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ENG-024 FİNAL 2020: 1) What Is of A Human Body From A Hand To A Foot, and The Current Which Will Not Harm Him ?

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ENG-024 FİNAL 2020

1)What is of a human body from a hand to a foot, and the current which will
not harm him ?
Lütfen birini seçin:
a).2500 Ohms and 20 mAmp.
b.)20 mohm and 2500 Armp.
c)1200 Ohms and 1 Apm
d.) 12 Ohms and 100 Amp
e)0.5 Ohm and 100 mAmp. CEVAP:A
2) What does "zS" mean ?
Lütfen birini seçin:
a)it is a code describing the static test of a hoisting and conveying machine
which dimensions.
b)it is a code describing the quasi-static test on a hoisting and conveying
machine strength of its chain,
c.)it is a code descrbing how the strands of a steel cable are twisted and
d.)a and b.
e.)a, b and c CEVAP: D
3) Which of the following tactors are important in the severity of an electric
Lütten birini seçin
a.)Voltage on the live wire touched
b.)Amount of current passing through the body
c)Duration of current low through the body,
d.)a and b.
e) a,b,c CEVAP: E
4) Why electrical utility devices should not be overloaded ?
Lutfen birini seçin:
a.)Because mechanical components inside may deform due to excessive load
b.)Because they slow down when overloaded and can not produce a back-
C).Because they can cause an electric shock.
d)a and b.
e).b and c CEVAP:D
5)How is a steel cable prevented from corrosion?
Lutfen birini seçin:
a) it is made to dip into a bath of lubricant continuously
b) It has a natural fiber core soaked with oil to prevent corrosion from inside
C.) It in painted from outside.
d.) a and b
e.) a,b and c, CEVAP:E
6) what is a fuse, in context of safety in electrical installation?
A)İts a component which ignites an explosive or bom.
B)ıt is an elecrical protection device which takes it is name from the
resemblance to an airplane fuselage.
C) ıt is an elecrical which contains a pieozoelectic cyristal inside, which
produces a control signalproportional to the rate of the inertia forces acting
on it.
D) ıt is an elecrical protection device which contaions low melting point
conductors inside, melting in case of excessive current
E) All of above CEVAP:E
7) What is "Step Voltage"? Lotfen birini seçin:
a)it is the voltage shorted by a human body through two feet, separated by 1
b)it is a wave fomin shape of a step.
C)it is a voltage fom which can be generated by switching a DC supply on and
off at a required frequenicy
d) it is a voltage between live phases and the neutral.
e) it is a voltage which is accidentally taken when stepped on two live
conductors at different phase. CEVAP:A
8) Type of welding are:
Lütfen birini seçin:
a)Cold pressure welding.
b).Hot pressure welding.
c.)Welding by smelting
d.)Friction welding.
e.)All of above. CEVAP:E
9)Which of the followings are among the duties of the government in the
development of a safety culture Lutfen birini seçin:
a.)To act as an observer, informer, encourager and mediator to organize the
setting up of the required conditions and standa administrative work
b.)To protect careers, expertise and occupation of individuals.
C)To facilitate the widespread ability to get or develop new skills by
apprenticeship and by occupational education
d)All of above
e)None of above. CEVAP: A
10) How is the back-propagation of flame be prevented in oxy-acetylene
welding ? Lütfen birini seçin:
a).By using water type flame traps.
b.) By using check-valves on the fuel canisters.
c)By keeping the fuel and oxygen canisters away from direct sunlight and
d.)All of above.
e.)None of above. CEVAP:D
11) What are the harmful rays from an electric arc welding ?
Lutfen birini seçin:
a) intense visible light and unvisible rays beyond red and violet
b.)X rays which are used in the quality control of weldments.
c.)Gama rays emitted from the molten flux
d.)All of above
e.)None of above CEVAP:E
12) Electric shock is;
Lütfen birini seçin:
a)The flow of electric current through the body.
b).The flow of voltage through a hand to a foot,
c).The flow of positive ions through the electrolytic structure of the human
d). None of above,
e) All of above. CEVAP:E
13) Which of the followings are among the safety rules regarding chains ?
Lutfen birini seçin:
a.) Safety factor in chains should be at least 5 at the greatest load applied
b)Broken chains should not be knotted or re connected by a bolt or wire
c)Chains should not be twisted.
d)a and b.
e).a, b and c CEVAP:E
14) Why is the workpiece to be welded should be grounded separately ?
Lütfen birini seçin
a)Negative electrode of a welding machine is already grounded.
b) There may be a resistance between the grounding point of the mains and
the welded workpiece such that the voltage on the work plece may not be
c) Grounding can be done by connecting the body of the welding machine to
the ground.
d) a and b
e)a,b and c CEVAP: D
15) What is the effect of frequency of an AC on the severity of an electric
shock? Lütfen birini seçin:
a)lf frequency is higher, severity is less, because human body generates a
greater resistance to electric flow.
b)if frequency is lower, severity is less, because it induces less voltage.
c)Frequency has no effeci on the severity of an electric shock, only voitage
and current are important.
d.)Lower frequeny is beter from safety point of view and DC, which has zero
frequency is the least dangerous.
e)if frequency is high, amount of heat generated is less and so, is safer
16) Mental shock and loss of conscience and blindness, permanent or
temporary, are likely to ocur in an electric shock
Lütfen birini seçin:
a)Between a foot and the head.
b)Between a hand and head.
c)Between two hands.
d)a and b.
e)a, b and c. CEVAP: A
17) What is coeficient of operation?
a)t is a factor of safety, the ratio of the load that a hoisting machine can lift
safely to the value written on the machine.
b)it is the ratio of the operating hours of a hoisting and conveying machine
on duty to the total hours within a predefined time
c) it is the ratio of the actual price of a hoisting and conveying machine to the
average of the prices of ten other similar machir of various qualities
d) it is the coefficient which gives the actual cost of operation of a hoisting
and conveying machine when multiplied by the operating hours
e)it is a constant rumber between1 and 10, describing the quality of a
hoisting and conveying machine, aiming to describe ho good it is CEVAP:A
18) What in the "Neutral Conductor"
a)it is a conductor which is directly grounded, to which current flows from all
three phase lines flow
b).it is one of the two conductors found in a domestic socket, which will not
give an electric shock when touched.
c)it is the person who has no obligations about security plans according to
the safety rules and regulations
d) a and b
e) a,b and c CEVAP:A
19)How does electric current cause a hazard of fire?
Lütfen birini seçin:
a.) if excessive current is made to flow through a resistance it generates heat.
b.) Electric current generates a magnetic field which may cause a fire.
c.) Electric current may cause interference with the telecommunication
d.) All of above,
e.) None of above. CEVAP:A
20) What kind of problems can electric shock generate in human body ?
Lütfen birini seçin
a.)Kidney maltunction
b.)Loss of rythm ar stopping of heart beats.
C)Contraction and cramping of muscles which may block breathing
d)a and b
e)a,b and c CEVAP:E

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