Un Nit 6 Te Est: Lis Tening
Un Nit 6 Te Est: Lis Tening
Un Nit 6 Te Est: Lis Tening
nit 6 te
Listening 5 Complete the sentencces. (10 marrks)
1 My brotther is a ___________; he e works in vid
1 Listen to the conversaation. What seven gaming and he teacches art.
in do they put in the casse
ngredients d erole? 2 Paul us ses ___________ to paint walls. It’s qu uicker
6 marks) than using a brush.
__ ___________
__ 3 Carl writes and draw ws funny ___ ________ forr a
_ ___________
__ newspa aper.
__ ___________
__ 4 Sally is an artist; shee makes ___ ________ off
__ ___________
__ animals s out of metaal.
5 I like pa
ainting picturees of trees on
o a _______ ____
2 Listen aga
ain and answ
wer the ques
instead of paper.
4 marks)
1 Why does Mark think Louise
L has got a lot of
work? Practical
P English
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __
6 Complete the dialogu
ue. (10 marks
2 What is the
e starter andd the dessertt?
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Waiter Are you reeady to (1) __________?
_ ?
3 What doess Mark do firsst to help Louise? Customer Yes, (2) ___________ like the chickkpea
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ curry. Doees it (3) ____
_______ with h
4 Which ingrredient is surrprising to Mark? rice?
________ __________ ___________ ___________ __ Waiter Yes, it doees.
Customer That (4) ___________ good.
Waiter What (5) ___________ _ you like to
Customer Lemonadee, please.
3 Complete
C the
e sentences
s. (5 marks)
1 I like to put strawberry j________ ono my bread .
2 I can’t eat d________ food so I don n’t eat yoghu
urt Grammar
G r
or cheese..
uestions using the
7 Write senttences or qu
3 In Europe,, we eat a lott of c_______ __, like brea
prompts. Use
U can, can n’t, must orr mustn’t.
and rice. (10 marks)
4 Jamie add ds salt, peppeer and olive o________
o tto
1 You / ruun / hall
the salad tto make it tasstier.
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
5 I usually have a h____ _____ sandw wich for my
2 We / us se / phones / class
lunch. It’s my favourite
e, but I love pigs!
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
4 Complete
C the
e text. (5 ma
arks) 3 go out / with / my friiends ?
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
T are a lo n my school bag. Today,
ot of things in
4 My sisteer / sing / verry well
ve got my (1) _________ __ for my mo oney. There’ss
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
also some (2)) _________ __ in my bag – after lunch hI
5 You / ad dd / salt and pepper / thee sauce
ke to put som
lik me in mouth,, but my teac chers don’t likke
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
6 You / arrrive / schoo l / on time
ve got my (33) _________ __ with the keys to my
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
house. I know w I’ve got my phone beca ause I’ve got a
7 We / we ear / nail varnnish / school
new (4) _____ ______ on itt. I think I’ve got some
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
5) _________ ___ too – it’s not healthy but
b I love it!
8 He / do / homeworkk / before / go oes out !
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
9 buy / tic
ckets / onlinee ?
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
10 They / go
g / the partyy / because / holiday
______ ___________ ___________ _______________
1 1
nit 6 te
8 Write
W questio
ons using th
he prompts. Use there Reading
s / are and a
answers withh some and any. Write
ull sentencees. (10 marks)
1 Read the text.
t Why is Jamie Olive
er so popula
1 be / magazzines? () (2 marks)
________ _____________________
__ _________
________ _____________________
2 be / rice? (()
