Sexual Desire and Pleasure: January 2014
Sexual Desire and Pleasure: January 2014
Sexual Desire and Pleasure: January 2014
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Lori Brotto
University of British Columbia - Vancouver
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Depending on whom one asks, sexual desire may has received empirical support and attracted the
have many different meanings. It has been equated attention of brain–behavior scientists (e.g., psychol-
to desire for sexual activity, desire for sexual inti- ogists, neuroscientists; see Chapter 7, this volume).
macy, and the feeling of wanting associated with In the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental
thinking about an attractive partner. Colloquially, Disorders (4th ed., text revision; DSM–IV–TR; Amer-
some refer to desire as feeling horny. Some experts ican Psychiatric Association, 2000), the definition
favor a description that does not hinge on sexual of desire can be inferred from a description of when
behavior such as the “subjective awareness of desire desire is lacking. Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
for sexual satisfaction, irrespective of sexual activity.” (HSDD) is defined as “persistently or recurrently
Desire has not always been situated within the deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies and desire for
psychological literature. In the 4th century BC, the sexual activity” when “the judgment of deficiency or
Greek philosopher Apicurus described the “pleasure absence is made by the clinician, taking into account
principle” and desire as a natural human necessity. factors that affect sexual functioning, such as age
For those in ancient times, sexual desire led to an and the context of the person’s life” (American Psy-
appreciation and admiration of physical beauty, and chiatric Association, 2000, p. 541). From this per-
the latter led to everything else. Throughout much spective, desire, therefore, is defined as sexual
of the Middle Ages as well as in the 19th and early fantasies and desire for sexual activity. Because of
20th centuries, there was much interest in the criticisms of this presumed narrow view of desire,
brain–body connection as it relates to sexual desire. which simplifies the feeling to spontaneous sexual
French sexologist Marc-Andrè Raffalovich posited fantasies and cravings for sex, there has been a surge
that sexuality was not localized in adolescents ages 8 of academic interest in how desire is experienced,
to 11 but that later on, a boy’s desires acquire a geni- expressed, and defined. Although consensus is far
tal focus. Freud extended this view in the early from attained, there is general agreement that “in
1900s and believed that children possessed “poly- anyone’s hands, sexual desire can be a slippery
morphous perversity” wherein the entire body is concept” (Levine, 2002, p. 39). Because we are
predisposed to sexuality, which then leads them to academic clinicians who specialize in the area of
experience sexual deviation. As adults, however, women’s sexuality, this chapter may be especially
they learn to repress this latent capacity to enjoy relevant to the clinician reader (see Volume 2,
pleasure all over the body. Through Freud’s psycho- Chapter 4, this handbook). In considering the defi-
analysis, the notion that people are all driven toward nition of desire, concerns about the impact of differ-
pleasure by unconscious forces gained widespread ing definitions on the individual must be kept in
acceptance. Over the years, with advancements in mind. For example, in the medical model, a
science, the notion of pleasure centers in the brain loss of desire that leads to distress would entitle an
APA Handbook of Sexuality and Psychology: Vol. 1. Person-Based Approaches, D. L. Tolman and L. M. Diamond (Editors-in-Chief)
Copyright © 2014 by the American Psychological Association. All rights reserved.
Brotto and Smith
individual to certain treatment services that come to, sexual experiences. These sensations
with assigning a medical diagnosis. However, the are produced by the physical activation
cost to the individual comes in the form of patholo- of a specific neural system in the brain.
gization and potential stigmatization from having a When this system is active, a person is
so-called mental illness. A more social construction- “horny,” he may feel genital sensations,
ist perspective views people’s need to define “high” or he may feel vaguely sexy, interested
and “low” desire as a by-product of the media, cul- in sex, open to sex, or even just restless.
ture, and pharmaceutical interests and that labels These sensations cease after sexual grati-
such as HSDD should be abandoned (see Volume 2, fication, i.e., orgasm. When this system is
Chapter 10, this handbook). Although this perspec- inactive or under the influence of inhibi-
tive is compelling, it has gained little traction in a tory forces, a person has no interest in
world that has consistently viewed sexual desire erotic matters; he “loses his appetite” for
within a more medical model (however, see Chap- sex and becomes “asexual.” (p. 10)
ters 1 and 6, this volume).
Before American psychiatrist Helen Singer Kaplan (1979) likened sexual desire to other drive
Kaplan (1979, 1995) shone a spotlight onto sexual states, including hunger and thirst. In this way,
desire, Masters and Johnson’s (1966) human sexual she viewed sexual desire as biologically driven—
response cycle (HSRC) consisted of a linear fixed influenced by activation and inhibition of neural
sequence of stages of sexual response—namely, substrates. She also believed that all sexual dysfunc-
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution. Desire tions were caused by a single factor, namely, anxiety
was not considered in the HSRC because it was (Kaplan, 1979, p. 24). Treatment of low desire was
based on observed physiological responses in the therefore designed to reduce sexual anxiety and
context of sexual activity. Moreover, there was a sin- allow patients to confront their unconscious and
gle category of sexual dysfunction: Men with sexual involuntary avoidance of sexual activity. In the same
difficulties were labeled as impotent; women, as year as Kaplan was formulating her views on the
frigid. It followed that treatment was also nonspe- definition of sexual desire, Harold Lief (1977) also
cific; there was one treatment for all sexual com- contributed important new information about
plaints. In 1956, urologist James Semans separated sexual desire and can be credited for introducing
“ejaculatory impotence” from the rest of the male “inhibited sexual desire” into the DSM–III.
sexual dysfunctions, which greatly aided in the Levine, another American psychiatrist, has writ-
development of treatment for what later came to be ten extensively on the nature of sexual desire. In
known as premature ejaculation. Some years later response to listening to how professionals, the lay
in the 1970s, orgasm was separated from the excite- public, patients, and society at large discuss desire,
ment phase for women (Kaplan, 1974). Because the Levine (1987) noted that three features characterize
separation of excitement from orgasm for men and sexual desire: (a) Desire precedes and accompanies
women enhanced treatment specificity, this led sexual arousal; (b) desire is the psychobiological
Kaplan (and independently, Harold Lief, another propensity to engage in sexual behavior; and
American psychiatrist) to persuasively introduce sex- (c) desire is the energy brought to sexual behavior.
ual desire as the first phase of the HSRC model. The These features led Levine to define sexual desire
triphasic model, as it came to be known, consisted of as “the psychobiologic energy that precedes and
a linear stepwise progression from desire to arousal to accompanies arousal and tends to produce sexual
orgasm. Desire, therefore, was seen as a crucial first behavior” (p. 36). Levine went further to note that
step in the progression of sexual excitement. Accord- desire is the mind’s capacity to integrate drive, wish,
ing to Kaplan (1979), sexual desire was defined as and motive. Drive is the product of a neuroendo-
crine generator of sexual impulses and is testoster-
specific sensations which move the indi- one dependent. It is indicated by increased sexual
vidual to seek out, or become receptive excitability and “endogenous or spontaneous
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
manifestations of genital excitement” (p. 36), desire on the basis of his in-depth clinical experi-
including genital tingling, erection, or lubrication; ences. He noted that sexual desire is highly respon-
heightened perception of others’ physical character- sive to the social situation and can intensely increase
istics; erotic fantasies and dreams; and masturbation at times of turmoil (e.g., divorce) and decrease at
or partner-seeking behavior. According to Levine, times of loss (e.g., death of a partner). He proposed
however, drive is more subjective than it is behav- a spectrum that reflects the fluctuating nature of
ioral and is thus a challenge for the clinician to sexual desire: aversion–indifference–interest–need–
assess. Levine noted that with older age, sexual wish passion (Levine, 2002, p. 43). Esther Perel, in her
might be the dictating force behind sexual behavior. 2006 book Mating in Captivity, addressed the para-
Wishes might include “it makes them feel good dox in long-term partnerships that as emotional sta-
physically” and “it makes them feel connected to bility increases, passion fades in a corresponding
another person and less alone”; there may also be manner in both men and women, and these effects
wishes not to have sexual activity, including “feel cannot be attributed solely to aging. Drawing on
emotionally unready” and “fear pregnancy.” As sex- 20 years of clinical experience, Perel described pas-
ual drive pushes in one direction (presumably, sion as deriving from the unknown, risk, surprise,
toward sexual activity), sexual wishes may temper and playfulness. She stated that (sexual) excitement
this impulse as a result of moral, social, and danger is interwoven with uncertainty and with people’s
factors. As such, one may experience high levels of willingness to embrace the unfamiliar rather than
sexual drive and excitability while having a wish not shield themselves from it. Contrast that now with
to engage in sexual activity (and vice versa). Sexual the defining features of a long-term relationship: sta-
motive represents the most complex aspect of desire bility, certainty, safety, and comfort—all features
and is the willingness to have sexual activity and that may be antithetical to the experience of erotic
behave sexually. It integrates drive and wish, and lust. Indeed, women in longer term relationships
Levine noted that sexual motive is generally pre- report fewer cues that effectively elicit their sexual
ceded by one or more of the following: drive, a deci- desire than do women in shorter term relationships
sion to be sexual, interpersonal behavior, voyeuristic (Carvalheira, Brotto, & Maroco, 2011). In particu-
experience (e.g., witnessing others’ sexual excite- lar, those women in longer term relationships
ment), and attraction. Sexual motives are most reported fewer romantic cues and fewer explicit
observable through human behavior, as Levine cues that evoked their desire than women in shorter
described sexual willingness as a behavior produced term relationships. These same cues, earlier on in
by psychological motivational processes. In consid- the relationship, may have been very effective in
ering one’s motives for engaging in sex, even in the evoking desire; however, over time and repeated
presence of strong desire, one must consider that exposure, they lose their erotic appeal. So what is
there may be disincentives to sex at play (Meana, the mechanism behind the loss of incentive value
2010). For example, if one assesses the sexual situa- in these cues that previously elicited desire?
tion as risky, dangerous, or having the potential to have In the research previously discussed, no distinc-
a longer term negative outcome, such disincentives tion has been made between the different ways in
may influence behavior without dampening desire. which men and women experience sexual desire.
In the realm of sexual fantasies, Levine (1987) fur- However, in more recent research, sex differences
ther posited that a person might find himself or herself that may be influenced by both biology and culture
preoccupied with fantasies after an interaction with have become of great interest to researchers. Sims
another person that excites his or her drive. Options in and Meana (2010) carried out in-depth qualitative
such a situation would be to wait for the drive to dissi- interviews with married women who had lost desire
pate, displace the drive onto something else, mastur- for their husbands as an exploration of women’s
bate, or engage in partnered sexual activity. explanations for their waning desire. They identified
In subsequent considerations of desire, Levine three major contributors. First was the institutional-
(2002) further explored the intricacies of sexual ization of the relationship, which was associated
Brotto and Smith
with the overavailability of sex that removed the preferences, and attractions. Moreover, his struc-
excitement and anticipation that used to accompany tured interview and quantitative recording tech-
planning for encounters. Moreover, sanctioning niques that preserved respondents’ anonymity
married sex, or even mandating it among some profoundly shaped how sex research was carried
groups, removed the illicit aspects of unmarried sex. out over the next several decades.
The second major contributor Sims and Meana iden- More recently, qualitative research has contrib-
tified was overfamiliarity and the loss of romance uted significant new information to the understand-
women identified as being a major contributor to ing of sexual desire. Some have argued persuasively
their waning desire. Presex and sexual acts became that with sexuality research in particular, qualitative
overly familiar, almost routine, leading sex to be methods provide an opportunity to explore desire in
mechanical and proscripted. The third major factor more depth and from multiple perspectives in a way
identified was desexualized roles in light of compet- that is not captured in studies using simple self-
ing priorities, multiple obligations and roles, and report questionnaires (see Chapter 6, this volume).
therefore feeling less desirable. Although the Indeed, the most commonly used self-report mea-
observed pattern of a diminution of desire over the sure of sexual functioning in women, namely the
course of a lasting relationship is a rather normative Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI; Rosen et al.,
finding, even when a corresponding increase occurs 2000), has only two items that make up the Sexual
in one’s sense of relationship happiness, its loss Desire subscale: “Over the past 4 weeks, how often
nonetheless creates great turmoil in individuals and did you feel sexual desire or interest?” and “Over
poses a challenging conundrum for the sexual and the past 4 weeks, how would you rate your level
relationship therapist to address. Moreover, respon- (degree) of sexual desire or interest?” Women are
dents in the study by Sims and Meana (2010) would provided response options ranging from “almost
surely have met criteria for HSDD, although several always or always” to “almost never or never” and
noted that a change in their partner or lifestyle “very high” to “very low or none at all,” respectively.
would have resurrected their desire, leaving the cli- A woman who experiences desire only during sexual
nician with the dilemma of whether to diagnose a activity with her partner, which occurs approxi-
sexual disorder in a situation in which time seems mately two to three times per month, but rarely or
to be the culprit, not the individual. never experiences desire in the rest of her day-to-
Given that a large body of research has noted low day interactions, might therefore endorse “very low”
levels of agreement between women’s self-reported and “almost never” given that desire happens only in
and physiological arousal (Chivers, Seto, Lalumière, the context of her (relatively infrequent) sexual
Laan, & Grimbos, 2010; see also Chapter 5, this vol- interactions. Using the FSFI, therefore, this woman
ume), thereby suggesting that women do not use might be portrayed as having a sexual dysfunction,
feedback from genital arousal to inform subjective at least in the absence of a biopsychosocial inter-
feelings of desire or arousal, it is unlikely that the view, which would provide the additional nuance to
waning of sexual interest with relationship duration allow the interviewer to understand that she experi-
affects women’s physiological sexual response; how- ences a satisfying level of sexual desire with her
ever, this is an open question that remains to be tested. partner, despite the relative infrequency of their sex.
A similar question, coding structure, and interpreta-
tion of the two desire items is found on the male
counterpart to this questionnaire, the International
Index of Erectile Function (Rosen et al., 1997), and
Kinsey, Pomeroy, and Martin (1948) can likely be a similar concern exists about labeling as dysfunc-
credited for carrying out the first large-scale scien- tional a man who only feels sexual desire about half
tific study on sex. Although Kinsey’s structured the time. Instead, a qualitative interview that allowed
interview focused on sexual behaviors and practices, the individual to provide a narrative of how she or
it ultimately revealed much about sexual desire, he experiences sexual desire might highlight its
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
complexity and show that the individual’s desire emotional factors are of paramount importance to
during sexual activity is reliable, pronounced, and consider in the sexual desires of men and women
experienced as satisfying. Although self-report ques- (Carvalho & Nobre, 2010, 2011), and much more
tionnaires are often preferred, particularly in the recent research has focused on distraction, atten-
context of clinical trials in which comparisons tion, and mindfulness as they interact with sexual
between large groups of individuals are necessary, desire (discussed later).
they usually provide only a limited, and perhaps
incomplete, picture of how sexual desire is experienced.
