajya Sabha Elections (2021)

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Executive • President of India – Powers and previleges
• Vice-President of India (2013)
• Governor (2019)
• Prime Minister and council of Ministers
• Chief Minister and Council of Ministers (2015)
• Powers of President v/s powers of Governor
• Attorney general of India (2013)
• Comptroller and Auditor General Of India
• Difference between Union and State
Executive (2014)
Judiciary • Supreme Court of India and High Court
• Judicial Review (2015)
• Various Jurisdictions-
Advisory,Appellate,Original,Writ Jurisdictions
• Difference of powers between Supreme court
Judges and High Court Judges (2013,2021)
Devices of Parliamentary • Parliamentary Committees (2015,2018)
Proceedings • Various Sessions Of Parliament and its
Proceedings (2017)
• How a bill is passed in the Parliament (2016)
Citizenship in India • Constitutional provisions for Citizens and
Non-Citizens. (2017,2021)
Types of Bills • Private members Bill (2017)
• Difference between Finance Bill v/s Money
Bill v/s Ordinary Bill (2015)
List of Important Committees and • Sarkaria Commission
Commissions in India • Narasimhan Committee
• Bhagwati Committee
• Rangarajan Committee
• 1st and 2nd ARC Reports. (2019)
Types of Writs • Quo warranto
• Mandamus

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• Habeas corpus
• Certiorari (2014)
Emergency Provisions • Art.352 – Art.360
• Powers of President and Governor during
Emergencies. (2015,2018)
Representation of people’s act • RPA act,1950 (2017)
• RPA act,1951 (2013)

Local Self Government • 73rd and 74th Constitutional amendments and
their salient features. (2013)
• Jurisdictions of various Panchayat raj
institutions, Municipal Committees (2014)
Relationship between various • Law and Liberty (2017)
philosophies • Constitution and Law (2018)
• Difference between Communalism,
Regionalism and Secularism (2020)

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Economics - Important Topics for Prelims 2022
Most Repeated Topics from 2013-21


Banking system in India ❖ Regional Rural banks in India (2013)
❖ National Bank for Agriculture and Rural
Development (NABARD) (2013)
❖ Basel – 3 Norms (2015)
❖ Bank Rate (2015)
❖ Payment Banks (2016)
❖ Non-Profitable Assets (NPAs) - (2016)
❖ Core Banking Solutions (2016)
❖ Small Finance Banks (2017)
❖ Capital Adequacy Ratio of a Bank (CAR) –
❖ Bank Board Bureau (2019)
❖ Reserve Bank Of India and its roles in Banking
system (2019)
❖ Co-operative Banks in India (2020)
❖ Urban Co-operative Banks in India (2021)
❖ Money Multiplier (2018, 2021)
Money Supply in India ❖ Inflation in the Economy (2013,2021)
❖ Open Market Operations (2015)
❖ Fiscal Deficit (2017)
❖ Monetary Policy Committee (2017)
❖ The Financial Responsibility and Budget
Management Act,2003 (2018)
❖ RBI’s role in money supply (2019)
❖ Cash Reserve Ratio-CRR (2019), Statutory
Liquidity Ratio-SLR (2019)
❖ Monetary Policy (2020)
❖ Economic Contagion (2020)
❖ Demand-Pull Inflation (2021)
❖ Economic Recession (2021)
Digital/Cashless Economy in India ❖ Bitcoins (2016)
❖ National Payments Corporation Of India-
NPCI (2018)
❖ Bharat Interface for Money-BHIM (2018)
❖ Unified Payment Interface-UPI (2017)
❖ Merchant Discount Rate- MDR (2018)
Taxation System in India ❖ Sales Tax in India (2014)
❖ Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (2016)
❖ Tax and Non-Tax Revenue (2017)

