Winstar Display Co., LTD: Specification
Winstar Display Co., LTD: Specification
Winstar Display Co., LTD: Specification
住址: 407 台中市中清路 163 號 WEB:
No.163 Chung Ching RD., E-mail:
Taichune, Taiwan, R.O.C Tel:886-4-24262208 Fax:886-4-24262207
第 1 頁,共 24 頁
Winstar Display Co., LTD MODLE NO:
第 2 頁,共 24 頁
1.Module Classification Information
3.General Specification
5.Electrical Characteristics
6.Optical Characteristics
7.Interface Description
9. Timing Characteristics
11.Detailed Explanation
13.Backlight Information
第 3 頁,共 24 頁
1.Module Classification Information
第 4 頁,共 24 頁
2.Precautions in use of LCD Modules
(1)Avoid applying excessive shocks to the module or making any alterations or modifications to it.
(2)Don’t make extra holes on the printed circuit board, modify its shape or change the components of
LCD module.
(3)Don’t disassemble the LCM.
(4)Don’t operate it above the absolute maximum rating.
(5)Don’t drop, bend or twist LCM.
(6)Soldering: only to the I/O terminals.
(7)Storage: please storage in anti-static electricity container and clean environment.
(8). Winstar have the right to change the passive components
(9). Winstar have the right to change the PCB Rev.
3.General Specification
Duty 1/64
View direction 6 o’clock
Backlight Type LED White
第 5 頁,共 24 頁
4.Absolute Maximum Ratings
5.Electrical Characteristics
* Note: Please design the VOP adjustment circuit on customer's main board
第 6 頁,共 24 頁
6.Optical Characteristics
Contrast Ratio CR - - 3 - -
Non-selected Non-selected
Conition Selected Conition Conition
Intensity Selected Wave
100% Non-selected Wave Intensity
Cr Max
Cr = Lon / Loff 90%
Driving Voltage(V) Tr Tf
Conditions :
Operating Voltage : Vop Viewing Angle(θ,φ) : 0°, 0°
Frame Frequency : 64 HZ Driving Waveform : 1/N duty , 1/a bias
φ = 270° φ = 90°
φ = 0°
第 7 頁,共 24 頁
7.Interface Description
6 E H Enable signal
7 DB0 H/L Data bus line
8 DB1 H/L Data bus line
9 DB2 H/L Data bus line
10 DB3 H/L Data bus line
11 DB4 H/L Data bus line
12 DB5 H/L Data bus line
13 DB6 H/L Data bus line
14 DB7 H/L Data bus line
15 CS1 H Select Column 1~ Column 64
16 CS2 H Select Column 65~ Column 128
17 RES L Reset signal
18 Vout - Negative Voltage Output
第 8 頁,共 24 頁
8.Contour Drawing &Block Diagram
第 9 頁,共 24 頁
9.Function Description
The display data appears when D is 1 and disappears when D is 0. Though the data is not on the
screen with D=0, it remains in the display data RAM. Therefore, you can make it appear by
changing D=0 into D=1.
Y address (AC0-AC5) of the display data RAM is set in the Y address counter. An address is set by
instruction and increased by 1 automatically by read or write operations of display data.
X address (AC0-AC2) of the display data RAM is set in the X address register. Writing or reading to
or from MPU is executed in this specified page until the next page is set.
Z address (AC0-AC5) of the display data RAM is set in the display start line register and displayed
at the top of the screen. When the display duty cycle is 1/64 or others (1/32-1/64), the data of total
line number of LCD screen, from the line specified by display start line instruction, is displayed.
第 10 頁,共 24 頁
When BUSY is 1, the Chip is executing internal operation and no instructions are accepted.
When BUSY is 0, the Chip is ready to accept any instructions.
When ON/OFF is 1, the display is OFF.
When ON/OFF is 0, the display is ON.
When RESET is 1, the system is being initialized.
In this condition, no instructions except status read can be accepted.
When RESET is 0, initializing has finished and the system is in usual operation condition.
