Vam Manual
Vam Manual
Vam Manual
Chapter Objective: This chapter describes the general precautions the operator
should take care while operating the machine.
Safeties in Handling LiBr: LiBr has to be stored in a cool and well-ventilated location and
possible contact with water is to be avoided. Special measures
are not required for handling. However, while handling the
chemical, exposure is to be avoided with minimum contact with
skin and eye. It is not recommended to inhale LiBr smell too
much. The emptied containers should be disposed of properly
(as per applicable regulations).
The work area should be provided with adequate local exhaust
ventilation, where dust or mist may be generated. Local
exhaust ventilation, confinement of the mist generation
equipment and/or room ventilation system, as well as
adequate engineering controls are needed, to ensure worker
exposure below TLV (Threshold Limit Value for Chemical
Substances in the Work Environment).
a] Number of persons exposed should be minimum.
b] Chemical goggles, rubber gloves and respiratory
protection are recommended for use.
c] Clothing should be close fitting and clean.
d] Eating, smoking and drinking are not permitted, while
handling LiBr.
e] Breathing LiBr mist is prohibited.
f] A hot shower is recommended for the worker, handling
the chemical, after the work shift.
g] The leaking and spilled liquid is to be collected in
sealable containers as far as possible.
h] The remaining liquid has to be absorbed in dry sand or
inert absorbent.
i] Washing away the chemical to sewer is not
Figure 1.1
A.4.1. Electrical scheme
A.5.Product Brief
STEAM PRESSURE: The machine can operate for steam pressure ranging from 4
kg/cm2 g to 10.5 kg/cm2 g
Modes of Operation The vapour absorption heat pump functions in two modes
namely Simultaneous Heating Cooling Mode and Cooling
Individual Parts The operation of the various parts of the absorption machine
in the simultaneous heating cooling mode is described below.
Heat exchangers The absorbent pump pumps the diluted absorbent to the high
temperature generator. A part of it first passes through drain
heat exchangers where it absorbs heat from the condensed
refrigerant from the low temperature generator. It next flows
through heat reclaimer where it absorbs heat from steam
condensate. The other part of liquid passes the low
Individual Parts The operation of the various parts of the absorption machine
is described below.
Heat exchangers The absorbent pump pumps the diluted absorbent to the high
temperature generator. A part of it first passes through drain
heat exchangers where it absorbs heat from the condensed
refrigerant from the low temperature generator. It next flows
through heat reclaimer where it absorbs heat from steam
condensate. The other part of liquid passes the low
temperature heat exchanger where it absorbs heat from the
concentrated absorbent. It next flows through the high
temperature heat exchanger where it absorbs heat from the
intermediate absorbent solution. Then both the dilute
solutions mix at high temperature heat exchanger outlet .The
solution then enter the high temperature generator. The heat
exchangers serve to heat up the absorbent solution before it
enters the high temperature generator for regeneration. This
reduces the heat input required in the high temperature
generator. This increases the efficiency of the cycle.
High Temperature The high temperature generator (HTG) consists of a tube
Generator bundle, an outer shell and a set of eliminators. Steam is
allowed to pass inside the tubes. The diluted absorbent flows
around these tubes and is heated. The temperature of the
solution increases until it reaches it's boiling point. The
Low Temperature The low temperature generator (LTG) and condensor tube
Generator and bundles are enclosed in a shell and are separated by an
Condensor insulation plate. The vaporised refrigerant flows into the LTG
tubes. It heats the intermediate absorbent, flowing outside the
tubes, and condenses. The condensed refrigerant flows into
the condenser. Refrigerant vapourised from the intermediate
absorbent passes through the eliminators to the condenser.
Here cooling water being circulated inside the condenser
tubes cools it. The refrigerant vapour condenses on the
outside of the condensor tubes and collects in the bottom of
the condensor. The condensed refrigerant from the LTG and
the condensor mix and flows to the evaporator. The
absorbent, which has become concentrated in the LTG drains
to the absorber to begin a new absorbent cycle.
Capacity Control The cooling capacity of the machine is the total heat extracted from
the chilled water. The chilled water flow rate to the machine is kept
constant. Hence the capacity is proportional to the difference in the
temperatures of the inlet and outlet chilled water.
Safeties Safety devices are provided to protect the machine from abnormal
conditions and safeguard it from damage and ensure continued
Safety devices are –
C30HP00A07 A07.1.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Antifreeze protection. To prevent the chilled water from freezing in the evaporator tubes,
the safety functions below stops the machine if abnormal
conditions leading to ice formation appear.
(i) L-cut : If the chilled water outlet temperature drops below the L-cut
setpoint, the refrigerant pump is switched off. The L-cut is set from
C30HP00A07 A07.2.
A.07.Control & Safeties
the cool mode control loop screen. This safety prevents further
temperature drop of the chilled water. The refrigerant pump will
restart after the Chilled water outlet temperature rises above the L-
cut setpoint plus the hysterisis set point.
(ii) Antifreeze :
If the chilled water outlet temperature drops below the antifreeze
set point, the machine trips and the ‘TOTAL SHUTDOWN’ alarm
sequence is carried out. The alarm will be reset only after the
chilled water outlet temperature rises above the antifreeze set point
plus the hysterisis set point.
Chilled water pump Chilled water flow is essential for machine operation. A potential
interlock : free contact is to be wired from the chilled water pump motor
starter to VAM/c panel to sense chilled water pump ON / OFF /
TRIP status. The machine starts only when the chilled water pump
is ON. If the chilled water pump stops / trips during operation, the
‘TOTAL SHUTDOWN’ alarm sequence is carried out.
Chilled water flow If the chilled water flow drops below 50% of the rated value, the
switch : ‘TOTAL SHUTDOWN’ alarm sequence is carried out.
Chilled water DP If the chilled water flow drops below 50-60% of the rated value, the
switch: ‘TOTAL SHUTDOWN’ alarm sequence is carried out.
