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Stand-by power system supply power to the electrical equipment if the supply from the public
distribution system is interrupted by faults or if a direct supply does not seem feasible for
technical or business reasons.


UPS is a device that provides backup power when utility power fails, either long enough for
critical equipment to shutdown gracefully so that no data is lost, or long enough to keep required
loads operational until a generator comes online.

Figure… The UPS system found in bahirdar SCADA system

UPS in bahirdar SCADA system
The UPS system called … (shown in figure …) is installed in…by…. in bahirdar SCADA
system to supply backup power for the whole SCADA system in case of utility power failure, i.e.
the failure power from bahirdar old substation.
It is connected to the circuit between the incoming power supply line from bahirdar old
substation and the outgoing power line to the SACDA system and other loadings (like lighting,
socket outlets etc.) in the housing of the SCADA system.

Components of (name…) UPS

Most of the time UPS has four main components regardless of their type. (name…) UPS has
four components too. Let`s look each component with their function.

Figure (name…) UPS circuit diagram

1) Rectifier
It is connected directly to the power supply and converts the network AC voltage to DC
voltage. The rectifier is designed to supply the inverter and charge the battery with the
maximum loading current simultaneously at maximum load.

Rectifier circuit diagram

2) Battery
The battery supplies the inverter in the event of a short interruption or a system failure.
The battery is designed to continue to supply the load for a specified period depending on
the battery capacity and the actual load.
The number of cells in the battery depends on the type and also on the consumer specific
(name…) UPS in bahirdar SCADA system has sixteen (…watt) batteries connected in
(series) with each other.

Figure … (name…) UPS batteries in bahirdar SCADA system

3) Inverter
The inverter, which is supplied by the rectifier or the battery, converts the DC voltage fed
form the rectifier or the battery into AC voltage in a form of power suitable for the power
supply of highly sensitive electronic equipment.
This conversion process (AC to DC) and filtering smooths out events such as spikes,
sags, surges, and electrical noise, ensuring that the final output is a pure supply to the
Inverter circuit diagram

4) Static bypass switch

The static bypass switch allows utility AC power to flow directly through the UPS to the
load, bypassing UPS components. Static bypass is a feature of double conversion UPS
system. When major preventive maintenance is needed on a UPS, normal operation will
be halted and the UPS will switch into bypass mode.

Operation modes of UPS

In general, Operation mode of the UPS define the way in which power is available at the UPS
Now a day there are different topologies of UPS (including passive standby, line interactive and
double conversion), and hence different mode of operation including
 Normal mode of operation
 Battery mode of operation
 Static bypass mode of operation
 Manual bypass mode of operation
 Eco mode of operation
 Frequency mode of operation
The (name…) UPS installed in bahirdar SCADA system is a double conversion UPS and it has
the following four main operation modes.

1) Normal mode of operation

The inverter continuously supply power to the critical AC load. The rectifier/charger
derives power from the AC mains input source and supplies DC power to the inverter
while simultaneously charging its associated backup battery
2) Battery mode of operation

During the failure of the AC mains input power, the inverter, which obtain power from
the battery, supply the critical AC load. There is no interruption in power to the critical
load upon failure. After restoration of the AC mains input power, the” Normal mode”
operation will continue automatically without the necessity of user intervention.

3) Static bypass mode of operation

If the inverter becomes unavailable for any reason, for example there may be a case in
which the inverter overload capacity is exceeded under Normal mode, the static transfer
switch will perform a transfer of the load from the inverter to the bypass source, with no
interruption in power to the critical AC load. But the battery bank is still charging since
the rectifier is in operation.
4) Manual bypass mode of operation

A manual bypass switch is available to ensure continuity of supply to the critical load
when the UPS becomes unavailable. e.g., whenever any maintenance needs to be taken
on the UPS system without disturbing the load.

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