Writes data (D0-D7) into the display data RAM. After writing instruction, Y address is increased by
Reads data (D0-D7) from the display data RAM. After reading instruction, Y address is increased by
1 automatically.
第 11 頁,共 24 頁
10.Display Control Instruction
The display control instructions control the internal state of the NT7108. Instruction is received from
MPU to NT7108 for the display control. The following table shows various instructions.
第 12 頁,共 24 頁
11.Timing Characteristics
MPU Interface
Characteristic Symbol Min Typ Max Unit
E cycle tcyc 1000 - - ns
E high level width twhE 450 - - ns
E low level width twlE 450 - - ns
E rise time tr - - 25 ns
E tall time tf - - 25 ns
Address set-up time tas 140 - - ns
Address hold time tah 10 - - ns
Data set-up time tdsw 200 - - ns
Data delay time tddr - - 320 ns
Data hold time (write) tdhw 10 - - ns
Data hold time (read) tdhr 20 - - ns
E 0.8V twhE
tr tf
tas tah
tas tah
CS1,CS2,D/I 0.8V
tdsw tdhw
DB0 to DB7
第 13 頁,共 24 頁
E 0.8V
tr tf
R/W 0.8V tas tah
tas tah
CS1,CS2,D/I 0.8V
tddr tdhr
DB0 to DB7
第 14 頁,共 24 頁
Content of Reliability Test (wide temperature, -20℃~70℃)
Environmental Test
Test Item Content of Test Test Condition Note
High Temperature Endurance test applying the high storage 80℃
storage temperature for a long time. 200hrs
Low Temperature Endurance test applying the high storage -30℃
storage temperature for a long time. 200hrs
Endurance test applying the electric stress
High Temperature 70℃
(Voltage & Current) and the thermal stress to the ——
Operation 200hrs
element for a long time.
Low Temperature Endurance test applying the electric stress under -20℃
Operation low temperature for a long time. 200hrs
The module should be allowed to stand at 60
℃,90%RH max
High Temperature/ For 96hrs under no-load condition excluding the 60℃,90%RH
Humidity Operation polarizer, 96hrs
Then taking it out and drying it at normal
The sample should be allowed stand the
following 10 cycles of
Thermal shock -20℃ 25℃ 70℃ -20℃/70℃
resistance 10 cycles
第 15 頁,共 24 頁
13.Backlight Information
Reverse Voltage VR - - 5 V -
IV 200 250 - cd/m2 ILED=64mA
Wave Length λp ─ nm ILED=64mA
Color White
Note: The LED of B/L is drive by current only, drive voltage is for reference only.
drive voltage can make driving current under safety area (current between
minimum and maximum).
第 16 頁,共 24 頁
14. Inspection specification
NO Item Criterion AQ
Black or
2.1 White and black spots on display ≦0.25mm, no more than
white spots on
02 three white or black spots present. 2.5
LCD (display
2.2 Densely spaced: No more than two spots or lines within 3mm
第 17 頁,共 24 頁
NO Item Criterion AQL
05 Scratches Follow NO.3 LCD black spots, white spots, contamination
Symbols Define:
x: Chip length y: Chip width z: Chip thickness
k: Seal width t: Glass thickness a: LCD side length
L: Electrode pad length:
第 18 頁,共 24 頁
NO Item Criterion
Symbols :
x: Chip length y: Chip width z: Chip thickness
k: Seal width t: Glass thickness a: LCD side length
L: Electrode pad length
6.2 Protrusion over terminal :
6.2.1 Chip on electrode pad :
06 2.5
y≦ L x≦1/8a 0 < z≦t
☉If the chipped area touches the ITO terminal, over 2/3 of the ITO must
remain and be inspected according to electrode terminal specifications.
☉If the product will be heat sealed by the customer, the alignment mark
not be damaged.
