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Proximate Analysis of Coal and Coke by Macro Thermogravimetric Analysis

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Designation: D7582 − 15

Standard Test Methods for

Proximate Analysis of Coal and Coke by Macro
Thermogravimetric Analysis1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D7582; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope D3180 Practice for Calculating Coal and Coke Analyses

1.1 These instrumental test methods cover the determination from As-Determined to Different Bases
of moisture, volatile matter, and ash, and the calculation of D3302 Test Method for Total Moisture in Coal
fixed carbon in the analysis of coal and coke samples prepared D5016 Test Method for Total Sulfur in Coal and Coke
in accordance with Practice D2013 and Practice D346. Combustion Residues Using a High-Temperature Tube
Furnace Combustion Method with Infrared Absorption
1.2 These instrumental test methods are not applicable to E691 Practice for Conducting an Interlaboratory Study to
thermogravimetric analyzers using microgram size samples. Determine the Precision of a Test Method
1.3 Test Methods D3173, D3174, and D3175 shall be
considered the referee test methods. 3. Terminology
1.4 The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as 3.1 For definitions of terms used in this test method, refer to
standard. No other units of measurement are included in this Terminology D121.
1.5 This standard does not purport to address all of the 4. Summary of Test Method
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the 4.1 In thermogravimetric analysis, the mass of a sample in
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- a controlled atmosphere is recorded repeatedly as a function of
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- temperature or time, or both. In macro thermogravimetric
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. analysis, a sample size of approximately 1 g is used. All mass
measurements are conducted by the system. In a typical
2. Referenced Documents analysis, the temperature is normally ramped from ambient to
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 a specific temperature and held at that temperature for a
D121 Terminology of Coal and Coke prescribed length of time. The mass change is recorded
D346 Practice for Collection and Preparation of Coke repeatedly during the entire procedure. For the thermogravi-
Samples for Laboratory Analysis metric analysis of coal and coke samples the moisture and ash
D2013 Practice for Preparing Coal Samples for Analysis analyses are complete when the sample reaches a constant
D3173 Test Method for Moisture in the Analysis Sample of mass as defined in the instrumental operating parameters.
Coal and Coke Alternatively, the measurement of moisture and ash can be
D3174 Test Method for Ash in the Analysis Sample of Coal considered complete after heating the sample for a fixed period
and Coke from Coal of time. In the volatile matter analysis, the samples are weighed
D3175 Test Method for Volatile Matter in the Analysis after heating to 950°C and held at this temperature for 7 min.
Sample of Coal and Coke 4.2 Moisture is determined by measuring the loss in mass of
D3176 Practice for Ultimate Analysis of Coal and Coke the analysis specimen of coal or coke when heated under
specified conditions of temperature, time, atmosphere, speci-
men mass, and equipment specifications.
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D05 on Coal
and Coke and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D05.21 on Methods of 4.3 Volatile matter is determined by measuring the loss in
Analysis. mass of the analysis specimen of coal or coke when heated
Current edition approved May 15, 2015. Published June 2015. Originally under rigidly controlled conditions. The measured mass loss is
approved in 2009. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as D7582-12. DOI:
10.1520/D7582–15. used to calculate the volatile matter after correcting for the
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or moisture content.
contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on 4.4 Ash is determined by measuring the mass of the residue
the ASTM website. remaining after burning the coal or coke specimen under

