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Test Assess Achieve


Question Paper Code : UN479


1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. D 7. D 8. C 9. D 10. D

11. C 12. D 13. C 14. B 15. A 16. A 17. B 18. C 19. B 20. A

21. D 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. C 27. A 28. D 29. A 30. A

31. C 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. D 36. B 37. B 38. D 39. A 40. C

41. A 42. D 43. C 44. D 45. D 46. C 47. D 48. D 49. A 50. B

51. D 52. A 53. C 54. A 55. B 56. C 57. A 58. D 59. B 60. D


04. (D) Given – 50 + (–y) + 20 = 0
3 –y – 30 = 0
01. (C) Value of A is 1
–y = 30
8 y = –30
02. (B) = 0.888 ... which lies between 0 & 1
05. (A) Total sweets = 18 × 231 = 4158
03. (C) Given A : B = 5 : 6 & B : C = 7 : 11
Sweets left = 4158 – 3658 = 500
A : B = 5 × 7 : 6 × 7 & B : C = 6 × 7 : 6 × 11
06. (D) There are 7 numerals in Roman
A : B = 35 : 42 & B : C = 42 : 66 numeration system.
A : B : C = 35 : 42 : 66 
07. (D) PQ  EF

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08. (C) 8 – 2 [6 + 4{7 – (2.8 + 1.4)}] = 8 – 2 [6 + 13. (C) Given x, 384, 3, 24 are in proportion
4{7 – 4.2}]
24x = 3 × 384
= 8 – 2 [6 + 4 × 2.8]
3  384
= 8 – 2 [6 + 11.2] x = 48
= 8 – 2 × 17.2
14. (B) Option (B) has no line symmetry
= 8 – 34.4
15. (A) It is an equilateral triangle because all
= – 26.4 the three sides are equal
09. (D) Given 2(l + b) = 170 16. (A) Option ‘A’ is true
170 17. (B) –8 + 10 = 2
l+b= m = 85 m
18. (C) Let the salary be x
50 m + b = 85 m
b = 85m – 50 m = 35 m 7
Amount spent by Raju = x
Area = l × b
Remaining amount
= 50 m × 35 m
= 1750 m2 7 x  12 x  7 x 
= x–  
10. (D) 2016 is divisible by 3 & 9 12  12 

( sum of digits = 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 9) 5x
224 2016 9 12
0  7 x 5x 
Given    = 3500
 12 12 
27 2016 74
189 = 3500
126 12
108 x= 3500 × 6 = 21000
19. (B) Given 46 cm + 8 cm + 10 cm + 10 cm + 8
27 is not a factor of 2016. cm + 8 cm + x = 125 cm

11. (C) Given p = –2, q = 1, x = –3 and y = –4 90 cm + x = 125 cm

then x = 125 cm – 90 cm = 35 cm
7p2x – (–4qy2) = 7p2x + 4qy2
123.45  123.45  23.45  23.45
= 7(–2) (–3) + 4(1)(–4) 2 20. (A)
= – 84 + 64
15239.9025  549.9025
= – 20 
12. (D) Percentage of cars repaired on wednesday
14690 10
10  
  100 146.9 10
6  11  10  9  14
10  = 100
  100  20% 1469

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3p 24. (C) Let the divisor be ‘x’
21. (D) Given  8  19
 33 
 
3p Given  8    11
 19  8
4 x 2

3p 33 1 11
 27   
4 8 x 2
3p = –27 × 4 33 2
  x
27  4 8 11
3 3
p = –9 × 4 = –36 4
22. (A) LHS = 25. (C) LCM of 4, 8, 12, 16 is 48

1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 12 36
         
35 5 7 79 9  11 11  13 13  15 4 4 12 48

2 1 1 1  1 1 1 5 5 4 20
         
2  3  5 5  7 7  9 9  11 11  13 13  15 
 12 12 4 48

1 2 2 2  2 2 2 3 3 6 18
         
2  3  5 5  7 7  9 9  11 11  13 13  15 
 8 8 6 48

7 7 3 21
1 1 1 1 11  1 1 1    
        16 16 3 48
1 3 5 5 7 7 9 9 11 11 
  
2 1 1 1  36 21 20 18
  13  13      
15 48 48 48 48

3 7 5 3
1 1 1     
    4 16 12 8
2  3 15 

1 5 1

2  15 

1 4 2
 
21 2 15

23. (A) Total amount spent = 3.6 p  7.2 q

= (3.6p + 7.2 q)

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PHYSICS 33. (B) The lengths of three different wires are:

26. (C) If the two terminals of a cell are J : 12 cm = 0.12 m ; K : 2.8 m L : 203 mm
connected directly with a wire, then the = 0.203 m
chemicals get used up very fast and the The arrangement of the given wires from
battery will become dead. the longest to the shortest are K, L, J.
27. (A) Positions P and Q do not give accurate
readings on the ruler because they cause 10
parallax error. 34. (C) The height of the building is = 50 m.
28. (D) Four plane mirror strips are needed to
35. (D) The filament of an electric bulb has high
view an apple by the observer as shown
melting point to enable the filament to
heat and give out light.


