Drug Study: Republic of The Philippines City of Makati University of Makati College of Allied Health Studies
Drug Study: Republic of The Philippines City of Makati University of Makati College of Allied Health Studies
Drug Study: Republic of The Philippines City of Makati University of Makati College of Allied Health Studies
City of Makati
J. P. Rizal Extension, West Rembo, Makati City 1215
Telephone No. : (+632) – 881 – 1571
Peñoso, Krystel B.
NAME: _______________________________________________________ 3-BN
Generic Name: The mechanism of action of Depression. Adults: CNS: tremor, somnolence, Contraindicated in patients In patients taking
Citolopram citalopram HBr as an Initially, 20 mg P.O. insomnia, anxiety, agitation, hypersensitive to drug or its fluoxetine for depression
hydrobromide antidepressant is presumed to be once daily, increasing dizziness, paresthesia, components, in those taking (especially children,
linked to potentiation of serotonergic to 40 mg daily after no migraine, impaired MAO inhibitors, and within adolescents, and young
Brand Name: activity in the central nervous less than 1 week. concentration, amnesia, 14 days of MAO inhibitor adults), watch closely for
Celexa system resulting from its inhibition of Maximum depression, apathy, suicide therapy. suicidal tendencies,
CNS neuronal reuptake of serotonin recommended dose is attempt, confusion, fatigue, particularly when therapy
(5-HT) 40 mg daily. fever. starts and dosage
CV: tachycardia, orthostatic changes, because
Geriatric patients: 20 hypotension, hypotension. depression may worsen
mg P.O. daily adjusted EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, temporarily during those
to 40 mg daily for abnormal accommodation. times.
nonresponding GI: dry mouth, nausea,
patients. diarrhea, anorexia,
dyspepsia, vomiting, Expect the patient to be
Dosage adjustment: abdominal pain, taste reevaluated periodically
For patients with perversion, increased to determine continued
hepatic impairment, saliva, flatulence, increased need for therapy.
give 20 mg P.O. daily appetite.
and adjust to 40 mg GU: dysmenorrhea,
daily only if patient Inform family or caregiver
amenorrhea, ejaculation
fails to respond. to watch patient closely
disorder, impotence,
for suicidal tendencies,
especially when therapy
Metabolic: hyponatremia,
starts or dosage
weight changes.
changes, and particularly
Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, if patient is a child,
myalgia. teenager, or young adult.
Respiratory: upper
respiratory tract infection,
cough. Caution the patient to
Skin: rash, pruritus. avoid hazardous
Other: increased sweating, activities until CNS
yawning, decreased libido, effects of the drug are
SIADH. known.
Generic Name: Presynaptic serotonin (5HT1A) Depression, bipolar CNS: tremor, somnolence, overactive thyroid gland Be aware that effective
Fluoxetine receptors are in the dorsal raphe disorder, alcohol insomnia, anxiety, agitation, schizophrenia antidepressant therapy
nucleus and project to the dependence, cataplexy, dizziness, paresthesia, manic-depression can promote
Brand Name: prefrontal cortex. Fluoxetine exerts myoclonus Adults: 20 mg migraine, impaired suicidal thoughts development of mania in
Prozac its effects by blocking the reuptake concentration, amnesia, alcoholism predisposed people.
P.O. daily in the morning.
of serotonin into presynaptic depression, apathy, suicide serotonin syndrome, a
Increase dosage, p.r.n.,
serotonin neurons by blocking the attempt, confusion, fatigue, type of disorder with high If mania develops, notify
reuptake transporter protein after several weeks to 40 fever.
mg daily with a dose serotonin levels prescriber immediately
located in the presynaptic terminal. CV: tachycardia, orthostatic
morning and midday. Don’t a low seizure threshold and expect to withhold
hypotension, hypotension.
exceed 80 mg daily. EENT: rhinitis, sinusitis, closed angle glaucoma sertraline.
abnormal accommodation. heart attack within the last
Maintenance therapy for GI: dry mouth, nausea, 30 days
diarrhea, anorexia, torsades de pointes, a Watch closely for suicidal
depression in stabilized
dyspepsia, vomiting, type of abnormal heart tendencies, especially
patients (not for newly when therapy starts and
diagnosed depression). abdominal pain, taste rhythm
perversion, increased prolonged QT interval on dosage changes and
Prozac Weekly. Adults: 90 especially in children and
saliva, flatulence, increased EKG abnormal heart
mg P.O. once weekly. appetite. adolescents.
