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CHS 9 Computer Summative Test

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Republic of the Philippines

Region I


January __, 2020 | S.Y. 2019 - 2020

NAME: __________________________________________ Parent’s Signature over Printed Name

GRADE & SECTION:_______________________________ SCORE


DIRECTIONS: Write the letter of the best answer. Use capital letters only

_____ 1. Which of the following refers to a paper ledger or columnar sheet composed of a grid?
A. Excel B. Spreadsheet C. Cell D. Rows

_____ 2. Which of the following parts of MS Excel refers to an individual box or section within the grid that
contains data which can be in the form of numbers or text?
A. Excel B. Spreadsheet C. Cell D. Rows

_____ 3. What type of Spreadsheet is done using a pen, calculator and eraser?
A. Manual B. Electronic C. Excel D. Word

_____4. How many rows are there in Ms Excel 2007?

A. 16,384 B. 65,536 C. 256 D. 1,48576

_____ 5. What part of MS Excel are vertical blocks of cells which can be identified by alphabetical letters?
A. Columns B. Mini Toolbar C. Rows D. Worksheets

_____ 6. What part of MS Excel are horizontal blocks of cells running across the entire width of the
A. Columns B. Mini Toolbar C. Rows D. Worksheets

_____ 7. What part of MS Excel are visible when you select or highlight a text, it is also called “floating
A. Columns B. Mini Toolbar C. Rows D. Worksheets

_____ 8. Which of the following parts of MS Excel consist of cells organized into columns and rows,
stored in workbook ?
A. Columns B. Mini Toolbar C. Rows D. Worksheets

_____9. Which of the following parts of MS Excel that allows the user to see other parts of the sheet?
A. Cell B. Sheet Tabs C. Scroll Bars D. Status Bar

_____ 10. Which of the following parts of MS Excel displays options such as signatures, permissions,
track changes & macros?
A. Cell B. Sheet Tabs C. Scroll Bars D. Status Bar

_____11. What part of the tab that allows you to view a specific sheet?
A. Cell B. Sheet Tabs C. Scroll Bars D. Status Bar

_____ 12. Which of the following parts of MS Excel refers to individual cell lies at the intersection
between a row and a column?
A. Cell B. Sheet Tabs C. Scroll Bars D. Active Cell

_____ 13. What type of mouse pointer that has a black border indicating that a data is ready for an entry?
A. Cell B. Sheet Tabs C. Scroll Bars D. Active Cell

_____ 14. Which of the following tabs category shows clipboard,fonts,alignment,cells etc?

A. Home B. Insert C. Formulas D. Page Lay Out

_____ 15. Which of the following tabs category that shows tables,illustrations,charts,links & text?
A. Home B. Insert C. Formulas D. Page Lay Out

_____ 16. What part of Ms Excel that can reduce the size of the entire screen?
A. Minimize B. Maximize C. Restore D. Zoom Control

_____ 17. What part of Ms Excel that expand the application to fill entire screen?
A. Minimize B. Maximize C. Restore D. Zoom Control

_____ 18. What part of Ms Excel that will bring back the original size of worksheet?
A. Minimize B. Maximize C. Restore D. Zoom Control

_____ 19. Which Of The Following Is NOT Included As Usage Of Spreadsheet?

A. Household Taxes C. Analyzing Data
B. Grading Sheets D. Creating Resume

_____ 20. What part of Ms Excel that contains a pull down menu with commands that performs functions
located in the file menu of older version of MS Excel?
A. Quick Access Toolbar C. Microsoft Office Button
B. Ribbon D. Contextual Toolbars

_____ 21. What part of MS Excel is considered as a customizable toolbar that allows you to access
frequently used commands such as Save, Undo, Redo and etc?
A. Quick Access Toolbar C. Microsoft Office Button
B. Ribbon D. Contextual Toolbars

_____22. What type of mouse pointer that allows you to select commands in Ribbon?
A. Arrow B. Thick Cross C. I Beam D. Fill Handle

_____ 23. What type of mouse pointer that enables you to select a cell?
A. Arrow B. Thick Cross C. I Beam D. Fill Handle

_____24. What type of mouse pointer that allows you to text within a formula bar?
A. Arrow B. Thick Cross C. I Beam D. Fill Handle

_____ 25. What type of mouse pointer that used to copy cell content?
A. Arrow B. Thick Cross C. I Beam D. Fill Handle

_____ 26. What part of MS Excel that has a panel located at the top portion of the document, It consist of
a series of tabs that provides you with quicker access to commands?
A. Quick Access Toolbar C. Microsoft Office Button
B. Ribbon D. Contextual Toolbars

_____ 27. What part of MS Excel that is located at the bottom right corner of a group which displays an
icon containing additional options and settings for each command?
A. Name Box C. Formula Bar
B. Dialog Box Launcher D. Contextual Toolbars

_____ 28. What part of MS Excel that indicates the location of the active cell which is the selected cell?
A. Name Box C. Formula Bar
B. Dialog Box Launcher D. Contextual Toolbars

_____ 29. What part of MS Excel is located just below the ribbon, it displays the data of formula as you
type in the cell?
A. Name Box C. Formula Bar
B. Dialog Box Launcher D. Contextual Toolbars

_____ 30. What is the meaning of PMDAS?

A. Percentage, Multiply, Divide,Add,Subtract
B. Percentage, Multiply, Divide,Add,Subtrahend
C. Parenthesis, Multiply, Divide,Add, Subtrahend
D. Perenthesis , Multiply, Divide,Add,Subtract

Test II. Identify the basic Parts of Microsoft Excel. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. 2. 4.


