Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Dyspepsia Patients in Primary Referral Hospital
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Dyspepsia Patients in Primary Referral Hospital
Prevalence of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) in Dyspepsia Patients in Primary Referral Hospital
Corresponding author:
Nikko Darnindro. Department of Internal Medicine, Fatmawati General Hospital. Jl. TB Simatupang No. 18
Jakarta Indonesia. Phone/facsimile: +62-21-7501524. E-mail:
Background: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is caused by reflux of stomach contents into the
esophagus and give the typical symptoms as heartburn. The prevalence of GERD was vary around the world.
Prevalence of GERD by endoscopy in Jakarta was 22.8%. Limited data exist to determine the prevalence and
related factors of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) in the population without alarm symptoms. Validated
GERDq questionnaire can be used easily to diagnose GERD in primary health care. This study aims to know
the prevalence of GERD and related factors.
Method: This cross-sectional study was conducted in adult dyspepsia patients at General Hospital District
of Cilincing from January to March 2016. A validated GERDq questionnaire and a single proportion sample
size calculation were used.
Results: The prevalence of GERD was 49%, in elderly participants the prevalence was 44%. Of the 104
consecutive participants, 33.7% were male and 66.3% were female. The mean age was 47.6 ± 15.4 years old.
The rate of GERD was higher in females than in males (53 vs. 40%, p = 0.189), increased as the age of the
participants increased (p = 0.059) and also increased as the body mass index (BMI) of the participants increased
(p > 0.05). GERD was present in 50% of active or former smokers (p > 0.05), 33.3% of daily coffee drinkers (p
> 0.05), 56.2% of active or former alcohol consumers (p > 0.05), and 57.4% of daily tea drinkers (p = 0.049).
Conclusion: The prevalence of GERD in dyspeptic patient was still high. There is a relation between GERD
and tea consumption.
Latar belakang: Penyakit refluks gastroesofagus disebabkan oleh refluks isi gaster ke dalam esofagus yang
menyebabkan timbulnya gejala khas berupa heartburn. Prevalensi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus di seluruh
dunia bervariasi. Prevalensi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus yang terdiagnosis dengan endoskopi di Jakarta
sebesar 22,8%. Prevalensi dan faktor yang mempengaruhi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus pada populasi
dispepsia di komunitas masih terbatas. Kuesioner GERDq yang telah divalidasi dapat digunakan dengan mudah
untuk mendiagnosa penyakit refluks gastroesofagus pada pelayanan kesehatan primer. Tujuan penelitian ini
adalah mengetahui prevalensi penyakit refluks gastroesofagus pada pasien dispepsia di komunitas dan faktor
yang mempengaruhinya.
Metode: Studi potong lintang pada pasien dewasa dispepsia di Rumah Sakit Umum Kecamatan Cilincing
dari Januari ke Maret 2016. Penelitian menggunakan kuesioner GERDq Bahasa Indonesia yang telah divalidasi
dan penghitungan sampel menggunakan proporsi tunggal.
Hasil: Prevalensi GERD yang didapatkan pada penelitian ini sebesar 49%. Dari 104 pasien ditemukan 33.7%
laki-laki dan 66.3% perempuan. Usia rata-rata 47.6 ± 15.4 tahun. Prevalensi GERD ditemukan lebih tinggi
pada wanita dibanding pada laki-laki (53 vs. 40%, p = 0.189), prevalensi GERD meningkat sesuai dengan usia
(p = 0,059) dan juga meningkat sesuai BMI (p > 0,05). GERD ditemukan pada 50% mantan atau perokok aktif
(p > 0,05), 33,3% pada peminum kopi rutin (p > 0,05), 56.2% pada mantan atau peminum alkohol (p > 0,05)
dan 57.4% pada peminum teh rutin (p = 0.049).
