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ProgCorr LectureNotes

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Lecture Notes on

Program Correctness

Wim H. Hesselink
Gerard R. Renardel de Lavalette

BSc Computing Science

Course: Program Correctness (WBCS024-05)
Academic Year 2022/23 (Semester 2A)

Faculty of Science and Engineering

University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Last modification: January 13, 2022

1 Introduction 5
1.1 The meaning of program correctness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 How to arrive at program correctness? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.3 Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
1.4 History of these lecture notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

2 Logical-mathematical preparation 9
2.1 The specification language . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.2 Strength of formulas and proof format . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
2.3 Operators and their properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.1 Division with remainder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.2 The counting operator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.3 Maxima and minima of sets of numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2.3.4 Sums and products of sequences of numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
2.3.5 Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.3.6 The logical quantifiers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

3 Specifications 15
3.1 States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.2 Programs and commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
3.3 Hoare triples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.4 Example of a specification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
3.5 Preregular and postregular specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
3.6 Unsatisfiable specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
3.7 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

4 Program constructs 21
4.1 Pseudocode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4.2 Proof rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
4.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

5 Annotated commands 25
5.1 Two assignments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.1.1 A first problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
5.1.2 A second problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.2 Sequential composition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3 Conditional commands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3.1 A first problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
5.3.2 A second problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
5.4 Additional rules for annotations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
5.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

6 Repetitions 35
6.1 Roadmap for the design of a repetition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6.2 Example: exponentiation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
6.3 Example: powers of 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.4 Example: Euclid’s algorithm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
6.5 Active finalization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
6.6 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

7 Finding the invariant 45

7.1 The role of the invariant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.2 Heuristics for the search for an invariant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
7.3 Examples of choice of the invariant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7.4 The sum of an array of numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
7.5 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49

8 Search problems 55
8.1 Linear search . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
8.2 Linear search of a value in an array . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
8.3 Binary search in ordered sequences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
8.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61

9 Two-dimensional counting 65
9.1 Number of grid points . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
9.2 A southwestern slope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
9.3 The method of the shrinking rectangle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
9.4 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70

10 Add auxiliary information to the invariant 75

10.1 Longest positive segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
10.2 Longest left-minimal segments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
10.3 Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
Chapter 1


1.1 The meaning of program correctness

Program Correctness deals with the correctness of computer programs (i.e., software).
What does it mean: correctness? According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word correct
has the meaning

free from error, in accordance with fact or truth.

In the context of programs, however, correctness is a relative concept. Whether a program

is correct or not, depends on the specification:

a program is correct if it satisfies its specification.

For larger programs and for software systems, it is often impossible to give a complete
specification. Such systems have requirements. There is a whole field within software en-
gineering to collect requirements and to investigate whether the requirements are satisfied.
In this course, however, we restrict the attention to small programs that can be specified
We specify a program by means of a precondition and a postcondition in a so-called
Hoare triple:

is called the precondition, the postcondition. The meaning of the Hoare triple is:

if we execute program in a state where precondition holds, execution of

terminates in a state where postcondition holds.

As explained in Chapter 3, the conditions and are formulas from predicate logic. In
Chapter 4, we present a logical formalism to prove the correctness of Hoare triples. The
remainder of these lecture notes, the largest part, is devoted to the question how to do this
in practice.

1.2 How to arrive at program correctness?

Now that we have an idea of what program correctness means, we turn to the question
how to decide that a program is correct. More specifically, how to decide that a program
satisfies Hoare triple ? Some conceivable answers:


Programming and testing. We investigate the specification, invent a program, and test it
with test data that satisfy precondition . There are three possibilities. (1) The program
does not terminate within a reasonable time; (2) the program terminates in a state that
does not satisfy ; (3) the program terminates in a state that satisfies . In the cases
(1) and (2), we can conclude that the program is incorrect, or at least unsatisfactory. It
must be modified. What about case (3)? The program passed one test. Are we allowed
to conclude that it satisfies the specification? Alas, definitely not. For almost every useful
specification, there are many (often infinitely many) states that satisfy the precondition,
and it is impossible to test all these initial states. Conclusion: in general, this approach
cannot ensure that the program satisfies its specification. Moreover, it also gives no clue
how to find a program that does satisfy the specification.

Programming and operational reasoning. In this case, we invent a program and then
reason operationally that the program starting in any state that satisfies precondition
, always terminates in a state that satisfies postcondition . Operational reasoning
means that you play the role of the computer and execute the program yourself. You
record the actions of the program, and the effects of these actions on the state of the
computer. For many programmers, this is the usual approach, although they know that
operational reasoning often fails when the program gets more complicated. Operational
reasoning is often restricted to the generic case (‘in general, we have . . . ’). It is then easy
to ignore relevant special cases. When one tries to avoid this restriction to the generic case,
however, one may end up with a large number of cases that have to be treated separately.
A computer might be able to handle it, but we human beings are not good at it. In
general, this approach does not guarantee that a program has been found that satisfies the

Programming and verification. Again, we investigate the specification, invent a program,

and now we try to prove its correctness. In order to do this, we regard the program as
a mathematical object that can be proved to satisfy its specification by means of logi-
cal/mathematical arguments. For this purpose, we use the proof rules given in Chapter 4
below. If we succeed in constructing a correctness proof, the program satisfies its specifi-
cation. The experience, however, is that this way of proving the correctness of a program
usually fails because it leads to the finding of errors, big or small. After correction of the
error, we come back to the proof. When we are lucky, this process ends with a verified
program. Even then the program obtained in this way is often less satisfactory than the
program that can be obtained by the procedure described next.

Concurrent development of the program and its proof of correctness. We investigate

the precondition and the postcondition as given in the specification. We then use
the available program constructs, the proof rules given for them in Chapter 4, and the
heuristics described in Chapter 7 to decompose the specification into smaller ones that are
easier to satisfy. This approach is called program derivation. It is the approach taken in
this course. We do not work with a concrete programming language, but with pseudocode,
an abstract form of an imperative programming language (like C or Pascal). It only uses
the imperative program constructs of the assignment, the sequential composition (denoted
with a semicolon), the conditional construct (if/then/else), and the repetition (while/do).
See Chapter 4.
The derivation of correct programs is a manual task which you can learn only by doing
it yourself. These notes are therefore full of exercises. Of course, it is also useful (but
definitely not sufficient) to read and analyse the examples given in these notes.

We use the proof method of annotated programs, because this enables us to integrate
the program and the proof. In this course, we restrict ourselves to the correct design of
small well-specified programs. This is only one of the aspects of reliable programming, but
it is an aspect that can save you from drowning in a swamp of spaghetti code.
Programmers are constantly making choices, usually based on intuition or experience.
We here indicate how a systematic analysis can guide you in your choices. The aim is
that analysis and intuition are complementary and strengthen each other. Intuition alone
often leads to commands that are not completely correct, and therefore incorrect. Analysis
without intuition can sometimes lead to a command that completely misses the mark, due
to a small computation error.

1.3 Overview
The mathematical and logical background material that we need is presented in Chapter 2.
Chapter 3 is about specifications. Chapter 4 treats the program constructs and their proof
rules. These three chapters are only briefly treated in the course. They form material to
be read when the course starts and to be consulted when specific points come up. The
course proper consists of the remaining chapters.
The foundations of program correctness are laid in the Chapters 5, 6, and 7. Chapter 5
introduces annotated commands that connect programming with correctness arguments.
Chapter 6 introduces a roadmap to derive programs with repetitions in a systematic way.
In Chapter 7 we present heuristics to find invariants. This is the main creative challenge
in the derivation of while-statements.
Chapter 8 treats search problems, in particular linear search and binary search, because
such problems occur in practice very often, and they deserve to be treated carefully.
The harvest is reaped in the Chapters 9 and 10. Here, we finally treat problems for
which the methods presented in this course are undoubtably beneficial and perhaps even
indispensable. Chapter 9 treats problems like saddleback search and presents the method
of the shrinking rectangle. Chapter 10 treats the method of strengthening of the invariant
with auxiliary information, and illustrates this with segment problems.

1.4 History of these lecture notes

The Lecture Notes Program Correctness were written in Dutch in 1993 by Wim Hesselink.
Revised versions were made by Harm Bakker and Hendrik Wietze de Haan (2005). A
thorough revision was made in 2007 by Gerard Renardel de Lavalette in collaboration with
Wim Hesselink. The present version is a (slightly revised) translation in English by Wim
The original version used the program constructs of the programming language Pascal.
We later moved to Modula 3. The present version uses a form of pseudocode close to
Modula 3.
We finally list the main sources for the method of programming advocated here:

• E. W. Dijkstra: A discipline of programming. Prentice-Hall (Englewood Cliffs), 1976.

• E. W. Dijkstra, W. H. J. Feijen: Een methode van programmeren. Academic Service
(Den Haag), 1984.
• D. Gries: The science of programming. Springer-Verlag (New York, etc.), 1981.
• A. Kaldewaij: Programming: the derivation of algorithms. Prentice-Hall Interna-
tional (New York, etc.), 1990.
Chapter 2

Logical-mathematical preparation

In this chapter, we treat the concepts and notations from mathematics and logic that will
be used in this course.

2.1 The specification language

We begin with a description of the language used to write specifications. This is predicate
logic, with the following components.

Identifiers. These are names for the objects that occur in the specifications. In these
notes, we use the following identifiers:

constants: true false

specification constants:

Strictly speaking, specification constants are logical variables. We call them specifica-
tion constants because they only occur in the specifications and not in the programs. In
particular, they cannot be modified by the programs.
The variables etc. can occur both free or bound. A variable can be bound by a
quantifier ( , ) or in the definition of a set (e.g. in N ; more about
this below). According to tradition, the argument of an array is written between square
brackets, e.g. .

Declarations. Identifiers have a domain: a set that contains the values the identifier can
refer to. In these notes, the following domains occur:

Z, the set of the integers;

N, the natural numbers 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . ;
N , the positive integers 1, 2, 3, . . . ;
R, the real numbers;
B, the booleans true and false.

Variables and arrays are declared with an indication of the domain. We use a var decla-
ration to indicate that the value of the variable can be modified by the program, and a
const declaration otherwise. These notes do not treat array modification. All arrays are
therefore constant. An example of a declaration:

const N R array of Z
var N R


This declaration indicates that we can use the identifiers , , , , , in the specification
and the program, and it gives the domains of the identifiers. It further indicates that the
program can contain assignments to the variables and , but not to , , and .

Functions Primarily, we have the standard functions of arithmetic:

div mod min max
Here, the order indicates the priority: (multiplication) binds strongest, and div and mod
bind more strongly than addition and subtraction. Arithmetic rules for div and mod are
given later in this chapter. We do use some other functions, such as exponentiation, gcd
(greatest common divisor), and the factorial function ‘ !’. Occasionally, we use functions
, , , as indicated on the spot.

Predicates We use the following standard predicates:

We prefer to use and rather than and , because the values on the real axis increase
from left to right.

