41z S4hana2021 BPD en Us
41z S4hana2021 BPD en Us
41z S4hana2021 BPD en Us
Table of Contents
1 Purpose
2 Prerequisites
2.1 System Access
2.2 Roles
2.3 Master Data, Organizational Data, and Other Data
2.4 Post Goods Receipt for Material
3 Overview Table
4 Test Procedures
4.1 Create Service Quotation
4.1.1 Create Service Quotation as Preceding Document and a Follow-up Service Order
4.2 Create Service Orders
4.2.1 Create Service Order Without Preceding Document
4.2.2 Creating Sales Orders and Purchase Requisitions from Service Order (Optional) Sales Order Creation from Service Order Purchase Requisition Creation from Service Order
4.3 Fulfill Service
4.3.1 Create Service Confirmation
4.3.2 Release Service Items for Billing
4.4 Billing the Service
4.4.1 Create Billing Document
Service orders record the details of a one-off service agreed upon by a service provider and a service recipient.
You can do the following:
● Create a service order as a follow-up transaction of another transaction (for example, a service request)
● Create follow-up transactions from a service order (for example, a service confirmation)
● Create a service order as a follow-up transaction of a service order template
This scope item covers the creation of service orders in which diverse services and service parts can be planned. Service technicians execute the services and optionally make use of related service
parts. After the service order is confirmed and completed, an invoice is created.
This section summarizes all prerequisites to conducting the test in terms of systems, users, master data, organizational data, and other test data and business conditions.
System Details
SAP S/ Accessible via SAP Fiori launchpad. Your system administrator provides you with the relevant
2.2 Roles
Assign the following business roles to your individual test users. Alternatively, if available, you can create business roles and predefined apps for the SAP Fiori launchpad and assign the business
roles to your individual test users.
These roles are examples provided by SAP. You can use them as templates to create your own roles.
For more information about business roles, refer to the Assigning business roles to a user in the Administration Guide to Implementation of SAP S/4HANA with SAP Best Practices.
The business roles in the following table contain authorization and navigation objects specific to the SAP S/4HANA Service application. Your system administrator can use them as templates to cre -
ate customer-specific business roles with the appropriate authorizations.
In addition to these Service-specific authorizations, generic SAP application access must be granted by your system administrator. The system administrator assigns all required application business
roles to your system user.
Note For detailed information about roles and authorizations, refer to the SAP S/4HANA security guide at https://help.sap.com/viewer/product/SAP_S4HANA_ON-PREMISE > Implement.
Employee Responsi- Your employee ID Your employee Alternatively use your own employee responsible with business role Service
ble Professional.
You can find general information on how to create master data objects in the following Master Data Scripts (MDS) :
MD Description
BN Create Customer Master
As a prerequisite to execute the procedure described in this test script, before creating a service quotation or service order make sure that the material you want to consume is available on stock. In
our example, we use spare part TG11 (Trad.Good 11,PD,Reg.Trading). Post a goods issue for the relevant material as described below.
2 Open App Choose Warehouse Processing: Post Goods Movement. The Goods Receipt Other page is dis-
3 Enter Goods Movement On top of the screen, select the following entries: You have selected the correct movement
Type Details ● Goods Receipt type.
● Other
4 Enter Goods Receipt Details In the Material screen area, as Material maintain TG11. You have maintained the details for the
In the Quantity screen area, as Qty in Unit of Entry maintain a number, for exam- goods receipt.
ple, 200 PC.
In the Where screen area, maintain the following data:
Plant: 1710
Storage location: 171A
Then choose Enter.
5 Post Goods Receipt Make sure that the Item OK option is selected. The material is available on stock.
Then choose Post.
This scope item consists of several process steps provided in the table below.
If your system administrator has enabled spaces and pages on the SAP Fiori launchpad, the homepage will only contain the essential apps for performing the typical tasks of a business role.
You can find all other apps not included on the homepage using the search bar.
If you want to personalize the homepage and include the hidden apps, navigate to your user profile and choose App Finder.
Create Service Orders [page ] Customer Service Create Service Order A service order is created.
