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Site Suitability Analysis For Water Conservation U

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Site Suitability Analysis for Water Conservation Using AHP and GIS
Techniques: A Case Study of Upper Sina River Catchment, Ahmednagar (India)

Article · January 2020

DOI: 10.21523/gcj3.19030201


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3 authors:

Yogesh Badhe Ravindra Medhe

Savitribai Phule Pune University Savitribai Phule Pune University


Tushar Shelar
Land Record Department


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Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Original Research Paper

Site Suitability Analysis for Water Conservation Using

AHP and GIS Techniques: A Case Study of Upper Sina
River Catchment, Ahmednagar (India)
Yogesh P. Badhe 1*, Ravindra S. Medhe 1
, Tushar Shelar 2

1. Department of Geography, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411007 (India).

2. Vasundhara Watershed Development Agency, Government of Maharashtra, Pune 411 007 (India).

Abstract Article history

The site suitability for construction of water conservation structures is an important step Received: 11 November 2019
towards groundwater conservation in arid and semi-arid regions. Water is the most crucial Revised: 25 December 2019
for maintaining an environment and ecosystem which is helpful to sustaining all forms of Accepted: 27 December 2019
the life. The increasing water scarcity day to day has been one of the common problems
over a period of time. On top of it, when the area is a part of rain shadow zone like Keywords
Ahmednagar district, water conservation activities are become more important. The Analytic Hierarchy Process;
present study aims to identify the suitable zones for water conservation activity. Multi- GIS;
criteria evaluation is carried out using Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques to Land Suitability;
help the choice makers in defining suitable site for construction of water conservation MCDA;
structures. Different layers which were considered for multi-criteria evaluation: slope, land Water Conservation Activity;
use land cover, soil texture, lithology, soil depth, soil erosion, wells, lineaments and Water Scarcity.
drainage network. Analytical Hierarchy Processes (AHP) is used for weighted sum to find
suitable sites for implementation of water conservation activity using selected criterions. Editor(s)
The site suitability map was classified into four classes: highly suitable, moderately P. S. Hire
suitable, less suitable and not suitable with area of 19.19%, 26%, 49.03% and 5.78,
respectively. This map will help for selection of suitable sites for construction of Mati
Nala Bund (MNB), Check Dam, Cement Nala Bund (CNB) and Continuous Contour
Trenches (CCT) for conservation of groundwater resource in the region.
© 2019 GATHA COGNITION® All rights reserved.


Water storage is the insurance for feature and acts as a (MCDM) refers the alternatives based on the human
barrier against the variability of the rainfall in different decision from a finite set of parameters in terms of the
region and therefore increases the resilience of the multiple criterions (Roszkowska, 2013). This technique
sponsor against dry spell during the rainy season (Payen also used for land suitability analysis (Zolekar and
et al., 2012; Kumar et al., 2017). Groundwater Bhagat, 2015; Zolekar, 2018) and watershed
conservation is critically depending on the sources of prioritization for development (Gaikwad and Bhagat,
water, climate change and degradation of land (Kadam 2017; Kadam et al., 2019). Multi-thematic geospatial
et al., 2017). This study was focused on selecting the datasets of Upper Sina river catchment was used for the
suitable sites for construction of water conservation site suitability analysis for water conservation using
structures. Furthermore, it will be helpful for planning AHP and GIS techniques. The criterions used for
and monitoring the water conservation activities, i. e. analysis are: land use land cover (LULC), stream
Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT), Cement Nala network, slope map, lineament map, soil depth, soil
Bund (CNB), Loose Boulder Structure (LBS) and Check erosion, soil texture, soil depth and other
Dams using AHP. Multi-criteria decision making
* Author address for correspondence
Department of Geography, Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune - 411007 (India).
Tel.: +91 9921982996
E-mails: yogeshspb94@gmail.com (Y. Badhe -Corresponding author); ravindramedhe1@gmail.com (R. Medhe); shelartusha@gmail.com (T.

https://doi.org/10.21523/gcj3.19030201 © 2019 GATHA COGNITION® All rights reserved.