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D7582 − 15
specified conditions of specimen mass, temperature, time, tions to estimate the loading on electrostatic precipitators and
atmosphere, and equipment specifications. on the fly ash and bottom ash disposal systems as well as
4.5 In these test methods, moisture, volatile matter, and ash erosion rates on boiler systems.
can be determined sequentially in a single instrumental proce- 5.5 Volatile matter yield, when determined as herein
dure. Another procedure allows the moisture and ash to be described, may be used to (1) indicate coke yield on
determined sequentially. Moisture and ash can also be deter- carbonization, (2) provide the basis for purchasing and selling,
mined in separate determinations. Ruggedness testing and past or (3) establish combustion characteristics.
experiences have shown the volatile matter values determined 5.6 Fixed carbon is a calculated value. It is the difference
on samples without first determining the moisture (drying the between 100 and the sum of the percent moisture, ash, and
sample) are always higher than those of the dried samples.3 volatile matter. All percents shall be on the same moisture
4.6 Good laboratory practice requires checking for biases reference base.
between analytical methods for contractual compliance. When 5.7 Moisture, ash, and volatile matter are three of the
only a few coal types will be routinely tested, the instrument principal parameters used for assessing the quality of coal.
used in these test methods must be shown to yield results, for
the coal(s) to be tested, that are equivalent to those obtained 6. Interferences
using Test Methods D3173, D3174, and D3175. If they are
6.1 There are no known interferences for these test methods.
found to be not equivalent, either the instrument used is
calibrated or the instrumental results are adjusted to establish 7. Apparatus
and maintain equivalence. Alternatively, when a broad spec-
trum of coal types will be tested, the instrument used in these 7.1 Macro Thermogravimetric Analyzer (Macro TGA)—A
test methods shall be calibrated using certified reference computer controlled apparatus consisting of a furnace with a
materials of known composition covering the range of param- cavity large enough to accept crucibles containing test speci-
eters being determined. The certified values shall be estab- mens that meet the minimum mass requirements of the
lished using Test Methods D3173, D3174, and D3175. Section procedure. The macro TGA system can accommodate multiple
16.2 lists a number of biases that have been shown to exist crucibles, allowing for continuous analysis with one crucible
between instrumental results. Other biases, of unknown mag- reserved for the blank or reference crucible. The furnace is
nitude and sign, may exist for other coals.3 constructed so the cavity is surrounded by a suitable refractory
and insulated so as to develop a uniform temperature in all
5. Significance and Use parts of the cavity, but with a minimum free space. The furnace
shall be capable of being heated rapidly (30-45°C/min from
5.1 Moisture, as determined by this instrumental test
ambient to 950°C. The temperature shall be monitored and
method, is used for calculating other analytical results to a dry
maintained at values specified for each determination. The
basis using procedures in Practice D3180.
system shall have an integrated balance capable of weighing
5.2 Moisture can be used in conjunction with the air-dry the crucibles and test specimens repeatedly throughout the
moisture loss determined by Test Method D3302 to determine analysis. All mass measurements are conducted and recorded
total moisture in coal. Total moisture is used for calculating by the system. The sensitivity of the balance shall be at least
other analytical results to an as-received basis using Practice 0.1 mg. Provision shall be made to introduce gases specified
D3180. for this standard and to remove products of drying,
5.3 Ash yield is the residue remaining after heating the coal devolatilization, and combustion. The macro TGA system shall
and coke samples (see Note 1). have a venting fan, tolerant of hot product gases, to efficiently
remove the exhaust gases.
NOTE 1—The ash obtained differs in composition and amount from the
mineral constituents present in the original coal. Combustion causes an 7.2 Crucibles—with covers of composition and dimensions
expulsion of all water, the loss of carbon dioxide from carbonates, the specified for the instrument by the instrument manufacturer.
conversion of iron pyrite into iron oxides and sulfur oxides, and other The covers shall fit closely enough so that the carbon deposit
chemical reactions. Ash yield, as determined by this test method, can
differ from the amount of ash produced in furnace operations or other
from bituminous, subbituminous, and lignitic coals does not
combustion systems because combustion conditions influence the chem- burn away from the underside of the cover during the deter-
istry and amount of ash. mination of the volatile matter
5.4 Ash yield is used, (1) as a parameter for evaluating
8. Reagents and Materials
sampling procedures and coal cleaning processes, (2) in the
ultimate analysis calculation of oxygen by difference using 8.1 Drying Gas—Nitrogen (99.5% purity), Argon (99.5%
Practice D3176, (3) in calculations including material balance, purity) or air, dried to a moisture content of 1.9 mg/L or less
reactivity and yields of products relevant to coal conversion (dew point –10°C or less).
processes such as gasification and liquefaction, (4) in calcula- 8.2 Inert Gas—Nitrogen (99.5% purity) or Argon (99.5%
Riley J.T., Yanes E.G, Marsh M., Lawrenz D., and Eichenbaum L., “Coal and 8.3 Oxidizing Gas—Oxygen (99.5% purity) or air.
Coke Volatile Matter Determination and Reconciliation of Differences in Yields
Determined by Two ASTM Methods,” J. Testing and Evaluation, 2010, 38(4), 8.4 Certified Reference Materials—Coal or coke material(s)
458-466. meeting the requirements of 10.1, with a certificate of analysis

