Interest Rates - Deposit: Saving Account Interest Rates: 4.0 % P.A. (W.e.f. 3rd May 2011)
Interest Rates - Deposit: Saving Account Interest Rates: 4.0 % P.A. (W.e.f. 3rd May 2011)
Interest Rates - Deposit: Saving Account Interest Rates: 4.0 % P.A. (W.e.f. 3rd May 2011)
Sl. Below Rs. 1 Rs. 1 Cr. To Rs. 10
No Crore Cr.
1 7 to 14 days 4.00 4.00
Term Premium (TP) of 0.50% is to be added where specifically mentioned
NO-1 Housing Finance to Individuals including NRIs / Flexible Housing scheme / Existing Fin Basket
Above 20 yrs & upto 25 yrs. 9.50% 10.00% BR+1.00% BR+1.75% BR+2.00%
The aforesaid revised rates of interest under floating option will also be applicable in:
NO-2: Earnest Money Deposit Scheme
BPLR System Base Rate System
BPLR BR+3.00%
BPLR System Base Rate System
Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above
Demand Loan and Term Loan BPLR+0.25% BPLR- 0.25%+ TP BR+3.25% BR+2.75%+TP
BPLR+0.50% BR+3.50%
BPLR System Base Rate System
Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above
BPLR+1.75% BPLR + 1.75% + TP BR+4.75% BR+4.75%+TP
BPLR System Base Rate System
Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above
10.50% 11.00 % BR+2.00% BR+2.00%+TP
@ Till 30.06.2010 Car loan was fixed rate loan. From 01.07.2010, new car loan will be floating i.e. to be changed with
change in BR. The old car loans will be mandatorily migrated to base rate system on the reset date.
BPLR System Base Rate System
Less than 3 yrs & Less than 3 3 yrs &
3 yrs above yrs above
Salary is being disbursed through the concerned BPLR BPLR + TP BR+3.00% BR+3.00%+TP
branch and/or under check off facility
BPLR + BPLR + BR+4.00% BR+4.00%+TP
Other including Business concern
1.00% 1.00% + TP
BPLR Base Rate
System System
a. For Public
i. Individuals whose salary is being disbursed through our branches as also 13.00% BR+5.00%
those employees who are availing the loan under check-off facility
ii. For others 14.00% BR+6.00%
(Applicable for main Scheme only viz. Personal Loan Scheme for Public)
BPLR System Base Rate System
Repayable in Repayable in 03 Repayable in Repayable in 03
less than 03 yrs yrs & above less than 03 yrs yrs & above
a. Vidyalakshyapurti
i. Loan upto Rs.4 lac BPLR – 0.50% BPLR - 1.00 + TP
BR+2.50% BR+2.00%+ TP
ii. Loan over Rs.4 lac BPLR + 0.25% BPLR -0.25% + TP
BR+3.25% BR+2.75%+ TP
Sarvottam Shiksha ** (For
Existing A/cs only)
i. Loan upto Rs.4 lac BPLR – 0.50% BPLR - 1.00% + TP
BR+2.50% BR+2.00%+TP
BPLR BPLR -0.50% + TP
ii. Loan over Rs.4 lac BR+3.00% BR+2.50%+TP
(** Scheme since being merged with Vidyalakshayapurti w.e.f. 20.12.08)
BPLR System Base Rate System
a) Productive purposes for Agriculture
BPLR System Base Rate System
Lending Rate
Reverse Mortgage Scheme for Senior Citizens 10.50% 10.50%
BPLR - 13.00% (w.e.f. 01.02.2011) BASE RATE - 9.50% (w.e.f.
Tenor premium of 0.50% is to be added for arriving at interest rate in respect of loans repayable in 3 years & above.
1. (A) Agricultural & Small Enterprises Advances (MSE) including Trading Advances covered under
BPLR System Base Rate System
a) Advances upto Rs. 50,000/-
1. Agricultural production credit BPLR -0.75% BR + 2.25%
b) Advances over Rs. 50,000/- but upto Rs.2 lakh BPLR BR + 3.00%
c) Advances over Rs.2 lakh but upto Rs.20 lakh BPLR BR + 3.00%
d) Advances over Rs.20 lakh As per credit risk rating As per credit risk rating
@ Advances to Micro Enterprises under SME category of borrowers enjoying fund based limits upto Rs. 25 lakh will be given
concession of 1.00% in rate of interest.
