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BBS - 2nd - Macroeconomics (By Study Material YT Channel)

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Model Question

MGT 206: Macroeconomics

Full Marks: 100
Pass Marks: 35

Candidates are required to give their answer in their own words as far as practicable. The figures in
the margin indicate full marks.

Attempt All Questions

Group - 'A'
Brief Answer Questions [2 x 10 = 20]
1. What is Macro Economics.
2. If C = 50 + 0.90Yd and I = 65
Where C = consumption
Yd = disposable income
I = Investment
Find the level of income and consumption at equilibrium.
3. Explain any two objectives of fiscal policy.
4. Calculate investment multiplier if MPC ½, 2/3, ¾, 4/5.
5. Point out the causes of poverty in Nepal.
6. Define IS curve.
7. Why does saving curves slope upwards?
8. What is speculative demand for money?
9. Explain any two benefits of foreign direct investment.
10. Point out the difficulties to measure national income.

Group - 'B'
Short Answer Questions (attempt any five) [5 x 10 = 50]
11. "Saving is vice not virtue? Explain
12. What is trade cycle? Explain the prosperity phase of trade cycle. (3 + 7)
13. Define GDP and GNP and calculate GDP at market price and at factor cost from the following data.
Items Rs. In corers
Net Indirect Taxes 38
Depreciation 34
Net income from abroad -3
Rent 10
Profit 25
Interest 20
Wages and salaries 170
Employer's contribution to social security scheme 30
Mixed Income 5
14. What is privatization? What are its benefits? (3 + 7)
15. Complete the following table and answer the given question.
0 50 - - - - -
100 125
200 200
300 275
400 350
500 425
600 500

From the above table explain relationship between APC and MPC. (5 +5)

16. What is Investment? Discuss the important determinants of investment. (3 + 7)

Group - 'C'

Comprehensive Answer Questions (attempt any two) [2 x 15 = 30]

