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Concrete Research 1. Concrete Mix Ratio and Its Implications

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1. Concrete Mix Ratio and its implications

As for NSCP item 426.4.3, Proportioning of Course Mixtures.
426.4.3.1 Compliance requirements
a. Concrete mixture proportions shall be established so that the concrete satisfies (1) through (3):
1. Can be placed readily without segregation into forms and around reinforcement under
anticipated placement conditions;
2. Meets requirements for assigned exposure class in accordance with either section
426.4.2.1 (a) or 426.4.2.1 (b);
3. Conforms to strength test requirements for standard-cured specimens.
b. Concrete mixture proportions shall be established in accordance with article 4.2.3 of ACI 301M
or by an alternative method acceptable to the licensed design professional. Alternative methods
shall have a probability of satisfying the strength requirements for acceptance test of standard-
cured specimens that meets or exceeds the probability associated with the method in Article 4.2.3
of ACI 301M. if article 4.2.3 of ACI 301M is used, the strength test records used for establishing
and documenting concrete mixture proportions shall be more than 24months old;
c. The concrete material used to develop concrete mixture proportions shall correspond to those to
be used in the proposed work;
d. If deferent concrete mixtures are to be used for different portions of proposed work, each mixture
shall comply with the concrete mixture requirements stated in the construction documents.
Nominal Concrete Mix Ratios
In the past the specifications for concrete prescribed the proportions of cement, fine and coarse
aggregates. These mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio which ensures adequate strength are termed
nominal mixes. Nominal mixes offer simplicity and under normal circumstances, have a margin of
strength above that specified. However, due to the variability of mix ingredients the nominal concrete for
a given workability varies widely in strength. Nominal mix ratios for concrete are 1:2:4 for M15, 1:1.5:3
for M20 etc.
Standard Mixes or Ratio
The nominal mixes of fixed cement-aggregate ratio (by volume) vary widely in strength and may result in
under or over-rich mixes. For this reason, the minimum compressive strength has been included in many
specifications. These mixes are termed standard mixes. IS 456-2000 has designated the concrete mixes
into a number of grades as M10, M15, M20, M25, M30, M35 and M40. In this designation the letter M
refers to the mix and the number to the specified 28 day cube strength of mix in N/mm2. The mixes of
grades M10, M15, M20 and M25 correspond approximately to the mix proportions (1:3:6), (1:2:4),
(1:1.5:3) and (1:1:2) respectively.
Designed Mix Ratio of Concrete
In these mixes the performance of the concrete is specified by the designer but the mix proportions are
determined by the producer of concrete, except that the minimum cement content can be laid down. This
is most rational approach to the selection of mix proportions with specific materials in mind possessing
more or less unique characteristics. The approach results in the production of concrete with the
appropriate properties most economically. However, the designed mix does not serve as a guide since this
does not guarantee the correct mix proportions for the prescribed performance. For the concrete with
undemanding performance nominal or standard mixes (prescribed in the codes by quantities of dry
ingredients per cubic meter and by slump) may be used only for very small jobs, when the 28-day
strength of concrete does not exceed 30 N/mm2. No control testing is necessary reliance being placed on
the masses of the ingredients. Following table provides details of different types of concrete mix ratios
and their strengths.

