To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill A Mockingbird
To Kill A Mockingbird
The novel contains 31 chapters and it is divided into two parts; 11 chapters in part 1 and the
remaining 20 chapters are in part 2.
The novel is mostly narrated in the first person from a child’s perspective ‘Jean Louise
(Scout) Finch’. She is an intelligent girl. When the novel starts, she was six years old.
However, later on, we find her nine years old. The novel is centered upon her.
As I said, the story takes time to reveal itself, it was after reading almost half of the novel that
one finds the theme and the storyline. Mostly, readers quit reading this novel because they
find it boring in the initial stage. But, this novel is a must-read. It becomes a real pageturner.
To Kill a Mockingbird is banned in most of the states of America over racism concerns. The
main story is about the trial and prosecution of Tom Robinson (a Negro) charged with a rape
crime. He was indicted for raping a white girl. But, he was innocent. Overall, the novel
depicts the persecution of the colored (black) people at the hands of white.
Atticus Finch is another main character of the novel. He is the father of Scout Finch, the girl
that we have talked about above. He is a lawyer who fights the case of Tom Robinson in
court. Atticus is a thorough gentleman and an ideal character who inspires the readers. This
character is the one prominent reason why one should read ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’.
Moreover, the first two paragraphs of the novel can only be understood after completing the
novel. Even, the starting line of the novel reveals no sense to the reader. To understand it,
one has to end the novel.
When he was nearly thirteen my (Scout’s) brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the
As the story is narrated from the child’s perspective, it slightly appears immature in tone.
Moreover, the other characters like Aunt Stephanie Crawford, Walter Cunningham,
Reverend Sykes, etc. introduced to us in the novel appear dull and boring.
Lastly, the novel has an unwanted narration of multiple disconnected incidents/events that
one might find boring.
Moreover, the trial of Tom Robinson and Atticus’ way of cross-examining the witnesses is
interesting. The novel also depicts how blacks are/were treated in America. It shows the
racial discrimination in that society.
The novel also introduces us to children’s psychology and their way of looking at things.
Novel Rating
On Goodreads, the novel is rated as 4.28/5.