17. Explain the Keynesian theory of employment. What criticism had been made against this theory?(12 + 3)
18. What is inflation? Suggest the measures to control inflation. (3 + 12)
19. What is economic growth? Explain the sources of economic growth with reference to Nepal. (3 + 12)
Chapter 1 Introduction to Macroeconomics
1. Differentiate between stock and flow. [2] [2076]
2. What are the uses of Macroeconomics? [2] [2076]
3. Macro economics is the study of Aggregates. Give reasons. [2] [2075]
4. List out importance of macroeconomics. [2][2074]
5. Point out the scope of microeconomics. [2] [2073]
6. Define macro dynamics. [2] [2072]
Chapter 2 National Income Accounting
1. List out components of gross private domestic investment. [2] [2076]
2. Transfer payments are excluded from GDP. Why? [2] [ 2075]
3. What is real GDP?[2][2073]
4. What are the difficulties measuring national income in a least developed countries like
Nepal? [10][2074]
5. Describe the circular flow of income and expenditure in two sector economy. [15]
6. If the GDP deflator for 2012- 2013 = 275 and GDP deflator for 2013-2014 = 300 what will
be the rate of inflation? [2] [2072]Ans – 9.09%
7. Calculate GDP at FC from the following data:
GDP at MP =Rs 2,000 billion, Indirect taxes = Rs, 300 billion, Subsidies = Rs 100 billion.
Ans – Rs, 1,800 bilion.
8. Calculate NNP at FC (NI) from the following data:
GDP at MP= Rs 5,000 crore, Net indirect taxes= Rs 800 crore, Net factor income from
abroad =Rs 1,000 crore, Depreciation (Consumption of fixed capital) =Rs 500 crore[Rs
4,700 crore]
9. Calculate PI from the following data:[ Rs 12,400 crore]
Items Rs in Crore
National income 12,000
Corporate tax 100
Undistributed corporate profit 1,000
Social security contribution 500
Transfer payments 2,000
10. If personal income is Rs 12,400 crore personal taxes (direct taxes) are Rs 1,500 crore
and total consumption expenditure of private sector is Rs 10,000 crore, find out
disposable income and personal saving. [Rs 10,900 crore and Rs 900 crore]
11. Calculate the GDP deflator when real GDP is rs 3,000 crore and nominal GDP is Rs
3,300 crore. [110]
12. Find out per capita GDP when population is 200 million and GDP is $4 trillion. [2][$
13. Calculate GDP deflator is nominal and 11.37 billion respectively.[2][Rs 153.29]
14. Calculate NI if GNP at MP, depreciation, net indirect taxes are respectively Rs 1000
million, Rs 100 million and Rs 150 million[2][Rs 750 million]
15. Calculate GNP at factor cost when GDP at market price, indirect taxes, subsidies and
net factor income from abroad are given Rs 1500 million, Rs 200 million, Rs 100 million
and Rs 400 million.[2][Rs 1,800 million]
16. Calculate (a) National income (b) Personal income (c) Dispossable income from the
following data:
Item (Rs in billion)
Wages and Salaries 840
Rent 400
Corporate profit taxes 400
Transfer payment 750
Dividends 1,000
Personal taxes 1,100
Interest 500
Social Security contribution 250
Undistributed profit 400
Mixed income 1,050
Net factor income from abroad 1,500
[NI =Rs 6,090 billion, PI = Rs 5,790 billion, DI = Rs 4,690 billion
17. Calculate (a) National income (b) Personal income (c) Disposable income from the
following data:
Item (Rs in billion)
Wages and Salaries 420
Rent 200
Corporate profit taxes 200
Transfer payment 375
Dividends 500
Personal direct taxes 550
Interest 250
Social Security contribution 125
Undistributed profit 200
Mixed income 525
Net income from abroad 750
[a. Rs 3,045 crore, b. Rs 2,895 crore, c. Rs 2,345 crore]
18. The following are the information of an economy.
S.N. Heading Amount(Rs in million)
1 Rent 40
2 Private final consumption expenditure 800
3 Net exports 20
4 Interest 60
5 Profit 120
6 Government final consumption expenditure 200
7 Net domestic capital formation 100
8 Compensation of employees 800
9 Consumption of fixed capital 20
10 Net indirect taxes 100
11 Net factor income from abroad 20
Calculate GNPMP by income method and expenditure method. [5+5][Ans Rs 1,140 million and
Rs 1,160 million]
19. Consider the following data and calculate GDPMP , GNPMP , and National Income by
Income and expenditure method.
Items Rs In Crores
Govt. final consumption expenditure 1,100
Profits 720
Net Indirect tax 110
Private final consumption expenditure 1510
Net exports -20
Compensation of employees 1,200
Rent 200
Interest 270
Net factor income from abroad 30
Mixed income 600
Gross domestic capital formation 710
Depreciation 100
Ans GDPMP = Rs 3,200 Crores, GNPMP = Rs 3,230 Crores and NI =Rs 3,020 Crores
20. With the help of following information calculate GDPMP, GNPMP, and NNPMP by using
both income and expenditure method.
Items Rs in billion
Interest Rs 590