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

topographic features. GIS tools allow users to get the situated on the plain region. Geology is vesicular.
appropriate results by forming geospatial queries on Amygdaloidal trap is comparatively soft, the non-
spatial information to form maps to present the outputs vesicular being hard and compact. Climatologically, the
of all the operations (Mukhopadhaya, 2016). These Sina basin is classified as semiarid (Doke et al., 2018).
techniques of site suitability analysis require
measurements that are to be regenerated to values which
are common and converted into ease out of the final Multi-thematic layers were considered for site suitability
selection of the sites (Bunruamkaew et al., 2011; Kadam analysis for water conservation activity. The streams
et al., 2012, Mukhopadhaya, 2016, Kadam et al., 2017). were digitizing from Toposheet. Lineaments were
The thematic maps and their weights were combined in identified using map procured from Groundwater
GIS environment to prepare final output map for Surveys and Development Agency (GSDA) with
potential suitable site (Lohar et al., 2018; Anbazhagan et orientation and density in ArcGIS 10.3. Digital
al., 2005; Varade et al., 2017). This study focuses on Elevation Model (DEM) was downloaded from
mainly to find out suitable sites for construction of water homepage of the Bhuvan and processed to prepare the
conservation structures using GIS techniques. The data elevation and slope maps. Lithology map was prepared
analysis was done using several GIS tools like spatial from the map procured from Geological Survey of India
analysis, density tool, conversion tool and ranking (GSI). The soil depth, soil erosion, soil texture maps
method. The purpose this study is to find suitable were prepared based on map from National Bureau of
locations for construction of conservation measures for Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (NBSS and LUP).
reducing runoff and soil deposition in conservation Land Use Land Cover (LULC) was classified from
structures in downstream zones. Google Earth images (January 2018) using ISO cluster
unsupervised classification (Table 1). The ancillary data
was converting into raster from vector datasets and
The catchment of Upper Sina River is the part of upper reclassified for further process. Further, MCDM
Bhima basins located in Eastern part of Ahmednagar technique, AHP was used to assign the weights and to
district in India. The catchment comprises an area of calculate weighted sum using reclassified parameters.
127.77 km2 lies between 19°01'04" to 19°11'15"N and Finally, the site suitability for implementation of water
74°49'57'' to 74°56'18''E (Figure 1). The average conservation activity was calculated (Figure 2).
elevation is 760m above MSL while most of the area

Figure 1. Study area: Upper Sina River

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Figure 2. Methodology

Table 1. Data

Data Sources
DEM CARTOSAT-1 Digital Elevation Model (2011), ISRO,
NRSC, India.
Satellite images Google Earth Pro.
Lineaments Groundwater Surveys and Development Agency
(GSDA), Pune, India.
Lithology Geological Survey of India (GSI), India.
Soil depth National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning
Soil erosion (NBSS and LUP), Nagpur, India.
Soil texture
Stream network Toposheet, Survey of India.
Wells Google Earth Pro.

The suitability analysis for this study was the Euclidean distance of wells, lineaments and steams
processed through eight steps: 1) Selection of study area network and reclassification; 5) Assigning weight using
and identification of multiple thematic criterion for the AHP technique to calculate weighted sum with the help
analysis; 2) Delineation of catchment area from of reclassified maps: lineaments, slope, soil depth, soil
Toposheet and confirmed DEM; 3) Preparation of slope erosion, soil texture, LULC, wells, stream networks, etc.
map from DEM; 4) Finding the proximity to calculate (Figure 3, 4 and 5); 6) Delineation of suitable sites for

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

application of water conservation activities; 8) Selection solve complex problems. It is an inclusive method that
of suitable sites for construction of conservation integrates alternatives and subjective to views of
structures: Construction of Mati Nala Bund (MNB), Check selected exporters, numerically. This technique rushes
Dam, Cement Nala Bund (CNB) and Continuous Contour the procedure by recognizing and allocating weights to
Trenches (CCT) for conservation of groundwater resource in every measure. The significance of each factor within
the region. Guidelines from Integrated Mission for each unit accomplishes by allocating each set of
Sustainable Development (IMSD) were used for parameter in pairwise assessment for each of the factor
selecting the suitable sites for water conservation correct to higher section (Das, 2019). The rank scale of
structures (Singh et al., 2009; Padmavathy et al., 1993; criterion ranges from 1 (equal importance) to 9 (extreme
Kumar et al., 2017): 1) the slope should be less than importance). The pairwise comparison elaborates the
fifteen percent; 2) the land use will be barren land, importance of each factor that influences the water
scrubland or river bed; 3) the soil infiltration rate should conservation potentials (Mundalik et al., 2018). The
be less and 4) the soil should be sandy loam. rows in the matrix follow the inverse value for each
3.1 Analytical hierarchy process (AHP) factor and its importance with additional factor.

The AHP method was introduced by in Saaty (1977). It

is a multi-criteria decision-making approach used to

Figure 3. Influencing factors: a) Stream network and b) Lineaments

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Figure 4. Influencing factors: a) Lithology, d) Slopes, c) Land use land cover and d) Soil texture

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Figure 5. Influencing factors: a) Soil depths, b) Soil erosion and c) Distribution of wells

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

After preparing the thematic layers, the AHP eigenvalue of the matrix, and n is number of criterions
process has been applied to give weights to all criterions in the matrix.
considered for this study. These criterions are
The consistency ratio (CR) was accepted (Saaty,
controlling the water conservation potentials of an area
2008), the value is < 0.10, and it indicates a sensible
are such as slope, land use land cover, soil texture,
level for the pairwise comparison matrix. If, in the case
lithology, soil depth, soil erosion, wells, lineaments,
of consistency ratio is (CR) > 0.10, the values of CR
drainage network. The AHP is a very flexible and well-
have been readjusted according to the Saaty (1977).
structured method to take action (Saaty, 1980; Dou et al.
Detailed process of performing AHP was based Saaty
2017). The AHP method were used for determine
(1990). All the criterions were considered individually
weights and ranks of all parameters for the site
and classified into different sub-criteria and weights
suitability for water conservation activity.
were assigned to each sub-criteria based on relative
The AHP method is used for all parameter to give importance using AHP techniques (Table 4).
value according to its importance of each criterion and
weights were calculated (Table 2). A pairwise
comparison matrix has been built-in, which the diagonal Soil and water conservation depends on numerous
elements are equal to 1 (equation (1)). The importance topographic factors of a study area. Simultaneously
of all these parameters is given based on different assessments of those factors using modern techniques
criteria. Each parameter of these values describes the can provide a clear picture of site suitability for water
relative importance between two parameters. For conservation activity. In this paper, total of nine
instance, the first row represents the relative importance topographic factors were considered for mapping of site
of stream with other eight parameters. (e.g., the stream suitability for water conservation activity with the help
is more important than the lineaments and lithology, of AHP.
thus the lineaments have a value of ½).
The result implies that maximum area falls under
less suitable and not suitable (unsuitable) zones. The
results help to find out suitable sites for implementation
of water conservation activities, which will be helpful to
improve soil moisture as well as groundwater levels.
(1) Some of the water conservation structures already exist
Weighted arithmetic mean was performed to in the study area. In addition to them, some more new
calculate the weights in the pairwise comparison matrix structures can be suggested for water conservation
(Table 3). The values in the pairwise comparison are purposes (Figure 7) with saving of required money and
normalized to acquire the normalized values in the time for implementation of government policy in this
standard pairwise comparison matrix (equation (2)) region.
(Table 4). The weight of all the parameters is The site suitability map is classified into four
determined by mean row method in the standard suitability classes based on AHP analysis: highly
pairwise comparison matrix. The maximum suitable, moderately suitable, less suitable and not
characteristics root was expressed as: suitable (Figure 6). The area in the category ‘not
(2) suitable’ is estimated about 5.78% with steep slopes and
barren land. The area in the category, ‘less suitable’ is
The consistency ratio (CR) was calculated as estimated about 49.03% with 2nd and 3rd ordered
(Saaty, 1980): streams. The ‘moderately suitable’ area is estimated
about 26% with gentle slope and gravelly clay loam.
Only 19.19% of the area is classified as ‘highly suitable’
with 5th order streams (Pandey et al., 2011) (Table 6).
Some sites for application of soil and water
conservation structures were identified in this analysis.
where, CR stands for consistency ratio, CI represents Suggested sites are potential location to build the Mati
consistency index, RI indicates the random index Nala Bund (MNB), Check Dam, Cement Nala Bund
(Saaty’s (1980)) (Table 5), represents the principal (CNB) and Continuous Contour Trenches (CCT)
(Figure 7).

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Table 2. Pairwise comparison matrix

Soil Soil Soil

Criteria Stream Lineament Lithology Slope LULC Well
texture depth erosion
Stream 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Lineament 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Lithology 1/3 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Slope 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 2 3 4 5 6
LULC 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 2 3 4 5
Soil texture 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 2 3 4
Soil depth 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 2 3
Soil erosion 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1 2
Well 1/9 1/8 1/7 1/6 1/5 1/4 1/3 1/2 1

Table 3. Normalized pairwise comparison matrix

Soil Soil Soil

Criteria Stream Lineament Lithology Slope LULC Well Weights
texture depth erosion
Stream 0.3535 0.4239 0.3951 0.3493 0.3071 0.2717 0.2428 0.2192 0.2000 0.3070
Lineament 0.1767 0.2120 0.2634 0.2620 0.2456 0.2264 0.2081 0.1918 0.1778 0.2182
Lithology 0.1178 0.1060 0.1317 0.1747 0.1842 0.1811 0.1734 0.1644 0.1556 0.1543
Slope 0.0884 0.0707 0.0659 0.0873 0.1228 0.1358 0.1387 0.1370 0.1333 0.1089
LULC 0.0707 0.0530 0.0439 0.0437 0.0614 0.0906 0.1040 0.1096 0.1111 0.0764
Soil texture 0.0589 0.0424 0.0329 0.0291 0.0307 0.0453 0.0694 0.0822 0.0889 0.0533
Soil depth 0.0505 0.0353 0.0263 0.0218 0.0205 0.0226 0.0347 0.0548 0.0667 0.0370
Soil erosion 0.0442 0.0303 0.0220 0.0175 0.0154 0.0151 0.0173 0.0274 0.0444 0.0259
Well 0.0393 0.0265 0.0188 0.0146 0.0123 0.0113 0.0116 0.0137 0.0222 0.0189

Figure 6. Site suitability Figure 7. Suggested water conservation sites

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Table 4. Weights of the criterion

Weighted Suitability
Criterion Weight Sub-criterion
influence (%) levels
Distance from Stream 0.31 31 Low 50
(M) Least 200
Moderate 500
High >500
Distance from 0.22 22 Low <50
lineaments Least 200
Moderate 500
High >500
Lithology 0.15 15 Low Habitation mask
Least Massive basalt
Moderate Vesicular/Amygdoloidal basalt
High Water body mask
Slope 0.11 11 Low >30
Least 15-30
Moderate 10--15
High <10
LULC 0.08 8 Low Settlement / Water body mask
Least Barren land
Moderate Scrubland/ vegetation
High Agricultural area
Soil texture 0.05 5 Low Habitation mask
Least Gravelly clay loam / gravelly loam
Moderate Clayey
High Clay loam /water body mask
Soil depth 0.04 4 Low Shallow to very shallow (<25 cm) /
habitation mask
Least Moderately deep (25 to 50 cm)
Moderate Very deep (>100 cm)
High Water body mask
Soil erosion 0.03 3 Low Water body mask
Least Severe to very severe / moderate to
Moderate Moderate/slight to moderate
High Habitation mask / very severe
Distance from wells 0.02 2 Low <100
(M) Least 200
Moderate 500
High >500

Table 5. RI Values

Criterion 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

RI 0.00 0.00 0.58 0.90 1.12 1.24 1.32 1.41 1.45 1.49

Hydrospatial Analysis, 3(2), 49-59, 2019. Y. Badhe et al.

Table 6. Suitable Sites for water conservation structures (Pandey et al., 2011)

Type of structure Stream LULC Slope

LBS 2nd order Stream Barren land Steep
MNB/CNB 3rd order Stream Scrub land Moderate
Check Dam 4th order Stream Vegetation Very gentle
Dams 5th order Stream Agricultural land Gentle

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