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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

Present status and technology of shield tunneling method in Japan

Yukinori Koyama*
Railway Technical Research Institute, 2-8-38, Hikari-cho, Kokubunji-shi, Tokyo, Japan


Recently in Japan, it has often been necessary to construct tunnels under more severe conditions and to develop new techniques.
However, present design techniques cannot appropriately reflect the construction techniques; and thus, traditional methods are still
often used. On account of the well-balanced progress between construction and design in the shield tunneling method, an
innovation of the design technique is required. This paper shows an outline of the shield tunnel technique at present, behavior of
shield tunnels in-site, and improvements required for design.
䊚 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Shield tunneling; Segmental lining; Design; Earth pressure; Water pressure; Field measurement

1. Introduction presents an outline of the shield tunneling technique

presently used in Japan, and new design techniques.
The shield tunneling construction method was adopted
2. Shield tunneling and related topics
for the first time in urban areas of Japan for a subway
project in Nagoya City during the latter half of the 2.1. Shield tunneling method in Japan
1950s. Open face and hand mining methods, along with
air compression pressure, were used in the shield tun- The completeness of city functions in urban areas in
neling. After that, the slurry method was developed in Japan is very important. This is because of the concen-
the earlier half of the 1970s. The earth pressure balanced trated society functions and large populations in those
method was also put into practical use in the latter half areas. Therefore, the infrastructures which consist of
of the 1970s. It was then possible to maintain the railways, roadways, water supply systems, sewerage,
stability of the face in an extremely soft clay ground; electric power lines, and telecommunication networks
this had not been previously possible even when using need to be constructed underground due to the high-
a supplementary method. In addition, a new grouting density utilization of urban space and in order to
material, which can harden immediately and maintain preserve urban landscapes and the environment. The
plasticity, was developed during the same period for above types of structures are concentrated under public
backfill grouting. A new tail seal, which consists of a sites, such as roads, because the space under privately-
wire brush and special high viscose grease, was devel- owned sites are not open to the construction of public
oped. Thus, the shield tunneling method was not only infrastructures.
employed for the excavation of tunnels, but it also could Due to various restrictions, it is difficult to choose
control ground movements. just an ideal route with a single type of geological
Recently, it has often become necessary to construct formation for a new tunnel. Thus, techniques are
tunnels under severe conditions and to develop new required which can be applied to different types of
techniques. However, present design techniques cannot grounds. Due to the growth of economic activities in
appropriately reflect the construction techniques; and Japanese society, the expansion of the capacity of
thus, traditional methods are still often used. Therefore, infrastructures and solutions to problems related to the
innovations in design techniques are needed. This paper complicated utilization of underground space have
become necessary.
*Tel.: q81-42-573-7230; fax: q81-42-573-7209. Under the above-mentioned circumstances, a break-
E-mail address: koyama@rtri.or.jp (Y. Koyama). through to counteract some topics related to the shield

0886-7798/03/$ - see front matter 䊚 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
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146 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

Fig. 1. Sequence of a large face excavation and a large overburden excavation.