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D7582 − 15
specifying the reference value and the uncertainty of the reference value and uncertainty based on measurements made
reference value. Reference material(s) can be employed to employing Test Methods D3173, D3174, and D3175 to cali-
calibrate the instrument for the determination of volatile brate this test method.
matter. Certified reference values shall have been established
using Test Methods D3173, D3174, and D3175. Reference 13. Procedure
materials used for the calibration of volatile matter shall 13.1 The determination of moisture, followed by volatile
include information on the certificate of analysis detailing the matter followed by ash can be carried out in sequence using the
method(s) employed to determine volatile matter of the refer- same test specimen. Alternatively, the determination of
ence material. moisture, volatile matter, or ash can be carried out separately
on test specimens of coal or coke.
9. Hazards
13.2 Sequential Determination of Moisture, Volatile Matter
9.1 The user shall insure acceptable documented safety
and Ash:
procedures are in place for the handling of all reagents and test
13.2.1 After verifying instrument setup according to Section
materials and for the operation of laboratory equipment speci-
11 on the preparation of apparatus, load and tare the crucibles.
fied for these test methods.
Add approximately 1 g of coal or coke to the crucible in the
9.2 Venting Equipment—Install equipment in the vicinity of balance position and weigh immediately before advancing the
the apparatus to vent combustion and volatile gases evolved next crucible. Transfer the test specimen from the sample bottle
during the test procedures from the laboratory. to the crucible quickly to minimize the exposure of the test
specimen to the atmosphere during the initial weighing pro-
10. Analysis Sample cess.
10.1 The analysis sample shall be the material pulverized to 13.2.2 For moisture determinations, heat the weighed test
pass a 250-µm (No. 60) sieve in accordance with Practice specimens in crucibles without the covers at 107 6 3 °C. Use
D2013 or Practice D346. a drying gas flow rate of 0.4 to 1.4 furnace volume changes per
minute (see 8.1). Program the instrument to terminate the test
11. Preparation of Apparatus when the test specimens and crucibles have reached a constant
11.1 Verify the instrument can meet all specifications in the mass (see 11.3). Alternatively, program the instrument to allow
standard with respect to gas flows, heating rates, and balance for moisture determination by heating the test specimens for
sensitivity prior to use. Condition the instrument after initial 1 h.
setup, or repairs, by conducting a run through a complete cycle 13.2.3 For volatile matter determinations following the
without samples. moisture analysis, place covers on the crucibles in the TGA
carousel (the covers are placed automatically in some systems
11.2 Condition new crucibles and covers for use in these test and manually in others). Program the instrument to reweigh the
methods by heating under the same conditions of the test and crucibles, with specimens inside, and covers in place before
cool before use. initiating the volatile matter part of the cycle.
11.3 The macro TGA system can be programmed to termi- To provide an inert atmosphere, use nitrogen or
nate the measurement process when the test specimens and argon with a flow rate of 0.7 to 1.4 furnace volume changes per
crucibles have reached a constant mass. Crucibles are weighed minute to sweep away the volatile components. Raise the
by the instrument at specified intervals. The analysis is furnace temperature at a rate such that the temperature is raised
complete when the sample reaches constant mass. Constant from 107°C to 950 6 20°C in a 26-30 min time period (See
mass is defined as a point where the mass change is < or = to Note 2). Program the instrument to hold at this temperature for
0.05% over a nine-minute period, either by using not less than 7 min. The TGA weighs the covered crucibles at regular
three successive weighings or a fixed nine-minute period of intervals while the temperature of the furnace is raised. The
successive weighings. This mass change of 0.05% is equivalent weights of the crucibles and covers at the end of the 7-min hold
to 0.0005 g for a 1.0000 g sample. Alternately, the instrument period are used in the calculation of the volatile matter.
can be programmed to allow for moisture and ash determina-
NOTE 2—It is the nature of resistance furnaces to start heating slowly
tion by heating the test specimens for the time periods, heating with a gradual increase in heating rate until the furnace heating element
rates and soak temperatures specified in Test Methods D3173 controller reduces the power to moderate the heating rate. As a result, high
and D3174. The mass measured at the end of the time period furnace ramp rates are seldom ever uniform over the temperature range
is used for calculations. selected. Selecting a heating time (26-30 min) with a high heating ramp
rate accomplishes the desired result, to duplicate the conditions (Macro
TGA furnaces set at 30-45°C/min ramp rate) that were used by the
12. Calibration and Standardization
laboratories in the interlaboratory study. At the same time, it allows the
12.1 The instrument shall be calibrated for the determina- Macro TGA furnaces to moderate the heating rate enough to avoid
tion of volatile matter employing certified reference materials. overshooting the selected high temperature of 950°C.
The calibration shall be performed at the same furnace ramp With strongly caking low-volatile and medium-
temperature as that used for the analysis. Do not use coal volatile bituminous coals, the coke button can burst as a result
reference material(s) for coke volatile matter calibration. Do of the rapid liberation of volatile matter within the button. This
not use coke reference material(s) for coal volatile matter is designated as popping. Such popping can blow the lid off the
calibration. Use coal reference material(s) with a certified crucible and cause mechanical loss of the coked material.