________ _____________________
__ Jamie Oliver is a Britishh celebrity chhef. His TV
________ _____________________
__ programme es are lively and interesting and theyy are
3 be / chocoolate? () popular all over the woorld. Jamie’s School Dinners,
________ _____________________
__ Jamie at Home,
H Jamie Cooks Summer and Jam mie’s
________ _____________________
__ Food Esca apes are just some of his TV program mmes.
4 be / sweetts? () (1) ___ Some of his boooks include Jamie’s 15
________ _____________________
__ minute Meals, Cook wiith Jamie, Ja amie does… and
________ _____________________
__ Jamie’s Itaaly. Jamie traavels all overr the world to
o get
5 be / pens?? () new and ex xciting ideass for his cook
king. He is we ell-
________ _____________________
__ known for his simple, ccreative and easy to cookk
________ _____________________
__ meals. He loves cookinng tasty, hea althy food. He e
likes using fish or meatt. (2) ___ Jam mie is very
9 Complete
C the
e dialogue. (10
( marks)
popular witth young peoople and children becausse he
A Have we g got (1) _____
______ lemo onade? makes eating healthy fo food, such as s fruit and
B: _______ but there is som
B No, there iisn’t (2) ____ me vegetables s, tasty and fu
fun. Jamie is very interested
water. in helping young
y peoplee. (3) ___ Foor example, he h
A How (3) __ _________ ham
h is there?
? I want to gives jobs to 16–19-yeaar-olds in so ome of his
make a sa andwich. restaurants s. These tee nagers are usually
u having a
B There is (4 4) _________ __ of ham in the fridge. hard time ata school or aat home and cooking is a
A Great! What are you making?
m great way tot help them m feel better. He teaches
B A fruit salaad. How (5) __________
_ apples are them to cook so they caan go on to become
b cheffs
there in thee fridge? like him. (4
4) ___ His wiffe’s name is Juliette; they’ve
A There are two.
A: got four children. At thee moment Ja amie is on Brritish
TV cooking g 15-minute meals; these e are quick, tasty
e Review
w meals that anyone can make. This programme is
great for th
hose of you w who are too busy
b to cookk.
10 Complete
C the
e second seentence so that
t s
it means
he same as the first. Us
se the correc
ct form of th
he 12
2 Read the text
t again. SSentences A–E
A below are
w in brackets. (10 ma
arks) not included in the texxt. Match th
hem to gaps
s 1–4
1 There are some grapes on the table. (a lot) in the text. There is on
ne sentencee you do not
_________ _________ on o the table. need. (8 marks)
2 I like watch
hing films at the cinema with
w my A Jamie looves spendinng time with his family an nd
friends. (so
ometimes / go)
g loves eaating with theem!
I ________ __________ ____ with myy friends. B Jamie’ss love of foodd takes him to many different
3 It’s prohibited to feed the animals at
a the zoo. countrie
(must) C But he also
a makes ssome vegeta arian recipess,
You _____ ___________ __ the anima
als at the zoo
o. with no meat.
4 I always thhink about beeing a famouus singer. D He does lots of proj ects with youung people who
(dream) are in difficult situatiions.
My ______ _________ to t be a famous singer. E He alsoo writes lots oof great cook
k books.
5 There is mmore rain in Manchester
M than in Athenns.
It _______ _____ in Man nchester thann it is in
1 2
nit 6 te
Wriiting Paragraphh1
Describe th
he name andd origin of the
e dish.
13 Write
W a recipe for spaghetti bologneese. Use the
prompts to hhelp you. Or write a reciipe for Paragraphh2
another dish you know. Write aboutt 100 words . Describe th
he ingredientts.
10 marks)
Paragraph h3
Italian Sp
paghetti Bolognese
Ingredients: Write the recipe instrucctions using sequencing
words. Talk about whatt you can ea
at it with.
three tom
an onion
500 g bee
pepper, spices, chilli sauce
salt and p
1 tomatoes ((chop)
2 onion (cut))
3 oil (heat in
n a pan)
4 onion (add d)
5 beef (add))
6 tomatoes, salt and peppper, spices and chilli
sauce (mixx together wiith meat)
7 one hour ((cook)
O brea
ad, cheese.
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
__ ___________
Listening ___
___ / 10 Vocabulary
V __
____ / 20 Prac
ctical Englishh _____ / 10
Grammar ___ ___ / 30 Cumulative
Review _____
_ /10 Reading _____ / 10
Writing _____
_ / 10 TOTTAL ___________ / 100
1 3