Expressions Expressions are formed by combining identifiers, functions, predicates, log-

ical connectives ( , , , , ), and the quantifiers ( , ). We distinguish between
numerical expressions and boolean expressions. Boolean expressions are called conditions.
In logic, they are usually called formulas. Some examples of conditions:

The conditions on the first line have no logical symbols: such conditions are called atomic.
The conditions on the first two lines have no quantifiers: these are propositional conditions.
The following expressions are numerical. They are not conditions:
mod div
Note that the second one can only be used in a specification because of the occurrence of
the specification constant .
Occasionally, we use the conditional expression , with the meaning: if
then , else . Conditional expressions make it often possible to postpone case distinc-
tions. This is useful because early case distinctions tend to increase your work load.
We denote expressions with the letters , , possibly with subscript: etc. We
denote by the result of substitution of expression for variable in expression .
Conditions are indicated by the capital letters , possibly with subscript.

Sets is the standard notation for the set that contains all objects from the domain
of for which condition holds. In this notation, is a bound variable. A set that contains
not too many elements can also be denoted by enumerating its elements:

We can further write for the set of values of expression for all
objects that satisfy : here is a bound variable. This notation can be written in
the standard notation:

The empty set is denoted by . We write (pronounced ‘ in ’) for the condition

that is an element of the set .
An interval (alternatively called segment) is a set of consecutive integers, elements of
Z. We use the following interval notation:

The interval is called closed, the interval half-open. (We could also define
intervals and , but we do not need them here.) Working with half-open
interval has a number of advantages. For instance, the number of elements of the interval
equals , provided (the interval is empty if ). We also have
that provided .
We often use sets to restrict the domain of bound variables:
means the same as ;
means the same as ;
means the same as .
The colon in , is added to improve readability.

2.2 Strength of formulas and proof format

We use the ‘meta-arrow’ for universally valid implication. More concretely:
means that holds for all assignments of values to the free
variables that occur in and .
When holds, we say that is stronger than and that is weaker than .
We shall use relation frequently in expressions and derivations, as well as its reversal
. There is also a ‘double meta-arrow’: , which means ( and ).
We prefer, however, to use the equivalence symbol with the same meaning as , which
we phrase as follows:
means that and have the same truth value for every assignment of
values to the free variables in and .
Our preference for the symbool is based on the argument that it is more similar to the
ordinary equality symbol =, and that this is also the way we use the symbol in proofs.
If we know that , then we can replace by in all other expressions without
changing the meaning. The symbol , however, suggests to prove by separately
proving and . This of course is a valid way to prove it, but it is not always
the most convenient way.
We use the following format to prove assertions like :

( argument why implies )

( argument why implies )

This is called a linear annotated proof . It consists of a sequence of formulas on lines,

separated by lines that contain a transitive relation (here ) and an argument between
braces and . Annotated linear proofs have the advantage that they are clear and easy
to check. The first examples occur in Chapter 6.4.

2.3 Operators and their properties

We discuss a number of properties of the operators div, mod, , max, min, Max, Min, ,
, , and . We restrict ourselves to properties that are relevant for programming.

2.3.1 Division with remainder: div and mod

Integer numbers (the elements of Z) play an important role in programming. We often
need division with remainder , because this enables us to remain working in Z. Example:
38 divided by 5 equals 7 with remainder 3. To express this, the operators div and mod are
defined as follows: if Z and , then div and mod are integer numbers
that satisfy

div mod mod (2.1)

In words: the remainder mod is a natural number smaller than , and the integral
quotient div is such that equals times the integral quotient plus the remainder. It
follows that: div and mod . You may note that, for negative values of
, these definitions of div and mod deviate from the definitions used in the programming
languages C and Java.
The integral quotient div is the greatest integer . This implies two properties
of inequalities in which div plays a role, which we shall use later. Firstly:

div (2.2)

We derive the second property from the first one, using that is equivalent with
, and that follows from :

div (2.3)

2.3.2 The counting operator

If is a finite set, we write to denote the number of elements of . The number of el-
ements of the empty set is zero: . This is the starting point for many computations.
Two other important rules are the one-point rule, and the splitting rule:

In the splitting rule, the set is the splitting criterion. Recall that is the intersection
, and is the set difference . If, e.g., we want to count
all participants to some event, we may count all paying participants, and all nonpaying
participants, and then add these two numbers to get the number of all participants.
Occasionally, we combine the one-point rule with the rule for the empty set to


Here, the function ord B Z is defined by ord .

2.3.3 Maxima and minima of sets of numbers

If is a finite set of numbers, we write Max for the greatest element of and Min
for the least element of . If is nonempty, we have


We use the infix operators max and min for the maximum and minimum of pairs. We
therefore have max Max and min Min . The one-point rules are


We define the maximum and the minimum of the empty set by


These (perhaps unexpected) rules are useful, because the following splitting rules then hold
without exceptions:

Max Max max Max

Min Min min Min

2.3.4 Sums and products of sequences of numbers

When we take the maximum of a sequence of numbers, it does not matter whether a certain
number occurs one or more times in the sequence. This does matter, however, when we
take the sum or the product of a sequence of numbers. For this reason, sums and products
are usually taken for sequences of numbers, and not for sets.
A sequence consists of the subsequent values for . Here the set
is usually a set of consecutive integers. The sequence differs from the set
in the possibility of multiple occurrences of elements. We thus have

Just as with sets, we often write instead of .

We define the sum of the sequence inductively. The sum of the empty
sequence is 0, the identity element for addition. This is the zero-point rule. The other two
rules are the one-point rule and the splitting rule:

We define the product of the sequence in the same way. The product of
the empty sequence is 1, the identity element for multiplication. The three rules are:

In mathematics, one usually writes and instead of and

. For programming, our notation is preferable, because we often have to
modify the set rather than argue about the terms .
One can also consider maxima and minima of sequences, but these satisfy the same
rules as the maxima and minima of sets.

2.3.5 Distribution
Multiplication distributes over sums:

Addition distributes over maxima and minima:

Max Max
Min Min

Multiplication with a positive number also distributes over (nonempty) maxima and
minima, while multiplication with a negative number interchanges maxima and minima:

Max Max
Min Min
Max Min
Min Max

Using this with , one can prove that

Max Min

2.3.6 The logical quantifiers

The logical quantifiers and behave as operators on sets. In fact, we can regard and as
repeated conjunction and repeated disjunction , respectively. The neutral elements
of and are true and false, respectively. In the following rules, is a condition and
and are sets. The zero-point rules, the one-point rules, and the splitting rules are:


Disjunction with a condition that does not depend on distributes over . Similarly,
conjunction with distributes over :
Chapter 3


This chapter is about specifications of programs. We use conditions to describe the program
state, as given by the values of the program variables. The aim of the program is usually
expressed in terms of modifications of the state. We specify the (allowed or intended)
changes of the state by using the precondition to describe the state before execution, and
the postcondition for the state after execution.

3.1 States
The starting point for program specification is the fact that execution of the program
modifies the values stored in the memory locations associated with the program. We do
not regard the values stored on the level of bits or bytes, but rather on the more abstract
level of numbers or truth values. We define the state of a program as follows:
Definition 3.1 (state) Let a program be given, with a declaration of the variables .
Then a state of the program is a set of pairs

where, for , the value is an element of the domain of the variable . The
state thus indicates the value of each program variable . The set of all states of a
program is called the state space of the program.
Example. If is a program with the variables Z, then e.g. is a state,
just as . When we fix an order of the variables (e.g. before ), we
can alternatively denote the state of by a pair of numbers: or . Then
the states of are elements of the state space Z Z .
Remark. In these notes, we ignore the fact that most programming languages cannot
represent all integer or real values. In particular, we ignore problems with overflow and
underflow, although this is an important issue for program correctness. Therefore, in these
notes, Z and R are indeed the mathematical sets of integers and reals, respectively.

3.2 Programs and commands

Large programs are built from small programs. When we want to verify that a large
program satisfies its specification, we need to know the specifications satisfied by the smaller
programs that it contains, and the way these specifications interact. The smaller programs
hardly deserve the name program because they perform so little. Yet they need to be
specified. We therefore introduce the neutral term command for any program or component
of a program that can be specified. We reserve the term ‘program’ for larger commands
that can be discussed in isolation (we could also call these ‘algorithms’).


3.3 Hoare triples

In specifications of commands (or programs), we describe how execution of the command
modifies or can modify the state. We do this not on the level of single states, because that
would introduce unnecessary details and would be infeasible in cases with infinitely many
relevant states. We therefore work with sets of states, i.e., subsets of the state space, or
equivalently the conditions on the state space that determine such subsets.
Example: when we are going to specify a command that has to determine the square
root of a number , and that subsequently adds the number to it, we only want to do
this in states where the value of is nonnegative. We therefore introduce the set of states

which alternatively is described by the condition .

To describe a set of states, we thus use declarations and conditions from the specification
language. We formally define our specification concept as follows.

Definition 3.2 (specification, precondition, postcondition, Hoare triple) Let the program vari-
ables be declared. The specification of a command in these variables consists
of a precondition and a postcondition . These conditions are formulas with no other
free variables than the variables , and possibly program constants and specifi-
cation constants. The specification means that, in every state that satisfies , command
is executable and will terminate in a state that satisfies . We denote this specification in
the form of a Hoare triple1 :

We can therefore read as:

if we execute command in a state where precondition holds, execution of

will terminate in a state where postcondition holds.

As we shall see, in many specifications, we use specification constants to transfer infor-

mation from the precondition to the postcondition. In general, this cannot be done with
variables, because the value of a variable can be modified by the command!
Specification constants do not occur in commands. Therefore, when we mention one
or more specification constants in the precondition, the command cannot affect the values
of these constant(s), so that they have the same meaning in the postcondition.

3.4 Example of a specification

We now show how to formalize an informal specification of a command by means of a
Hoare triple. Let us consider the informal specification:

Given is an array that contains the value . The task is to assign to

a variable the smallest index that satisfies .
Named after the British computer scientist C.A.R. (Tony) Hoare.

We begin with a declaration of the relevant identifiers:

const N R array of R
var N
We can formalize the condition of the first sentence by
We could take this as the precondition, and then choose the postcondition

In general, however, we strive to make the postcondition as simple as possible, preferably

in the form , for a specification constant . In order to do so, the precondition
must indicate the value that must obtain. We can do this by taking the precondition

or, shorter, by
The latter definition of has the additional advantage that we can replace condition (3.1)
by (in fact, we have Min for Z). In this way, we obtain
the specification


3.5 Preregular and postregular specifications

We define a Hoare triple to be preregular if the precondition is independent
of the values of the program variables. It can therefore only depend on program constants
and specification constants. In this case, the precondition remains valid during execution
of the command. It is therefore applicable at all points of the command.
We define a Hoare triple to be postregular if the postcondition is a
conjunction of equalities of the form .
When there are no other considerations, we prefer to use specifications that are both
preregular and postregular. We call them biregular .

Example. Given a constant N, a command that assigns to a variable the value

, can be specified in a biregular way by

A command that squares the variable , can be specified in a postregular way by

In this case, a preregular specification is impossible because the initial value of the
variable is needed to determine the final value that is required.