Initiate once weekly dosing GU: dysmenorrhea, abnormal EKG with QT
7 days after the last daily amenorrhea, ejaculation changes from birth Inform family or
dose of Prozac 20 mg. disorder, impotence, a stroke caregiver to watch patient
polyuria. liver problems closely for evidence of
Obsessive-compulsive Metabolic: hyponatremia, decreased kidney suicidal thinking or
disorder. Prozac. Adults: weight changes. function behavior, especially
Initially, 20 mg P.O. daily. Musculoskeletal: arthralgia, enlarged prostate when therapy starts or
Gradually increase dosage myalgia. seizures dosage changes, and
after several weeks as Respiratory: upper an inability to completely especially if patient is a
needed and tolerated to 60 respiratory tract infection, empty the bladder child or adolescent.
to 80 mg daily. cough. CYP2D6 poor
Skin: rash, pruritus. metabolizer
Bulimia nervosa. Prozac. Other: increased sweating, risk of angle-closure
yawning, decreased libido, glaucoma due to narrow
Adults: 60 P.O. daily in the
SIADH. angle of anterior chamber
of eye
Premenstrual dysphoric
disorder (PMDD). Sarafem.
Adults: 20 mg P.O. daily.
Maximum dose is 80 mg
P.O. daily. Drug may be
given in a continuous or
cyclic regimen.
Short-term treatment of
panic disorders with or
without agoraphobia.
Adults: 10 mg P.O. once
daily for 7 days; then
increase as needed to 20
mg daily. Maximum daily
dose is 60 mg.
Generic Name: The mechanism of action of Post-traumatic stress CNS: headache, tremor, Contraindicated in patients Monitor the patient for 2
Sertraline sertraline is presumed to be linked disorder (PTSD) or panic dizziness, insomnia, receiving MAO inhibitors. to 4 weeks to ascertain
hydrochloride to its inhibition of CNS neuronal disorder. Adults: Initially, somnolence, paresthesia, Use cautiously in patients at onset of full therapeutic
uptake of serotonin (5HT). Studies 25 mg P.O. once daily. hypoesthesia, fatigue, risk for suicide and in those effect.
Brand Name: at clinically relevant doses in man Increase to 50 mg P.O. nervousness, anxiety, with seizure disorders, major
Zoloft have demonstrated that sertraline daily after 1 week. If no agitation, hypertonia, affective disorder, or
blocks the uptake of serotonin into improvement, dose may twitching, confusion. diseases or conditions that Educate the client on a
human platelets. be increased up to a CV: palpitations, chest pain, affect metabolism or low tyramine-containing
maximum of 200 mg P.O. hot flashes. hemodynamic responses. diet. Provide a list of
daily. Maintain patient on GI: dry mouth, nausea, Avoid using the oral potential drug-food
lowest effective dosage. diarrhea, loose stools, concentrate dropper, which interactions that can
dyspepsia, vomiting, is made of rubber, if patient cause severe toxicity to
Depression, obsessive- constipation, thirst, has a latex allergy. decrease the risk of a
compulsive disorder flatulence, anorexia, serious drug-food
(OCD). Adults: Initially, 50 abdominal pain, increased interaction.
mg P.O. once daily. Adjust appetite.
dose as needed and GU: male sexual
tolerated. Dosage Provide comfort
dysfunction, polyuria, measures to help the
adjustments should be nocturia, dysuria.
made at intervals of no patient tolerate drug
Musculoskeletal: myalgia. effects.
less than 1 week.
Skin: rash, pruritus,
Children ages 13 to 17
diaphoresis. Provide safety measures
(OCD only): Initially, 50 mg
P.O. once daily. Increase (e.g. adequate lighting,
at intervals no less than 1 raised side rails, etc.) to
week. Maximum, 200 mg prevent injuries.
Children ages 6 to 12
(OCD only): Initially, 25 mg Educate the client on
P.O. once daily. Increase drug therapy to promote
at intervals no less than 1 compliance.
week. Maximum, 200 mg
Premenstrual dysphoric
disorder. Adults: 50 to 150
mg P.O. daily.
Premature ejaculation.
Adults: 25 to 50 mg P.O.
daily or p.r.n.
Generic Name: The mechanism of action of Depressive syndromes: Metabolism and nutrition Use in patients with
Moclobemide moclobemide involves the The recommended dose disorders: Very rare: known hypersensitivity to
selective, reversible inhibition of range of Aurorix is 300-600 Hyponatraemia. moclobemide or to any
Brand Name: MAO-A. This inhibition leads to a mg daily usually Psychiatric disorders: component of the
Aurorix decrease in the metabolism and administered in 2-3 divided Frequency not known: Sleep product.
destruction of monoamines in the doses. The initial dose is distrubances, agitation, Acute confusional states.
neurotransmitters. This results in 300 mg daily and may be anxiety, restlessness, Aurorix should not be
an increase in the monoamines, increased to 600 mg/day suicidal ideation and suicidal used in pediatrics at
relieving depressive symptoms. for severe depression. behaviours. present, as clinical
The dose should not be Very rare: Confusional state experience of the drug's
raised until after the first (these have resolved quickly action in children is
week, as bioavailability on discontinuation of lacking.
increases during this therapy). Co-administration of
period. Treatment should Nervous system disorders: Aurorix with selegiline is
continue for at least 4-6 Frequency not known: contraindicated
weeks to assess the Dizziness headache,
efficacy of the drug. paraesthesia.
Eye disorder: Frequency not
Special Dosage known: Visual disturbances.