Compressive Strength
Concrete Grade Mix Ratio
MPa (N/mm2) psi

Normal Grade of Concrete

M5 1 : 5 : 10 5 MPa 725 psi

M7.5 1:4:8 7.5 MPa 1087 psi

M10 1:3:6 10 MPa 1450 psi

M15 1:2:4 15 MPa 2175 psi

M20 1 : 1.5 : 3 20 MPa 2900 psi

Standard Grade of Concrete

M25 1:1:2 25 MPa 3625 psi

M30 Design Mix 30 MPa 4350 psi

M35 Design Mix 35 MPa 5075 psi

M40 Design Mix 40 MPa 5800 psi

M45 Design Mix 45 MPa 6525 psi

High Strength Concrete Grades

M50 Design Mix 50 MPa 7250 psi

M55 Design Mix 55 MPa 7975 psi

M60 Design Mix 60 MPa 8700 psi

M65 Design Mix 65 MPa 9425 psi

M70 Design Mix 70 MPa 10150 psi

2. Slump Test Requirements

Under item 311.2.11 of the DPWH Bluebook, the workable concrete shall produce a slump of
between 40 to 75 mm (1-1/2 to 3 inches) if not vibrated or between 10 to 40 mm (1/2 and 1-1/2 inches) if
vibrated. The slump test shall be determined using AASHTO T 119
3. Concrete Curing Period
According to the DPWH Blue Book.
311.3.15 Curing
Immediately after the finishing operations have been completed and the concrete has sufficiently set, the
entire surface of the newly placed concrete shall be cured in accordance with either one of the methods
described herein. Failure to provide sufficient cover material of whatever kind the Contractor may elect to
use, or the lack of water to adequately take care of both curing and other requirements, shall be a cause
for immediate suspension of concreting operations. The concrete shall not be left ex 407.3.8 Curing
All newly placed concrete shall be cured in accordance with this Specification, unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer. The curing method shall be one or more of the following:
1. Water Method
The concrete shall be kept continuously wet by the application of water for a minimum period of 7 days
after the concrete has been placed.
The entire surface of the concrete shall be kept dump by applying water with an atomizing nozzle. Cotton
mats, rugs, carpets, or earth or sand blankets may be used to retain the moisture. At the expiration of the
curing period the concrete surface shall be cleared of the curing medium.
2. Curing Compound posed for more than ½ hour between stages of curing or during the curing
Surfaces exposed to the air may be cured by the application of an impervious membrane if approved by
the Engineer.
The membrane forming compound used shall be practically colorless liquid. The use of any membrane-
forming compound that will alter the natural color of the concrete or impart a slippery surface to any
wearing surface shall be prohibited. The compound shall be applied with a pressure spray in such a
manner as to cover the entire concrete surface with a uniform film and shall be of such character that it
will harden within 30 minutes after application. The amount of compound applied shall be ample to seal
the surface of the concrete thoroughly. Power-operated spraying equipment shall be equipped with an
operational pressure gauge and means of controlling the pressure.
The curing compound shall be applied to the concrete following the surface finishing operation
immediately after the moisture sheen begins to disappear from the surface, but before any drying
shrinkage or craze cracks begin to appear. In the event of any delay, in the application of the curing
compound, which results in any drying or cracking of the surface, application of water with an atomizing
nozzle as specified under “Water Method”, shall be started immediately and shall be continued until the
application of the compound is resumed or started, however, the compound shall not be applied over any
resulting free standing water. Should the film of compound be damaged from any cause before the
expiration of 7 days after the concrete is placed in the case of structures, the damaged portion shall be
repaired immediately with additional compound.
Curing compound shall not be diluted or altered in any manner after manufacture. At the time of use, the
compound shall be in a thoroughly mixed condition. If the compound has not been used within 120 days
after the date of manufacture, the Engineer may require additional testing before the use to determine
compliance to requirements.
An anti-setting agent or a combination of anti-setting agents shall be incorporated in the curing compound
to prevent caking.
The curing compound shall be packaged in clean barrels or steel containers or shall be supplied from a
suitable storage tank located on the Site. Storage tank shall have a permanent system designed to
completely redisperse any settled material without introducing air or any other foreign substance.
Containers shall be well-sealed with ring seals and lug type crimp lids. The linings of the containers shall
be of a character that will resist the solvent of the curing compound. Each container shall be labeled with
a manufacturer’s name, specification number, batch number, capacity and date of manufacture, and shall
have label warning concerning flammability. The label shall also warn that the curing compound shall be
well-stirred before use. When the curing compound is shipped in tanks or tank trunks, a shipping invoice
shall accompany each load. The invoice shall contain the same information as that required herein for
container labels.
Curing compound may be sampled by the Engineer at the source of supply and on the Site.
3. Waterproof Membrane Method
The exposed finished surfaces of concrete shall be sprayed with water, using a nozzle that so atomizes the
flow that a mist and not a spray is formed until the concrete has set, after which a curing membrane of
waterproof paper or plastic sheeting shall be placed. The curing membrane shall remain in place for a
period of not less than 72 hours.
Waterproof paper and plastic sheeting shall conform to the specification of AASHTO M 171.
The waterproof paper or plastic sheeting shall be formed into sheets of such width as to cover completely
the entire concrete surface.
All joints in the sheets shall be securely cemented together in such a manner as to provide a waterproof
joint. The joint seams shall have a minimum lap of 100 mm.
The sheets shall be securely weighed down by placing a bank of earth on the edges of the sheets or by