Proprietor’s income 484
Corporate profit 598
Net exports -134
Consumption expenditure 5164
Capital consumption allowance 878
Indirect business taxes 676
Compensation of employees 4746
Rents 28
Gross private investment 1340
Government purchases o goods and 1630
Income Method GDPMP = Rs 8000 billion, GNPMP = Rs 8000 billion, and NNPMP = Rs
7122 billion
Expnediture methodDDPMP = Rs 8000 billion, GNPMP = Rs 8000 billion, and NNPMP = Rs
7122 billion
21. Let an economy produces only four goods paddy, cloth, shoes and biscuits. Calculate
GDP at MP[Rs 2,830,000], GNP at MP [Rs 3,030,000] and NI [ Rs 2,130, 000] from
following hypothetical data:
Description Quantity(Units) Price (Rs) Amount (Rs)
Paddy 1000 1000 -
Cloth 5000 500 -
Shoes 2000 400 -
Biscuit 1500 20
Raw materials used 1,500,000
Net factor income from Abroad 200,000
Net indirect taxes 400,000
Depreciation 500,000
22. A farmer produces wheat and sells to the miler, miler produces flour and sells to the
baker. Finally baker produces and sells to the consumers. The income and expenditure
accounts of these three industries are given below:
Description Expenditure (Rs. In billion) Receipts (billion)
Wheat production
Wages 160
Dividends 40
Interest 0 200
Wages 200
Purchases of wheat 200
Dividends 80
Interest 20 500
Bread industry
Wages 300
Purchase of flour 500
Dividends 100
Interest 100 1,000
Calculate GDP using final product.
Calculate GDP using value added method. [Ans Rs 1,000 billion Rs 1,000 billion]
23. From the following hypothetical data, calculate GDP at market price and GDP at factor
cost: [Rs 332 crore and Rs 294 crore]
Items Rs in Crore
Net indirect taxes 38
Depreciation 34
Net income from abroad -3
Rent 10
Profit 25
Interest 20
Wages and Salaries 170
Employer’s contribution to social security scheme 30
Mixed income (income from self employment) 5
24. Consider the following hypothetical national income data and answer the following
Items Rs in Billion
Interest 25
Net factor income from Abroad -5
Net indirect taxes 40
Royalty 5
Wages and Salaries 240
Depreciation 50
Profits 30
Rent 10
Calculate NDP at FC and GDP at MP. [Rs 310 billion, Rs 400 billion]
Calculate GNP at MP and NNP at FC.[Rs 395 billion, Rs 305billion]
Calculate national income (NI) [Rs 305 billion]
25. Calculate NI, PI, DI and personal saving from the following hypothetical data:
Items Rs in Million
Wages and Salaries 2,000
Mixed income from self employment 1,000
Rental income 300
Interest income 500
Dividend 3,000
Undistributed profit 1,000
Corporate income tax 600
Depreciation 250
Net factor income from Abroad 200
Indirect taxes 1,000
Subsidies 500
Personal taxes 500
Transfer payments 800
Social security contribution 1,000
Private Consumption 5,000
[Rs 8,600 million, Rs 6,800 million, Rs 6,300 million , Rs 1,300 million]
26. Calculate NI, PI, DI and personal saving from following hypothetical national income
Items Rs in million
GDP at MP 10000
Net Indirect Taxes 2000
Depreciation 1000
Net factor income from abroad 1500
Undistributed corporate profit 500
Corporate income taxes 1000
Dividend 3000
Social Security contribution 500
Transfer payment 1500
Private consumption expenditure 6000
Personal taxes 500
[Rs8,500 million; Rs 8,000 million; Rs 7,500 million ; Rs 1,500 million]
27. Consider the following hypothetical national income data and answer the following
Items Rs in Crore
Consumption of fixed capital (Depreciation) 600
Government expenditure 2000
Net factor income from abroad 100
Private final consumption expenditure 8000
Net exports -100
Opening stock 300
Closing stock 400
Gross private investment 2300
Calculate GDP at MP[Rs 12200 crore]
Calculate GNP at MP [Rs 12300 crore]
28. Calculate GDP at MP, GDP at FC, GNP at MP and GNP at FC from the following
hypothetical data:
Items Rs in crore
Private final consumption expenditure 290
Government final consumption expenditure 50
Gross domestic fixed capital formation 105
Indirect taxes 50
Depreciation 45
Net factor income from Abroad -5
Net addition to stock 15
Net export -5
[Rs 455 crore, Rs 405 crore, Rs 450 crore, Rs 400 crore]
29. Consider the following hypothetical national income data and answer the following
Items Rs in million
Private consumption expenditure 5000
Gross private investment 2500
Government expenditure 1500
Export 500
Import 1500
Depreciation 900
Net factor income from Abroad 2000
Indirect taxes 1000
Subsidies 500
Calculate GDP at FC and NDP at FC.[Rs 7500 million, Rs 6600 million]
Calculate GNP at MP and GNP at FC[Rs 10,000 million Rs 9500 million]
Calculate NNP at FC and NI[Rs 8600 million; Rs 8600 million]
30. Calculate GDP at MP and GNP at MP from the following data by both income and
expenditure method