3.6 Unsatisfiable specifications

Some specifications with given and are unsatisfiable, i.e., there is no
command that satisfies it. There can be two reasons for this: contradiction or lack of
information. Consider for an integer variable the specification


This specification is unsatisfiable by contradiction, because there is no integer number

with square 5. The number 9 is a square, but the specification

is unsatisfiable by lack of information. If we assign 3 to , the postcondition is not es-

tablished when . If we assign to , the postcondition is not established when

3.7 Exercises
A number of exercises in which you have to specify a command by providing a declaration
and a specifying Hoare triple.
Exercise 3.1. Specify a command that, given integers and , interchanges the values of
these variables.
Exercise 3.2. Specify a command that, given integers and , stores in the maximum
of both values, and stores in the minimum.
Exercise 3.3. Specify a command that, given , , with and ,
subdivides the interval in intervals of almost-equal lengths, numbered ,
and determines the number of the interval that contains . (This comes from image
processing, to partition a rectangular image of width in vertical strips).
Exercise 3.4. Specify a command that determines a power of 2 that is greater than a
given number .
Exercise 3.5. Specify a command that, given and , determines the value .
Exercise 3.6. Specify a command that, given , determines the integral square root of
, i.e., the greatest integer for which the square does not exceed . Do not use the square
root symbol .
Exercise 3.7. Give a definition of the sequence of Fibonacci, and specify a command that,
given , determines the th number of the sequence.
Exercise 3.8. Specify a command that computes the sum of the elements of an array
array of Z.
Exercise 3.9. Specify a command that computes the maximum of the elements of an array
array of Z.
Exercise 3.10. Specify a command that computes the inner product of two arrays.
Exercise 3.11. Given is a function N Z that can be used in the command. Specify
a command that computes the least number with , given that such a number

Exercise 3.12. Specify a command that, given an array, computes the length of the longest
subarray with positive values.
Exercise 3.13. Specify a command that, given an array, computes the length of the longest
subarray for which all elements are different.
Exercise 3.14. Specify a command that sorts a given array in which all elements are
different. You may use a specification-array .
Exercise 3.15. Same as the previous exercise, but now without the assumption that all
elements of the array are different.
Exercise 3.16. Specify a command that assigns to the variable Z a smaller value. Is
it possible to do this, in a satisfactory way, with a postregular specification?
Exercise 3.17. Specify a command that for a given array of numbers computes the greatest
difference between subsequent elements. Discuss the ambiguities in the previous sentence.
Chapter 4

Program constructs

In the previous chapter we have discussed commands without telling what they are or
what they look like. We come to this point here. We define pseudocode, an abstract and
very simple programming language that only contains declarations and a few fundamental
programming constructs: skip, the assignment, the sequential composition, the if/then/else
construct, and the while/do construct. One can regard this pseudocode as the mother of
all imperative programming languages.

4.1 Pseudocode
Definition 4.1 (program expression, program condition) A program expression is an ex-
pression constructed in the usual way from
integer numbers (in decimal notation),
program variables,
program constants,
arithmetic operations , , , div, mod, min, max,
predicates , , , , , ,
propositional connectives , , , , .
A program condition is a program expression of type B (boolean).

We now define our pseudocode. We use declarations of program constants and program
variables, just as in the specification language. We have the following commands and
a. skip is a command (the empty command);

b. is a command (an assignment), if is a program variable and is a program

expression of the same type as ;

c. is a command, if and are commands; it is called the sequential composition

of and ;

d. if then else end is a command, if and are commands and is a program

condition; it is called a conditional command;

e. while do end is a command, if is a command and a program condition; it

is called a while command or repetition.
In a conditional command if then else end, the condition is called the guard , and
the subcommands and are called the branches. In the repetition while do end,
the condition is called the guard, and is called the loop body or body.


We keep the explanation short, because we assume that you have had some introductory
programming course.

a. skip is the empty command, it does nothing.

b. evaluates the value of expression and assigns this to the variable . The
evaluation of does not change the state, but the state usually changes by the
assignment to .

c. executes , and subsequently executes .

d. if then else end evaluates the truth value of . If is true, then is

executed. If is false then is executed. The evaluation of does not change the

e. while do end begins with evaluating the truth value of . If is true, then
is executed, and is evaluated once more. This is repeated as long as the evaluation
of yields true. The command terminates when the truth value of is false. The
evaluations of do not change the state.

We can define some other program constructs in pseudocode:

if then end if then else skip end

do while end while do end
for to do end while do end

4.2 Proof rules

Now that we know the commands, we can give rules to reason about the Hoare triples
satisfied by commands. We have the following axioms and proof rules:


if then else end

vf vf vf
while do end

The first two proof rules have no premises, and are therefore called axioms: the skip axiom
and the assignment axiom.
The other rules have to be read as follows. Each of them has a line that separates the
premises of the rule from the conclusion of the rule. If the premises (the expressions above
the line) hold, then the conclusion (the expression below the line) also holds.
The first three proper proof rules are named after the command in the conclusion.
They are named therefore the composition rule, the conditional rule, and the repetition

rule. The expression vf (variant function) in the repetition rule is of type Z. It is an

expression in terms of program variables, constants, and specification constants. We give
the premises in the repetition rule the following names:

vf boundedness of vf
invariance of
vf vf decreasingness of vf

The last three proof rules contain the ‘meta-arrow’ introduced in Chapter 2.2.
For conditions and , the universal implication means that in all states where
holds, holds as well. If this is the case, replacing by is called weakening, and
replacing by is called strengthening. Therefore, the last two proof rules are named:
strengthening of the precondition and weakening of the postcondition.
We turn to the justification of the proof rules. Recall from the previous chapter that
means that, if we execute program in a state where holds, execution of
terminates in a state where holds. We discuss the proof rules one by one.

skip: If we execute skip in a state where holds, nothing happens and remains valid.

assignment: If we execute the assignment , the value of is computed without

modifying the state, and the resulting value is assigned to the variable . It follows
that holds in the poststate of the assignment, if and only if, in the prestate, the
expression holds which is obtained as follows. The expression is evaluated in
the prestate, say to value ; now is obtained by substituting for every occurrence
of in . In other words, the poststate satisfies if and only if the prestate satisfies
. Therefore is the weakest precondition for which the assignment
establishes postcondition .

sequential composition: The premises of the rule say that command transforms every
state in which holds into a state where holds, and that command transforms
every state where holds into a state where holds. This justifies the conclusion
that the sequential composition ( ) of followed by transforms every state
where holds into a state where holds.

conditional: The premises of the rule say that command transforms every state where
holds, into a state where holds, and that transform every state where
holds, into a state where holds. If we now execute if then else end
in a state where holds, there are two possibilities. Either holds in this state
and command is executed, which transforms the initial state into a state where
holds, or is false and command is executed, which transforms the initial state
into a state where holds. Either way, the resulting state satisfies .

repetition: This is the most difficult rule. The first premise vf means that
in all states where holds, the value of vf is nonnegative. The second premise
means that command transforms every state where holds
into a state where holds. The third premise vf vf means
that transforms every state where holds and where vf has a value into a
state where vf has a value smaller than . As the value of specification constant
is unmodified, this means that the value of vf has become smaller.
The conclusion of the rule is about execution of while do end in a state that
satisfies . This repetition executes as long as guard holds. In other words, every
time is executed, it has the precondition . Therefore, the second premise implies
that, if holds before the repetition, repeated executions of preserve validity of

at the point where guard is evaluated. In particular, holds when evaluation of

yields false. Then the loop terminates with the postcondition .
It remain to show that the loop terminates. As the loop body is executed each time
with precondition , the third premise implies that the value of vf decreases.
This value is an integer, and by the first premise it is nonnegative whenever
holds, in particular when the loop body is to be executed. As an integer cannot
decrease infinitely many times before becoming negative, it follows that the repetition
terminates because guard becomes false after a finite number of executions of .

strengthening of the precondition: The premises are that holds and that
transforms every state where holds into a state where holds. If we executes
in a state where holds, this state also satisfies because of . Therefore
transforms it into a state where holds. This proves .

weakening of the postcondition: This is proved in the same way as the previous rule.

4.3 Exercises
Exercise 4.1. Above we defined do while end using while/do and if/then/else.
Show that conversely it is also possible to define while do end using do/while and
Exercise 4.2. Define for to do end by means of the do/while construct.
Exercise 4.3. How could we construct skip if it was not yet in the programming language
(there are at least two possibilities), and how can we construct a command that never
Exercise 4.4. Give proof rules for the program constructs defined at the end of Chapter 4.1:
if then end, do while end, and for to do end.
Chapter 5

Annotated commands

In this chapter, we show how to annotate commands with conditions. We write conditions
in the program text in the same way as comments are added. The meaning is that the
program state satisfies the condition when execution of the program arrives at the point
of the condition. The condition is therefore the precondition of the next command in
the program text, and it is the postcondition of the previous command in the program
text. This must be done in accordance with the proof rules for the constructs used in the
program. Furthermore, it is possible to add reasoning steps to weaken a condition (or to
keep it equivalent). Such steps are justified by means of comment between and . A
program annotated according to the annotation rules can be read as a proof of correctness.
We give various examples in this chapter.

5.1 Two assignments

We begin with simple commands: assignments.

5.1.1 A first problem

Consider the specification:

For the sake of readability, we use the following format:

Note that we have named the precondition , and the postcondition . We shall use
this abbreviation mechanism more often in annotations. It is useful, because it enables
us in the remainder of the text to use the names and for the (possibly complicated)
expressions that they represent.
Which command can satisfy this specification? We expect an assignment of the form
for some term . The proof rule for an assignment with postcondition is:


By substituting for in , we obtain

The precondition obtained in this way is not yet our precondition . We have to choose
a program expression such that is implied by , i.e., by . Simple
arithmetic shows that implies the condition . We can make this
condition equal to , by choosing for the term . We call this step the
preparation of the assignment . The resulting annotation is:

( arithmetic in preparation of an assignment to )

5.1.2 A second problem

Consider now reversal of the previous specification:

Again, we expect that will be an assignment of the form . How to prepare it? We
need to massage precondition in such a way that becomes the righthand side of the
equality. Starting with , we therefore have to subtract 1, followed by an integer
division by 3. In this way, we can arrive at the annotation

( arithmetic in preparation of an assignment to )


To summarize:

In an annotated command, every assignment is enclosed between

an explicit precondition and an explicit postcondition , in such a
way that is syntactically equal to the substitution .

If two conditions, say , are written after each other without some
command between them, then holds, and the two conditions are
separated by a comment that argues why the implication holds (this can
be a standard argument like “arithmetic” or it can refer to an annotated
linear proof elsewhere).

5.2 Sequential composition

We give an example with two program variables and . The specification is


How to implement this? At least we have to modify . Let us therefore first give the
value required, i.e., establish . It looks as if this can be done with the assignment
. As the proof rule for this assignment requires that all occurrences of in the
postcondition are replaced by , we also must remove isolated occurrences of in the
other conjunct of . After the first assignment more must be done, and eventually must
be modified. In this way, we may obtain the annotated command:

( arithmetic in preparation of )

( arithmetic in preparation of )

( arithmetic )

This is an implementation of specification (5.1) because the composition rule in Chap-

ter 4.2 allows us to ignore the intermediate conditions. Look carefully to see that we indeed
apply the composition rule here!

5.3 Conditional commands

5.3.1 A first problem
Consider the specification:

max min

We observe that nothing needs to be done if . If , we have to interchange the

values of and . Interchanging can be done with an auxiliary variable, say . We use a
conditional command to make the correct choice (between doing nothing or interchanging).
This leads to the following annotated implementation of the specification:

max min
if then

( definition of and arithmetic )


( definition and arithmetic )


end; ( collect branches )

To ascertain the correctness of this annotated command, we need to verify the following
• the annotations of the three assignments satisfy the assignment rule;

• at the two steps of arithmetic the implications holds, i.e.


• the conditions after then and else are correct;

• both branches terminate with .

5.3.2 A second problem

Determine a command that satisfies


Using distribution of over , we first observe that

We can treat the two disjuncts of separately, if we are prepared to make additional
assumptions. Indeed we have


The conjuncts and follow from . To form a conditional

command, we require a guard such that and . The
guard suffices for this purpose. We thus get the annotation:

if then

( arithmetic )

( logic )


( arithmetic )

( logic )

end; ( collect branches )

Note that the guard can be replaced by or . The resulting commands

are not equivalent, but also satisfy specification (5.2).
We summarize:

If we have a conditional command if then else end with precondi-

tion and postcondition , then the then branch has the precondition
, and the else branch has the precondition , and both
branches have the postcondition .

5.4 Additional rules for annotations

The annotation rules often require more writing that we would like. The following rules
sometimes enable us to shorten the text.

Naming conditions on the fly. As we have seen, it is sometimes useful to introduce a name
for a condition that occurs several times. In particular, this can apply to the precondition
or the postcondition of a conditional command.

Omitting constant conditions. A condition that only contains constants (program con-
stants and specification constants), cannot change during execution of a command. When
it holds somewhere in the annotation, it holds everywhere. It is useless to write down
such a condition repeatedly. Just mention that it is obviously constant, and you can use
it everywhere. This applies in particular to the precondition of a preregular specification
(cf. Chapter 3.5).

Simultaneous assignment. We sometimes have a situation that asks for a sequence of

assignments that do not influence each other, e.g.,

A sufficient condition for ‘not influencing each other’ is: the variables assigned to are dif-
ferent, and each of them does not occur in the expressions assigned to the other variables of
the sequence. In this case, we can perform the assignments simultaneously, and we can de-
rive the precondition of the sequence from the postcondition by simultaneous substitution.
This eliminates some writing. We illustrate this with the above example:

A conditional command with two different postconditions. With a conditional command,

it is sometimes convenient to give the then branch and the else branch different postcon-
ditions, say and . This is allowed when the conditional command itself has the
postcondition (verify this by weakening of the postconditions!).

5.5 Exercises
Unless specified otherwise, every exercise in this course that asks for the design of a com-
mand that satisfies a specification, includes the task to prove the correctness of your
solution. In the exercises below, this should be done by means of a correct annotation.
Unless specified otherwise, we use the declaration: var Z.
Exercise 5.1. Determine for each of the following Hoare triples a single assignment that
satisfies the specification, and prove this with a correct annotation.

Exercise 5.2. Determine an annotated command with

(Hint. Prepare an assignment ; then prepare an assignment to .)


Exercise 5.3. Interchanging two values. Consider the specification


(a) Why is this specification not satisfied by the assignment ? Here

it suffices to give an operational argument.
(b) Determine an annotated command that satisfies (5.3), and that uses an auxiliary
variable Z to temporarily store the value of .
(c) Determine an annotated command of the form that
satisfies (5.3).
Exercise 5.4. Assume that and are variables of the type B (boolean). Prove that
specification (5.3) is satisfied by

Exercise 5.5. (a) Determine an annotated command that satisfies

(b) Determine an annotated command that satisfies

Exercise 5.6. Determine an annotated command that satisfies

(a) You may use an auxiliary variable.

(b) Give a solution in which consists of two assignments.
Exercise 5.7. Prove the correctness of

if then



Exercise 5.8. Prove the correctness of

if mod then



Exercise 5.9. A problem from image processing: partition a rectangular image of width
in vertical strips of approximately equal width, and determine for a pixel with horizontal
coordinate the number of the strip it is contained in.
Given are natural numbers and . We partition the interval in subintervals.
The point Z is then in the subinterval with number if and only if

div div

The number of integers in the subinterval with number is

div div

(a) Prove that . Hint: use formula (2.1).

(b) Prove that div .
Hint: repeatedly use the formulas (2.2), (2.3), as well as .
(c) Determine an assignment that satisfies

const Z

Exercise 5.10. Determine an annotated command that satisfies

Exercise 5.11. Determine an annotated command that satisfies

Exercise 5.12. Determine an annotated command that satisfies

Compare with Exercise 5.5.

Exercise 5.13. (a) Prove the validity for every Z of the Hoare triple

; ;
(b) Determine an annotated command that satisfies

Exercise 5.14. Determine an annotated command that satisfies


Exercise 5.15. (a) Determine an annotated command that satisfies

const Z

(b) Prove the validity of

mod and

(c) Determine an annotated command (the inverse of ), that satisfies

Exercise 5.16. (a) Determine an annotated command that satisfies

(b) Determine an annotated command that satisfies the reverse specification

Exercise 5.17. Consider for some guard the specified command

if then

(a) Extend the annotation as far as possible, and use this to derive sufficient conditions
for guard to ensure correctness of the command.
(b) Show that the guard is wrong. Use the condition derived to construct a
(c) Choose some correct guard and prove its correctness.
Chapter 6


We turn to the derivation of correct repetitions. This is more difficult than commands
without repetitions, because a repetition is a repeated sequential composition of the loop
body with itself, and we do not yet know intermediate conditions. In order to reason
successfully about a repetition, we use an invariant: a condition that can serve repeatedly
as the intermediate condition. In other words, the invariant is a condition that remains
valid by execution of the loop body. Finding a suitable invariant is often a difficult part
of the derivation of a correct command: more about this in the next chapter.
We begin by recalling the proof rule for repetitions from Chapter 4, in adapted form.

vf vf vf
while do end

Here we have combined the last two premises of the proof rule, because this often makes
the task of annotating the loop body less cumbersome.
In this chapter, we give a roadmap for the derivation of repetitions, followed by some
examples. The roadmap serves to structure the search for components that satisfy the
premises of the repetition rule. It does this by going slightly beyond the rule itself. In order
to have a general precondition and a general postcondition , it allows an initialization
command before the repetition, and it allows weakening of to .
Before proceeding, we note the relationship between the time complexity (the number
of computation steps) of a repetition and the variant function:

Let vf be a variant function for while do end, and let N. If vf

holds before execution of the repetition, the loop body is executed at most
times (because when is executed times, vf becomes negative).

6.1 Roadmap for the design of a repetition

In general, the design of a repetition goes as follows. The starting point is the specifica-

The problem is to implement this, and to prove the correctness of the implementation
obtained. For a repetition, we proceed as follows.

Step 0: choice for repetition. In view of the specification, we may decide to use a repeti-


Step 1: choice of invariant and guard, finalization. We massage postcondition in such

a way that we can determine a suitable invariant and a suitable guard for which we
can prove finalization:

If we then can apply the repetition rule, the postcondition is within reach.

Step 2: initialization. In general, the precondition does not imply the invariant . We
usually need to determine an initialization command , for which we can prove

Usually, this initialization command consists of a number of assignments, which can be

found by analyzing how precondition (or a condition implied by ) can be obtained by
substitution from the invariant .

Step 3: variant function. We choose a suitable integer-valued function vf and prove the
boundedness of vf:


Usually we have some idea how to reach the postcondition by repeatedly doing steps in
the right direction. The function vf is a measure for the number of steps needed before the
goal (the postcondition) is reached. A suitable vf is nonnegative as long as the goal has
not yet been reached, and it should decrease by every step in the right direction.

Step 4: body of the repetition. We determine a command for which we can prove
the invariance of and the decrease of vf. We often do these things simultaneously and

vf vf
A rule of thumb for finding a suitable loop body is that the body should make vf smaller
and yet preserve the invariant .

Step 5: conclusion. When the steps 1, 2, 3, and 4 have been taken successfully, we may

because of step 2: initialization

( definition of vf (step 3) )
while do

, because of step 4 and the proof rule for the repetition
( by finalization in step 1 )

This proves that the composition while do end is a correct implementation

of the specification .

To summarize, the steps 1, 2, 3, 4 each have their own proof obligations. The steps
1 and 3 have proof obligations ( and vf , respectively) that
can be met by annotated linear proofs, but sometimes an informal argument is acceptable.
The steps 2 and 4 require an annotated command. Occasionally, step 2 does not need a
command if the precondition happens to imply the invariant (e.g., see Chapter 6.4).
Step 5, the conclusion, may look superfluous because it can be derived mechanically
from the preceding steps. It is important to add it, however, because it is the point where
you can use your programmer’s intuition to see that your formal activities have not gone
We illustrate the roadmap by three examples: exponentiation, powers of 2, and Euclid’s

6.2 Example: exponentiation

Suppose we need to compute the th power of a real number for a natural number .
We can specify this by:

var R
var Z

Note the declaration Z, while the declaration N is more natural. We declare

Z because we want to have the freedom to use the assignment without
having to worry whether this is allowed (i.e. ). We introduce specification constant
for the value we want to assign to . If exponentiation is available in the programming
language, the assignment would be the obvious solution. We therefore assume
that exponentiation is not available.
Yet, this is an easy programming exercise. The purpose for treating it here, is to
illustrate the roadmap. Easy examples are needed to learn the method. More difficult
examples will follow, in later chapters.

Step 0: choice for repetition. If there is no exponentiation available, the postcondition

can not be reached in a fixed number of steps. We therefore choose a repetition.

Step 1: choice of invariant and guard, finalization. To find a suitable invariant, we look at
the postcondition . Its righthand side also occurs in the precondition, we therefore
leave it unchanged. As exponentiation is repeated multiplication, we expect multiplica-
tions. First, a very modest multiplication: the postcondition is equivalent with .
Looking at the precondition , we see that can be established from the
precondition by putting . We therefore choose the invariant

Which guard do we need? The loop can terminate when , because then
implies . Of course, we cannot use in the guard, because this would require
(repeated) computation of (which is the problem we need to solve!). As for all
(also for ), however, the loop can also terminate when . Indeed, we have
. We therefore choose the guard

The proof obligation is fulfilled because .

Step 2: initialization. As anticipated above, we can initialize with :

( arithmetic in preparation of assignment to )

Step 3: variant function. Function vf should be a suitable measure for the number of steps
needed to reach the postcondition. This suggests the choice vf . The proof obligation
vf now directly follows from the invariant .

Step 4: body of the repetition. We need a command that satisfies

vf vf
In order to decrease vf , it is natural to use . In order to restore the invariant
we have to multiply with . This is done in the following annotated command:

( definitions of , , vf )

( arithmetic, preparing the assignment )

( definitions of and vf )

Step 5: conclusion. We summarize the result:

( vf : )
while do


In this summary, we only repeat the precondition, postcondition, invariant, and variant
function. We do not repeat the detailed annotations of the steps 2 and 4, or the proofs
given in the steps 1 and 3.

Remark. Before going to the next example, we have a closer look at the properties of
exponentiation used in the above derivation:

This is an example of a recurrence relation of a function (in this case exponentiation). It

gives one or more intial values, and describes how function values can be computed from
function values for smaller arguments. In these notes, we shall encounter several recurrence
relations in derivations of repetitions.

6.3 Example: powers of 2

Let us design a command that determines the least power of 2 greater than a given
number without using exponentiation. We specify this as follows.

const Z
var Z

The specification is preregular: only depends on constants. We can therefore omit the
condition from the annotation, and use it whenever needed. We now follow the

Step 0: choice for repetition. As we cannot use exponentiation, we expect to establish

the postcondition by repeated multiplication of by 2.

Step 1: choice of invariant and guard, finalization. We take a part of the postcondition
as the invariant :

The choice for the guard is easy: the negation of , the remaining part of postcon-
dition . We thus choose

The proof obligation is easily fulfilled, because is clearly equivalent

to .

Step 2: initialization. It is natural to start with . So we choose and .

( calculus )

This annotation is constructed from bottom to top, because the invariant gives us more
indication how to proceed than the precondition.

Step 3: variant function. Because of the definition of , we are done when .

We therefore decide to decrease in every step. We thus choose vf . The proof
obligation vf follows from

Step 4: body of the repetition. To decrease vf, we have to increase because is constant.
The invariant implies . We therefore increase by multiplying it by 2. These
considerations lead to the annotated body:

( definitions of , , vf )

( arithmetic and because )

( definitions of and vf )

Step 5: conclusion.

( vf )
while do


Note that in this case vf is negative after execution of the loop.

6.4 Example: Euclid’s algorithm

We want to compute the greatest common divisor gcd of the positive integers and
, and assign it to . We specify the command by

var Z

The Greek mathematician Euclid (around 300 BC) designed an algorithm for this that
is still in use. It is based on the idea: if you need gcd , replace the arguments and
by smaller numbers with the same gcd; repeat this until one of the arguments is 0; then
the other argument is the gcd.
We first derive a recurrence relation for gcd, which we need for the algorithm. Every
number is the greatest common divisor of itself and 0, because it is a divisor of
itself ( ) and of 0 ( , and the greatest one because . We thus have
gcd , the base of the recurrence relation. We shall use this in the last
step of the algorithm: if one of the arguments is 0, we are done.
As long as the arguments of gcd differ from 0, we want to make them smaller. For this
purpose, we use formula (2.1) from Chapter 2.3.1:

div mod mod

For , we have that every common divisor of and is a common divisor of and
mod , and vice versa. This is proved in

divides and
{ and (2.1) }
divides and div mod
{ if divides , then ( divides ) ( divides ) }
divides and mod

This is an annotated linear proof with the relation . Note the and around the
arguments. The conditions are without braces, because this is not an annotated program.
It follows that gcd gcd mod provided (why?). We now have the
following recurrence relation:

gcd gcd mod

After this preparation, we turn to the roadmap.

Step 0: choice for repetition. We choose a repetition because we expect a command that
decreases the arguments of gcd in steps.

Step 1: choice of invariant and guard, finalization. Because of the first formula of (6.4),
we allow in the invariant. We therefore define the invariant and the guard by


Finalization is proved in

{ substitute , omit superfluous conjuncts }
{ first formula of (6.4) }

Step 2: initialization. In this case, the precondition happens to imply the invariant .
Initialization is therefore superfluous: the command skip suffices.

Step 3: variant function. We choose the variant function vf . Then we have vf

because has a conjunct .

Step 4: body of the repetition. In the body of the repetition, we use an auxiliary variable
Z to store the value of mod . The annotated loop body becomes:

( second formula of (6.4), arithmetic )
gcd mod mod
( arithmetic, omitting conjuncts )



Step 5: conclusion.

( vf : y )
while do
var Z


6.5 Active finalization

Initialization (step 2) of a loop usually requires a command that satisfies .
Finalization (part of step 1) usually only requires a proof of . There are cases,
however, in which finalization also needs a command. This occurs when the repetition
establishes a condition close but unequal to the postcondition . More precisely, the
implication is not valid, but there is a simple command that satisfies
. In this case, you can establish postcondition by inserting command
after the repetition. We then speak of active finalization.

6.6 Exercises
Exercise 6.1. Design a more efficient command for exponentiation according to speci-
fication (6.1) of Chapter 6.2. Choose the same , , and vf . Verify and use that, if is
even, the invariant is also preserved by div .
Compare the efficiency of command with the efficiency of the solution in Chapter 6.2.
For this purpose, determine the number of assignments needed for the computation of
for both programs.
Exercise 6.2. Multiplication can be specified by

var Z

Design a command for this specification that only uses addition, multiplication by 2,
and division by 2 with remainder. Use the invariant .
Exercise 6.3. Function N Z is defined by the recurrence relation:

It is known as the sequence of Fibonacci. Derive a command that for given number
computes the value of . Use integer variables Z and the invariant

Exercise 6.4. Investigate what is wrong with the following annotation.

( vf )
while do
( arithmetic )


Exercise 6.5. The function is given by the recurrence relation

div mod
Design a command that satisfies

var Z

Here you can use active finalization. Use variables and with the invariant

Exercise 6.6. The function is defined by the recurrence relation

div mod

Derive a command that satisfies

var Z

For this purpose, use a repetition with the invariant .

Exercise 6.7. The function is defined by the recurrence relation

div mod

Derive a command with

var Z

Use a repetition with an auxiliary variable Z, with the invariant

Exercise 6.8. Assume that someone follows the roadmap to find a repetition that
satisfies , and, in step 1, chooses and in such a way that . Why is
his effort doomed to fail? Which step of the roadmap must fail?
Chapter 7

Finding the invariant

In this chapter, we treat an essential aspect of correct programming: the search for a
suitable invariant in the derivation of a repetition. We begin with some considerations
concerning invariants and repetitions. Next we discuss several heuristics (rules of thumb)
that can help to find suitable invariants. We finally give some applications of these heuris-

7.1 The role of the invariant

What is the role of the invariant in the derivation of a correct command? The starting
point is the observation that an invariant is indispensable for reasoning about repetitions,
because the proof rule for repetitions needs an invariant. This is also clear from the
roadmap in Chapter 6.1: starting with the postcondition, one invents an invariant and a
guard, one then tries to initialize the invariant, one invents a variant function, and one
tries to find a loop body that preserves the invariant while decreasing the variant function.

You can often find a suitable invariant by taking a condition, weaker than
the postcondition, which can easily be established from the precondition.
Therefore, search for a condition , in between and , and a guard
such that follows from .

Below we give several heuristics (rules of thumb), that can be helpful. We illustrate the
heuristics by means of the examples in the previous chapter.

7.2 Heuristics for the search for an invariant

Isolating a conjunct. If the postcondition is of the form , you can try to take
the invariant and the guard , or the other way around. Take for a
subcondition of that is easy to establish, and for a subcondition that is easy to test.
Sometimes you first have to massage the postcondition into a conjunction, e.g. by using
that is equivalent with .

Replacing an expression by a variable. If the postcondition contains an expression ,

you can introduce a new program variable and form a condition by replacing some
occurrences of in by . In this case, we have

We can therefore use the guard . It is often useful to add to an additional

conjunct that expresses the range of variable .


This heuristic has two special cases that are worth mentioning:

Replacing a constant by a variable. If the postcondition contains a constant , e.g. 0

or 1, or a program constant , we can use the above heuristic with in the role of . We
thus introduce a variable and form the invariant by replacing some occurrences of in
by . We then have . Therefore, we can use the guard . It is
often useful to add to a conjunct that expresses the range for variable .

Splitting a variable. If is a variable that occurs several times in postcondition , you

can try to form an invariant by replacing some occurrences of in by a new program
variable . Again, we have , and we can use the guard . It is
often useful to add to a conjunct that expresses the range for variable .

Generalization. If you have a precondition and a postcondition ,

it is often possible to get a suitable invariant by generalizing the expression in the
precondition, say to an expression . Then the guard should satisfy .
Two examples:

(with a guard such that );

(with a guard such that ).

This heuristic can be regarded as replacing a constant by a variable in the precondition,

when we rewrite the precondition to or to .

7.3 Examples of choice of the invariant

Let us first have a look at the choices of invariants in the examples of the previous chapter.
We list the precondition, the invariant, the guard, and the postcondition.

Exponentiation: the precondition, invariant, guard, and postcondition are

This is an example of the heuristic generalization with the expressions and


Powers of 2: the precondition, invariant, guard, and postcondition are

This is an example of the heuristic isolating a conjunct: we form by removing

from , and we use its negation as the guard. The operational idea could be that the part
of the postcondition is easy to establish, that is easy to test, and that is relatively
easy to preserve in the loop body.

Euclid’s algorithm: the precondition, invariant, guard, and postcondition are


What we have done here, is a form of generalization. We have first rewritten the postcon-
dition and strengthened it slightly to gcd . We have then replaced the
constant 0 by the variable . We finally added a lower bound for , which allows ,
but does not contradict the precondition.
To summarize, the application of the heuristics can be helpful in the search for a
suitable invariant. Indiscriminate application, however, is impossible. You have to choose:
which conjunct? which constant, variable, or expression, which generalization? You need
experience to make suitable choices.
We proceed with yet another example.

7.4 The sum of an array of numbers

Let us compute the sum of an array of numbers. We specify this by

const N
const array of R
var R

We follow the roadmap to derive command . First, however, we derive some properties of
sums that we need. For the sake of conciseness and clarity, we introduce the abbreviation

We observe that is defined for with . The postcondition can now be

rewritten to . We thus have to compute . This is easy in the case
that because (the sum of the empty sequence). Usually, however, is
larger than 0, in which case can be computed in steps. For this purpose, we derive a
recurrence relation. If , then

{ definition }

{ splitting: or ; note that ; is defined because }

{ definition }

We thus have the following recurrence relation for :


We return to the roadmap.


Step 0. We choose a repetition because we expect to establish the postcondition by re-

peated addition.

Step 1. We use the heuristic replacing a constant by a variable to find an invariant. We

choose to replace the constant in the postcondition by the variable . We add a range
condition to ensure that is well-defined. More concretely, we take

We have because

{ definitions of and , compute }

{ substitute and omit conjuncts }

{ definitions of and }

(Note that, in this proof, we cannot replace the implication ( ) by an equivalence ( ),

because does not say anything about .)

Step 2. We have the following annotated initialization:

( N, and first formula of (7.2) )

Reading from top to bottom, this annotation may look unexpected. In fact, we designed
it by arguing from bottom ( ) to top ( ). We choose because is the only
directly available value of .

Step 3. As is initially 0 and the postcondition contains the conjunct , we expect

to increase , but not beyond . We therefore choose the variant function


The invariant implies vf , because we included the range condition in .