other means satisfactory to the Engineer.
Should any portion of the sheets be broken or damaged within 72 hours after being placed, the broken or
damaged portions shall be immediately repaired with new sheets properly cemented into place.
Sections of membrane which have lost their waterproof qualities or have been damaged to such an extent
as to render them unfit for curing, the concrete shall not be used.
4. Forms-in-Place Method
Formed surfaces of concrete may be cured by retaining the form-in place. The forms shall remain in place
for a minimum period of 7 days after the concrete has been placed, except that for members over 50 cm in
least dimensions, the forms shall remain in place for a minimum period of 5 days. Wooden forms shall be
kept wet by watering during the curing period.
5. Curing Cast-In-Situ Concrete
All newly placed concrete for cast-in-situ structures, other than highway bridge deck, shall be cured by
the water method, the forms-in place method, or as permitted herein, by the curing compound method, all
in accordance with the requirements of Subsection, 407.3.8 Curing Concrete.
The curing compound method may be used on concrete surfaces which are to be buried under ground and
surfaces where only Ordinary Surface Finish is to be applied and on which a uniform color is not required
and which will not be visible from public view.
The top surface of highway bridge decks shall be cured by either the curing compound method or the
water method. The curing compound shall be applied progressively during the deck finishing operations.
The water cure shall be applied not later than 4 hours after completion of the deck finishing.
When deemed necessary by the Engineer during periods of hot weather, water shall be applied to concrete
surface being cured by the curing compound method or by the forms-in-place method until the Engineer
determine that a cooling effect is no longer required.
6. Curing Pre-Cast Concrete (except piles)
Pre-cast concrete members shall be cured for not less than 7 days by the water method or by steam curing.
Steam curing for pre-cast members shall conform to the following provisions:
a. After placement of the concrete, members shall be held for a minimum 4-hour pre-
steaming period.
b. To prevent moisture loss on exposed surfaces during the presteaming period, members
shall be covered immediately after casting or the exposed surface shall be kept wet by fog
spray or wet blankets.
c. Enclosures for steam curing shall allow free circulation of steam about the member and
shall be constructed to contain the live steam with a minimum moisture loss. The use of
tarpaulins or similar flexible covers will be permitted, provided they are kept in good
condition and secured in such a manner to prevent the loss of steam and moisture.
d. Steam at jets shall be low pressure and in a saturated condition. Steam jets shall not
impinge directly on the concrete, test cylinders, or forms. During application of the
steam, the temperature rise within the enclosure shall not exceed 20oC per hour. The
curing temperature throughout the enclosure shall not exceed 65oC and shall be
maintained at a constant level for a sufficient time necessary to develop the required
compressive strength. Control cylinders shall be covered to prevent moisture loss and
shall be placed in a location where temperature of the enclosure will be the same as that
of the concrete.
e. Temperature recording devices that will provide an accurate continuous permanent record
of the curing temperature shall be provided. A minimum of one temperature recording
device per 50 m of continuous bed length will be required for checking temperature.
f. Curing of pre-cast concrete will be considered completed after the termination of the
steam curing cycle.
7. Curing Pre-cast Concrete Piles
All newly placed concrete for pre-cast concrete piles, conventionally reinforced or prestressed shall be
cured by the “Water Method” as described in Subsection 407.3.8, Curing Concrete, except that the
concrete shall be kept under moisture for at least 14 days. At the option of the Contractor, stream curing
may be used in which case the steam curing provisions of Subsection 407.3.8 (6), Curing Pre-Cast
Concrete (except piles) shall apply except that the concrete shall be kept wet for at least 7 days including
the holding and steaming period.
1728.2.3.6 Curing Pre-Cast Concrete
Pre-cast concrete members shall be cured for not less than seven (7) days by the water method or by
steam curing. Steam curing for pre-cast members shall conform to the following provisions:
1. After placement of the concrete, members shall be held for a minimum four-hour presteaming
2. To prevent moisture loss on exposed surfaces during the pre-steaming period, members shall be
covered immediately after casting or the exposed surface shall be kept wet by fog spray or wet
3. Enclosures for steam-curing shall allow free circulation of steam about the member and shall be
constructed to contain the live stream with a minimum moisture loss. The use of tarpaulins or
similar flexible covers will be permitted, provided they are kept in good condition and secured in
such a manner to prevent the loss of steam and moisture.
4. Steam at jets shall be low pressure and in a saturated condition. Steam jets shall not impinge
directly on the concrete, test cylinders, or forms. During application of the steam, the temperature
rise within the enclosure shall not exceed 20°C per hour. The curing temperature throughout the
enclosure shall not exceed 65°C and shall be maintained at a constant level for a sufficient time
necessary to develop the required compressive strength.
Control cylinders shall be covered to prevent moisture loss and shall be placed in a location where
temperature of the enclosure will be the same as that of the concrete.
Temperature recording devices that will provide an accurate continuous permanent record of the curing
temperature shall be provided. A minimum of one temperature recording device per 50 m continuous bed
length will be required for checking temperature.
Curing of pre-cast concrete will be considered completed after the termination of the steam curing cycle.