tunneling method in Japan are needed, and many new 2.2.1. Multi-circular face shield method (MF shield)
techniques have been developed. The main technical The MF shield, utilizing the advantages of the slurry
topics are as follows: type shield, was developed to construct flat-shaped
1. long distance excavation; tunnels. To avoid the interference between cutter faces
2. large overburden excavation; when they rotate, they are set at different positions in
3. large face excavation; the longitudinal direction (Fig. 3).
4. automatic excavation; A double-circular face type was developed first. Then,
5. special cross-section shield; triple-circular face type shields have been developed to
6. expansion and reduction of shield; construct train stations in complicated underground spac-
7. branching and confluent; and es. In addition to the above, a four-circular-face type
8. construction with a sharp curve. was developed to construct subway stations, whose
shape is more complicated than that of triple-circular
2.2. Present status of the shield tunneling method in face type tunnels.
2.2.2. Double O-tube shield (DOT shield)
In order to understand the progress of the shield The DOT shield is an earth pressure balanced type
tunneling technique, it is useful to grasp the degree of shield with the same purpose as the MF shield. Two
accomplishment for the topics. Figs. 1 and 2 present spoke cutter wheels of the shield rotate in the opposite
overviews of the tunnel diameter, the water pressure, directions on the same plane, and so as not to come in
the depth and the curve radius. The maximum earth
contact, the rotation control is done separately.
pressure that has been achieved for the shield tunnel is
0.9 MPa. The smallest curve radius of the tunnel is 20
m, under high water pressure. 2.2.3. Developing parallel link excavation shield
Fig. 1 shows that the construction of special-shaped (DPLEX Shield)
tunnels, in which all cross-sections are excavated at the The DPLEX shield is quite a new method, which is
same time with a closed-type shield machine, has been modified to a large extent from the conventional earth
increasing. pressure balanced type shield.
Moreover, as discussed below, special-shaped shields The shield employs multiple rotating shafts to which
have been developed. It is possible to excavate a specific cranks are fit at the right angle (Fig. 4). A cutter frame
shape simultaneously for the entire cross-section by equipped with a number of rotating shafts turn, the
means of these type shields. cutter frame starts a parallel link motion, which makes
Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159 147

Fig. 2. Achievements of a sharp curve execution under high water pressure.

it possible to cut a tunnel with a cross-section analogous 3. Present status and topics related to shield tunnel
to the shape formed by the cutter bits. linings
The advantages of this shield are not only a reduction
of cutter torque due to short shafts, but also the appli- 3.1. Conventional segmental lining
cability of unusual shapes.
The segments of tunnel linings in Japan are usually
made of reinforced concrete (RC), steel, cast iron, or a
composite structure of steel and concrete. RC is the
most popular material, followed by steel, and then cast
iron. Bolts are used at the main joints of those segments.
As for RC segments, box segments, which are jointed
with long bolts, were used in early times (Fig. 5).
However, plane type segments have been used recently
in order to reduce the deficient area (Fig. 6). If partic-

Fig. 4. Principle of excavation by the DPLEX (Kashima and Kondo,

Fig. 3. Multi-circular face shield (Matsumoto, 1994a,b). 1997).
148 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

of segment joints have recently been developed and

adopted in various sites.

3.2.2. Tendency and subject of segmental lining

The width of segments has increased recently for the
purpose of reducing joints, which are weak points for
strength, and shortening the total erection time. In such
cases, it is necessary to study not only the feasibility of
the erection, but also the phenomenon of the axial
direction of tunnels. For example, the effects of the
mutual erection of segments and stress distribution on
segments in an axial direction need to be investigated.
A minimum thickness for the segments has been
Fig. 5. RC box segment. decided according to the bearing capacity to earth
pressure and water pressure and by the proportion to the
ularly strong rigidity is required for a metal fitting, the outer diameter of the tunnel, which is obtained by an
small box is made from cast iron (Fig. 7). analysis of the damage records. However, segments
As for steel segments, segments have been used in recently tend to be thinner not based on the above-
which steel plates are built in a box shape by welding mentioned design method, because construction tech-
and are jointed with short bolts (Sakai and Tazaki, in niques have been progressing. A design method which
press). As for cast iron segments, segments which are is suitable for such recent trends, is necessary.
box- or corrugation-shaped and are jointed with short
bolts, have been used. 4. Present status of design method for shield tunnels
3.2. Tendency and subject for development of segmental
lining 4.1. General remarks

3.2.1. New segmental lining In designing segments, the stress in each part of a
The size of shield tunnels is presently growing larger. segment is usually calculated with a design model, by
Thus, the diameter of the joint bolts has become larger taking account of the structural property of segmental
as well as the tool for bolting. Under these conditions, lining and interaction between the ground and lining, so
an automatic erection of segments is required for a safe that the stress does not exceed the allowable limit.
working environment and in order to maintains the good Hence, to design a segment, we need to reasonably
quality of the erection. However, the equipment for the model the segment structure and assume its interaction
erection has had a tendency to be complex and the time with the ground. There are a number of design models
it takes for the erection has a tendency to be long. This proposed so far (ITA, 2000).
is because a segment with bolt joints is disadvantageous
to an automatic erection. An innovation in segment 4.2. Structural model
joints is needed, because the cost to produce segments
makes up a high percentage of the total construction The structural models for the segment ring are shown
cost of a shield tunnel. In particular, the cost of joint in Fig. 8. The segments are assembled in a staggered
metal is expensive. Under such conditions, many types pattern to compensate for the decrease in the bending

Fig. 6. Metallic parts type of RC plane segment.

Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159 149

terms of the same rigidity as that of the segment, if all

joint surfaces are compressed, varies with the stress load
conditions. Therefore, it is natural that h changes
depending on the load. However, although the distribu-
tion of bending moment near the circumferential joints
is taken into consideration, using the additional rate (z),
the bending moment significantly varies with the bend-
ing rigidity of the circumferential joint. Then, such a
condition physically has no basis, as shown in Fig. 10,
where the moment between the two rings is simply
distributed along the joint area. It is then impossible to
calculate actual distribution of the bending moment by
Fig. 7. Ductile parts joint type of RC plane segment. using this model.
For this reason, the beam spring model is applied
rigidity of the circumferential joint. The multi-hinge ring nowadays. Segments are modeled with beams in this
model is not applied. model. The circumferential joints are modeled by the
Up to this time, the uniform rigidity ring model has rotation of springs and their rigidities are expressed by
been applied. As the circumferential joint is assumed to the constants of the springs concerning the bending
have the same rigidity as that of the segment, the moments. With regard to the longitudinal joint, in the
moment for the design of joint is overestimated and that beam spring model I, it is assumed that the displacement
occurring at the segment is not calculated correctly. of the ring beam is equal to that of the neighboring ring
Therefore, it is difficult to design the bending moment beam at the joint, where there is no gap caused by the
at the joint area. shear stress. The relative displacement also occurs
An average uniform rigidity ring model was proposed between the two neighboring rings in the longitudinal
in order to make up for the faults of the uniform rigidity direction, and is concentrated at the centerline of the
ring model. In this model, the deformation of a ring segment rings. Therefore, the beam spring model II, in
with joints is compared to that without any joints. The which this displacement is expressed by means of the
ratio between the rigidity of the former and the one of shear spring, is also applied. The linear, bilinear and
the latter is assumed to be h, where h is the effective trilinear models in Fig. 11 are considered concerning
ratio of the bending rigidity (Fig. 9). In addition, a the characteristics of the rotation spring, and they are
bending moment whose magnitude is additional rate z determined by an analysis or through experiments. To
times that of the segment is considered to be distributed calculate the constant of the rotation spring of the RC
to the neighbor segment in the joint area (Fig. 10). At flat plate segment by an analysis (Fig. 12), equations
this point, the values of the bending moments used for are proposed.
the segment and the joint are assumed to be M0 (1qz)
and M0 (1yz), respectively. Even in this model, the 4.3. Interaction model for simple circular tunnels
effective ratio of the bending rigidity (h) is described
as being universally determined by the profile of the There are a number of tangible interaction models,
joint and the shape and the size of the segment. which can be categorized into two types. One is a
However, the rigidity of the circumferential joint, in method using finite element analysis and the other is a

Fig. 8. Structural models of the segment ring (Koyama, 2000a).

150 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

Fig. 10. Concept of the additional rate of bending rigidity.

