NCM 114 Care For Older Adults MODULE 2
NCM 114 Care For Older Adults MODULE 2
NCM 114 Care For Older Adults MODULE 2
Nursing Interventions: 4. More than 50% of the nephrons are lost before
1. Advise elderly to avoid/stop smoking age 80.
2. Encourage daily exercises 5. Blood urea nitrogen (BUN) may increase
3. Promote healthy diet – low salt, low cholesterol without serious symptoms.
calcium-rich foods 6. Less contractile detrusor muscle & inability to
4. Encourage the client to control his weight empty the bladder completely.
5. Schedule regular check-ups 7. Increased renal threshold for glucose
6. Advise to stay mentally active 8. Impaired thirst perception – due to fluid &
7. Socialize with others electrolyte balance.
E – eliminate ageism
COMPONENTS OF COMPREHENSIVE Common medical conditions to watch out
GERIATRIC ASSESSMENT for in older persons are HPN, Arthritis,
1. History taking Heart disease, DM & Cancer
a. types of history taking a. types of history 2. Functional Status
taking it is central to assessment of older persons
episodic and makes it different from assessment of
complete younger persons.
b. accuracy of the history taking measures the older person’s ability to
2. Health assessment perform self-care activities (ADL) & assume
A. History taking social roles in order to determine the
entails an interview with the older status of health & well being of the older
person on certain aspects of health . person.
requires a balance between encouraging Barthel Index of ADL – assesses ability for
the person to share concerns and self-care
focusing the data gathering on Katz Index of ADL – describes person’s
particularly important factors functional level at a specific point in time
i. Episodic health history Lawton Scale – used to assess more
nurse focuses questions & examination complex activities
on the chief complaints PULSES profile – assessment of progress
ii. Complete health history made in rehab as well as to help identify the
a comprehensive compilation of data severity of disability
from a variety of sources in order to Basic ADLs (BADLs) consist of self-care
provide an in-depth profile on which to tasks, including
plan care. Dressing/ Bathing
Accuracy of history taking Eating/ feeding (chewing/ swallowing)
Potential difficulties in obtaining a health Ambulating (walking/ mobility)
history from older persons: Toileting (complete act of urinating &
1. Communication difficulties defecating)
2. Underreporting of symptoms Hygiene/ grooming ( brushing,
fear of being labeled as a complainer combing, styling hair)
fear of institutionalization Instrumental activities of daily living
fear of serious illness (IADLs) are not necessary for fundamental
3. vague or non-specific complaints functioning, but they let an individual live
may be associated with cognitive independently in a community:
impairment, drug or alcohol use, atypical Shopping for groceries or clothing
presentation of disease Housekeeping
4. multiple complaints Accounting/ Managing money
5. lack of time Food preparation/taking medications as
HEALTH ASSESSMENT Telephone or other form of
1. Physical health communication usage
Checks for the presence of illness or disease Using technology (as applicable)
Follows the same principles as health Transportation within the community
assessment in general Advanced ADL – assessment of activities
Nurse should carefully note the chief that demand high cognitive functioning and
complaints in the patient’s own words à elderly is more responsive to subtle changes
minimizes the chance of misinterpretations - include such high-level functions as:
Common handicaps/disabilities that must Being gainfully employed
be reported during physical assessment
1. Hearing impairment
Socializing and involvement in activities
2. Vision impairment
3. Limited ROM in the community
4. Speech difficulty
5. Memory loss
6. Acute confusion
3. Psychological function caring enough to want to help to make
involves assessment of cognitive and the situation better
affective status. doing something which is not the usual -
adequate mental & affective functioning is -- It’s not just “doing your job”
required in health history taking & problem 2. PROCESS - delivering quality care which
identification. promotes dignity by nurturing and supporting
2 most common Psychological Impairment the older person’s self-respect and self-worth
1. Dementia through:
2. Depression Communicating with older people by not
Examples of psychological tests used for only talking with them, but listening to what
the elderly: they say.
