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Full Fathom Five

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William shakespeare

William Shakespeare and Christopher Marlowe, they was born in the

same age, but Christopher Marlowe was biger than William
shakespeare so many techniques that William shakespeare was using it
in his plays, it was used first by Christopher Marlowe so a lot of fingers
.were pointed at William Shakespeare when Christopher died.
William Shakespeare is the greatest playwright England ever produced,
and his sonnets are among the best in the English language.
The poetry of his plays is characsertized by :
Variety of style, subjec matter, and mood .
His language can be:
Powerful, persuaslye, almost bombastic sometimes, mellow, soft
Tender at other times.
It is easy to detect certain verbosity in his poetry at certain times while
in others, especlally in his later plays, his language tends to be
condensed; almost terse and both thought and feeling are revealed In
.brief, but clear Images and descrlptiond.
His style can be:
High means he use" Language enhanced" , poetic language for high
cless or an educated class .
While low style means he use the language of the common people.And
sometimes use market terminology even "vulgar", So any one can read
His poetry also reveals a wide knowledge of man in various social ,
political,or moral situations .
In his plays reveal the greatness of his dramatic poetry his sonnets are
a record of his great lyrical power.
He brought the English sonnet into perfection, hence it is called the
Shakespearean sonnet.William Shakespeare he didn't invented English
sonnet but he was popular in using it. So English sonnet known as
Shakespearean sonnet that consists of three quatrains and in the final
couplet. While a single thought is developed in the three quatrains, the
final couplet is a conclusion. Or a twice in meaning which stands in
contrast to the ornate style are to be found.

The themes of Shakespeare's sonnets are:

Death, love, Immortality of poetry, and the vicissitude of life, and .
In these sonnets the plain and the ornate styles are to be found .

Full fathom five

This sonnet taken from which play?
It sonnet taken from Shakespeare sonnet call "The Tempest".
First line:
Full fathom five thy father lies;
Plenty of allietration: sound/f /.
Why the poet choose sound "f" in first line?
Because "f” is strong. To show the continuity movement of the boat or
of a ship.When the boat or a ship move in the water it leaves "freeze
or flow " behind it. So he has chosen "f" sound to refers to the
continuity of movement in the water.
In this pome we have speaker, Who is speaker?
The Spirit, Ariel, the speaker . Ariel = the spirit who sing the song and
his part comic in the play.
Who is fathom?
Fathom is measure which equal six feet used to measure the depth of
the sea.
Questions about line 2 :
Whose bones he mean by “ coral”?
Ariel, told Ferdinand that his father’s bones are going to become “
Who convince Ferdinand?
Ariel convinced Ferdinand that his father is not fade, and death is not
the end of life and that his father, just his body transformed into things
that are rich and valuable.
Who was raning the bell?
Mermaid, nymphs
They are singing for death of Ferdinand’s father, they are ringing the
bell. But the bell ringing in sad sound for the death of someone.
General meaning :
Ferdinand, is the Prince of Naples, his father is not drowned in the sea.
But He thinks that his father is drowned in the sea, so he become sad
because of his thought that his father is drowned. And Ariel is going to
comfort or sympathies with Ferdinand.

Line1 : full fathom five thy father lies.

Ariel, he will sing his song. he is telling him in his song “ full fathom five
your father lies” your father is lying thirty feet at the bottom of the
sea. Thirty feet = because fathom equal six feet used to measure the
depth of the sea.
This fathom is repeated five times so it is 6 × 5 = 30.
Ariel is singing the song telling Ferdinand that his father is lying in the
sea about 30 feet at the bottom of the sea.
Line 1 and 2 is metaphor, he wants to say even if your father is dead
but if does not mean that your father ends. Death is a gate for another
life. Death is not the end of our life. Death is transitional stage, through
this stage we are going to another life.
Line 2 : of his bones are coral made;

He says “his bones become coral” it is very beautiful.

Line 3 : Those are pearls that were his eyes :

And his eyes become pearls.

‫ي انبعاث المسيح‬
َ ‫هناك فكرة يؤمنون بها المسيح ونحن ال نؤمن بها وه‬
.Resurrection of Christ
" ‫" مهمة و تسأل عنها في االمتحان‬
Ariel is taking about the resurrection, he says even though your father
died, but his bones become coral, his bones transformed into coral and
his eyes are transformed into pearls. Pearls = precious stone.

Line 4 : Nothing of him that doth fade,

Nothing of his body fade.

Line 5 : But doth suffer a sea-change

Just his body changes, he is transformed or changes, that’s all.

Line 6 : Into something rich and strange :

He died and death does not means he fade. By contrast, his body is
transformed into something rich. The pearls is expensive, also coral is
expensive. In the word “ rich” he means the precious things or thing
have value and useful.
His body transformed into strange,
Strange because coral and pearls are not part of human nature. So it is
strange because he changes into things that are strange of Human
nature. He does not transformed into something Human have. Human
have not coral and pearls.
Line 7 : Sea nymphs hourly ring his knell.

Ding – dong!
In the sea there creatures that are called nymphs. They are going to
ring the bell, they ring the bell to declare the death of someone, in the
church they either bring the bell in weddings or in the death of
Because it is death, the rhythm of the bell is sad, Ding – dong. And it is
similar to the word “ death” both of them starts with the letter “d” and
death also.

Line 8 : Hark ! Now I hear them,

Ding – dong, bell !
Hark = listen, i hear them ringing the bell.

Figure of speech :
Ding – dong and hear = auditory image.
Coral and pearls = visual image.
Ding – dong = Onomatopoeia.
Onomatopoeia, the naming of a thing or action by a vocal imitation
of the sound associated with it.
Dong – dong, This sound is Onomatopoeia of death.
Line 1 Alliteration. Full fathom five father.
Assonance = Five lies
.Contrast between line 4 – and 5
But = refers to contrast = he says Even though he died and his body
fade, but he is still alive. The Spirit never fades.
.Enjambment line 5 and 6
The poem is sonnet and Lyric, Lyric a poem is written to be song.

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