Instructions: The dose Vascular disorders:
should be taken after a Frequency not known:
meal. The dose of Aurorix Flushing.
does not need to be Gastrointestinal disorders:
specially adjusted in elderly Frequency not known: Dry
patients or patients with mouth, gastrointestinal
reduced renal function. disorders (nausea, vomiting,
When hepatic metabolism diarrhea, constipation).
is severely impaired by Skin and subcutaneous
hepatic disease or inhibited tissue disorders: Frequency
by a drug that inhibits not known: Oedema, rash,
microsomal mixed function pruritus, urticaria.
oxidase activity (e.g.
General disorders and
cimetidine), the daily dose
administration site
of Aurorix should be
conditions: Frequency not
reduced to half or one third.
known: Irritability.
Investigations: Very rare:
Increased hepatic enzymes
(without associated clinical
sequelae). Frequency not
known: Serotonin syndrome
(co-administered with drugs
that enhance serotonin,
such as serotonin re-uptake
inhibitors and many other
Generic Name: ● Description: Haloperidol Haloperidol is Side effects: ● Severe toxic Before:
● Haldol is a butyrophenone. It used to treat ● drowsiness; CNS • Check for the doctor’s
nonselectively inhibits certain ● headache; depression order for the medications
Brand Name: postsynaptic mental/mood ● dizziness, spinning ● comatose given.
● Haloperidol dopaminergic D2 disorders (such sensation; states • Assess knowledge of the
receptors in the brain. as ● uncontrolled muscle ● Parkinson’s patient on the medication.
Dosage, Route and ● Pharmacokinetics: schizophrenia, movements; disease • Prepare the medicine
Frequency: ● Absorption: Readily schizoaffective ● feeling restless or ● basal ganglia according to instructions.
Intramuscular absorbed from the disorders). This anxious; lesions • Assess patient’s 14
Psychoses, Schizophrenia gastrointestinal tract. medicine helps ● sleep problems ● thyrotoxicosis rights.
Adult: Initially, 2-10 mg in Bioavailability: Approx you to think (insomnia); or ● significant • Be aware of purpose,
subsequent doses given 60-70% (oral). Time to more clearly, ● breast enlargement, cardiac contraindications and
as often as every 60 peak plasma feel less irregular menstrual disorders anticipated effect of
minutes until symptoms concentration: 2-6 hours nervous, and periods. (e.g. acute haloperidol
are controlled, administer (oral); 20 minutes (IM). take part in Adverse effects MI, • Record BP and other vital
with a dosage interval of 4- ● Distribution:Crosses the everyday life. It ● Significant: uncompensat signs.
8 hours. Adjust dose blood-brain barrier; can also help Extrapyramidal ed heart •Tell doctor for use of other
according to response and enters breast milk. prevent suicide syndrome (e.g. failure, medications
tolerability. Max: 18 mg Plasma protein binding: in people who pseudoparkinsonis arrhythmias, •Report the following to
daily. Approx 92%. are likely to m, akathisia, tardive clinically your doctor:
● Metabolism: Extensively harm dyskinesia, significant ● dementia-related
Oral metabolised in the liver themselves. It dystonia), CNS bradycardia, psychosis
Severe tics, Tourette's via oxidative also reduces depression, 2nd or 3rd ● bipolar disorders,
syndrome dealkylation and aggression and anticholinergic degree heart seizures or EEG
Adult: 0.5-5 mg 2-3 times ultimately conjugated the desire to effects (e.g. block, abnormalities
daily. Maintenance dose: 4 with glycine. hurt others. It constipation, uncorrected ● risk of falls
mg once daily. Adjust dose ● Excretion: Via urine can decrease xerostomia, blurred hypokalaemia ● risk of QT
according to response and (30%, 1% as unchanged negative vision, urinary ) prolongation
tolerability. Max: 30 mg drug). Elimination half- thoughts and retention), ● Lactation ● risk factors for
daily. life: Approx 12-38 hours hallucinations. esophageal stroke
Child: 3-12 years Initially (oral). Haloperidol dysmotility and ● severe CV
0.25 mg daily, increased to can also be aspiration, disease
0.5-3 mg daily. Max: 3 mg used to treat somnolence, ● decreased
daily; 13-17 years 0.25 mg uncontrolled orthostatic gastrointestinal
daily, increased to 2-6 mg movements hypotension, motor motility
daily. Max: 6 mg daily. and outbursts or sensory ● paralytic ileus
of instability, ● urinary retention
Oral words/sounds hyperprolactinaemia ● BPH
Mania, Psychoses, related to . ● xerostomia
Schizophrenia Tourette's ● Cardiac disorders: ● visual problems,
Adult: 0.5-5 mg 2-3 times syndrome. Cardiac arrhythmia, and narrow angle
daily. Maintenance: 3-10 Haloperidol is tachycardia. glaucoma.