Simpulan: Prevalensi GERD dispepsia pasien tanpa itu masih tinggi. GERD lebih banyak ditemukan pada
pasien yang mengkonsumsi teh.
was 49%, while in geriatric patients the prevalence was Table 4. Association between age and gastroesophageal reflux
44%. From these 104 patients, 33.7% were males and disease (GERD)
the rest were females. The average age of participants Age group (years)
n (%) n (%)
was 47.6 ± 15.4 years. The prevalence of GERD was 18-29 4 (7.8) 12 (22.6) 16 (15.4)
higher in females compared to males (53 vs. 40%, p = 30-39 13 (25.5) 4 (7.5) 17 (16.3)
40-49 8 (15.7) 8 (15.1) 16 (15.4)
0.199), with the highest prevalence was found among 50-59 15 (29.4) 15 (28.3) 30 (28.8)
≥ 60 11 (21.6) 14 (26.4) 25 (24)
Javanese participants, with increasing prevalence Total 51 (100) 53 (100) 104 (100)
along with the increasing of age (p = 0.059). When
Table 5. Bivariate analysis of association gastroesophageal
participants were grouped according to their age, reflux disease (GERD) and its factor
the highest prevalence of GERD were found in two GERD Non-GERD
Variables p
age groups, the 30-39 year-old group and the 50-59 n (%) n (%)
Sex 0.189
year-old group. The prevalence also increased as the Male 14 (40) 21 (60)
participants’ BMI increased (p > 0.05) whereby obese Female 37 (53.6) 32 (46.4)
Smoking history
patients had higher proportion of GERD compared to Non-smoker 36 (48.7) 38 (51.3) 0.992
Former smoker 6 (50) 6 (50)
normal and overweight patients. GERD was found in Active smoker 9 (50) 9 (50)
50% active or former smokers (p > 0.05), in 33.3% Alcohol history
Non-alcohol drinker 42 (47.8) 46 (52.2) 0.418
routine coffee drinkers (p > 0.05), in 56,2% active or former drinker 0 1 (100)
former alcohol drinkerss (p > 0.05) and in 57.4% tea Active drinker 9 (60) 6 (40)
Coffee (last month)
drinker (p = 0.049). Never 35 (50) 35 (50) 0.478
Seldom 12 (54.5) 10 (45.5)
Table 1. Baseline characteristics Daily 4 (33.3) 8 (66.7)
Tea (last month)
Average SD Never 5 (25) 15 (75) 0.049
Age 47.67 15.43 Seldom 19 (51.3) 18 (48.7)
Daily 27 (57.4) 20 (42.6)
Body mass index
Table 2. Baseline characteristics Underweight 3 (25) 9 (75) 0.504
Variable n (%) Normal 16 (50) 16 (50)
Overweight 8 (50) 8 (50)
GERD 51/104 (49)
Obese 1 17 (54.8) 14 (45.2)
Obese 2 7 (53.8) 6 (46.2)
Male 35 (33.7)
Female 69 (66.3)
Javanese 46 (44.2) DISCUSSION
Sundanese 18 (17.3)
Betawinese 14 (13.5)
Bataknese 8 (7.7) In this study, we obtained a high prevalence of
Padangnese 8 (7.7) GERD in patients complaining of dyspepsia which
Others 10 (9.6)
Smoking history was 44%. This prevalence was higher than that of
Non-smoker 74 (71.2)
Former smoker 12 (11.5) previous study which has been performed in Tanjung
Active smoker 18 (17.3) Priok, which was 13.3%.5 The higher prevalence in this
Alcohol history
Non-alcohol drinker 88 (84.6) study was caused by the different study population, as
Former alcohol drinker 1 (1) the author obtained the study sample among patients
Active alcohol drinker 15 (14.4)
Coffee (last 1 month) complaining of dyspepsia, while the study performed
Never 70 (67.3)
Seldom 22 (31.2)
in Tanjung Priok obtained general population, both
Daily 12 (11.5) in symptomatic and asymptomatic patients. A similar
Tea (last 1 month)
Never 20 (19.2) study performed online using GERDq questionnaire
Seldom 37 (35.6) in the Indonesian language in symptomatic and
Daily 47 (45.2)
Body mass index (BMI) asymptomatic medical doctors, observed a lower
Underweight 12 (11.5)
Normal 32 (30.8)
prevalence of GERD which was 27.4%, where only
Overweight 16 (15.4) 21% of the participants reported that GERD did not
Obese 1 31 (29.8)
Obese 2 13 (12.5) disturb their daily activities and 6.4% patients stated
that GERD had a great impact in their lives.6 The
application of GERDq questionnaire gained significant
popularity mainly because it can be used immediately association between erosive oesophagitis and alcohol
and properly to help in diagnosing GERD. A study consumption (Pearson's correlation coefficient: 0.091,
in Saudi Arabia using GERDq revealed a similar P-0.01).12 In addition, the study by Lee et al showed