We use findings from three recent qualitative
studies in women (Brotto, Heiman, & Tolman,
2009; Goldhammer & McCabe, 2011; Graham, Interestingly, although fantasies about sex seem to
Sanders, Milhausen, & McBride, 2004) and one be understood as a natural expression of one’s sex-
qualitative study in men (Janssen, McBride, Yarber, ual desire, most women in two recent qualitative
Hill, & Butler, 2008) to illustrate some of the studies did not associate sexual desire with sexual
nuances in capturing how individuals experience thoughts or fantasies (Brotto et al., 2009; Goldham-
sexual desire. mer & McCabe, 2011). Furthermore, sexual fantasy
frequency has been found not to correlate with sex-
ual satisfaction in women (Cain et al., 2003), which
stands in contrast to stereotypical notions that one
who has sexual desire also experiences lustful erotic
fantasies. The finding that women often deliberately
Although sexual desire has traditionally been con- use fantasies as a way of boosting sexual arousal or
ceptualized as something felt within, with an obvi- orgasm (Beck, Bozman, & Qualtrough, 1991; Hill &
ous physiological counterpart, such as butterflies in Preston, 1996; Lunde, Larsen, Fog, & Garde, 1991;
one’s stomach, heart palpitations, or other signs of Regan & Berscheid, 1996) is also at odds with the
autonomic arousal, the evidence is clear that desire DSM–IV–TR definition of HSDD, which requires
may be experienced through a number of different lack of sexual fantasies for one to meet diagnostic
modalities, perhaps even simultaneously. In one criteria (American Psychiatric Association, 2000).
qualitative study of middle-aged women, half of That sexual fantasies may be relatively rare despite
whom had sexual arousal difficulties and the other women reporting sexual desire suggests that
half of whom did not, most women included refer- those women who do not experience fantasies, or
ences to nongenital physical aspects of their desire, those who deliberately create sexual fantasies,
cognitive referents, and emotional referents, in addi- should not be pathologized. Sex differences may
tion to genital signs of excitement (Brotto et al., exist in the experience of sexual fantasies, however.
2009). In a more recent study that aimed to explore Men experience sexual urges more often and tend to
sexual desire among 40 women in committed het- have greater sexual imagery (Jones & Barlow, 1990).
erosexual partnerships, the finding that sexual
desire was experienced in a variety of ways was also
apparent (Goldhammer & McCabe, 2011) and fur-
ther challenged previous conceptualizations of sex-
ual desire. In particular, Goldhammer and McCabe Sex differences likely exist in the content of sexual
(2011) found that desire was an idiosyncratic expe- fantasies such that men are more likely to have fan-
rience. Some women experienced it physiologically tasies for sexual activities in which they do not cur-
(e.g., vaginal lubrication); for others, it was a cogni- rently engage, whereas women may fantasize more
tive (i.e., thinking) event; for some it was defined in about what their actual sexual behaviors entail (Hsu,
regard to the interpersonal relationship; and for Kling, Kessler, & Knapke, 1994). Sexual fantasies
still others, it was purely emotional. Cognitive and have been suggested as being more relevant to the
Brotto and Smith
sexual desire of men than of women (Brotto, 2010a). linear HSRC model of excitement, plateau, orgasm,
As far as sex differences in sexual desire, many have and resolution by arguing that an initial sexual desire
speculated for decades that these differences are the phase was necessary to jump-start one toward expe-
result of sex differences in testosterone. A fairly riencing sexual excitement. Thus, on the basis of
consistent finding is that of a relationship between Kaplan’s persuasion, sexual desire and sexual arousal
testosterone and both sexual desire and erectile came to be defined, studied, and treated as separate
function in younger men (Bancroft, 2012). How- constructs. However, the validity of separating sex-
ever, evidence as to the role of testosterone in wom- ual desire from arousal had never been verified (or
en’s sexual desire and arousal is conflicting. In part, tested, for that matter); instead, several studies began
this may be because women have only approxi- to document that at least for women, desire and
mately 10% the level of plasma total testosterone arousal might be conflated, interchangeable, and
that men have, leaving room for a greater influence even experienced as one and the same. In qualitative
of individual, interpersonal, and sociocultural fac- studies of young partnered women (Goldhammer &
tors. Testosterone levels rise during the follicular McCabe, 2011), middle-aged women with and with-
phase of the menstrual cycle, providing a naturalis- out sexual arousal concerns (Brotto et al., 2009), and
tic within-person observation as to the relationship college students (Beck et al., 1991), women generally
between circulating testosterone levels, which are found it difficult to differentiate desire and arousal.
not found in men, and women’s sexual desire. Sex- Laboratory studies have also found significant over-
ual activities tend to be lowest during menstruation lap between desire and arousal evoked in response to
and rise as ovulation approaches, and sexual desire sexual stimuli (Goldey & van Anders, 2012). Even
is highest during the follicular phase when women among women seeking treatment for sexual con-
reach peak fertility (Hedricks, 1994; Stanislaw & cerns, validated measures of sexual functioning have
Rice, 1988). Subjective sexual arousal to erotic films shown a high degree of overlap between desire and
has shown a similar pattern (Slob, Bax, Hop, Row- arousal (Rosen et al., 2000). In fact, across a large
land, & van der Werff ten Bosch, 1996), and fre- number of studies, mean scores on validated mea-
quency of sexual fantasies as well as arousability of sures of sexual desire correlated highly with scores
those fantasies has been found to be highest at ovu- on the arousal domain (e.g., Dennerstein, Lehert, &
lation (Dawson, Suschinsky, & Lalumière, 2012). Burger, 2005, as reviewed by Brotto, Graham, Binik,
An event-related potential study confirmed that a Segraves, & Zucker, 2011; Graham, 2010).
greater valence of sexual stimuli is found at the time On the basis of the finding of overlap between
of peak fertility than during other phases of the desire and arousal, a (controversial) proposal has
menstrual cycle (Krug, Plihal, Fehm, & Born, 2000). been made to merge disorders of desire (HSDD) and
This greater valence was a selective increase in sex- arousal (female sexual arousal disorder) into one
ual stimuli rather than a more general increase in condition (sexual interest/arousal disorder; Brotto,
emotional processing. However, other nonhormonal 2010b; Graham, 2010), which is discussed later
factors significantly contribute and may obscure any in the Diagnostic Dilemmas section.
influence of ovulatory increases in testosterone on For men, it is possible that sexual desire and
women’s sexual desire. As well, gendered sexual arousal are experienced mostly as discrete entities, in
socialization and societal expectations for men and particular when one considers that erectile function-
women’s sexuality influence sex differences in ing can often take place in the absence of sexual
desire; we return to these ideas later in the chapter. desire or any form of erotic cues (e.g., nocturnal erec-
tions). Testosterone has also been found to be more
highly associated with men’s sexual desire than their
erectile functioning (Bancroft, 2012). In a study of
male outpatients seeking treatment for erectile dys-
Kaplan (1977, 1979) and Lief (1977) can be credited function, the majority did not experience impair-
for expanding on Masters and Johnson’s (1966) ments in their sexual desire, and no significant
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
correlations were found between measures of sexual which has appeared with increasing frequency in the
desire and measures of penile tumescence (Corona literature over the past decade, suggests that desire
et al., 2004). However, a qualitative study of men sug- and arousal may be aspects of the same sexual con-
gested complexity in how men experienced desire and struct or, in other words, two sides of the same
arousal, with several of the men expressing confusion sexual coin. Although one can easily identify the
over questions that attempted to separate desire from distinction between awareness of physical respond-
arousal (Janssen et al., 2008). Once erectile function ing (whether genital or nongenital) and awareness
was removed from consideration, it appeared that of cognitive and emotional sexual responding, this
many men could not distinguish sexual desire from distinction does not rule out the possibility that all
arousal. Also interesting was Janssen et al.’s (2008) these experiences are part of a single sexual
finding that masturbation was often a method used to response mechanism. An incentive motivation per-
alleviate sexual tension and therefore often took place spective instead views sexual arousal and desire as
in the absence of sexual desire, whereas sexual desire an interplay between a sexual response system and
and arousal for partnered sex were somewhat more effective incentives that excite the system (Toates,
complex. In an earlier study of college students, men 2009). Data from a large number of studies con-
also showed a significant correlation between sexual ducted primarily in the Netherlands have supported
desire and subjective sexual arousal (r = .44; Beck sexual response as an incentive motivation and
et al., 1991). In a recent community sample of Portu- desire–arousal as an emotion (Everaerd, Both, &
guese men, attentional focus was a significant predic- Laan, 2006; Everaerd & Laan, 1995; Janssen, Ever-
tor of the strength of men’s dyadic sexual desire, aerd, Spiering, & Janssen, 2000; Laan & Everaerd,
leading the authors to conclude that sexual desire and 1995). This model postulates that one’s initial
arousal overlap in men because both depend on atten- response to an effective sexual stimulus takes place
tional processes (Carvalho & Nobre, 2011). outside of consciousness and renders the sexual sys-
Notably, for women, genital response and subjec- tem responsive to further effective sexual stimuli.
tive desire and arousal often show a low degree of Once attentional resources become activated in the
overlap; genital responding in women has been sug- processing of a given sexual stimulus, sexual arousal
gested as being reflexively and automatically elicited in is subjectively experienced, leading one to become
response to sexual stimuli, even when those stimuli aware of one’s own motivation to continue to attend
are not perceived by the woman as desired or arousing. to and process those stimuli, particularly as one
In this way, the body becomes prepared for sexual becomes aware of one’s own sexual needs. Implicit
activity and serves a protective function to prevent gen- in this model is the notion that sexual arousal pre-
ital injury (Chivers, 2005). For example, women may cedes desire. Moreover, the model maintains that all
experience genital response during highly distressing of desire is responsive to stimuli, even if an individ-
experiences such as sexual assault or rape (Levin & van ual is unaware of the presence of those stimuli
Berlo, 2004; see also Chapter 12, this volume) or when (Janssen et al., 2000; Laan & Both, 2008). In the
exposed to threatening sexual stimuli (e.g., hearing incentive motivation model, desire and arousal
depictions of nonconsensual sexual activity; Suschin- might be phenomenologically separated on the basis
sky & Lalumière, 2011). This preparation hypothesis that arousal represents the subjective experience of
offers an explanation for why genital response may genital response, whereas desire reflects the subjec-
occur in situations that are not at all associated with tive experience of a willingness to engage sexually
desire and suggests that subjective desire and physio- (Laan & Both, 2008), but this distinction is mostly
logical arousal may be experienced separately. artificial. When there are problems with sexual
desire and arousal, they may in part be due to a fail-
ure to activate the sexual system, because of, for
example, hormonal factors, cognitive interference,
What does the statement that desire and arousal or judgment. In addition, if the sexual incentives are
overlap for men and women mean? This statement, insufficient to trigger sexual response, or if they lack
Brotto and Smith
or have lost sexual meaning, then sexual desire and individuals also defined their relationships accord-
arousal will not become triggered. ing to their romantic attraction—for example, heter-
oromantic, homoromantic, panromantic, or asexual.
Heterogeneity exists, however, even in the experi-
ences of asexual individuals, in that some identified
as aromantic asexuals, desiring neither sexual nor
If having sexual desire is one method of allowing an romantic attachments. In Diamond’s (2003) biobe-
individual to classify him- or herself as a sexual per- havioral model of love and desire, she posited that
son (Levine, 2002, p. 41), then the complete lack of the processes underlying the development of sexual
sexual desire and attraction raises new questions desire are distinct from those underlying the devel-
about sexual development and classification. opment of romantic attachment. Diamond’s model
Although a notable proportion of individuals report also explains that one can fall in love regardless of
chronic low sexual desire that is bothersome or oth- the gender of the partner and is consistent with the
erwise clinically significant (discussed in the section narratives shared by this sample of asexual individu-
Sexual Desire Disorders later in this chapter), a als (Brotto, Knudson, et al., 2010). Although sexual
smaller minority of individuals note a lifelong his- desire is a strong motivator for pair bonding, it facil-
tory of chronic lack of desire that they have no inter- itates, but is not required for, romantic attachment.
est in changing and have absolutely no personal In Tennov’s (1979) study of 1,000 individuals, 61%
distress over. Kinsey et al. (1948) first quantified of women and 35% of men reported experiencing
this group, which they labeled Category X, as the infatuation with a partner despite not feeling the
group of individuals who had no sociosexual con- need to engage in sex. In her extensive review, Dia-
tacts or reactions, and it represented approximately mond summarized both human and nonhuman lit-
1% of their participants. However, Kinsey et al. did erature also supporting this finding. However,
little with those data at the time, and the term recent findings showing similar patterns of neural
asexual did not appear until decades later. In Bogaert’s activation during the experience of sexual desire and
(2004) analysis of 18,000 British residents in a love and that they may exist on the same spectrum
national probability survey, 1.05% answered “yes” (Cacioppo, Bianchi-Demicheli, Frum, Pfaus, &
to the sexual attraction item “I have never felt sexu- Lewis, 2012) have suggested that researchers have
ally attracted to anyone at all.” Bogaert’s sample was much to learn about the disjunction between sexual
more religious than the comparison group of sexual attraction and desire and romantic attraction by
individuals, although in a more recent mixed-meth- studying those who identify as asexual.
ods study, asexual individuals were more likely to Further research on asexuality has shown that
report atheism (Brotto, Knudson, Inskip, Rhodes, & the lack of sexual desire is not distressing (Bogaert,
Erskine, 2010). Because the asexual individuals had 2004; Brotto, Knudson, et al., 2010; Brotto & Yule,
relatively less education and were of a lower social 2011; Prause & Graham, 2007) and that asexual
class, Bogaert speculated that one possible mecha- individuals see no reason to pursue treatment for
nism underlying the development of asexuality their lack of sexual attraction. Critics of asexuality
might relate to early environmental differences have challenged the position that a complete
between asexual and sexual individuals. Interest- absence of sexual attraction is not aberrant and
ingly, 44% were in a relationship—a figure some- pathologized asexuality by positing that asexuality is
what higher than that found by Brotto, Knudson, an extreme form of HSDD. That asexual individuals
et al. (2010). During their qualitative interviews, are not personally distressed by their lack of attrac-
those asexual individuals in a relationship noted tion is part of their pathology, critics have main-
that they continued to experience romantic attrac- tained, because it highlights the ego-syntonic nature
tion in terms of wanting closeness, security, and of their (lack of) attraction. However, this debate
connection in a relationship; however, they had no over the usefulness of distress, per se, in distinguishing
sexual attraction for that close partner. Asexual individuals with HSDD from asexual individuals
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
raises many questions about the nature of distress. s exual arousal in asexual, homosexual, bisexual, and
According to the DSM–IV–TR (American Psychiatric heterosexual women. Participants viewed erotic
Association, 2000), distress in the sexual dysfunc- stimuli in a controlled laboratory environment while
tions nomenclature is considered a necessary crite- a vaginal photoplethysmograph measured vaginal
rion across the various sexual dysfunctions and is pulse amplitude. No significant differences were
defined as “marked distress or interpersonal diffi- found in genital response between any of the
culty” (p. 541). Because one’s asexuality might groups, with asexual women showing as robust a
evoke discord in a relationship in which one partner genital response as the other subgroups of sexual
is sexual and the other is asexual, it is no surprise women. These findings suggest that the reported
that interpersonal difficulties may arise, and the absence of sexual attraction and desire is not the
asexual individual may inadvertently receive a diag- result of impaired physiological sexual responding.
nosis of HSDD as a result of her or his interpersonal That sexual desire can be discordant from physio-
distress. Some experts have proposed that in future logical sexual arousal is a common feature of wom-
editions of the DSM, a disclaimer be made in the text en’s, but not necessarily men’s, sexual response
excluding asexual individuals from receiving a diag- (Chivers et al., 2010). The sexual arousal patterns of
nosis of HSDD, even if interpersonal distress is pres- asexual men remain to be studied. Taken together,
ent (Brotto, 2010a, 2010b). the research on asexuality has suggested that sexual
One finding that critics of asexuality emphasize desire, or its lack, may not be reliably inferred from
is that asexual individuals masturbate with about one’s romantic attraction, sexual activity (masturba-
the same frequency as sexual individuals (Brotto, tion frequency), and physiological sexual response.
