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Part 2

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1. Use the graphical method to solve the following LP problem.

Maximize Z = 15x1 + 10x2
subject to the constraints
4x1 + 6x2 ≤ 360
3x1 + 0x2 ≤ 180
0x1 + 5x2 ≤ 200
and x1, x2  0.

2. Use the graphical method to solve the following LP problem.

Maximize Z = 2x1 + x2
subject to the constraints
x1 + 2x2 ≤ 10
x1 + x2 ≤ 6
x1 - x2 ≤ 2
x1 - 2x2 ≤ 1
and x1, x2  0.
3. Use the graphical method to solve the following LP problem.
Maximize Z = 10x1 + 15x2
subject to the constraints
2x1 + x2 ≤ 26
2x1 + 4x2 ≤ 56
- x1 + x 2 ≤ 5
and x1, x2  0.
4. The ABC Company has been a producer of picture tubes for television sets and certain
printed circuits for radios. The company has just expanded into full scale production and
marketing of AM and AM-FM radios. It has built a new plant that can operate 48 hours per
week. Production of an AM radio in the new plant will require 2 hours and production of an
AM-FM radio will require 3 hours. Each AM radio will contribute Rs 40 to profits while an
AM-FM radio will contribute Rs 80 to profits. The marketing department, after extensive
research has determined that a maximum of 15 AM radios and 10 AM-FM radios can be sold
each week.
(a) Formulate a linear programming model to determine the optimum production mix
of AM and FM radios that will maximize profits.
(b) Solve the above problem using the graphic method.
5. Anita Electric Company produces two products P 1 and P2. Produced and sold on a weekly
basis. The weekly production cannot exceed 25 for product P 1 and 35 for product P2 because
of limited available facilities. The company employs total of 60 workers. Product P 1 requires
2 man-weeks of labour, while P2 requires one man-week of labour. Profit margin on P 1 is Rs
60 and on P2 is Rs 40. Formulate this problem as an LP problem and solve for maximum
6. A local travel agent is planning a charter trip to a major sea resort. The eight day/seven-night
package includes the fare for round-trip travel, surface transportation, boarding and loading
and selected tour options. The charter trip is restricted to 200 persons and past experience
indicates that there will not be any problem for getting 200 persons. The problem for the
travel agent is to determine the number of Deluxe, Standard, and Economy tour packages to
offer for this charter. These three plans differ according to seating and service for the fight,
quality of accommodations, meal plans and tour options. The following table summarizes the
estimated prices for the three packages and the corresponding expenses for the travel agent.
The travel agent has hired an aircraft for the flat fee of Rs 2,00,000 for the entire trip.
Prices and Costs for Tour Packages per Person

Tour Plan Price Hotel Costs Meals & Other Expenses

(Rs) (Rs) (Rs)
Delux 10,000 3,000 4,750
Standard 7,000 2,200 2,500
Economy 6,500 1,900 2,200

In planning the trip, the following considerations must be taken into account:
(i) At least 10 per cent of the packages must be of the delux type.
(ii) At least 35 per cent but no more than 70 per cent must be of the standard type.
(iii) At least 30 per cent must be of the economy type.
(iv) The maximum number of delux packages available in any aircraft is restricted to 60.
(v) The hotel desires that at least 120 of the tourists should be on the deluxe and
standard packages together.
The travel agent wishes to determine the number of packages to offer in each type so as to
maximize the total profit.
(a) Formulate this problem as a linear programming problem.
(b) Restate the above linear programming problem in terms of two decision variables,
taking advantage of the fact that 200 packages will be sold.
(c) Find the optimum solution using graphical method for the restated linear
programming problem and interpret your results.

Ans : 20 – D , 100 – S, 80 – E
Profit = 280000 – 13000 = 267000.