prevalence of GERD with that of this study, which was that the habit of alcohol consumption was more
45.4%.2 Meanwhile, a study in India using a sample commonly found in erosive oesophagitis compared to
from the general population obtained a prevalence of GERD patients (OR = 2.9; 95% CI: 1.0-8.3).13 Further,
22%.7 From the above data, the prevalence of GERD Japanese researcher found the association between the
in general population varied in the range of 13.3-27.4% amount of alcohol consumption with the incidence of
and might not disturb the daily activities. However, oesophagitis. It was found that in heavy alcoholics
the prevalence will increase if patients complained of (ethanol > 50 gr/day): moderate alcoholics (ethanol
discomfort in the upper abdominal area. In patients 25-50 gr/day): mild alcoholics (ethanol < 25 gr/day)
with discomfort in the upper abdominal area, screening the OR of those who suffered from erosive oesophagitis
using GERDq can be performed, so that accurate and were 1.988 (95% CI : 1.120-3.534; p = 0.0190), 1.880
adequate therapy can be given. (95% CI: 1.015-3.484; p = 0.0445) and 1.110 (95% CI:
Several studies have reported that GERD is 0.553-2.228; p = 0.7688), respectively.14 In this study,
associated with daily habits, including age, alcohol, tea, similar proportion was found, although statistically no
or coffee consumption, and body mass index (BMI). significant correlation was observed. In active drinker,
However, these studies show contradicting results. a higher proportion of GERD was found, which was
Most previous studies have reported that the 60 % compared to inactive drinker with 47.8%. This is
prevalence of reflux esophagitis (RE) increases along not statistically significance findings could be caused
with the increasing age, although the association by the habit of individuals in Eastern countries, where
between GERD and age is still controversial.8,9 In their alcohol is not routinely consumed; thus, the number of
study, Bhatia et al have stated that GERD patients are active drinkers was not so many.
usually older than non-GERD patients.10 The incidence Tea is processed from the leaves of Camellia
of GERD increases with age, particularly at the age sinensis.15 Tea contains theophylline as the main
older than 40 years. Minatsuki et al have reported that component. This substance causes relaxation of the
age is positively associated with oesophagitis reflux, LES and decreases the proliferation of H. pylori, which
while the age and GERD are inversely associated.11 In leads to decreased gastric acid production.16 A study
this study, it was found that the average age of patients in Taiwan regarding the influence of alcohol and tea
with GERD complaints was higher compared to those to asymptomatic erosive oesophagitis concluded that
without GERD, although this was not statistically alcohol and tea consumption of more than 4 days a
significant. If analysis based on age group was week posed a risk of developing erosive oesophagitis.17
performed, the highest prevalence was observed in Nonetheless, this condition was influenced by many
two age groups, which were 30-39 years with 25.5% biases which make it difficult to draw a straightforward
and 50-59 years with 29.4%. conclusion from it. A study performed by the
Development of GERD symptoms can be affected author found a significant association between tea
by the increase of gastric aggressive factors, such as consumption and incidence of GERD. However,
acid, the use of irritative substance or medications, there were several limitations, including the amount
in addition to the decreasing tone of the lower and type of tea being consumed. Therefore, although
oesophageal sphincter (LES). Alcohol is suggested as statistically we found a specific correlation between
one of the factors which provoke GERD symptoms tea and GERD, this needs more specific studies,
because it can disrupt the antireflux system. Alcohol considering that tea consumption is a general habit in
consumption can trigger the incidence of GERD by the Indonesian population.
