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Hamziya of Busiri

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Translated by Jaffaru Ibrahim

1. O Lord Sent forth Your Blessings and Greetings to the One who is a Mercy and a cure to all

2. How possible will the (other) prophets elevate (themselves) to your Station, O the SKY that
NO Other Sky is ABOVE IT.

3. They are not at par with you in your Elevated Station, Verily a great light and monumental
grace (has) separated You from them.

4. They were decorated in the (eyes) of men with your qualities , Like how a (static) Water
decorate a moon (in the night).

5. You are like a Lamp of all grace (fadl), No light becomes apparent unless it is with your light.

6. Real knowledge from the Unforeseen worlds is with You, it is with it that (prophet) Adam was
thought the names (of all things).

7. Continuously from the Secret of reality, (the best) of Mothers and Fathers were chosen for You
(By Allah).

8. No Period in between Generations of the prophets that passes by, Except that its (various)
prophets (will) gives a glad tidings about You to its people (Bushaarat).

9. The Generation (In which you were Born) bragged Over the Other Generations due to You
and of You it (the generation you were born) got elevated after Elevation.

10. Your Exalted qualities did appear to Existence (Creation) from an exalted Father and whose
forefathers also possess greatness.

11. A Lineage that is linked with greatness (as a result) of its treasure in which its brightest star is
hanged with it.

12. Yes! What a Concealed greatness and Pride (Your Lineage), You are its protected Ruby.

13. Your Face is Like a brightest Sun of which (extremely) dark Night became illuminated
Because of it (Your Face).

14. The Night of Birth in which (You were born) became the happiest and the most important day
for the Deen.

15. Carrier of Voices (Hawaatif) gave Various Announcement that Verily, the Chosen (Al-
Mustafa) One has been born and so (Consequently) Happiness has been Established.
16. The palace of Kisra (a town in Iraq) fell down if Not because of your miracle the building will
not have fell down.

17. Every Shrine (in which) Fire (is worshipped) wake up and in it there were Sadness and
plague due to its extinction.

18. And all the Streams of FURS became Standstill, So was their Fire been quenched by it
(those streams)?

19. The Birth that Throughout it, became a destruction in Establishing Disbelief (Kufr) and (also
created) Sadness unto them (Disbelievers) ...

20. Goodness of grace be with Amina due to Him (Saaw) with which she became (more) Exalted
than Hawa’u.

21. What is it with (Nana) Hawa’u (In terms of this Grace) that She (Nana Amina) Carried Ahmad
or with Him (Saaw) She became a Mother (After given birth ).

22. The Day the Daughter of Wahab (Nana Amina) achieved a HONOR in which No Woman Had
ever achieved due to His (Saaw) deliverance.

23. And she Presented to her Tribe with (the Honor) which is More Exalted than What (Nana)
Maryam Al-Azra’u Carried.


“‫”شق عن قلبه وأخرج منه مضغة عند غسله سوداء‬

“His heart was splitted and a black clot was removed from it during washing it.”

When Angel Jibriel and Angel Mi’eka’il approached , got hold of Him and operated Him , they
removed a black clot from His heart and said to Him,
“ This is the share (that) the devil (shaitan) could have had in You” then they washed it in other to
free Him from any form of blemishes which is attributed to the son of Adam and due to that,
nothing was left in His heart a part from good traits that is acceptable by Allah...


“‫”ختمته يمني اﻷمين وقد أٌودع مالم تذع له أنباء‬

”Angel Jibriel sealed it( the heart) with His right hand and verily it was filled with what Narrators
Can not recount.”

Here we are been told about the aftermath of the operation, where Angel Jibriel (Alayhi Salam)
with the command of Allah, sealed the Blessed heart of our dear prophet (SallaAllahu Alaihi wa
Sallam) with diverse form of secrets which no heart can contain and the knowledge of the past,
present and the future, which no one can recount except Allah alone.
This was done in a form of revelation from Allah to our prophet (SallaAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam),
whilst Angel Jibriel (Alaihi Salam) was used as a tool for such act but even Him, He has a limit to
what He knows about this secrets.
Narrators will only tell you the little they know, but to the actual quantification of the secrets that,
Allah placed in the heart of our prophet (SallaAllahu Alaihi Wa Sallam), No one knows but Allah.


