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Oracle Hospitality Hotel Mobile: OPERA Web Services Server Installation Guide Release 1.1

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Oracle® Hospitality Hotel Mobile

OPERA Web Services Server Installation Guide

Release 1.1

May 2017
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1 Preface ................................................................................................................................. 4
Audience .........................................................................................................................................4
Customer Support .........................................................................................................................4
Revision History ............................................................................................................................4
2 Prerequisites ....................................................................................................................... 5
3 Configuring Microsoft .NET Frameworks ......................................................................... 6
Verifying Microsoft .NET Frameworks ......................................................................................6
Installing Microsoft .NET Frameworks ......................................................................................6
4 Configuring Transport Layer Security ............................................................................... 7
Verifying TLS .................................................................................................................................7
Enabling TLS ..................................................................................................................................9
5 Configuring Internet Information Services ..................................................................... 11
Verifying IIS ................................................................................................................................. 11
Installing IIS.................................................................................................................................. 13
6 Generating the SSL Certificate Request .......................................................................... 16
7 Installing the SSL Certificate ........................................................................................... 20
Intermediate Certificate .............................................................................................................. 21
8 SSL Bindings..................................................................................................................... 24
1 Preface
This document explains how to install and configure OPERA Web Services server components for
Oracle Hospitality Hotel Mobile.

This document is intended for system administrators, support personnel, and users familiar with
Oracle Hospitality Hotel Mobile.

Customer Support
To contact Oracle Customer Support, access My Oracle Support at the following URL:
When contacting Customer Support, please provide the following:
 Product version and program/module name
 Functional and technical description of the problem (include business impact)
 Detailed step-by-step instructions to re-create
 Exact error message received
 Screen shots of each step you take

Oracle Hospitality product documentation is available on the Oracle Help Center at

Revision History
Date Description of Change

May 2017 • Initial publication

4 Preface
2 Prerequisites
Verify that the OPERA Web Services host computer has Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 or higher.
If the server does not have Internet access, use the Microsoft Windows installation CD to install the
operating system.

Prerequisites 5
3 Configuring Microsoft .NET Frameworks
Verify that the OPERA Web Services server has Microsoft .NET Frameworks 4.5 and 4.6.1. If the server
does not have the frameworks, install them.

Verifying Microsoft .NET Frameworks

Follow these steps to check the server registry for Microsoft .NET Frameworks 4.5 and 4.6.1:
1. Log in to the OPERA Web Services server.
2. Select Run on the Start menu.
3. In the Open box, enter regedit.exe. You need administrative credentials to run regedit.exe.
4. In the Registry Editor, open the following subkey:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE -> SOFTWARE -> Microsoft -> NET Framework Setup> NDP -> v4
-> Full
The path to the full subkey includes the subkeys (Net Framework) and (.NET Framework). The
right subkey is Net Framework Setup.

5. Check for a DWORD value of Release. The Data column indicates which version of the .NET
Framework is installed. The following URL provides more information on installed versions:

Installing Microsoft .NET Frameworks

If one or both .Net 4.5 and 4.6.1 frameworks are not installed, download the frameworks from:
https://www.microsoft.com/download. Run the .exe on each file as an administrator to install and
follow the prompts on the screen to compete installation.

6 Configuring Microsoft .NET Frameworks

4 Configuring Transport Layer Security
The OPERA Web Services server uses Transport Layer Security (TLS) to secure connections between
servers and web browsers. By default, TLS is not enabled on Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2

Verifying TLS
Follow these steps to verify TLS 1.2 is enabled on the server:
1. Start the registry editor by clicking on Start and Run. Type in regedit into the Run field.
2. Browse to the following registry key:

3. Expand the Protocols folder, and then expand the TLS 1.2 folder.
4. Within the Client and Server folders, there are DisabaledByDefault and Enabled DWORD

Configuring Transport Layer Security 7

5. Right-click and select Modify on each DisabledByDefault DWORD Key under both Client
and Server folders, and then verify that the Value data field is set to 0 and the Base is

6. Right-click and select Modify on each Enabled DWORD Key under both Client and Server
folders, and then ensure that the Value data field is set to 1 and the Base is Hexadecimal.

8 Configuring Transport Layer Security

Enabling TLS
If TLS 1.2 is not enabled, follow these steps:
1. Start the registry editor by clicking on Start and Run. Type in regedit into the Run field.
2. Select Computer at the top of the registry tree. Backup the registry by selecting File and then
Export. Select the location for the backup registry file.

3. Browse to the following registry key:


4. Right-click the Protocols folder, select New, and then select Key. This creates a folder. Rename
the folder to TLS 1.2.

5. Right-click the TLS 1.2 key, and then add two new keys.

Configuring Transport Layer Security 9

6. Rename the two new keys to Client and Server.

7. Right-click the Client key, select New, and then select DWORD (32-bit) Value from the drop-
down list.
8. Rename the DWORD to DisabledByDefault.
9. Right-click the name DisabledByDefault and select Modify.
10. Ensure that the Value data field is set to 0 and the Base is Hexadecimal, and then click OK.
11. Create another DWORD for the Client key as you did in Step 7.
12. Rename this second DWORD to Enabled.
13. Right-click Enabled, and then select Modify.
14. Ensure that the Value data field is set to 1 and the Base is Hexadecimal, and then click OK.
15. Repeat steps 7 to 14 for the Server key (by creating two DWORDs, DisabledByDefault and
Enabled, and their values underneath the Server key).
16. Reboot the server.
If you make a mistake or run into issues, revert to your previous registry settings by opening
the Registry Editor and importing the backup file you made in step 2.