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D7582 − 15
When evidence of such popping is observed, reject the deter- coal, and 3 h for coke, after reaching the final high temperature
mination and repeat the test with smaller test specimen sizes (750°C or 950°C). If there is evidence of carbonaceous
until popping is no longer evident. Also, some high swelling material in the ash reject the determination and repeat the test
coals can expand beyond the volume of the crucible such that (See
they raise the crucible cover and stick to the underside of the Gradual heating allows sulfur-bearing materials to
cover. This material can be lost when the crucible cover is be oxidized and release sulfur dioxide before calcium carbon-
removed. For swelling coals examine the crucible covers as ate (calcite) decomposes. Some samples can contain a high
they are removed. If carbonaceous material clings to the amount of carbonate minerals or pyrite, or both. In these cases,
underside of the cover, reject the determination and repeat the sulfur retained as sulfates can be highly variable between
test with smaller test specimen sizes until there is no evidence duplicate runs. In such cases, the sulfate sulfur in the ash can
of carbonaceous material clinging to the underside of the cover. be determined in accordance with Test Method D5016 and the
13.2.4 For ash determinations following the volatile matter ash yield reduced in proportion to the sulfur trioxide (SO3) so
determinations program the furnace to cool from 950 to 600°C. determined. Then report and designate the ash value both as
Remove the crucible covers. (The crucible covers are removed determined and corrected.
automatically in some systems and manually in others). 13.5 Individual Determination of Moisture and Ash:
Change the furnace atmosphere to oxygen or air. For coals, 13.5.1 To determine each of the parameters, moisture,
raise the temperature at such a rate that a final temperature of volatile matter, and ash in separate procedures follow the
750 6 15°C is reached at the end of 1 h. For cokes, raise the instructions in 13.2.1 for set up.
temperature at such a rate that a final temperature of 950 6 13.5.2 For moisture determinations follow the instructions
20°C is reached at the end of 1 h. If the oxidizing gas is in 13.2.2.
oxygen, adjust the flow rate to 0.4 to 0.5 furnace volume 13.5.3 For ash determinations, after transferring the speci-
changes per minute. If the oxidizing gas is air, adjust the flow mens to the crucibles and weighing, set the furnace atmosphere
rate to 1.3 to 1.4 furnace volume changes per minute. Program to oxygen or air and follow the instructions given in 13.4.3.
the instrument to terminate the test when the test specimens
and crucibles have reached a constant weight (See 11.3). NOTE 3—Ruggedness testing using a macro TGA system has shown the
volatile matter values determined on samples without first determining the
Alternatively, program the instrument to allow for ash deter-
moisture (drying the sample) are always higher than those of dried
mination by heating the test specimens for not less than 2 h for samples. It is recommended that volatile matter determinations be made
coal, and 3 h for coke, after reaching the final hold temperature. only on dried samples.3
If there is evidence of carbonaceous material in the ash, reject
the determination and repeat the test. 14. Calculation or Interpretation of Results
13.3 Sequential Determination of Moisture and Volatile 14.1 With a computer-controlled macro thermogravimetric
Matter: analyzer, the computer is normally programmed to perform
13.3.1 Follow the instructions in 13.2.1 to set up the calculations automatically. The equations used in the calcula-
instrument. tions are listed in the following sections.
13.3.2 Follow the instructions in 13.2.2 for moisture deter- 14.2 Calculate the percent moisture in the analysis sample,
minations. M, as follows:
13.3.3 Follow the instructions in 13.2.3 and for
volatile matter determinations. M 5 @ ~ W 2 B ! /W # 3 100 (1)

