Study of Landslides in Mediterranean Bypass Road: Case of Jebha
Study of Landslides in Mediterranean Bypass Road: Case of Jebha
Study of Landslides in Mediterranean Bypass Road: Case of Jebha
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3 authors:
Ouadif Latifa
Mohammadia School of Engineers
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All content following this page was uploaded by Soukaina Meziane on 16 November 2019.
The Mediterranean Bypass road in the North of Morocco is frequently subject to landslides. In this paper, the case
of Jebha is studied to deduce trigger factors and then to suggest reinforcement solutions. Between the PK5+300 and
PK6+000, a slip of the slope is occurred even if it was stabilized during project work. To analyse soil consistency,
geotechnical recognition is established. Based on material characteristics, slope mechanism model is done using 2D finite
elements modelling using Plaxis software. Results show that vulnerable geotechnical nature of materials, rugged
topography and saturated soil in El Jebha cause slippage. Therefore, to ensure safe traffic flow comfortably, solutions of
reinforcement are proposed.
VOL. 14, NO. 21, NOVEMBER 2019 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2019 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
The characteristics of the soil and triggering factors of a geotechnical study is required. In fact, on 120 ml, four
instability boreholes are conducted to the PK5 + 762, PK5 + 846,
The main factors of instability are the mechanical PK5 + 897 and PK5 + 950 of the Mediterranean route
characteristics of materials (cohesion and friction), the from El Jebha.
particle size distribution (the fine fraction FF) and the Table-1 summarizes the characteristics of soil
plasticity index IP (Gokceoglu, [5]; Remondo [6]; Faleh extract from boreholes.
[7]; Labriki [8]). To deal with land instabilities,
Figure-2. 4 Boreholes carried out respectively at PK 5 + 762, PK5 + 846, PK5 + 897 and PK5 + 950
of the Mediterranean road from El Jebha.
VOL. 14, NO. 21, NOVEMBER 2019 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2019 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Particle size analysis
Borehole Borehole Depth mit Water
Soil nature Φ C
No. at KP (m) content
%<0.08 %<2 %<50 Dmax
Wl Ip
mm mm mm (mm)
-3.9 - - - - - - - 9.3
sandstone presence 18 10
-4.9 of yellowish sandy NM NM 23.5 62 78.7 100 7
1 5+762 silt
Alternation of
-10 limestone, marl, - - - - - - - 32 30
argillite and siltite
Particle size analysis
Borehole Borehole Depth mit Water
Soil nature Φ C
No. at PK (m) content
%<0.08 %<2 %<50 Dmax
Wl Ip
mm mm mm (mm)
-2.4 - - - - - - - 18.7
-3.4 - - - - - - - 10.2
Sandy silt 18 10
2 5+846 -4.9 sandstone ++ 29 13 17.9 34.6 92.1 80 5.1
trace of Marne
Alternation of
limestone, marl, - - - - - - - 32 30
argillite and siltite
-1.9 - - - - - - - 11.3
-3.5 - - - - - - - 5.5
-3.8 - - - - - - - 4.9 18 10
3 5+897 Sandstone +sandy
-5 31 14 10.7 22.4 86.1 100 3.4
Alternation of
-10 limestone, marl, - - - - - - - 32 30
argillite and siltite
-1.7 - - - - - - - 7.3
-5.10 - - - - - - - 5.3 18 10
Altered sandstone
-7.3 41 23 13.6 23.5 77.3 100 7.7
4 5+950 +trace of Marne
Alternation of
-10 - - - - - - - 32 30
marl, argillite,
The landslide is located on a mountainous area analysis of the soil characteristics is summarized in the
(β=30%) where the soil is made up of soft little-plastic to Table-2.
plastic materials with presence of the fine fraction. The
VOL. 14, NO. 21, NOVEMBER 2019 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2019 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
Thus, the analysis of the components of the soil A. Analysis of current state
gives that approximately two layers of soils can compose
the soil:
- A middle-altered layer of 5m in thickness
constituted by the detrital material with yellowish
and reddish silt based on sandstone highly
fractured with presence of greenish pelites. This
layer is highly fragile. In the presence of water,
the risk of slipping and the gully erosion
increases and the slope may occur. As well, their
stabilization and the remediation of slope
becomes crucial to prevent the infiltration of
water to the deeper layers causing landslides in
large scale.
- A substratum constituted by an alternation of
limestone, marl, argillites and siltstones with Figure-3. Profile of the slope.
presence of gravel and blocks.
The profile of the slope shows a 2/3 angle of
SLIP MODELLING BETWEEN THE PK5+300 AND repose where the road cut the slope on three sections with
PK6+000 a charge due to maximum traffic estimated during
The slop modeling isdone by PLAXIS 2D v8 [4]. the simultaneous passage of heavy weight truck with three
The software is a finite element package for the analysis of axles.
deformation and stability in geotechnical From the geotechnical campaign above, the
engineering. Many studies have used PLAXIS in 2D necessary ground characteristics for modeling
deformation modeling (Akhssas [9]; Zheng [10-11]; Baba are summarized in the following Table-3:
[12]; Ouadif [13]).
Ɣ𝒖𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒕 (KN. m3) Ɣ𝒔𝒂𝒕 (KN. m3) K (m.s) Γ E (MPa) C (KPa) Φ (°)
Soil 1 19 20 1. E-4 0.3 17 10 18
Soil 2 20 23 1. E-4 0.3 50 30 32
VOL. 14, NO. 21, NOVEMBER 2019 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2019 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
The land stabilization requires a regular
Figure-5. Total displacements.
maintenance [14-15]. Sometimes, in later slippage,
repairing solutions are recommended as follows:
The slop modeling (Figures 4 and 5) shows that
Need to evacuate and purge the remolded materials
the landslide occurred because of the collapse of the top
layer scarped of 2/3 angle of repose. As the silty material Excavate the bedrock to support the alternative
is laid on the fractured sandstone and due to rainwater materials
infiltration, the mechanical characteristics of the soil Rebuild the slope 1/1 of repose angle from the bottom
become weak because of the abundance of the fine to the top by the establishment of rockfill, which plays
fraction in which the resistance drops when the free water the role of filter and blocks of fine elements
appears during the wet periods. Thus, soft materials pass Requires restoring berms continuity to ensure storm
from plastic state to liquid state causing the slipping under
its own weight. water flow
In case the draining is not addressed correctly, To restore water flow on berms, the voids between the
huge ground movements can occur and becomes then a riprap will be filled by Sandy gravels and then
real danger for route and its users. covered by large concrete
If important slip occurs, a stabilization study must be
B. Modeling in the case of non- repair of the slope redone to take account of the new conditions by
adopting the most appropriate solution without on-
sizing the workings.
The slip between the PK 5+300 at PK6+000 of
the Mediterranean Bypass from El Jebha is only an
example of landslides in the Rif region. Because of the
vulnerable geotechnical nature of ground, its rugged
topography, its tectonic activity (overlap of two normal
faults), its saturated and watered soil (high precipitation
and important presence of sources), El Jebha knows land
Figure-6. Mesh deformation in the event of non- instabilities. Therefore, to ensure safe traffic flow
processing of the Remediation. comfortably, the maintenance of supporting walls and
storm water drainage are important.
VOL. 14, NO. 21, NOVEMBER 2019 ISSN 1819-6608
ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences
©2006-2019 Asian Research Publishing Network (ARPN). All rights reserved.
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