decreasing the tone of the lower oesophageal sphincter, Smoking can decrease the LES tone and decrease
declining oesophageal motility, increasing secretion bicarbonate production in the saliva. Active smoker is
of gastric acid, and delaying gastric emptying. In significantly associated with the proportion of GERD.
their study, Bhatia et al reported that there was no This was in accordance with the study performed by
significant association between alcohol consumption Watanabe et al. Watanabe conducted an observational
and GERD symptoms, but Hung et al, who studied study in male workers complaining of heartburn, in
the correlation between alcohol consumption and the which it was found that active smoker has increased
incidence of GERD, found that there was a direct the risk of GERD (OR = 1.35; 95% CI: 1.01-1.82).18
However, this study did not find a statistically significant The strength of this study was its settings, in a
association between smoking and incidence of GERD. district hospital as primary referral center of patients
This could be caused by baseline characteristics of the with recurrent dyspepsia; thus, the prevalence of
study sample, in which more than 70% of patients who GERD and GERD-associated factors in the community
participated in the study did not smoke and only 17% can be identified since many dyspepsia patients seek
were active smokers. for treatment in primary health care centres.23 With
Obesity is defined as body mass index (BMI) > this study and the high prevalence of GERD, all
30 kg/m2; the prevalence was increased in the United patients with dyspepsia complaints should be screened
States and several regions in Europe and Asia. Two for GERD using the validated GERD questionnaire.
surveys by NHANES showed that among adults aged The limitation of this study was the cross-sectional
20-74 years, the prevalence of obesity increased from study design and the limited study variables; thus, a
15.0% in 1976-1980 to 32.9% in 2003-2004.19,20 From thorough analysis of all associated factors could not
epidemiological studies which assessed the correlation be performed.
between obesity and GERD, the development of GERD
in obese patients were probably caused by mechanical
changes in the upper digestive tract. Extrinsic gastric
compression by the surrounding adipose tissue may The higher prevalence of GERD was found in
occur in obese individuals. This causes the increase patients complaining of dyspepsia. Dyspepsia is
of intragastric pressure and disrupts the lower one of the most common symptoms observed in the
oesophageal sphincter relaxation, which causes an primary health care centres. Dyspepsia can easily be
anatomical disturbance in gastroesophageal junction. screened and diagnosed using GERDq questionnaire
Anatomical changes in the gastroesophageal junction in the Indonesian language which has been validated.
may lead to the development of hiatal hernia.21 Higher prevalence of GERD was obtained along with
Hampel et al conducted a meta-analysis of the the increasing age, BMI, in active smoker, alcohol,
association of obesity and GERD-associated problems coffee, and tea consumer. Further studies are required
from nine studies which evaluated the association of to assess the role of these habits and lifestyles in the
body mass index (BMI) with GERD symptoms. From development of GERD. Following the high prevalence
this meta-analysis study, it was found that there was of GERD in patients complaining of upper abdominal
an association between BMI and the increase of odds discomfort in this study, it is suggested to conduct
ratio (adjusted pooled) for GERD symptoms 1.43 screening using the validated Indonesian language
(95% CI: 1.158-1.774) for BMI 25 kg/m2 to 30 kg/m2 GERDq questionnaire in primary health care centres,
and 1.94 (95% CI: 1.468 -2.566) for BMI more than so that GERD can be diagnosed earlier and adequate
30 kg/m2. Obesity was associated with the statistically treatment can be given.
significant increase of GERD symptoms and the risk
of this problem seemed to increase along with the
increase of weight.22
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