3. In addition to the condition in (2), the shape is

Among Japanese tunnel engineers, for shield tunnel
designing, the above (1) is called the ‘conventional
model’ (Fig. 13), and (2) is called the ‘full-circumfer-
ential spring model’ (Fig. 14). This section discusses
the latter.
There are two modeling methods for the earth and
Fig. 9. Concept of the efficient ratio of bending rigidity. pore water pressures. In the first one, the modeling does
not separate the two pressures, but in the second one,
the modeling is separated into the two parts. In general,
method using beam elements representing tunnel lining,
the former is applied to the ground of low permeability
which carries the earth pressure, water pressure and
such as clayey soil, and the other is applied to the
dead weight. While the former is not widely applied,
ground of high permeability such as sandy soil. The
different models have been proposed so far for the latter.
earth pressure is divided into two parts, vertical and
These models are developed for the open type shield
horizontal pressures.
for manual excavation. The models can be sub-catego-
rized into the following three types.
4.3.1. Vertical earth pressure
1. The tunnel is assumed to be made of a rigid material There are two cases in assuming the vertical earth
and the soil reaction is determined to be independent pressure acting on the upper part of segmental ring, one
of the tunnel deformation caused by active loads. assumed to be a full overburden and the other a reduced
2. The soil reaction is determined in consideration of one to take into account the soil shear strength. For both
the tunnel deformation caused by active loads. pressures, a uniform load is assumed. The latter is

Fig. 11. Modeling of the rotational spring constant (Koyama, 2000b).

Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159 151

calculated by Terzaghi’s formula. The upward earth

pressure from the tunnel bottom is assumed to be the
same as downward earth pressure in the upper part in
magnitude and distribution.

4.3.2. Horizontal earth pressure

The horizontal earth pressure is assumed to be a
uniformly varying load that increases with increasing
depth. Hence, the horizontal earth pressure at the top of
the ring is derived from the vertical earth pressure
Fig. 12. Balance of force at joint area (Koyama, 2000c).
multiplied by the coefficient of horizontal earth pressure

Fig. 13. Loads in the conventional model (JSCE, 2001).

Fig. 14. Full-circumferential spring model (RTRI, 1997).

152 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

Table 1 water pressure. In following sections, the pressure meas-

Coefficient (l) of lateral earth pressure in full-circumferential spring ured by means of earth pressure meters is called the
model (RTRI, 1997)
earth pressure or the total earth pressure. However, there
Type of soil l N value are a number of cases where the water pressure is
guideline measured by means of the measurement of ground water
Soil-water Sandy soil Very dense 0.45 30FN flowing into bored holes. The bored holes are construct-
separated Dense 0.45–0.50 15FN-30 ed from grouting holes in segments through the hardened
Medium, loose 0.50–0.60 N-15 grouting material after the segmental lining is exposed
Soil-water Clayey soil Hard 0.40–0.50 8FNF25 to ground and structurally stabilized.
integrated Medium, stiff 0.50–0.60 4FN-8 This chapter focuses on the examples of the measure-
Soft 0.60–0.70 2FN-4 ment of earth pressure and water pressure, and describes
Very soft 0.70–0.80 N-2 the earth pressure and water pressure in connection with
design methods, regarding them as expressing some
(Table 1). The vertical earth pressure increases with the characteristics of the loads that are actually affecting the
depth of ground, but it should slightly be mitigated by tunnels.
the contribution of ground shear strength.
5.2. Long-term loads affecting simple circular shield
4.3.3. Soil reaction tunnels
The soil reaction is assumed to have a value that
corresponds to tunnel deformation and displacement and 5.2.1. Measurement results in clayey layers
modeled as ground springs located along the whole This section shows the cases of earth pressure and
periphery of the tunnel. Table 2 shows the coefficient water pressure measurement at tunnels in clayey alluvi-
of soil reaction. um and clayey diluvium. These two tunnels are con-
structed by using slurry shields. The external diameter
4.3.4. Water pressure and overburden of one tunnel are 3.95 m and 22 m,
The water pressure on the tunnel is assumed to act in respectively, and those of the other tunnel are 4.95 m
the direction to the center of the ring, which increases and 13 m.
in direction of depth from the ground water level. Figs. 15 and 16 show the distribution of earth pressure
in the circumferential direction and changes in the ratio
5. Actual conditions of earth pressure and water of effective earth pressure to total earth pressure in
pressure affecting shield tunnels alluvium as time passes, respectively. In the same way,
those in diluvium are shown in Figs. 17 and 18.
5.1. Present status of design method for shield tunnels At both tunnels, the earth pressure gradually changes
for a long period. This is thought to result from the
changes in atmospheric temperature (Ariizumi et al.,
Among a number of shield tunnels constructed so far,
there are practically few cases where the loads affecting
From these measurement results, the following can be
segments and occurring strain are measured at closed
described for the earth pressure and water pressure
type shield tunnels. Generally speaking, the earth pres-
having affect over a long period.
sure is measured by means of earth pressure meters
placed behind the segments. The pressure measured in 1. The effective earth pressure is never equal to zero at
this way includes both the effective earth pressure and the tunnel in clayey alluvia although it is small.