mg daily. Adjust dose also used for ● Eye disorders: ● Concomitant use
according to response and severe Visual disturbance. with
tolerability. behavior ● Gastrointestinal antidepressants
Child: Schizophrenia: 3-12 problems in disorders: and anticholinergic
years Initially 0.5 mg daily, hyperactive Diarrhoea, nausea, agents.
increased to 1-4 mg daily. children when sialorrhoea,
Max: 6 mg daily; 13-17 other vomiting. During:
years 0.5 mg daily, treatments or ● General disorders ● Check the right
increased to 1-6 mg daily. medications and administration dose, right route,
Max: 10 mg daily. have not site conditions: right frequency
Elderly: 0.5-2 mg 2-3 times worked.Halope Injection site ● May administer
daily. Adjust dose ridol is a reaction. with or without
according to response and psychiatric ● Hepatobiliary food.
tolerability. Max: 20 medication disorders: Jaundice. ● Avoid abrupt
mg/day in divided doses. (antipsychotic- ● Metabolism and withdrawal
type) that nutrition disorders: ● Renal and hepatic
Classification: works by Anorexia, impairment.
Antipsychotic 1st helping to hypoglycaemia. ● Do not operate
Generation, CYP3A4 restore the ● Nervous system heavy machinery
Inhibitor, Moderate. balance of disorders: Agitation, under haloperidol
certain natural restlessness, ● Avoid strenuous
Pregnancy Category: substances in headache. activities
Category C the brain ● Psychiatric ● Do not take
(neurotransmitt disorders: alcohol or caffeine
ers). Confusion, with haloperidol
depression, After:
insomnia. •Store away from moisture
● Renal and urinary and heat
disorders: Urinary •Do not freeze
retention. •The patient may
● Reproductive experience these side
system and breast effects:
disorders: Erectile ● drowsiness;
dysfunction, ● headache;
gynaecomastia, ● dizziness,
priapism. spinning
● Respiratory, sensation;
thoracic and ● uncontrolled
mediastinal muscle
disorders: movements;
Bronchospasm, ● feeling restless or
dyspnoea. anxious;
● Skin and ● sleep problems
subcutaneous (insomnia); or
tissue disorders: ● breast
Acneiform rash, enlargement,
maculopapular rash. irregular menstrual
● Vascular disorders: periods.
Hypotension. • Report the following
● Potentially Fatal: immediately
Neuroleptic ● uncontrolled
malignant muscle
syndrome, movements in
bronchopneumonia, face (chewing, lip
blood dyscrasias smacking,
(e.g. leucopenia, frowning, tongue
neutropenia, movement,
agranulocytosis), blinking or eye
QT prolongation, movement);
torsade de pointes. ● muscle spasms in
neck, tightness in
throat, trouble
● rapid changes in
mood or behavior;
● fast or pounding
fluttering in chest,
shortness of
breath, and
sudden dizziness,
feeling faint
● cough with mucus,
chest pain, feeling
short of breath;
● low white blood
cell counts--fever,
chills, mouth
sores, skin sores,
sore throat, cough,
trouble breathing;
● severe nervous
system reaction--
very stiff (rigid)
muscles, high
fever, sweating,
confusion, fast or
tremors, feeling
Generic Name: ● Description: Loxapine is a For the Side Effects: ● Severe drug- Before:
● Loxapine tricyclic dibenzoxazepine- management of ● dry mouth induced CNS • Check for the doctor’s
derivative antipsychotic the manifestations ● taste perversion ● depression order for the medications
Brand Name: agent. It blocks postsynaptic of psychotic ● blocked nose ● coma (oral) given.
● Loxitane mesolimbic dopamine D1 and disorders such as ● tiredness ● current • Assess knowledge of the
D2 receptors in the brain. It schizophrenia ● difficulty urinating diagnosis or patient on the medication.
Dosage, Route and also inhibits serotonin 5-HT2 ● constipation history of • Prepare the medicine
Frequency: receptors. ● nausea asthma, according to instructions.
Inhalation/Respiratory ● Pharmacokinetics: ● vomiting COPD, • Assess patient’s 14
Acute agitation ● Absorption: Rapidly and ● difficulty sleeping bronchospas rights.
Adult: In patients w/ completely absorbed. Time to ● confusion m, or acute • Be aware of purpose,
schizophrenia or bipolar peak plasma concentration: ● weight gain or resp contraindications and
disorder: 10 mg/24 hr via W/in 1-2 hr (oral); w/in 2 min weight loss. symptoms anticipated effect of
inhaler device. (inhalation) Adverse Reactions: (inhalation). loxapine
● Distribution: Widely ● Significant: • Record BP and other vital
Intramuscular distributed in body tissues. Anticholinergic signs.