13.4 Sequential Determination of Moisture and Ash: Where:

13.4.1 Follow the instructions in 13.2.1 to set up the W = mass of test specimen used, g, and
instrument. B = mass of test specimen after drying in moisture test, g.
13.4.2 Follow the instructions in 13.2.2for moisture deter- 14.3 If the volatile matter determination is made with the
minations. test specimen used for the moisture determination, then calcu-
13.4.3 Ash determinations on the residues (dried test speci- late the percent volatile matter in the analysis sample, V, as
mens) from the moisture determination are made by changing follows:
the furnace atmosphere to oxygen or air, and raising the
V 5 @ ~ B 2 C ! /W # 3 100 (2)
temperature of the furnace at a rate such that it reaches 500 6
10°C at the end of 1 h. For coals, continue heating the samples Where:
until the temperature rises from 500°C to 750 6 15°C at the C = mass of test specimen after heating in volatile matter
end of 1 h. For cokes, continue heating the samples until the test, g.
temperature rises from 500°C to 950 6 20°C at the end of 1 h.
If the oxidizing gas is oxygen, the flow rate is set at 0.4 to 0.5 14.3.1 If the volatile matter determination is made with a
furnace volume changes per minute. If the oxidizing gas is air, separate test specimen of sample from the analysis sample
the flow rate is set at 1.3 to 1.4 furnace volume changes per bottle, then calculate volatile matter as follows:
minute. Continue to heat and weigh the test specimens at the D 5 ~ W 2 C ! /W 3 100 (3)
high temperature until they reach a constant weight (See 11.3). Where:
Alternatively, program the instrument to allow for ash deter-
D = mass loss, %.
mination by heating the test specimens for not less than 2 h for

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D7582 − 15
V5D2M (4) different laboratories using samples taken at random from a
14.4 Calculate the ash percent in the analysis sample, A, as single quantity of 250 µm (No. 60 USA Standard sieve)
follows: material that is as homogeneous as possible, may be expected
to occur with a probability of approximately 95%.
A 5 @ ~ F 2 G ! /W # 3 100 (5)
16.2 Bias:
Where: 16.2.1 1 The tests for moisture, ash, and volatile matter in
F = mass of crucible and ash residue, g, and coal and coke samples are empirical. Since no suitable refer-
G = mass of empty crucible, g. ence material for moisture, ash, and volatile matter in coal and
14.5 Calculate the fixed carbon percent in the analysis coke samples are currently available, no statement on the
sample, H, as follows: absolute bias of these test methods can be made.
16.2.2 Data collected for the volatile matter yields of coals
H 5 100 2 ~ M1A1V ! (6)
Where all values are on the same moisture reference base. and cokes during the interlaboratory study (Table A1.1 and
Table A1.2) did not include any corrections for coal rank or
15. Report coke. It is well known throughout the coal industry that volatile
matter yields determined with macro TGA systems often must
15.1 In addition to the final test results, the following
be corrected by determining calibration (or correction) factors
information should be reported.
using reference samples with published certified volatile matter
15.1.1 Moisture—Report the drying gas (nitrogen, argon, or
values established using Test Method D3180. Each laboratory
air) used in the determination of moisture and the weighing
is required to determine these calibration factors with each
mode, either fixed time or constant mass.
macro TGA system.
15.1.2 Ash—Report the sequence used for determining the
16.2.3 Data collected in the ruggedness testing and inter-
ash: (A) Moisture-Volatile Matter-Ash sequence; (B) Moisture-
laboratory study conducted during the development of this
Ash sequence; or (C) Ash alone, and the weighing mode, either
standard test method showed there are some relative biases
fixed time or constant mass.
between the values of parameters measured under different test
15.1.3 Volatile Matter—Report the furnace heating rate,
conditions. A summary of the parameters and test conditions,
°C/min, used for determining the volatile matter.
which statistical tests show are significant at the 95% confi-
15.1.4 For reporting analyses to other than the as-
dence level, is given in Table 3. The data used to calculate
determined basis, refer to Practice D3180.
these biases are given in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2, and Tables
16. Precision and Bias Table X1.1 and Table X1.2.
16.2.4 Other data collected in the ruggedness testing and
16.1 Precision—The relative precision of these test methods interlaboratory study conducted during the development of this
for the determination of moisture, volatile matter, and ash in standard test method showed there was no bias, or a small and
coal and coke is shown in Table 1 and Table 2. The precision insignificant bias, between the values of parameters measured
characterized by the repeatability (Sr, r) and reproducibility under different test conditions. Parameters and test conditions
(SR, R) are described in Table A1.1 and Table A1.2. which showed no bias, or small and insignificant biases, are
16.1.1 Repeatability Limit (r)—The value below which the listed in Table 4.
absolute difference between two test results of separate and
consecutive test determinations, carried out on the same 16.3 An interlaboratory study, designed consistent with
sample in the same laboratory by the same operator using the Practice E691, was conducted in 2008. Twelve labs partici-
same apparatus on samples taken at random from a single pated. The details of the study and supporting data are given in
quantity of homogeneous 250 µm (No. 60 USA Standard sieve) Research Report RR:D05-1038.4
material, may be expected to occur with a probability of 17. Keywords
approximately 95%.
17.1 ash; macro thermogravimetric analysis, macro-TGA;
NOTE 4—Consecutive test determinations could be on the same macro moisture; proximate analysis; volatile matter
TGA carousel, within the same run, or could be on consecutive runs.
16.1.2 Reproducibility Limit (R)——The value below which 4
Supporting data have been filed at ASTM International Headquarters and may
the absolute difference between two test results, carried out in be obtained by requesting Research Report RR:D05-1038.