Items Rs in crore
Rent 20
Private final consumption expenditure 400
Interest 30
Dividends 45
Undistributed profits 5
Corporate tax 10
Government final consumption expenditure 100
Net domestic capital formation 50
Compensation of employees 400
Depreciation 10
Net indirect taxes 50
Net factor income from abroad -10
Net export 10
[Rs 570 crore Rs 560 crore]
31. Calculate GDP deflator from the following hypothetical data and also calculate rate of
Year Nominal GDP(Billion) Real GDP (Billion) GDP Deflator Rate of inflation
2010/11 2000 1800 - -
2011/12 2200 1900 - -
2012/13 2500 2000 - -
2013/14 3000 2100 - -
Ans GDP DEFLATOR 111.11; 115.76; 125.00; 142.86; 4.21; 7.95; 14.29]
32. Calculate real GDP from the following hypothetical data:
Year Nominal GDP (Rs in GDP Deflator (Base year Real GDP
million) 2010/11)
2011/12 18000 112.25 -
2012/13 20000 115.75 -
2013/14 25000 122.55 -
[Rs 16,035.63; 17,278.61, 20,399.84]
Chapter 3 Classical Theory of Employment
1. What is voluntary unemployment.[2][2075]
2. What is meant by disguised unemployment? [2][2074]
3. What are the various types of unemployment? [2][2073]
4. Define voluntary unemployment. [2][2072]
5. Explain the process of labour market equilibrium in relation to achieve full employment.
6. Discuss the classical theory of employment. [15][2076]
Chapter 4 Kaynesian Macroeconomics
1. Write any four objective determinants of consumption function [2][2076]
2. What is MEC schedule? [2][2076]
3. What is the cause of unemployment according to Keynes? [2][2076]
4. What are the types of saving? [2][2076]
5. How do you differentiate between financial investment and real investment? [2][2074]
6. Point out the propositions of psychological law of consumption described by Keynes.
7. Prove that the sum of APC and APS is equal to unity. [2][2072]
8. Introduce two sector economy. How is national output determined under it?
9. Explain the psychological law of consumption. [10][2075]
10. What is induced investment? Explain the long-run determinants of investment.
11. Explain the Keynesian theory of employment. [10][2075]
12. Define investment. What do you mean by induce and autonomous investment?
13. What is investment multiplier? Explain the process of income generation by multiplier
process. [5+10][2075]
14. What do you mean by ‘Principle of Effective Demand’? How is it determined? [5+10]
15. Explain the Keynesian theory of employment. [15]
16. The consumption function of an economy is given C = 60+ 0.8 y where y is national
income. I f the investment in a year equals to 65 crore, what will be the equilibrium
level of nationalincome. [2][Rs 625 Crores]
17. Find out the rate of MPS and multiplier when MPC is 0.75[2][2074][0.25 and 4]
18. Let, in an economy, autonomous investment (Ia) =Rs 600 million and consumption
function © = 200+0.8y. Complete the equilibrium level of income and consumption.
[2][2074][Rs 4000 million and Rs 3400 million]
19. If MPCis 0.5, what will be the investment multiplier? [2][2073][2]
20. Suppose I=70 billion and C = 860 + 0.80 Y. Find the equilibrium level of output?
[2][2073][Rs 4650 billion]
21. Compute MPC when ∆Yd = 50 and ∆ C=20.[2][2072][MPC = 0.4]
22. What will happen to multiplier when MPC is zero? [Ans 1]
23. If Y = 50, and C = 60, find out value of APC [1.2]
24. Calculate the investment multiplier if MPC = ½, ¾ and 4/5, [2, 4, 5]
25. If C = 50+0.90Y and I = 65
Where, C = Consumption Yd = Disposable Income I = Investment Find the level of
income and consumption at equilibrium. [Ans 1,150 and 1,085]
26. If C = Rs 150 billion and Y = Rs 200 billion, Calculate the value of APC [0.75]
27. Find out value of MPC when Rs 50 million increase in income causes to Rs 40
million increase in consumption. [0.8]
28. Find out saving function when consumption is C = 75+0.8 Y [S= -75 + 0.2Y]
29. Find out equilibrium national income when C = 500+0.75 Y and I =Rs 1000 crore.
Also fond out consumption and saving. [Ans Y= Rs 6000 crore, C = Rs 5000 crore
and S = Rs 1000 crore]
30. Find the coefficient of investment multiplier when MPC= 2/5 and MPS = 0.25
31. Find the coefficient of multiplier from the following consumption function: C =
200+0.9 Y [Ans 10]
32. From the following saving function calculate the coefficient of multiplier S= -200+ 0.4
Y [2.5]
33. If value of multiplier is 5, what is the value of MPC and MPS?[0.8 AND 0.2]
34. In an economy, actual level of income Rs is 500 billion and MPC is 0.75. Calculate
the increase in investment required to achieve output of Rs 800 billion. [Rs 75 bilion]
35. Complete the following schedule:[10][2076]
MPC = 0.8
Period ∆la ∆Y ∆C ∆S
T1 10,000 - - -
T2 - - -
T3 - - -
All other periods - - -
Total - - -