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❖ Goods and Service Tax-GST (2017)
Investment and Infrastructure ❖ Venture Capital (2014)
❖ National Investment and Infrastructure Fund-
NIIF (2017)
❖ Foreign Direct Investments (2021)
❖ Public Investment Model in Agriculture
Various Financial Reports and ❖ Index of 8 core Industries (2015)
Indices ❖ Consumer price Index number for Industrial
Workers (2015)
❖ Ease of doing Business Report (2016)
❖ Global Financial Stability Report (2016)
❖ Wholesale Price Index (WPI) and Consumer
Price Index (CPI) (2020)
Currency in India ❖ Convertibility of Rupee (2015)
❖ Under-valuation of Currency (2019)
❖ De-valuation of Currency (2021)
Foreign Exchange Reserves ❖ Composition of Foreign Exchange Reserves.
❖ Special Drawing Rights (2016)
RBI and its functions ❖ Marginal Standing facility rate (2014)
❖ Net Demand and Time liabilities (2014)
❖ Open market Operations (2015)
❖ Governor of RBI (2021)
Economic Planning in India ❖ Five year plans – 5th Five-year plan and its
objectives (2014)
India and other financial ❖ India and WTO (2020)
Institutions ❖ India and World Bank, ASEAN,IMF (2016)
Various Investment methods in ❖ Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (2016)
India ❖ Masala Bonds (2016)
❖ Government Securities (2021)
❖ Treasury Bills (2018,2021)
❖ Government Bonds (2021)
Financial Regulatory Institutions ❖ SEBI and its roles (2018)
❖ RBI and its roles (2014)
❖ Bank Board Bureau (2019)
Economic Survey and Union Budget ❖ Deficit Budget (2015)
❖ Sovereign Gold Bond Scheme (2016)
❖ Policies like Kisan Credit Card Scheme (2020)

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Geography - Important Topics for Prelims 2022
Most Repeated Topics from 2013-21


Origin and evolution of the Earth ❖ Terms like “Event horizon”, “Singularity”,
(2017) “String theory”, etc which are in the news.
Earthquakes (2018,2019) ❖ Recent Delhi earhquakes,Uttarakhand flash
floods etc.
Continental drift theory (2014) ❖ Recently Zealandia continent found which
marks the correctness of the drift theory.
Volcanoes(2018) • Active and dormant volcanoes across India and
the World.

Plate tectonics (2015) ❖ Mountain building process.

Ex: Himalayan formation.
Types of landforms (2013) ❖ Deep gorges
❖ River courses.
❖ Parallel mountain ranges
❖ Steep gradients causing land slides and other
physical features.
Soil formation (2014,2017) ❖ Different types of soils like laterite soil, alluvial
soil etc.
❖ Colour of the soil.
❖ Chemical Composition
❖ Regions comprising of a particular variety of
❖ Crops grown
Solar radiation and heat budget of ❖ Global warming
the Earth. (2013) ❖ Variations in lengths of daytime and nightime .
❖ Latitudinal and longitudinal positions of
particular places and physical features.

Atmospheric circulation- ❖ Recent Amphan cyclone.

Cyclones,westerlies,jet ❖ Inter tropical convergence zones.
streams(2015) ❖ Coriolis force.
❖ Westerlies etc
Evaporation,Condensation and ❖ Thunderstorm and lightning in Bihar and U.P
Precipitation (2013,2019) etc
World climate and climate change ❖ Savannah, Equitorial, Monsoon, Meditteranean
(2015) climates etc.
Relief of the oceans (2014) ❖ Ocean beds and critical resources available.

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Temperature and salinity ❖ Acidification of Oceans.
distribution in the ocean ❖ Causes and concern
(2013,2018) ❖ Effect on flora and fauna.
Types of Ocean currents(2015) ❖ Equitorial counter current
❖ Convergence of 2 currents.
❖ Effect of salinity of water etc.
Ecosystem (2013,2017) ❖ Ecosystem productivity.
❖ Marine Upwelling zones.
❖ Nutrients over and below the soil surface
❖ Bottom dwelling etc.
Biodiversity and ❖ Various biosphere reserves, their unique
conservation(2013) features and the places associated with them.
❖ Exotic and invasive species.
❖ Biogeographical zones.
Physiography of India- ❖ Geographical spread of a particular feature –
Mountains,Hills, plateau,plains etc. Like over 5 states, 3 districts etc.
(2015,2017) ❖ Important features of these physiographical
Drainage system in india ❖ Source and the course of a particular water
(2016,2017) body.
Climate of India – Indian monsoon ❖ Seasonal reversal of winds.
(2014) ❖ Important features of Indian monsoon and its
socio-economic effects.
Natural vegetation and soils of ❖ Various flora and fauna in these regions.
India- National parks,Biosphere ❖ Climatic conditions.
reserves, Mangroves etc. ❖ Soil composition
(2015,2017,2018) ❖ Agriculture and irrigational facilities