17. 7.




Status Bar Sheet Tabs Arrow Rows

Name Box Ribbon Column Microsoft Office Button
Active Cell Formula bar Quick Access Toolbar Views
Tabs Title Bar Zoom Control Worksheet
Minimize Button Close Button Maximize/ Restore Button Scroll Bars

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted: Approved by:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Head Teacher III Principal IV

Republic of the Philippines

Region I
Schools Division Office
San Gabriel St., Bonuan Boquig, Dagupan City


T.L.E. 9- ICT
1. B
3. D 1. Quick Access Toolbar
4. A 2. Tabs
5. D 3. Title Bar
6. C 4. Minimize Button
7. A 5. Close Button
8. B 6. Maximize/ Restore Button
9. B 7. Worksheet
10. A 8. Scroll Bars
11. C 9. Zoom Control
12. A 10. Views
13. C 11. Status Bar
14. B 12. Sheet Tabs
15. D 13. Rows
16. C 14. Name Box
17. D 15 . Ribbon
18. B 16. Microsoft Office Button
19.A 17. Active Cell
20. D 18. Formula bar
21. A 19. Column
22. B 20. Arrow
23. A
24. B
25. C
26. A
27. B
28. C
29. D
30. D

Region I
Division of city Schools
Dagupan City
Telephone No: (075) 653-2344


S.Y 2018-2019
T.L.E. 8- CHS
NAME:______________________________________ YEAR & SECTION:_____________
DIRECTION: Choose the best answer by writing the letter of choice on the space provided. Strictly NO

_____ 1. What does Computare means?

a. Together b. Put in place c. Differentiate d. Remove
_____ 2. What is the Latin word of Computer?
a. Compettr b. Computt c. Putare d. Puutter
_____ 3. What is the origin of Computer?
a. Card holder b. Job title c. Book binder d. Hole puncher
_____ 4. What is the early aid for mathematical computations?
a. Napier’s bone b. Slide rule c. Calculating clock d. Abacus
_____5. Who invented the logarithm?
a. John Napier b. Babylonian c. Leonardo da Vinci d. Wilhelm Schickard
_____ 6. Napier’s Bone is an alternative to tables were logarithms values are carve. Where does the
Napier’s bone carve?
a. White Stone b. Ivory stick c. Wooden blocks d. Glass Fiber
_____ 7. Slide Rule invented by John Napier and was use by NASA up to 1960’s .What is the meaning of
a. National Astronomical and Space Administration
b. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
c. National Astronomical and Spaceship Article
d. National Astrocytoma and Spaces Admiration
_____ 8. Who invented the calculating clock?
a. John Napier b. Babylonian c. Wilhelm Schickard d. Leonardo da Vinci
_____ 9. What is the age of Blaise Pascal when he invented Pascaline?
a. 20 years old b. 23 year old c. 19 years old d. 24 years old
_____ 10. Why did Blaise Pascal invented the Pascaline?
a. for his father’s Job as a tax collector
b. for his father’s Job as a bank manager
c. for his father’s Job as a poultry owner
d. for his father’s Job as a teacher
_____ 11. What is the cheapest invention of Blaise Pascal?
a. 8- digit Pascaline
b. 6- digit Pascal’s line
c. 8- digit Pascal’s line
d. 6- digit Pascaline
_____ 12. Who is the co-inventor of Isaac Newton in making stepped reckoner?
a. Wilhem William b. Wilhelm Zuckerberg c. Wilhelm Leibniz d. William Leibniz
_____ 13. Who invented the power loom?
a. Joseph Marie Jacquard b. William Morgan c. Wilhelm Leibniz d. William Leibniz
_____ 14. It is a steam driven calculating machine that resembles to the size of the room.
a. Analytic Engine b. Difference Engine c. Punched Cards d. Stepped Reckoner
_____ 15. What type of machine that able to compute tables of numbers, such as logarithm tables?
a. Analytic Engine b. Difference Engine c. Punched Cards d. Stepped Reckoner
_____ 15. It is a device, large as a house and powered by 6 steam engines, it was programmable by
punched card technology of Jacquard.
a. Analytic Engine b. Difference Engine c. Punched Cards d. Stepped Reckoner
_____ 16. Who invented the subroutine and was the first to recognize the importance of looping?

a. Isaac Newton b. Wilhelm Zuckerberg c. Ada Byron d. William Leibniz
_____ 17. It is a card reader which sensed the holes in the cards and a gear driven mechanism which
could count.
a. Analytic Engine b. Difference Engine c. Hollerith Desk d. Stepped Reckoner

