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A Large-Scale Database and A CNN Model For Attention-Based Glaucoma Detection

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A Large-scale Database and a CNN Model for

Attention-based Glaucoma Detection
Liu Li, Mai Xu, Hanruo Liu, Yang Li, Xiaofei Wang, Lai Jiang, Zulin Wang, Xiang Fan, and Ningli Wang

Abstract—Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible Correct classification Incorrect classification
vision loss. Many approaches have recently been proposed for

Fundus images
automatic glaucoma detection based on fundus images. However,
none of the existing approaches can efficiently remove high
redundancy in fundus images for glaucoma detection, which may
reduce the reliability and accuracy of glaucoma detection. To avoid
this disadvantage, this paper proposes an attention-based convolu-
tional neural network (CNN) for glaucoma detection, called AG-

attention maps
CNN. Specifically, we first establish a large-scale attention-based
glaucoma (LAG) database, which includes 11,760 fundus images
labeled as either positive glaucoma (4,878) or negative glaucoma
(6,882). Among the 11,760 fundus images, the attention maps of
5,824 images are further obtained from ophthalmologists through
a simulated eye-tracking experiment. Then, a new structure of

AG-CNN is designed, including an attention prediction subnet, a

heat maps
pathological area localization subnet and a glaucoma classification
subnet. The attention maps are predicted in the attention prediction
subnet to highlight the salient regions for glaucoma detection,
under a weakly supervised training manner. In contrast to other
attention-based CNN methods, the features are also visualized as Fig. 1. Examples of glaucoma fundus images, attention maps by ophthalmolo-
the localized pathological area, which are further added in our AG- gists in glaucoma diagnosis and visualization results of a CNN model [19] by
CNN structure to enhance the glaucoma detection performance. an occlusion experiment [53]. The Pearson correlation coefficient (CC) between
Finally, the experiment results from testing over our LAG database the visualized heat maps and ground-truth ophthalmologist attention maps are
0.33 and 0.14 for correct and incorrect glaucoma classification, respectively.
and another public glaucoma database show that the proposed
AG-CNN approach significantly advances the state-of-the-art in divided into 2 categories: heuristic methods and deep learning
glaucoma detection.
methods. The heuristic methods employ the handcrafted features
Index Terms—glaucoma detection, attention mechanism, patho- of the vertical cup-disc ratio (VCDR) based on the segmentation
logical area detection, weakly supervised. [41]. VCDR is one of the principles for ophthalmologists to
I. I NTRODUCTION diagnose glaucoma [17]. However, these methods are affected
by the accuracy of segmenting the optic cup since the boundary
Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of irreversible blind-
of the optic cup remains ill-defined and fuzzy in glaucoma
ness [3]. The incidence of serious glaucoma is reported to be
images, which is caused by the irreversible damage of the nerve
3.5% among people over 45 years of age, i.e., approximately
fiber layer and the quality of fundus images. Another category
64.3 million individuals are suffering from glaucoma worldwide
of glaucoma detection algorithms is based on convolutional
[45]. This number is predicted to increase to 80 million by
neural networks (CNNs) [29], [6], [27], [11]. Such methods
2020 and to 111.8 million by 2040 as a result of aging and
achieve end-to-end training and testing, feeding the fundus
population growth [45]. Most vision loss caused by glaucoma
images as input and directly outputting the binary labels of
can be avoided through early detection and treatment [44]. Thus,
positive and negative glaucoma. A CNN automatically learns the
it is important to detect glaucoma at an early stage. However,
extensive features for classification, without any segmentation
due to the lack of qualified ophthalmologists, it is hard to
of the fuzzy optical cups. Nevertheless, most of these methods
conduct manual glaucoma screening for all suspected patients.
lack sufficient training data, inevitably leading to the overfitting
Therefore, developing an automatic method for glaucoma de-
problem. Recently, [29] proposed a deeper CNN method for
tection with high accuracy and efficiency is essential.
glaucoma detection, benefiting from the large-scale database
In recent years, several methods have been developed to
established in their work. This work transfers the task of
detect glaucoma based on optical fundus images, which are the
nature images classification [7], [43] to glaucoma detection
photographs of the back of the eyes. These methods can be
on fundus images. Comparing with nature images, the fundus
L. Li, M. Xu, X. Wang, L. Jiang and Z. Wang are with the School of images contain large redundancy regions without any valuable
Electronic and Information Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 information for glaucoma detection, e.g., the black-background
China; Y. Li is with the School of Automation Sciences and Electrical En-
gineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191 China; H. Liu, N. Wang are
of the fundus images and the edge regions of the eyeball. The
with the Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing 100730 China; X. Fan redundancy regions may mislead the CNN to focus on the
is with the Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University Third Hospital, useless information. Thus, [29] is ineffective in dealing with
Beijing 100191 China. M. Xu is the corresponding author of this paper (E-mail:
the redundant information in the fundus images.
As shown in Figure 1, glaucoma can be correctly detect-

ed by a CNN method [19] when the visualized heat maps ly, [16], [13] worked on classifying of diabetic retinopathy using
are consistent with the attention maps of ophthalmologists in the CNN models. [46] further proposed deep learning systems
glaucoma diagnosis. Otherwise, glaucoma is mislabeled by the for detecting multiple ophthalmological diseases. However, the
CNN model. Therefore, it is reasonable to combine the attention above works all transferred some classic CNN model for nature
mechanism in the CNN model for using fundus images to image classification to medical image classification without
detect ophthalmic diseases. However, to our best knowledge, consideration of the characteristics of fundus images.
there has been no work incorporating human attention in fundus Glaucoma detection methods can basically be divided into 2
image recognition. This is mainly due to the lack a doctor categories: heuristic methods and deep learning methods. The
attention database, which requires the qualified doctors and a heuristic glaucoma detection methods extract features based on
special technique for capturing the doctor’s attention during the some image processing techniques [1], [8], [41], [32], [21].
diagnosis. In this paper, we first collect a large-scale attention- Specifically, glaucoma screening methods were proposed in
based fundus image database for glaucoma detection (LAG), [32], [21], based on the detection of retinal nerve fiber layer
which includes 11,760 images with diagnosis labels, and 5,824 (RNFL) thickness. [1] extracted the texture features and higher
of them are further labeled with human attention. Then, we order spectral features for glaucoma detection. [8] used the
develop an attention-based CNN method for glaucoma detection wavelet-based energy features for glaucoma detection. [1], [8]
(AG-CNN), which is supervised by the labeled human attention. both applied support vector machine (SVM) and naive Bayesian
We further train the AG-CNN to predict attention maps in classifier to classify the handcrafted features. However, the
a weakly supervised manner because the ground truth (GT) above heuristic methods only consider a handful of features on
attention maps are available for only part of the training images. fundus images, leading to lower classification accuracy.
However, there also exist some insignificant pathological Another category of glaucoma detection methods is based on
areas in the fundus images, which may not attract human deep learning [37], [56], [33], [6], [27], [29], [11], [22], [39].
attention. Consequently, the existing CNN models have already Specifically, [37], [56], [22] reported their deep learning work
outperformed human experts in some medical image recognition on glaucoma detection based on the automatic segmentation
tasks [23], [35], [34]. Thus, we propose refining the predicted of the optic cup and disc. However, their work assumes that
attention maps by incorporating a feature visualization structure only the optic cup and disc are related to glaucoma, lacking
for glaucoma detection. In this way, the gap between human end-to-end training. [11] further proposed a multistream CNN
attention and pathological area can be bridged.In fact, several that combined the full optical images with the segmentation
methods have been proposed for automatically locating the result. Panda et al. [33] proposed a deep learning method for
pathological area [54], [15], [10], [14], [30] based on the class glaucoma detection based on RNFL defect. On the other hand,
activation mapping model (CAM) [55]. However, these methods [6] firstly proposed a CNN method for glaucoma detection in
cannot locate the pathological area in a small region due to the an end-to-end manner. [27] followed Chen’s work and proposed
limitation of its feature size. In this paper, we employ the guided an advanced CNN structure combining the holistic and local
back-propagation (BP) method to locate the tiny pathological features for glaucoma classification. To regularize the input im-
area based on the predicted attention maps. Consequently, the ages, both [6] and [27] preprocessed the original fundus images
attention maps can be refined and then used to highlight the to remove the redundant regions. However, due to the limited
most critical region for glaucoma detection. training data and simple structure of networks, the previous
This paper extends our conference paper [28] from four works did not achieve high sensitivity and specificity. Shibata et
aspects. First, we further review more related works, in partic- al. [39] proposed a CNN method based on ResNet, improving
ular the attention mechanism applied in deep learning methods. the performance in glaucoma detection. Recently, a deeper
Second, we significantly enlarge our LAG database to 11,760 CNN structure has been proposed in [29]. However, the fundus
fundus images, including another 5,936 fundus images. Third, images contain large redundancy regions that are irrelevant for
in addition to the supervised method in [28], this paper further glaucoma detection, which leads to the low efficiency of the
proposes a weakly supervised learning for glaucoma detection. method in [29]. Note that the efficiency here refers to the effort
Finally, the additional experiments are presented for thoroughly in extracting useful features for glaucoma detection.
evaluating the performance of our method. The main contri- B. Attention mechanism
butions of this paper are twofold. (1) We establish a LAG
In recent years, the attention mechanism has been success-
database that includes 11,760 glaucoma-labeled fundus images,
fully applied in deep-learning-based computer vision tasks, e.g.,
among which 5,824 images are further labeled with attention
object detection [2], [36], image caption [48], [52] and action
maps. (2) We propose a new AG-CNN architecture for locating
recognition [38]. The basic idea of the attention mechanism is
pathological areas and then classifying binary glaucoma, in
to locate the most salient parts of the features in deep neural
which attention maps are incorporated in a weakly supervised
networks (DNNs) such that redundancy is removed for the
manner to remove the redundancy from fundus images for
vision tasks. In general, the attention mechanism is embedded in
glaucoma detection.
DNNs by leveraging the attention maps. Specifically, on the one
II. R ELATED WORK hand, the attention maps in [40], [36], [48], [38] are yielded in a
A. Automatic glaucoma detection self-learned pattern, with other information weakly supervising
The recent success of deep learning methods has benefited the attention maps, e.g., the classification labels. On the other
medical diagnosis [9], [5], [51], particularly automatically de- hand, [52] utilize the human attention information to guide the
tecting oculopathy in fundus images [16], [13], [46]. Specifical- DNNs to focus on the region of interest (ROI).

Source Database Images Positive Individuals Age, Mean Female Camera
No. No. (%) No. (SD) No. (%)
CGSA 7,463 2,749 (36.8) 6,441 54.1 (14.5) 55.8 Topcon, Canon, Carl Zeiss
Beijing Tongren Hospital 4,297 2,129 (49.5) 3,706 52.8 (16.7) 49.7 Topcon, Canon
Full LAG 11,760 4,878 (41.5) 10,147 53.6 (15.3) 53.6 Topcon, Canon, Carl Zeiss

13 3
Image Number, (With/Without Attention Groundtruth) 14 4 6
Dataset 2
All Positive Glucoma Negative Glcuoam 15 16

LAG 11,760 (5,824/5,936) 4,878 (2,392/2,486) 6,882 (3,432/3,450)
Training 10,928 (4,992/5,936) 4,528 (2,042/2,486) 6,400 (2,950/3,450)
Validation 832 (832/0) 350 (350/0) 482 (482/0) Fig. 2. An example of capturing fixations of an ophthalmologist in glaucoma
diagnosis. (Left): Original blurred fundus images. (Middle-left): Fixations of the
ophthalmologist with cleared regions. (Middle-right): The order of clearing the
blurred regions. Note that the size of the white circles represents the order of
CC VALUES OF ATTENTION MAPS BETWEEN ONE OPHTHALMOLOGIST AND fixations. (Right): The generated attention map based on the captured fixations.

Ophthalmologist one v.s. others one v.s. random Each sample in our LAG database is subject to a tiered
grading system that consists of 3 layers of trained graders
1st 0.594 6.59 × 10−4
2nd 0.636 2.49 × 10−4 with increasing expertise. The first tier of graders consists of
3rd 0.687 2.49 × 10−4 five trained medical students conducting initial quality control,
4th 0.585 8.44 × 10−4 i.e., the image field includes the entire optic nerve head and
macula, the illumination is acceptable, the image is sufficiently
Redundancy also exists in medical image recognition, in- focused for grading the optic nerve head and RNFL. The
terfering with the recognition results. In particular, heavy re- second tier of graders consists of five Chinese board-certified
dundancy exists in fundus images for disease recognition. For ophthalmologists or postgraduate ophthalmology trainees (≥ 2
example, the pathological areas of fundus images are in the years of experience) who have passed a pretraining test. In the
region of the optic cup and disc or its surrounding blood vessel process of grading, each image is assigned randomly to two
and optic nerve area [31]; other regions, such as the boundary ophthalmologists for grading. Each grader independently grades
of the eyeball, are redundant for medical diagnosis. Therefore, and records each image according to the criteria of referable
it is reasonable to combine the attention mechanism in the CNN glaucomatous optic neuropathy [29]. In our grading system,
model for using fundus images to detect ophthalmic diseases. the grading accuracy of the 5 experts from tier 2 is 88.4%,
III. DATABASE 87.7%, 90.0%, 87.0% and 92.7%, respectively. The third tier of
A. Establishment grader is a senior independent glaucoma specialist (> 10 years
of experience in conducting glaucoma retinopathy diagnosis),
In this section, we establish the LAG database, which can
who is consulted in the cases of disagreement in tier 2 grading.
be used for glaucoma detection.1 Our LAG database contains
Consequently, all the samples in our LAG database are labeled
11,760 fundus images corresponding to 4,878 positive and 6,882
with positive glaucoma or negative glaucoma. The details of
negative glaucoma samples. 10,861 individuals are involved in
the image number of our database is listed in Table II. Note
our LAG database, from which 10,147 individuals are collected
that our database is constructed according to the tenets of the
with only one fundus image, i.e., one image per eye and subject.
Declaration of Helsinki. Because of the retrospective nature and
The remaining individuals refer to multiple images per subject.
fully anonymized usage of color retinal fundus images in this
More details about the numbers of individuals with multiple
work, we are exempted by the medical ethics committee to
images are reported in Table 1 of the supplementary materials.
inform the patients.
The fundus images in our LAG database are obtained from
Chinese Glaucoma Study Alliance (CGSA) and Beijing Tongren Based on the above labeled fundus images, we further
Hospital. The CGSA was established from 2009, progressively conduct an experiment to capture the attention regions of 4
covering 89 hospitals across China, to further improve the diag- ophthalmologists in glaucoma diagnosis, which includes 2 third
nosis and treatment capacity of vision-threatening eye diseases, tier graders and 2 second tier graders, respectively. Note that
including glaucoma. As shown in Table I, detail information the 4 ophthalmologists are independent of the aforementioned
about our LAG database is list as follows. The number of female tiered grading system. Table II shows that 5,824 fundus images
patients is 6,300 (53.6%) and the average age of our LAG are further labeled with attention regions, in which 2,392 are
database is 53.6 with a standard deviation (SD) of 15.3. The positive glaucoma and the rest 3,432 are negative glaucoma. The
fundus images in our database are taken by 3 types of devices: experiment is based on an alternative method for eye tracking
Topcon, Canon and Carl Zeiss. Besides, the dimension of input [24], in which mouse clicks are used by the ophthalmologists
fundus images ranges from 582 × 597 to 3456 × 5184, with an to explore the ROI for glaucoma diagnosis. Specifically, all
average of 1977 × 2594 and a standard deviation of 840 × 1417. the fundus images are initially displayed blurred, and then the
ophthalmologists use the mouse as an eraser to successively
1 The database is available at https://github.com/smilell/AG-CNN. clear the circle regions for diagnosing glaucoma. Note that

20 30

Ophthalmologist 1 30 threshold=0.10

Proportion of the ROI, %

Proportion of regions, %
Proportion of regions, %

15 Ophthalmologist 2 threshold=0.15
20 Ophthalmologist 3 threshold=0.20
10 15 Ophthalmologist 4 20
0 0
1 2 3 4 All 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
Ophthalmologists Threshold
Fig. 3. (Left): Proportion of regions in the fundus images cleared by different 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000
ophthalmologists for glaucoma diagnosis. (Right): Proportion of regions in Images
attention maps with values being above a varying threshold. Note that the values Fig. 5. Proportion20of ROI above the thresholds of 0.10, 0.15 and 0.20 for all
of the attention maps range from 0 to 1. of the fundus images in the LAG database.

the radius of all circle regions is set to 40 pixels, while all i=1 j=1 (Aij − µa ) · (Āij − µā )
fundus images are 500 × 500 pixels. This ensures that the circle CC = , (1)p
σa2 · σā2
regions are approximately equivalent to the fovea (2◦ − 3◦ ) of where µa and σa represent the mean and standard deviation of
the human vision system at a comfortable viewing distance (3- A, while µā and σā denote the mean and standard deviation of
4 times the screen height). The order of clearing the blurred Ā. Additionally, W and H are the width and height of A and
regions represents the degree of attention by ophthalmologists, Ā. Table III reports the CC results averaged over 5,824 fundus
as the GT of attention maps. Once the ophthalmologist is able images. In this table, we also show the CC results of attention
to diagnose glaucoma with the partially cleared fundus image, maps between one ophthalmologist and the random baseline.
the above region clearing process is terminated and the next Note that the random baseline generates the attention maps by
fundus image is displayed for diagnosis. making their values follow a Gaussian distribution.As shown in
In the above experiment, the fixations of ophthalmologists Table III that the CC values of attention maps between one and
are represented by the center coordinate (xji , yij ) of the cleared the remaining ophthalmologists are all above 0.58, significantly
circle region for the i-th fixation of the j-th ophthalmologist. larger than those of the random baseline. According to [4], the
Then, the attention map A of one fundus image can be generated CC value of human attention on natural images is 0.52 among
Ij ,J
by convoluting all fixations {(xji , yij )}i=1,j=1 with the 2D different subjects, which is lower than the CC values among
Gaussian filter at square decay according to the order of i, where ophthalmologists. This result implies that ophthalmologists are
J is the total number of ophthalmologists (=4 in our experiment) consistent in where they focus their attention during glaucoma
and Ij is the number of fixations from the j-th ophthalmologist diagnosis. This completes the analysis of Finding 1.
on the fundus image. Here, the standard deviation of the 2D Finding 2: The ROI in fundus images concentrates on small
Gaussian filter is set to 25, according to [49]. Figure 2 shows regions for glaucoma diagnosis.
an example of the fixations of one ophthalmologist and the
Analysis: In this analysis, we calculate the percentage of
attention map of all ophthalmologists for a fundus image.
regions that ophthalmologists cleared for glaucoma diagnosis.
In conclusion, our LAG database consists of 3 parts, i.e., Figure 3 (left) shows the percentage of the cleared regions
fundus images, diagnosis labels and attention regions, and it for each ophthalmologist, which is averaged over the 5,824
requires permission, qualified glaucoma specialists and annota- fundus images in our LAG database. As shown, the average ROI
tion software as follows. (1) The permission has been obtained accounts for 14.3% of the total area in the fundus images, with
from CGSA and Beijing Tongren Hospital for using the fundus a maximum of 17.8% (the 3rd ophthalmologist) and a minimum
images with the purpose of academic research. (2) Several of 11.8% (the 4th ophthalmologist). Moreover, we calculate the
qualified glaucoma specialists with an unified grading standard proportion of regions in attention maps, the values of which
have been involved in our grading system. (3) An annotation are above a varying threshold. The result is shown in Figure 3
software has been developed in this paper, in order to obtain (right). The rapidly decreasing curve shows that most attention
the attention information from ophthalmologists and further only focuses on small regions of fundus images for glaucoma
generate the attention maps. diagnosis. This completes the analysis of Finding 2.
Finding 3: The ROI for glaucoma diagnosis is of different
B. Data analysis
Now, we mine our LAG database to investigate the attention Analysis: The above findings show that the ROI is consistent
maps of 5,824 fundus images in glaucoma diagnosis. Specifi- and small for glaucoma diagnosis. Here, we further analyze
cally, we obtain the following findings. the size of the ROI in fundus images. To this end, Figure 4
Finding 1: The ROI in fundus images is consistent across visualizes the fixation maps of some fundus images, in which
ophthalmologists for glaucoma diagnosis. the ROI has different scales. As shown in this figure, the sizes of
Analysis: In this analysis, we calculate the Pearson correlation the optic discs for pathological myopia are considerably larger
coefficients (CCs) of attention maps between one ophthalmolo- than others. Note that pathological myopia is an eye disorder
gist and the remaining three ophthalmologists. We follow [50] that the patients of myopia see distant objects to be blurry while
to calculate the CC values at pixel-wise. Mathematically, it is the close objects appear normal. It is caused by biomechanical
calculated by forces related to axial elongation, resulting in larger larger optic

Pathological myopia
Positive Negative


Fig. 4. Fundus images with or without glaucoma for both positive and negative pathological myopia.

disc area [47]. Accordingly, the ROI in fundus images (i.e., by ophthalmologists [23], [35], [34]. Finally, the located
high-valued regions in fixation maps) is at multiple scales for pathological area combined with the predicted attention
glaucoma diagnosis. Note that when the ROI is either small or map is further used to mask the input and features of the
large, both positive and negative glaucoma results exists. For glaucoma classification subnet, for outputting the binary
each image in our LAG database, Figure 5 further plots the labels of glaucoma.
proportion of the ROI in the fixation maps, the values of which The main structure of AG-CNN is based on residual networks
are larger than a threshold. As shown, the ROI is at different [19], in which the basic module is a building block. Note
scales for glaucoma diagnosis. Finally, the analysis of Finding that all convolutional layers in AG-CNN are followed by a
3 can be accomplished. batch normalization layer and a ReLU layer for increasing the
nonlinearity of AG-CNN such that the convergence rate can be
IV. M ETHOD accelerated. The process of training AG-CNN is in an end-to-
A. Framework end manner with three parts of supervision: attention prediction
loss, feature visualization loss and glaucoma classification loss.
In this section, we focus on the proposed AG-CNN method.
The framework of AG-CNN is shown in Figure 6. As shown B. Attention prediction subnet
in Figure 6, the input to AG-CNN is the RGB channels of a In AG-CNN, an attention prediction subnet is designed to
fundus image, while the output is (1) the located pathological generate the attention maps of the fundus images, which are then
area and (2) the binary glaucoma label. Our AG-CNN has two used for pathological area localization and glaucoma detection.
2 stages as follows. Specifically, the input of the attention prediction subnet is the
• In the first stage, the ROI of glaucoma detection is learned RGB channels of a fundus image, which are represented by a
from the attention prediction subnet, aiming to predict tensor (size: 224 × 224 × 3 ). Then, the input tensor is fed to
human attention on diagnosing glaucoma. It is because one convolutional layer with a kernel size of 7 × 7, followed
Findings 1 and 2 show that glaucoma diagnosis is highly by one max-pooling layer. Subsequently, the features flow into
related to small ROI regions. In addition, the multiscale 8 building blocks for extracting the hierarchical features. For
building block is also included in our AG-CNN model, more details about the building blocks, refer to [19]. Afterwards,
because Finding 3 shows that ROIs for glaucoma diagnosis the features of 4 hierarchical building blocks are processed by
are of different scales. feature normalization (FN), the structure of which is shown
• In the second stage, the predicted attention map is embed- in Figure 6 (lower-right). Consequently, four 28 × 28 × 128
ded in the pathological area localization subnet, and then features are obtained. These features are concatenated to form
the feature map of this subnet is visualized to locate the 28×28×512 deep multiscale features. Given the deep multiscale
pathological area. It is because the CNN may extract some features, a deconvolutional module is applied to generate the
pathological areas that are not obvious for the diagnosis gray attention map with the size of 112 × 112 × 1. The structure