Electrical wiring should be done such that if flow switch or DP
switch operates either all the cooling water pumps should stop OR
the pneumatic butterfly valve in cooling water circuit should close
Cooling water flow Cooling water flow should be stopped immediately when the chilled
cutoff: water flow stops in the m/c. So the pneumatically controlled auto
shut off valve should is used for stopping the cooling water flow.
Steam control valve The strong solution concentration is calculated in the PLC .The
modulation on crystallization temperature for that concentration is also calculated
crystallization by the PLC. The PLC always tries to keep the Pre set safe
prevention safety distance between the crystallization temperature and strong
solution temperature of low temperature heat exchanger outlet. If
the distance is less than the pre set safe distance then the PLC
C30HP00A07 A07.3.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Cooling water low If the cooling water inlet temperature drops below the cooling water
temperature safety low temperature set point, the ‘DILUTION CYCLE’ alarm sequence
is carried out and the machine goes into dilution cycle immediately.
The alarm can be reset only when the cooling water inlet
temperature rises above the cooling water low temperature set
point plus hysterisis set value. During initial startup till generator
temperature reaches to 120°C this safety is bypassed. However
30min after startup this safety will be in operation irrespective of
generator temperature.
Valve control on HTG When the HTG temperature exceeds the value(set point minus
temperature 1°C), the steam control valve closes immediately. This prevents
further increase in LiBr concentration. The valve control is returned
to the chilled water temperature control loop when the HTG
temperature drops below (set point minus 4°C).
HTG Vapor If the HTG vapor temperature exceeds above the HTG vapor
temperature high temperature set point, the DILUTION alarm sequence is carried out
and the machine goes into dilution cycle. The alarm can only be
reset only when the HTG vapor temperature goes below the HTG
vapor temp trip set point minus the set hysterisis value.
HTG high If the HTG temperature exceeds the HTG high temperature set
temperature safety point, the ‘DILUTION CYCLE’ alarm sequence is carried out and
the machine goes into dilution cycle immediately. HTG high
temperature alarm can be reset only when the HTG temperature
drops below the set point minus the hysterisis set value (5°C).
This setpoint may vary slightly for nonstandard machines.
Note The set points mentioned in above descriptions are nominal set
points and may vary to some extent if machine parameters are
different from literature parameters.
Cavitation protection If the refrigerant level in the evaporator pan falls below set level,
of refrigerant pump. the pressure in the refrigerant pump suction drops below the
saturation pressure of the refrigerant and the refrigerant pump
starts to cavitate. To ensure minimum acceptable suction pressure
the level of refrigerant is not allowed to fall below a certain level.
This is done by means of three level electrodes, RE1, RE2, RE3,
and a level relay, 33RL.
The three electrodes are mounted in the refrigerant level
box assembly on the lower shell (Evaporator side). RE1 electrode
is the smallest in length and RE3 is the longest. The level is
maintained between RE1 and RE2. RE3 acts as a reference
electrode. When the level reaches RE1, the pump starts and when
C30HP00A07 A07.4.
A.07.Control & Safeties
the level goes below RE2, the pump stops and restarts only when
the level reaches RE1 again. When the level goes below RE2, a
delay of 20 seconds is provided before the pump is switched off.
Pump will not stop if level goes upto/above RE2 in this 20sec.
Cavitation protection If the absorbent level in the absorber sump falls excessively, the
of absorbent pump. pressure in the absorbent pump suction drops below the saturation
pressure of the absorbent solution and the absorbent pump starts
to cavitate. To ensure minimum acceptable suction pressure, the
level of absorbent is controlled. Absorbent level in the HTG is not
allowed to rise above a certain level. This prevents excess
absorbent from being pumped out of the absorber sump. This is
done by means of three level electrodes, AE1, AE2, AE3, and a
level relay, 33AL.
The three electrodes are mounted on the high temperature
generator level box. AE1 is the smallest electrode and AE3 is the
longest. The level is to be maintained below AE1. AE3 acts as the
reference electrode. When the level reaches AE1, the pump stops
after a delay of 5 seconds. When the level goes below AE2, the
pump restarts.
Motor protection
Absorbent pump If the absorbent pump motor draws more than its rated current, this
overload relay overload relay trips and the ‘TOTAL SHUTDOWN’ alarm sequence
is carried out. The alarm is reset by resetting the overload relay.
Refrigerant pump If the refrigerant pump motor draws more than its rated current, this
overload relay overload relay trips and the ‘DILUTION CYCLE’ alarm sequence is
carried out. Resetting the overload relay resets the alarm.
Purge pump overload If the purge pump motor draws more than its rated current, this
relay overload relay trips. Resetting the overload relay resets the alarm.
Alarm sequences : There are three alarm sequences which activate when the fault
conditions occur
¾ Dilution cycle alarm sequence.
¾ Total shutdown alarm sequence.
¾ Purge pump trip alarm.
Dilution cycle alarm This alarm sequence protects the machine from crystallisation.
Fault conditions which activate this alarm sequence are -
C30HP00A07 A07.5.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Total Shutdown Alarm This alarm sequence protects the machine from freezing of the
Sequence evaporator or any other damage.
Fault conditions which activate this alarm sequence are -
Power failure alarm This alarm is displayed when the machine is powered up after a
sequence power failure during operation. After acknowledging and resetting
the alarm the machine will go in dilution cycle.
NOTE During vacuum pump trip, HTG top and bottom condensate line
sensor error, Chilled inlet temp sensor error only alarm will come.
Alarm When an alarm sequence is initiated, the alarm screen will pop up,
acknowledgment and with an audio alarm.
reset sequence
Unless and until the activated alarm is acknowledged the user will
not be allowed access to any other screen.
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A.07.Control & Safeties
Example If the chilled water pump trips, three alarms will be triggered :
Chilled water pump ‘OFF / TRIP’
Chilled water flow switch ‘TRIP’
Chilled water DP switch ‘TRIP’
¾ The ‘ALARM’ screen will pop-up and the hooter will start.
‘CHILLED WATER PUMP OFF / TRIP’ will be displayed on the
‘ALARM’ screen.
¾ Pressing ACK key will stop the hooter, and ‘CHILLED WATER
FLOW SWITCH TRIPPED’ will be displayed on the ‘ALARM’
¾ Pressing ACK again will display the next active alarm i.e.
¾ Once all the alarms have been acknowledged, go to the
‘STATUS’ screen and monitor the current status of the
concerned devices, i.e.
Chilled water pump ‘CHW’ ‘PUMP OFF’
Chilled water flow switch ‘FLSw’ ‘TRIP’
Chilled water DP switch ‘DPSw’ ‘TRIP’
¾ After the chilled water pump has been started and the required
flow is resumed, the ‘STATUS’ screen display will be -
Chilled water pump ‘CHW’ ‘PUMP ON’
Chilled water flow switch ‘FLSw’ ‘HEALTHY’
Chilled water DP switch ‘DPSw’ ‘HEALTHY’
¾ Once this condition is achieved, press alarm reset K4 key to
reset the alarms. The red LED will go off to indicate that the
alarm has been reset.
Start the machine by pressing the 'M/C START' key on the
operation screen.
Set points
The field instruments and the components in the control panel are
to be set as follows
C30HP00A07 A07.7.
A.07.Control & Safeties
1. Chilled water temperature control set - Refer machine specs.
point (CHWSP)
2. Chilled water temperature modulation
control settings:
a) Proportional Band - 240
b) Integral Band + 10
c) Derivative Band 0
3. L-cut set point 1°C
4. L-cut hysterisis 2°C
5. Antifreeze 4°C
6. Hysterisis 2°C
7. Cooling water inlet temperature set 10oC
8. Cooling water inlet temperature 5°C
9. HTG trip set point 160°C
10. HTG hysterisis 5°C
11. HTG temperature set point for AC drive 150° C Optional
for absorbent pump speed control
12. HTG condensate temperature 10° C
13. Data log sampling time 60 min
14. Trip log sampling time 1 min
15. Anti-chattering timer for FS, DPS & 3 sec Not accessible
INTERLOCK of chilled water.
16. Dilution cycle timer 20 min Not accessible
17. OFF delay timer for absorbent pump 3 sec Not accessible
18. OFF delay timer for refrigerant pump 20 sec Not accessible
19. Star-Delta change over time for CHW 7 sec Not accessible
20. H cut differential (Applicable for heat 1° C Adjustable
pump only)
21. H cut hysterisis (Applicable for heat 5° C Adjustable
pump only)
22. HTG Vapour temperature trip set point 100° C Adjustable
23. HTG Vapour temperature hysterisis 10° C Adjustable
24. CT fan ON/OFF set point 25° C Adjustable
25. CT fan hysterisis 3° C Adjustable
PLC Input/Output
C30HP00A07 A07.8.
A.07.Control & Safeties
C30HP00A07 A07.9.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Address Description
AIW0 Chilled water inlet temperature
AIW2 Chilled water outlet temperature
AIW4 Cooling water inlet temperature
AIW6 HTG Top temperature
QW0 Signal to I/P converter
AIW8 HTG temperature
AIW10 HTG vapour temperature
AIW12 Spray solution temperature
AIW14 HTG Bottom Temperature
QW4 Spare
Analog Inputs RTD PT100
Module type EM231 1 No.
Address Description
AIW16 ‘U’ Tube Temperature
AIW18 LTG Temperature
OP7 Operator The entire operation of the VAM/c is controlled through the OP7
Interface:- operator interface.
C30HP00A07 A07.10.
A.07.Control & Safeties
• 'TRIP'
• 'HTG / COW SP'
Product Info Screen This screen is the startup screen and is displayed on power up.
The first page of this screen displays the Product and Model
Main Menu : This screen displays the names of all the other function and
operation screens.
Access - K1 Key The first page of the 'MAIN MENU' screen shown the names of the
'OPERATIONS', 'STATUS', and 'SETPONTS' screens, and shows
the keys to be pressed to activate them.
C30HP00A07 A07.11.
A.07.Control & Safeties
The third page shows the ‘ALARMS’ and the 'DATALOG’ screen
activation keys.
The fourth page shows the ‘SERVICES’ and the 'PLC DATE/TIME’
screen activation keys.
The fifth page shows the ‘PRODUCT INFO’, 'M/C MODES' and the
'ALARM LOG’ screen activation keys.
Operation Basic machine operations are carried out through this screen. This
screen consists of 6 pages, viz.
C30HP00A07 A07.12.
A.07.Control & Safeties
C30HP00A07 A07.13.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Status This screen displays the current on-line status of the machine
Access - K3 Key safeties, Interlocks, pumps, control valve, levels, temperature
sensors, switches etc.
To invoke this screen, press K3 key. (It can also be accessed from
the 'MAIN MENU' screen.) This will display the first page of
'STATUS' screen. Other pages can be scrolled up by pressing F3
key and down by pressing F4 key.
Set points This screen can be accessed from 'MAIN MENU' screen - page 1,
by pressing the F3 key. Access the different set points by scrolling
Here following set points can be changed.
CHW OUT SP OUT SP - On access of the 'SET POINTS' screen,
the cursor blinks at this set point entry field. Type the required set
point here and press ENTER key. To discard wrongly keyed
entries press ESC (escape) key.
CHW OUT TEMP and COW OUT TEMP are also displayed.
C30HP00A07 A07.14.
A.07.Control & Safeties
VALVE LIMIT - As the steam control valves are selected for the
range of machine models, the value of steam control valve opening
at which the rated capacity is achieved has to be the limit for valve
openings. This value determines the maximum limit on the steam
control valve opening. To change this set point scroll down cursor
to this set point value. When the cursor blinks here, type the
required %, and press ENTER key.
M/C Parameters This screen displays all measured temperatures in degree
Access - K2 Key Centigrade, steam control valve status, and pump status.
Utility In the first page of this screen, the number of hours the machine
has run and the number of times the machine has tripped are
In the second page of this screen, the number of purge pump run
hours is displayed. The date and time at which the purge pump
was last run is also displayed
The activated alarm text will be displayed, with date and time of
occurrence, in the alarm window.
C30HP00A07 A07.15.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Service Settings The critical machine parameter settings can be edited through the
SERVICE screen. To avoid access from unauthorized persons,
these screens are password protected
There are 10 pages of Service Settings
C30HP00A07 A07.16.
A.07.Control & Safeties
Machine operation (start / stop) mode can be changed from local to
remote and vice versa using F1 and F2 keys. Press F1 key to
operate machine locally, and press F2 to operate machine
C30HP00A07 A07.17.
A.07.Control & Safeties
L CUT HYST – This set point determines the value above the L
CUT SP at which the refrigerant pump restarts. The refrigerant
pump restarts when the chilled water outlet temperature becomes
greater than or equal to L CUT SP + L CUT HYST. Unit is degree
C30HP00A07 A07.18.
A.07.Control & Safeties
C30HP00A07 A07.19.
A.07.Control & Safeties
OPEN (F1) – This key lets you open the STEAM CONTROL
VALVE by increments of 1% when the chilled water PID loop is in
manual mode.
CLOSE (F2) - This key closes the STEAM CONTROL VALVE by
decrements of 1% when the chilled water PID loop is in manual
HTG TEMP LOW LIMIT - This set point is used to start the AC
drive modulation at minimum frequency (35 Hz).
HTG TEMP LOW LIMIT - This set point is used to stop the AC
drive modulation at maximum frequency (50 Hz).
PLC date / time This screen displays the current DATE and TIME of the PLC
C30HP00A07 A07.20.
A.07.Control & Safeties
To synchronize the time setting of the PLC and the OP7, switch off
power to PLC panel, and then switch it on again.
Machine Mode Machine "COOL" mode (F1) / "HEAT" mode (F2) can be changed
from this screen.
Alarm Log In this screen, the last six alarms logged in PLC are displayed. By
pressing F3 and F4 keys all six alarms can be scrolled.
C30HP00A07 A07.21.
A.07.Control & Safeties
C30HP00A07 A07.22.
A.08.Start & Stop Procedure
Pre - start checks ¾ Switch on the input power supply to the control panel.
¾ Check and maintain the vacuum in the machine.
¾ Check all the set points on the operator panel.
( Refer list of set points )
¾ Set the position of all the function keys on the operator panel,
as follows :
• ‘MACHINE ’ status. - OFF
• ‘PURGE’ key. - STOP
• ‘REF. PUMP’ key. - AUTO
• ‘AUTO/MAN’ key - AUTO
Note : - These settings are default and should appear when
the machine is powered up.
Starting Procedure ¾ Start the chilled water pump and maintain the required ∆P
across the machine. If the flow rate is less than minimum rated
flow, CHILLED WATER FLOW LOW status will be displayed on
the ‘STATUS’ screen of the operator panel. After setting right
the flow, the DP switch and the flow switch will indicate
HEALTHY indication.
¾ Start the cooling water flow and maintain the required ∆P
across the machine.
¾ Maintain the required air pressure (oil and moisture free air)
supply to the air filter regulators.
¾ Open the isolating valve before the steam control valve and
maintain the required dry and saturated steam pressure before
the steam control valve.
¾ Give machine ‘START’ command on the operator panel.
Machine ON indication is displayed on the ‘STATUS’ screen.
¾ Absorbent pump contactor 88A is energized. Absorbent pump
‘ON/OFF’ is controlled by the level controller 33AL. Absorbent
pump ‘ON/RUN’ indication is displayed on the ‘STATUS’
¾ Refrigerant pump contactor 88R is energized. Refrigerant
pump ‘ON/OFF’ is controlled by the level controller 33RL. The
refrigerant pump ‘ON/RUN’ indication is available on the
‘STATUS’ screen.
¾ Slow opening of steam control valve starts and opens from 0-
100% in 10 minutes, when the high temperature generator
temperature is below 70°C. The steam control valve slow
opening indication is available on the ‘STATUS’ screen.
¾ After 10 minutes the control valve is put into modulation control.
The valve opening is controlled according to the chilled water
PID temperature control and the valve status will be displayed
When the potential free contacts of the PLC are used to start or
stop chilled water pump and hot / cooling water pump or shut off
valve, the machine start command automatically starts the chilled
water pump and the hot / cooling water pump or opens the cooling
water shut off valve in proper sequence.
Stopping Procedure ¾ Press the ‘M/C STOP’ switch into the ‘OFF’ position on the
operator panel.
¾ Steam control valve closes immediately.
¾ Machine goes into dilution cycle and the indication ‘DILUTION
CYCLE ON’ on the ‘STATUS’ screen.
¾ The contactor 88R is de-energized and the refrigerant pump is
stopped after 4 minutes.
¾ Cooling water shut off valve closes after 4 minutes.
¾ The status screen will indicate hot / cooling water pump / shut
off valve ‘DISABLED’.
¾ After 20 minutes, dilution cycle completes and the absorbent
pump stops.
¾ ‘STATUS’ screen indicates ‘MACHINE : OFF’.
¾ Stop the chilled water pump / flow.
¾ The machine stops completely.
When the potential free contacts of the PLC are used to start and
stop the chilled water pump and hot / cooling water pump / shut off
valve, the machine stop command automatically stops the chilled
water pump and the hot / cooling water pump or closes the cooling
water shut off valve in proper sequence.
Service valves One service valve provides access for the manometer to the
machine, and the other provides access for maintenance
procedures like N2 charging and sampling.