_____ 18. What is the meaning of IBM?

a. International Business Management
b. Interterrestrial Business Management
c. Internet and Business Machine
d. International Business Machine
_____ 19. What kind of computer that was built as a partnership between Harvard and IBM in 1944, and
this was the first programmable digital computer made in the U.S
a. Mark I b. Colussus c. Eniac d. Edvac
_____ 20. Who discover the first bug in computer?
a. Isaac Newton b. Wilhelm Zuckerberg c. Grace Hopper d. William Leibniz
_____21. First Generation is comprises of the usage of the vacuum tubes .Who was the inventor of
Vacuum Tubes?
a. Thomas Edison b. Wilhem Schickard c. Charles Babbage d. Grace Hopper
_____ 22. What is ENIAC?
a. Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator
b. Electronical Numerical Integrator and Calculator
c. Electronics Numerical Integrate and Calculator
d. Electronics Numeric Integrator and Calculator
_____23. What is the purpose of Britain in inventing colossus?
a. To send messages to the Germans
b. To alleviate human sufferings from epidemic
c. To break the cryptographic codes used by Germany during the war
d. To enhance the knowledge in computer
_____ 24. How many vacuum tubes does ENIAC used to run the machine?
a. 1,800 b. 500 c. 5,000d. 18,000
_____ 25. What generation did the transistor was introduced?
a. first b. second c. third d. fourth
_____ 26. What is a computer that is fabricated on an integrated circuit?
a. Microprocessor b. ENIAC c. EDVAC d. Transistor
______27. They are computers designed to provide services to client machines in a computer network.
a. Servers c. Supercomputers
b. Microcomputers d. Minicomputers
______28. They are also called mid-range systems or workstations.
a. Servers c. Supercomputers
b. Microcomputers d. Minicomputers
______29. A computer with a microprocessor and its central processing unit.
a. Servers c. Supercomputers
b. Microcomputers d. Minicomputers
______30. It is the fastest and most expensive type of computer available.
a. Desktops c. Laptops
b. Tablet Computers d. Supercomputers
______ 31. A type of computer which is intended be used on a single location.
a. Desktops c. Laptops
b. Tablet Computers d. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs
______32. A combination of digital and analog type of computer.
a. Analog Computers c. Hybrid Computers
b. Digital Computers d. Supercomputer
______ 33. A type of computer which is intended be used on a single location.
a. Desktops c. Laptops
b. Tablet Computers d. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
______34. A combination of digital and analog type of computer.
a. Analog Computers c. Hybrid Computers
b. Digital Computers d. Supercomputer
______ 35. A type of computer which is intended be used on a single location.
a. Desktops c. Laptops

b. Tablet Computers d. Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs)
______ 36. A type of computer tool used to loosen or tighten slotted screws
a. Flat Head Screwdriver c. Hex driver
b. Philips head screwdriver d. Torx screwdriver

______37. A type of computer tools used to loosen or tighten crosshead screws.

a. Flat Head Screwdriver c. Hex driver
b. Philips head screwdriver d. Torx screwdriver
______ 38. A type of computer tool used to loosen or tighten screws that have a star-like depression on
the top, a feature that is mainly found on laptop..
a. Flat Head Screwdriver c. Hex driver
b. Philips head screwdriver d. Torx screwdriver
______39. A type of computer tools used to tighten nuts in the same way that a screwdriver tightens
a. Flat Head Screwdriver c. Hex driver
b. Philips head screwdriver d. Torx screwdriver
______ 40. A type of computer tools used to retrieve parts from location that
are too small for your hand to fit..
a. Flat Head Screwdriver c. Part Retriever
b. Philips head screwdriver d. Torx screwdriver
______ 41. It is the most important part of element of computer because they are the one who uses a
computer or a network service.
a. People c. Software
b. Hardware d. Connectivity
______42. An Element of Computer that talks about the programs instructions that tell the computer how
it should do its work.
a. People c. Software
b. Hardware d. Connectivity
______ 43. An element of computer that refers to the physical equipment that implements the data
processing so that useful information may come as a result.
a. People c. Software
b. Hardware d. Connectivity
______44. Which of the following is a sample of an input device.
a. keyboard c. speaker
b. printer d. monitor
______45. What is the other term for flash drive?
a. hexdrive c. thumbdrive
b. floppy drive d. third disk drive

TEST II. Illustrate the input –process –output using the different input and output device and explain. (5

If any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God who gives generously to all without finding fault and it will be given to him.
(James 1:5)

Prepared by:
Ms. Michelle P. Navarro


T.L.E. 8- CHS

1. A 36.A
2. C 37.B
3. B 38.D
4. D 39.C
5. A 40.C
6.B 41.A
7.B 42.C
8. C 43.B
9.C 44.A
10.A 45.C
11.D 46-50
27. A
28. D
32.C Prepared by:
33.A Ms. Michelle P. Navarro



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