Consonants Place and Manner of Articulation and Vowels
Consonants Place and Manner of Articulation and Vowels
Consonants Place and Manner of Articulation and Vowels
Some authorities claim one or two fewer consonants than I have shown
above, regarding those with double symbols (/tʃ/ and /dʒ/) as “diphthong
consonants” in Potter's phrase. The list omits one sound that is not strictly a
consonant but works like one. The full IPA list of phonetic symbols includes
some for non-pulmonic consonants (not made with air coming from the
lungs), click and glottal sounds. In some varieties of English, especially in
the south of Britain (but the sound has migrated north) we find the glottal
plosive or glottal stop, shown by the symbol /ʔ/ (essentially a question mark
without the dot at the tail). This sound occurs in place of /t/ for some
speakers - so /botəl/ or /botl/ (bottle) become/boʔəl/ or /boʔl/.
We form consonants by controlling or impeding the egressive (outward)
flow of air. We do this with the articulators - from the glottis, past the velum,
the hard palate and alveolar ridge and the tongue, to the teeth and lips. The
sound results from three things:
voicing - causing the vocal cords to vibrate
where the articulation happens
how the articulation happens - how the airflow is controlled.
All vowels must be voiced - they are caused by vibration in the vocal cords.
But consonants may be voiced or not. Some of the consonant sounds of
English come in pairs that differ in being voiced or not - in which case they
are described as voiceless or unvoiced. So /b/ is voiced and /p/ is the
unvoiced consonant in one pair, while voiced /g/ and voiceless /k/ form
another pair.
We can explain the consonant sounds by the place where the articulation
principally occurs or by the kinds of articulation that occurs there. The first
scheme gives us this arrangement:
Some authorities claim one or two fewer consonants than I have shown
above, regarding those with double symbols (/tʃ/ and /dʒ/) as “diphthong
consonants” in Potter's phrase. The list omits one sound that is not strictly a
consonant but works like one. The full IPA list of phonetic symbols includes
some for non-pulmonic consonants (not made with air coming from the
lungs), click and glottal sounds. In some varieties of English, especially in
the south of Britain (but the sound has migrated north) we find the glottal
plosive or glottal stop, shown by the symbol /ʔ/ (essentially a question mark
without the dot at the tail). This sound occurs in place of /t/ for some
speakers - so /botəl/ or /botl/ (bottle) become/boʔəl/ or /boʔl/.
We form consonants by controlling or impeding the egressive (outward)
flow of air. We do this with the articulators - from the glottis, past the velum,
the hard palate and alveolar ridgeand the tongue, to the teeth and lips. The
sound results from three things:
voicing - causing the vocal cords to vibrate
where the articulation happens
how the articulation happens - how the airflow is controlled.
All vowels must be voiced - they are caused by vibration in the vocal cords.
But consonants may be voiced or not. Some of the consonant sounds of
English come in pairs that differ in being voiced or not - in which case they
are described as voiceless or unvoiced. So /b/ is voiced and /p/ is the
unvoiced consonant in one pair, while voiced /g/ and voiceless /k/ form
another pair.
We can explain the consonant sounds by the place where the articulation
principally occurs or by the kinds of articulation that occurs there. The first
scheme gives us this arrangement:
Articulation described by region
English has twelve vowel sounds. In the table above they are divided into
seven short and five long vowels. An alternative way of organizing them is
according to where (in the mouth) they are produced. This method allows
us to describe them as front, central and back. We can qualify them further
by how high the tongue and lower jaw are when we make these vowel
sounds, and by whether our lips are rounded or spread, and finally by
whether they are short or long. This scheme shows the following
Front vowels
/i:/ - cream, seen (long high front spread vowel)
/ɪ/ - bit, silly (short high front spread vowel)
/ɛ/ - bet, head (short mid front spread vowel); this may also be shown by
the symbol /e/
/æ/ - cat, dad (short low front spread vowel); this may also be shown by /a/
Central vowels
/ɜ:/- burn, firm (long mid central spread vowel); this may also be shown by
the symbol /ə:/.
/ə/ - about, clever (short mid central spread vowel); this is sometimes
known asschwa, or the neutral vowel sound - it never occurs in a stressed
/ʌ/ - cut, nut (short low front spread vowel); this vowel is quite uncommon
among speakers in the Midlands and further north in Britain.
Back vowels
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Publicado por Pedro Edgardo Hernandez Escoto en 15:36
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Front vowels
Central vowels
/ɜ:/- burn, firm (long mid central spread vowel); this may also be
shown by the symbol /ə:/.
/ə/ - about, clever (short mid central spread vowel); this is sometimes
known asschwa, or the neutral vowel sound - it never occurs in a
stressed position.
/ʌ/ - cut, nut (short low front spread vowel); this vowel is quite
uncommon among speakers in the Midlands and further north in Britain.
Back vowels
Publicado por Pedro Edgardo Hernandez Escoto en 15:36