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Error Analysis

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Error Analysis
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I began creating Error Analysis sheets for my students after reading about Marzano’s New
Taxonomy, or Systems of Knowledge. Under Analysis he lists Error Analysis as an exceptional to
promote thinking and learning. My students LOVE error analysis, and I have even seen kids take
error analyses out to recess because they are determined the figure out what error took place,
or the perfect wording to describe what happened. Some of these are tricky, but the kids get a
sense of satisfaction out of figuring out what went wrong! Answer keys with POSSIBLE
answers have been included, and the final page was left blank for you to create your own based
on errors students in your class are making. You can use these as warm ups with the whole
class, as an assessment, math centers, or enrichment for early finishers! Have fun!
adding fractions *pages 3-7*
subtracting fractions *pages 13-16*
multiplying fractions *pages 21-23*
dividing fractions *pages 27-30*
If you have any questions, find a small error to be corrected, or have trouble printing,
please feel free to contact me at teachingwithamountainview@gmail.com.

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Graphics By:
Teaches Third in Georgia
Digital Swirls Creations
Ashley Hughes
Adding Fractions Error Analysis #1
Look at the adding fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

HGf +   =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Adding Fractions Error Analysis #2
Look at the adding fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

XCwA +   =   =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Adding Fractions Error Analysis #3
Look at the adding fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

DM! 15
+   =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Adding Fractions Error Analysis #4
Look at the adding fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error


SO 12
+   =  1412

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Adding Fractions Error Analysis #5
Look at the adding fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error


eFg +   =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Adding Fractions Error Analysis #1
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

HGf +   =   The student added

both the numerators
and the denominators.
Rework the problem

H G 1F +   =  
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Share a strategy...
When adding, the like
denominators stay the same.
Only the numerators are added.
Adding Fractions Error Analysis #2
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

XCwA +   =   =   The student did not

make like
denominators. He or
Rework the problem she just added
12 7
XC 21
=   21 Share a strategy...
When adding, you must use equivalent
fractions to make like denominators,
then add only the numerators.
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Adding Fractions Error Analysis #3
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

DM! 15
+   =  
The student made like
denominators, but did not make
equivalent fractions by multiplying
the numerator by the same amount
they multiplied the denominators.
Rework the problem

10 12 22
DM 15
=  15 =  1& Share a strategy...
If you change the value of the denominator,
you must make an equivalent fraction by
multiplying the numerator by the same amount
you multiplied the denominator.
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Adding Fractions Error Analysis #4
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

SO 12
+   =  1412 The student did all of the
computation correctly, but they did
not simplify the final answer to a
mixed number.

Rework the problem


SO 12
+   =  1412 =  1O Share a strategy...
Your answer is not complete
until it is in simplest form!
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Adding Fractions Error Analysis #5
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

eFg +   =  
The student did all of the
computation correctly, but they did
not simplify the final answer.

Rework the problem

eFgH +   =   =  
Share a strategy...
Your answer is not complete
until it is in simplest form!
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #1
Look at the subtracting fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

pqj -   =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #2
Look at the subtracting fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

RF gH -   =   =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #3
Look at the subtracting fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

6A A
-   =   62 -  
Rework the problem
=   2 =  

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #4
Look at the subtracting fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

6 Identify and Explain the Error

xe -   =  0  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #1
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

pqj -   =   While the student did have

the correct answer, their
problem is set up incorrectly.
You can’t subtract a larger
Rework the problem number from a smaller

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
-   =   Share a strategy...
When subtracting, including fractions,
the smaller fraction must be
subtracted from the larger fraction.
Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #2
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

RF gH -   =   =   The student did not use

equivalent fractions to make
like denominators. Instead,
he or she subtracted across.
Rework the problem

RFOC -   =   =  
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Share a strategy...
When subtracting, you must use equivalent
fractions to make like denominators, then
subtract only the numerators.
Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #3
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

6A -   =   62 -  
A The student thought that the
whole number (6) had the

Rework the problem

=   2 =   2   same denominator as the
second fraction, so instead
of making 6 a fraction of
6/1, they made the fraction
61 -  A 11
=   2 =  5A   Share a strategy...
Whole numbers, when written as fractions,
always have a one as the denominator.
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Subtracting Fractions Error Analysis #4
Answer Key
6 Identify and Explain the Error

xe -   =  0  
The student attempted to make
common denominators. However,
10 is not a factor of 8! They simply
added 2 to both the numerator and
the denominator instead of finding
Rework the problem the least common multiple of both
10 and 8.