Knudson, et al., 2010). If asexuality is defined as the A major limitation of the existing literature on
absence of sexual desire, what incentives are there asexuality is that participants were recruited based
driving masturbation, particularly with the fre- on self-identification as asexual (Hinderliter, 2009).
quency attained by those who do feel sexual desire? The lack of a validated measure of asexuality that
Interestingly, unlike the larger population of sexual would capture the construct among those individu-
individuals, asexual individuals describe the urge to als who had not yet identified as asexual means that
masturbate as stemming from “a need to clean out only individuals who have embraced the asexual
the plumbing,” in the same way that there is an identity have been studied, and this group may differ
impulse to scratch an itch. Furthermore, they deny in important ways from those who experience no
that sexual fantasies are conjured up during mastur- sexual attraction but who have not discovered an
bation, and they maintain that the activity is not asexual community. The research findings on asexu-
experienced as sexual. Whether nonsexual motives ality provide scientists with a lens through which
are sufficient for sustaining the level of masturbation they can further their understanding of the intrica-
seen among asexual individuals despite a reported cies of sexual desire and behavior. Furthermore,
lack of any sexual desire or attraction is interesting understanding how asexual individuals experience
and suggests that desire for masturbation might be lack of desire and attraction—from a psychological,
rather independent from desire for partnered sexual sociocultural, and biomedical perspective—has the
interactions. It is possible, therefore, that asexuality potential to contribute important new knowledge to
is more about lack of attraction for partnered sex the study of desire (see Chapter 25, this volume).
than it is about lack of attraction for all forms of sex,
although this needs further exploration. These find-
ings raise interesting questions about the extent to
which the desire for masturbation is truly a sexual Some people hold a belief that youth is associated
desire versus an urge, impulse, or nonsexual need. with high levels of sexual interest, when sexual
In an attempt to address whether asexuality desires become realized and actualized as individu-
might relate to an underlying psychological process, als experience sexual activity for the first time. This
Brotto and Yule (2011) compared physiological notion that sexual desire is abundant, incessant, and
Brotto and Smith
resistant to life’s conflicting demands and challenges impact on their experiences of desire and their
pervades much of Western society. In Levine’s future labeling of lack of desire as “disordered”
(1987) discussion of the three components of sexual (Tolman, 2001).
desire, namely drive, wish, and motive, he described Although sexual script theory suggests that pat-
drive as testosterone dependent, spontaneous, and terns of initiating sexual activity follow traditional
occurring most potently in adolescents. He further gender roles such that men are the initiators of sex-
noted that drive manifestations “force adolescents to ual activity and women are the restrictors of sexual
come to grips with their sexual selves” (p. 37). How activity (Gagnon, 1990), more recent evidence has
they experience this drive in their youth may affect illustrated a more nuanced view of this finding. In a
their later sexual desires as adults. Individuals who recent study that examined 31 men and 32 women
cannot identify with the youthful desires portrayed with a mean age of 20.4 years, all of whom moni-
in the media may feel betrayed by their body and tored their daily sexual activities over 3 weeks using
mind and robbed of the opportunity to experience a structured diary, male initiation of sexual activity
what, apparently, every youth around them experi- was more common than female initiation (Vannier
ences (see Volume 2, Chapter 12, this handbook). & O’Sullivan, 2011). Most occasions of sexual
Feeling sexual desire is considered a normative activity involved indirect verbal initiation strategies
part of human development (unless one is asexual; (compared with direct verbal strategies; 57% vs.
see the preceding section); however, young girls do 45%, respectively), and nearly all sexual encounters
not receive the message that such feelings are nor- involved some nonverbal initiation strategy. A non-
mal. In reality, evidence has suggested that power- verbal response to a partner’s sexual initiation was
ful social and patriarchal forces shape how young the most common pattern, whether it was direct or
women experience their own sexual desire. At indirect, and men were more likely than women to
puberty, the young woman quickly discovers that use an indirect nonverbal than a direct nonverbal
her body has become an object for the pleasurable response. Verbal responses to a partner’s initiations
viewing of others, and she, in turn, learns to see were slightly less common than nonverbal responses,
herself in this objectified manner. Narratives of with no differences found between men and women.
personal sexual pleasure are often missing from These findings collectively illustrate that young
women’s stories of desire (Thomson, 1995; Tolman, adults’ desire to engage in sexual activity is expressed
2002), particularly those of women who have expe- with fewer words than actions and may have impli-
rienced a history of abuse (Tolman & Szalacha, cations for sexual communication more generally as
1999). A disembodied narrative is also prevalent in one ages. Vannier and O’Sullivan (2011) also found
young women’s stories such that women’s privileg- no gender differences in receptivity to a partner’s
ing of their body (as an object for others’ desire) is invitations, and responses tended to match the style
cut off from their own subjective feelings. Only of the initiation such that a nonverbal direct invita-
when specifically asked about their experience tion was met with a nonverbal direct response.
of desire and pleasure will adolescent women dis- Another feature of young adults’ sexual desire and
cuss these concepts. Aware of the sexual double interactions is that sexual behavior can occur in the
standard—where boys are entitled to experience absence of desire. O’Sullivan and Allgeier (1998)
and express sexual desire and girls are denied the defined such sexual compliance as instances in
same—most girls studied by Tolman and Higgins which the sexual activity itself is not wanted or
(1996) reported an inability to resist it. desired, yet the individual freely consents to it. Sex-
How do these early experiences, in which young ual compliance exists in a relationship to maintain
women lack sexual agency and men’s sexual desires harmony and reflects the fact that occasionally one
are privileged, shape sexual desire later on? Young partner may make sacrifices for the good of the rela-
women may not have expectations for their own tionship. Vannier and O’Sullivan (2010) examined
sexual desire as a result of their socialization to meet couples in a committed relationship and studied the
the sexual needs of men or boys, which may have an characteristics of sexual compliance and how this
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
might influence one’s decision to assert one’s needs studies have examined these complaints in younger
in other ways, such as in the use of contraceptives. samples. For example, a British national sample of
They also tested the relationship between compliance men and women ages 16 to 44 found that 17% of
and type of sexual activity, according to its rating of male and 41% of female respondents in the youngest
intensity (e.g., intercourse vs. oral sex). Overall, par- age group experienced low sexual desire (Mercer
ticipants expressed a high level of desire to engage in et al., 2003). In a sample of 171 late adolescent men
sexual activity, with no differences between men and and women with a mean age of 19.5 who completed
women. Of the participants, 46% reported at least validated surveys of sexual functioning, O’Sullivan
one occasion of sexual compliance, and those occa- and Majerovic (2008) found no gender differences
sions of compliant sexual activity were rated as less in desire for sexual activity, although the men had
enjoyable than those occasions that were desired sex- a higher desire for masturbation than the women.
ually. In qualitative interviews, several participants Fifty-eight percent of the men reported not being
noted that sexual compliance was part of an unspo- interested in sex at some point in their lives, with
ken contract between them and their partners about the majority of men (86%) reporting that such lack
maintaining sexual contact. The participants also of interest was only rarely or never a concern. Of
noted that their lack of desire for sex during women, 81% reported no sexual interest at some
instances of sexual compliance was accounted for by point, with 58.6% of women noting that such lack
feeling tired (58%), stressed (42%), or angry (17%). of interest was rarely a concern and 21.9% reporting
Most participants also noted that even though they that it was sometimes a concern. Only 1% of women
began a sexual interaction out of compliance and not reported that their lack of interest in sex was always
sexual desire, once the interaction continued and a concern for them. An interesting finding was that
they experienced some sexual arousal, sexual desire compared with a slightly older sample of young
for the activity itself significantly increased. This adults with a mean age of 24.5 years, both younger
finding is reminiscent of the circular model of human women and younger men had significantly lower
sexual response articulated by Basson (2001a, 2002), desire for masturbation, though the two age groups
in which the absence of sexual desire at the start of a did not differ on levels of sexual pleasure or
sexual interaction may be quite normative, particu- satisfaction.
larly for individuals in long-term relationships. At the other end of the developmental trajectory,
Basson went on to note that once information pro- there is also a commonly held belief that sexual
cessing allows for the experience of sexual arousal, desire fades with age and relationship duration (see
further awareness of these sensations by the individ- Chapter 17, this volume). Partnered older individu-
ual then opens the pathway toward feeling some sex- als (N = 1,009 couples) from Brazil, Germany,
ual desire. The findings of Vannier and O’Sullivan Japan, Spain, and the United States completed a sur-
(2010) and the model articulated by Basson (2001a, vey that assessed relationship happiness and sexual
2002) suggest that there is, perhaps, a developmental satisfaction (Heiman et al., 2011). For men, being in
trajectory leading from sexually compliant experi- good health, viewing their partner’s orgasm as
ences as a young person toward lack of spontaneous important, kissing and cuddling often, and being
sexual desire as an adult. Only when the latter is touched by a partner often significantly predicted
associated with distress would it merit a sexual desire relationship happiness. None of these variables sig-
disorder label. Understanding the progression of nificantly predicted relationship happiness for
sexual compliance over time and with relationship women. Relationship duration significantly pre-
duration may be a fruitful area of study in the future, dicted relationship happiness for both men and
particularly because those experiences of sexual women but in slightly different ways. For men, rela-
compliance were rated as less enjoyable (see Chap- tionship happiness increased as duration increased.
ters 13, 14, and 16, this volume). For women, relationship duration had a negative
Although most research on the prevalence of sex- effect on relationship happiness in the first 1 to 15
ual desire difficulties has focused on adults, a few years of the relationship, then positively influenced
Brotto and Smith
relationship happiness after that. In looking at pre- decrease the focus on erotic stimuli and impair
dictors of sexual satisfaction, sexual functioning and sexual response and desire (see Nobre, 2009, for a
frequency of sex significantly predicted sexual satis- more detailed description of the model’s theoretical
faction for men and women. Also, for both men and components). In testing this model, Nobre exam-
women, relationship duration had a significant posi- ined sexually conservative beliefs (e.g., “masturba-
tive effect on sexual satisfaction, with a slightly tion is not a proper activity for women”), thoughts
stronger effect for women than for men (Heiman et of abuse (e.g., “[my partner] is abusing me”),
al., 2011). Thus, despite data showing a decline in thoughts of failure or disengagement (e.g., “I am not
sexual desire (Witting et al., 2008) and a decline in satisfying my partner”), lack of erotic thoughts, and
sexual frequency (Klusmann, 2002) with age and guilt and anger as cognitive–emotional predictors of
relationship duration, relationship duration appears women’s sexual desire. Having conservative beliefs,
to be beneficial for long-term sexual satisfaction, both failure or disengagement thoughts, and a lack of
in men and in women (see Chapter 8, this volume). erotic thoughts were significantly and directly
related to women’s experiencing lower levels of sex-
ual desire. Additionally, the cognitive and emotional
variables influenced desire indirectly; for example,
one way in which guilt affected sexual desire was
Psychological factors play a key role in the experi- through the presence of failure or disengagement
ence of desire and pleasure. A large number of psy- thoughts and the absence of erotic thoughts. This
chological variables have been found to influence model underscores the important predisposing and
desire, including psychological disorders such as maintaining role of cognitions and emotions in
anxiety and depression, childhood abuse, perceived women’s sexual desire difficulties.
stress, and body image (see Brotto, Bitzer, Laan, Strong support has also been found for the
Leiblum, & Luria, 2010; Brotto & Klein, 2010; and importance of cognitive factors in men’s sexual
Meuleman & van Lankveld, 2005, for reviews). Psy- desire. A recent study conducted with Portuguese
chological factors may predispose, precipitate, or men recruited from the community compared medi-
maintain desire difficulties; for individuals who seek cal factors (e.g., presence of medical conditions),
help for desire problems, a comprehensive assess- psychological adjustment, relationship adjustment,
ment of such factors enables clinicians to select and and cognitive–emotional factors as predictors of
guide appropriate treatment. With regard to psycho- male sexual desire (Carvalho & Nobre, 2011).
logical mechanisms underlying desire, cognitive– Cognitions, particularly a lack of erotic thoughts
emotional factors and attentional processes have during sexual activity, emerged as the best predictor
been studied and are highly relevant to the experi- of men’s sexual desire. Again, these findings high-
ence of desire. light the critical link between sexual desire and
Cognitive and emotional variables often contrib- cognitive–emotional variables; such findings also
ute to the onset and maintenance of desire prob- suggest a key role for psychological treatment
lems. Nobre (2009) recently proposed a conceptual approaches that use cognitive strategies to help men
model of female sexual desire difficulties on the and women who experience desire difficulties (see
basis of cognitive theory. This model is interactional Volume 2, Chapter 4, this handbook).
and posits that specific cognitive–emotional vari- Attention is another mechanism involved in desire
ables interact with and influence sexual desire. Neg- and has long been implicated in the development and
ative sexual beliefs are viewed as predisposing treatment of sexual difficulties. For example, sensate
factors that set the stage for the activation of nega- focus, a long-standing technique used in the treatment
tive schemas (i.e., core beliefs that guide the inter- of low desire, is designed to focus one’s attention on
pretation of and meaning assigned to a situation); in and promote enjoyment of nongenital and genital touch
turn, these schemas generate negative cognitions sensations (Kaplan, 1979). Moreover, as noted earlier,
and emotional responses in a sexual situation that factors such as negative cognitions may decrease the
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
focus on erotic stimuli during sexual activity, leading contributing factors within each of these categories
to dampened sexual response and desire. The role of are presented in Table 8.1.) The model also posits
attention in desire has also been investigated empiri- that there is no one “normal” sexual experience or
cally in laboratory-based settings. Using a dot detec- response and that sexual difficulties cannot be
tion task to evaluate attention, Prause, Janssen, and addressed without regard to the relationship and
Hetrick (2008) found that the amount of men’s and context in which sex unfolds. The notion of “sexual
women’s attention that was captured by sexual stimuli plasticity,” or the idea that desire can be shaped and
predicted differences in participants’ level of sexual changed by sociocultural context, has also received
desire. In this study, individuals with relatively higher considerable attention in the literature (e.g., Bau-
levels of sexual desire were slower to detect dots that meister, 2000; Diamond, 2008). Female sexuality is
replaced sexual images; this finding suggested that par- thought to be particularly “plastic” or “fluid” and
ticipants with higher sexual desire perhaps attended to responsive to context; as such, women may experi-
and were more engaged by the sexual stimuli and that ence sexual desire and engage in sexual activities
attention directly contributes to the experience of sex- that “run counter to [their] overall [sexual] orienta-
ual desire. Clinically, the findings also lend support to tion” (Diamond, 2012, p. 3; see also Chapter 20, this
the possibility that altering one’s attention may have an volume). In this section, we review desire and plea-
impact on desire. To this end, mindfulness, or nonjudg- sure in consideration of sociocultural messages
mental present-moment awareness, has been applied to regarding gender norms, socioeconomic variables,
helping women with desire difficulties (Brotto, Basson, and relationship factors.
& Luria, 2008); by helping women learn to focus and
attend to their moment-by-moment experiences non- Gender Norms
judgementally, distractions may be reduced and desire Messages regarding norms and traditional roles for
and pleasure may increase (see Chapter 25, this males and females are abundant in U.S. society—
volume). people receive such messages from a variety of
sources, including families, social networks (e.g.,
school), and media representations. With regard to
sexuality, heterosexual scripts that govern what is
expected in a sexual situation are based on tradi-
Sexual desire is often shaped by context, including tional and stereotyped gender roles. Not every indi-
interpersonal and larger sociocultural contexts. vidual adheres to such scripts, and sexual scripts
Indeed, models of sexuality that emphasize context have become more egalitarian over time (Katz &
have increasingly emerged in the literature over the Farrow, 2000). From the perspective of traditional
past 10 to 15 years. The “new view” of women’s sex- roles, however, males are expected to be dominant,
uality is one example of such a model (Tiefer, Hall, initiate sexual activity (typically vaginal inter-
& Tavris, 2002; see Table 8.1). In the new view course), and be ready and willing to engage in sex-
model, which was organized around the major ual activity at any time (Drew, 2003). Dominant
causes of women’s sexual problems, women can discourse portrays male sexuality as predictable,
identify their own sexual problems, which Tiefer et autonomous, and performance oriented (McCarthy
al. (2002) defined as “discontent or dissatisfaction & McDonald, 2009). Females, in contrast, are
with any emotional, physical, or relational aspect of expected to be more submissive or to refuse sexual
sexual experience” (p. 229). This view identifies advances. Moreover, heterosexual discourse posi-
sexual problems, such as desire difficulties, as stem- tions intercourse as the most important sexual act
ming from any of the following four main and inter- (Drew, 2003; Katz & Farrow, 2000). Rigid gender
related aspects of women’s sexual lives: (a) roles may contribute to the experience of low desire.
sociocultural, political, and economic factors; (b) For example, men who adhere to traditional sexual
relationship or partner factors; (c) psychological fac- scripts may experience low desire and avoidance of
tors; and finally (d) medical factors. (Examples of sexual activity if they are unable to perform perfectly
Brotto and Smith
Note. STD = sexually transmitted disease. From “Beyond Dysfunction: A New View of Women’s Sexual Problems,” by
L. Tiefer, M. Hall, and C. Tavris, 2002, Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy, 28(Suppl. 1), pp. 225–232. Copyright 2002 by
Taylor & Francis. Adapted with permission.
with intercourse (McCarthy & McDonald, 2009). As not desire sexual intercourse may also be labeled as
well, women may not necessarily pursue sexual dysfunctional because of the centrality placed on
pleasure for fear of negative repercussions (e.g., stig- intercourse in U.S. society (Drew, 2003).
matization; Richgels, 1992), and a primary focus on Empirical investigations have examined links
intercourse (instead of other sexual activities that between gender norms and sexual desire and plea-
may be more pleasurable for females) may lead to sure. When presented with a priming task, female
reduced desire in women. Notably, women who do college students were found to implicitly associate
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
sex with submission (Sanchez, Kiefer, & Ybarra, with the authors suggesting that perhaps magazine
2006). Furthermore, the students who engaged in coverage is shifting from the dominant sexual script
a higher number of submissive sexual behaviors that emphasizes male pleasure (see Chapter 25, this
reported less sexual arousability, with the term volume; Volume 2, Chapter 12, this handbook).
arousability referring to the ease with which sub-
jective excitement occurs (Hoon & Chambless, Socioeconomic Status
1998) and can act as a trigger for sexual desire Some research has noted an association between
(Basson, 2009). In addition, the amount of plea- desire and socioeconomic variables such as educa-
sure derived from sexual activity and intimacy has tion. Using a national probability sample of more
been found to be affected by the degree to which than 3,000 adults between the ages of 18 and 59,
men and women believe it is important to conform the National Health and Social Life Survey exam-
to gender norms (Sanchez, Crocker, & Boike, ined the prevalence of and risk factors related to
2005); specifically, basing self-esteem on the sexual difficulties among individuals of various
approval of others and feeling less autonomous social groups (Laumann, Paik, & Rosen, 1999).
during partnered sexual activities accounted for Both men and women with fewer years of educa-
the relationship between gender norm conformity tion reported experiencing less pleasure from sex.
and pleasure. Sanchez et al. (2005) argued that As well, women with less education were more
individuals who conform to gender norms may feel likely to report low desire; in fact, female college
pressure to perform certain roles to gain approval graduates were approximately half as likely to
from others; this need for approval may then experience low desire as women with less educa-
restrict one’s feelings of freedom during sexual tion. Economic position was also related to sexual
activity. Some interesting data have suggested that difficulties in women, including problems with
nontraditional gender roles can also be associated desire. Specifically, women with less income were
with less sexual desire: In one study, heterosexual at modest risk of experiencing sexual difficulties.
men and women who identified with nontradi- This association between economic position and
tional gender roles reported less sexual desire than desire was not found for men. One interpretation
those with more traditional identity (Katz & of the link between socioeconomic variables and
Farrow, 2000). From a theoretical perspective, desire is that people of lower socioeconomic
Katz and Farrow (2000) posited that people who status may experience more stress, which, in turn
identify with nontraditional roles may experience increases the risk of having sexual difficulties.
discomfort from sexual interactions that are gov- Additionally, better health status is related to
erned by traditional sexual scripts. desire, and having lower income can influence
Media (e.g., television, magazines) also play an access to health care services and resources that
influential role in disseminating information about may bolster emotional and physical health.
gender roles and sexuality (Ward, 2003). Content Research with adults ages 45 and older has also
analysis of popular magazines has indicated that found that attitudes toward sexuality help to explain
sexual desire tends to be portrayed differently, and the relationship between education and desire
often stereotypically, for males versus females. For (DeLamater & Sill, 2005). In particular, positive
example, a recent analysis of magazine stories pub- attitudes toward sex have been found to be associ-
lished from 2006 to 2008 that were directed at ado- ated with greater levels of sexual desire, and educa-
lescent girls (e.g., stories in CosmoGirl!) found that tion may help foster such attitudes. As noted by
sexual wanting was portrayed more often for boys DeLamater and Sill (2005) in reference to older
than for girls in U.S. magazines, whereas a compara- adults, “Greater education may undermine the nega-
ble gender difference was not found in Dutch tive stereotypes of sexual expression by older per-
magazines (Joshi, Peter, & Valkenburg, 2011). sons” (p. 147). Finally, we should note that women
Unexpectedly, sexual pleasure was portrayed with with higher social status have also been found to
similar frequency for boys and girls in these stories, experience lower frequency of desire; again, one
Brotto and Smith
hypothesis for this association links desire to stress, found that at least 237 distinct reasons why people
particularly work-related stress that may come with engage in sex could be identified, with many of
a higher socioeconomic position, putting strain on them being nonsexual.
one’s capacity for sexual desire (Eplov, Giraldi, Much research has also shown an association
Davidsen, Garde, & Kamper-Jørgensen, 2007). between sexual desire and relationship satisfaction.
In one such study, higher marital satisfaction was
Relational Context significantly associated with higher levels of sexual
Both theoretical and empirical work has increasingly desire for one’s partner among married couples who
highlighted the association between sexual desire were recruited from the community, as were higher
and relationship factors, particularly in women (see levels of shared and mutual decision making (i.e.,
Chapter 10, this volume). For example, Basson (e.g., egalitarianism) in the relationship (Brezsnyak &
2001a) has proposed a model of human sexual Whisman, 2004). A large sample of women in
response emphasizing the role that long-term inti- Europe found that those with low desire were more
macy between partners can play in motivating sex- likely to report both decreased sexual and relation-
ual behavior and triggering desire. This model ship satisfaction than women who did not experi-
recognizes that spontaneous desire may motivate ence low desire (Dennerstein, Koochaki, Barton, &
one to be sexual but that multiple reasons exist for Graziottin, 2006). Although such studies have not
engaging in sexual activity. Reasons other than indicated directionality, satisfaction may be both a
spontaneous sexual desire are often important for causal factor and an outcome of desire in relation-
having sex with a partner and may include enrich- ships (Brezsnyak & Whisman, 2004).
ment of emotional closeness and a desire to increase Relational factors other than satisfaction also
one’s attractiveness to a partner (Basson, 2001a, seem to contribute to sexual desire. A recent qualita-
2003). This model underscores the importance of tive study with married women who met criteria for
context in triggering responsive sexual desire, both HSDD found that overfamiliarity with their partner
the context of the relationship in which sexual activ- and institution of the relationship (e.g., deeroticiz-
ity occurs (e.g., positive feelings toward the partner) ing effect of readily available sex) were viewed by
and the immediate sexual context (e.g., private and women as dampening their desire (Sims & Meana,
erotic environment). 2010). Longitudinal studies have also been con-
Although originally designed as a model applica- ducted to understand desire and its link to relation-
ble to both men and women, Basson’s model has ship goals. For example, approach goals in a
been widely applied to understanding women’s sex- relationship—that is, goals that concentrate on pur-
ual response and highlights the important connec- suing positive relational experiences such as fun and
tion between relationship factors and sexual desire. growth—have been found to buffer against reduc-
From this perspective, women with low desire are tions in sexual desire over time; additionally,
not considered to have an innate dysfunction of sex- approach goals seem to buffer against the harmful
ual response; instead, a dearth of reasons to engage effects of negative relationship events on desire
in sexual activity, a problematic context, or both are (Impett, Strachman, Finkel, & Gable, 2008).
contributing factors in the experience of low desire As evidenced by the predominant discussion in
(Basson & Brotto, 2009). Research with women and this section on women’s desire, women tend to
men has indicated that multiple factors, often those emphasize relationship factors in sexuality more so
that are relationally based, may indeed lead to sexual than men, and more research has been carried out
desire. McCall and Meston (2006, 2007) have docu- on women’s desire and relational factors (Peplau,
mented that love–emotional bonding cues (e.g., 2003). For instance, Regan and Berscheid (1996)
talking about the future with one’s partner) and found that women were more likely than men to
romantic–implicit cues (e.g., laughing with a part- view interpersonal goals such as love, intimacy, and
ner) are some triggers of sexual desire in women, closeness as important for sexual desire, whereas
and a series of studies by Meston and Buss (2007) men were more likely to view sexual activity or
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
pleasure as goals. Of course, the consequent dangers Kaplan (1979), science has advanced considerably
of assuming static and universal gender differences in terms of understanding the biological and physio-
must be kept in mind. A discrepancy in level of sex- logical underpinnings of sexual desire and how
ual desire, wherein the women in a heterosexual these domains may interact with one another.
relationship may be more likely to experience less Some of the initial speculations about a dual control
desire than their male partners, is also a common mechanism have received some of the most exten-
reason why couples seek treatment for problems sive study and empirical support to date.
with low desire. Although much of what is known today about
the neurotransmitters involved in sexual desire is
derived from research on rodents, there are parallels
between the sexual behavior patterns in rodents and
humans that allow rodents to be useful homologues
Early research on sexual response was primarily to understanding human behavior (Pfaus, 2009; see
biological and physiological in nature. Frank Beach Chapter 7, this volume). Bancroft and Janssen (2000;
(1956) challenged the purely vascular view of sex- Bancroft, Graham, Janssen, & Sanders, 2009) pro-
ual response that predated his work and noted that posed the dual control model, which reflects a bal-
sexual drive should be replaced by the term sexual ance of excitatory and inhibitory mechanisms and
appetite in recognition that it is a by-product of has three basic assumptions:
one’s experience with little or no relation to biologi-
1. Neurobiological inhibition of sexual response is
cal or physiological needs. He proposed one of the
an adaptive pattern that reduces the likelihood
earliest models of sexual motivation (on the basis of
of sexual response at inappropriate times;
research with rodents), based on a two-factor the-
2. Individuals vary in their propensity for sexual
ory: First, copulation was initiated by a sexual
excitation and inhibition; and
arousal mechanism that increased the male’s sexual
3. Sexual stimulus effects are mediated by the psy-
excitement in the presence of a sexual stimulus.
chological and neurophysiological characteristics
Copulation was then maintained by the second fac-
of the individuals involved.
tor, an intromission and ejaculation mechanism,
which further modified the male’s internal state. Both excitation and inhibition activate the auto-
When Masters and Johnson carried out their nomic nervous system, but the balance of excitation
research in the 1960s and 1970s, they focused on versus inhibition may dictate whether one may be
physiological responding as couples engaged in sex- prone to sexual difficulties (high inhibition, low
ual activity (Masters & Johnson, 1966), and the excitation) or to sexual risk taking (high excita-
groundwork for their HSRC model, composed of tion, low inhibition). In the case of sexual desire,
excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution, was increased levels might be attributed to a more domi-
entirely based on the physiological processes nant excitatory system, whereas a decrease in sexual
unfolding during sexual activity. Kaplan (1979), desire might be the result of a more dominant inhib-
who introduced sexual desire to the HSRC model, itory process. Of course, these systems may wax and
equated sexual desire with other drive states that wane within and across individuals and over time.
depend on a specific anatomical location in the
brain and found that the need to seek out sexual Excitatory Mechanisms
stimuli (or be receptive to them) is produced by the Within the dual control model, dopamine, norepi-
physical activation of neural systems. She described nephrine, melanocortin, and oxytocin systems in the
inhibitory and activating centers involved in sexual hypothalamus and limbic system stimulate sexual
desire located within the limbic system with exten- arousal, attention, and behaviors toward sexual
sive neural connections throughout the brain. In the incentives. The ability to respond to sexual stimuli
decades since the influential thinking of Beach also depends on steroid hormone actions in specific
(1956), Masters and Johnson (1966), and brain regions as well as interactions of those hormones
Brotto and Smith
with receptor complexes. Whereas norepinephrine for treatment of anxiety (MacDonald & Feifel,
and oxytocin activation are involved in mechanisms 2012).
of sexual arousal, dopamine and melanocortins are
thought to be involved in the activation of sexual Inhibitory Mechanisms
interest. Dopamine’s excitatory actions have been According to Bancroft and Janssen’s (2000) dual
borne out in studies that have found a facilitatory control model, inhibitory mechanisms are important
effect of dopamine agonists (chemicals that bind to a for sexual decision making that involves risk. An
receptor and increase the actions or activities of that underactive inhibitory system would predispose one
cell) on male rat sexual behavior and a sometimes to engage in sexual risk, whereas an overactive
indiscriminate increase in sexual desire seen among inhibitory system might make one vulnerable to
people taking Parkinson’s drugs, which facilitate having a sexual dysfunction. In a detailed review of
dopamine activity (as reviewed by Pfaus, 2009). the mechanisms involved in sexual inhibition in
Furthermore, dopamine antagonists (chemicals that men, Bancroft (1999) noted that the limbic system
bind to a receptor and block or decrease the activi- plays a key role in the regulation of sexual behavior.
ties of that cell), often used in the treatment of Inhibitory chemicals include endogenous opioids,
schizophrenia, can impair sexual response. Dopa- endocannabinoids, and serotonin, among others,
mine and steroids appear to interact such that estra- and function to inhibit central excitatory mecha-
diol and testosterone exert effects that facilitate nisms. The endogenous release of opioids that
dopamine’s activities. accompanies orgasm is known to significantly
Norepinephrine is involved in the regulation of dampen sexual desire and arousal (Rodríguez-Manzo
arousal and influences sympathetic tone. An agonist & Fernández-Guasti, 1995) by calming hypotha-
(clonidine) that reduces norepinephrine release has lamic regions involved in sexual response. Opioid
been found to significantly blunt both physiological release is thought to be involved in the reward state
and subjective sexual arousal to erotic stimuli (Mes- that accompanies sexual pleasure, thereby reducing
ton, Gorzalka, & Wright, 1997). Because of the link sexual desire. Observations about the clinical and
between sexual arousal and motivation (Laan & therapeutic effects of cannabis have led researchers
Both, 2008), it is likely that decreased levels of nor- to examine more closely the role of the endocannab-
adrenergic activity may also play a role in reduced inoid system in the control of sexual response. The
sexual desire. cannabinoid receptor Type 1 is distributed through-
Melanocortin agonists, interestingly, have been of out the motor and limbic systems as well as the
great interest recently to pharmaceutical companies, hypothalamus, and cannabinoid receptor Type 1
which have found that the melanocortin agonist agonists have been found to impair sexually procep-
bremelanotide increases sexual desire and arousal in tive behaviors in female rats (Ferrari, Ottani, & Giu-
women (Diamond et al., 2006). Owing to concerns liani, 2000). There is also evidence in women that
about safety and the (intranasal) mode of delivery, increases in erotica-induced subjective and physio-
the company that manufactured bremelanotide has logical sexual arousal are significantly associated
reformulated the mode of delivery for this agonist. with decreases in endogenous cannabinoid levels
New trials with women with low desire have been (Klein, Hill, Chang, Hillard, & Gorzalka, 2012),
carried out, with the expectation by the company making the endocannabinoid system a target for
that this new formulation may be available for future drug development.
women who lack sexual interest in the years ahead. Considerable research has examined the role of
Oxytocin cell bodies located in the hypothalamus serotonin in sexual response (Pfaus, 2009). Sero-
are involved in the lordosis response of female rats tonin is involved in inhibiting the actions of dopa-
and the ejaculation response of male rats. Anecdotal mine. Disruptions in orgasmic functioning of men
evidence from a single case study has suggested that and women are common after treatment with
intranasal administration of oxytocin significantly serotonin-enhancing drugs, including the selective
increased sexual desire in a male receiving the drug serotonin reuptake inhibitors (Clayton, 2010).
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
However, treatment with serotonergic drugs com- engaging in sex that may have negative outcomes
pared with placebo does not appear to affect sexual (e.g., sexually transmitted infection, damaging effect
desire in nondepressed women (Reed et al., 2012). on the relationship).
When the excitatory system is activated, it blunts
the inhibition system, yet in reality the excitatory Hormones and Sexual Desire
and inhibitory systems act in concert to control sex- According to the incentive motivation model of
ual behavior. Pharmaceutical companies’ programs sexual response (Toates, 2009), the experience of
of research align with the proposed theory of a sexual desire and arousal hinges on a sexually
hypofunctioning excitatory system and hyperfunc- responsive system. The sex hormones estrogen and
tioning inhibitory system in their quest to find an testosterone have received the most attention,
effective pharmacologic cure for low desire. although it is still not entirely clear exactly what role
Although some empirical support has been found they play in sexual desire. Considerable work has
for some of these tested agents (e.g., bremelanotide, focused on the role of estrogen in women’s sexual
flibanserin), they have not been approved by the response, particularly as women transition through
U.S. Food and Drug Administration because of a menopause, when there is a sharp decline in serum
lack of long-term safety data (e.g., bremelanotide), estradiol. Estrogen-related menopausal changes
lack of efficacy for the end points that the U.S. Food include hot flashes, sleep disturbance, mood
and Drug Administration required, and concern changes, vaginal atrophy, and vaginal dryness. Evi-
regarding potential adverse events (e.g., flibanserin). dence of reduced vaginal blood flow has also been
In his sexual tipping point model, psychologist found when women are assessed with a vaginal
Perelman (2006) used the concepts of inhibition photoplethysmograph (Laan & van Lunsen, 1997);
and excitation and applied them to understanding however, when a woman is adequately sexually
the etiology for and treatment of sexual difficulties. aroused, these reduced estrogens are thought to
This model suggests that an individual has a tipping have little or no impact on vaginal blood flow. It is
point (somewhat like a threshold), dynamic and possible that the dryness and vaginal atrophy may
not static, that integrates biological, psychological, negatively affect a woman’s desire for sex (Denner-
and sociocultural influences to determine sexual stein, Lehert, Burger, & Dudley, 1999).
response. In the case of an individual with low One Australian prospective longitudinal study
desire, organic and sociocultural factors may inter- followed women transitioning through menopause
fere with the response to previously effective sexual and carried out annual hormonal assessments as
stimuli. The model provides an algorithm for care well as face-to-face interviews with participants.
providers suggesting how pharmaceutical and psy- Changes in androgens (total testosterone, free tes-
chological or psychosocial treatments might be tosterone index, and dehydroepiandrosterone sul-
properly timed and administered (see Volume 2, fate) were unrelated to any aspect of sexual
Chapter 5, this handbook). The administration of a functioning (Dennerstein, Randolph, Taffe, Dudley,
drug alone may alter this threshold for response, so & Burger, 2002). Using structural equation model-
that psychological skills may be optimized. ing to examine the relative effects of a variety of psy-
What the dual control and sexual tipping point chosocial factors and hormones on libido, “feelings
models offer is an algorithm that allows hypotheses for partner” was a much stronger predictor than
about the mechanisms involved in sexual desire in were any of the hormones, including estrogen and
men and women to be tested and frameworks for testosterone (Dennerstein et al., 1999). Moreover, in
how sexual difficulties might be managed. Further- a recent study comparing hormonal versus nonhor-
more, these models stress the adaptive nature of sex- monal predictors of whether women had HSDD
ual response to the context; specifically, the adaptive (verified by an in-depth clinical interview) versus a
nature of sexual excitation would lead one to engage more severe form of HSDD that also included lack of
in sex for procreation or sexual reward and pleasure, responsive sexual desire, logistic regression analyses
whereas sexual inhibition would deter one from determined that hormone levels did not significantly
Brotto and Smith
predict group status, whereas three psychosocial available cut-offs that denote the separation from
factors—developmental history, psychiatric history, normal to problematically low sexual desire, nor is
and psychosexual history—significantly predicted there any blood test for HSDD. Somewhat paradoxi-
group membership (Brotto, Petkau, Labrie, & Bas- cally, however, treatment of low desire with testos-
son, 2011). Specifically, those women who lacked terone in women results in a statistically significant
both spontaneous and responsive sexual desire had improvement in most women (Basson, 2010; Davis,
a greater contribution of these psychosocial vari- Moreau, et al., 2008; Davis, Paplia, et al., 2008), but
ables than women with HSDD alone. Psychiatric not all (Barton et al., 2007).
factors in particular emerged as the single greatest Perhaps some of the inconsistency in interpret-
predictor when all hormonal and nonhormonal vari- ing effects of testosterone on sexual desire stems
ables, age, and relationship duration were consid- from a failure to consider sociocultural and psycho-
ered collectively. logical interactions with testosterone. A recent study
These findings challenge the long-standing debate (van Anders, 2012) that had 196 men and women
about the extent to which testosterone is the “hor- provide saliva samples of testosterone and measured
mone of desire.” Evidence has been found that testos- solitary and partnered sexual desire found a signifi-
terone has a direct impact on sexual interest in men cant correlation between testosterone and solitary
(Regan, 1999) and that reports of low desire signifi- desire, but not partnered desire, in women. Interest-
cantly predict testosterone levels that fall below a cer- ingly, testosterone was negatively correlated with
tain threshold (Travison, Morley, Araujo, O’Donnell, partnered sexual desire only among women who
& McKinlay, 2006), although findings have also had higher cortisol, suggesting, perhaps, stress-
shown that, among men with erectile dysfunction, activated increases in testosterone. In contrast,
testosterone levels did not differ between the subset testosterone was unrelated to either solitary or part-
of men with and without HSDD (Ansong & Pun- nered sexual desire in men. Moreover, differences
waney, 1999; Corona et al., 2009). With menopause, between men and women in sexual desire were not
the reduction in testosterone is less marked (com- mediated by level of testosterone but by masturba-
pared with the sharp decline in estradiol). This tion frequency, suggesting a more pronounced effect
decline in serum testosterone is due to the reduced of behavioral and not hormonal variables in
peripheral conversion of androstenedione (secreted accounting for sex differences in desire.
from the ovaries) to testosterone. Some reduction in
testosterone also occurs as a result of less adrenal
output of the testosterone precursor dehydroepi-
androsterone. Complicating this picture is the fact In their qualitative study of women, Goldhammer
that most testosterone production takes place intra- and McCabe (2011) found that sexual desire might
cellularly, where testosterone also exerts its effects. be related to a variety of different behaviors,
Because available assays only measure testosterone depending on the context in which the desire was
that has spilled into the serum, their accuracy in pro- experienced. Women noted that their initiation of
viding an estimate of androgens in any given woman sexual behavior was not necessarily driven by sex-
is seriously questionable (Labrie et al., 2006). ual desire; rather, it was often influenced by a num-
Research that has examined the association ber of (sexual and nonsexual) factors, such as
between levels of testosterone and women’s sexual being aware that it had been too long since the last
desire has also been conflicting. Despite early stud- time the couple had sex. Moreover, women in at
ies suggesting that low desire was associated with least one qualitative study reported the intrinsic
low levels of testosterone, a large number of more pleasure of simply experiencing sexual desire, and
recent studies have failed to find a significant differ- it was not imperative to act on this desire (Brotto
ence in testosterone levels between women with and et al., 2009). Couples therapist Esther Perel (2006)
without low desire (as reviewed in Brotto, Bitzer, viewed love and pleasure or eroticism as distinct,
et al., 2010; Nappi et al., 2010). Thus, there are no although in conventional discussions both experts
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
and nonexperts may interchange the terms. She enced by automatic processes. In a series of studies,
stated that the very factors that are important to a Krishnamurti and Loewenstein (2012) developed
long-term, stable, and monogamous relationship and established the test–retest reliability and conver-
(e.g., stability, understanding, compassion) may be gent, discriminant, and predictive validity of a
the very same factors that douse the fire of sexual 15-item partner-specific sexual liking and sexual
desire, the latter of which relies on novelty, excite- wanting scale. They found that higher levels of
ment, and mystery (Perel, 2006). On the basis of partner-specific sexual liking were associated with
this approach, desire and pleasure become fueled more initiation on the part of the partner, but not
when space is introduced between partners, when necessarily with one’s own initiation of sexual activ-
the forbidden becomes pleasurable. ity. They also found that higher levels of partner-
How do sexual desire and pleasure influence one specific sexual wanting were associated with higher
another? Interestingly, neither is necessary for sex- levels of self-initiation. Their data suggest that sex-
ual activity to take place (Meston & Buss, 2007). ual satisfaction (i.e., liking) might be entirely inde-
Nonetheless, desire for sexual pleasure is an impor- pendent from feelings of sexual desire. The latter
tant sexual motive to consider. The domain of sex- finding has also been supported in large epidemio-
ual fantasies, which represent a private mental logical studies of women’s sexual health, which have
experience with the goal, presumably, of eliciting shown that sexual satisfaction might not hinge on a
pleasure, provides an opportunity to examine how woman’s level of sexual desire. Contemporary mod-
pleasure and desire influence one another. Vance els of women’s sexual response position sexual satis-
(1989) has written extensively about the dangers for faction as a critical outcome determining whether
women in experiencing sexual desire and pleasure. women will initiate or be receptive to sexual activity
The expression of desire may lead to dangerous sex- on a future occasion (Basson, 2001b, 2002, 2003).
ual encounters, and because pleasure and safety are Although the definition of sexual satisfaction differs
at opposite ends of the dimension, the expression of across studies, there is general agreement that
pleasure, too, can be problematic for women. In a sexual satisfaction has both personal and relational
study of 85 men and 77 women, Zurbriggen and domains (Meston & Trapnell, 2005). Relational sex-
Yost (2004) examined themes of sexual desire and ual satisfaction might include domains such as feel-
pleasure in participants’ private fantasies. Whereas ing safe, not lonely, and not distant from a partner,
sexual pleasure and desire were correlated for men and individual aspects of sexual satisfaction might
(mean r = .43), this association was much weaker include feeling content, free of sexual tension, pleas-
for women (mean r = .24). Specifically, men were antly indulged, relaxed, and happy (Philippsohn &
likely to mention desire and pleasure for themselves Hartmann, 2009). One’s level of sexual satisfaction
as well as their partners in their fantasies, whereas depends on one’s frame of reference, which includes
women were more likely to only mention pleasure one’s own expectations and past experiences (Byers
and desire for themselves. The fact that orgasm is a & Macneil, 2006). Therefore, a woman who does
more likely outcome of sexual activity for men than not expect to experience orgasm during a sexual
for women simply reinforces the nonoverlap encounter with a partner may be more sexually
between sexual desire and pleasure for women. satisfied than a woman who occasionally does
not experience orgasm but expects one. Recent
Is Wanting the Same as Liking? population-based studies of sexual functioning in
There is evidence that wanting sex is not necessarily women have shown that a significant proportion of
the same as liking sex. Most measures of sexual sat- women are sexually satisfied even though they are
isfaction confound sexual frequency, sexual liking, experiencing some sexual difficulties (e.g., reduced
and sexual wanting. As noted by Toates (2009), the sexual desire or arousal). In the Study of Women’s
wanting of sex may differ between men and women, Health Across the Nation, 70% of women reported
with women being more influenced by controlled thinking about sex less than once a week (a thresh-
and deliberate processes and men being more influ- old that some might consider falling into the level of
Brotto and Smith
women with HSDD), but 86% of them remained tion in men and women, what emerged was a com-
sexually satisfied (Cain et al., 2003). Among 164 mon set of motives that significantly predicted
women seeking general medical care, 48.8% met the satisfaction for both men and women. These motives
clinical threshold for sexual dysfunction on a vali- included love and commitment, self-esteem, and
dated measure of sexual functioning, although resource motives such that those who had sex for
80.5% reported feeling that they were sexually satis- love and commitment seemed to have more sexual
fied (Ferenidou et al., 2008). Not surprisingly, the satisfaction. Those who had sex to raise their self-
most common sexual complaint was low desire. esteem tended to have lower sexual satisfaction, as
In using data from the National Health and Social did those whose motives for sex included resource
Life Survey to explore individual, relational, and attainment. Additional motives for sex predicted
cultural sexual satisfaction in 1,035 mid-life women sexual satisfaction for women but not men, and they
in a sexual relationship, women’s health positively included experience seeking, pleasure, and expres-
influenced their emotional satisfaction (Carpenter, sion motives. This was the case even after control-
Nathanson, & Kim, 2009; see also Chapter 21, this ling for sexual functioning, neuroticism, and sexual
volume). Interestingly, relationship duration was attitudes. The findings from this study suggest that
not a predictor of sexual satisfaction in this study. sexual desire, or motivation for sex, may relate to a
Sexual fantasies and sexual satisfaction are also not variety of nonsexual reasons and that having a par-
correlated in women (Cain et al., 2003). Behavior ticular type of motive for sex may predict sexual sat-
might also be discordant with sexual satisfaction. isfaction. It is interesting to note that in this study
Among 290 British women ages 18 to 75, 79% indi- desire-related motives did not emerge as significant
cated being very satisfied with their current sex life predictors of sexual satisfaction.
despite the fact that 24% had not engaged in any It is also important to note that reasons for
sexual activity in the past 3 months (Dunn, Croft, & engaging in sexual activity may vary across different
Hackett, 2000). The interesting counterpart to these relational or situational contexts. For example, Mes-
findings is that a number of studies have found that ton and Buss (2007) noted that reasons for engaging
a proportion of women without any overt sexual in sex may differ across shorter versus longer term
symptoms will still report being sexually dissatisfied relationships. Although some relationship (e.g., “I
(King, Holt, & Nazareth, 2007; Laumann et al., wanted to intensify my relationship”) and situa-
2005; Lutfey, Link, Rosen, Wiegel, & McKinlay, tional (e.g., “It was a romantic setting”) reasons
2009; Öberg, Fugl-Meyer, & Fugl-Meyer, 2004). were endorsed, participants in the Meston and Buss
More recent research has examined the associa- study were broadly asked to report their reasons for
tion between motives for engaging in sexual activity engaging in sex.
and sexual satisfaction. A series of studies carried
out by Meston and Buss (2007) with 1,549 male and
female university students (mean = age 19, range =
16–42 years) found 237 distinct reasons why men
and women engaged in sexual activity. These rea- Just as the HSRC model of Masters and Johnson
sons could be categorized into four broad clusters: (1966) has been criticized for espousing a gender-
physical, emotional, goal attainment, and insecurity, neutral model of sexual functioning that ignores
with many subfactors contained in each domain. potentially important differences between men and
The most common reasons provided for having sex women (Tiefer, 1991), it can also be criticized for
included attraction, pleasure, affection, love, making the presumption of cross-cultural universal-
romance, emotional closeness, arousal, the desire to ity in sexual responding. There is a growing body of
please, adventure, excitement, experience, connec- literature comparing sexual attitudes, practices, and
tion, celebration, curiosity, and opportunity. When difficulties between various cultural groups and, in
these theoretically derived motives for sex were particular, a small but emerging interest in cross-
examined as potential predictors of sexual satisfac- cultural differences in sexual desire.
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
In a sample of Latina women seeking outpatient 12.5% to 17.6% of men from Europe or North
care, 41.3% had low levels of overall sexual func- America and 21.6% from the Middle East endorsed
tioning that were significantly associated with treat- this item, and 19.6% to 28.0% of men from Asia
ment for anxiety or depression (Hullfish et al., reported low desire. A recent study that compared
2009). Using the Changes in Sexual Functioning Black (n = 251) and White (n = 544) partnered
Questionnaire, Hullfish et al. (2009) found that the women on how women evaluated their sexual rela-
most prevalent issue was low desire, on which tionship and their own sexuality found that level of
94.3% of the Latina women fell below the clinical sexual interest significantly predicted a woman’s
cut-off. Among aboriginal groups, a pervasive dou- evaluation of her own sexuality and found no differ-
ble standard exists whereby men are expected to ences between Black and White women (Bancroft,
behave aggressively and to be interested in sex alone Long, & McCabe, 2011).
and women are not expected to initiate sex or resist In samples of younger individuals studied, sexual
sex and are viewed as “letting” sexual encounters desire was similarly lower among the East Asian
occur (Devries & Free, 2010). In exploring levels of male and female participants compared with Cauca-
sexual desire in these ethnocultural groups, it is sian participants (Brotto, Chik, Ryder, Gorzalka, &
imperative to consider that sexual desire, as a con- Seal, 2005; Brotto, Woo, & Gorzalka, 2011; Brotto,
struct, may be experienced very differently in differ- Woo, & Ryder, 2007; Woo, Brotto, & Gorzalka,
ent groups (see Volume 2, Chapter 6, this 2011, 2012). Evidence is also emerging that sex
handbook). Thus, the conclusions that one draws guilt specifically, or a “generalized expectancy for
about group differences must be tempered with ade- self-mediated punishment for violating or for antici-
quate cultural sensitivity and competence. pating violating standards of proper sexual conduct”
In the Study of Women’s Health Across the (Mosher & Cross, 1971, p. 27), may mediate the
Nation, 16,065 mid-life women ages 40 to 55 were association between culture and sexual desire
studied cross-sectionally, and a smaller cohort were (Brotto et al., 2011; Woo et al., 2011, 2012). This
observed longitudinally. The goal of the study was finding suggests that culture-linked attitudes, such
to examine multiple aspects of sexual functioning as sex guilt, which become altered with the process
across diverse ethnic groups as women transitioned of acculturation, may mediate changes in individu-
through menopause. Among the 2,466 women who als’ level of sexual desire. Of course, whether the
had sex in the past 6 months, the Caucasian, African experience of sexual desire is the same across cul-
American, and Hispanic women were more likely to tures has never been examined closely and raises
find sex quite or extremely important compared to concern about the use of Western-derived measures
Chinese or Japanese women (Cain et al., 2003). of sexual desire with non-Western samples.
Regarding sexual desire, in the Global Study of
Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, the first large, mul-
ticountry survey of sexuality in older adults, 13,883
women and 13,618 men ages 40 to 80 were asked, Those who experience difficulties with sexual desire
“During the last 12 months have you ever experi- are said to have a sexual desire disorder if their
enced a lack of interest in having sex for a period of symptoms meet specific diagnostic criteria. Two
2 months or more?” (Laumann et al., 2005). Women types of sexual desire disorders are outlined in the
endorsing “yes” were then asked to rate its fre- sexual dysfunctions category of the DSM–IV–TR
quency as occasionally, sometimes, or frequently. (American Psychiatric Association, 2000): sexual
Among the 9,000 women who had had sexual inter- aversion disorder and HSDD. Defined as “persistent
course in the past year, 25.6% to 32.9% of women or recurrent extreme aversion to, and avoidance of,
from Europe or North America noted lack of desire all (or almost all) genital sexual contact with a sex-
was a problem, whereas 43.4% from the Middle East ual partner” (American Psychiatric Association,
and 34.8% to 43.3% from Asia endorsed this item. 2000, p. 542), sexual aversion disorder is likely bet-
Among the 11,205 sexually active male respondents, ter conceptualized as an anxiety disorder than as a
Brotto and Smith
sexual dysfunction (see Brotto, 2010c, for a review). Rosen, 2006; Mercer et al., 2003; Öberg et al., 2004;
HSDD is defined by the criterion of “persistently or Shifren, Monz, Russo, Segreti, & Johannes, 2008;
recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies and West et al., 2008; Witting et al., 2008) are consid-
desire for sexual activity” (American Psychiatric ered together, low desire seems to affect approxi-
Association, 2000, p. 541). To be diagnosed with mately 20% to 30% of women across all ages (Brotto,
sexual aversion disorder or HSDD using DSM–IV–TR Bitzer, et al., 2010).
criteria, an individual must also experience marked However, when female HSDD is assessed—that
distress or interpersonal difficulty. Given that little is, when low desire is assessed in conjunction with
empirical information is available regarding sexual distress—prevalence rates are typically reduced by
aversion disorder, in this section we briefly review half (Brotto, Bitzer, et al., 2010; Dennerstein et al.,
the prevalence, known etiology, and treatment of 2006; Leiblum et al., 2006; Shifren et al., 2008; West
HSDD only. et al., 2008). For example, in a telephone interview
study of 755 premenopausal, 552 naturally meno-
Prevalence pausal, and 637 surgically menopausal women
Low desire is the most common sexual difficulty between the ages of 30 and 70 in the United States,
among women. Several studies have attempted to the estimated prevalence rate of low desire was
determine the prevalence rate of female low desire 36.2% and the estimated prevalence rate of HSDD
and HSDD; across studies, different methodologies was 8.3% (ranging from 6.6% for naturally meno-
have been used and variable rates have been docu- pausal women to 12.5% for surgically menopausal
mented (see Brotto, 2010b, for a review). Some women; West et al., 2008).
research, for example, has tried to document the To date, rates of HSDD have not been docu-
prevalence rate of low sexual desire only, whereas mented in men. With regard to rates of low desire
other research has assessed both low desire and in men, the National Health and Social Life Survey
related distress. One of the most cited studies that found that 13% to 17% of sexually active men
assessed sexual difficulties (related distress was not between the ages of 30 and 59 reported a lack of
measured) in a U.S. sample is the National Health desire for sex in the past year; 14% of men ages 18
and Social Life Survey (Laumann et al., 1999). In to 29 reported the same (Laumann et al., 1999). In
this study, 27% to 32% of sexually active women the Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors,
between the ages of 18 and 59 reported that they approximately 13% to 28% of men reported a lack of
had lacked desire for sex in the past year. A multi- interest in sex for 2 months or more in the past year,
country study of sexual problems was the Global and the rate of frequent lack of interest in sex ranged
Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors, which from 1.3% of men in southern Europe to 3.1% of
included more than 13,000 women and men men in the Middle East (Laumann et al., 2005).
between the ages of 40 and 80 in 29 different coun- Other studies have also examined prevalence rates
tries (Laumann et al., 2005). Lack of interest in sex of low desire in men but have not documented rates
that lasted for 2 months or more in the past year was of low desire and related distress (e.g., Araujo,
reported by approximately 26% to 43% of women Mohr, & McKinlay, 2004; Eplov et al., 2007; Fugl-
across various geographic regions; the rate of fre- Meyer & Sjogren Fugl-Meyer, 1999; Mercer et al.,
quent lack of interest in sex ranged from 5.4% of 2003; Najman, Dunne, Boyle, Cook, & Purdie,
women in Northern Europe to 13.6% of women in 2003). Given that in women rates of low sexual
East Asia. Also, lack of interest in sex was the most desire accompanied by distress (i.e., HSDD) are lower
common sexual problem reported by women in the than rates of low desire alone, Brotto (2010a) has
Global Study of Sexual Attitudes and Behaviors. proposed that HSDD may affect 1% to 20% of men.
When findings from these and various other studies
(e.g., Bancroft, Loftus, & Long, 2003; Dennerstein Known Etiology
et al., 2006; Fugl-Meyer & Sjogren Fugl-Meyer, Numerous factors (biological, psychological, and
1999; Leiblum, Koochaki, Rodenberg, Barton, & social) have been implicated in the etiology of
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
HSDD, with the etiology often being multifactorial and maintain desire difficulties (e.g., Basson, Wier-
(Basson, Wierman, van Lankveld, & Brotto, 2010). man, et al., 2010; McCarthy & McDonald, 2009).
