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Health Family Nursing Goal of care Objectives of care Nursing Method of Resources Required

Problem Diagnosis Interventions Nurse-Family

Health Inability to make After nurse After 4 hours of nursing 1. Talk to your Home Visit Material Resources:
Deficit: a decision about intervention, the interventions, the patient family about  Pamphlet about
Fever due to taking patient will be will be able to: the dengue Dengue.
Dengue Virus appropriate able to seek A. Understand the virus and  Visual aids and
action due to health treatment significance of how to materials needed
failure to and avoid treating the distinguish for
recognize the additional dengue virus as early demonstrations.
nature of the Dengue Virus soon as possible. symptoms Human Resources:
disease and the problems. B.  Be aware of the of different  Time and effort of
problem. potential for diseases. the student nurses.
serious 2.  Show the  Time and attention
consequences family how of the family.
associated with the dengue
the dengue virus. virus may
C. Differentiate harm a
dengue virus person's
symptoms from body.
those of other 3.  List the
viruses. phases of
D. You have a dengue
thorough grasp of virus
how the dengue infection.
virus affects the 4. Emphasize
body. the
necessity of
while the
virus is still
in its early
Health Problem Family Nursing Goal of care Objectives of care Nursing Interventions Method of Resources
Diagnosis Nurse- Required
Health Threat: Inability to Within one After 45 minutes, the 1.  Determine the Home Visit Material
Poor decide about week of nurse family will be able to: family's level of Resources:
Home/Environment taking interventions, 1. Identify the understanding of  Visual
Sanitation-Improper appropriate the family will various waste the stated aids of
Garbage Disposal actions due to understand the disposal methods, problem. proper
failure to significance of such as: 2. Examine the garbage
comprehend the using correct a)  Utilizing a surrounding area disposal
nature and scope waste disposal compost pit with a and the family's Human Resources:
of the problem practices. lid residence.  Time and
b)  Separate the non- 3. Inform the family effort of
biodegradable about correct both the
materials from the garbage disposal student
biodegradable practices, such as nurses and
materials segregating family.
c)  Recycling of biodegradable
usable waste waste from non-
d)   Reusing or biodegradable
selling certain waste, and
waste, such as demonstrate the
cans, bottles, and methods.
plastics 4. Discuss with your
2. Enumerate the family the
right strategies for advantages and
keeping the disadvantages of
environment clean various garbage
and employing disposal options.
suitable trash 5. Instruct the family
disposal methods. on the need of
3. Describe the term appropriate
"proper waste garbage disposal.
disposal" and its
4. Recognize the
consequences of
garbage burning.
5. Demonstrate an
awareness of the
significance of
safe waste
Scale Ranking health Conditions and Problems According To Priorities
Criteria Computati Score Justification
● Nature of the condition of problem 2/3x1 = 0.67 The situation poses a
presented health threat since it may
- Wellness state result in illnesses caused
- Health deficit (Actual problem) by the family's
- Health threat inadequately separated
- Foreseeable crisis garbage. Some of these
ailments are respiratory
disorders caused by the
stench of garbage and
water from their drainage
● Modifiability of the condition or 1 / 2 x 2 =1 The problem is partially
modifiable since they still do
Problem not understand the
- Easily modifiable importance of waste
- Partially modifiable separation.

- Not modifiable

● Preventive potential 2/3x1 = 0.67 They have insufficient

understanding of the
- High situation, and only the
- Moderate family's head (Mr. Abad)
- Low can resolve it.

● Salience 2/2x1 =1 The family perceived the

- A condition or problem, needing problem as a condition
immediate attention needing immediate
- Condition or problem not needing attention because they can
immediate attention still segregate their
- Not perceived as a problem or garbage and put it in a
condition needing attention proper receptacle.
Total 3.34
Scale Ranking health Conditions and Problems According To Priorities
Criteria Computati Score Justification
● Nature of the condition of problem 2/3x1 = 0.67 Their apartment is located
presented near a creek where they
- Wellness state dispose of their garbage,
- Health deficit (Actual problem) has poor surroundings, and
- Health threat was discovered to contain
- Foreseeable crisis mosquito larvae, making
the family susceptible to
● Modifiability of the condition or 1 / 2 x 2 =1 Partially Modifiable because
there is no other place
Problem available for them to stay
- Easily modifiable except near the river, so
- Partially modifiable even they drain the possible
breeding sites of
- Not modifiable mosquitoes such as their
basins and they clean their
house, still there is a
stagnant water of the river
as nests for mosquitoes and
the garbage in the river as
home for cockroaches.
● Preventive potential 1/3x1 = 0.33 The problem has low
preventive potential
- High because future problems
- Moderate such as malaria, dengue
- Low and other diseases caused
by mosquitoes,
cockroaches and rodents
cannot be totally prevented
but can only be minimized.
● Salience 2/2x1 =1 The family perceived the
- A condition or problem, needing problem as a problem
immediate attention needing immediate
- Condition or problem not needing attention or resolution
immediate attention because it threatens the
- Not perceived as a problem or health of the members of
condition needing attention the family.
Total 3

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