Natural disasters- ❖ Causes, effects and conditions favouring these

Floods,droughts,landslides,cyclones disasters.
,Earthquake,tsunamis etc.
Indian agriculture and types(2019) ❖ Various gases released by agricultural soils.
❖ Cattle and dairy industries etc.
Coral reefs(2018) ❖ Geographical spread.
❖ Comparison between animal phyla and flora in
coral reefs along with other Geophysical
El-Nino (2016) ❖ Causes for the occurrence.
❖ Effects on different parts of the world.
❖ Socio-economic concerns
La-Nina(2014,2017) ❖ Unique characterstics.

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❖ Regions covered.
Indian ocean dipole (2017) ❖ Characterstics.
❖ Reasons for Occurrence.
❖ Impact on El-Nini and La-Nina.
Madden julian oscillations(2016) ❖ Effect on Indian monsoons.
❖ Unique features.
Polar vortex(2014) ❖ Ozone depletion and Ozone hole
Pacific decadal oscillations (2015) ❖ Effect on Indian monsoon.
❖ Geographical spread.
Heat waves (2018) ❖ Criteria.
❖ European heat waves
Sun spot cycles (2017) ❖ Effects on climate change
Forest fire (2016,2019) ❖ Amazon fire,Australian bush fire.
Tribes of the world and india (2019) ❖ Particularly vulnerable tribal groups (PVTGs)
❖ Geographical spread
Heat islands (2017) Increasing air pollution in metro cities
Seismic noise (2014) ❖ Causes and adverse effects on flora and fauna
Environmental impact assesment ❖ New EIA draft bill,2020
Ring of fire (2018) ❖ Volcanic erruptions in Pacific ocean
❖ Indonesian and Phillipine volcanic erruptions
Wetlands and their conservation ❖ Total geographical area under wetlands.
(2013,2018) ❖ Coastal and inland wetlands.

Distribution of wildlife and their ❖ Unique fauna in news.

conservation (2013) ❖ IUCN status.
❖ Geographical spread.
❖ Conservation initiatives if any.
Places in news (2016,2018) ❖ Important places of geographical importance
and countries assiciated.
Mountain passes and lakes(2018) ❖ Artificial lakes and natural lakes.
❖ Occurence
Major straits of the world(2015) ❖ Occurence.
❖ Regions connected to it.
Major water bodies- ❖ Unique features if any.
Meditteranian, Caspian, Red sea, ❖ Countries bordering them.
Black sea etc. (2019)
Population and related ❖ Labour migration
issues(2014,2017) ❖ Sex ratio
❖ Related schemes.
Minerals and their distribution ❖ Role of state and central governments in
(2018) mineral mines.
❖ Occurrence

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International trade (2017) ❖ Trade dificit of India with U.S and China etc.
❖ Causes and measures.
Energy resources and ❖ Sulphur content,ash content in fuels.
crisis(2013,2017) ❖ Fusion temperature
Industrial set up (2015,2016) ❖ SEZs,NIMZs etc.
❖ Bharatmala,Sagarmala projects etc.
Transportation and communication ❖ Air india nationalisation
(2016) ❖ Adjusted gross revenue of telecom companies
Water conservation (2014) ❖ Reasons and measures taken for water
❖ Water deficit and its percentage in various
❖ Ground water table and percentages of water
❖ Integrated watershed development programme

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History - Important Topics for Prelims 2022
Most Repeated Topics from 2013-21