For both men and women, biological factors related
to low desire include specific medication use or Treatment
chronic illness (we should note that to receive a Treatments for HSDD generally fall into the psycho-
diagnosis of HSDD according to DSM–IV–TR criteria, logical or medical categories. Psychological treat-
the reduced desire cannot be accounted for completely ments include sex therapy, cognitive–behavioral
by the effects of substances or medical conditions). therapy (CBT), and mindfulness-based therapy,
The selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors used to whereas medical treatments include hormonal
treat depression, for example, are commonly associ- agents and medications; these forms of treatment
ated with reduced desire, as are antihypertensive (psychological and medical) are sometimes used in
and antiandrogen medications (see Basson & conjunction in the management of low sexual desire
Brotto, 2009, and Maurice, 2007, for a review of (see Volume 2, Chapters 4 and 5, this handbook).
other medications associated with low desire). Education is also an important component of treat-
Medical illnesses and related treatments (e.g., che- ing desire difficulties. For example, education
motherapy), fatigue, pain, psychological difficulties, regarding responsive versus spontaneous desire and
incontinence, and immobility can also impair desire. female sexual response is often helpful for women
Also, men with chronic illnesses (e.g., diabetes, renal with low desire, as is discussion regarding norma-
disease) are at risk for hypogonadism (i.e., low levels tive decreases in desire with age (Basson, Wierman,
of androgens), a symptom of which is reduced sexual et al., 2010). Before treatment, a comprehensive bio-
desire (Wang et al., 2009). The relationship between psychosocial assessment that gathers information
sex hormones and desire is less clear in women; even regarding medical (e.g., use of medications), psy-
though reduced estrogen and androgen levels, par- chological (e.g., current mood and level of anxiety),
ticularly testosterone, have been thought to play a social (e.g., relationship duration), and sexual his-
role in women’s low sexual desire, a recent study tory (e.g., presence of other sexual problems) is rec-
examining the role of androgens and sexual desire ommended for desire difficulties (Basson, Wierman,
difficulties did not find testosterone deficits in et al., 2010; McCarthy & McDonald, 2009). Nota-
women with HSDD (Basson, Brotto, Petkau, & Lab- bly, similar to research regarding prevalence and
rie, 2010). Menopause, in which estrogen produc- etiology, the sexual desire treatment literature has
tion is decreased, has been linked to low desire largely focused on women.
(Dennerstein et al., 2006; Meston & Bradford, 2007).
Psychosocial factors play a large role in the onset Psychological treatment. Psychological treat-
and maintenance of HSDD for both men and ments are widely used to treat HSDD and have been
women. For example, mental health difficulties, evaluated in some studies; it is recognized, how-
including the presence of mood and anxiety disor- ever, that randomized controlled trials are greatly
ders, are strongly associated with low desire. A needed in this area (Basson, Wierman, et al., 2010).
recent study conducted with 400 premenopausal Sex therapy techniques for HSDD include sensate
women who were enrolled in the HSDD Registry for focus exercises. In these exercises, partners take
Women found that psychosocial factors were most turns first touching and caressing nonsexual parts
likely to be perceived by women as contributing to of each other’s bodies and providing feedback about
their ongoing difficulties with desire; specifically, these experiences (genital touching and intercourse
stress or fatigue was the most highly endorsed factor are disallowed during this stage); the exercises are
(reported by 60% of women), followed by dissatis- designed to eventually include sexual touch and to
faction with physical appearance (reported by promote enjoyment for both partners while decreas-
almost 41%; Maserejian et al., 2010). Relationship ing demands for performance (Kaplan, 1979). A
factors and social messages, such as those discussed study using a modified sex therapy approach with
earlier in this chapter, may also serve to precipitate 60 heterosexual couples in which the female partner
Brotto and Smith
experienced low sexual desire reported that approxi- Recently, mindfulness-based therapy has been
mately 57% of couples had a favorable outcome tested for women with desire and arousal problems.
(defined as problem resolved or largely resolved) Mindfulness is a practice that is described as “paying
with regard to improved sexual functioning after attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the
treatment, and approximately 47% maintained present moment, and non-judgmentally” (Kabat-
these gains at 3-month follow-up (Hawton, Zinn, 1994, p. 4). Mindfulness has its roots in East-
Catalan, & Fagg, 1991). A 7-week treatment pro- ern spiritual practices but has increasingly been
gram for couples that emphasized sensate focus applied in Western health care for a variety of condi-
exercises documented that 65% of women with tions. Mindfulness emphasizes nonjudgmental
HSDD and 63% of men with HSDD had a success- awareness of one’s experiences (e.g., thoughts, feel-
ful treatment outcome; in this study, success was ings, physical sensations) and offers additional skills
defined as resolution of the sexual problem with no that can be used to complement CBT. Through
development of new problems and the couple hav- mindfulness, for example, one can learn to be more
ing engaged in weekly intercourse for the 3 final engaged and present in activities, including sexual
weeks of the program. Completion of the sensate ones, which may ultimately serve to increase enjoy-
focus exercises was significantly related to treatment ment of and desire for sexual activity (see Brotto &
success (Sarwer & Durlak, 1997). Woo, 2010, for a case example). On testing a three-
CBT for HSDD focuses on the interaction session group mindfulness-based therapy for female
between maladaptive thoughts (e.g., “I am a bad desire or arousal difficulties, Brotto, Basson, and
sexual partner”), feelings (e.g., guilt), and behaviors Luria (2008) found improvements in sexual desire,
(e.g., avoiding physical affection with partner). distress, and subjective arousal. Interestingly,
Techniques used in CBT include cognitive restruc- women reported mindfulness to be the most effec-
turing (i.e., identification and challenge of maladap- tive aspect of the treatment. Similar results were
tive thoughts) and exercises such as communication found for women treated for cervical or endometrial
skills training, with the premise that shifts in nega- cancer who had secondary sexual arousal disorder
tive thinking will also produce changes in related (Brotto, Heiman, et al., 2008); specifically, women
feelings and behaviors. Although few controlled reported improvements in sexual function, includ-
studies have evaluated CBT for HSDD, this treat- ing desire, along with improvements in mood, men-
ment approach appears promising for treatment of tal health, and sexual distress after receiving MBCT.
female low desire (ter Kuile, Both, & van Lankveld, Given that both of these trials were uncontrolled,
2010). For example, a 12-week group CBT and sex future research is needed to test MBCT interven-
therapy treatment for couples in which the female tions for low desire using randomized controlled
partner had HSDD resulted in improvement for 74% trial methodology.
of women at the end of treatment and 64% of
women at 3- and 12-month follow-up (Trudel et al., Biomedical treatment. Medical approaches for
2001). In addition, treated couples reported signifi- HSDD focus on hormonal and nonhormonal phar-
cant improvements in sexual and marital quality macological treatments. For men with hypogonad-
compared with wait-list control couples. CBT biblio- ism and corresponding low desire, testosterone
therapy (i.e., manualized self-help) for couples with supplementation can be effective for restoring
sexual dysfunction, the majority of whom met sexual desire (Wang et al., 2009). Whether testos-
DSM–IV–TR diagnostic criteria for HSDD, has also terone supplementation is beneficial for women
been empirically evaluated (van Lankveld, Everaerd, with HSDD is not currently known, and a recent
& Grotjohann, 2001). Although couples who study did not find evidence of testosterone deficits
received bibliotherapy reported significant improve- in women with HSDD (Basson, Brotto, et al., 2010).
ments compared with wait-list controls, group dif- However, testosterone has been thought to play a
ferences for female participants were no longer role in female sexual desire, and testosterone sup-
found in the follow-up period. plementation has a long history of being prescribed
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
for women with low desire (Basson & Brotto, addressing psychological factors associated with
2009). Most of the trials investigating this type of HSDD has been emphasized in the literature (e.g.,
treatment for women’s low desire have examined Basson, 2009).
transdermal testosterone administered to surgically
menopausal women. Although some benefits have
been noted in such trials, the clinical significance
of the findings has been questioned and research
methodology critiqued (see Basson, 2009, and In the sections that follow we consider new, impor-
Meston & Bradford, 2007, for reviews). Another tant, or cutting-edge issues in the study of sexual
concern about testosterone supplementation in desire. We especially believe that functional mag-
women is the lack of data regarding long-term netic resonance imaging (fMRI) and the use of
safety. Current recommendations advise against the mixed-methods designs (e.g., qualitative and
generalized treatment of women with testosterone quantitative methodologies integrated) offer prom-
(Wierman et al., 2006). ise for further decoding what is sexual desire.
In addition to testosterone, a number of other
pharmacological therapies have been proposed to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging
treat low desire in women. These therapies include fMRI is a neuroimaging technique that measures
medications such as buproprion and flibanserin that blood flow and oxygenation changes in the brain in
were originally developed for treating depression. response to specific stimuli (e.g., images of a sexual
Flibanserin is a serotonin receptor type 5-HT1A ago- partner; Ortigue, Bianchi-Demicheli, Patel, Frum, &
nist and a 5-HT2A antagonist (Moll & Brown, 2011; Lewis, 2010). Recently, studies have started to apply
Stahl, Sommer, & Allers, 2011), and it selectively fMRI technology to better understand the neural acti-
acts on monoamines in specific regions of the brain. vation patterns associated with sexual desire. In such
For example, flibanserin decreases serotonin levels studies, individuals are typically shown both nonerotic
and increases dopamine and norephinephrine levels and erotic pictures or videos while their neural
in the prefrontal cortex; given the inhibitory role of responses to such stimuli are recorded using fMRI.
serotonin and excitatory roles of dopamine and nor- In one of the first fMRI studies to compare
ephinephrine in sexual desire, flibanserin may women with and without HSDD, video clips show-
enhance desire through its actions on these mono- ing erotic, sport, and relaxation stimuli were pre-
amines (Stahl et al., 2011). In general, however, sented on three different occasions to 16 young
more randomized controlled trials are needed to heterosexual women with HSDD and 20 women
adequately evaluate the efficacy of such medications without sexual difficulties (Arnow et al., 2009).
for treating sexual difficulties (Moll & Brown, Both physiological arousal using a vaginal photople-
2011), and currently, no treatments for HSDD in thysmograph and mental arousal to the videos were
women have received U.S. Food and Drug Adminis- also assessed during the fMRI sessions. Differences
tration approval (Stahl et al., 2011). In fact, flibanse- between women with and without HSDD were
rin was recently denied such approval because of a found in response to the erotic video clips; specifi-
need for further data on the efficacy and safety of the cally, the women without sexual difficulties reported
drug for HSDD (the development of flibanserin for more mental arousal and demonstrated more activa-
HSDD was subsequently discontinued by the phar- tion in a brain region involved in the encoding and
maceutical company; Meyer-Kleinmann, 2010; Moll retrieval of memories (i.e., the entorhinal cortex).
& Brown, 2011). In sum, the effectiveness of medi- As suggested by Arnow et al. (2009), this increased
cal treatments for female HSDD has not been widely activation may signal that women with HSDD
established. If medical treatments for HSDD are con- encode and retrieve past erotic experiences differ-
sidered, it is recommended that they be combined ently than women without desire difficulties. On the
with psychological treatments for optimal results basis of increased activation in the medial frontal
(Maclaran & Panay, 2011), and the importance of gyrus and right inferior frontal gyrus of women with
Brotto and Smith
HSDD, they also suggested that women with this a study by, for example, simultaneously enabling
condition assign more attention than women with- researchers to generalize the results and acquire
out sexual difficulties to monitoring or evaluating greater understanding of the topic (Hanson, Cre-
their responses to erotic stimuli, which likely inter- swell, Clark, Petska, & Creswell, 2005). Interest in
feres with sexual response. More important, this mixed-methods design has increased substantially in
finding highlights the key role of attention in sexual recent years in the social and health sciences (Cre-
desire and suggests a role for interventions that help swell, 2009). Although sexual desire has typically
women develop nonjudgmental awareness in the been studied using quantitative methods (e.g., use of
presence of erotic cues (e.g., mindfulness). validated questionnaires to measure desire), the use
Both decreased and increased neural activation of qualitative methods has been advocated to gain
in women with HSDD were also demonstrated in a understanding about the experiential aspects of
recent study comparing 13 sexually active women desire (Tolman & Diamond, 2001; see Chapter 1,
with HSDD with 15 controls (Bianchi-Demicheli this volume).
et al., 2011). On viewing erotic and nonerotic pic- Some studies have used a mixed-methods
tures, women with HSDD showed less activation in approach to understand how girls and women expe-
areas of the brain that have been suggested by previ- rience sexual desire. For example, Tolman and Sza-
ous research to be involved in processing erotic lacha (1999) used both qualitative and quantitative
stimuli. Additionally, women with HSDD showed methods of analysis to examine interview data from
more activation in some brain areas involved in 30 adolescent girls regarding their experiences with
higher order cognitive or social functions. The sexual desire and pleasure. The study was organized
results were consistent with the hypothesis that around three main research questions, each of
women with HSDD allocate more attention to which emerged in sequential order on the basis of
monitoring or evaluating their responses to erotic findings from the previous question. Girls’ descrip-
stimuli than women without sexual difficulties. tions of their sexual desire experiences were first
Bianchi-Demicheli et al. (2011) also suggested that analyzed qualitatively. Approximately two thirds of
women with HSDD process visual stimuli in a man- the girls reported experiencing sexual desire; how-
ner that differs from that of women without desire ever, differences were noted between girls from
difficulties—a manner that ultimately interferes urban versus suburban schools with regard to how
with stimuli being experienced as erotic. Such they responded to such desire. Urban girls spoke of
research has provided initial information on neural sacrificing sexual pleasure as a way of protecting
mechanisms involved in female HSDD and provides themselves from vulnerabilities and negative conse-
exciting possibilities for future studies and clinical quences (e.g., pregnancy, AIDS), whereas suburban
interventions designed to reduce low desire. girls described more sexual curiosity as well as inter-
In sexually healthy men, fMRI research has nal conflict (e.g., conflict about feeling sexually curi-
found that a number of brain areas respond to visual ous in the face of cultural messages regarding
erotic stimuli, including areas involved in attention women’s sexuality).