Table 2
Coefficient (k) of ground reaction=tunnel diameter (D) in full-circumferential spring model (RTRI, 1997)

Type of soil During grouted After grouted N value

material hardening material hardening guideline
(Nymm2) (Nymm2)
Sandy soil Very dense 35.0–47.0 55.0–90.0 30FN
Dense 21.5–35.0 28.0–55.0 15FN-30
Medium, loose –21.5 –28.0 N-15
Clayey soil Hard 31.5– 46.0– 25FN
Medium 13.0–31.5 15.0–46.0 8FN-25
Stiff 7.0–13.0 7.5–15.0 4FN-8
Soft 3.5–7.0 3.8–7.5 2FN-4
Very soft –3.5 –3.8 N-2
Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159 153

Fig. 17. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc-

Fig. 15. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc- tion (in a diluvium) (Ariizumi et al., 1998).
tion (in an alluvium) (Ariizumi et al., 1998).

Fig. 19 shows the distribution of earth pressure and

2. The effective earth pressure is almost equal to zero water pressure in the circumferential direction in allu-
at the tunnel in clayey diluvium. vium. In the same way, that in diluvium is shown in
3. The distribution of total earth pressure is extremely Fig. 20.
asymmetric at the tunnel in alluvium where small From these measurement results, the following can be
effective earth pressure acts. described concerning the earth pressure and water pres-
4. Relatively uniform earth pressure acts on the tunnel sure acting on the tunnels for a long period.
in diluvium although the effective earth pressure is
1. The effective earth pressure is small at the tunnel in
sandy alluvium.
2. The water pressure is dominant and the effective earth
5.2.2. Measurement results in sandy layers pressure is equal to zero in sandy diluvium.
This section shows the cases of earth pressure and 3. The distribution of the total earth pressure is nearly
water pressure measurement at tunnels in a sandy allu- symmetric.
vium and sandy diluvium. These two tunnels are con-
structed by using slurry shields. The external diameter 5.2.3. Measurement results in gravel bed
and overburden of one tunnel are 5.10 m and 17 m, This section discusses the cases of the measurement
respectively, and those of the other tunnel are 9.80 m of one tunnel in gravel alluvium and two tunnels in
and 19 m. gravel diluvium. These three tunnels are constructed by

Fig. 16. Changes in the ratio of effective earth pressure to total earth Fig. 18. Changes in the ratio of effective earth pressure to total earth
pressure over time (in an alluvium) (Ariizumi et al., 1998). pressure over time (in a diluvium) (Ariizumi et al., 1998).
154 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

Fig. 19. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc- Fig. 22. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc-
tion (in an alluvium) (Itoh and Saito, 1991). tion (in a diluvium) (Fujii et al., 2000).

Fig. 23. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc-

tion (in a diluvium) (Fujii et al., 2000).

means of slurry shields. The external diameters of these

Fig. 20. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc-
tion (in a diluvium) (Koyama et al., 1995).
tunnels are 3.35 m, 6.2 m and 4.75 m, and overburdens
are 25 m, 10 m and 12 m, respectively.
The distribution of earth pressure and water pressure
in the circumferential direction in alluvium is shown in
Fig. 21, and that in diluvium is shown in Figs. 22 and
From these measurement results, the following can be
described concerning the earth pressure and water pres-
sure acting on the tunnels for a long period.