Period ∆la ∆Y ∆C ∆S
T1 10,000 10,000 8000 2000
T2 8000 6400 1600
T3 6400 5120 1280
All other periods 25600 20480 5120
Total 50000 40000 10000
36. Consider the following table and answer the questions given below: [2075]
Aggregate output’ Income Consumption Planned Investment
400 410 20
450 450 20
500 490 20
550 530 20
600 570 20
650 610 20
700 650 20
750 690 20
At each level of output calculate saving APC and MPC. What is the equilibrium level
of output? [APC = 1.025; 1; 0.98; 0.95; 0.93; 0.92; 0.92, MPC = 0.8 at each level of
output and equilibrium level of output = 550]
Let the planned investment increases by 30 units. Recompute the table and calculate
the equilibrium level of output. [700]
37. Complete the following table and answer the given questions. [2074][5+5]
Income Consumption Saving APC MPC APS MPS
100 150
200 200
300 250
400 300
500 350
600 400
Derive the consumption and saving curve according to this schedule.
Income Consumption Saving APC MPC APS MPS
100 150 -50 1.5 - -0.5 -
200 200 0 1 0.5 0 0.5
300 250 50 0.83 0.5 0.17 0.5
400 300 100 0.75 0.5 0.25 0.5
500 350 150 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.5
600 400 200 0.66 0.5 0.34 0.5
38. Considering the following table answer the following questions
Period T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6
Disposable income 0 3000 6000 9000 12000 15000
Consumption 1500 3000 4500 6000 7500 9000
Derive the linear consumption and saving function [C = 1500+0.5Y]
Derive saving MPC, APC, MPS AND APS. [S = -1500+0.5Y]
39. If the consumption and investment are given as C = 860 + 0.8Y and I = 70
a. What will be the equilibrium income? [4][4650 billion]
b. Calculate the value of multiplier. [2][5]
c. If autonomous investment increases by 20 what will be the new equilibrium
income? [4][6750 billion]
Chapter 5. Income Determination (IS- LM) MODEL: Hicks – Hansen Approach
1. What is LM curve? [2][2074][2073]Derive. [10][2076]
2. Show the equilibrium of IS.LM in diagram. [2][2072]
3. How is product market equilibrium derived? Explain with the help of IS curve. [10]
4. If Y = Rs 10,000 , C = Rs8,000 and I = 4,000- 6000 I, Find rate of interest. [2][0.333]
5. If C = 10+0.5 Y, and I = 200-2000i. Find Y. [420-4000i which is the IS – equation][2]
6. Find LM equation from the following demand for money and supply of money function:
Ms = 150; Mt = 0.5 Y; Msp = 150-1500i[Y = 3000i which is the LM equation]
7. Find equilibrium rate of interest and level of income, IS- schedule, Y = 420- 4000i LM
schedule Y = 3000i [0.06 and 180][2]
8. Suppose the product and money market model is given a s C= 100+ 0.8 Y; I = 110- 5I;
MS= 450, Mt = 0.5Y, MSP = -4i Find
a. IS AND LM functions [Y = 1050-2.5i; Y = 900+8i
b. Equilibrium rate of interest and level of income [i=14.28 and Y = 693]
Chapter 6 Inflation
1. State the essence of wage-push inflation. [2][2076]
2. Define deflation. [2][2075]
3. Explain the effects of inflation on production and distribution, [10][2075]
4. Define inflation. Explain demand pull inflation. [3+7][2073]
5. Explain cost-push inflation. [10][2072]
6. Explain the principle of demand –pull inflation. How can it be controlled by monetary
policy? [8+7][2076]
7. Explain the demand pull inflation with suitable diagram. Whar are its causes. [8+7][2074]
8. If PIN for all goods was increased from 124.5 in 2005-06 to 131.5 in 2006-07, Find
inflation rate. [5.62%]
9. Suppose nominal GNP in 2011-12 was 30 crore and real GNP was Rs 25 crore, find
GNP deflator for 2011-12 and rate of inflation. [120 an d20%]
10. If GDP deflator in 2007eas 100.50 and 2008 was 105.50, find the rate of inflation.
11. If CPI of 2012 was 9.25% and was increased to 11.25% in 2013, find rate of inflation.
[21.62 %]
12. From the following table, compute real GNP deflator and rate of inflation
Year Nominal GNP Real GNP CPI
2010-11 4,414 13,759 128
2011-12 5,158 14,535 151
Descriptive/ Short Answer Questions
13. The value of nominal and real GNP are given below:
Year Nominal GNP Real GNP GNP deflator(%) Rate of inflation (%)
2000-01 470,269 208,481
2001-02 542,691 209,621
2002-03 618,961 220,489
2003-04 719,548 233,508
2004-05 843,294 249,903
Derive the value of GNP deflator and rate of inflation
Year Nominal GNP Real GNP GNP deflator(%) Rate of inflation (%)
2000-01 470,269 208,481 225.57 -
2001-02 542,691 209,621 258.89 14.77
2002-03 618,961 220,489 280.72 8.43
2003-04 719,548 233,508 307.76 9.63
2004-05 843,294 249,903 337.45 9.64
14. Consider the following hypothetical table
Year National GDP GDP Deflator(%) Real GDP(2006 as base Rate of inflation
year) (%)
2009 9756.5 102.65
2010 10023.2 104.72
2011 11065.6 106.75
2012 12766.8 109.20
2013 14541.7 111.55