Travellers during Pre-Mourya, ❖ Hiuen-Tsang, Abdul Razak, Megasthenese
Mourya, Post – Mouryan period, etc.
Vijayanagar kingdom, Mughal ❖ Their interpretation about the socio-cultural
period. (2013) set up of kingdoms during their visits.
Jain doctrine and Buddhism ❖ Annihilation of karma
(2013,2014) ❖ Soul v/s objectivism
❖ Karma v/s Soul
❖ Important principles of the Jain Doctrine.
❖ Major differences between Buddhism and
❖ Kingdoms associated with the life of Buddha.
(Avanti, Kosala, Gandhara, Magadha etc)
❖ Important Buddhist followers and their
❖ Differences between Viharas and Chaityas.
❖ Concept of Nirvana in Buddhism
❖ Famous Jain and Buddhist Philosophers
❖ Playwrights and their literary works.
❖ Monks
❖ Important towns associated with Buddhism
and Jainism.
Important Ancient Indian towns of ❖ Dholavira, Kalibangan, Rakhigarhi,
archaeological importance like the Ghantasala, Kadura etc
Harappan sites. (2019,2021)
Various kingdoms in North, North- ❖ The Guptas of Magadha
West, Central India and their ❖ The Paramaras of malwa
arrangement from North to South ❖ The Maukharis of Kannauj
(2021) ❖ The yadavas of Devagiri
❖ The maitrakas of vallabhi etc
Differences between rig-vedic ❖ Religious customs and beliefs
Aryans v/s Indus valley civilisation ❖ Socio-cultural conditions
Famous art and literary works ❖ During various dynasties like
(2016) Swapnavasavadatta, Malavikagnimitra,
Meghadoota etc and their story lines.
Terms and descriptions (2016) ❖ Eripatti, Taniyurs, Ghatikas etc.

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The Mughals (important rulers like ❖ Arrival of Mughals to India
Babur,Akbar, Jahangir etc) (2015) ❖ Important rulers of the dynasty.
❖ Introduction of various cultural changes.
❖ Art and Architecture
❖ Establishment of various dynasties
❖ Famous literary works and their features.

The Feudal system arrangement (2015) ❖ Administrative structure

❖ Land reforms
❖ Feudal lord v/s Overlord
Important monuments (2014,2018) ❖ Contributions of Mughal rulers in
monument constructions like Ibadat
khana, Buland darwaza – Akbar, Babur etc.
❖ Materials used for monument
construction like red sandstone,white
marble etc.
Various designations in court hall ❖ Mahattara, Pattakila etc
(2014) ❖ Names of military officers, village
headmen, chiefs of craft guilds, vedic
rituals etc.
Vijayanagara and Bahmani kingdoms ❖ Important rulers
(2015) ❖ Unique taxation system
Medieval Indian states and their ❖ Champaka – Himachal pradesh
present names. (2015) ❖ Durgara – Jammu
❖ Trigarta – Jalandhar etc.
The Marathas (2015) ❖ Territorial consolidation
❖ Important positions in the administrative
and military systems
Various writers and their descriptions ❖ Rulers during their period.
(2013,2021) ❖ Important observations mentioned in their
literary works. (socio-cultural-political)
Important terms and descriptions ❖ Paragana, suba, sarkar etc.
Chronological order of events (2019) ❖ Rise of various dynasties like pallavas,
Chola,Pratiharas, Pandyas etc
Delhi Sultanates (2019) ❖ Administrative features.
❖ Land reforms and revenue system
Contemporary Saints and Rulers (2019) ❖ Annamayya, Saint nimbaraka, Saint Kabir
and their literary works.
Important trading centres,sea ports, ❖ Machilipatnam,Marmagoa, Nelluru,
sea routes. (2018) Kakinada, Motupalli etc.