1. The effective earth pressure is approximately 30% of

the total earth pressure at the tunnel in gravel alluvium
although the water pressure is dominant.
2. In the case where the ground water level is high at
the tunnel in gravel diluvium, only the water pressure
acts on the tunnel and the effective earth pressure is
nearly equal to zero.
3. If the ground water level is low at the tunnel in
gravel diluvia, large effective earth pressure acts on
the upper part of the tunnel. However, the effective
Fig. 21. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc- earth pressure acting on the lower part of the tunnel
tion (in an alluvium) (Koyama, 2000d). is small.
Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159 155

Fig. 24. Underground vertical displacement wjust above the shield (0.5 m)x (after Hirata, 1989).

4. In case the effective earth pressure is small, the There are no examples of detailed measurement
distribution of the total earth pressure is uniform. around tunnels. The strain of ground near the tunnel can
However, if the effective earth pressure is dominant, be considered to vary widely, depending on the opera-
the distribution of the total earth pressure is uneven tional control of shield, the way of backfill grouting and
to some extent. other conditions. It is speculated that the scattered strain
would cause the heterogeneity of distribution of earth
5.3. Factors influencing loads acting on tunnels pressure affecting tunnels.

5.3.1. Relationship between ground displacement and 5.3.2. Influence of backfill grouting
earth pressure The influence of backfill grouting on shield tunnels
The earth pressure acting on a tunnel for a long period has been confirmed by laboratory and other tests, but
is considered to depend on the strain of soil near the an interesting test has been carried out to confirm it by
surface of tunnel. Actual strain conditions of soil near using an actual shield tunnel. The test was carried out
the tunnels are estimated from ground displacement near at an earth pressure balanced shield tunnel whose exter-
the tunnel in this section. Fig. 24 shows the measurement nal diameter is 5.30 m. The test was carried out in two
results during the construction of subway shield tunnels cases (Table 3).
in Osaka. In all cases, the values of measurement vary The backfill grout was injected with usual method in
widely although the ground conditions are similar (in one case, and in another case, the grouting pressure was
clayey alluvia). The results of measurement generally lower and the volume was smaller. The earth pressure
show a tendency of settlement, but there are some cases and water pressure affecting the tunnel are measured in
where they show a tendency of rise. This suggests that the test. The tests were carried out at two sections of
the strain of soil just above the tunnel can either extend the tunnel in the clayey diluvia and sandy diluvia to
or shrink and that the earth pressure acting on the tunnel grasp the influence of soil condition. These results are
crown can also either increase or decrease when com- shown in Fig. 25 and Fig. 26.
pared with the situation before the excavation of the The following was obtained from these results.

Table 3
Design of backfill grouting (Nishizawa et al., 1996)

Case1 Case2
Design grouting 150 kPa 50 kPa
Design grout 139% 100%
Backfilling Standard Lean mixture
material mixture
Grouting method Usual method Stop grouting when grouting pressure
becomes bigger than design pressure
156 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

ences the loads acting on tunnels and subsequent


5.3.4. Influence of impermanent loads in excavation

The earth pressure and water pressure are mainly
discussed above. The loads acting on the segments
become the maximum when the shield machine is
driven. Fig. 28 shows the examples of the measurement
by using the earth pressure cells installed on the seg-
ments to grasp the influence of tail brushes on the
segments. This result shows that the pressure becomes
the maximum during passage through shield brushes
and two times as large as that into the ground. However,
this pressure does not remain and only momentarily
affects the segments.
Fig. 29 shows the result of measurement of the
pressure acting on the segment when the shield is driven
Fig. 25. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc- along a sharp curve. From the result of measurement,
tion in the clayey diluvium (Nishizawa et al., 1995).
high partial pressure is known to act on the segments
as the shield is driven. However, the pressure is known
1. If the backfill grouting pressure is low, the earth
to be impermanent and disappears as the shield stops.
pressure is small and its distribution is uniform in all
A part of the partial pressure remains in the tunnel and
ground conditions.
controls the condition of tunnel deformation as men-
2. If the backfill grouting pressure is high, the earth
tioned above.
pressure is high and its distribution is uneven in all
The impermanent pressure acting on the segments as
ground conditions.
mentioned above does not affect stability of the tunnels
In the actual excavation of shield tunnel, the backfill for a long period directly. However, the impermanent
grouting is expected to fill up the gaps between the pressure causes cracks and spalling of segments and a
segments and ground and to stabilize the tunnel. At the leakage of water, and then the quality of segments,
same time, the backfill grouting gives a measure to add consequently, becomes low.
high pressure to the surface of opening in order to
reduce the settlement of ground. As the segments receive 6. Issues for segment design and R&D trends
the soil reaction caused by the backfill grouting, the
segments are considered to receive larger loads than For the designing of segments, the following two
those considered at design. Consequently, in case the hypotheses should hold when we adopt a design meth-
backfill grouting is carried out at high pressure and odology based on the above-mentioned long-term earth
causes local destruction of ground around the tunnel, pressure and water pressure.
the final distribution of earth pressure is assumed to be
uneven. This is indicated from the laboratory tests of
backfill grouting (Koyama, 2000e).