11 Manager
Create Service Confirmation Customer Service Create Service Confirmation A service confirmation for the service order is completed and an Internal order is created
[page ] 16 Manager that reflects the posting in CO.
A time sheet is created that reflects the posting of the actual hours of the service techni-
Release Service Items for Billing Customer Service Release for Billing A billing document request for the completed service confirmation is created.
[page ] 18 Manager
Create Billing Document Billing Clerk Create Billing Documents (Billing The billing document is created.
[page ] 20 Due List Items)
This section describes test procedures for each process step that belongs to this scope item.
4.1.1 Create Service Quotation as Preceding Document and a Follow-up Service Order
Test Administration
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
3 Create New Service If the window Select Transaction Type is showing up, select the transaction type The Order Quotation: New page is displayed.
Quotation SRVQ (Order Quotation).
4 Enter Service Order In the Quotation Details assignment block, maintain the following entries using You have maintained service order details.
Details the input help: The Select Organizational Data Web page dialog is displayed.
Description: for example, Product defective
Sold-To Party: 17100001 (Domestic US Customer)
5 Select Organiza- If the Select Organizational Data Web page dialog appears, select the responsible Organizational units for sales and service are assigned to the
tional Data organizational unit as responsible service organization. order quotation.
Service Organization: Dom Service Org US
Note The Dom Sales Org US sales organization needs to be assigned to the
service order as well. Check in the Organization assignment block that this org.
unit is assigned, or if it is not, maintain the assignment manually.
Sales Organization: Dom. Sales Org US
6 Select Partner Data If the Partner Selection Document header dialog box appears, select: A service team is assigned to the quotation order.
Service Employee Group : SRV_BO (Service Back Office).
7 Add Quotation Or- In the Quotation Details assignment block, maintain the following entries: You have maintained further quotation details.
der Details Contact: for example, Susan Miller
Priority: High
Requested End: A date in the future
8 Enter Quotation In the Items assignment block, enter a service item and a spare part. Two items have been maintained.
Order Items Product ID (1): CSSRV_01 (Maintenance) The Item Category for item CSSRV_01 is determined as Ser-
Quantity: 1 vice Item.
If the material (TG11) is a sub item of a service item
Quantity Unit: HR
(CSSRV_01), the item category will be determined as Service
Product ID (2): TG11 (Trad.Good 11) Part. Otherwise the item category will be set as Sales Item by
Higher-Level Item: 0010(Reference CSSRV_01 as higher-level service item, by default.
Service Order Management (41Z_US) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 10
Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-
entering the item number of the Maintenance product in the Higher-Level Item
column of the Trad. Good item).
Quantity: 1
Quantity Unit: PC
9 Change Quotation In the Quotation Details assignment block, release the order quotation by select- The order quotation has been released.
Status ing:
Status: Released
Test Administration
2 Open Create Choose the Create Service Order application tile. The list report page is displayed.
Service Order
3 Create New Ser- If the window Select Transaction Type is showing up, select the transaction type The Service Order: New page is displayed.
vice Order SRVO (Service Order).
4 Enter Service In the Service Order Details assignment block, maintain the following entries using You have maintained service order details.
Order Details the input help:
Description: for example, Product defective
Sold-To Party:for example 17100001 (Domestic US Customer 1)
5 Select Organiza- If the Select Organizational Data Web page dialog appears, select the responsible Organizational units for sales and service are assigned to the
tional Data organizational unit as responsible service organization. service order.
Service Organization: Dom Service Org US
Note The Dom Sales Org US sales organization needs to be assigned to the
service order as well. Check in the Organization assignment block that this org.
unit is assigned, or if it is not, maintain the assignment manually.
Sales Organization: <Dom. Sales Org US>
6 Select Partner If the Partner Selection Document header dialog box appears, select: A service team is assigned to the service order.