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British conquest (2014) ❖ Annexation of Indian states
❖ Regulation of East India Company v/s Crown
British reforms (2015) ❖ Regulating act
❖ Charter acts
❖ Government of India acts, 1909,1919,1935
and their features.
Various committees and their ❖ Radcliffe Committee and its objectives.
objectives (2014)
Revolts and their consequences ❖ Quit India Movement
(2015) ❖ Simon Commission
❖ Cripps Proposal etc.
Philosophies and teachings (2014) ❖ Bijak, pushti marg etc
❖ Various proponents/philosophers and their
Indian Philosophies (2014) ❖ Mimamsa,Vedanta
❖ Nyaya, Vaisheshika
❖ Sankhya, Yoga etc
Important Leaders and related ❖ Home Rule Movement
Movements (2013) ❖ Indian National Congress
❖ Theosophical Society
❖ Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj etc.
Freedom Struggle (2015) ❖ Various Satyagraha, Movements and related
❖ Ex:Rowlatt satyagraha-Sedition committee.
❖ Various personalities included in the
❖ Ex:Gandhiji,Tilak,Dadabhai naoroji, Sarojini
Naidu etc.
Critics and Favours of colonialism ❖ Personalities who supported and revolted
(2015) against the colonial policies
❖ Ex:Dadabhai Naoroji, R.C.Dutt, Subramania
Iyer etc.
Various Parties and their Objectives ❖ Congress Socialist Party advocated
(2015) Parliamentary democracy.
❖ Communist and Marxist Parties advocated
dictatorship of the proletariat.
Various Missions and their ❖ Cabinet Mission recommended federal
objectives (2015) government
❖ Cripps Mission recommendations etc.
Moderates, Extremists and ❖ Ideologies and differences
Revolutionaries (2014,2015) ❖ Various parties formed by them.
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Indian national congress (2015) ❖ Various sessions and their chairmen.
❖ Resolutions passed like attainment of poorna
swaraj etc.
Indians’ response to various ❖ Review of the commission
commissions (2014) ❖ No membership
❖ Completely revolting against it.
Constituent assembly (2014) ❖ Important features.
❖ Whether elected by provincial legislative
assemblies or nominated by Indian national
congress and muslim league.
Peasant, Tribal ❖ Tebhaga movement
movements(2013,2019,2020) ❖ Birsa munda revolt
❖ Mapilla rebellion of 1921 etc.
Newspapers and magazines ❖ Amrita bazaar patrika, Som Prakesh, Tahzib–
published in various languages ul-akhlaq
Parties established by famous ❖ Dr.B.R.Ambedkar established All India
personalities (2013) scheduled caste federation,The independent
labour party etc.
Contributions by famous ❖ Mahatma Gandhi, Tilak, Dadabhai Naoroji,
personalities to Indian national Tilak etc.
movement (2014)
Round table conferences ❖ Main objectives
(2015,2016) ❖ Demands put forward
❖ Important pacts signed
Acts passed during the british ❖ Regulating act, GOI-1909,1919,1935 etc
colonial rule (2017) ❖ Governors/viceroys during the acts
❖ Major contributions of governors/viceroys.
Chronological order of the events ❖ Sequential order of the events from the First
during Indian national war of Indian independence to post
movement(2019,2017) independent India.
Important literary works (2021) ❖ Gandhi,Nehru,Sarojini naidu etc like “Songs
from prison”.
Colonial policies and impacts (2017) ❖ On agriculture
❖ On land reforms
❖ On artisans, peasants, arts and
handicraftsmen, Zamindars etc.
Firsts during Indian national ❖ First woman president of INC.
movement(2015) ❖ First Muslim president of INC.

Factories, seaports, sea routes of ❖ Broach, Trichinopoly, Chicacole etc

the English east India

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Important personalities associated ❖ Leaders of Swadeshi and boycott movement.
with respective movements. (2021) ❖ Members of the Interim Government,1946
❖ Officers of INA etc.
Persons and positions held during ❖ President of All India liberal federation
national movement (2019) ❖ Members of the constituent assembly
❖ Members of the communist party of India.