Year National GDP GDP Deflator(%) Real GDP(2006 as base Rate of inflation
year) (%)
2009 9756.5 102.65 9504.63 -
2010 10023.2 104.72 9571.43 2.01
2011 11065.6 106.75 10365.90 1.93
2012 12766.8 109.20 11691.21 2.29
2013 14541.7 111.55 13036.04 2.15
15. From the following data compute
a. Real GNP[Rs 23759.32, Rs24,535.06]
b. GNP deflator and rate of inflation[228.1 and 251.0][ 10.04%]
Year Nominal GNP(in billion) Wholesale PIN(2000-01 = 100)
2005-06 54,195 228.1
2006-07 51,583 251.0

16. Construct CPI number for the year 2013 from the data given below. Find inflation rate.
Commodity Base year 2012 Price in 2013
Price (po) Quantity (qo)
Orange 12 15 16
Mango 15 10 18
Apple 17 8 19
Ans 122.75 and 22.75%
17. From the following data compute CPI what change in the consumer price index of 2008
has taken place as compared to 2007? [148.50]
Items Weight Price in 2007 Price in 2008
Food 50 150 180
Rent 15 50 70
Clothing 5 100 150
Fuel 10 20 40
Misc. 20 60 120

Chapter 7 Business Cycles

1. What is meant by trough in trade cycle? [2] [2074]
2. What are the various phases of trade cycle? [2] [2072]
3. Explain the depression phase of trade cycle. What types of fiscal instruments would you
suggest to remove it. [2][2076]
4. Define trade cycle. Explain the various phases of trade cycle. [ 3+12][2073]
5. Explain depression phase of trade cycle. How can it be removed by the fiscal policy?
Chapter 8 Monetary Theory
1. Define exchange rate. [2][2076]
2. State the motives for demand for money according to Keynes. [2][2075]
3. Point out the objectives of monetary policy. [2][2074]
4. What are the motives of demands for money according to Keynes. [2][2073]
5. Point out any four objectives of monetary policy. [2] [2073]
6. Define money supply. What are its determinants? [10] [2075]
7. Define monetary policy. What are the major instruments of monetary policy? [15][2075]
Chapter 9 Government Finance
1. What is budget? [2][2076]
2. Write the methods of deficit financing. [2] [2075]
3. Point out any four objectives of fiscal policy. [2][2072]
4. What is fiscal policy? What are its objectives? [3+7][2074]
5. Define government budget. Explain the components of government budget with
reference to Nepal. [3+7][2074][1][2073]
6. What are the various sources of government revenue? [10][2072]
Chapter 10 Contemporary Issues (with reference to Nepal)
1. State the methods of privatization. [2] [2075]
2. Distinguish between absolute poverty and relative poverty. [2][2075]
3. Write any four demerits of foreign direct investment. [2][2075]
4. Explain any two causes of economic inequality in Nepal. [2][2074]
5. Point out various causes of poverty. [2] [2074][8][2073]
6. Point out advantages of privatization. [2] [2073]
7. Point out advantages of foreign employment. [2][2073][2072][8][2075][12][2073]
8. What is poverty? Describe methods to alleviate it.[10][2076][2073]
9. Explain the concept of economic growth and economic development. In what respect
they differ with each other? [6+4][2076]
10. Explain current situation of foreign employment in Nepal. [5][2075]
11. Write merits and demerits of globalization for a country like Nepal. [10][2074]
12. What is foreign employment? [ 3][2073]
13. Define privatization. What are its advantages and disadvantages in Nepal?[ 15][2072]

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