Data Service Employee Group : SRV_BO (Service Back Office)
7 Add Service Or- In the Service Order Details assignment block, maintain the following entries: You have maintained further service order details.
der Details Contact: for example, Susan Miller
Priority: High
Service Order Management (41Z_US) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 12
Test Test Step Name Instruction Expected Result Pass /
Step Fail /
# Com-
Requested End: a date in the future
8 Change the Em- In the assignment block Parties Involved, make sure that an Executive Service Em- A service technician is assigned to the service order.
ployee Respon- ployee is assigned to the service order:
sible Partner Function: Exec Service Employee
Name: for example Barbara Lee.
If you do not have all assignment blocks displayed, choose the link “Personaliza-
tion” (the cog icon) and personalize it for assignment block Parties Involved.
9 Enter Service In the Itemsassignment block, enter a service item (1), a spare part (2) and an ex- Three items have been maintained.
Order Items pense item (3). The Item Category for item CSSRV_01 is determined as Ser-
Product ID (1): CSSRV_01 (Maintenance) vice Item.
Quantity: 1 If the material (TG11) is a sub item of a service item
(CSSRV_01), the item category will be determined as Service
Quantity Unit: HR
Part. Otherwise the item category will be set as Sales Item by
Product ID (2): TG11 (Trad.Good 11) default.
Higher-Level Item: 0010 ( ReferenceCSSRV_01as higher level service item, by The Item Category for item SRV_02 is determined as Service
entering the item number of the Maintenance product in the Higher-Level Item col- Expenses.
umn of the Trad. Good item.)
Quantity: 1
Quantity Unit: PC
Product ID (3): SRV_02 (Service Expenses)
Quantity: 1
Quantity Unit: EA
Product ID (4): CSSRV_01 (Maintenance)
Quantity: 1
Quantity Unit: HR
Item Category: Service (FixPrice)
If your sold-to-party is associated with one or more service contracts, a new popup
window will appear and ask you to select a contract per item. Select No Assign-
11 Change Service In the Service Order Details assignment block, release the service order by select- The service order has been released.
Order Status ing:
Status: Released
Note You can only release a service order that is error free.
4.2.2 Creating Sales Orders and Purchase Requisitions from Service Order (Optional)
In the service order, for spare parts such as TG11, you can optionally select the item categories Sales Item and PurchReq ServicePart (purchase requisition item) in the Items list. When releasing the
service order, the system creates a sales order or a purchase requisition for these items.
Testing the sales order and purchase requisition processing is not part of this scope item, but you can find some overview information below.
Billing Clerk SAP_BR_BILLING_CLERK Billing SAP_BR_BILLING_CLERK Create Billing Documents (Billing Due List
As a detailed example for sales order processing, refer to scope item Sell from Stock (BD9)
Inventory Manager SAP_BR_INVENTORY_MANAGER Inventory Management SAP_BR_INVENTORY_MANAGER Post Goods Receipt for Purchasing
Accounts Payable Accountant - Pro- SAP_BR_AP_ACCOUNTANT_PRO- Accounts Payable - Pro- SAP_PRC_SP_ACCOUNTS_PAYA Create Supplier Invoice
curement CUREMT curement BLE
As a detailed example for purchasing document processing, you can refer to scope item Procurement of Direct Materials ( J45 )
Service Order Management (41Z_US) PUBLIC
Purpose Error: Reference source not found 15
4.3 Fulfill Service
Test Administration
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
The service order shall be processed by a service technician on site. The service technician searches for service orders that are assigned to him and selects the service order that he will work on next.
After processing the service items on site, the service technician enters the confirmation data.
If there is no additional follow-up action necessary to fulfill the service order, the service technician can set the service confirmation and the corresponding service order to Completed. This status is
also necessary to bill the whole process.
3 Enter Search Options Search for the service orders that are assigned to the service technician. Use the following The Result List is displayed all service or-
search criteria: ders that are assigned to the service techni-
Belonging To cian.
Or Service Order ID
Then choose Search.
4 Select Service Order In the Result List, select the service order for which you would like to create a service confir- The Service Order page is displayed.
5 Create Follow-up In the Service Order page, choose Create Follow-Up. The Follow-Up Web page dialog is dis-
6 Select Service Order In- In the Follow-Up Web page dialog, select the Service Confirmation category with transac- The Follow-Up - Select Items Web page di-
formation tion type Confirmation. alog opens.