7. Use the graphical method to solve the following LP Problem.

Minimize Z = 3x1 + 2x2
Subject to the constraints
5x1 + x2  10
x1 + x2  6
x1 + 4x2  12
and x1, x2  0.
8. Use the graphical method to solve the following LP problem.
Maximize Z = x1 + 2x2
subject to the constraints
- x1 + 3x2 ≤ 10
x1 + x2 ≤ 6
x1 - x2 ≤ 2
and x1, x2  0.
9. Cashewco has two grades of cashew nuts: Grade I – 750 kg and Grade II – 1,200 kg. These
are to be mixed in two types of packages of one kilogram each- economy and special. The
economy pack consists of grade I and grade II cashews in the proportion of 1:3, while the
special pack combines the two in equal proportion. The profit margin on the economy and
special packs is, respectively, Rs. 5 and Rs. 8 a pack.
(a) Formulate this as a linear programming problem.
(b) Ascertain graphically the number of packages of economy and special types to be made
that will maximize the profits.
Would your answer be different if the profit margin on a special pack be Rs. 10?

10. Alpha Radio Manufacturing company must determine production quantities for this month
for two different models, A and B. Data per unit are given in the following table:
Model Revenue Sub-assembly Final assembly Quality
(Rs) time (hr) time (hr) inspection (hr)
A 250 1.0 0.8 0.5
B 300 1.2 2.0 0
The maximum time available for these products is 1,200 hours for sub-assembly, 1,600 hours for
final assembly, and 500 hours for quality inspection. Orders outstanding require that at least 200
units of A and 100 units of B be produced. Determine the quantities of A and B that maximize
the total revenue.
11. Attempt graphically the following problem:
Maximise 3x1 + 2x2
Subject to 2x1 + x2  12; x1 + x2  10; - x1 + 3x2  6; and x1, x2  0
12. Obtain graphically the solution to the following LPP:
Maximise Z = x1 + 3x2
Subject to
x1 + 2x2  9
x1 + 4x2  11
x1 – x2  2
x1, x2 0

13. A firm is engaged in producing two products : P1 and P2. The relevant data are given here:
Per Unit Product P1 Product P2
(i) Selling price Rs 200 Rs 240
(ii) Direct materials Rs. 45 Rs. 50
(iii) Direct wages
Deptt A 8 hrs @ Rs. 2 / hr 10 hrs @ Rs 2 /hr
Deptt B 10 hrs @ Rs 2.25 / hr 6 hrs @ Rs 2.25 /hr
Deptt C 4 hrs @ Rs 2.5 / hr 12 hrs @ Rs 2.5 / hr
(iv) Variable overheads Rs. 6.50 Rs 11.50
Fixed overhead = Rs 2,85,000 per annum
No of employees in the three departments: Deptt A = 20
Deptt B = 15
Deptt C = 18
No. of hours / employee / week = 40 in each department
No. of weeks per annum = 50

(a) Formulate the given problem as a linear programming problem and solve graphically to
(i) the product mix as will maximize the contribution margin of the firm
(ii) the amount of contribution margin and profit obtainable per year
(a) From the graph, do you observe any constraint that is redundant? Which one, if yes?

Yes the constraint 8X1 + 10 X2 <=40000 is redundant.