Purge pump A two stage oil sealed vacuum pump for evacuating the
machine and carrying out maintenance procedures.
Measuring vacuum Three different vacuum measurements are carried out. The
positions of the manual purge valves for these measurements
are described in the table below.
Position of Manual Purge Valves
Vacuum reading Valve no. 1 Valve no. 2 Valve No. 3
Ultimate (No Load) Vacuum Open Closed Closed
Pressure in the storage Closed Open Closed
Pressure in the shell Closed Closed Open
Reading the The manometer (see Figure 9.2) consists of a glass tube
manometer fitted into a casing with a graduated scale. One end of the
glass tube is sealed and the other end is connected to the
vessel whose degree of vacuum is to be measured. Mercury
C30 HP00 A09 A09.1
A.09.Operating Instructions
fills the glass tube from the sealed end to the bottom of the
graduated scale.
When the manometer is connected to a vessel at a vacuum of
100mmHg or greater, the mercury drops in the sealed leg of
the glass tube. The degree of vacuum is the difference in the
level of mercury in the two legs. This is read off the graduated
The level of mercury in the sealed leg of the manometer
should always be higher than the other leg. Otherwise the
reading is wrong and the manometer has to be repaired.
When the manometer is connected to the atmosphere the
mercury should rise to the top of the sealed leg. If there is a
gap between the mercury and the top of the sealed leg of the
manometer, it is faulty and should be repaired.
Procedure ¾ Put the refrigerant pump switch into “auto” mode if it is not
C30 HP00 A09 A09.2
A.09.Operating Instructions
so already.
¾ Confirm that the refrigerant pump is running and
refrigerant is visible in the sight glass.
¾ Open the refrigerant blowdown valve completely.
Refrigerant starts being pumped to the absorber sump.
¾ Wait till the refrigerant pump stops due to low level signal
from the refrigerant level relay (about 15min), and close
the refrigerant blowdown valve completely.
¾ Refrigerant will start building up and the refrigerant pump
will start when the refrigerant level reaches the center of
the evaporator sight glass. (About 20 min)
¾ Repeat the procedure two or three times for complete
purification of refrigerant.
Precautions ¾ Outlet chilled water temperature goes up during the
blowdown procedure, and will go down when the
refrigerant restarts. Blowdown operation is carried out
when chilling requirement is not critical.
¾ Carry out refrigerant blowdown once a week.
P u r g e S y s te m
M a n u a l p u rg e
v a lv e N o . 2
M a n u a l p u rg e
M a n o m e te r
v a lv e N o .3
S e r v ic e v a lv e
M a n u a l p u rg e
v a lv e N o .1
L iq u id
T ra p
P u rg e
ta n k
P u rg e p u m p
Figure 9.1
Figure 9.2
Operating Log
Record readings in accordance with the operating log at frequent intervals. These aid the
operator to recognize both normal and abnormal machine conditions and also aids in
planning the preventive maintenance schedule and in diagnosing machine problems. A
typical operating log sheet is shown below.
Re Items Unit Date : / /
1. Time : : : :
2. Chilled water flow rate m /hr
3. Chilled water inlet & outlet temp. °C ( / ) / / /
4. Chilled water inlet & outlet kg/cm2g / / /
5. Cooling water flow rate m3/hr
6. Cooling water inlet & outlet temp. °C ( / ) / / /
7. Cooling water inlet & outlet kg/cm2g / / /
8. Generator temp. °C
9. Generator vapour temp. °C
10. Generator fluid level O
11. Absorber fluid level O
12. Evaporator fluid level O
13. Steam pressure before SCV kg/cm2g
14. Steam pressure in HTG header kg/cm2g
15. Steam control valve opening %
16. Pressure in storage tank mmHg
17. Pressure in shell mmHg
18. Attained vacuum of purge pump mmHg
19. Steam Consumption Kg/hr
The lower the The temperature at which the refrigerant vapour in the
temperature of hot / condenser condenses, goes down in proportion to the
cooling water, the reduction in the temperature of hot / cooling water. Hence
better. the temperature differences available in the absorber and
condenser increase enabling the machine to deliver a higher
than rated capacity. As the capacity increases for the same
solution flow rate, the various inefficiencies of the heat
exchange reduce, thereby increasing the efficiency of
Extremely low cooling LiBr solution crystallizes when it is cooled. As the LiBr
water temperature is not solution concentration decreases, the crystallization
acceptable. temperature decreases. At a concentration of 65% the
crystallization temperature is 42°C, at a concentration of
60% the crystallization temperature is 17°C and at a
concentration of 55% the crystallization temperature is 5°C.
The cooling water cools the diluted LiBr in the absorber,
which cools the concentrated LiBr in the low temperature
heat exchanger (LTHE). If the concentrated LiBr is cooled so
that it crystallizes in the LTHE, the LiBr stops flowing through
the LTHE, and the machine cannot operate. Hence the
temperature of cooling water is to be controlled to ensure
that the LiBr does not crystallize.
Capacity of the machine LiBr becomes hot when it absorbs vapourised refrigerant. As
reduces when cooling the temperature of LiBr solution increases its the absorption
water temperature power decreases. Cooling water removes heat from the LiBr
increases and ensures maximum absorption of the refrigerant. If the
cooling water temperature increases, so does the LiBr
temperature. Hence the absorption of refrigerant vapour is
reduced and the pressure in the evaporator increases. The
rated chilled water temperature cannot be maintained and
steam is wasted. To prevent this, the maintenance of the
cooling water temperature is essential and cooling water
temperature should not be allowed to rise.
Interlock between If the chilled water flow to the machine stops for any reason,
chilled and cooling the cooling water flow to the machine should also stop
water flows immediately. If the cooling water flow to the machine
continues when the chilled water flow is stopped, the
absorbent solution in the absorber continues to get cooled
and creates a high vacuum in the lower shell. The refrigerant
temperature drops sharply and ice formation may start in the
stagnant chilled water in evaporator tubes.