36. (B) The correct order of increasing hardness

is wood (softest), glass, steel and lastly
tungsten carbide (hardest).
29. (A) Electric current flows only when the path
(circuit) is complete. Thread being an 37. (B) When two substances interact to
insulator (bad conductor) of electricity produce a change, the rate and extent
will not provide a continuity to the path of the change depends on the conditions
of the current and hence no current will under which the change occurs.
flow in the circuit. The bulb does not 38. (D) Water cycle involves processes like
glow. evaporation, condensation and
To make the bulb glow, current must precipitation. Conduction process is
flow continuously through the bulb and related to heat not water cycle.
all the parts of the circuit. Using a metal 39. (A) A material is waterproof if it does not
wire in the place of thread will complete allow water to pass through or it does
the circuit. not absorb water. A raincoat must be
30. (A) The hands of a clock are fixed at a point made up of a waterproof material that
and show movement without a change is light, soft and flexible.
in their position. Similarly, the opening 40. (C) A mixture of insoluble solid in liquid, i.e.
and closing of flowers. sand and water can be separated by
31. (C) The shadow of an opaque object is filtration using a filter paper.
formed on the wall. This arrangement 41. (A) The rotation of the earth takes 24 hrs. It
helps in proving that light can be blocked is a slow and periodic change. Rest of
by an opaque object. the changes, some are slow and some
32. (C) When S1 was closed, the bulb lit up. I, II are fast but they are not periodic.
and III must be either the bulb or objects 42. (D) All the given properties belong to copper.
that are good conductors of electricity.
43. (C) A closed flask filled partially with water
When S2 was closed, the bulb did not
when placed horizontally as shown
light up. I and II are not the bulbs, they
below has the correct water level.
are objects that are good conductors of
electricity III is the bulb. When only S2
was open, the bulb lit up. IV does not
need to be a good conductor of
electricity as electric current can flow
through I, II and III directly.

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44. (D) The residue (trapped on the filter paper) 52. (A) We eat stems of garlic, potato, turmeric,
is the sand. The filtrate (which passes onion, sugarcane, ginger and Colocasia.
through the filter paper) is the clean sea We eat roots of turnip, carrot and radish.
water. We eat flower of broccoli
Options (A), (B) and (C): give the wrong 53. (C) Linen is a textile made from the fibers
residue and filtrate. of the flax plant. Linen is very strong,
45. (D) Wood and cotton are not conductors of absorbent, and dries faster than cotton.
electricity. 54. (A) The bones are held together by bands
of flexible connective tissue called
BIOLOGY tendons.
46. (C) Juices are made from fruits of plants. The muscles are attached to bones by
the bands of tough fibrous connective
47. (D) A bath towel that is torn can be reused tissue called ligaments.
for cleanin purposes or sent for recycling.
55. (B) A is the gill cover. They take in oxygen
Pants that are too small to wear can be from the air. They are made up of
resued by others who can wear them or comb-like filaments to increase the
sent for recycling. surface area for gaseous exchange. The
An empty glass bottle can be reused to gills of a fish are found underneath the
hold other things or sent for recycling gill covers.
A hair with a broken leg can be sent for
recycling. It cannot be reused unless the
broken leg is replaced with a good one. 56. (C) 14
48. (D) In the given Venn diagram, X represents
an organism which eats both plants and
animals. So, X is an omnivore. Rat is
49. (A) Balanced diet provides all the nutrients
in adequate amount that our body needs
along with roughage and water. A meal
containing chapati, dal, green leafy
vegetables and butter can be considered
as a balanced diet as it will provide
carbohydrates from chapati, proteins
and water from dal, vitamins and
minerals from green leafy vegetables,
roughage from chapati and green leafy 57. (A) =
vegetables and fats from butter.
50. (B) Ginning is the process by which cotton
fibres are separated from the seeds. 58. (D) Some peacocks are sparrows are would
Then, the fibres are spun to form yarn be commonly true for both the given
and the process is known as spinning. Venn diagram.
Two sets of yarns are arranged together
by weaving to form fabric. Parrots Sparrows
51. (D) A child growing up to an adult

Sparrows Parrots

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60. (D) Total 29 children in a class among them
59. (B) 3 children have no brother and no sister.

From balance 1 we get this Means 29 – 3 = 26. Only 26 children have

either brother or sister or both.
= 12 children have a sister + 18 have a
brother = 30
From balance 2 we get = 30 – 26 = 4 children have both brother
and sister.

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