6.2.3 Substrate protuberance and internal crack.
y: width x: length
y≦1/3L x≦a
第 19 頁,共 24 頁
NO Item Criterion
07 Cracked glass The LCD with extensive crack is not acceptable. 2.5
9.1 Bezel may not have rust, be deformed or have fingerprints, stains
09 Bezel or other contamination.
9.2 Bezel must comply with job specifications.
10.1 COB seal may not have pinholes larger than 0.2mm or 2.5
10.2 COB seal surface may not have pinholes through to the IC. 2.5
10.3 The height of the COB should not exceed the height indicated
in the assembly diagram. 2.5
10.4 There may not be more than 2mm of sealant outside the seal
area on the PCB. And there should be no more than three
places. 2.5
10.5 No oxidation or contamination PCB terminals. 0.65
10 PCB、COB 10.6 Parts on PCB must be the same as on the production
characteristic chart. There should be no wrong parts, missing
parts or excess parts. 0.65
10.7 The jumper on the PCB should conform to the product
characteristic chart. 2.5
10.8 If solder gets on bezel tab pads, LED pad, zebra pad or screw
hold pad, make sure it is smoothed down. 2.5
10.9 The Scraping testing standard for Copper Coating of PCB
X * Y<=2mm2
第 20 頁,共 24 頁
NO Item Criterion AQL
第 21 頁,共 24 頁
15. Material List of Components for RoHs
1. WINSTAR Display Co., Ltd hereby declares that all of or part of products (with the mark
“#”in code), including, but not limited to, the LCM, accessories or packages, manufactured
and/or delivered to your company (including your subsidiaries and affiliated company)
directly or indirectly by our company (including our subsidiaries or affiliated companies) do
not intentionally contain any of the substances listed in all applicable EU directives and
regulations, including the following substances.
第 22 頁,共 24 頁
winstar LCM Sample Estimate Feedback Sheet
Module Number: Page: 1
1、Panel Specification:
1. Panel Type: □ Pass □ NG ,
2. View Direction: □ Pass □ NG ,
3. Numbers of Dots: □ Pass □ NG ,
4. View Area: □ Pass □ NG ,
5. Active Area: □ Pass □ NG ,
6. Operating Temperature: □ Pass □ NG ,
7. Storage Temperature: □ Pass □ NG ,
8. Others:
2、Mechanical Specification:
1. PCB Size: □ Pass □ NG ,
2. Frame Size: □ Pass □ NG ,
3. Materal of Frame: □ Pass □ NG ,
4. Connector Position: □ Pass □ NG ,
5. Fix Hole Position: □ Pass □ NG ,
6. Backlight Position: □ Pass □ NG ,
7. Thickness of PCB: □ Pass □ NG ,
8. Height of Frame to PCB: □ Pass □ NG ,
9. Height of Module: □ Pass □ NG ,
10. Others: □ Pass □ NG ,
3、Relative Hole Size:
1. Pitch of Connector: □ Pass □ NG ,
2. Hole size of Connector: □ Pass □ NG ,
3. Mounting Hole size: □ Pass □ NG ,
4. Mounting Hole Type: □ Pass □ NG ,
5. Others: □ Pass □ NG ,
4、Backlight Specification:
1. B/L Type: □ Pass □ NG ,
2. B/L Color: □ Pass □ NG ,
3. B/L Driving Voltage (Reference for LED Type): □ Pass □ NG ,
4. B/L Driving Current: □ Pass □ NG ,
5. Brightness of B/L: □ Pass □ NG ,
6. B/L Solder Method: □ Pass □ NG ,
7. Others: □ Pass □ NG ,
>> Go to page 2 <<
第 23 頁,共 24 頁
Module Number: Page: 2
5、Electronic Characteristics of Module:
1. Input Voltage: □ Pass □ NG ,
2. Supply Current: □ Pass □ NG ,
3. Driving Voltage for LCD: □ Pass □ NG ,
4. Contrast for LCD: □ Pass □ NG ,
5. B/L Driving Method: □ Pass □ NG ,
6. Negative Voltage Output: □ Pass □ NG ,
7. Interface Function: □ Pass □ NG ,
8. LCD Uniformity: □ Pass □ NG ,
9. ESD test: □ Pass □ NG ,
10. Others: □ Pass □ NG ,
Sales signature:
Customer Signature: Date: / /
第 24 頁,共 24 頁