10 Configuring Transport Layer Security

5 Configuring Internet Information Services
Verifying IIS
Follow these steps to verify that IIS 7 is installed on the server :
1. Open a web browser and go to http://localhost/. If ISS is installed, the following screen appears:

2. Make sure that the following IIS features are installed:

a. Go to Start -> Administrative Tools -> Server Manager.

b. Expand the Roles folder, and then select Web Server (IIS).

Configuring Internet Information Services 11

c. Click Role Services.

d. Verify that the following components are installed:

• .NET Extensibility
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters

e. Scroll down and verify that the following components are installed:
• IIS Management Console
• IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
• IIS 6 Management Console

12 Configuring Internet Information Services

Installing IIS
To install IIS:
1. Click on Start -> Server Manager -> Roles -> Add Roles.
2. Click Next.

3. Select Web Server (IIS), and then click Next.

4. Click Next in Introduction to Web Server (IIS).

Configuring Internet Information Services 13

5. Select the following components to install them:

• .NET Extensibility
• ISAPI Extensions
• ISAPI Filters

6. Scroll down, select the following components, and then click Next.
• IIS Management Console
• IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility
• IIS 6 Management Console

7. Click Install.

8. Click Close.

14 Configuring Internet Information Services

9. Register .NET with IIS by running the following commands as an administrator:
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v2.0.50727\aspnet_regiis.exe –i
C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.38319\aspnet_regiis.exe –i

10. To verify that IIS 7 is installed on the server, open your web browser and go to
http://localhost/. If ISS 7 is installed, the following page appears:

Configuring Internet Information Services 15

6 Generating the SSL Certificate Request
Oracle Hospitality Hotel Mobile uses an SHA-2 SSL certificate signed by a known public certificate
authority. The SSL should handle TLS 1.2. This section explains how to generate the certificate request
for hotels to generate and use the certificate.
Do not use commas in any of the fields when creating your Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
Commas are interpreted as the end of the field and cause an invalid CSR to be generated. Do not use
any of the following characters in the web server distinguished name:
! @ # $ % ^ * ( ) ~ ? > < & /\

1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager to launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

2. In the Connections panel on the left, select the correct server name and open the Server
Certificates features by double-clicking the Server Certificates.

3. In the Actions panel, click Create Certificate Request to open the Request Certificate wizard.
If you already have a certificate that is near expiration date and you need to renew it, select
Create Certificate Request. Do not use the Renew option on the certificate from the Server
Certificates action menu. The renewal function can sometimes create an incompatible CSR.

16 Generating the SSL Certificate Request

4. Enter the Distinguished Name information in the Distinguished Name Properties window in
the wizard:

Attribute Description
Common name Domain to be secured by certificate
Organization Organization’s legal business name
Organizational Unit Department in the organization
City/Locality Business location - city
State/Province Business location – state/province
Country/Region Business location - country

5. Click Next.
6. Select Microsoft RSA Channel Cryptographic Provider as the Cryptographic service provider.
For Bit Length, select 2048, and then click Next.

Generating the SSL Certificate Request 17

7. Specify the location and file name for your CSR as shown in the following figure:

8. Take note of where the CSR is being stored, as the hotel needs to access this file when
requesting a certificate. The file should contain a CSR similar to what appears in the following

18 Generating the SSL Certificate Request

9. To request a certificate from the Certificate Authority, the hotel needs to open the generated
file containing the newly created Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and copy its content into
the specified field.

10. Copy the full CSR including the

lines. Make sure that here are no trailing spaces or carriage returns in the CSR.

Generating the SSL Certificate Request 19

7 Installing the SSL Certificate
To install the SSL acquired by the property, copy the certificate files to the OPERA Web Services server
and follow these steps:

1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS)
2. In the Connections panel on the left, select the correct server name and open the Server
Certificates features by double-clicking the Server Certificates.

3. In the Actions panel on the right, click Complete Certificate Request.

4. Click the button to select the server certificate you received from the certificate authority. If the
certificate does not have a .cer file extension, select to view all types. Enter any name so you can
keep track of the certificate on this server. Click OK.

20 Installing the SSL Certificate

5. If successful, the newly installed certificate will be shown in the list. If an error stating that the
request or private key cannot be found, make sure that the correct certificate is used and that it
is installed in the same server that the CSR was generated from. If you are not sure about those
two things, ask the property for verification so they can contact the certificate authority if the
problem persist.

Intermediate Certificate
Most SSL providers issue server certificates of an Intermediate certificate so you install this
Intermediate certificate to the server as well or will receive a Certificate Not Trusted Error. Follow these
steps to install each Intermediate certificate:

1. Locate the intermediate certificate where Certificate files where stored on the OPERA Web
Services server.
2. Double-click each intermediate certificate to open the certificate details.
3. At the bottom of the General tab, click Install Certificate to start the certificate import wizard.

Installing the SSL Certificate 21

4. Click Next.

5. Select Place all certificates in the following store, and then click Browse.

22 Installing the SSL Certificate

6. Select Show physical stores as shown in the following figure:

7. Expand the Intermediate Certification Authorities folder, and then select Local Computer
beneath it.

8. Click OK, Next, and then Finish.

Installing the SSL Certificate 23

8 SSL Bindings
1. Go to Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Information Services (IIS)
Manager to bind the certificate to the website.
2. In the connections column, expand the Sites folder, and then click the website to bind to the
certificate. Click Bindings in the Edit Site section.

3. Click Add.

4. Change the Type to https, and then select the SSL certificate you just installed. Click OK.

The binding for port 443 appears.

5. Click Close.

24 SSL Bindings

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