Acute psychosis Plasma protein binding: 97% effects (e.g. •Tell doctor for use of other
Adult: 12.5-50 mg at (inhalation) constipation, medications
intervals of 4-6 hr. Dosage ● Metabolism: Metabolised xerostomia, blurred •Drug interactions with:
and dosing interval may be rapidly and extensively in the vision, urinary Additive effect w/ other
adjusted based on patient liver via hydroxylation into 8- retention), CNS CNS or resp depressants
response. OH-loxapine and 7-OH- depression, (e.g. benzodiazepines,
loxapine metabolites, further oesophageal barbiturates, opioids)
Oral metabolised via N-oxidation dysmotility/aspiratio leading to excessive
Psychoses to form loxapine N-oxide n, extrapyramidal sedation and resp
Adult: Initially, 20-50 mg metabolites, and via N- symptoms (e.g. depression or resp failure.
daily in 2 divided doses, demethylation into amoxapine pseudoparkinsonis Loxapine may enhance the
increased over the next 7- metabolite. Undergoes first- m, acute dystonic effect of anticholinergic
10 days to 60-100 mg daily pass metabolism. reactions, akathisia, drugs (e.g. aclidinium,
in 2-4 divided doses, ● Excretion: Mainly via urine tardive dyskinesia), cimetropium, ipratropium).
according to response. (40%, as conjugated risk of fall due to •Report the following to
Max: 250 mg daily. metabolites); via faeces somnolence and your doctor:
Maintenance: Use the (10%, as unconjugated motor or sensory ● heart disease
lowest effective dose metabolites). Elimination half- instability, ● dementia-related
between 20-60 mg daily in life: 6-8 hr (inhalation). Oral: hyperprolactinaemia psychosis in
divided doses. Biphasic: Initial: 5 hr; , neuroleptic elderly e.g.
terminal: 19 hr. malignant delusions,
Classification: syndrome, hallucinations
Antipsychotic pigmentary ● liver disease
Pregnancy Category: C retinopathy, ● epilepsy (fits or
lenticular and seizures)
corneal deposits, ● Parkinson's
orthostatic disease (a
hypotension, disorder that
hypotension, affects movement
syncope, impaired of a , causing
core body temp symptoms such as
regulation. tremors, muscle
● Nervous: Sedation, stiffness, slowed
agitation, confusion, movement and
dizziness, impaired balance
drowsiness, or walking)
headache, During:
insomnia, ● Check the right
numbness, dose, right route,
paraesthesia, right frequency
seizure, slurred ● Should be
speech, tension, administered with
unsteady gait. food.
● CV: ECG changes, ● Avoid abrupt
oedema, HTN, withdrawal.
tachycardia. ● Do not operate
● GI: Polydipsia, heavy machinery
constipation, under loxapine
nausea, paralytic ● Avoid strenuous
ileus, vomiting, activities
xerostomia and ● Do not take
dysgeusia alcohol or caffeine
(inhalation). with haloperidol
● Resp: Dyspnoea, After:
nasal congestion. •Store away from moisture
● Hepatic: Hepatitis, and heat
increased serum •Do not freeze
ALT/AST, jaundice. •The patient may
● Genitourinary: experience these side
Impotence, urinary effects:
retention, priapism. ● dry mouth
● Endocrine: ● taste perversion
Amenorrhoea, ● blocked nose
galactorrhoea, ● tiredness
gynaecomastia, ● difficulty urinating
menstrual disease, ● constipation
wt gain, wt loss. ● nausea
● Musculoskeletal: ● vomiting
Muscle twitching, ● difficulty sleeping
muscle weakness. ● confusion
● Dermatologic: ● weight gain or
Flushing, alopecia, weight loss.
dermatitis, pruritus, • Report the following
seborrhoea, skin immediately
photosensitivity, ● fast or irregular
rash. heartbeat
● Immunologic: ● uncontrollable
Hypersensitivity twitching
(inhalation). movements of the
● Others: mouth, tongue and
Hyperpyrexia. limbs
● Potentially Fatal: ● unusual changes
Bronchospasm in mood or
leading to resp behaviour (being
distress and resp too depressed,
arrest. Blood agitated, or having
dyscrasias (e.g. compulsive and
leucopenia, impulsive
neutropenia, behaviour)
agranulocytosis). ● fever, sore throat,
mouth ulcers,
unusual bleeding
or bruising
● muscle stiffness,
fever, blood
pressure changes
● yellowing of the
skin or eyes
● difficulty breathing,
chest pain or
Generic Name: ● Description: Mesoridazine is used to Side Effects: ● Severe CNS Before:
● Mesoridazine Mesoridazine is a treat schizophrenia. ● Drowsiness depression and • Check for the doctor’s
phenothiazine ● Upset stomach, coma order for the medications
Brand Name: antipsychotic. It vomiting, ● prolonged QT given.
● Serentil has a piperidine nausea, or interval (>450 • Assess knowledge of the
side-chain and is a diarrhea msec), including patient on the medication.
Dosage, Route and metabolite of ● Dry mouth and congenital • Prepare the medicine
Frequency: thioridazine. It acts nasal congestion prolongation according to instructions.
Intramuscular by blocking ● Constipation ● history of • Assess patient’s 14
Resistant schizophrenia, postsynaptic CNS ● Anxiety or arrhythmias. rights.