14. A local business firm is planning to advertise a special sale on radio and television during a
particular week. A maximum budget of Rs. 16,000 is approved for this purpose. It is found
that radio commercials cost Rs. 800 per 30 second spot with a minimum contract of five
spots. Television commercials, on the other hand, costs Rs. 4,000 per spot. Because of
heavy demand, only four television spots are still available in the week. Also, it is believed
that a TV spot is six times as effective as a radio spot in reaching consumers. How should
the firm allocate its advertising budget to attract the largest number of consumers? How will
the optimal solution be affected if the availability of TV spot is not constrained?
15. M/s. P.M.S. Industries makes two kinds of leather purses for ladies. Purse type
‘A’ is of high quality and purse type ‘B’ is of lower quality. Contributions per
unit were Rs. 4 and Rs. 3 for purse type ‘A’ and type ‘B’ respectively. Each
purse of type ‘A’ requires two hours of machine time per unit & that of type ‘B’
requires one hour per unit. The company has 1000 hours per week of maximum
available machine time. Supply of leather is sufficient for 800 purses of both
types combined per week. Each type requires the same amount of leather. Purse
type ‘A’ requires a fancy zip and 400 such zips are available per week, there are
700 zips for purse type ‘B’ available per week. Assuming no market or finance
constraints recommend an optimum product mix.
Decision variables:
Let X 1 be the number of units of purse type A
Let X 2 be the number of units of purse type B
The LP model
Maximise Z = 4x 1 + 3x 2
subject to the constraints
2X 1 + X 2 ≤ 1000 (Machine time)
X1 + X 2 ≤ 800 (Leather)
X1 ≤ 400 (Special zip for Purse A)
X2 ≤ 700 (Ordinary zip for Purse B)
X i ≥ 0 (Non negativity restriction)

 X2 Units


X1  400

X2  700

Feasible Solution Area OABCDE

400 X1 + X2  800

2X1 + X2  1000


X1 Units 

X-Axis 1 cm = 100 units Y-Axis 1 cm = 100 units
Draw the graph as indicated in Fig 4.1
The optimum solution will lie on one of the corner points of the shaded area
Calculation of Z (Z = 4X 1 + 3X 2 ) at corner points
O (0,0); ZO = 4 x 0 + 3 x 0 = 0
A (400, 0); Z A = 4 x 400 = Rs. 1600
B (400, 200); Z B = 4 x 400 + 3 x 200 = Rs. 2200
C (200, 600); Z C = 4 x 200 + 3 x 600 = Rs. 2600
D (100, 700); Z D = 4 x 100 + 3 x 700 = Rs. 2500
E (0, 700); Z E = 3 x 700 = Rs. 2100
Corner point C signifies the optimum solution because the corresponding value of Z
is maximum.
The optimum solution is 200 units of Purse Type ‘A’ & 600 units of Purse Type B
The corresponding Total Contribution = Rs. 2600
16. A catering manager is in the process of replacing the furniture in a canteen. He
wishes to determine how many tables of type ‘S’ (seating 6) and how many of
type ‘T’ (seating 10) to buy.
He has to work under the following constraints:
(1) The canteen must be able to accommodate at least 60000 people.
(2) The available floor space of the canteen is at most 63000 sq. meters.
He estimates that each type ‘S’ table needs 7 meters sq. of floor space while each
type ‘T’ needs 9.
Advise the manager on how many tables of each type to buy if each type ‘S’ costs
Rs. 100 and each type ‘T’ costs Rs. 190.

 X2 Units



B Feasible Solution Area ABC


4000 7X1 + 9X2  63000

6X1 + 10X2  60000

(0, 0)10002000300040005000600070008000900010000
Decision variables:
Let X 1 be the number of units of table type S
Let X 2 be the number of units of table type T
The LP model
Minimise Z = 100x 1 + 190x 2
subject to the constraints
6X 1 + 10X 2 ≥60000 (People)
7X 1 + 9X 2 ≤ 63000 (Floor space)
Xi ≥0
Draw the Graph as indicated in Figure.
The optimum solution will lie on one of the corner points of the shaded area ABC
Calculation of Z (Z = 100X 1 + 190X 2 ) at corner points
A (5625, 2625); Z A = 100 x 5625 + 190 x 2625 = Rs.
B (0, 7000); Z B = 190 x 7000 = Rs. 1330,000
C (0, 6000); Z C = 190 x 6000 = Rs. 1140,000
Corner point A signifies the optimum solution because the corresponding value of Z
is minimum.
The optimum solution is 5625 units of Table type S & 2625 units of Table type T
The corresponding Total Cost = Rs. 1061250

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