01 Bcon141 Mod3 Lesson6 LinearProgramming
01 Bcon141 Mod3 Lesson6 LinearProgramming
01 Bcon141 Mod3 Lesson6 LinearProgramming
Business Economics
Module 3: Business Optimization using
Linear Programming
Learning objectives:
- Define Linear Programming
- Differentiate the different assumptions of Linear Programming
- Solve Linear Programming Problems
Bcon 141
6.1 Linear Programming: Definition and Properties
6.2 LP Model Components
6.3 Steps of Model Formulation
6.4 Finding Solution
6.4.1 Graphical Solution
6.4.2 Mathematical Solution
6.4.3 Computer Solution using Excel Add-ins: Solver and OM/QM
6.5 Special Cases of LPP
Bcon 141
Linear Programming
- a tool in Mathematics for solving optimization problems.
optimization (mathematical optimization): is one in which some function (objective) is
either maximized or minimized relative to a given set of constraints.
1. Proportionality
- implies that the marginal rate of contribution to the objective for each variable is
assumed to remain constant throughout the entire range of activity levels in the
This means, if the product contributes P20 towards the profit, then the total
contribution would be equal to 20x1, where x1 is the number of units of the product.
For example:
5 units of the product = P100
10 units of the product = P200
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2. Additivity
- implies that the contribution of the variables to the objective is assumed to be the
sum of their individual weighted contributions.
The total value of the objective function is equal to the sum of the
contributions of each variable to the objective function.
TPr = 𝑃1 𝑋1 + 𝑃2 𝑋2+ 𝑃3 𝑋3
where: TPr = Total Profit, P are profit for each product X
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3. Divisibility
- means that the variables can take on any non-negative value including fractional
values (the variables are said to be continuous or divisible, as opposed to integer or
discrete values).
For example:
10 1/4 maple tables
5.5 cherry tables
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4. Certainty
- means that the problem is assumed to have no probabilistic elements (such as
changes on input prices for labor, raw materials, etc.).
For example,
The net profit per cherry table is 2,000, but this value depends upon the tables’
cost, the cost of materials, and the sale price wherein all of which could be random
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LP Model components
1. Decision variables
2. Objective function
3. Constraints
4. Parameters
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2. Objective function
- a linear mathematical relationship describing an objective of the firm, in terms of
decision variables - this function is to be maximized or minimized.
3. Constraints
– requirements or restrictions placed on the firm by the operating environment, stated
in linear relationships of the decision variables.
4. Parameters
- numerical coefficients and constants used in the objective function and constraints.
Example Problem:
Philippine Pottery Company is a small crafts operation run by a Native Filipino Tribal
Council. The company employs skilled artisans to produce clay bowls and mugs with
authentic native Filipino designs and colors. The two primary resources used by the
company are special pottery clay and skilled labor. The bowl needs 1hr of labor and needs
4kls of clay while the mug needs 2hrs of labor and 3kls of clay. Bowl yields a profit of P40
while mug yields P50. There are 40 hours of labor and 120 kls of clay available each day
for production.
Given those limited resources, the company desires to know how many bowls and mugs
to produce each day in order to maximize profit.
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Resource Requirements
Bowl 1 4 40
Mug 2 3 50
1. Graphical Solution
2. Mathematical Approaches:
1.1 Substitution
- Substitute one variable in terms of the other equation.
1.2 Elimination (via Addition or Subtraction)
- Eliminate one of the variables by adding/subtracting the equations
then find the value of the remaining variable.
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Graphical Solution
- one of the most used solution for solving Linear Programming problems which only
involves two decision variables.
- it solves the problem by plotting the functions and constraints in a graph and
determine the most feasible solution.
- “geometric approach”
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Infeasible Solution
- Solution violates at least one of the constraints
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Feasible Solution
Example: x1 = 5 bowls
x2 = 10 mugs
Z = P40x1 + P50x2 = P700
Infeasible Solution
Example: x1 = 10 bowls
x2 = 20 mugs
Z = P40x1 + P50x2 = P1400
X2 are mugs
X1 are bowls
Figure 2 Coordinates for Graphical Analysis
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Feasible region
-the set of all points that
satisfy all the constraints of
the model(s).
Figure 7 The feasible solution area on the
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Point B coordinates:
x1 = 24
x2 = 8
Mathematical Solutions
- Substitute one variable in terms of the other equation.
2 4 2. Go to “Insert” Tab
3 3. Select
1 5. Select “Scatter
with Straight Lines”
3. Click on the
“Select Data…”
menu on the bottom
1 2 part of the window
that popped up.
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x1 (x-axis): 24
x2 (y-axis): 8
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Non-negativity Constraint
Objective Function
Max Profit =
Optimal Combination: x1=24, x2=8
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Install first the OM/QM (Weiss or Taylor’s version) add-in by downloading from this link:
Once finished downloading, double click the file and follow the installation process.
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2. Infeasible solutions
Every possible solution
violates at least one constraint:
3. Unbounded solutions
Value of the objective
function increases indefinitely: