Author Guideline MBIO - 20210428
Author Guideline MBIO - 20210428
Author Guideline MBIO - 20210428
Secretariat: Unit of Journal Consortium and FMI, Campus A Library Floor 1 and Gramik Building
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Prof dr Moestopo 47, Surabaya 60131, Indonesia
Phone: +62315020251 ext. 1199, email:
Majalah Biomorfologi is published twice a year in one volume. Majalah Biomorfologi contains
scientific papers in the field of medicine and health in the form of original research reports,
literature reviews, and case reports. Manuscripts submitted must contain original ideas that have
never been published or presented in any form and anywhere and not in a review or under
consideration to be published by other parties. The journal accepts manuscript in English. The
manuscript should be written in accordance to the structure as in the Document Template that can
be downloaded by clicking the Document Template button. The Document Template includes
statement sheet that the manuscript does not contain fabricated, falsified, and plagiarized text
and/or data, that the manuscript has never been published before and is not under consideration
for publication by another party, and that all authors have agreed the final form of the manuscript.
All authors involved in making the manuscript must sign the statement sheet. The authors should
also attach within the Document Template a letter of ethical eligibility (ethical clearance) for
original research and case reports.
The manuscript must be free of typing errors and have a proportional length. The length of each
manuscript is 5-10 pages of A4 size paper (1.5 spaces, Times New Roman font size 11, with
normal margins page layout of 2.54 cm in each side). The recommended references are the updated
ones in the last 10 years from the date of current submission, unless in a special case accepted by
the Editors.
1. Title, which must be concise, specific and informative. The title must consist of no more
than 14 words, written on the top line with Times New Roman font, size 11, all in capital
letters, bold, left aligned, while the Latin name is italicized (Italic).
2. The author's name(s) is complete (without title) and the home institutions of the authors
are written with initial capital letter for each word in Times New Roman font, size 11, left
aligned, without ending points. If there are more than 1 author, all is written, separated
with commas. Add a numeric code (superscript) behind the author's name. Author's home
institution is written under the author's name beginning with a numeric code (superscript).
Writing the name of the institution is followed with the name of the city the agency is
3. Abstract must be arranged with brief description (containing no more than 250 words).
Abstract is written in English.
a. Abstract of original research must consist of background, objective, materials and
methods, results, and conclusion written in one paragraph.
b. Abstract of literature review must consist of background, objective, discussion, and
conclusion, written in one paragraph.
c. Abstract of case report must consist of background, objective, case, discussion, and
conclusion, written in one paragraph.
4. Keywords consist of 3-5 words and or phrases, written under abstracts, in English, started
with capital letter (Sentence case), separated with semi-colon, and without ending point.
Secretariat: Unit of Journal Consortium and FMI, Campus A Library Floor 1 and Gramik Building
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Prof dr Moestopo 47, Surabaya 60131, Indonesia
Phone: +62315020251 ext. 1199, email:
5. Correspondence is written under the abstract including the name, full address, telephone
number, and email address of one of the authors responsible as the correspondent.
6. The correspondence is followed by the following sections based on the type of article
(original research, literature review, case reports):
a. Original research report, consists of the following sections:
Materials and Methods
b. Literature review, consists of the following sections:
c. Case report, consists of the following sections:
7. After the conclusion in any type of manuscript, additional statements should be written
consecutively as follows:
Ethical clearance
Conflict of interest
Funding disclosure
8. Graphs, diagrams, charts, illustrated drawings, and photographs should be limited in
number, produced at least 300 dpi in TIFF format, having clear legend, numbered with
Arabic numerals and titles, written in center aligned at the bottom.
9. The table should be limited in number, an open table and numbered with Arabic numbers
and titles, written in center aligned at the top.
10. All words in Latin must be written in italics.
11. The use of abbreviations is generally agreed upon, and an extension must be given in the
first mention of the abbreviation.