# Financing under Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme of National Horticulture Board for construction/ expansion/
modernization of cold storages and storages for horticulture produce, will continue @ BPLR + 1.00 for existing accs under
BPLR system.
## Financing under Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme of National Horticulture Board for
construction/expansion/modernization of cold storages and storages for horticulture produce, will continue @ Base Rate +
1. (b) Trading Advances not covered under MSME Act
BPLR System Base Rate System
i. Upto Rs.2 lac BPLR BR + 3.50%
iii. Above Rs.50 lac As per Credit Risk Rating As per Credit Risk Rating
1.(c) Doctors Loan
BPLR System Base Rate System
Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above
2. Tractor Loans
BPLR System Base Rate System
BPLR BR + 3.00%
3. (a) Financing under Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme for construction/ renovation/ expansion of
rural godowns
BPLR System Base Rate System
BPLR BR + 3.00%
NOTE: However, in fresh cases/take over cases with effect from 01.10.2010:
3. (b) Advances for construction of Godowns as per FCI/CWC specifications
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
a) Upto Rs. 20 lakh/ exempted from credit risk rating BPLR BR + 3.00%
b) Advances over Rs. 20 lakhs As per credit risk rating As per credit risk rating
4. (a) Financing against pledge of warehouse receipts issued by CWC having forward sale contract with
members/brokers of NMCE
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
(a) Upto Rs.2 Lakh BPLR BR + 3.00%
Above Rs. 10 Lakhs to farmers including SHGs/JLGs and other than farmers BPLR -1.00% BR + 2.00% *
irrespective of amount
*Above rates of interest shall remain applicable up to 31.03.2011.
5. (a) Advances to Food and agro-based processing units i.e. Rice Sheller units /Cold Storage Units /
Seed Processing Units / Flour Mills/ Oil Mills, and
(b) Advances to units engaged in Food and Agro processing activities like manufacturing/processing of
Pulses, Dal, Suzi, Besan etc. & its allied activities provided that the advances are covered under Priority
Sector in terms of PS&LB Division circular on Priority Sector Advances – Classification & Report issued
from time to time)
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
1. Upto Rs. 20 lakh BPLR * BR + 3.00% **
2. Over Rs. 20 lakh As per credit risk rating As per credit risk rating
(*) Working capital limits upto Rs.50000/-, it will be BPLR minus 0.75% for existing accounts under BPLR system.
(**) Working capital limits upto Rs.50000/-, it will be @ Base Rate + 2.25%.
Credit Risk Rating BPLR System Base Rate System
AAA BPLR BR + 3.00%
6. (a) Advances under Self Help Group Scheme (SHGs)
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
A) Upto Rs.50,000/- BPLR minus 0.75% BR + 2.25%
B) Over Rs.50,000/- & Upto Rs. 2 lakh BPLR minus 0.25% BR + 2.75%
B i) Micro entp.over Rs.50,000/- & Upto Rs. 2 lakh BPLR minus 0.75% * BR + 2.25% **
(*) In case of micro enterprises up to Rs. 50,000/- under SHGs, the rate will be BPLR minus 1% and above Rs.50000/- & upto
Rs.2 Lacs, the rate of interest will be BPLR minus 0.75% for existing accs under BPLR system.
(**) In case of micro enterprises up to Rs. 50,000/- under SHGs, the rate will be Base Rate + 2.00% and above Rs.50000/- &
upto Rs.2 Lacs, the rate of interest will be Base Rate + 2.25%.