Step 4. We obtain the following annotated loop body:

( definitions of , , vf )

( preparation of k :=k+1 use the second formula of (7.2), and )


( more preparation of k :=k+1 )

( definitions of and vf )

Step 5. Conclusion.

const N
const array of R
var R

( vf= n-k )
while do


Note that the variable is bound in the expression . It is not a

program variable! It would be very confusing to introduce a program variable .

7.5 Exercises
Exercise 7.1. Derive a command to compute the second and third power of a number
, when the only allowed operations are addition, and multiplication by 2 and 3. The
specification is

const N
var Z

Use the heuristic replacing a constant by a variable to find and . More specifically,
replace the constant by a variable N. Define vf . Note that, because of the
invariant, the values of and can be expressed in , , and :

Exercise 7.2. The function factorial ‘ !’ is defined by , and for

integer . Derive a command that satisfies

var Z

Hint: recall the heuristic generalization, and compare this exercise with the example Ex-
ponentiation in Chapter 6.2.
Exercise 7.3. Computing the integral square root. Consider the specification

const N
var Z

Derive as follows. Use the heuristic isolating a conjunct to find a suitable invariant
and guard . Use the initialization , the variant function , and the body
Exercise 7.4. A more efficient command for the computation of the integral square root
according to the specification of the previous exercise.
(a) Determine an invariant and a guard with the heuristic replacing expression by variable,
applied to the expression and a new variable . Include a conjunct in the
invariant. Initialize with and . Choose a suitable variant function, and
use a body of the form

var Z
if then

(b) Determine the number of assignments, executed by this command in the case of
. Compare this with the number of assignments performed by the command from the
previous exercise.
Exercise 7.5. Integral division with remainder of an integer by a positive integer can
be specified by

const N
var Z

Determine a command that satisfies this specification and that does not use multiplica-
tion, div, and mod. Apply the heuristic of isolating a conjunct to find and .
Exercise 7.6. A variation on the previous exercise. Next to additions and subtractions,
you may now use multiplications and divisions of the form and div . Determine a
command that satisfies

const N
var Z

Use the invariant

The initialization of this invariant requires a command , similar to the repetition of

Chapter 6.3. Command thus consists of two repetitions. Take the guard for the
second repetition. Argue that the variable with all its assignments can be removed from
the final command 1 .
Exercise 7.7. Compare the efficiency of the commands and of the two previous
exercises by determining the numbers of assignments executed in either case, expressed in
the final value of , say for .
Exercise 7.8. The function N Z is defined2 by

Determine a command that satisfies

var Z

Use the conjunct in the invariant.

Exercise 7.9. This exercise is about the program derived in Chapter 7.4.
(a) Show that the order of the assignments in the body of the repetition cannot be reversed
because, in general, the Hoare triple

; ;
is not valid.
(b) Does the program remain correct, when guard is replaced by ? If so, adapt
the proof. If not, why?
(c) Same question, with guard replaced by .
(d) Is it possible to adapt the proof of the program to the invariant

(e) Same question, for the invariant .

Such a variable is called a ghost variable.
This function was invented under the name fusc by the Dutch computer scientist Edsger W. Dijkstra.

Exercise 7.10. Consider the specification

const N
const array of Z
var Z


(a) Determine a command that satisfies this specification, using the ideas of Chapter
7.4. Use the operator max and the value .
(b) Strengthen the precondition to . Now determine a command that satisfies
the specification and that does not use max and .
Exercise 7.11. Design a program to compute the product of elements of an array. For
this purpose, in the specification of Chapter 7.4, replace the operator by . Give the
formal specification. Modify the program of Chapter 7.4 in such a way that it satisfies
the new specification and adapt the proof.
Exercise 7.12. We specify a command to determine the inner product of two arrays

const N
const array of R
var R

Derive an implementation of command .

Exercise 7.13. Design a command that counts the number of times that the number 7
occurs in a given array , according to the specification

const N
const array of Z
var Z

Exercise 7.14. Determine a command that satisfies

const N
const array of Z
var Z

At first sight, it may seem that implementing this specification requires computa-
tion steps, but it can be done with linear complexity. For this purpose, first determine
recurrence relations for the expressions and , defined by

Use the recurrence relations to derive a program that satisfies the above specification
with complexity linear in .
Exercise 7.15. A polynomial can be represented by an
array , by identifying . We specify the computation of the value of the
polynomial for the argument by

const N
const R
const array of R
var R

Determine a command that satisfies this. Because exponentiation is not in our pro-
gramming language, it may seem that the implementation requires computation
steps, but there is a simple repetition that implements with time complexity linear in
. Determine such a solution using the expression

First determine and express in for .

The resulting algorithm is known as Horner’s scheme.
Chapter 8

Search problems

In this section, we treat some important search algorithms.

8.1 Linear search

We derive a command that computes the smallest natural number that satisfies a given
property prop, given that such a number exist. We specify the command by

var Z
Min N prop

Note that this specification is biregular: the precondition is constant (independent of the
program variables) and the postcondition is of the form . We can therefore keep
precondition out of the annotation, and yet use it whenever needed.
Precondition implies . It follows that is a natural number that satisfies
prop. In fact, precondition is equivalent with

N prop N prop (8.1)

After this preparation, we start with the roadmap.

Step 0. We expect to establish the postcondition by repeatedly considering candidate

values , and therefore choose a repetition.

Step 1. We apply the heuristic weakening the postcondition to choose the invariant:

The idea is to search until some value has been found that satisfies prop. We therefore
choose the guard



In fact, we have

{ definitions of and }
{ prop : apply the third conjunct of (8.1) }

{ arithmetic }

Step 2. Initialization is easy:

( use )

Step 3. The invariant implies , and we know that N.

This justifies the choice
Note that a specification constant like is not allowed to occur in the program, but it
may occur in vf.

Step 4. We derive the annotated loop body as follows:

( implies prop , therefore )

( also implies , therefore )


Step 5. We thus find command (linear search):

Min N prop

( vf : M-k )
while prop do


8.2 Linear search of a value in an array

An important application is the search of a value in an array of length . In other
words, we are looking for an index with . If occurs in the array, the program
should yield the smallest index with . We reckon, however, with the possibility
that does not occur in the array. In such a case, we want the program to yield the
number . All this is specified in

const N
const Z
const array of Z
var Z
Min N

Note that implies that and hence . We can therefore directly apply
(8.1), when we define


We then have prop . This results in the command:

while do


What happens in this program when does not occur in the array? In this case, the
command considers all elements of the array, and then evaluates the test .
The first conjunct yields false, but the expression is undefined, because the index is not
in the domain of the array. Therefore, the truth value of cannot be determined.
This truth value seems to be unnecessary because false is false for every value of .
For most programming languages (e.g., C and Java), this is not a problem, because
they evaluate conjunctions from left to right, and when the lefthand argument of a con-
junction is false, they return false and do not evaluate the righthand conjunct (short
circuit evaluation).
It follows that reversing the order of a conjunction can affect the execution of a com-
mand. For example, if we translate the above command in Java and replace the guard
by the logically equivalent expression , this would give
a runtime error when value does not occur in the array. In C, it would also be incorrect,
but it would probably not result in an error message but crash instead.

8.3 Binary search in ordered sequences

Linear search is the only systematic way to search in an unordered array of objects. Search-
ing can be done much more efficiently, when the array is ordered. How do you search for a
word in a dictionary? A rather naive but efficient method is to open the book halfway,
to decide if is in the first half or in the second half, and then to repeat this with the
remaining half of the book. In each step of the program, the size of the search space is

divided by 2. If the dictionary has a million words, in 20 steps the search space is a single
word, because , and then you see whether occurs. This algorithm is called
binary search.
We treat this algorithm for the search in ordered arrays of numbers. We start with a
definition to distinguish various types of ordered arrays.
Consider an interval of Z and a function R. We may regard as a sequence
of numbers. We define:

is called ascending if
is called increasing if
is called descending if
is called decreasing if

is called monotonic if it has one of the above properties. Warning: other definitions are
also used (but not in these notes)!
We now consider specification (8.2) with the additional assumption that array is
ascending. If the value occurs in the array, the smallest index with is also
the smallest index with . If does not occur, the smallest index with
is also a useful result: in that case, the simple test suffices to decide that does
not occur in the array (an example of active finalization).
We therefore change specification (8.2) into

const N
const Z
const array of Z
var Z
is ascending

Min N

Here, we have eliminated the specification constant , because we want to massage

the postcondition in the following way

Min N
{ properties of Min }
{ logic: contraposition }
{ use N ; arithmetic }
{ logic; array is ascending }

{ we define and , see below }

{ rewrite }

The array elements and were not yet defined. We can therefore give them
a value. In the program, however, we will not inspect the values of and . We
introduce them only to give meaning to the boundary cases and in .

It now suffices to establish the postcondition . The surprise is that we can do this
without using that array is ascending! In other words, we implement the specification

const N
const Z
const array of Z
var Z

Step 1. We apply the heuristic splitting a variable and introduce a new variable Z:

It is clear that .

Step 2. Initialization is easy, when you work from bottom to top:

( N and arithmetic )

Step 3. We take

We have vf because contains .

Step 4. How to find the body of the repetition? We need to decrease the difference .
We therefore choose a number Z with , and compare with . If
, we need to continue the search to the right of , and we can put .
If , we need to continue the search to the left of , and we can put .
We postpone the details of choosing by assuming that we have some command that



The body thus becomes


if then


end; ( collect branches )

We prove

vf vf (8.4)

by means of the following annotation


( definitions of and vf )

if then

( logic and arithmetic )


( logic and arithmetic )

( collect the branches; definitions and vf )

As a final building block, we need a command that satisfies (8.3). As does

not occur in , , and vf, it is natural to implement by an assignment to . Every
assignment to preserves and vf . The precondition of implies . It follows
that the choices and both satisfy (8.3). This would yield variations of
linear search. The idea to halve the search area in every step corresponds to the choice:


To prove that this choice satisfies (8.3), it remains to prove


This is proved as follows, using two properties of div from Chapter 2.3.1.

div div
{ formulas (2.2) and (2.3) }

{ arithmetic }

{ logic }

{ definitions of and }

Note that, indeed, Hoare triple (8.3) follows.

Step 5. To summarize, we have derived the command (binary search):

const N
const Z
const array of Z
var Z
is ascending

( vf: )
while do
if then


end; ( collect branches )

Min N

This command binary search is much more efficient than linear search. It has loga-
rithmic complexity. If , the loop body is executed at most times. Note that,
as announced, the only elements inspected are for . In particular, the
elements and are not inspected.

8.4 Exercises
Exercise 8.1. (a) Consider functions Z with an interval of Z. Is it possible
that the following holds?

(b) Does it follow that is ascending? Or increasing? What about ?

(c) Is it possible that a function is both ascending and descending? If so, how? If not, why

Exercise 8.2. Design a command to compute the greatest index with for
an array as in specification (8.2). First, give a biregular specification.
Exercise 8.3. Design a command that satisfies

const Z
var N
Min N

The command is not allowed to use exponentiation. Use a variable with an invariant
that contains . If the specification constant does not occur in vf, there is no need
to prove that , compare Chapter 2.3.3 (it follows from the fact that the command
Exercise 8.4. This is a variation on the previous exercise. Determine a command that

const Z
var N
Min N

The remarks at the previous exercise are applicable here as well.