(Mouras et al., 2003). Differential processing of sex- Quantitative analyses subsequently examined the
ual stimuli has been noted in men with HSDD using differences regarding the themes of perceived vul-
another imaging technique, positron emission nerability and pleasure that emerged in girls’
tomography (Stoléru et al., 2003). To date, we are descriptions of their sexual desire. Overall, approxi-
not aware of any fMRI research conducted with men mately 47% of the narratives contained vulnerability
with HSDD. as the predominant theme, approximately 29%
focused predominantly on pleasure, and the remain-
Mixed-Methods Designs ing narratives contained both themes equally. The
Mixed-methods research design refers to the integra- narratives of suburban girls contained significantly
tion of quantitative and qualitative methods in the more themes of pleasure than those of urban girls.
same study. Using both types of methods can enrich However, further analyses indicated that suburban
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
girls who had been sexually violated spoke signifi- sexual activity with a partner was initiated by only
cantly more about vulnerability than other suburban two women in the control group during this time,
girls and had narratives that more closely resembled and women with arousal difficulties reported signifi-
those of urban participants. Final qualitative analy- cantly fewer sexual thoughts or fantasies than
ses indicated that suburban girls who had not been controls.
sexually violated spoke about experiencing sexual Despite the differences noted in sexual function-
desire and pleasure in both their minds and their ing on the questionnaires, however, all women in
bodies; in general, these descriptions differed from the narrative interviews described experiencing sex-
those of the other girls in the sample. Also, the final ual desire in some form. More important, the
qualitative analyses identified a subset of urban girls descriptions of desire were quite similar between
who had experienced sexual violation but associated women with and without sexual difficulties. Non-
their sexual desire more with pleasure than with genital physical sensations and cognitive–emotional
vulnerability. experiences (e.g., feeling relaxed with a partner)
Overall, Tolman and Szalacha’s (1999) study were part of women’s experiences with sexual
highlighted the “dilemma of desire” (Tolman, 2002) desire, and both groups described several triggers
experienced by many adolescent girls, in which girls’ for desire (e.g., physical touch by a partner; feeling
desire is associated with feeling vulnerable to nega- desired by a partner). Interestingly, sexual fantasies
tive consequences and their sexuality is considered were not present in women’s narrative descriptions
a source of conflict and danger. The combined find- of their desire. Additionally, women identified sev-
ings ultimately provided insight into female adoles- eral factors that inhibited desire. For example,
cent sexuality and highlighted the value of a thinking about their sexual difficulty inhibited
mixed-methods research approach. As Tolman and desire for the women with arousal disorder, whereas
Szalacha noted, partner factors such as depressed mood were identi-
fied more by women without sexual difficulties.
Grounded in a method of data collec-
Women in both groups also described emotional
tion that gave girls an opportunity to
connection with a partner as a focus of their desire,
interrupt the usual silence about their
and both groups were motivated to continue sexual
sexuality and using qualitative and quan-
activity once it began. This motivation was present
titative methods to analyze these data,
even though women reported that they did not initi-
we learned far more about this aspect
ate the activity themselves or experience spontane-
of female adolescent development than
ous desire when approached by their partner.
forcing a choice between qualitative
Notably, some women in both groups had difficulty
and quantitative methods would have
articulating their understanding of sexual desire,
afforded. (p. 32)
with careful reflection helping to clarify the meaning
Brotto et al. (2009) also used a narrative of desire.
approach to understand the experience and meaning Important implications arise out of such findings
of sexual desire among women. Middle-aged women and highlight the value of using mixed-method
with or without sexual arousal difficulties (n = 22) research designs. In Brotto et al.’s (2009) study, for
completed individual qualitative interviews as well example, reliance on self-report data would have
as two validated self-report measures of sexual func- portrayed sexual desire as occurring with less fre-
tioning (i.e., the FSFI and the Brief Index of Sexual quency and intensity in women with arousal diffi-
Functioning for Women). Findings from the self- culties. Instead, however, by allowing women to
report measures indicated that women with sexual reflect on and describe their unique experiences
arousal difficulties experienced poorer functioning with desire, the narrative interviews demonstrated
in all aspects of sexual response (arousal, desire, that desire is experienced by women with and with-
lubrication, orgasm) and more pain with vaginal out sexual difficulties and is often present (or damp-
penetration in the preceding month; in addition, ened) in response to several factors. Such findings
Brotto and Smith
highlight the complexities of female desire and sup- completely inaccurate (Laan & Both, 2008; Toates,
port a model that includes responsive (triggered) 2009). The notion that sexual desire is spontaneous,
desire and accounts for contextual factors (e.g., that it floats freely within individuals and propels
Basson’s, 2001a, 2001b, model of sexual response). them toward sexual activity, is not supported by the
In addition, these findings demonstrate that “what evidence; instead, much more support exists for
may be deemed a ‘dysfunction’ on a questionnaire desire conceptualized within an incentive motiva-
item may not be a dysfunction in reality” (Brotto et tion model, which posits that all sexual desire is
al., 2009, p. 396). The FSFI (Rosen et al., 2000), for responsive to internally generated and external sex-
example, assesses desire using two items that quan- ual cues and stimuli. For example, when Meston
tify the frequency and overall level of a woman’s and Buss (2007) asked university students about the
desire; in this way, it is likely to generate a negative reasons for engaging in sex, “I was attracted to the
response from women with sexual difficulties and person” was the top reason for both women and
does not capture the varying definitions of desire men. “I was horny,” capturing, perhaps, Kaplan’s
that women themselves describe. In contrast, quali- notion of spontaneous desire, was in seventh place
tative methods provide women with the opportunity for both women and men (Meston & Buss, 2007).
to thoroughly depict their personal desire experi- Indeed, when women themselves were presented
ences and, in doing so, highlighted similarities with descriptions of prevailing models of sexual
between women with and without sexual desire (i.e., Masters and Johnson’s and Kaplan’s lin-
difficulties. ear model of desire leading to arousal and Basson’s
Both of the studies described in this section cap- circular model of responsive desire), significant dif-
tured rich data with the use of mixed methods. Such ferences were found in how much women adopt the
data would not have been obtained if they had relied different models (Sand & Fisher, 2007). In fact, only
only on self-report questionnaires or qualitative those women with sexual difficulties, according to
interviews. Mixed-methods designs have offered the FSFI (Rosen et al., 2000), were more likely to
important insight into the lived experiences of wom- endorse Basson’s circular model of responsive desire
en’s desire, and the use of combined methods assist (Sand & Fisher, 2007); more recently, however,
in the challenge to adequately define and conceptu- others have found no differences in models of desire
alize sexual desire. adopted between women with and without sexual
difficulties (Giles & McCabe, 2009).
An expanded conceptualization of sexual desire
that captures the rich heterogeneity across individu-
Although the conceptualization of sexual desire in als (Meana, 2010) has also been supported by stud-
the DSM–IV–TR rests heavily on the HSRC model of ies that have probed individuals’ narrative stories of
Masters and Johnson (1966), Kaplan (1977, 1979), sexual desire (see Chapter 6, this volume). For
and Lief (1977), the definition’s focus on desire for example, qualitative research, both in women
sexual activity and availability of fantasies as a sin (Brotto et al., 2009) and in men (Janssen et al.,
qua non has been harshly criticized. For one, critics 2008), has suggested that desire and arousal,
of Masters and Johnson’s model have noted that this whether subjective arousal and excitement or physi-
definition perpetuates the notion that sexual ological, are often experienced along with sexual
response occurs in linear stages, that desire always desire. Interestingly, for at least some women, desire
leads unidirectionally to arousal, and that the expe- and arousal are interchangeable concepts, and indi-
riences of sexual response in men and women are viduals express conflation between definitions of
equivalent (e.g., Basson, 2001a, 2001b; Tiefer, desire and arousal (Brotto et al., 2009). As summa-
1991). Moreover, this placement of sexual desire rized by Graham (2010), responses on self-report
within an internal combustion framework that questionnaires also show a significant positive
assumes that, like hunger and thirst, desire is an correlation between desire and arousal domains
internally generated need that must be quenched is (Graham, 2010), ranging from .52 to .85 when using
Sexual Desire and Pleasure
the FSFI (Brotto, Graham, et al., 2011). Because of One criticism relates to the lack of sufficient evi-
significant concerns about using an outdated model dence that desire and arousal are necessarily over-
of sexual response that privileges spontaneous desire lapping or, according to the incentive motivation
and assumes that desire for sexual activity captures model, two sides of the same sexual coin. This argu-
sexual desire for all individuals throughout their ment notes that evidence of high degrees of correla-
lifetimes, a proposal has been made to undertake a tion between two concepts is not grounds for
significant overhaul of the definition of desire adopted merging them (see Chapter 4, this volume). This
in the DSM–IV–TR (Brotto, 2010b; Graham, 2010). view also sees significant costs in “lumping” versus
Whereas the DSM–IV–TR definition of HSDD “splitting” in that diagnostic precision may be sacri-
focuses on persistent or recurrent deficiency in sex- ficed. However, proponents of the effort to merge
ual fantasies and desire for sexual activity associated desire and arousal disorders have suggested that just
with distress, it has been criticized as inadequately as symptoms of desire and arousal have in the past
capturing the experiences of women (Brotto, been separately assessed in research and clinical set-
2010b). Indeed, evidence has shown that women tings, this will continue to be the case. Another con-
adopt different models of sexual response, with cern relates to the potential negative impact on
some noting that they enjoy the apparently sponta- large-scale pharmaceutical trials that are nearing
neous feelings of horniness that drive them to seek completion. Given past failures of testosterone and
out a sexual partner, and others instead endorsing flibanserin to receive regulatory approval and ongo-
a model that emphasizes their receptivity to sexual ing expensive efforts to develop and validate drugs
activity on the basis of a variety of nonsexual moti- for the treatment of women’s low desire, a signifi-
vations (Giles & McCabe, 2009; Sand & Fisher, cant concern exists that changing definitions of sex-
2007). Meana (2010) has also articulated that any ual dysfunction would have a direct and deleterious
future diagnostic system that is to adequately, accu- impact on drug development, which rests on which
rately, and sensitively detect a desire disorder in definition of dysfunction is adopted.
women must account for the large interindividual An entirely different criticism of the current
variability in how desire is experienced and not lead diagnostic system has come from the feminist and
to overpathologizing because of low threshold crite- social constructionist perspective, which has noted
ria. In an effort to approximate these goals, the Sex- that the very context in which sexual dysfunction
ual Dysfunctions subworkgroup for the fifth edition diagnoses are made is inherently problematic. By
of the DSM (DSM–5) proposed a number of changes, not recognizing the important impact of politics,
the most notable of which were (a) that a polythetic inadequate sex education, lack of access to preven-
approach to desire disorder be adopted, (b) that tive health care services, culture, and unhealthy
desire and arousal be captured together within a sexual messages, to name but a few, clinicians are
larger sexual interest–arousal disorder spectrum, likely to adopt a simplistic medical model view that
(c) that objective indicators for frequency and dura- assumes that sexual dysfunction is rooted in biolog-
tion be adopted, and (d) that important information ical factors. Inadequate attention is given to the
on contextual, personal, and interpersonal factors relational nature of sexuality; thus, to diagnose a
that may determine the desire expression be assessed sexual dysfunction in an individual is missing half
and coded on a dimensional scale. The proposed cri- the story. By equating sex with dancing and not
teria for sexual interest/arousal disorder have been with digestion, the inherent flaws in adopting a
published (Brotto, 2010b; Graham, 2010) and subse- medical model of desire disorder are obvious. More-
quently revised on the basis of feedback from the over, this critical feminist perspective, such as is
larger scientific and clinical communities. However, represented in the New View model, rejects the
there has been no shortage of debate on the proposal notion of multiple sexual dysfunctions divided up
for sexual interest/arousal disorder, and final criteria according to which aspect of function is impaired,
will not be available to the public until publication and it instead argues that sexual problems should
of the DSM–5. be categorized according to the factors that caused
Brotto and Smith
them (see Table 8.1). The advantages of the New it is clear that a strictly pharmacological approach,
View model are that it avoids defining any one par- at least in the case of women, may not capture the
ticular pattern of experience; focuses on causation, intricacies of desire. Good evidence has been found
which would guide treatment; and is sensitive to the for the role of psychological treatments, including
important influence of sociocultural, political, and CBT and mindfulness-based therapy. However, the
economic factors that influence sexual function. In placebo response is also evident in this domain of
terms of adoption for the DSM–5, however, which study, and the extent to which benefits arise from
requires substantial empirical evidence to support the treatment itself, or from nonspecific factors such
any major changes in diagnostic nomenclature, the as having an empathic clinician, thinking about
New View model has received only minimal empiri- one’s sexuality more, or the improved communica-
cal attention. tion between a couple that may accompany partici-
In a recent study that explored the extent to pation in treatment, is unknown and is an important
which the New View framework corresponded with domain of future study. How desire is expressed
women’s accounts of their sexual difficulties, an among different ethnocultural groups has been
open-ended questionnaire was administered to 49 almost completely ignored and is a major gap that
women who were asked to describe their sexual dif- future researchers should study. Further insight into
ficulties in their own words (Nicholls, 2008). Quali- the relative contributions of brain and body versus
tative analyses revealed that 67% of the difficulties culture and psychology to desire, and more evidence
could be captured using the New View framework at for treatments to enhance sexual desire among those
a subcategorical level. At a higher thematic level, who mourn its loss, will ultimately shed light on one
31% of categorized difficulties could not be catego- of the most puzzling unanswered questions, namely,
rized at a lower, subcategory level. Overall, 98% of what sexual desire is.
the sexual issues could be classified under the New
View scheme. In support of the critical position that CONCLUSION
the current DSM–IV–TR does not capture the rela-
tional nature of sexual experiences, Nicholls (2008) Desire has been and continues to be one of the most
found that 65% of problems were classified as prob- enigmatic of human sexual experiences. Although
lems relating to partner or relationship and only 7% science has advanced markedly and allowed the field
were problems resulting from medical factors. This to better understand the biochemical, neurological,
is, to date, the only empirical test of the New View behavioral, psychological, and sociocultural aspects
framework, and it must be borne in mind that of sexual desire, much remains to be known. There
women may adopt different theoretical models to has been abundant media attention focused on sex-
account for their experiences of sexual desire (Sand ual desire and an intense pharmaceutical presence in
& Fisher, 2007). the quest to find an elixir for low desire, and we
expect even greater advances in the decade ahead
of us. One certainty exists in understanding sexual
FUTURE DIRECTIONS FOR THE FIELD desire: In anyone’s hands, sexual desire is indeed
Much remains unknown about the brain and sexual a slippery concept.
desire. Imaging studies are few and sometimes pres-
ent conflicting findings that perhaps illustrate the References
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