Attention Predicted
Prediction Subnet FN FN FN FN Multi-scale Attention Map
f1 f2 f3 f4 Feature 112
112 56 28 14 28
64 64 64 7 128 128 128 128
128 128 256 256 512 512 112
112 56 28 14 7 28

224 Lossa : Attention

128 128
112 56 2 112
28 14 56 28 2
224 64 14 Convolutional Layer
64 128 128 256 7 Guided
64 64 128 128 256 7
7 BP 7

56 28 14

112 112 56 28 14 Max Pooling Layer
Input: Output1:
Fundus Image Pathological Area Building Block
'Glaucoma' Classification Label
Pathological Area Glaucoma Resize Layer
Lossf : Visualization
Localization Subnet Classification Subnet Lossc : Classification
Multi-scale Building block
Multi-Scale Building Block
Conv1 <3x3> Deconvolutional Module 112 FN Feature Normalization Deconvolutional Module
56 1
Conv6 <1x1>

Conv2 <1x5> <5x1> 28

28 28 28 16 Guided Back Propagation

128 128

Conv3 <3x3> <3x3> 512 128 64

28 28 28 56 112 28 Fully Connected Layer
Conv4 <1x7> <7x1>

Conv5 <1x1> Conv1 Conv2 Conv3 Dconv1 Dconv2 Conv1

fi-1 fi <3x3> <1x1> <3x3> <2x2> <2x2> <1x1> FN Feature Normalization

Fig. 6. Architecture of our AG-CNN network for glaucoma detection and its components, with the sizes of the feature maps and convolutional kernels.

of the deconvolutional module is also shown in Figure 6 (lower- defined as ui+1 . In the process of BP, the input to this ReLU
middle). As shown in this figure, the deconvolutional module layer is denoted as Ri+1 , and its output is denoted as Ri .
consists of 4 convolutional layers and 2 deconvolutional layers. Mathematically, we have
Finally, a 112×112×1 attention map can be yielded, the values ∂fout
of which range from 0 to 1. In AG-CNN, the yielded attention , Ri+1 =
maps of glaucoma detection are used to weight the input fundus
images and the extracted features of the pathological area for BP. Then, the guided BP of ReLU can be represented as
localization subnet. This is to be discussed in the next section. follows,
Ri = H(Ri+1 ) · H(ui ) · Ri+1 , (3)
C. Pathological area localization subnet where (
After predicting the attention maps, we further design a 1 x≥0
pathological area localization subnet to visualize the CNN H(x) = (4)
0 x < 0.
feature map in glaucoma classification. The predicted attention
maps can effectively make the network focus on the salient Finally, the visualization map is downsampled to 112 × 112
region with reduced redundancy; however, the network may with its values being normalized to 0 − 1 as the output of the
inevitably miss some potential features that are useful for pathological area localization subnet.
glaucoma classification. Moreover, it has been verified that the
deep learning methods outperform humans in the task of image D. Glaucoma classification subnet
classification both on nature images [18], [26] and medical In addition to the subnet of attention prediction and pathologi-
images [23], [35], [34]. Therefore, we further design a subnet cal area localization, we design a glaucoma classification subnet
to visualize the CNN features for finding the pathological area. for the binary classification of positive or negative glaucoma.
Specifically, the pathological area localization subnet is main- Similar to the attention prediction subnet, the glaucoma classi-
ly composed of convolutional layers and fully connected layers. fication subnet is composed of one 7 × 7 convolutional layer,
In addition, the predicted attention maps are used to mask the one max-pooling layer and 4 multiscale building blocks. The
input fundus images and the extracted feature maps at different multiscale building block differs from the traditional building
layers of the pathological area localization subnet. The structure block of [19] from the following aspect. As shown in Figure 6
of this subnet is the same as the glaucoma classification subnet, (lower-left), 5 channels of convolutional layers with different
which is to be discussed in Section IV-D. Then, the visualization kernel sizes are concatenated to extract multiscale features
map of the pathological area is obtained through guided back- compared with the traditional building block, which only has
propagation (BP) [42] from the output of the fully connected two convolutional channels. Finally, 2 fully connected layers
layer fout to the input RGB channels fundus image I. The are applied to output the classification result.
difference between guided BP and normal BP is the activation The main difference between the glaucoma classification
function of ReLU. In the process of forward propagation (FP), subnet and the conventional residual network [19] is that the
the input to a ReLU layer is defined as ui , and its output is refined attention maps, combining the predicted attention maps