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Environment and Ecology - Important Topics for Prelims 2022
Most Repeated Topics from 2013-21
General Environmental Ecology ❖ Glossary of the terms like,
• Ecosystem (2015)
• Legume Intensification (2020)
• Carbon Sequestration (2017)
• Biological Oxygen Demand (2017)
• Vertical Farming and Crop Diversification
• Blue Carbon (2021)
Sustainable Development ❖ Hydrogen enriched CNG (H-CNG) (2019)
Initiatives ❖ The partnership action for Green Economy)
❖ Bio-remediation and its Environmental
advantages (2017)
❖ Bio-char and its uses (2020)
❖ Algae based Bio-fuels (2017)
❖ Sustainable Development Goals and their
Objectives. (2016)
❖ Bio-carbon fund initiative for sustainable
forest landscapes (2015)
❖ ‘Earth hour’ and its objectives (2014)
❖ Green Climate Fund (2015)
❖ Climate Smart Agriculture and Climate Smart
Village (2021)
❖ Environmental Impact Assessment-(EIA)
❖ ‘R2 code of Practices’ (2021)
Laws, Regulatory Bodies, Policies ❖ The Wildlife Protection Act,1972 and
and Conferences for Environment schedules (2020)
and its protection at the National ❖ National Policy on Bio-Fuels (2020)
level. ❖ The Environmental Protection Act,1986 and
its provisions (2019)
❖ Central Ground Water Authority (2020)
❖ Indian Forest Act, 1927. (2019)
❖ Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional
Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights)
Act, 2006. (2019)
❖ Animal Welfare Board of India (2014)
❖ National Green Tribunal (2018)

❖ Central Pollution Control Board (2018)

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❖ Green India Mission (2016)
❖ National Tiger Conservation Authority (2014)
❖ National Ganga River Basin Authority (2014)
Laws, Regulatory Bodies, Policies, ❖ The Ramsar Convention (2019)
Conferences for Environment and ❖ The Wetlands (Conservation and
its protection at the International Management) Rules, 2010. (2019)
level. ❖ Global Alliance on Climate-Smart Agriculture
(GACSA) (2018)
❖ ‘Momentum for Change-Climate Neutral
Now’ initiative (2018)
❖ Trade related analysis of flora and fauna in
commerce (TRAFFIC) -2017)
❖ Global Climate Alliance (2017)
❖ Un-Habitat in United Nations Programme
❖ Climate and Clean Air coalition-(CCAC) (2017)
❖ UN-REDD+ Programme (2016)
❖ ‘Agenda-21’ initiative (2016)
❖ Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (2015)
❖ Birdlife International (2015)
❖ IUCN and Convention on International Trade
in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
Flora (CITES) (2015)
❖ Rio+20 Conference (2015)
❖ Organisations like UNEP, OECD, ADB, World
Bank and their Environmental initiatives
❖ New York Declaration on Forests (2021)
❖ Common Carbon Metric (2021)
Environmental Pollution and ❖ Benzene Pollution (2020)
Control ❖ Pollutants released by Coal-fired Electric
Power Plants (2020)
❖ Social Cost of Carbon (2020)
❖ Microbeads and Environmental concerns
❖ Gases released due to burning of Bio-mass
residues (2019)
❖ Gases released through agriculture activities,
soil, cattle rearing, Poultry industry etc.
❖ Consequences of heavy mining in river beads.
❖ Air Quality Index and gases considered to
measure them. (2016)
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❖ Carbon Cycle and causative factors adding
Carbon (2014)
❖ Coal bed Methane and Shale Gas (2014)
❖ Acid rain and causes. (2013)

Wildlife Sanctuaries, Protected ❖ Pakhui Wildlife Sanctuary (2018)

Areas, Bio-sphere reserves, ❖ Protected area around Cauvery basin (2020)
National Parks and Eco-sensitive ❖ Protected areas well known for conservation
zones. of Indian Swamp Deer (2020)
❖ National Parks in Temperate Alpine Zone
❖ Agasthyamala Bio-sphere reserve (2019)
❖ Eco-sensitive zones (2014)
❖ Desert National Park (2020)
❖ Critical wildlife habitat and habitat rights

Bio-Diversity and Conservation ❖ Lichens and Ecological succession (2014)

❖ Various food chains in Eco-system (2013)
❖ Musk Deer’s natural Habitat (2020)
❖ Natural habitat of Asiatic lion, One-horned
Rhinoceros (2019)
❖ Unique fauna like Ceylon frogmouth, Gray
chinned Civet etc (2020)
❖ Indian Elephants and their characteristic
features (2020).