TABLE 1 Concentration Ranges and Limits for Repeatability (r) and Reproducibility (R) for Moisture, Volatile Matter, and Ash
Determined in the Analysis Sample of Coal.
Parameter Range, % r R
Moisture (Drying gas - nitrogen) 1.29-21.66 0.21 0.69
Moisture (Drying gas - air) 1.28-21.62 0.25 0.79

Ash (dry basis) 2.93-16.73 0.19 0.31

Volatile Matter (dry basis), Bituminous 22.38-36.41 0.36 1.32

Volatile Matter (dry basis), 39.5-46.42 0.84 1.83

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TABLE 2 Concentration Ranges and Limits for Repeatability and Reproducibility for Moisture, Volatile Matter, and Ash Determined in
the Analysis Sample of Coke.
Parameter Range, % r R
Moisture 0.15-0.97 0.11 0.27
Ash (dry basis) 0.31-9.69 0.09 0.12
Volatile Matter (dry basis) 1.02-11.47 0.36 1.12

TABLE 3 Relative Biases for Coal Parameters Determined under Different Test Conditions
NOTE 1—(Test Condition 1 is biased higher.)
Parameter Test Condition 1 Test Condition 2 Average Bias
% (Absolute)
Moisture Drying gas - Nitrogen Drying Gas - Air 0.047

Ash (dry basis) Ash determined after Ash determined in sequence 0.217
moisture determination of moisture, volatile matter
and ash determination
Volatile matter (dry basis) 40°C/minute 30°C/minute 0.127
heating rate heating rate
Volatile matter (dry basis) Sample not dried Sample dried 0.45
before running test before running test

TABLE 4 Coal Parameters Which Showed No Bias, or Small Insignificant Bias, When Determined under Different Test Conditions
Parameter Test Condition 1 Test Condition 2
Moisture High rank and low rank coals analyzed together High rank and low rank coals analyzed separately
Ash (dry basis) High sulfur and low sulfur coals analyzed together High sulfur and low sulfur coals analyzed separately
Ash (dry basis) Determined in oxygen Determined in air
Ash (dry basis) Determined in coal samples dried in nitrogen Determined in coal samples dried in air


(Mandatory Information)


A1.1 The precision of this test method, characterized by The reproducibility interval I(R) is 0.69%, and the difference
repeatability (Sr, r) and reproducibility (SR, R) has been between the different laboratory values is 0.82%. Since this
determined for the following materials as listed in Table A1.1 difference is greater than the I(R) of 0.69% these two values are
and Table A1.2. not acceptable at the 95% confidence level, therefore, each of
the laboratories should obtain an additional test result for
A1.2 Example: Coal Repeatability—Duplicate analyses for
moisture gave values of 5.68 and 5.84%. The repeatability
interval I(r) is 0.21 %. The difference between the two values
is 0.16% and does not exceed the I(r) of 0.21%. Therefore,
these two values are acceptable at the 95% confidence level
and their average should be reported as the final test result.
A1.3 Example: Coal Reproducability—Duplicate analyses
for moisture in one laboratory gave an average value of 5.76% 5
ISO 5725-6:1994 Accuracy of measurement methods and results-Part 6: Use in
and a value of 6.58% was obtained in a different laboratory. practice of accuracy values