Exercise 8.5. We consider three alternatives for command of Chapter 8.3:
(a) div
(b) div
(c) div
Determine which of these alternatives are correct.
Exercise 8.6. (a) Prove, for Z and N, that
div div
(b) Consider command of Chapter 8.3. Show that, in an execution of with precondition
, the loop body is executed at most times.
Exercise 8.7. Consider a boolean function defined on that satisfies

Design a variation of binary search to compute

Exercise 8.8. Design a command with logarithmic complexity that satisfies

const N
const array of Z
var Z

Exercise 8.9. A variation on the previous exercise. Design a command with logarithmic
complexity that satisfies

const N
const array of Z
var Z

Exercise 8.10. Given is an ascending function Z Z.

(a) Design a command that satisfies

var Z

Use the invariant and the loop body .

(b) Prove that the postcondition of (a) can be strengthened with the conjunct

For this purpose, strengthen the invariant also with this conjunct.
Exercise 8.11. The boolean function is defined for all Z. It is true for at least
one argument . Design a command to determine such an argument.
Exercise 8.12. The king’s problem. Given is a group of persons with the numbers
. One of them is the king, say with number . Every person knows him (by
sight), and he knows nobody (except for, possibly, himself). The boolean function
is given and expresses that knows . Design a command to determine . The formal
specification is:

const N
var N

Introduce a variable and use the invariant . The complexity

of the command should be at most linear in , not quadratic.
Exercise 8.13. Specify and design a command that, for a given array, determines whether
or not the array is increasing, and that stores the result in a boolean variable .
Exercise 8.14. Given are three ascending functions Z Z. It is also given that
there exist natural numbers , , with . Design a command that
determines such a triple of numbers, not beyond , , . First, give a suitable formal
Exercise 8.15. Given are functions N Z. The functions and are increasing.
There exist natural numbers , with . Design an efficient
command to determine natural numbers and that satisfy
. First give the formal specification. Hint: find invariant and guard
by the heuristic of isolating a conjunct (two conjuncts here).
Chapter 9

Two-dimensional counting

In this chapter, we treat problems about functions of two integer variables. We are espe-
cially interested in cases where there is an efficient solution due to monotonicity properties
of the function. Such cases are known as saddleback search. We concentrate on saddleback
search as a counting problem.

9.1 Number of grid points

We assume that a terrain is mapped with a rectangular coordinate system, and that the
map contains the points with and . We call the points
with integer coordinates and grid points. For each grid point, the height is
Given a height value , we want to compute the number of grid points with
. The computation of requires a command with the specification

const Z
var Z

In Exercise 9.1, we ask for a direct implementation of this specification.

9.2 A southwestern slope

We now assume that the area of the map is a southwestern slope of a mountain. This
means that, if someone goes to the north or east, he climbs, or at least he does not go
down. For all , , and , , , we thus have


In other words, the height function is ascending in both arguments.

We treat specification (9.1) under the assumption (9.2). The additional assumption
enables us to derive a more efficient solution than the one of exercise 9.1. Below we sketch
an elevation map of the region. The idea of the solution is, that the area to be determined
only depends on the contour line of height . This contour line goes, roughly speaking,
between NW (northwest) and SE (southeast). Note that the contour line is the separation


between the grid points with height and the points with height . There need not
be any grid points with height . In fact, we do not use the contour lines in the formal
derivation, but only to direct the design.

S map
S high
a aa
a a
Z contour line of height
low shrinking

The number of points to be counted is . We use the variable for the number of
points that have been counted, and a function for the number of points that have
yet to be counted. This gives the invariant . The initial search
area is the whole map (see the sketch). We treat the search area as a shrinking rectangle,
determined by a search point close to the contour line. As the contour line goes
between NW and SE, we choose the shrinking rectangle to the SE of the search point (it
is also possible to choose the shrinking rectangle to the NW of the search point, but the
other two possibilities fail because those rectangles typically have too few points close to
the contour line). The number of points to be counted in the rectangle to the SE of the
search point is


This definition is useful because the precondition of (9.1) satisfies .

Note that we use half-open intervals.

The set in formula (9.3) is empty if , and also if . As the number of

elements of the empty set is 0, this proves the base case:


We have introduced the variables and of formula (9.3) in order to be able to make
the shrinking rectangle smaller by increasing or decreasing , see the sketch. We now
determine how these modifications of and affect the value of .

We extend the format for annotated linear proofs by allowing the introduction of con-
ditions (“Suppose . . . ”) in computation steps.

An eastward step means that is incremented. We derive

{ definition of }

{ Suppose }

{ Splitting: or }

{ is ascending in and is bounded by .}

{ Suppose . Then the greatest value occurring is .}
{ Suppose . Then for all }

{ Counting, use }

This derivation proves that

In the annotation, we supposed (among other things). Note that it would
not be useful here to suppose or , because that gives no
information about for . The supposition would have been
useful, but it would be too strong, and would create problems below.
A southward step means decrementing . We derive

{ definition of }

{ Suppose . Splitting: or }

{ is ascending in . Therefore is the smallest value. }

{ Suppose . Then is for all with .}
{ Therefore the second term is 0 because of empty domain. }

This proves
We have thus obtained the recurrence equations (9.4), (9.5), and (9.6) for . Now we can
turn to the roadmap.

Step 1. We introduce variables Z and choose the invariant:

We find a guard that satisfies by

{ definition of }

{ see (9.4) }

{ the Morgan and formula (9.8) below }


where the guard is defined by


Step 2: Initialization.

( (9.1) and (9.3) )

We thus begin counting with in the NW corner of the map.

Step 3. A southward step decrements . An eastward step increments . We therefore

define the variant function vf , where we added to keep the value nonnegative.
The guard implies the bound vf .

Step 4. The annotated loop body is obtained using the other two recurrence relations:

( definitions of , , and vf )

if then

( use (9.5); arithmetic; logic )


( use (9.6); arithmetic; logic )

end; ( collect branches )

Step 5. Under the assumption (9.2) that is ascending in both arguments, we thus obtain
the solution:


( vf )
while do
if then


end; ( collect branches )


The initial value of the variant function is vf . The loop body has the precondition
vf . The body decreases vf. This implies that the body is executed at most
times. The time complexity is therefore linear in the sum of the lengths of the sides of the
rectangle. The command of Exercise 9.1 requires inspections of , and has therefore
a time complexity of order . This shows that command (9.9) is much more efficient
than the command of Exercise 9.1.

9.3 The method of the shrinking rectangle

Let us call the method employed in Chapter 9.2 the method of the shrinking rectangle.
The point is that we use the invariant and a guard such that
implies that . As is the number of points to be counted in the shrinking
rectangle, this rectangle needs to shrink to reach the postcondition .
At first sight, it may look more natural to use the invariant . This would
require initialization with an empty rectangle and steps in which the rectangle grows to
the full map. It turns out that this idea of a growing rectangle is usually infeasible because
it is hard to get enough information to decide how the rectangle should grow.
The command of Chapter 9.2 is important for two reasons. One reason is that it can
serve as a building block for other commands. The other reason is that it is one of the
simplest applications of the method of the shrinking rectangle.

The method of the shrinking rectangle can be applicable in every search

or counting problem with a function that is monotonic in two arguments.
You first determine the direction of the contour lines, then choose a
shrinking rectangle that can contain many points of the critical contour
line, while its moving vertex remains close to this contour line. The
invariant should be similar to formula (9.7).

In Chapter 9.2, we systematically worked with half-open intervals (see 2.1). This had
the effect that the grid point turned out to play the role we might have expected
to be played by . This is not a good reason to deviate from our choice: systematically
working with half-open intervals makes the probability of counting errors smaller.
When you need properties of a complicated function like in Chapter 9.2, it is
best to derive such properties before starting with the roadmap.

9.4 Exercises
Exercise 9.1. Design a command that satisfies specification (9.1) with , N. It
can be done by a single repetition with the invariant

Exercise 9.2. Let be an integer-valued function of two integer arguments, which is

ascending in the first argument and descending in the second argument. For given Z,
we search for a grid point on the contour line of , i.e., a point with coordinates ,
N such that . Given is that such a point exists (possibly many).
Determine a command that satisfies

const Z
var Z

Sketch an elevation map, with the contour line of and a shrinking rectangle. In this case,
you do not need a recurrence relation. Use the heuristic “isolating a conjunct” to find a
suitable invariant.
Exercise 9.3. Given is a function Z Z that is descending in the first argument and
ascending in the second argument:


(a) Sketch an elevation map which indicates where is high and where is low, and how
the contour lines go.
We choose a shrinking rectangle in the southwest and define

(b) Determine recurrence equations for the function analogous to (9.4), (9.5), and (9.6).
(c) Construct a command that computes for given and .
Exercise 9.4. Let function be decreasing in and ascending in . Determine a
command that satisfies

const N
const Z
var Z

Hint: you can use function ord introduced in Chapter 2.3.2 to postpone a case distinction.
Exercise 9.5. Given are constants Z and a function Z Z that is increasing in
both arguments. Design a command to determine the number of pairs
with . First give a formal specification.

Exercise 9.6. Given is a function Z Z which is ascending in both arguments.

Determine a command that satisfies

const N
const Z
var Z

In this case, the search area is triangular. Therefore, use a “shrinking triangle” rather than
a shrinking rectangle.
Exercise 9.7. The function N Z is increasing in the first argument and descending
in the second argument. For given constants N and Z, specify and design a
command to compute the number of pairs N with and .
Exercise 9.8. The function N Z is ascending in both arguments. For a given
constant N, specify and design a command to compute the number of pairs N
with and .
Exercise 9.9. Let function Z Z be ascending in both arguments. Derive a command
to compute

For this purpose, define

Determine recurrence equations for this function and use the invariant (9.7).
Exercise 9.10. (a) In the situation of Chapter 9.2, determine a command to compute the
number of grid points in the rectangle that satisfy .
(b) Similarly for the number of grid points that satisfy .
Hint: combine the solutions of 9.2 and of part (a).
Exercise 9.11. Design a command to compute


Next, use the result to determine the number of grid points within a circle with radius
, and use this to approximate the value of .
Exercise 9.12. The boolean function of two integer arguments satisfies

For a given constant Z, determine an efficient command to compute

As before, the search area is triangular. Make a sketch of the area where can be true.
Exercise 9.13. Coincidence counting. Determine a command that satisfies

const N
const array of Z
const array of Z
var Z
and are increasing

Exercise 9.14. Let function be ascending in both and . Determine a command

that satisfies

const N
var Z

You may use the operator min, the value , and the function (absolute value).
Exercise 9.15. Given are positive integers and , and a sequence of positive inte-
gers for . Determine a command to compute the number of contiguous
subsequences of with the sum , i.e.,

First, give a formal specification.