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Science and Technology - Important Topics for Prelims 2022
Most Repeated Topics from 2013-21


Biotechnology and its Applications ❖ Mycorrhizal Technology and its applications
in Agriculture (2013)
❖ Recombinant DNA Technology (2013)
❖ Genetic Engineering Appraisal Committee
❖ Transcriptome – Bioinformatics (2016)
❖ Genome Sequencing and its applications
❖ Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Technology
❖ CRISPR Cas9 protein (2018,2019)
❖ GM mustard and its features (2018)
❖ RNA interference technology (RNAi) and anti-
sense RNA technology (2019)
❖ Functional Chromosomes and Artificial
functional DNA (2019)
❖ Genetics – Human induced pluripotent stem
cells (2020)
❖ Pronuclear Transfer – Advances in Human
Reproductive Technology (2020)
❖ DNA genomes (2021)
❖ Bollgard – 1 and Bollgard – 2 technologies.
❖ ACE – 2 technology and its procedures.
Information Technology ❖ Public Key Infrastructure (2020)
❖ Cyber Security (2017)
❖ Smart India Hackathon – 2017 (2017)
❖ Blochchain Technology. (2018)
❖ Digital signature and its applications (2017)
❖ Wannacry, Petya, Ransomware, Eternal Blue
– Cyber attacks. (2018)
❖ Internet of Things (2018)
❖ Artificial Intelligence and its applications.
Communication Technology ❖ Near field communication Technology (2015)
❖ Applications GPS technology. (2018)
❖ Visible Light Communication Technology.
(VLC technology) (2020)
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❖ Project LOON (2016)
❖ Differences between LTE (Long term
evolution) and VOLTE (Voice over long term
evolution) (2019)
❖ Augmented Reality (AR) v/s Virtual Reality.
(VR) (2019)
❖ OLEDs and their applications (2017)
❖ Li-fi v/s Wi-fi (2016)
Nano-Technology ❖ Carbon Nanotubes – Properties and their
applications in Health sector. (2015,2020)
Diseases, Causative agents and ❖ Vitamin deficiency diseases. (2014)
Vaccines ❖ Diptheria, Chicken pox, Small pox. (2014)
❖ H1N1 virus. (2015)
❖ Hepatitis-B and HIV virus. (2019)
❖ Multi-drug resistance in microbial pathogens.
❖ Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines. (PCV
vaccine) – (2020)
❖ Viruses – Adenovirus and Retrovirus. (2021)
❖ Hereditary Diseases- Mitochondrial diseases.
❖ Recombinant Vector Vaccines. (2021)
Space Technology ❖ Cassini Huygens, Messenger, Voyager and
their purposes. (2014)
❖ Indian Remote sensing Satellites and their
applications. (2015)
❖ Mangalyaan. (2017)
❖ International Thermonuclear experimental
Reactor – The Miniature Sun. (2017)
❖ Terms like ‘Event Horizon’, ‘Singularity’,
‘String theory’ and ‘standard model’ – (2017)
❖ Domestic content requirement. (2017)
❖ Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. (2018)
Miscellaneous concepts. ❖ Dispersion, Refraction and Internal reflection.
❖ Fuel cells – Hydrogen rich fuel and oxygen.
❖ Chemicals like Brominated vegetable oils,
Monosodium Glutamate and their concerns.
❖ Aadhar and Application Programme
Interface. (API) (2018)
❖ 3D-printing and its applications. (2018)
❖ Belle-2 Experiment. (2018)
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❖ Wearable Technologies and their
applications. (2019)
❖ Denisovan. (2019)
❖ Drones and their applications. (2020)
❖ Differences between plant cell and Animal
cell. (2020)
❖ Triclosan and its concerns. (2021)
❖ Bisphenol – A (BPA) – Plastic composition.
❖ Sodium lamps v/s LED lamps. (2021)

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