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D7582 − 15
TABLE A1.1 Repeatability (Sr, r) and Reproducibility (SR, R) Parameters used for Calculation of Precision Statement for Coal
Moisture Determined in Nitrogen
Material Average Sr SR r R
2040 9.2502 0.0674 0.1373 0.1887 0.3844
5098 6.5533 0.0484 0.0780 0.1354 0.2185
6026 1.2859 0.0638 0.0999 0.1788 0.2798
89-3 7.4272 0.0919 0.1119 0.2574 0.3134
89-5 2.2371 0.0397 0.0937 0.1113 0.2623
90-2 1.6726 0.0420 0.0850 0.1177 0.2379
91-3 4.4915 0.0765 0.1581 0.2143 0.4427
2045 21.7508 0.1090 0.2984 0.3052 0.8354
2084 17.4844 0.0650 0.1921 0.1821 0.5378
89-2 20.7026 0.0788 0.4529 0.2205 1.2680
89-6 21.6631 0.0824 0.1626 0.2308 0.4552
89-7 15.3162 0.0757 0.2460 0.2120 0.6888
90-1 11.7886 0.0869 0.4995 0.2433 1.3985
90-3 11.1615 0.0674 0.3160 0.1888 0.8847
Moisture Determined in Air
Material Average Sr SR r R
2040 9.2393 0.0643 0.1858 0.1801 0.5202
5098 6.5408 0.0455 0.0924 0.1274 0.2588
6026 1.2791 0.0829 0.1282 0.2322 0.3589
89-3 7.3964 0.0420 0.1063 0.1177 0.2976
89-5 2.2393 0.0468 0.0956 0.1309 0.2678
90-2 1.6747 0.0353 0.0987 0.0988 0.2765
91-3 4.4936 0.0421 0.1384 0.1180 0.3876
2045 21.6194 0.1224 0.3743 0.3427 1.0480
2084 17.3609 0.0780 0.2441 0.2183 0.6834
89-2 20.7262 0.1619 0.5070 0.4533 1.4197
89-6 21.4821 0.1732 0.4055 0.4851 1.1353
89-7 15.2602 0.0558 0.2655 0.1563 0.7435
90-1 11.743 0.0897 0.4772 0.2512 1.3360
90-3 11.0692 0.0606 0.3187 0.1696 0.8924
Material Average Sr SR r R
2040 11.5627 0.1030 0.1131 0.2884 0.3167
6026 6.2908 0.0607 0.0645 0.1699 0.1805
89-3 11.0432 0.0360 0.0452 0.1009 0.1265
89-5 12.0311 0.0579 0.063 0.1621 0.1760
90-2 2.9376 0.0432 0.0672 0.1210 0.1882
91-3 11.5034 0.0988 0.1659 0.2766 0.4644
2045 6.3619 0.0508 0.0814 0.1423 0.2280
2084 11.3821 0.1468 0.2122 0.4111 0.5943
89-2 6.6147 0.0383 0.1183 0.1071 0.3314
89-6 13.3286 0.0399 0.1271 0.1117 0.3559
89-7 8.8394 0.043 0.1344 0.1206 0.3762
90-1 16.7313 0.0437 0.1300 0.1225 0.3641
90-3 10.6811 0.0409 0.0679 0.1140 0.1902
Volatile MatterA
Material Average Sr SR r R
2040 36.4075 0.1431 0.4909 0.4007 1.3745
5098 34.4844 0.1497 0.5207 0.4191 1.4580
6026 22.3794 0.1084 0.3954 0.3036 1.0710
89-3 33.4449 0.1286 0.3974 0.3601 1.1127
89-5 24.5479 0.1236 0.4196 0.3461 1.1749
90-2 31.7019 0.1311 0.4169 0.3670 1.1673
91-3 36.0914 0.1078 0.6178 0.3018 1.7299
2045 43.2670 0.3679 0.7946 1.0302 2.2248
2084 39.4966 0.1623 0.5702 0.4546 1.5966
89-2 44.1983 0.2820 0.6963 0.7897 1.9496
89-6 40.9255 0.2826 0.6083 0.7914 1.7034
89-7 39.8934 0.2787 0.6023 0.7802 1.6863
90-1 41.9666 0.3415 0.6575 0.9563 1.8409
90-3 46.4227 0.3389 0.6252 0.9488 1.7505
Volatile matter determinations were done with a 40–45°C furnace ramp rate and with a calibration factor = 1in. as a note at the end of the table.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jul 31 22:44:54 EDT 2016
Downloaded/printed by
Curtin Univ Of Technology (Curtin Univ Of Technology) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D7582 − 15
TABLE A1.2 Repeatability (Sr, r) and Reproducibility (SR, R) Parameters Used for Calculation of Precision Statement for Coke
Material Average Sr SR r R
7009 0.79189 0.03314 0.07758 0.0928 0.21722
6028 0.97175 0.03689 0.21114 0.10328 0.5912
Foundry Coke 0.35579 0.04077 0.05675 0.11415 0.15891
Furnace Coke 0.14918 0.03376 0.04897 0.09452 0.13712
DOF 0.31536 0.04767 0.05599 0.13349 0.15678
3050 0.61546 0.04444 0.05303 0.12442 0.14848
5018 0.60868 0.04845 0.05572 0.13565 0.15602
Material Average Sr SR r R
7009 8.18196 0.02648 0.04753 0.07414 0.13309
6028 8.534 0.0453 0.0617 0.12684 0.17275
Foundry Coke 7.63368 0.02999 0.04974 0.08398 0.13928
Furnace Coke 7.77914 0.05772 0.08709 0.16161 0.24385
DOF 9.68586 0.02598 0.04201 0.07276 0.11762
3050 0.3125 0.01999 0.02612 0.05598 0.07313
5018 0.45619 0.02163 0.0284 0.06058 0.07953
Volatile Matter
Material Average Sr SR r R
7009 2.21 0.1095 0.4806 0.3065 1.3457
6028 1.4541 0.179 0.3558 0.5012 0.9962
Foundry Coke 1.2179 0.163 0.4423 0.4564 1.2386
Furnace Coke 1.0274 0.0967 0.3867 0.2706 1.0826
DOF 1.3276 0.1482 0.3733 0.415 1.0452
3050 9.8127 0.0545 0.3385 0.1525 0.9478
5018 11.4718 0.1143 0.4172 0.3202 1.1682


