Name: - DATE: - Section A (20 Marks) Choose The Best Answer To Complete The Sentence
Name: - DATE: - Section A (20 Marks) Choose The Best Answer To Complete The Sentence
Name: - DATE: - Section A (20 Marks) Choose The Best Answer To Complete The Sentence
8. Those are Tommy and penny. They ____ from the US.
A. was
B. am
C. is
D. are
Read the passage below and answer the questions that follow. Circle the correct answer.
Last Friday, Sarah and her family went to Penang. They woke up early and got ready.
The four of them took a taxi to the bus station. The taxi driver was their neighbour, Uncle
At the bus station, they boarded a bus to Butterworth. Sarah was asleep most of the way.
At Butterworth, they took a ferry to the island. Sarah and her sister saw a jellyfish in the sea.
They were so excited. When they reached the island, they took a red van to their hotel.
20. What colour was the van that took them to the hotel?
A. blue B. red C. yellow
( 30 marks )
i. Read about Goody Donkey and Fluffy Dog. Answer the questions.(4 Marks)
lived in a kennel
lived in a barn wanted to be a
wanted to be a musician
musician walked for a long
walked for a long time
time was tired
was hungry
Once upon a time, there were three bears. They live in a house
in the forest. One morning, Goldilocks pass by the bears’ house.
The front door was open. Goldilocks smell something good. She
walk into the house. She taste the porridge in the bowl. She eat
all the porridge in Baby Bear’s bowl. After a while, she start to
feel sleepy and want to lie down.
Once upon a time, there were three bears. They lived in a house in the forest.
iii. Replace the pictures with the correct words. Rewrite the story. (10 Marks)
musicians. They walked for a long time. Finally, they saw a little .
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