“‫”صان أسراره اﻹختام فﻼ الفض ملم به وﻻ اﻹفضاء‬

“The Sealed Secrets was protected and there is neither displacement nor disclosure which may
occur with it (the sealed).’’

Here again, He is telling us how protected those secrets that Allah placed in the heart of our
prophet (sallaAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was and that, no amount of anger or force by a staunch
enemy or lover can displaced and bring to bare those divine secrets.


“‫”ألف النسك والعبادة والخلوة طفﻼ وهكذا النجباء‬

“(Since) Childhood He is used to (engaging) in Worship, Servitude, Seclusion and that is how
noble Men (of Allah) behave”

This means that, the beloved prophet (SallaAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam), was protected throughout
His blessed life since childhood till He physically left the world from any kind of disdainful attitude
that do occur with children due to the kind of personality Allah already destined for Him.
He used to engages in worship, servitude, sitting alone and any other acts of goodness which a
perfect Human being could ever dream of.
As a child one learned Christian priest saw Him and recognize that, this is the promised prophet,
who prophet Isah and other prophet foretold about Him, but to be sure, He approached the
beloved prophet and said, and said
“ ‫”يا فتي إني أسألك فاصدقني‬
“ Oh child I am going to ask you (a question) so be truthful to me”.
He then proceeded and asked the beloved prophet (SallaAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam) after the
prophet (SallaAllahu ALaihi wa Sallam) gave him the permission.
he said,
‫أسألك بالﻼت والعزي‬
“ I beg you with ‘Laata’ and ‘Uzza’ (names of idols)”
The beloved prophet (SallaAllahu ALaihi wa Sallam), even at that age, He said to that priest,
‫ﻻ تسألني بلﻼت والعزي وﷲ ماأبغضت شئا بغضهما أبغضهما لكونهما يعبدون من دون ﷲ تعالي‬
“ do not beg Me with ‘Laata’ and ‘Uzza’ , For I swear by Allah, I have never hate anything more
than the hate I have for them, due to the fact that, they are been worshiping at the expense of
Allah Ta’ala” (SallaAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam).
This clearly shows a gist of His spiritual manifestation even at that stage of His Life, He was fully
occupying the position of Eaman and Ihsan. Why not? When He is the cream of Allah’s creation
from the topmost angels to the deepest devil of every kind, there is no one comparable to Him.
He(SallaAllahu ALaihi wa Sallam) is a Unique among the unique creation of Allah...
As a child, He never engages in any act of Jaahiliya which was by then prevalent in the Arabian
peninsula...Every actions and inactions of the beloved prophet(SallaAllahu ALaihi wa Sallam) ,
was a careful orchestrated by the Lord of All worlds from the very time He created His Nur till it
reaches His Mother and this continues throughout His life(SallaAllahu ALaihi wa Sallam).


“ ‫”وإذا حلت الهداية قلبا نشطت في العبادة اﻷعضاء‬

“When Guidance fall into a heart, the body will busy itself in Servitude.”

The guidance which falls into the heart are the divine support that bend the heart of a servant
towards Allah and erases anything other than Allah, and when this happens the servant will not
turn towards anything except that, the thing in question will get him closer to Allah and will not
depend on anyone but Allah.
This state will then bring forth unconditional divine love so that, every organs inside his body will
busy itself with worship. There is no doubt that, when divine love and support find itself in the
heart of a person, there will be an automatic response by every organs of His body, which will
then busy and competing itself with worshiping Allah.
Continues and repeated acts of worship will then bring forth the fruit of protection against
heedlessness and forgetfulness, so that, the person will become a true servant of Allah.
This is the reason why we are always been encouraged to pray salat both compulsory and
supererogatory, our daily awrads and other azkar so that, by continues doing it, we shall reach a
stage of awareness and witness the sweetness of our worship because there is nothing in life
that is more suit than worshiping Allah in a state of awareness and reflection.

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