and the visualization maps of pathological area, weight both the Tc (I) = RW,H {I
(W −p·W )
(W +p·W )
(H+p·H) },
2 2 2 2
input image and extracted features to focus on the ROI. Assume
that the refined attention map is Ŝ. Mathematically, the features where Tc (·) represents the function of cropping; RW,H {·} is
F in the glaucoma classification subnet can be masked by Ŝ as the function of resizing an image to the dimension of W × H.
follows: In addition, p is the cropping ratio; W and H are the width
and height of image I. Then, two forms of fundus images, i.e.,
n o
F0 = F (1 − θ) · Ŝ ⊕ θ , (5)
the original fundus image (I) and flipped or cropped fundus
where θ (=0.5 in this paper) is a threshold to control the images (If or Ic ), are input into the attention prediction subnet,
impact of the visualization map. In the above equation, and the output predicted attention map of I is denoted as Â.
and ⊕ represent elementwise multiplication and addition. In Similarly, the attention maps of If and Ic are Âf (Âf (i, j) ∈
the glaucoma classification subnet, the input fundus image is [0, 1]) and Âc (Âc (i, j) ∈ [0, 1]). According to the invariance of
masked with the visualization map in the same way. Finally, symmetry and cropping, Tf (Â) (Â0f (i, j) ∈ [0, 1]) and Tc (Â)
in our AG-CNN method, the redundant features irrelevant to (Â0c (i, j) ∈ [0, 1]) should be similar to Âf and Âc . To encourage
glaucoma detection can be inhibited and the pathological area this invariance, Lossan is calculated as follows,
can be highlighted. I J
1 XX 0 Â0f (i, j)
Lossan = [Âf (i, j) log( )+
E. Weakly supervised loss function I · J i=1 j=1 Âf (i, j)
To achieve end-to-end training, we supervise the training 0
 (i, j)
process of AG-CNN through attention prediction loss (denoted Â0c (i, j) log( c )].
Âc (i, j)
by Lossa ), feature visualization loss (denoted by Lossf ) and
glaucoma classification loss (denoted by Lossc ), as shown in Note that Lossan does not require the GT attention map, and
Figure 6. In our LAG database, the glaucoma label l (∈ {0, 1}) therefore all the samples in our LAG database can be applied
is available for each of all 11,760 samples, while 5,824 samples for optimizing Lossan . Finally, the weakly supervised attention
are further labeled with the attention maps A (with its elements prediction loss is composed of
A(i, j) ∈ [0, 1]), viewed as the GT in the loss function. We as- Lossa = Lossas + Lossan . (12)
sume that ˆl (∈ {0, 1}) and  (with its elements Â(i, j) ∈ [0, 1]) Furthermore, the pathological area localization subnet and
are the predicted glaucoma label and attention map, respectively. glaucoma classification subnet are all supervised by the glauco-
Following [20], we utilize the Kullback-Leibler (KL) diver- ma label l based on the cross-entropy function, which measures
gence function to measure the difference between two attention the distance between the predicted label ˆl and its corresponding
maps. The attention prediction subnet is trained in a weakly su- GT label l. Mathematically, Lossc is calculated as follows:
pervised manner with the attention prediction loss Lossa . Here,
Lossa is composed of 2 parts, Lossas and Lossan , which stand 1 1
Lossc = −l log( ) − (1 − l) log(1 − ), (13)
for the loss with and without the supervision of GT attention 1+ e−l̂c 1 + e−l̂c
map A, respectively. The supervised attention prediction loss is where ˆlc represents the predicted label from the glaucoma
represented by classification subnet. A similar approach is used to calculate
1 XX Aij Lossf , which replaces ˆlc by ˆlf in (13). Finally, the overall loss
Lossas = Aij log( ), (6)
I · J i=1 j=1 Âij is the linear combination of Lossa , Lossf and Lossc :

where I and J are the length and width of attention maps. Loss = α · Lossa + β · Lossf + γ · Lossc , (14)
Note that Lossas is calculated by the samples labeled with GT where α, β and γ are the hyper-parameters for balancing the
attention maps. trade-off among attention loss, visualization loss and classi-
Moreover, the unsupervised attention prediction loss Lossan fication loss. At the beginning of training AG-CNN, we set
is applied to encourage the invariance of symmetry and crop- α  β = γ to accelerate the convergence of attention prediction
ping such that the accuracy of both attention prediction and subnet. Then, we set α  β = γ to minimize the feature
glaucoma classification can be improved. We first transfer the visualization loss and the classification loss, thereby achieving
original fundus images by flipping and cropping. Specifically, the convergence of prediction. Given the loss function of (14),
the operation of flipping means flipping the original image along our AG-CNN model can be end-to-end trained for glaucoma
horizontal axis. Mathematically, If is calculated by detection and pathological area localization.

If = Tf (I), (7)
Tf (Ii,j ) = IW −i,j , (8) A. Settings
where Tf (·) represents the functions of flipping, Ii,j is the In this section, the experiment results are presented to validate
element of I, and W is the width of I. The operation of the performance of our method in glaucoma detection and
cropping means cropping the center region of the original fundus pathological area localization. In our experiment, the 11,760
image symmetrically and resizing the cropped image back to the fundus images in our LAG database are randomly divided into
original size by nearest neighbor interpolation. Mathematically, training (10,928 images) and validation (832 images) sets. The
Ic is calculated by training set of 10,928 images is further augmented by 3 times,
Ic = Tc (I), (9) via cropping each fundus image into 3 sizes, i.e., 30%, 50%

100 100


Sensitivity, % 80

Sensitivity, %
60 Atten. + Patho. (Full AG-CNN)

Ours on LAG 70 Atten.

Chen et al. on LAG Patho.

Li et al. on LAG 60 Only Classification Subnet

Ours on RIM-ONE W/O weak + Patho.