Severe schizophrenia dopamine restlessness ● Lactation. • Be aware of purpose,
Adult: Initially, 25 mg. receptors. ● Changes in contraindications and
Repeat after 30-60 min if ● Onset: 30 min to 1 appetite or anticipated effect of
necessary; up to 200 mg hr. weight gain serentil
daily has been given. ● Duration: 4-6 hr. ● Increased skin • Record BP and other vital
● Pharmacokinetics: sensitivity to signs.
Oral ● Absorption: sunlight •Tell doctor for use of other
Resistant schizophrenia, Tablet: Erratic; ● Loss of interest medications
Severe schizophrenia Liquid: More in sex •Drug interactions with:
Adult: Initially, 25-50 mg dependable. Peak ● Menstrual ● Increased risk of
tid. May adjust dose to serum irregularities extrapyramidal
100-400 mg according to concentrations in Adverse Reactions: symptoms (EPS)
response. 2-4 hr. ● Hypotension with central
● Distribution: ● orthostatic acetylcholinestera
Classification: Widely distributed hypotension se inhibitors.
Antipsychotic into body including ● tachycardia Reduced
Pregnancy Category: breast milk. ● cardiac absorption with
Protein-binding: arrhythmias aluminium salts.
91-99%. ● sinus Reduced efficacy
● Metabolism: tachycardia of amphetamines;
Hepatic. ● sedation increased risk of
● Excretion: Mainly ● drowsiness psychotic
via urine; 24-48 hr ● restlessness symptoms with
(elimination half- ● anxiety amphetamines.
life). ● extrapyramidal Reduced efficacy
symptoms or excess
● pseudoparkinson anticholinergic
ian signs effects with
● tardive anticholinergics.
dyskinesia Additive
● neuroleptic hypotensive
malignant effects with
syndrome antihypertensives,
● seizures trazodone. May
● altered central inhibit effects of
temperature bromocriptine on
regulation serum prolactin
● akathisia levels. Additive
● dystonias sedative effects
● dizziness with CNS
● hyperthermia depressants. May
● hypersensitivity diminish effects of
reactions epinephrine. May
● amenorrhoea inhibit the
● galactorrhoea antiparkinsonian
● gynaecomastia effect of levodopa.
● syndrome of May increase risk
inappropriate of EPS with
antidiuretic metoclopramide.
hormone Increased risk of
● GI upset neurotoxicity with
● xerostomia lithium (rare).
● constipation Increased serum
● weight gain levels with
● urinary retention sulfadoxime-
● impotence pyrimethamine.
● agranulocytosis Increased toxicity
● leukopenia or altered
● thrombocytopeni response with
a TCAs. May
● haemolysis increase serum
● eosinophilia levels of valproic
● cholestatic acid.
jaundice ● Potentially Fatal:
● trismus Increased risk of
● retinal malignant
pigmentation arrhythmias with
● nystagmus other QTc-
● blurred vision prolonging agents.
● nasal congestion •Report the following to
● decreased your doctor
diaphoresis ● CNS Depression
● SLE ● Parkinson's
● haemodynamic
● bone marrow
● predisposition to
● subcortical brain
● severe cardiac,
hepatic, renal or
● patients at risk of
pneumonia (e.g.
● breast cancer or
other prolactin-
● risk of orthostatic
● cerebrovascular
● Decreased GI
● urinary retention
● benign prostatic
● xerostomia or
visual problems.
● Narrow-angle
glaucoma and
myasthenia gravis.
● Pregnancy
● Check the right
dose, right route,
right frequency
● Administer with or
without food.
● Avoid abrupt
● Do not operate
heavy machinery
under serentil
● Avoid strenuous
● Do not take
alcohol or caffeine
with haloperidol
● Take with a full
glass of water
● Monitor potassium
•Store away from moisture
and heat
•Do not freeze
•Throw discolored
•Avoid long sunlight
•The patient may
experience these side
● dry mouth or stuffy
● constipation
● mild restlessness,
drowsiness, or
● difficult urination
or dark urine
● decreased sex
● increased appetite
● menstrual
irregularities or
swollen breasts
•Report the following
● an allergic
reaction (difficulty
breathing; closing
of your throat;
swelling of your
lips, tongue, or
face; or hives)
● uncontrollable
movements of the
mouth, tongue,
cheeks, jaw, arms,
or legs
● fever
● muscle rigidity
● muscle spasms of
the face or neck
● sweating
● irregular pulse
● fast or irregular
● severe
restlessness or
● severe drowsiness
● blurred vision
● dizziness or
● a rash.
Generic Name: ● Description: treatment of acute and Adverse Reactions ● Phaeochromocyto Before:
● Amilsupride Amisulpride is a chronic schizophrenic ● Insomnia, anxiety, ma • Check for the doctor’s
substituted disorders agitation, ● concomitant order for the medications
Brand Name: benzamide drowsiness, wt prolactin- given.
● Solian atypical gain, acute dependent • Assess knowledge of the
antipsychotic dystonia, tumours (e.g. patient on the medication.
