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20 Legacy A2 MID Test

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MID TEST (Units 1-4)

NAME ......................................................................................................... DATE .....................................

CLASS .......................................................................................................... MARK ––––––
(Time 30 minutes)

A Choose the correct item.

1 The children are ….. . They have very good 7 Tim ….. a bone in his arm and he couldn’t write
manners. for six weeks.
A creative C patient A sprained C hurt
B polite D careful B twisted D broke

2 It hardly ever rains in ….. like the Sahara and the 8 Carrie is a bank ….. and she deals with
Gobi. customers’ money every day.
A valleys C deserts A agent C clerk
B islands D mountains B officer D assistant

3 They ….. a house by the sea for two weeks. 9 We should leave early because there could be
A rented C hired ….. traffic on the roads.
B booked D stayed A strong C crowded
B heavy D long
4 When I woke up this morning, there was white
….. on the grass.
10 Rory tripped and hurt the big ….. on his left foot.
A drizzle C flood
A finger C knee
B fog D frost
B toe D leg

5 Lisa wears long, thick ….. in the winter to keep

her legs warm.
A leggings C scarves
B shorts D gloves

6 There’s a ….. of sardines in the cupboard so we

can make sardine sandwiches.
A jar C bag
B tin D packet

Marks ____
102 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 1 Legacy A2

B Choose the correct item.

11 The road was uneven and we had a fluffy/ 17 You have to bake/chop/peel/cut eggs before
tidy/bumpy/busy and uncomfortable ride. you eat them – don’t eat the shell!
12 The airport authorities delayed/cancelled/ 18 It rained for three days and caused a
missed/lost our flight because of the snow and shower/raindrop/flood/drizzle in the town.
we took off two hours late. 19 You can trust Kevin with the keys to the shop –
13 Thick/Hard/Heavy/Strong winds blew down he’s responsible/friendly/sociable/hard-
several trees. working and will keep them safe.
14 The boys played well and they beat/won/ 20 Susie needs to exercise/practise/warm
scored/kicked the other team by nine points. up/pass her serve if she wants to come first in
15 Emma goes on lots of business journeys/trips/ the tennis competition.
voyages/travels as part of her new job.
16 Dad likes playing/doing/getting/going fishing
on Sundays.

Marks ____
102 20


C Complete the second sentence, using the word in bold, so that it means the same as the
first sentence. Do not use more than four words to complete each sentence.

21 The rain began while I was reading a book. 24 She gave him an angry look when he made fun
(RAIN) of her. (LOOKED)
I was reading a book .......................................... She ...................................................................
................................................................ began. .................................. when he made fun of her.

22 Beth is always on time for school. (NEVER) 25 They started the football match at 8:00 last night
Beth .................................................................. and they finished at 9:30. (PLAYING)
........................................................ school late. They ...................................................................
............................................... at 8:30 last night.
23 We mustn’t talk during the exam. (ALLOWED)
We .....................................................................
......................................... talk during the exam.

Marks ____
54 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 2 Legacy A2

D Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence.

26 Can you drive me to school tomorrow? 29 It is not necessary for Alex to work late tonight.
Do you mind ...................................................... Alex does ...........................................................
.......................................... to school tomorrow? ............................................... work late tonight.

27 I advise you to take an umbrella with you. 30 My mum cooks pasta dishes really well.
You .................................................................... My mum is really good .......................................
......................................... an umbrella with you. ..................................................... pasta dishes.

28 There is heavy rain falling at the moment.

It is .....................................................................
.................................................. at the moment.

Marks ____
54 20

E Choose the correct item.

31 Richard ….. to Australia tomorrow. 36 My dad ….. dinner for us.

A flies C flew A cooks often C often is cooking
B is flying D was flying B often cook D often cooks

32 Karen ….. in her room when the storm started. 37 My grandma ….. very often when she was
A is studying C studied younger.
B studies D was studying A travelled C is travelling
B travels D was travelling
33 I think that Paul ….. in a flat in the city now.
A lives C live 38 George ….. pick his brother up from school
B was living D living every day because his parents are at work.
A has to C would
34 You ….. to hand in your homework yet – it’s due B shall D can
A mustn’t C don’t have 39 ….. you see the new Johnny Depp film on TV
B shouldn’t D aren’t able last night?
A Do C Did
35 Ian can’t stand ….. in the park when the weather B Were D Is
is bad.
A run C to run 40 You should ….. exercising more.
B running D to running A to start C to starting
B start D starting

Marks ____
102 20

© Express Publishing PHOTOCOPIABLE 3 Legacy A2

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