7 Select Items In the Follow-Up- Select Items Web page dialog, select all items and then Choose. The selected service items are copied into
Items of the item category Sales Item cannot be selected for confirmation because these the service confirmation.
items will be completed via the sales fulfillment process. Refer to chapter The Confirmation: New page is displayed.
8 Edit Service Confirma- Optional: In the Confirmation: New page, in the Items assignment block, you can now main- The Confirmation Item page is displayed.
tion Item tain details per service item, for example, you can set the exact duration of the service
Choose the Edit icon next to item number.
9 Maintain Service Con- Optional: On the Confirmation Item page, maintain the following values: You have maintained item details.
firmation Item Details Start of Work: if relevant, update the start date You have navigated back to the Confirma-
Actual Duration: if relevant, update the duration tion: New page.
Status : Completed
Then choose Back.
10 Enter the details of the Choose the Items tab or scroll down to the items area. The details view of the expense item is dis-
Expense Item Choose the action Edit for the line item which contains the expense item <SRV_02>. played
12 Change Status in Ser- In the Service Confirmation Details assignment block,set the flag for Final Confirmation. The service confirmation status is Com-
vice Confirmation De- This will change the item status in the related service order to Completed. pleted.
14 Display Preceding Ser- To display the preceding service order, in assignment block Transaction History, select the The Service Order page is displayed.
vice Order service order.
15 Complete Service Or- In assignment block Service Order Details,make sure that the Status is Completed. If that is The Service Order is completed.
der not the case, select Edit and change the status to Completed.
Important Note: You will not be able to create a billing document request if the service order
is not set to completed.
Test Administration
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
If the service confirmation and the service order both have the status Completed, the service manager can release the service items for billing.
3 Find your T&M items to be Re- In the search area on the top,enter the service confirmation ID in the The service items which have been completed are
leased for Billing Search field Transaction ID. displayed in the list.
Choose Go.
4 Release Confirmation items Select the items you want to release for billing and choose Release for The selected transactions and items should be Re-
Billing. leased for billing on Success.
5 Find your fixed price items to be In the search area on the top,enter the service order ID in theSearch field The fixed price items which have been completed
Released for Billing Transaction ID. are displayed in the list.
Choose Go.
6 Release order items Select the items you want to release for billing and choose Release for The selected items are released for billing
7 Log off You can now sign out as service manager. You have logged off.
Test Administration
Responsibility <State the Service Provider, Customer or Joint Service Provider and Customer> Duration Enter a duration.
In this activity, you create an invoice for the service items that you have released for billing in the previous step. You can execute this step in the Fiori launchpad as described below. As an alterna -
tive, in the S/4 backend you can use transaction VF04.
2 Access Billing Due Choose the Create Billing Documents - Billing Due List Items application tile under the TAB The Create Billing Documents view with
List Items Billing Documents. the Billing Due List Items list is displayed.
4 Select Item(s) for Maintain the following search criteria: A Create Billing Documents dialog window
Billing SD Document Category: <Billing Document Request> is displayed.
In order to better find your items to be billed, choose the icon Settings.
In View Settings select to display the field BDR Source Document.
Choose OK and find your items in the list by identifying your service confirmation or order
items in the field BDR Source Document.
In the Billing Due List Items list, select the row(s) of billing document requests created for
your service confirmation or order items. Then choose Create Billing Documents.
If you don’t want to display all billing due list items, you can restrict the list display by ap-
plying search criteria such as Sold-Party or Billing Date To.
5 Select Billing Type On the Create Billing Documents dialog window, choose the following values: The F2 Invoice screen is displayed.
and Billing Date Billing Type: F2 Invoice (F2)
Billing Date: <today’s date>
Then choose OK.
6 Save Billing Docu- In the F2 Invoice screen, choose Save. The system has generated an invoice for
ment The billing document with ID xxxxxxxx is created. billing.
Example Words or characters quoted from the screen. These include field names, screen titles, pushbuttons labels, menu names,
menu paths, and menu options.
Textual cross-references to other documents.