5.3.3. Influence of operational control

Fig. 27 shows the results of measurement of variations
of diameters of the same tunnel in the horizontal and
vertical direction. Although the ground condition is
almost uniform, there are some sections where defor-
mation modes vary from major axis in horizontal to
major axis in vertical. It is impossible to explain the
differences of deformation modes by using a model
where the earth pressure and water pressure act on the
tunnel. It is understood that the modes with the shorter
side at the top occur at curved line sections by compar-
ing this deformation data with excavation data. It is
reasonable to think that these modes result from the
conflict between the segmental rings and shield tails. Fig. 26. Distribution of earth pressure into the circumferential direc-
That is to say, the operational control remarkably influ- tion in the sandy diluvium (Nishizawa et al., 1996).
Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159 157

Fig. 27. Inner displacement of segment (example of measurement) (TEPCO, 1998).

1. Tunnel deformation calculated in designing a tunnel, 2. Tunnel deformation before the tunnel reaches the
is subject to the earth pressure (including the soil long-term stable condition is smaller than that under
reaction) and water pressure acting on the tunnel. the stable condition.

Fig. 28. Influence of tail brushes on the segments (Ariizumi et al., 1999).
158 Y. Koyama / Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 18 (2003) 145–159

To maintain the same quality of shield tunnel as that

in the past, under severer conditions, it is important that
the loads during construction stage properly be included
in design. To realize this idea, it is necessary to develop
a simple measuring system to grasp the behavior of
tunnel and ground during construction, collect the meas-
ured data and accumulate experience. It is also important
to develop a methodology, which reflects actual

7. Concluding remarks

In Japan, the techniques for shield tunneling construc-

Fig. 29. Result of measurement of the pressure acting on the segment tion have been progressing remarkably. They are now
(in a sharp curve) (Okada et al., 1996).
capable of counteracting many severe conditions. How-
ever, new techniques have recently been developed in
As shown in the former section, however, the above segments, which are permanent structures. It seems,
two points do not necessarily hold in actuality. The however, that the present state of the design of segments
following are conceivable causes why these do not hold. is only at the starting point of progressing from tradi-
1. Tunnels deform during construction due to various tional methods, which are based on experience. The
features other than the earth pressure and water design of segments is not keeping in step with the
pressure, and the temporary loads remain for long progress of constructional techniques.
period. It is thought that one of the reasons of this It cannot be contradicted that such a state hinders the
phenomenon is the existence of backfill grouting positive adoption of new shield tunneling methods. On
between the segment and ground. account of the well-balanced progress between construc-
2. If the effect of operational loads of shield machine tion and design in the shield tunneling method, solutions
does not exist under normal conditions of construc- for these problems are required. Then, it is important to
tion, the tunnel would be under an ultimately stable understand the actual behavior of tunnel and ground
condition while subjected only to the earth and water during construction procedure and their stable state in
pressure, but the earth pressure often varies to a the long term through collection and analysis of meas-
considerable extent. This fact seems to show that the ured data.
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