6. (b) Scheme for financing Micro-Financing Institutions (MFIs) for on-lending to individual members or
Credit Risk Rating BPLR System Base Rate System
AAA BPLR BR + 3.00%
6. (c) Scheme for Portfolio Buy Out of microfinance receivables/other receivables of MFIs / NBFCs under
direct agriculture
Credit Risk Rating BPLR System Base Rate System
AAA BPLR –1.00% BR + 2.00%
A BPLR BR + 3.00%
7. Financing Solar Water Heater Systems
BPLR System Base Rate System
12.50% 12.50%
8. Advances to Film Production/Entertainment Industry
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
a) Advances upto Rs. 2 lakh BPLR BR + 3.00%
b) Advances over Rs.2 Lakh but upto Rs.20 Lakh BPLR + 2.00% BR + 5.00%
c) Advances over Rs. 20 lakh As per credit risk rating As per credit risk rating
9. (a) Advances to Commercial Real Estate
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
b) Advances over Rs.2 Lakh but upto Rs.20 Lakh BPLR +3.50% BR + 6.50%
c) Advances over Rs.20 lakh As per credit risk rating As per credit risk rating
9. (b) Advance against future lease rentals (Non-CRE category)
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above Less than 3 yrs 3 yrs & above
Above Rs.10 Lacs upto Rs.50 Lacs BPLR+1.00% BPLR+ 1.00% +TP BR + 4.00% BR + 4.00% + TP
Above Rs.50 Lacs upto Rs. 1 crore BPLR+1.50% BPLR+ 1.50% +TP BR + 4.50% BR + 4.50% + TP
(*) However, in accounts sanctioned before 03.01.2009, interest will not be charged below 13.50% even in case of downward
revision in BPLR.
10. Financing against assured future receivables (PNB Cash Flow Discounting)
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
(a) Upto Rs.20 BPLR BR + 3.00%
(b) Over Rs.20 As per credit risk rating applicable to As per credit risk rating applicable to
Lakh borrowers as defined in Para No.12 borrowers as defined in Para No.12
11. (a) Financing under Supply Chain Scheme
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
(a) Bill Dis-counting Facility BPLR BR + 3.00%
11. (b) Financing dealer for purchase of vehicles from RMCs
BPLR System Base Rate System
BPLR minus 0.50% BR + 2.50%
12. Advances to ‘other categories of borrowers’ including NBFCs, Sugar units, Services Sector &
advances to medium & large enterprises
The interest rates for Advances to borrowers, for which rates have not been specified elsewhere in the circular, shall be fixed
as under:-
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
a) Advances upto Rs. 2 lakh BPLR BR + 3.00%
b) Advances over Rs. 2 lakh but upto Rs. 20 On the basis of rating as per compliance of parameters given as
lakh below:
Score Rating BPLR System Base Rate System
• As regards accounts exempted from the purview of Credit Risk Rating (viz. advances to Central/State Govt.
Departments/Undertakings, which are not running on commercial basis or supported by Govt.), interest rate of BPLR plus 1
will be applicable for accounts under BPLRAND interest rate of Base Rate + 4.00% will be applicable w.e.f. 1/07/2010 for
accounts under Base Rate System
13. Adhoc Limits
In case of Adhoc limits, interest @ 2% above the normal interest rate applicable to the borrower be charged.
14. Transport Operators
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
Upto Rs.2 lakh BPLR BR + 3.50%
15. Bank Premises
BPLR System Base Rate System
BPLR BR + 3.00%
Effective 30.7.94, in case of Term Loans sanctioned for Bank Premises, the contractual rate of interest stipulated at the time
of sanction of the loan be charged and periodical revision of interest rates in such advances should not be made.
16. Exposure to Capital Market
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate System
(a)Advance against Shares/ Debentures BPLR + 3.50% BR + 6.50%
(c) Advance to Share & Stock Brokers including Margin Trading BPLR + 1.50% BR + 4.50%
17. Advance Against:
Particulars BPLR Base Rate
System System
a)Life Insurance Policies (LIP)/Postal securities (NSC/KVP/IVP)/RBI Relief
I. Demand Loan BPLR BR + 3.00%
b)Other Govt. Securities, Bonds,Units ofMutual Fund, FDRs of PNB BPLR + 0.50% BR + 3.50%
Subsidiaries, etc.