4. Compressive Strength of Concrete

For NSCP item 419.2 titled Concrete Design Properties, under 419.2.1 on Specified Compressive
strength. Item number 419.2.1.1 the value of f’c shall be specified in construction documents and shall be
in accordance with (a) through (c):
a. Limits in table 419.2.1.1;
b. Durability Requirements in table 419.3.2.1;
c. Structural strength requirements

Application Concrete Minimum f’c, MPa Maximum f’c MPa

General Normal-weight and 17 None
light weight
Special moment frames Normal-weight 21 None
and special structural Light-weight 21 35

Item 419.2.1.2, The specified compressive strength shall be used for proportioning of concrete mixtures
in Section 426.4.3 and for testing and acceptance of concrete in Section 426.12.3.
419.2.1.3; Unless otherwise specified, f'c shall be based on 28-day tests. If other than 28 days, test age for
f'c shall be indicated in the construction documents. Such as 419.2.2, the Modulus of Elasticity; 419.2.3
Modulus of Rapture;
5. Classes and uses of concrete
For the DPWH Blue Book Item Number 405.4 Production Requirements. Under item 405.4.1
Proportioning and Strength of Structural Concrete
The concrete materials shall be proportioned in accordance with the requirements for each class
of concrete as specified in Table 405.2, using the absolute volume method as outlined in the American
Concrete Institute (ACI) Standard 211.1. “Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal
and Heavyweight Concrete”. Other methods of proportioning may be employed in the mix design with
prior approval of the Engineer. The mix shall either be designed or approved by the Engineer. A change
in the source of materials during the progress of work may necessitate a new mix design.
The strength requirements for each class of concrete shall be as specified in Table 405.2.
Table 405.2 - Composition and Strength of Concrete for Use in Structures
Class Minimum Cement Maximum Consistency Designated Minimum
Of Content Water/ Range in Slump Size of Coarse Compressive
Concre te Per m3 Cement Ratio mm (inch) Aggregate Strength of
kg kg/kg Square Opening 150x300mm
(bag**) Std. mm Concrete
Specimen at
28 days,
MN/m2 (psi)
A 360 0.53 50 – 100 (2 – 4) 37.5 – 4.75 20.7
(9 bags) (1-1/2” – No. 4) (3000)

B 320 0.58 50 – 100 (2 – 4) 50 – 4.75 16.5

(8 bags) (2” – No. 4) (2400)

C 380 0.55 50 – 100 (2 – 4) 12.5 – 4.75 20.7

(9.5 bags) (1/2” – No. 4) (3000)

P 440 0.49 100 max. 19.0 – 4.75 37.7

(11 bags) (4 max.) (3/4” – No. 4) (5000)

380 0.58 100 – 200 25 – 4.75

Seal (9.5 bags) (4 - 8) (1” – No. 4) 20.7
6. Concrete Admixtures
Under NSCP item number 426.4.1.4 Admixtures
a. Admixtures shall conform to (1) through (4):
1. Water reduction and setting time modification: ASTM C494M;
2. Producing flowing concrete: ASTM C1017M;
3. Air entrainment: ASTM C260M;
4. Inhibiting chloride-induced corrosion: ASTM C1582M.
b. Admixtures that do not conform to the specifications in Section 426. shall be subject to
prior review by the licensed design professional;
c. Calcium chloride or admixtures containing chloride from sources other than impurities in
admixture ingredients shall not be used in prestressed concrete, in concrete containing embedded
aluminum, or in concrete cast against stay-in-place galvanized steel forms;
d. Admixtures used in concrete containing expansive cements conforming to ASTM C845M shall
be compatible with the cement and produce no deleterious effects.