Dosage, Route and which binds parkinsonism, pituitary gland • Prepare the medicine
Frequency: Acute selectively w/ a akathisia, tardive prolactinomas or according to instructions.
psychosis high affinity to dyskinesia, QT breast cancer) • Assess patient’s 14
Adult: 400-800 mg bid. human prolongation, ● Pre-pubertal rights.
Max: 1.2 g daily. Patients dopaminergic D2 hypotension, children • Be aware of purpose,
w/ predominantly negative and D3 receptor bradycardia, GI ● Combination w/ contraindications and
symptoms: 50-300 mg subtypes. disorders (e.g. levodopa. anticipated effect of
daily. ● Pharmacokinetics: constipation, serentil
Classification:N05AL05 - ● Absorption: nausea, vomiting, • Record BP and other vital
amisulpride ; Belongs to Absorbed from GI dry mouth), signs.
the class of benzamides tract. hyperglycaemia; •Tell doctor for use of other
antipsychotics. Bioavailability: breast pain, erectile medications
Pregnancy Category: Approx 48%. Time dysfunction, •Drug interactions with:
to peak plasma amenorrhoea, ● Increased risk of
concentration: 1 hr gynaecomastia, arrhythmias w/
(initial); 3-4 hr galactorrhoea. cisapride,
(2nd). Rarely, allergic thioridazine,
● Distribution: reactions, abnormal halofantrine,
Volume of LFTs, seizures. erythromycin,
distribution: 5.8 Potentially Fatal: some
L/kg. Plasma Neuroleptic malignant antiarrhythmics,
protein binding: syndrome pimozide,
Approx 16%. haloperidol, TCAs,
● Metabolism: β-blockers, some
Limited Ca channel
metabolism. blockers,
● Excretion: Mainly clonidine,
via urine as guanfacine,
unchanged drug. digoxin, K-
Terminal depleting diuretics,
elimination half- lithium,
life: Approx 12 hr. antimalarials. May
enhance effects of
and CNS
depressants (e.g.
sedative H1-
other anxiolytics,
clonidine and
● Potentially Fatal:
between levodopa
and neuroleptics
•Report the following to
your doctor:
● history of epilepsy
● Parkinson's
● CV disease
● Renal impairment.
● Elderly
● Pregnancy and
● Check the right
dose, right route,
right frequency
● Should be
without food, on an
empty stomach,
before meals
● Do not operate
heavy machinery
under solian
● Avoid strenuous
● Do not take
alcohol or caffeine
with solian
•Store away from moisture
and heat
•Do not freeze
•The patient may
experience these side
● restlessness
● dizziness
● sleepiness
● dry mouth
● nausea or vomiting
● constipation
•Report the following
● sudden dizziness
● feeling faint
● fast or pounding
● shortness of
● low potassium
level--leg cramps,
increased thirst or
numbness or
tingling, muscle
weakness or limp
Adult: Patient naive to
risperidone use must
receive oral risperidone 1st
to establish tolerability
before initiation of inj.
Usual dose: 90 mg or 120
mg once monthly. Patients
on stable oral risperidone
doses of <3 mg daily or >4
mg daily may not be
eligible for this route.
Pregnancy Category: C
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Side Effects/Adverse Contraindications Nursing Consideration
Generic Name: Quetiapine Quetiapine mechanism of Acute treatment of manic Constipation, drowsiness, Before: Assess client for
Brand Name: Seroquel action might involve rapid episodes in bipolar I upset stomach, tiredness, neuroleptic malignant neurologic function.
Dosage, route and dissociation from D2 disorder, as monotherapy weight gain, blurred vision, syndrome, a reaction During: monitor patient
frequency: 400-800mg/per receptors.[/caption] PET and as an adjunct to or dry mouth may occur. characterized by fever, closely in any setting that
PO in sigle dose studies show that there is a lithium or divalproex. Dizziness or muscle rigidity and would promote
Classification: relationship between D2 Depressive episodes lightheadedness may occur, confusion. a low seizure overheating, Consult
Antipsychotics, 2nd receptor occupancy and associated with bipolar especially when you first threshold. clouding of physician about dosage
Generation; Antimanic antipsychotic effects [1]. D2 disorder in adults. start or increase your dose the lens of the eye called reduction and use of
Agents. receptor occupancy in the Maintenance treatment of of this drug. cataracts. high blood anticholinergic
Pregnancy category: ranges of 60 % to 75% is bipolar I disorder, as an pressure. a heart attack. antiparkinsonians
Category C associated with adjunct to lithium or (controversial) if
antipsychotic efficacy. divalproex in adults. extrapyramidal effects
Interestingly, quetiapine has occur.
been shown to occupy After: assess client for any
approximately 30% of D2 delayed adverse
receptors at therapeutic reactions, teach the client
doses [2]. To explain the about taking the drug as
apparent discrepancy, prescribed.
Kapur proposed the “kiss
and run” hypothesis. In a
series of studies they found
that in contrast to other
antipsychotics, quetiapine
had a more rapid “run-off”,
or rapid dissociation, from
D2 receptors
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Side Effects/Adverse Contraindications Nursing Consideration
Generic Name: carbamazepine exerts its Carbamazepine is nausea, a disorder with Before: assess for mental
Carbamazepine effects by lowering indicated for the treatment vomiting, excess state before administering
Brand Name: Tegretol polysynaptic nerve of epilepsy and pain dizziness, antidiuretic the medication
Dosage, route and response and inhibiting associated with true drowsiness, hormone called During: observe for
frequency: 200 mg/day post-tetanic potentiation. In trigeminal neuralgia. In dry mouth, syndrome of confusion and agitation
PO on day 1 divided both cats and rats, particular, carbamazepine swollen tongue, inappropriate while administering the
q12hr carbamazepine was shown has shown efficacy in loss of balance or antidiuretic medication, observe for
Classification: Anti- to decrease pain caused by treating mixed seizures, coordination, or. hormone. allergic reaction
convulsants, Antimanic infraorbital nerve partial seizures with unsteadiness. high cholesterol. After: observe for any
Agents stimulation. A decrease in complex symptoms, and low amount of delayed adverse effects
Pregnancy Category: the action potential in the generalized tonic-clonic sodium in the
category D nucleus ventralis of the seizures. Carbamazepine blood.
thalamus in the brain and is also indicated for the hepatic
inhibition of the lingual treatment of manic porphyria.
mandibular reflex were episodes and mixed decreased
observed in other studies manic-depressive function of bone
after carbamazepine use episodes caused by marrow.
bipolar I disorder. Some low blood counts
off-label, unapproved uses due to bone
of carbamazepine include marrow failure.
the treatment of alcohol decreased blood
withdrawal syndrome and platelets.
restless leg syndrome
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Side Effects/Adverse Contraindications Nursing Consideration
Generic Name: The basic mechanism of indications for phenelzine drowsiness. pheochromocyto Before: Assess mental
Phenelzine action of phenelzine acts as include the management weakness. ma. state of the patient before
Brand Name: Nardil an inhibitor and substrate of of treatment-resistant dizziness. overactive administering the
Dosage, route and monoamine oxidase which depression, panic dry mouth. thyroid gland. medication.
frequency: Initial 15 mg subsequently causes an disorder, and social constipation. diabetes. During: assess dizziness
PO q8hr, increase not to elevation in brain levels of anxiety disorder. weight gain. low blood sugar. and drowsiness that might
exceed 20-30 mg q8hr. catecholamines and Phenelzine is also decreased sexual schizophrenia. affect gait, balance, and
Classification: serotonin. It also presents a specifically useful for ability. manic- other functional activities.
antidepressant similar structure to young women with uncontrollable depression. After: monitor for any
Pregnancy Category: amphetamine which depression and mood shaking of any part suicidal delayed adverse effects.
Category B explains the effect on the disorders of the body. thoughts.
uptake and release of alcoholism.
dopamine, noradrenaline,
and serotonin. Phenelzine
has been reported to inhibit
tyrosine aminotransferase,
aromatic amino acid
decarboxylase, and
dopamine B-hydroxylase
Drug Name Mechanism of Action Indication Side Effects/Adverse Contraindications Nursing Consideration
Generic Name: Isocarboxazid works by Isocarboxazid is indicated sudden and severe pheochromocyto Before: Monitor I&O and
Isocarboxazid irreversibly blocking the for the treatment of the headache, rapid ma. bowel elimination patterns,
Brand Name: Marplan action of monoamine enduring and debilitating heartbeat, stiffness overactive assess the mental state of
Dosage, route and oxidases (MAO) in the symptoms of depression in your neck, thyroid gland. the patient before
frequency: PO 10-30 mg/d nervous system. MAO that have not responded nausea, vomiting, diabetes. administering the
in 1-3 divided doses (max. subtypes A and B are to other antidepressant cold sweat, vision low blood sugar. medication
30 mg/d) involved in the metabolism drugs problems, schizophrenia.
Classification: of serotonin and sensitivity to light; manic- During: assess dizziness
antidepressant catecholamine chest pain, fast or depression.
Pregnancy Category: neurotransmitters such as slow heart rate; suicidal and drowsiness that might
Category C epinephrine, swelling, rapid thoughts. affect gait, balance, and
norepinephrine, and weight gain; alcoholism. other functional activities.
dopamine. jaundice (yellowing
of the skin or eyes); After: monitor for any
or. delayed adverse effects.
a light-headed Note: Toxic symptoms
feeling, like you from overdosage or from
might pass out. ingestion of
. contraindicated
substances (e.g., foods
high in tyramine) may
occur within hours.
Monitor BP. Monitor for
orthostatic hypotension by
evaluating BP with patient
recumbent and standing.
Monitor for therapeutic
effectiveness: May be
apparent within 1 wk or
less, but in some patients
there may be a time lag of
3–4 wk before
improvement occurs.