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Used by Years 8 and 9 Students: Problem-Posing

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used by Years 8 and 9 students


Introduction Initial procedure for analysis of

the problem-posing products
According to Kilpatrick (1987), in the mathe-
matics classrooms problem posing can be Students’ problem-posing products were
applied as a goal or as a means of instruction. initially divided into three groups: correct
Using problem posing as a goal of instruction responses, correct intermediate responses and
involves asking students to respond to a range responses that should be excluded from
of problem-posing prompts. The main goal of further analysis.

Correct responses
this paper is a classification of mathematics
questions created by Years 8 and 9 students in
response to a problem-posing prompt based
on a specific question presented. Students responded to the problem-posing
prompt in various ways. Some students

The task
presented their questions precisely, in the
form of well-structured problems. Below is one
of Gloria’s responses which was classified a
At the beginning of the school year, two correct response:
classes of Years 8 and 9 students, without any
specific training in problem posing, were What would the answer be if the “–” was a “+”
invited to pose problems on the basis of the and “+” was a “–”?

Correct intermediate responses

following problem-posing prompt:

Make up as many problems as you can using

the following calculation: Some students listed possibilities for different
3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4. arrangements of the elements in a problem, or
constructed problem situations, assuming
The problem-posing prompt presented above that the goal was the value of the mathemat-
requires students to pose questions that ical expression or the values of numbers
relate, somehow, to a specific mathematical replaced with asterisks. These responses were
expression. The prompt draws on key knowl- described as correct intermediate results.
edge — understanding and using the Below is an illustrative example taken from
hierarchy of the four operations. By asking Ani’s responses; the goal statement in it is
students to pose questions relating to the transparent:
given calculation, the expectation was that
students would reflect with problems that 3 + 25 ÷ 15 × 5 – 4
mirrored the level of their mathematical expe-
rience (Kilpatrick, 1987). Another class of problem-posing products

6 amt 61 (3)
was also referred to as correct intermediate. 1. Rearrangement of numerical information
These were the problems that contained
surplus or insufficient information. Although Students rearranged the numerical informa-
some problems were not written precisely, tion in the initial problem in such a way that,
they contained important information about although the problem-posing product seemed
the problem-posing strategies developed by different, in fact, it was a problem that was
students. Problems with surplus information identical with the initial problem.
posed by Christine are presented below. In
this case, some of the brackets, for example Example 1: 3 × 25 – 4 + 15 ÷ 5
around 3 × 25 and 15, are not needed:
Example 2: –4 + 15 ÷ 5 + 3 × 25
Example 1: [(3 × 25) + (15)] ÷ (5 – 4)
The examples presented here illustrate how
Example 2: (3 × 25) + [(15) ÷ (5 – 4)] students applied the commutative law to

Problem-posing products
obtain problems identical with the given

excluded from further analysis

problem. The problem-posing products can be
obtained by changing the positions of some
groups of numbers in the initial problem.
For a small number of responses, the decision Applying the commutative law for the addition
was made that they should be excluded from operation is, in fact, an action which does not
further analysis. These included examples in lead to a different problem.
which students did not attempt a response or Changing the places of groups of numbers
problems which did not provide enough and variables in a specific problem and justi-
written evidence to allow valid judgements fying (when appropriate) that the problem
about the students’ actions to be made. obtained was identical with the given one, was
Several students posed problems for which an action which was an inseparable part of
they admitted that they “remembered from the students’ work when they were involved in
book” or that they “didn’t create because they solving equations or inequalities, proving iden-
read it somewhere”; for example: tities, analysing the problem statements of
word or geometry problems, and so on. It was
The sides of a triangle are 3, 4 and 5. What is also observed that rearranging the information
the area? in a problem statement was used by students
when they were asked to present a specific
After analysing students’ written problem in their own words.