20 Chen et al. on RIM-ONE W/O weak
Li et al. on RIM-ONE W/O multi-scale

0 40
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
100-Specificity, % 100-Specificity, %

Fig. 7. Comparison of ROC curves among different methods. (Left): Testing on the LAG and RIM-ONE database. (Right): The result of the ablation experiment.

and 75% of the initial dimension. Note that there is no overlap TABLE IV
for either subject or eye both in the training and validation sets. P ERFORMANCE OF THREE METHODS FOR GLAUCOMA DETECTION OVER
To test the generalization ability of our AG-CNN, we further OUR LAG VALIDATION SET AND THE TEST SET OF RIM-ONE DATABASE .
validate the performance of our method on another public
database, RIM-ONE [12]. Before inputting to AG-CNN, the Database Method Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity AUC F2−score
RGB channels of the fundus images are all resized to 224×224, Chen et al.[6] 89.2% 89.4% 89.0% 0.953 0.886
following [40], [43], [19] to save computational complexity. LAG Li et al.[29] 89.7% 91.4% 88.4% 0.960 0.901
Note that we found that higher resolution input may incur under- Ours 96.2% 95.4% 96.7% 0.983 0.954
fitting problem. In training AG-CNN, the gray attention maps Chen et al.[6] 80.0% 69.6% 87.0% 0.831 0.711
RIM-ONE Li et al.[29] 67.8% 67.4% 68.1% 0.731 0.654
are downsampled to 112 × 112 with their values normalized
Ours 85.2% 84.8% 85.5% 0.916 0.837
to be 0 ∼ 1. The cropping ratio p in equation 10 is set to be
0.5. The loss function of (14) for training the AG-CNN model to train our AG-CNN model with 25 epochs. Also, our method
is minimized through the gradient descent algorithm with the is able to detect glaucoma in 30 fundus images per second,
Adam optimizer [25]. The initial learning rate is 1 × 10−5 . The comparing to 83 and 21 images per second for [6] and [29].
learning rate is tuned over the training set in order to obtain
appropriate accuracy at a fast convergence speed. The hyper- B. Evaluation on glaucoma detection
parameters of α, β and γ in (10) were tuned over our training In this section, we compare the glaucoma detection per-
set, in order to obtain appropriate accuracy at fast convergence formance of our AG-CNN method with two other methods
speed. Specifically, We first set α = 20 and β = γ = 1 in (14) [6], [29]. Note that the models of other methods are retrained
until the loss of the attention prediction subnet converges, and over the whole training set (10,928) of our LAG database
then we set α = 1 and β = γ = 10 for focusing on the feature for a fair comparison. Table IV lists the results of accuracy,
visualization loss and glaucoma classification loss. Additionally, sensitivity, specificity, F2−score and AUC. As shown in Table
the batch size is set to be 8. IV, our AG-CNN method achieves 96.2%, 95.4% and 96.7%
Given the trained AG-CNN model, our method is evaluated in terms of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity, respectively,
and compared with two other state-of-the-art glaucoma detection which are considerably better than the other two methods. Then,
methods [6] and [29] in terms of different metrics. Specifically, the F2−score of our method is 0.954, while [6] and [29]
the metrics of accuracy, sensitivity and specificity are measured only have F2−scores of 0.886 and 0.901. The above results
according to [6] , and the Fβ−score is calculated by indicate that our AG-CNN method significantly outperforms
other two methods in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, specificity
(1 + β 2 ) · TP
Fβ−score = , (15) and F2−score.
(1 + β 2 ) · TP + β 2 · FN + FP Then, Figure 7 (left) plots the ROC curves of our and other
where TP, FP and FN are the numbers of true positive glau- methods for visualizing the trade-off between sensitivity and
coma, false positive glaucoma and false negative glaucoma, specificity. As shown in this figure that the ROC curve of our
respectively. In the above equation, β is the hyper-parameter method is closer to the upper-left corner when compared with
balancing the trade-off between sensitivity and specificity, and the other two methods. This result means that the sensitivity of
it is set to 2 since the sensitivity is more important in medical our method is always higher than those of [6], [29] at the same
diagnosis. In addition, the receiver operating characteristic curve specificity. We further quantify the ROC performance of the
(ROC) and area under ROC (AUC) are also evaluated for com- three methods through AUC. The AUC results are also reported
paring the performance of glaucoma detection. All experiments in Table IV. As shown in this table, our method has a larger
are conducted on the same computer with an Intel(R) Core(TM) AUC than the other two compared methods. In summary, we
i7-4770 CPU@3.40GHz, 32 GB RAM and a single Nvidia GTX can conclude that our method performs better in all metrics than
1080 GPU. Benefiting from the GPU, it takes around 15 hours [6], [29] in glaucoma detection.

Ours W/O ROI

Fig. 8. Comparison of pathological area localization results for glaucoma detection. (1st row): The pathological areas located by ophthalmologists. Optic cup
and disc are labeled in blue and the regions of retinal nerve fiber layer defect are labeled in green. (2nd row): The result of our method. (3rd row): The result
of the CAM-based method. (4th row): The result of the ablation experiment.

TABLE V physiologic large cupping (PLC), and other fundus disease.

T ESTING RESULTS ON THE MULTI - DISEASE SET. Specifically, 5,824 fundus images in our LAG database are
further annotated with multiple disease labels, in which 657
Category Myopia PLC Other disease All validation set
fundus images are with pathologic myopia, 66 fundus images
Accuracy 92.4% 90.0% 93.8% 96.2% are with physiologic large cupping and 212 fundus images have
Sensitivity 91.1% / 92.3% 95.4% other fundus diseases. We further test the accuracy, sensitivity
Specificity 94.4% 90.0% 94.7% 96.7%
and specificity of glaucoma detection over the validation set
of these multi-disease images. The results are shown in Table
To evaluate the generalization ability, we further compare the
V. The glaucoma detection accuracy on the sets of myopia,
performance of glaucoma detection by our method with those
physiologic large cupping and other disease decreases 3.8%,
of the other 2 methods [6], [29] on the RIM-ONE database [12].
6.0% and 2.4%, respectively, when comparing the test result
Note that we fine-tuned the models of AG-CNN, [6] and [29]
over the multi-disease sets with the result over the whole
on the training images of the RIM-ONE database. To our best
validation set. This indicates that other fundus diseases slightly
knowledge, there is no other public database of fundus images
influence the accuracy of glaucoma detection.
for glaucoma. The results are also shown in Table IV and Figure
7 (left). As shown in Table IV, all metrics of our AG-CNN C. Evaluation on attention prediction and pathological area
method over the RIM-ONE database are above 0.83, despite localization
slightly smaller than the results over our LAG database. The We first evaluate the accuracy of the attention model em-
performance of our method is considerably better than other two bedded in our AG-CNN model. The attention maps predicted
methods (except the specificity of [6]). Note that the metric of by our AG-CNN method over the LAG database and RIM-
sensitivity is more important than that of specificity in glaucoma ONE database are visualized in Figure 1 of the supplementary
detection, because other indicators, e.g., intra-ocular pressure materials. Note that all fundus images with or without GT
and the field of vision, can be further used for confirming the attention maps are directly input to the attention prediction
diagnosis of glaucoma. This result implies that our method has subnet, for outputting their attention maps. As shown in this
a high generalization ability. figure that the predicted attention maps are close to those of the
More importantly, Table IV and Figure 7 (left) show that GT, when validating on our LAG database. The CC between
our AG-CNN method performs significantly better than other the predicted attention maps and the GT is 0.934 on average,
methods especially in terms of sensitivity. In particular, the with a variance of 0.0032. The result implies that the attention
performance of [29] severely degrades, as it incurs the over- prediction subnet is able to predict attention maps with high
fitting issue. To summarize, our AG-CNN method performs well accuracy. This figure also shows that the attention maps can
in terms of generalization ability, considerably better than other locate the salient optic cup and disc for the RIM-ONE database,
state-of-the-art methods [6], [29]. in which the scales of fundus images are completely different
In order to validate the influence of other disease on glaucoma from those of the LAG database. Thus, our method is robust to
detection, we further collect the labels of pathologic myopia, the scales of fundus images in predicting attention maps.

