Ownership, Giving, Lending & Borrowing
Ownership, Giving, Lending & Borrowing
Ownership, Giving, Lending & Borrowing
1. The law ensures that …………… respect the privacy of the people who live in their houses and
2. …………… of restaurants across the country protested when the government announced it was
going to impose a tax on some foods.
3. When private car …………… sell their vehicle, they must produce a certificate to prove the car has
been paid for in full.
4. The price of commercial …………… in the city centre has doubled in the last three years.
5. Mornington Park, a 250-acre private …………… in Wenfordshire, is open to members of the public
at weekends.
6. Many families in the area lost their home and all of their …………… when the river flooded.
7. Please put your …………… in the lockers provided, and hand your key to the receptionist for
9. A lot of people lost their homes when interest rates rose so high they were unable to continue
paying off their …………… .
10. Only a few people in the apartment block actually own their flat. Most of them are council
…………… .
11. The law does very little to protect families who are evicted from their homes because they are
unable to pay the monthly ………….. .
2 Most of the verbs in bold below are in the wrong sentence. If the verb is correct, put a tick ( ) at
the end of the sentence. If the verb is wrong, write the correct verb at the end of the sentence.
1. Banks will usually refuse to present money to anyone unless they have a regular job. ……………
2. The best way to see the country is to a provide car for a couple of weeks. ……………
3. Companies who allocate heavily from banks to keep their business going are rarely able to pay it
back. ……………
4. If you want to rent a room in the city centre, you should be prepared to pay a lot of money.
5. After her speech, the principal will lend prizes to the students who have made the greatest
contribution to the school. ……………
7. Local councils will borrow accommodation to the most needy on a first-come, first-served basis.
8. Many charitable organisations hire free medical help and support to areas hit by disasters.
general vocabulary
Reason & result
1 Join the first part of a sentence in the left-hand column with a second part from the right-hand
column, using an appropriate word or phrase showing reason or result from the central column. In
some cases, more than one answer is possible.
2 Now complete these sentences with an appropriate word or phrase from the central column of the
table above.
3. The government raised the income tax rate .................................................... curb inflation.
4. The government raised the income tax rate .................................................... curbing inflation.
5. The government raised the income tax rate .................................................... the rapidly rising rate of
6. When questioned, many racists cannot give a logical .................................................... their attitudes
towards other racial groups.
7. The soaring crime rate alarmed the police superintendent and ....................................................
adopt a zero-tolerance policing policy.
10. The fumes from motor traffic .................................................... people in many different ways.