(Nonmandatory Information)


TABLE X1.1 Comparison of Coal Dry Ash Yields Resulting from Different Determination Sequences.A
Material Dry Ash Dry Ash Difference
Ash determined after Ash determined in sequence (bias)
moisture determination of moisture, volatile matter
and then ash
2040 11.563 11.471 0.092
6026 6.291 6.247 0.044
89-3 11.043 10.949 0.094
89-5 12.031 11.961 0.070
90-2 2.938 2.909 0.029
91-3 11.503 11.996 -0.492
2045 6.362 5.908 0.454
2084 11.382 10.916 0.466
89-2 6.615 6.254 0.361
89-6 13.329 12.939 0.390
89-7 8.839 8.320 0.520
90-1 16.731 16.343 0.388
90-3 10.681 10.275 0.406
All Dry Ash values are averages of 4 test results (2 runs on two separate days).

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Sun Jul 31 22:44:54 EDT 2016
Downloaded/printed by
Curtin Univ Of Technology (Curtin Univ Of Technology) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
D7582 − 15
TABLE X1.2 Comparison of Coal Dry Volatile Matter Yields Resulting from Different Furnace Heating RatesA
Material Dry Volatile Matter Dry Volatile Matter Difference
40°C/min 30°C/min 40°C/min VM –
Heating Rate Heating Rate 30°C/min VM
2040 36.14 35.81 0.33
5098 33.95 34.35 -0.40
6026 21.76 21.68 0.08
89-3 32.68 32.64 0.04
89-5 23.83 23.74 0.09
90-2 32.00 31.82 0.18
91-3 35.43 35.34 0.09
2045 42.89 42.44 0.45
2084 38.94 38.68 0.26
89-2 43.41 43.28 0.13
89-6 40.35 40.31 0.04
89-7 39.35 39.17 0.18
90-1 41.47 41.44 0.03
90-3 45.93 45.65 0.28
All Dry Volatile Matter values are averages of three successive test results.

TABLE X1.3 Comparison of Coal Dry Volatile Matter Yields Resulting from Drying and not Drying the Sample
Material Dry Volatile Matter Dry Volatile Matter Difference
Sample Not Dried Sample Dried Sample not Dried
Sample Dried
2040 36.51 36.04 0.47
2045 42.74 42.22 0.52
2084 38.87 38.48 0.39
89–2 43.52 43.08 0.44
89–6 40.39 39.99 0.40
89–7 39.45 39.20 0.25
90–1 41.41 40.86 0.55
90–3 45.94 45.36 0.58

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