subnet and pathological area localization subnet, respectively,
for classifying the binary labels of glaucoma. The ablation
Method Accuracy Sensitivity Specificity AUC F2−score results are reported in Table VI. As shown in this table, the
introduction of the predicted attention map and located patho-
Atten. Patho.
logical area can improve the accuracy, sensitivity, specificity
X X 96.2% 95.4% 96.7% 0.983 0.954
and F2−score by 5.4%, 4.3%, 6.2% and 5.0%, respectively.
X × 94.2% 93.7% 94.6% 0.976 0.935
However, when the attention prediction subnet is removed, the
× X 87.1% 87.7% 86.7% 0.941 0.867
performance of only embedding the pathological area localiza-
× × 90.8% 91.1% 90.5% 0.966 0.904
tion subnet is even worse, with an AUC reduction of 0.025. This
W/O weak Patho.
result indicates the necessity of our attention prediction subnet
X X 95.3% 95.4% 95.2% 0.975 0.951
for pathological area localization and glaucoma detection.
X × 94.0% 94.0% 94.0% 0.973 0.936
We further evaluate the impact of weakly supervised training
W/O multi-scale 94.0% 94.9% 93.4% 0.981 0.941
manner of the attention prediction subnet. To this end, we
* Atten.: attention prediction subnet; Patho.: pathological area localization subnet;
remove the unsupervised Lossan from Equation (12). Conse-
W/O weak: training the attention prediction subnet without weakly supervised loss.
quently, the training process of the attention prediction subnet
In this part, we focus on the performance of pathological is fully supervised. The results are also shown in Table VI.
area localization. Figure 8 visualizes the located pathological As shown, the introduction of the weakly supervised training
area over the LAG database. Comparing the pathological area manner can improve the performance of glaucoma classification
with our localization results, Figure 8 shows that our AG-CNN in terms of accuracy by 0.9% and 0.2%, with and without
model can accurately locate the areas of the optic cup and disc the pathological area localization subnet, respectively. Similar
and the region of RNFL defect, especially for the pathological results can be found for specificity and AUC. Finally, we show
areas of the upper and lower optic disc edge. the effectiveness of the proposed multi-scale block in AG-CNN,
via replacing it by the default conventional shortcut connection
Besides, we calculate the CC values between the located
in residual network [19]. The results are also tabulated in Table
pathological area and the GT attention maps of ophthalmolo-
VI. We can see that the multiscale block can enhance the
gists, with an average of 0.581 and a variance of 0.028. This
performance of glaucoma detection. In summary, our ablation
result also implies that (1) on the one hand, the pathological
experiments show that the attention prediction subnet, patholog-
area localization results are consistent with the attention maps of
ical area localization subnet, weakly supervised training manner
ophthalmologists; (2) on the other hand, the located pathological
and multiscale block are effective for glaucoma detection.
area cannot be completely covered by the attention maps. More-
over, we also compare our attention-based pathological area VI. C ONCLUSION
localization results with a state-of-the-art method [15], which In this paper, we have proposed a new deep learning method,
is based on the CAM model [55]. The results of [15] are shown named AG-CNN, for automatic glaucoma detection and patho-
in the 3rd row of Figure 8. As shown, it can roughly highlight logical area localization upon fundus images. Our AG-CNN
the ROI but cannot pinpoint the tiny pathological area, e.g., model is composed of the subnets of attention prediction,
the upper and lower edges of the optic disc boundary. In some pathological area localization and glaucoma classification and
cases, [15] highlight the boundary of the eyeball, indicating that is trained in weakly supervised manner. As such, glaucoma
the CAM-based methods extracted some unuseful features (i.e., could be detected using the deep features highlighted by the
redundancy) for classification. Therefore, the pathological area visualized maps of pathological areas, based on the predicted
localization in our approach is effective and reliable, particularly attention maps. For training the AG-CNN model, we established
compared to the CAM-based method that does not incorporate the LAG database with 11,760 fundus images labeled as positive
human attention. or negative glaucoma. A total of 5,824 images in our LAG
database have the attention map on glaucoma detection obtained
D. Results of ablation experiments from 4 ophthalmologists. The experiment results show that the
In our ablation experiments, we first investigate the impact predicted attention maps improve the performance of glaucoma
of predicted attention maps for pathological area localization. detection and pathological area localization in our AG-CNN
To this end, we simply remove the attention prediction subnet, method, far better than other state-of-the-art methods.
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