Water treatment of The water treatment of chilled and cooling water is important
chilled and cooling for the machine performance and long life.
If the water quality is bad and shows a scaling tendency,
scale adheres to the inside of the heat transfer tubes of the
evaporator, absorber and condenser. The heat transfer
between the chilled water and the refrigerant, and the
cooling water and the LiBr solution and the condensing
refrigerant reduces. This causes an increase in the LiBr and
condensed refrigerant temperatures and increases the
steam consumption. The chilled and hot / cooling water
should be treated to prevent scaling inside the tubes.
Water Quality The standard for water in the chilled and hot / cooling water
circuits is shown in the following tables.
STEAM: The steam to the machine should be Dry & Saturated. The steam
pressure should be in the range of 4 kg/cm2 g to 10 kg/cm2 g.
There should not be any rapid fluctuation in steam supply.
ELECTRICAL: The power supply to the machine shall be strictly as per the
Voltage and frequency rating given on Machine name plate.
Don’ts Don’t open any of the valves of the purge unit without
running the vacuum pump.
Don’t connect the pressure gauge to any service valve
Don’t disturb the setting of any instrument or safety provided
on the machine.
Don’t put the refrigerant pump switch, or the steam control
valve operational switch in ‘MANUAL’, during normal
operation of the machine.
Don’t increase the overload setting of any motor, even if the
overload alarm trips.
Do not run the vacuum pump continuously.
Do not let the temperature of cooling water fall below 10
deg.C. Maintain it by stopping the cooling tower fan or by
bypassing the cooling water into the cooling tower basin by
installing a 3 way valve.
• Use proper sized hooks/slings and approved methods for lifting the machine.
• Lift the machine from all the four corners while keeping the unit leveled with respect
to the ground.
• Take care while hooking up the shackles, provided near the pipes. (Refer figure )
• Avoid any damage to the control panel and the machine mounted instruments.
Three-section shipping
Avoid the pipes when hanging the wire on the chiller.
Leveling of machine :
It is very important to level the machine prior to hooking up the machine with the external
piping. Proper leveling of the machine ensures that the rated capacity of the unit is
achieved. Allowable tolerance is less than or equal to 1/16 inch per 5 ft. (1mm per 1000
mm) both lengthwise and sidewise.
There are four leveling check points provided on the machine. (labeled as A, B, C and D
in the figure below) These check points are designated by the three punch marks on the
tube sheet or shell of the lower shell of the machine.
0 mm mm mm mm
After providing the shims, confirm the leveling of the machine by taking a new set of
A.Problems without These problems may occur either when the machine starts or
alarm indication. during operation of the machine.
1. Operator terminal ¾ Check if the main circuit breaker is turned on. If not,
does not light up. switch it on.
¾ Check if all the MCB's are on. If not, switch them on.
2. Machine does not In case the machine does not start up, check the following :
start. ¾ Are the chilled water and hot / cooling water pumps
running? If not, operate the pump(s).
¾ Are the inlet and outlet valves of the chilled water and hot
/ cooling water on the machine open? If not, open the
¾ Check if the chilled water flow rate sufficient. If not, check
the following :
a)If the strainer in the chilled water circuit is clogged,
clean the strainer in the chilled water circuit.
b)Is air accumulated in the chilled water circuit? If yes,
vent out the air from the chilled water circuit.
¾ Maintain the proper chilled water flow across the machine.
3. Chilled water In case the leaving chilled water temperature is not dropping,
temperature is not check the following -
¾ Are the auxillary equipments ON ?
¾ Is the steam control valve select key in ‘AUTO’ position? If
not, put the steam control valve in ‘AUTO’ mode.
¾ Is the refrigerant pump in ‘AUTO’ mode? If not, put the
refrigerant pump in ‘AUTO’ mode.
• Insufficient vacuum.
• Insufficient steam supply.
• Insufficient hot / cooling water supply.
• Hot / Cooling water inlet temperature is higher than
the design temperature.
• Refrigerant pump not operating.
• Chilled water flow rate higher than rated.
• Load on machine is higher than rated.
4. Fouling of Fouling in the hot / cooling water and / or chilled water circuit
cooling water and / or accumulates in proportion to the operating hours of the
chilled water circuit machine, and the capacity decreases in proportion to the
Occurrence of fouling can be observed by noticing the
pressure difference across the evaporator for chilled water
circuit and across the absorber and condenser for hot /
cooling water circuit of the machine. If the pressure difference
across the respective heat exchanger has increased
compared to the original value with the chilled water and hot /
cooling water flows remaining constant, it indicates scaling in
the respective circuit. Fouling in the hot / cooling water tubes
can also be confirmed by comparing the temperature
difference between the hot / cooling water outlet and
condensed refrigerant . If the difference is more than 3°C, it
indicates scaling in the hot / cooling water tubes. Fouling in
the chilled water tube can be confirmed by observing the
temperature difference between the chilled water outlet
temperature and the refrigerant temperature on the outlet of
the refrigerant pump line. In case the temperature difference
exceeds 3°C, it indicates fouling in the chilled water tubes.
6. Insufficient octyl Insufficient quantity of octyl alcohol in the machine will cause
alcohol a reduction in the capacity of the machine. If there is no smell
of octyl alcohol in the exhaust from the purge pump, octyl
alcohol is insufficient.
Charge the required quantity of octyl alcohol into the
The charge volume of octyl alcohol is 1.1 litres / 1,000 kgs of
LiBr ( 55 % by weight ). Excessive addition of octyl alcohol
will affect the absorbent circulation. Hence charge octyl
alcohol in small quantities and observe the change in capacity
of the machine. Do not charge excess quantity of octyl
alcohol into the machine. Charge it from refrigerant service
7. Very small amount If the machine is operating with a very small amount of air
of air leakage in the leakage, the capacity of the machine will reduce slowly over a
machine period of time .
