Grade 10 Social Studies Week 10
Grade 10 Social Studies Week 10
Grade 10 Social Studies Week 10
Social issues are questions which are discussed within a society. They are not negative, but may
simply be occurrences which are contrary to the traditional or expected ways of life in a society.
Social problem is a term used to describe many undesirable conditions and behaviours in
society. These behaviours lead to social disorganisation and therefore create a need for change
by deliberate social action on the part of the government or other groups in the society.
They cause disfunction, create difficulties, or stop members of the society from enjoying full
happiness and harmony with each other.
Teenage Pregnancy is defined as pregnancy in a girl’s teen years. Usually, the pregnancy is
unplanned and the girl has not completed her secondary education, nor is she financially
independent. There may be no stable relationship with the father; he, too, may not be emotionally
or financially ready to take on his responsibilities.
If the girl is below the age of consent (16 in Guyana), the father of the child can be charged with
statutory rape.
Teenage pregnancy may sometimes occur because of teenagers’ ignorance about their
reproductive systems and contraceptives.
Sexual abuse
Poor decision-making which may be due to drug use and abuse.
Peer pressure
Teenagers invariably lack the social and psychological maturity to raise children
Education and training are curtailed, leading to the cycle of poverty.
Teenagers do not always possess the financial resources required to maintain children.
The character of unwed parents is tarnished.
Carefully read the poem below and answer the questions that follow.
Teenage Pregnancy
By R. Ramsawak
(1) According to the poet what is one reason for teenage pregnancy? 1 mark
(2) Outline 4 consequences of teenage pregnancy the poet mentioned. 4 marks
(3) In your own opinion, do you think that allowing a teenager to return to school after
giving birth encourages teen pregnancy? Justify your answer. 6 marks
(4) Imagine you are a policy maker, suggest 2 ways in which you would assist in reducing
the rate of teenage pregnancy in your country. 4 marks
They have no homes; they have no family; they occupy abandoned buildings and sleep on the
streets; their beds are made of cardboard boxes and old newspaper; they live by begging,
stealing, prostitution and selling drugs.
Selling illegal drugs
Abusing illegal drugs
Abuse is the improper, illegal, or harmful use of a substance. The physical, sexual, or
psychological maltreatment of a person.
Substance abuse is the use of substances, whether legal or illegal, to the detriment of the self or
others around you.
There are many substances that humans abuse, with the aim of creating certain desired effects
within the brain and body. Many of these substances are both illegal and legal, they include:
Domestic violence is any abuse, violent, coercive, forceful, or threatening act or word inflicted
by one member of a family or household on another. It may be directed at male or female
members of the family. Children who witness domestic violence are themselves victims of abuse
even if it is not directed at them.
Physical: cuffing, kicking, showing, choking, chopping, pushing, assault with weapons,
Economic: preventing or forcing victim from earning an income, managing or
controlling victim’s wages, withholding money for basic necessities, preventing victim
from accessing education, destruction of victim’s possessions.
Violence is never the solution to life’s challenges and should be stopped. Some victims of
domestic violence are too afraid or ashamed to report it.
In other cases when they do try to press criminal charges against the person inflicting the abuse,
they may withdraw them through fear or even as a result of pressure or bribes from the offender.
The maltreatment or injury of a child by an adult or adults. Such abuse can be physical,
emotional, sexual, or a combination of all three. This can take the following form:
Physical: this is excessive beating causing physical harm and, at its extreme, even
leading to death.
Verbal: this is the use of words that wound the child’s spirit or are in some way
destructive to their happiness or development.
Sexual: the age of consent for sexual intercourse is 16 years. Children below this age
cannot give permission to anyone to have sex with them. Any adult who has sex with
someone below this age can be charged with statutory rape. Child abuse may also take
the form of incest, where children are forced to have sex with a family member.
Neglect: if a child is not provided with the basic need of food, clothing or shelter, or is
left unsupervised, this is deemed child abuse.
poor parenting skills: some parents abuse children because they are stressed and do not
know how to handle a difficult situation.
Some parents believe that corporal punishment is acceptable and use it excessively.
Others are simply selfish, focusing on their own needs and neglecting those of their
Read the case study below and answer the following questions:
1. List the social issues/ problem William had experienced by the time he was 19.
2. Who tried to help William to deal with his many problems?
3. What could he have done differently to avoid being imprisoned?