For the DPWH Bluebook item number 708.1 Description

This Item specifies the classification, sampling, testing, packing and marking of concrete
admixtures. It also specifies the physical requirements for concrete with each type of
chemical admixtures.
Admixtures - A material, other than water, aggregates and hydraulic cement (including
blended cement) that is used as an ingredient of concrete and is added to the batch in
controlled amounts immediately before or during mixing to produce some desired
modification to the properties of the concrete.
708.2 Types of Chemical Admixtures for Concrete
The concrete chemical admixture shall be classified as follows and shall conform to the requirements
of AASHTO M 194.
a. Type A – Accelerating Admixtures
An admixture that accelerates the time of setting and early strength development of concrete.
b. Type B – Retarding Admixtures

An admixture that delays the time of setting of concrete.

c. Type C – Water-reducing Admixtures

An admixture that reduces the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of a given
consistency. 399

d. Type D – Water-reducing High Range, Admixtures

An admixture that decreases the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of a given
consistency by 12 percent or greater.
e. Type E – Water-Reducing and Accelerating Admixtures

An admixture that decreases the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of a given
consistency and hastens the time of setting and early strength development of concrete.
f. Type F – Water-Reducing and Retarding Admixtures
g. An admixture that decreases the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of a
given consistency and delays the time of setting of concrete.
h. Type G – Water-Reducing, High Range, and Retarding Admixtures
An admixture that decreases the quantity of mixing water required to produce concrete of a
given consistency of 12 percent or greater and delays the time of setting of concrete.
Under DPWH Bluebook item number 708.5.2 Liquid Admixtures
708.5.2.1 The grab samples taken for quality tests shall represent a unit shipment or a single
production lot. Each grab sample shall have a volume of at least 0.5L (1 pint), a minimum of 3 grab
samples shall be taken.
708.5.2.2 Liquid admixtures shall be agitated thoroughly immediately prior to sampling. Grab
samples shall be taken from different locations and thoroughly mixed to form the composite sample
and the resultant mixture sampled to provide for at least 4 litres for complete set.
708.5.2.3 Admixtures in bulk storage tanks shall be sampled equally from the upper, intermediate
and lower levels by means of drain cocks in the sides of the tanks or a weighed sampling bottle fitted
with a stopper that can be removed after the bottle is lowered to the proper depth.
Under DPWH Bluebook item number 708.5.3 Non-liquid Admixtures
708.5.3.1 The grab samples taken shall represent not more than 2 Mg (2 tons) of admixture and
shall have a mass of at least 1 kg (2 lb). A minimum of four grab samples shall be taken.
708.5.3.2 Composite samples shall be prepared by thoroughly mixing the grab samples selected
and the resultant mixture sampled to provide at least 2.3 kg (5 lb) for complete test.
7. Time Removal of Frameworks
Under DPWH Bluebook item number 407.3.14 Removal of Forms and Falsework
Forms and falsework shall not be removed without the consent of the Engineer. The Engineer’s
consent shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the safety of the work. Blocks and
bracing shall be removed at the time the forms are removed and in no case shall any portion of the
wood forms be left in the concrete.
Falsework removal for continuous or cantilevered structures shall be as directed by the Engineer
or shall be such that the structure is gradually subjected to its working stress.
When concrete strength tests are used for removal of forms and supports, such removal should
not begin until the concrete has attained the percentage of the specified design strength shown in the
table below.

Minimum Time Minimum Percentage Design

Centering Under Girders,
Beams, frames, or arches 14 days 80%
Floor slabs 14 days 70%
Walls 1 day 70%
Columns 2 days 70%
Sides of beams and all vertical 1 day 70%
In continuous structures, falsework shall not be released in any span until the first and second
adjoining spans on each side have reached the strength specified herein, or in the Special
Specifications. When cast-in-place post tensioned bridges are constructed, falsework shall remain in
place until all post tensioning has been accomplished.
Falsework under all spans of continuous structures shall be completely released before concrete is
placed in railings and parapets. In order to determine the condition of column concrete, forms shall be
removed from columns before releasing supports from beneath beams and girders.
Forms and falsework shall not be released from under concrete without first determining if the
concrete has gained adequate strength without regard to the time element. In the absence of strength
determination, the forms and falsework are to remain in place until removal is permitted by the
The forms for footings constructed within cofferdams or cribs may be left in place when, in the
opinion of the Engineer, their removal would endanger the safety of the cofferdam or crib, and when
the forms so left intact will not be exposed to view in the finished structure. All other forms shall be
removed whether above or below the ground line or water level.
All forms shall be removed from the cells of concrete box girders in which utilities are present
and all formwork except that necessary to support the deck slab shall be removed from the remaining
cells of the box girder.
To facilitate finishing, forms used on ornamental work, railing, parapets and exposed vertical
surfaces shall be removed in not less than 12 nor more than 48 hours, depending upon weather
conditions. In order to determine the condition of concrete in columns, forms shall always be
removed from them before the removal of shoring from beneath beams and girders.
Falsework and centering for spandrel-filled arches not be struck until filling at the back of
abutments has been placed up to the spring line. Falsework supporting the deck of rigid frame
structure shall not be removed until fills have been placed back to the vertical legs.

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