Statistical Packages
Statistical Packages
Statistical Packages
Traditionally in the field of healthcare biostatistics, data has been handled manually. It
includes laborious work, needing tools of paper work. The results often become available too late
and contain different types of errors. The advent of computers and their popularity in almost
every sphere of life have significantly changed the way biostatistics is now applied to health
sciences. Computer hardware and appropriate software have optimized the various process
involved in the application of biostatistics by making the data analysis and storage easier, faster
and errorless. On the other hand, it has also improved the comprehension of data through the use
of sophisticated graphic presentation techniques.
Several computer packages are available to be used for the statistical analysis among
their commonly used packages are Microsoft Excel, SPSS, SAS, Stata, Mnitab etc.
This is part of the Microsoft Office suite of programs. Excel version 1.0 was first released
in 1985, with the latest version Excel 2017.
Good points:
Extremely easy to use and interchanges nicely with other Microsoft products
Excel spreadsheets can be read by many other statistical packages
Add on module which is part of Excel for undertaking basic statistical analyses
Can produce very nice graphs
Bad points:
Excel is designed for financial calculations, although it is possible to use it for many
other things
Cannot undertake more sophisticated statistical analyses without purchase of
expensive commercial add ones.
Most computers come with Microsoft software already installed; you can always
purchase Microsoft Office from a retail store.
SPSS stands for Statistical Package for the Social Sciences. It was one of the earliest
statistical packages with Version 1 being released in 1968, well before the advent of desktop
computers. It is now on Version 23.
Good points:
Bad points:
Focus is on statistical methods mainly used in the social sciences, market research and
Has advanced regression modelling procedures such as LMM and GEE, but they are
awful to use with very obscure syntax
Has few of the more powerful techniques required in epidemiological analysis, such as
competing risk analysis or standardized rates
SAS stands for Statistical Analysis System. It was developed at the North Carolina State
University in 1966, so is contemporary with SPSS. The software is divided into many modules
and its licensing is flexible, based upon the need for functions.
Good points:
Bad points:
Stata is a more recent statistical package with Version 1 being released in 1985. Since
then, it has become increasingly popular in the areas of epidemiology and economics, and
probably now rivals SPSS and SAS in it user base. We are now on Version 14.
Good points:
Bad points:
This is another statistical package designed to facilitate the teaching of statistical methods
by using computer. The minitab is also very user friendly product with well-designed
documentation facilities, being friendly, widely used in educational institutions. To learn more
about Minitab will search in website (