Natural Vegitation
Natural Vegitation
Natural Vegitation
NCERT Solutions:
1.Choose the right answer from the four alternatives given below:
(i) To which one of the following types of vegetation does rubber belong to?
(a) Tundra
(b) Tidal
(c) Himalayan
(d) Tropical Evergreen
(d) Tropical Evergreen
(ii) Cinchona trees are found in the areas of rainfall more than
(a) 100 cm
(b) 50 cm
(c) 70 cm
(d) Less than 50 cm
(a) 100 cm
(iv) Which one of the following bio-reserves of India is not included in the world network of
bio reserve?
(a) Manas
(b) Nilgiri
(c) Gulf of Mannar
(d) Nanda Devi
(a) Manas
(i) What factors are responsible for the distribution of plants and animals in India?
Relief factor: Land, Soil
Climate factor: Temperature, Photoperiod (Sunlight), Precipitation
(iii) Name two animals having habitat in tropical and montane type of vegetation.
Tropical: Tiger, pig, Elephant, deer
Montane: Kashmir stag, spotted deer, yak, snow leopard
3. Distinguish between
5. Quite a few species of plants and animals are endangered in India. Why?
Quite a few animal species are endangered and some have become extinct. The main causes
for this major threat to nature are hunting by greedy hunters for commercial purposes,
pollution due to chemical and industrial waste, acid deposits, introduction of alien species
and reckless cutting of the forests to bring land under cultivation and inhabitation, which are
also responsible for the imbalance.
1. What are the different steps taken by the government to protect flora and fauna?
The different steps taken by the government to protect flora and fauna are :
Eighteen biosphere reserves have been set up in the country to protect flora fauna.
The Sunderbans in the West Bengal, Nanda Devi in Uttarakhand, the Gulf of Mannar
in Tamil Nadu and the Nilgiris have been included in the world network of biosphere
Financial and technical assistance is provided to many botanical gardens by the
government since 1992.
Project Tiger, Project Rhino, Project Great Indian Bustard and many other eco-
developmental projects have been introduced by the government.
103 National Parks, 535 Wildlife Sanctuaries and Zoological Gardens are set up to take
care of natural heritage.
3. Name any three medicinal plants found in India with at least one use of each.
The tree medicinal plants found in India are:
•Sarpagandha: It is used to treat blood pressure. It is found only in India.
•Jamun:The juice from ripe fruit is used to prepare vinegar, which is carminative and diuretic,
and has digestive properties. The powder of the seed is used for controlling diabetes.
•Arjun: The fresh juice of leaves is a cure for earache. It is also used to regulate blood
4. What is a biome?
Biome means plant community occurring in distinct groups in areas having similar climatic
conditions. In other words, a very large ecosystem on land having different types of flora and
fauna is termed as biome. The biomes are categorized or identified on the basis of plant
5. Define an ecosystem.
All the plants and animals in an area are interdependent on each other. The plants and
animals; along with their physical environment make the ecosystem.
5. A very large ecosystem on land having distinct type of vegetation and animal life is called
7. The dry deciduous forests are found in areas having rainfall between _______.
100 cm and 70 cm
8. The mangrove tidal forests are found in the areas of coasts influenced by sea _______.
12. The moist Tropical Deciduous Forests are more prominent in the eastern and central parts
of India because:
These areas experience 100 to 200 cm of annual rainfall.
21. Which medicinal plant has both antibacterial and antibiotic properties?
The neem plant has both anti-bacterial and anti-biotic properties.