18. DRI Advances
19. Clean Advances
BPLR System Base Rate System
BPLR + 3.50% BR + 6.50%
20. Advances Against Bank’s Own Deposits
Particulars Rate of Interest
Rupee Loans & Advances against Term Deposits standing in the name of Individual 2% above the rate allowed
borrower (singly/jointly or as a guardian), including NRE deposits: on deposit
Rupee Loans & Advances against Term Deposits standing in the name of the borrower 2% above the rate allowed
other than individuals e.g. Partnership Concerns, Societies, Trusts, Public/Private Ltd on deposit
Cos etc).
Advances to Individual borrowers against third party term deposits including NRE 2% above the rate allowed
deposits standing in the name of individuals or entities other than individuals e.g. on deposit subject to
Partnership Concerns, Societies, Trusts, Public/ Private Ltd Cos etc. minimum of Base rate.
Rupee Loans & Advances to entities other than individuals e.g. Partnership Concerns, 3% above the rate allowed
Societies, Trusts, Public/Private Ltd Cos etc. against third party Term Deposits on deposit or (Base rate +
including NRE deposits standing in the name of individual or entities other than 3%), whichever is higher.
individuals e.g. Partnership Concerns, Societies, Trusts, Public/ Private Ltd Cos etc.
Rupee Loans & Advances against FCNR(B) Deposits standing in the name of the BPLR- 2.00%
borrower (singly/jointly or as a guardian)
Advances against third party FCNR(B) deposits BPLR
Advances against term deposits held by the bank for less than minimum stipulated BPLR
period of FDR (on cancellation) and for advances against balance lying in current/
savings a/c)
21. a) New Projects Established by Existing & Fresh Borrowers;
b) Takeover of Accounts from Banks/FIs:-
The rates of interest for the above shall be applicable based upon the scheme and the segment under which advance has
been made and the credit risk rating of the account.
Particulars BPLR System
(a) Under Rehabilitation Interest as per package.
23. Intermediary Agencies
Particulars BPLR Base Rate
System System
(a) Loans sanctioned upto 31.01.2000
(i) Finance granted to Intermediary Agencies (excluding those for Housing)for on BPLR BR + 3.00
lending to Ultimate Beneficiaries and Agencies providing input support
(ii) Finance granted to Housing Finance Intermediary Agencies for on lending to BPLR BR + 3.00
Ultimate Beneficiaries
(b)Term Loans sanctioned w.e.f. 01.02.2000 and Working Capital Advance to Minimum Minimum BR +
Intermediary Agencies (including Housing Finance Agencies) BPLR 3.00
24. Discounting Of Bills
Tenor of the Bills backed by confirmed BPLR System Base Rate System
ILCs of approved banks
Upto 90 days BPLR minus 3% BR + 0.50%
Bills not backed by ILCs Interest Rates as applicable to Interest Rates as applicable to
Working Capital Limits Working Capital Limits
25. Rate structure under Refinance and Rediscounting Schemes
As Advised separately through L&A Circulars.
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate
Pre-shipment Credit BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
(i) Upto 270 days BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
(ii) Against incentives receivable from Govt. covered by ECGC Guarantee
(upto 90 days)
Post-Shipment Credit: BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
(i) Demand bills for transit period (as specified by FEDAI)
(ii) Usance bills (For total period comprising usance period of export bills, BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
transit period as specified by FEDAI and grace period, wherever
applicable).Upto 180 days
(iii) Overdue bills upto 180 days from the date of advance BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
(iv) Against incentives receivable from Govt. covered by ECGC Guarantee BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
(upto 90 days)
(v) Against undrawn balance (upto 90 days) BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
(vi) Against retention money (for supplies portion only) payable within one BPLR minus 2.50% BR + 0.75%
year from the date of shipment (upto 90 days)
Deferred Credit: BPLR + 3.50% BR + 6.00%
Deferred credit for the period beyond 180 days.
Export Credit Not Otherwise Specified (ECNOS): BPLR + 3.50% BR + 6.00%
(i) Pre-shipment Credit BPLR + 3.50% BR + 6.00%
(ii) Post-shipment Credit
27. Term Loans to Exporters (Over Rs. 2 lakh)
Particulars BPLR System Base Rate
Sanctioned upto 31.01.2003 Sanctioned on or after As per terms of the sanction BR + 3.25%
01.02.2003 BPLR