Edge Lace 2.3: Picture 1
Edge Lace 2.3: Picture 1
Edge Lace 2.3: Picture 1
Picture 1.
A zigzag edge lace (edge lace 2) stitch motif is combined with the little flower like motif.
Chart 1 requires the following amount of stitches: 15 stitches (edges of the motif) + 14
stitches ⋅X times (repeated middle part of the motif) + 2 (or more ) edge stitches (if
Cast on stitches using knitted on method and double yarn with needles at least 0.5 - 1 size
larger than you will be using for the edge lace knitting.
2011(C) by newlace.blogspot.com
a k, knit
o yo, yarn over
< knit 3 stitches together with the middle one above, slip two
stitches knitwise, knit next stitch and pass two slipped stitches
over third stitch
/ k2tog, knit 2 stitches together
\ ssk, slip 2 stitches as if to knit, then knit those 2 stitches together
O bobble/nupp: knit 5/7/9 stitches out of one (knit, yarn over, knit,
yarn over, knit etc.), purl stitches together on the wrong side
Chart 1
aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa 23
aaaaaao< oaaaaaaaaaaao< oaaaaaa 21
\oaa\oaO ao/aao<oaa\oaO ao/aao/ 19
\aoaa\oa o/aaoa<aoaa\oa o/aaoa/ 17
\aaoaaaa aaaoaa<aaoaaaa aaaoaa/ 15
\aaaoaaa aaoaaa<aaaoaaa aaoaaa/ 13
\aaaaoaa aoaaaa<aaaaoaa aoaaaa/ 11
\o\aaaoa oaaa/o<o\aaaoa oaaa/o/ 9
\o\aaaoa oaaa/o<o\aaaoa oaaa/o/ 7
\o\aaaoa oaaa/o<o\aaaoa oaaa/o/ 5
|aaaaaoa oaaaaa<aaaaaoa oaaaaa/ 3
aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaa 1