Exercise 9.16. The function N Z is descending in both arguments. It satisfies
and .
(a) Specify and design a command to compute the maximal value of for
natural numbers , with .
(b) Show that your solution for part (a) remains valid if you replace the expression
by , provided is ascending in one of its arguments. Which one?
Exercise 9.17. The function N Z is increasing in the first argument and decreasing
in the second argument. Given integer constants and , specify and design a command
to compute the number of pairs N that satisfy

Exercise 9.18. The function N Z is ascending in both arguments. Given integer

constants and , specify and design a command to compute the number of pairs
N that satisfy

Exercise 9.19. The function N Z is ascending in both arguments. Design a

command , that satisfies the specification

const Z
var Z

You may use the values and and the binary operator min.
Does your program and its proof remain correct when the function is only
ascending in ? Or when is only ascending in ? In both cases: why, or why not?
Exercise 9.20. The function N Z is ascending in both arguments. Let Z and
N. Specify and design a command to compute .
Exercise 9.21. The function N Z is ascending in the first argument and increasing
in the second argument. Let Z and N be such that . Specify and design
a command to compute

Note that there is an additional difficulty in the proof of termination. Do not solve this by
complicating the guard. It can be solved by strengthening the invariant.
Exercise 9.22. The function Z Z B is convex in the first argument, i.e.

Function is monotonic in the second argument, i.e.,

Specify and design an efficient command to compute

In this case, you need a shrinking rectangle that is determined by two moving vertices.
Make a sketch and use the function

Exercise 9.23. Let function N Z be ascending in the first argument (nothing is

given for the second argument). Let be an integer array of length . Design a command
to compute


Replace the upper limit of and the lower bound of by variables and . Add an upper
bound for to the invariant in order to form a variant function.
This shows that the method of the shrinking rectangle can be used without contour lines.
Chapter 10

Add auxiliary information to the invariant

This chapter is about repetitions where the invariant obtained from the postcondition does
not contain enough information to be kept invariant, while this can be done by adding
additional variables with corresponding invariants. In fact, we did this above (e.g., in
Exercise 6.3 for the sequence of Fibonacci and Exercise 7.1 for and ).
A typical case is that we need to compute a certain value, and assign it to a variable
. We solve this by generalizing the intended value to a function, in this chapter usually
of one argument. We then search for a recurrence relation for this function. In the present
chapter, this recurrence relation contains a second function that is not directly available.
This may repeat itself. When we have enough recurrence relations to determine the values
of all occurring functions, we can turn to the roadmap. We may have to add additional
conjuncts to the invariant for every auxiliary function.
We illustrate the technique by segment exercises. This is not because segment exercises
themselves are very important, but because these problems are appropriate for learning
the technique.
We define a segment of an array to be a subarray of the form with
. In this chapter, we use the declaration

const N
const array of Z
var Z

To eliminate boundary conditions from the argument, we allow mentioning all values
with Z. In the specifications and commands, we only use for indices .

10.1 Longest positive segments

Let us call a segment positive if all its elements are positive. We want to determine the
greatest length of the positive segments of array . We therefore introduce a predicate
that expresses that the segment is positive:

This gives the formal specification




We need a thorough preparation before turning to the roadmap. We apply the heuristic
replacing a constant by a variable, and replace the constant by a variable . We therefore
define the function


The postcondition thus becomes .

The expression for has the bound variables and , and can therefore be regarded
as two nested Max expressions (one for , another for ). There are two ways of nesting:
with outermost or outermost. Because we want to express in , and only
has a direct relationship with in , we choose the nesting with outermost:

Max Max

We now use the rule (see Chapter 2.3.5):

Max Min

Application of this with gives

Max (10.1)

where function is defined by


The task is thus to determine the maximum of the sequence of numbers .

We first treat some simple cases. We have that predicate holds for all numbers
because of empty domain. It follows that and . Note that
for every because of , and that if .
We derive a recurrence relation for in

{ (10.1) }
{ splitting: or }
max Max
{ (10.1) }

Before deriving a relation for , we note that, for , we have

{ definition of }

{ splitting: or ; use }
{ definition of }

We use this result to derive


{ definition of }
{ Suppose ; splitting with ; use }
min Min
{ use (10.3) }
min Min
{ Suppose }
min Min
{ definition of ; use and hence }

If , we find

{ see above }
min Min
{ , hence empty domain; arithmetic }

We combine the last two results in a conditional expression to


Formula (10.4) together with are enough for recursive computation of function
. We can now turn to the roadmap.

Step 1. To compute , we compute for increasing . We therefore introduce

variables , Z with the invariant and the guard . In each step we need
. We therefore introduce an auxiliary variable Z, and strengthen the invariant by
adding . In view of formula (10.4), we add to the invariant. We add
to prepare the proof of termination. We thus obtain:

Finalization holds because of

{ delete superfluous conjuncts; double negation }

{ substitute , and definitions of and }


Step 2. Initialization is easy:

( see above; N )

; ;

Step 3. In view of the invariant, the guard, and the initialization, we choose vf .
Boundedness is proved in

{ definition of , delete conjuncts }

{ definition vf }

Step 4. In the body of the repetition, must be incremented, while preserving invariant
. This is done in

( definitions of , , vf, use )

( formula (10.4) )

formula (10.2) and arithmetic )


Step 5. Conclusion.

const N
const array of Z
var Z
; ;

( vf )
while do



10.2 Longest left-minimal segments

Let us call a segment left-minimal if is its smallest value. The aim is to
derive a command to compute the greatest length of the left-minimal segments of array .
This is expressed in the postcondition



expresses that segment is empty or left-minimal.

We replace the constant by a variable , and define


Just as in Chapter 10.1, we have

Max , where is given by


Just as in derivation (10.2), we obtain the recurrence equation

max (10.5)

Before turning to , we investigate function . Its definition immediately implies

Z (10.6)

With this we can determine the base cases for and :


On the other hand, we have

{ definition of }

{ Suppose . Splitting: or }

{ definition of }

This proves


We are not yet ready to derive a recurrence relation for , and therefore characterize
the value of in a different way. For Z, we have

{ definition and (10.6); because of }

{ ( ) because }
{ ( ) Assume that for some .}
{ Then there is with Min .}
{ By , this implies . }

We now introduce the abbreviation

The above calculation thus yields the following characterization of :
Here, we write to the left of , because expresses information about the
values of array to the left of , while is about the values between and .
We now turn to recurrence relations for . Firstly, it is easy to see that (10.8) and
(10.9) together imply

On the other hand we have

{ (10.9) }

{ definitions of and , and (10.6) }

{ (10.9) with and }

We combine the last two results to the recurrence equation

After these preparations, programming can begin. First, the specification. As the
problem is trivial for , and formula (10.10) is not applicable if , we restrict the
attention to the case . (One can easily treat the case separately). We therefore
choose the specification:

const N
const array of Z
var Z

Step 1. For the postcondition, it would be enough to introduce a variable Z, and to

take the invariant and the guard , because

In view of formulas (10.5) and (10.10), however, we introduce an auxiliary variable with
the additional invariant . This leads to the invariant and guard:

We have , as is easily verified.

Step 2. The annotated initialization becomes:

( declaration of and formula (10.7) )

; ;

Step 3. We want to increment , and therefore choose vf . We have vf

because contains the conjunct .

Step 4. The annotated loop body:

( definitions of , , vf ; arithmetic )

( formula (10.10) )

( formula (10.5), prepare )




Step 5. Conclusion.

const N
const array of Z
var Z
; ;

( vf )
while do


10.3 Exercises
In each case, first give a formal specification. We use the array declared above.
Exercise 10.1. Determine a command to compute

Take care with the inequality signs. Compare this exercise with Exercise 7.14.
Exercise 10.2. Determine a command to compute

For this purpose, express this value as where the argument of replaces the
lower bound 0 for the bound variable . Determine a recurrence equation of
expressed in and , and for .
Exercise 10.3. Assume . Design a command to compute the greatest length of the
increasing segments of array .
Exercise 10.4. Assume . As a variation on Chapter 10.2, design a command with
the postcondition

Max , where

Exercise 10.5. Assume that and . Determine a command to compute


Exercise 10.6. Determine the maximal sum of the segments of array , i.e., establish the


Exercise 10.7. Determine the maximal sum of the positive segments of array .
Exercise 10.8. The greatest common divisor of natural numbers and can be expressed
as an integral linear combination of and . Design a command that proves
this by determining such integers and .
For this purpose, introduce variables and with the invariant that and are linear
combinations of and (initially and ). Establish the postcondition
gcd .
Exercise 10.9. Design a command to compute the greatest length of segments of array
for which all elements are different. For this purpose, use the type set of Z with
suitable corresponding operations.
10.3. EXERCISES 83

Exercise 10.10. Extend the program of Chapter 10.1 in such a way that it also yields
bounds and of a positive segment of maximal length. You need not provide a complete
derivation. It suffices to give the additional conjuncts of the invariant with the proofs of
the steps 1 and 2, and the result in step 5. Active finalization is an option.
Exercise 10.11. Assume . Design a command to compute the greatest length of
segments of array with at most two different values.
Exercise 10.12. The same as the previous exercise, but now for segments with at most
three different values. Would you be able to generalize this to different values?
Exercise 10.13. Given are two arrays declared in

const N array of R

Determine a command to compute

The time complexity of command should be . First derive recurrence relations for
relevant functions and give a formal specification.
Exercise 10.14. Given are arrays and of real numbers. All elements of are nonnega-

const N array of R

(a) Determine a command to compute the maximum of the products for ,

as specified in


In the program (and its derivation), you may apply the binary operator max and the
constants and . The time complexity of command should be .
(b) What goes wrong when some elements of array are negative? Can this be repaired?
For instance, when all elements of array are nonnegative?

, 11, 21 expression, 10
, 11
, 11 finalization, 32
skip axiom, 20 generalization, 42
Max, 12 guard, 19
Min, 12
div, 12 heuristic, 41
gcd, 36 Hoare triple, 16
max, 13 Horner’s scheme, 48
min, 13
mod, 12 identifier, 9
implication, universally valid, 11
active finalization, 38 increasing, 51
annotated command, 23 initialization, 32
annotated linear proof, 11 interval, 11
ascending, 51 invariant, 31
assignment, 19 isolating a conjunct, 41
assignment axiom, 20
king’s problem, 56
binary search, 54
monotonic, 51
biregular, 17
body, 19 operational reasoning, 6
branch, 19
postcondition, 16
command, 15 postregular, 17
composition rule, 20 precondition, 16
conclusion, 20 premise, 20
condition, 10 preparation of assignment, 24
conditional expression, 10 preregular, 17
conditional command, 19 priority, 10
conditional rule, 20 program condition, 19
constant, 9 program expression, 19
contour line, 57 pseudocode, 19
correct, 5
recurrence relations, 35
declaration, 9 repetition, 19
decreasing, 51 repetition rule, 21
descending, 51 replacing a constant by a variable, 42
division with remainder, 12 replacing expression by variable, 41
domain, 9 roadmap, 31
rule of thumb, 41
empty command, 19
equivalence symbol, 11 saddleback search, 57
Euclid’s algorithm, 36 segment, 65
exponentiation, 33 sequence, 13


sequential composition, 19
set, 10
shrinking rectangle, 58
simultaneous assignment, 27
specification, 16
specification constant, 9
specification language, 9
splitting a variable, 42
state, 15
strengthening of the precondition, 21

variable, 9
variant function, 21

weakening of the postcondition, 21

while command, 19

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