12. Decimal numbers are marked with points (.).
All references in each manuscript MUST be published within 10 years from the submission date,
whilst these references should be from highly reputable publishers and/ or indexing websites i.e.
Scopus, Scimagojr, Web of Science, NCBI- Pubmed and Google Scholar. Citation must be done
Secretariat: Unit of Journal Consortium and FMI, Campus A Library Floor 1 and Gramik Building
Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jalan Prof dr Moestopo 47, Surabaya 60131, Indonesia
Phone: +62315020251 ext. 1199, email:
accordingly to all references in each article to ensure good article quality produced with great
academic impact and scientific contribution. The references follow Harvard system.
1. Journal
The first author's last name, initials. The second author's last name, initials. etc., Year. Article title
(Sentence case). Journal Name (each word starts with an capital letter), Volume (No): page.
Boughton, J.M., 2002. The Bretton Woods proposal: an in depth look. Political Science Quarterly,
42(6): 305-11.
Breslavsky, A. Frand, J. Matas, Z. Boaz, M. Barnea, Z. Shargorodsky, M., 2013. Effect of high
doses of vitamin D on arterial properties, adiponectin, leptin and glucose homeostasis in type 2
diabetic patients. Clinical Nutrition, 32(6): 970-5.
Manna, P. & Jain, S.K., 2012. Vitamin D upregulates glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) translocation
and glucose utilization mediated by cystathionine-γ-lyase (CSE) activation and H2S formation
in 3T3L1 adipocytes. J Biol Chem, 287(50): 42324-32.
Hamden, K. Carreau, S. Jamoussi, K. Miladi, S. Lajmi, S. Aloulou, D. Ayadi, F. Elfeki, A., 2009.
1α,25 dihydroxyvitamin D3: Therapeutic and preventive effects againts oxidative stress, hepatic,
pancreatic and renal injury in alloxan-induced diabetes in rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol, 55(3): 215-
2. Books
Last name, initials., Year. Book Title. Edition City of publisher: publisher.
Barker, R. Kirk, J. Munday, R.J., 1988. Narrative analysis. 3rd ed. Bloomington: Indiana
University Press.
The last name of the chapter writer, initials. ed/eds., Chapter year. Chapter Title. In: Editor’s name
(Initial first name. Last name, ed.)ed/eds. Book year. Book title. City of publisher: Publisher.
Chapter or page number.
b. Translated book
Last name, initials., Year. Book title. Translated from (language) by(Translator’s initial first name,
last name). City of publisher: Publisher.
Fawcet, D.W., 1994. Buku ajar histologi. Translated from English by J. Tambayong. Jakarta:
Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC.
c. Electronic book/E-book
Last name, initials., Year. Book title. [e-book] City of publisher: Publisher. Retrieved: (date of
access) of (website address).
Fishman, R., 2005. The rise and fall of suburbia. [e-book] Chester: Castle Press. Downloaded 12
May 2010 from
d. Proceeding book
Last name, initials. Year. Article Title. In: Editor’s name, ed or organization’s name. Book Title.
Location, Date. Place of publisher: Publisher. Date. Place of publisher: Publisher.
Artaria, M.D. Rahmawati, Y. Setianingsih, H., 2012. Variasi genetika lokus STR codis (THO1,
TPOX) pada temuan rangka prasejarah dari Gilimanuk. In: N.M. Karmaya, I.W. Sugiritama, eds.
Proceeding of Pertemuan Ilmiah Nasional Perhimpunan Ahli Anatomi Indonesia XIII. Bali,
Indonesia, 12-13 Oktober 2012. Denpasar: Udayana University Press.
e. Thesis/dissertation
Richmond, J., 2005. Customer expectations in the world of electronic banking: a case study of the
Bank of Britain. Disertation. Chelmsford: Anglia Ruskin University.
f. Website
National Electronic Library for Health, 2003. Can walking make you slimmer and healthier?
Downloaded 10 April 2005 from
.... in accordance with the results of the study (Titus, et al., 2007).