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Lifting Force

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Kurdistan regional government _ Iraq

Ministry of high education and scientific

Koya university
Facult of engineering
Manufacture department

A report about
Lifting force

Prepared by:
Kodasht amir Abdulla


Date of experiment: 8/12/2021

Date of submitting:13/12/2021
An experiment was conducted
to test the use of an Essom
apparatus for determining the
center of pressure of a
hydrostatic force acting on a
submerged vertical surface.
The following
two cases were examined in the
experiment: fully submerged
case and partially submerged
For each case, nine runs of
measured mass and height
readings were obtained. Two
plots were
done for each case: YR vs. h and
FR vs. h. As expected, the
percent error was very small for
fully submerged case but grew
substantially for the partially
submerged case. This is
in detail to follow
An experiment was conducted
to test the use of an Essom
apparatus for determining the
center of pressure of a
hydrostatic force acting on a
submerged vertical surface.
The following
two cases were examined in the
experiment: fully submerged
case and partially submerged
For each case, nine runs of
measured mass and height
readings were obtained. Two
plots were
done for each case: YR vs. h and
FR vs. h. As expected, the
percent error was very small for
fully submerged case but grew
substantially for the partially
submerged case. This is
in detail to follow
Hydrostatic forces are the resultant force caused by the pressure loading of a liquid
acting on submerged surfaces. Calculation of the hydrostatic force and the location
of the center of pressure are fundamental subjects in fluid mechanics. The center of
pressure is a point on the immersed surface at which the resultant hydrostatic
pressure force acts.
The location and magnitude of water pressure force acting on water-control
structures, such as dams, levees, and gates, are very important to their structural
design. Hydrostatic force and its line of action is also required for the design of
many parts of hydraulic equipment.
The objectives of this experiment are twofold:

 To determine the hydrostatic force due to water acting on a partially or fully

submerged surface;
 To determine, both experimentally and theoretically, the center of pressure.
In this experiment, the hydrostatic force and center of pressure acting on a vertical
surface will be determined by increasing the water depth in the apparatus water
tank and by reaching an equilibrium condition between the moments acting on the
balance arm of the test apparatus. The forces which create these moments are the
weight applied to the balance arm and the hydrostatic force on the vertical surface.
The equipment is comprised of a rectangular transparent water tank, a fabricated
quadrant, a balance arm, an adjustable counter-balance weight, and a water-level
measuring device (Figure 1.1).

The water tank has a drain valve at one end and three adjustable screwed-in feet on
its base for leveling the apparatus. The quadrant is mounted on a balance arm that
pivots on knife edges. The knife edges coincide with the center of the arc of the
quadrant; therefore, the only hydrostatic force acting on the vertical surface of the
quadrant creates moment about the pivot point. This moment can be
counterbalanced by adding weight to the weight hanger, which is located at the left
end of the balance arm, at a fixed distance from the pivot. Since the line of actions
of hydrostatic forces applied on the curved surfaces passes through the pivot point,
the forces have no effect on the moment. The hydrostatic force and its line of
action (center of pressure) can be determined for different water depths, with the
quadrant’s vertical face either partially or fully submerged.

A level indicator attached to the side of the tank shows when the balance arm is
horizontal. Water is admitted to the top of the tank by a flexible tube and may be
drained through a cock in the side of the tank. The water level is indicated on a
scale on the side of the quadrant [1].
In this experiment, when the quadrant is immersed by adding water to the tank, the
hydrostatic force applied to the vertical surface of the quadrant can be determined
by considering the following [1]:

 The hydrostatic force at any point on the curved surfaces is normal to the surface
and resolves through the pivot point because it is located at the origin of the radii.
Hydrostatic forces on the upper and lower curved surfaces, therefore, have no net
effect – no torque to affect the equilibrium of the assembly because the forces pass
through the pivot.
 The forces on the sides of the quadrant are horizontal and cancel each other out
(equal and opposite).
 The hydrostatic force on the vertical submerged face is counteracted by the balance
weight. The resultant hydrostatic force on the face can, therefore, be calculated
from the value of the balance weight and the depth of the water.
 The system is in equilibrium if the moments generated about the pivot points by
the hydrostatic force and added weight (=mg) are equal, i.e.:


m : mass on the weight hanger,

L : length of the balance arm

F : Hydrostatic force, and

y : distance between the pivot and the center of pressure

Then, calculated hydrostatic force and center of pressure on the vertical face of the
quadrant can be compared with the experimental results.

Table of test

No H Pact
(cm) (pa
1 6.8 667.08
2 9.3 912.33
3 11 1079.1
4 14.6 1432.26
5 20.4 2001.24

the result obtained from the experiment contains error by comparing it to theory.
There is
a large variation between actual and theoretical data. The error
occurred are due to several
factors. The factors are:-
The spirit level of the apparatus

Accuracy of spirit level is important because it provides correct level of the
and reading taken for height of water will more precise.
Reading of measurement

Parallaxes reading occur when reading of measurement taken by different people,
reading taken by one person is suggested in order to obtain more accurate result.
Majority of inaccuracy reading of measurement effected by the incorrect spirit
of the apparatus.

1.Samora, I.; Hasmatuchi, V.; Münch-Alligné; C.; Franca, M.J.; Schleiss, A.J.;
Ramos, H.M. Experimental characterization of a five blade tubular propeller
turbine for pipe installation.
Renew. Energy 2016, 95, 356–366. [CrossRef]

2. Vagnoni, E.; Andolfatto, L.; Richard, S.; Münch-Alligné, C.; Avellan, F.

Hydraulic performance evaluation of a micro-turbine with counter rotating runners
by experimental investigation and numerical simulation. Renew. Energy 2018,
126, 943–953. [CrossRef]

3. Senior, J.; Wiemann, P.; Müller, G. The Rotary Hydraulic Pressure Machine for
Very Low HEAD Hydropower Sites. Available online:

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