MMSE ( Mini Mental State be able to interpret body language
Examination) use eye contact
Cornell Scale for Depression in do not raise your voice
Dementia speak slowly, use simple
Mini-Cog language
4. Social function use the right language
measured by the social network & social listen
support of the older adult. Assessment of need
Social network – refers to the web of Respect for privacy and dignity
relationships that the person has around Engaging in partnership working with older
him/her, including family, relatives, & people, their families, carers & colleagues in
friends who give support in various the profession
moments act as advocate to support them in fulfilling
their needs respect their decisions as you
WELLNESS DIAGNOSES FOR THE OLDER work hand in hand with them
ADULTS 3. PLACE – diverse environments in the
Health perception- Health Management Pattern community or hospital where care is provided
Readiness for enhanced immunization status for older people which is:
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern committed to equality and diversity
Readiness for enhanced nutrition appropriate environment
Elimination Pattern resourced adequately
Readiness for enhanced for urinary effectively managed
elimination Committed to equality and diversity
Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern providing care in a non-discriminating,
Readiness for enhanced decision making non-judgmental & respectful way
nurse familiarizes self with the likely
3 MAIN ELEMENTS IN PROVIDING CARE TO characteristics of groups & respond
OLDER PERSONS: accordingly
1. PEOPLE – these are nurses who are efficient Appropriate environment
and able to deliver safe, effective, quality care environment conducive to care that
by being: meets the needs of older people
Competent - having the right KSA to care safe, clean, tidy and quiet environment
for older people
one that promotes independence
Nurse must recognize & work within the
Resourced adequately
limits of his competence
Adequate number of nurses, staff and
Assertive- challenging poor practice,
other hospital workers
including attitude & behavior and
Also includes equipment, supplies,
safeguarding older people
medicines, etc
Reliable & dependable
Present a professional image which
demonstrates that the nurse is well-
Organized and manages time well
Empathetic, compassionate and kind
putting yourself in the person’s place
Effectively managed However, it has been observed that as long as
Commitment from management at all elderly parents own land or have means of support,
levels within an organization they tend to maintain their own household. This
Effective nurse managers and leaders household may either be nuclear or extended. In
make explicit the standard of care which either case, they are able to retain their authority
they expect to deliver over their adult children.”
Provide excellence in the care of older A strong attachment to one’s own home and
people the desire to maintain one’s autonomy are the
Training of staff are identified & provided two most compelling reasons for the
for. preference of the elderly to stay in their own
LIVING ARRANGEMENT OF THE ELDERLY They eventually live with their children when
Assessments of living conditions is a special their health fails and their children would
component of assessing the health of older fulfill their moral obligation to care for and
persons support their frail parents.
Factors that may affect living options of the older Domingo et al. (1993) According to Centers
adult for Disease Control
1. income According to the Centers of Disease Control:
2. health status Usually when an older person is diagnosed
3. activity level with a chronic condition, there is an immediate
4. level of independence feeling of facing a loss of freedom and
5. family or other support systems autonomy, a sense that his/her days of living
independently at home are numbered.
CONTINUUM OF LIVING ARRANGEMENTS FOR à the only alternative for some older adults
THE ELDERLY with serious, chronic health problems is the
Independent living at home nursing home.
Family provided at home Fact: Older persons are more vulnerable to the
Assisted living facilities problems of inadequate, unsafe housing.
Home health care or hospice care Home safety must be evaluated.
Long term care facilities What to evaluate?
1. Housekeeping
Assisted Living Facility (ALF) – consists of private 2. Stairways
apartments that either purchased or rented. 3. Floor .
Why ALF? 4. Bathroom
lower in cost 5. Lighting
more homelike 6. Stairways
Offer more opportunities for control, independence & 7. Outdoor area
privacy. 8. Traffic lanes
a preferred transition between living independently
at home and residing in the nursing home. SUGGESTED PRODUCTS SPECIFICALLY MADE
Home Health Care Kitchen implements
provides care in the home and eases the burden devices that make opening jars and bottles,
that family members may feel. peeling and cutting vegetables easier
it provides skilled nursing care REACHERS – lobster claw –like devices for
Hospice care older adult having arthritis or other muscle
method of providing palliative and supportive care or joinh that makes reaching or bending
when the older adult no longer wants active difficult
medical treatment. Shower chairs and bath benches and hand-
Long-term care facilities held shower heads for bathing
best living option when health needs of the elderly
Elevated toilet seats
necessitate extensive or full-time supervision.
Socorro D. Abejo of the National Statistics
Automatic lifts for stairwells, beds and chairs
Office… Talking clocks, wristwatches, and calculators
“Historically, the Filipino elderly have been for people with poor vision
dependent on their children or co-resident kin for
economic, social and physical support.