Assisting With Paracentesis
Assisting With Paracentesis
Assisting With Paracentesis
Identify the purpose of the abdominal paracentesis;
Check allergies to medications or anesthetic, bleeding problems, medications currently using
including aspririn or if client might be pregnant.
Assess client’s knowledge regarding abdominal paracentesis.
Assess the client for bleeding tendencies to determine the risk of bleeding during and after the
Antiseptic swab, Fenestrated drape, Lidocaine 15, 5-mL ampule, Syringe, 10 mL;2-inch-long
injection needle, No.11 blade scalpel; 14-gauge catheter over 17-gauge x 6-inch needle with three-way
stopcock or one-way valve, self-sealing valve, and a 5-Ml Luer Lock syringe; Drainage Bag or vacuum
container; tubing set with roller clamp; adhesive dressing; gauze, 4 inch x 4 inch
B. Directions: Provide your assessment findings/rationale on the box. You are rated based on the
performance rubrics.
1. Identify the purpose for the This allows the nurse to anticipate effects of the
abdominal paracentesis. abdominal paracentesis and to observe client’s
2. Check allergies to medications or This will decrease the chance of complication during
anesthetic, bleeding problems, the abdominal paracentesis.
medications currently using,
including aspirin, or if the client
might be pregnant
3. Assess client’s knowledge Determines the need for education and assists in
regarding the abdominal identifying questions and concerns.
4. Assess the client for bleeding Patients with bleeding disorders are at risk of
tendencies perioperative bleeding.
6. Ask the client if he has ever had Paracentesis is an invasive procedure, hence clients
the procedure done before. Tell the are at increased risk for infection, especially
client that the procedure is perotinitis. This allows for conversation to explain the
usually not painful.
procedure, what to expect and to clarify questions the
client may have.
7. Check the physician’s or By understanding the reasons, the nurse can better
qualified practitioner’s order for clarify procedure for clients. This also allows the
the reason for the test and clarify nurse to have available the correct collection
diagnosis. container. If the procedure is for a cell count, a test
tube for a small amount of fluid will be needed to
send a specimen to the laboratory.
8. Verify that a consent form has This is a surgical procedure and hence requires that
been signed by the client. the client understand the potential associated risks.
The consent also protects the hospital, client,
physician or qualified practitioner, and nurse legally.
9. Assess the client’s allergic status Protects the client from an avoidable allergic reaction.
to local anesthetics or antiseptic
10. Ask the client to void as Decreases the potential of inadvertently piercing the
completely as possible. client’s bladder. If urination is not possible,
catheterization will be necessary.
11. Measure the client’s abdominal Allows for assessment of the amount of fluid removed
girth and weight. and serves as a comparison if fluid reaccumulates.
12. Help the client to assume a fully In a sitting position,the client’s intestines will float
supported upright position in the away from the paracentesis site and the danger of
bed or chair, if possible. If the punctured intestines will be lessened.
client can sit in a chair,support
his or her feet.
15. Place a blood pressure cuff on Allows you to assess the client’s blood pressure
one of the client’s arms continuously since the removal of excessive fluid or
removal that is too fast can cause a decrease in blood
pressure and potentially shock.
16. Record the client’s blood Indicates if the client is experiencing vascular
pressure readings and pulse rate collapse.
at 15-minute intervals and
observe the client for signs of
pallor or sweating.
17. When the procedure is Enables the client to relax after the procedure.
completed, assist the client to
assume a comfortable position.
20. Label the fluid specimen, place If the fluid is for culture and sensitivity, overgrowth of
in biohazard bag, and send it to microorganisms will occur if the fluid is allowed to
the laboratory as soon as sit. Label identifies specimen. Bag protects you from
possible. contact with body fluids.
21. Record and describe the amount Communicates the findings to the other members of
of fluid drained. Describe the health care team and contributes to the legal
consistency, color, and opacity of record by documenting the care given to the client.
the fluid
24. Assess client’s response Based on the results, further medical intervention
regarding the treatment. may be necessary.
C. Write medical terms and abbreviations related to this procedure. Provide meaning for each.
Abdomen - (commonly called the belly) is the body space between the thorax (chest) and pelvis.
Abdominal Paracentesis - is a sterile procedure in which a needle is inserted through the
abdominal wall to obtain a sample of any fluid that is present or to drain a larger
volume of fluid to relieve pressure.
Abdominal Girth - is the measurement of the distance around the abdomen at a specific point.
Measurement is most often made at the level of the belly button (navel)