Check the corrosion inhibitor level in the machine and
maintain it as per the standard requirements.
Perform the nitrogen leak test on the machine. Check for any
8. Large fluctuation in The reasons for large fluctuation in the chilled water outlet
the chilled water temperature are -
outlet temperature
¾ Variation in chilled water flow
Check and maintain the required flow.
¾ Variation in load
Check and maintain a constant load on the machine.
¾ Incorrect setting of PID values
Check and correct the required PID values as per the
setpoint datasheet.
¾ Frequent ON/OFF operation of refrigerant pump due to
less refrigerant quantity at low load.
9. Steam control If the steam control valve does not close when the desired
valve does not close temperature of hot or chilled water is achieved, check and
when the hot or correct the hot or chilled water set points.
chilled water outlet
temperature crosses
the set temperature
B.Problems with alarm If the machine is in operation and any of the following
indication problems occur, the machine stops with an audio alarm and a
suitable visual alarm on the panelview operator terminal
The probable cause and remedy for the warning stop are as
Chilled water temperature Steam passing through Ensure no steam passing when
very low ( Machine machine due to valve control valve position in panel is
tripped by antifreeze not closing fully,valve zero.
thermostat) leakage or bypass
valve leakage.
Sensor not reading Calibrate the sensor.
correct temperature.
Difference between L- Increase the difference.
cut and antifreeze set
point is too low.
Chilled water inlet Sensor cable is open / Replace the sensor cable.
temperature sensor error. short.
Chilled water outlet Loose connection of Check the tightness of the cable
temperature sensor error. sensor cable. connections.
Faulty temperature Replace the temperature sensor.
Hot / Cooling water inlet sensor.
temperature sensor error. Sensor terminal box is Clean the sensor terminal box.
Hot / Cooling water outlet moist.
temperature sensor error.
HTG temperature sensor
LTG temperature sensor
REF U tube temperature
sensor error.
HTG condensate
temperature sensor error.
HR in temperature sensor
HTG vapour temperature
sensor error.
Sprayed solution
temperature sensor error.
• Restart the machine only after the fault has been rectified.
• Whenever any safety device is replaced, make sure that the electrical connections are
done correctly.
• Check and tighten any loose connection in the control panel and on the safety device.
¾ Start the machine and stop it, to put the machine into
dilution cycle.
¾ Start the machine and check for crystallisation. If there is
no indication of crystallisation, operate the machine.
¾ If there is any indication of crystallisation, perform
decrystallisation, and then operate the machine.
Power cut during If the power is interrupted when the air-purging of the
purging operation of machine is in progress, immediately close manual purge
the machine valve no.1, and then close the other manual purge valves. As
soon as the power is resumed, operate the purge pump and
continue air-purging.
Jamming of the purge ¾ If the absorbent solution is forced into the purge pump by
pump the incorrect operation of charging or discharging nitrogen
gas, the absorbent solution causes jamming of the purge
Precautions for Always charge fresh purge pump oil in the purge pump for
operation of purge long term shut down.
pump. After a long term shut down or in the cold season, rotate the
pulley of the purge pump manually several times before
starting the purge pump.
Precautions to be ¾ Never ever remove / insert any of the PLC cards under
observed while powered conditions.
troubleshooting the ¾ Prior to power up always confirm that all the PLC cards
PLC are in their respective slots as per the machines’ electrical
¾ Always keep the slelector switch on the CPU in ‘RUN’
¾ Ensure perfect earthing for the machine panel.
¾ Before interchanging / replacing any of the cards ensure
that they are exactly as per the card specifications
mentioned in the machine manual (I/O list).
¾ Do not change the jumper settings on any of the cards.
Ensure that they are as per the notes in the machines’
electrical drawing
Correction Procedure- This fault deals with the temperature control software loop.
External signal error Confirm that the P, I and D values and chilled water outlet
(S*) temperature setpoint, are not negative, zero, or out of range.
If found so, correct the values.
Chapter Objective This chapter details the schedule of the various preventive
maintenance procedure to be carried out. Preventive maintenance
ensures best performance and long life of the machine.
Daily • Check chilled water and hot / cooling water flow rates.
• Check steam inlet temperature and pressure.
• While the machine is in operation the following may be
observed -
No abnormality in the steam control valve.
No abnormal sound in the absorbent, refrigerant and
purge pumps.
No other abnormality.
• Purging
Quarterly • Check and record working of all the safeties and their
settings. Reset or replace the safety devices, as required.
• Check all the set point values on the control panel
• Measure and record current drawn by absorbent,
refrigerant and purge pumps.
• Measure the absorbent pump pressure and record the
generator vapour temperature at the same time.
• Analyze and control chilled and hot / cooling water quality.
• Analyze the Lithium bromide solution, and maintain the
corrosion inhibitor level and alkalinity. Charge corrosion
inhibitor, if required. Charge alkali or acid, if required to
maintain the desired parameters of lithium bromide
• Check for the presence of octyl alcohol. Charge octyl
alcohol, if required.
• Check the actual position of Steam Control valve matches
with the control valve opening indicator.
Remark: Please contact Thermax ACD spare representative and kindly quote m/c model and
serial no.
Maintenance for long This section describes the activities to be carried out during
term shut down the long-term shut down of the machine.
¾ Make sure that the steam control valve is closed and
there is no circulation of cooling and chilled water through
the machine.
¾ In case the shutdown is for one week or more, perform
either :
A. Perform air-purging once a week, to maintain the
required vacuum in the machine.
B. If the shutdown is for a period more than three weeks
charge nitrogen gas into the machine upto a positive
pressure of 0.2 kg/cm2g. No purging is required in this
¾ Dry generator headers / tubes.
Absorber and The absorber and condenser tubes should be kept dry.
condenser section ¾ Drain out all the water from the absorber and condenser
from the drain port of the absorber header.
¾ Carry out tube cleaning to remove any scale or slime in
the absorber and condenser tubes.
¾ Clean the tubes with water.
¾ Add anti-corrosion chemicals to water and circulate it in
the absorber and condenser circuit.
¾ Drain the water from the tubes.
¾ Dry the inside surface of the tubes.
Evaporator section The evaporator tubes should be kept full with water. *
* If the machine is located at a site where the ambient
temperature will be below freezing point of water, drain out all
the chilled water and dry the evaporator tubes.
Page No.
Figure 4.1
C.04.Procedures for Maintenance
C.04.Procedures for Maintenance
Charging solutions This section describes the procedure for charging absorbent
(absorbent and and refrigerant into the machine. (See Figure 4.1)
Service valve
Sampling Tool
Manual purge
valve No.1
Sampling Tool
Purge pump
Figure 4.2
C.04.Procedures for Maintenance
C.04.Procedures for Maintenance
Method of sampling This section describes the procedure for sampling small
absorbent amounts of absorbent.(See figure 4.2)
Figure 4.3
86 70
83 69
78 67
68 63
66 62
64 61
62 60
1.60 59
58 58
56 57
54 56
51 54
.49 53
0 10 20 30 40 50
1.20 1.47
19 .46
60 70 80 90 100 110 51
18 .45
17 .44 50
16 1.43
120 130 140 150 160 170 180
14 22
12 20
110 18
07 14
05 12
03 10
02 8
100 6
99 4
97 2
96 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Adding Inhibitor This section describes the procedure to add inhibitor into the
machine to prevent corrosion.
Target concentration of inhibitor : 300 ppm
Adding Alkali (LiOH) This section describes the method of adding Lithium
Hydroxide (LiOH) into the machine when the measured
alkalinity is less than 0.03N.
Adding Acid (HBr) This section describes the method of adding Hydrogen
Bromide (HBr) into the machine when the measured alkalinity
is more than 0.07N.
Adding Octyl Alcohol Octyl alcohol is charged in small quantities to enhance the
performance of the machine. As there are chances of losing
Octyl alcohol, it is necessary to top up the quantity of Octyl
alcohol. This section describes the procedure for checking
and the method of adding Octyl Alcohol (2-Ethyl 1-Hexanol)
into the machine.
Charging Nitrogen Gas This section deals with the method of charging the machine
with N2 gas. (See Figure 4.5)
Expelling Nitrogen Gas This section describes the procedure of expelling nitrogen
from the machine.
Equipment used . None
Precautions ¾ Do not on any account open No.1 and No.2 manual air-
purge valve while N2 gas is being discharged from the
¾ When expelling N2 gas, adequately ventilate the
surrounding area.
Manual purge
valve No.2
Manometer Manual purge
valve No.3
Service valve
Manual purge
valve No.1
Purge pump
Figure 4.5
Measuring Absorbent This section explains the procedure to measure the absorbent
pump pressure pump pressure.
Figure 4.6
Bubble test This section describes the procedure for carrying out the
bubble leak test. (see Figure 4.6)
20 Series 15
30 Series 25
40 Series 30
50 Series 40
60A & 60B 45
60C & 60D 60
70 Series 70
80A & 80B 85
80C & 80D 105
When is bubble leak ¾ As part of the leak test after assembly work at site.
test performed? ¾ As part of the periodical inspections.
¾ After carrying out site procedures that break vacuum
tightness and after N2 leak test.
Chilled water Flow ¾ Disconnect two wires connected to terminals strip in the
switch and Differential control panel from the flow switch and DP switch.
Pressure switch. ¾ Connect the tester between the above disconnected two
¾ Set the tester to measure resistance.
¾ Operate chilled water pump(s).
¾ Close the valve furnished at delivery piping of chilled
water pump gradually to reduce chilled water flow rate.
¾ Inspect that the indication of the tester becomes infinity at
50% of the specified chilled water flow rate.
¾ If the setting was disturbed, re-adjust the flow switch and
(or) DP switch. After completion of the test, reconnect the
¾ If flow switch/ DP switch is broken, replace it.
Precautions Stir the water to get the average temperature in the bucket
during measurement.
Calibration of all the Instruments should be done once a year. Based on the
dependence of some instruments the calibration frequency can be increased
(may be 2 to 4 times a year) based on customer’s operating conditions.
Open Loop Treatment : Open Loop treatment is carried out to maintain the desired
quality of cooling water.
The chemicals which are recommended for cooling water
open loop treatment are :
i.) Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor and Biocide
ii.) Corrosion and Scale Inhibitor
Corrosion Inhibitor These are water soluble corrosion inhibitors which absorb on
the metal surface and a thin film of corrosion inhibitors is
formed on the metal surface. This film however does not
interfere in the heat transfer.
Copper Corrosion These are special compounds which are used to protect
Inhibitor: copper metallurgy. These chemicals form a protective layer
on the copper metallurgy and prevent galvanic corrosion.
Biocides Biocides are used to kill algae, bacteria and fungi which are
present in cooling water because it is expected to open
Chilled Water Treatment : The main problems which arises are corrosion and microbial
fouling because the problem of scaling is eliminated by using
soft / DM water. Therefore following products are used for
chilled water treatment.
Corrosion Inhibitors These are special compounds specially designed for close
loop like chilled water circuit and in a way are different from
corrosion inhibitors which are used for open loop or cooling
water treatment. The main difference is that corrosion
inhibitors used in close loop work in absence of oxygen. This
corrosion inhibitor formulation has a pH buffer system which
take care of pH upset in the system.
Biocide The biocide used for chilled water ciruit is different from the
biocides which are used for open loop systems. This
problem of biofouling is not as frequent as in open loop
circuit. The trade name of this product is Maxtreat 651. This
product is not the recommendation, but it is an advised to
consult head office whenever biofouling problem is
encountered in chilled water circuit.
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