24 20

x e s   40
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
=  40 =   Share a strategy...
When making common denominators, you
must find the LCM of both fractions to find
the least common denominator.
Multiplying Fractions Error Analysis #1
Look at the multiplying fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

12 Identify and Explain the Error


Fg È 16
×   =  256=  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Multiplying Fractions Error Analysis #2
Look at the multiplying fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

po ×   42
=   9 =  4o=  4D

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Multiplying Fractions Error Analysis #3
Look at the multiplying fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

8D D ×   16
=  24 =  

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Multiplying Fractions Error Analysis #1
Answer Key
12 Identify and Explain the Error

Fg È 16 16
×   =  256=   The student did end up with
the correct answer,
however, they took a very
roundabout way by finding
Rework the problem least common denominators
and equivalent fractions.

Fg È ×  
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
=  32 =   Share a strategy...
When multiplying fractions, simply
multiply the two numerators and the
two denominators.
Multiplying Fractions Error Analysis #2
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

po ×   42
=   9 =  4o=  4D The student kept the
denominators (9) the same,
as if they were adding or
Rework the problem

po ×   =  42 =  
81 27
14 Share a strategy...
When multiplying fractions, simply
multiply the two numerators and the
two denominators.
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Multiplying Fractions Error Analysis #3
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

8D D ×   16
=  24 =   The student multiplied the
whole number by both the
numerator and the
denominator instead of
turning the whole number
Rework the problem into a fraction with a
denominator of one.

8D ×   16 5C
=   3 =   Share a strategy...
Whole numbers are always written as
fractions with a denominator of 1.
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #1
Look at the dividing fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

nW ÷   1
=   2

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #2
Look at the dividing fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

CX CX ÷   =   ×   4
=  21

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #3
Look at the dividing fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

HF ÷   4 4 16
=  3 ×   1 =  3
=  5C
Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #4
Look at the dividing fractions problem completed below. Identify the error and
describe it. Share a strategy or reminder this student could use to prevent the
same error in the future. Then, solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

A A T=   ÷  6 =   ×   6
=  12

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #1
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

nW ÷   1
=   2 The student attempted to
divide across instead of
taking the reciprocal of the
second fraction and
Rework the problem multiplying.

nW n ÷   =   7
×  3 Share a strategy...

D 28
=  42 =  
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
When dividing fractions, always find
the reciprocal of the second
fraction, then multiply.
Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #2
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

CX CX ÷   =   ×   4
=  21 The student rewrote the
division problem as a
multiplication problem but
forgot to find the reciprocal
Rework the problem of the second fraction (4/7)

CXC R ÷   =   7
×   4 =   Share a strategy...
When dividing fractions, always find
the reciprocal of the second
fraction, then multiply.
©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View
Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #3
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

HF ÷   4 4 16
=  3 ×   1 =  3
=  5C The student found the
reciprocal of both fractions.

Rework the problem

H÷  F=  H 4 =  12
×   1 4 Share a strategy...
When dividing fractions, always find
the reciprocal of the second

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

=  3 fraction, then multiply.
Dividing Fractions Error Analysis #4
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

A A T=   ÷  6 =   ×   6
=  12

Rework the problem

A The student performed the
dividing computations
correctly, but they wrote 6
incorrectly as a fraction.

A A 1 1
÷  6=   ×  6 =  12 Share a strategy...
Whole number fractions always have
1 as the denominator.

©2015 Teaching With a Mountain View

Fractions Error Analysis
Look at the problem shown below. Identify the error and describe it. Share a
strategy this student could use to prevent the same error in the future. Then,
solve the problem correctly.

Identify and Explain the Error

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2013 Teaching With a Mountain View

Fractions Error Analysis
Answer Key
Identify and Explain the Error

Rework the problem

Share a strategy...

©2013 Teaching With a Mountain View

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