2. Adding irrelevant structure

responses, the strategies students used for
problem posing were classified into three cate-
gories: (a) reformulation; (b) reconstruction;
and (c) imitation. Students also generated problems by introducing
additional elements to the problem structure,

Reformulation strategy
such as one, two or more pairs of brackets. For
example, some pupils used brackets to pose
problems identical with the initial one. These
When the problem-posing actions of students examples show students’ problem-posing prod-
resulted in a rearrangement of the elements in ucts incorporating one or two pairs of brackets
the problem structure in ways which did not that are irrelevant to the problem structure. In
change the nature of the problem, the problem- these cases the brackets are used in inappro-
posing strategy was defined as reformulation. priate ways, suggesting that students who posed
In other words, the problem-posing products these problems have a limited understanding of
are the same or identical to the given problem the hierarchy of mathematical operations.
and differ from the initial problem only in the
presentation of the information in the problem Example 1: (3 × 25) + (15 ÷ 5) – 4
statement. Students reformulated in different
ways, as shown in the following examples. Example 2: (3 × 25) + [(15 ÷ 5) – 4]

amt 61 (3) 7
3. Replacing mathematical operations
with equivalent forms
from the initial problem only in the presenta-
tion of its structure. The example below
provides examples of students’ interpretations
A few students retained the identity of the of the basic calculation in real-life contexts. In
problem by presenting some of the mathemat- the first two cases the students had expressed
ical operations in an equivalent form. to the teacher their frustration in trying to find
a suitable context in which to pose problems.
Example 1: 3(25) + 15/5 – 4 The problem-posing products presented by
the students who had expressed difficulty in
Example 2: 3(25) + 3 – 4 finding an appropriate context suggest that
they were attempting to interpret the structure
In this example, students’ work was based of the whole calculation as a sequence of inter-
on the presentation of multiplication and divi- related real-life situations.
sion in equivalent forms. Example 2 in fact
represents an intermediate result when the Example 1:
value of 3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4 is calculated. I bought three $25 items of clothing and gave

4. Replacing numerical information

my 5 brothers and sisters $15 between them

with equivalent expressions

and lost $4. How much money:
a) did I start with?
b) did my brothers and sisters get each?
A few students tried to pose problems identical
with the given problem by replacing some of Example 2:
the numbers with the result of two arithmetic Cameron had 3 guitars which had 25 strings
operations. In such cases, students tried to on each, but as a birthday present he was
present the problem content in a more given 15 spare strings. So, he decided to sell
complex form by preserving the problem iden- the spare strings to 5 other people. While
tity. selling the strings he lost 4. How many
strings does he have left including the ones
(2 + 1) × (16 + 9) + (3 × 5) ÷ (25 ÷ 5) – 4 on the guitars?

5. Combinations of two
or more sub-categories
Changes which led to changes in the nature
of the problem are not regarded as reformula-
tions. Some of the strategies used by students
Students also tended to apply two or more in the reconstruction of the problem are
problem-posing actions in their formulation of presented in the next section.
the given mathematical problem. Examples of

Reconstruction strategies
students’ problem-posing products defined
under a reformulation strategy, which
produced a problem identical with the given
problem by combining two or more problem- A problem-posing strategy is referred to as
posing actions, are presented below: reconstruction when the problem-posing
product is obtained by modifications made to
–4 + (2 + 1) × 25 + (10 + 5) ÷ 5 the initial problem and when these modifica-

6. Interpreting the calculation in a

tions change the nature of the problem. Thus

real-life context
the problem-posing products relate, in some
way, to the given problem but differ from it in
The final group of problems defined under Examples of students’ work classified into
reformulation can be described as problems in the reconstruction sub-category are given in
which students made connections between a the following examples.
mathematical expression and a real-life situa-
tion. These have been categorised as
reformulation because the product differs

8 amt 61 (3)
1. Changing the order of the
numerical information
with brackets — creating possibilities by using
one, two or more pairs of brackets to obtain
different problems. The examples below illus-
Students applied a reconstruction strategy to trate some typical examples of problems posed
obtain problems from the initial problem when when students inserted additional structure
they changed the order of the numbers but (brackets). All examples shown here were
keeping the order and the types of the mathe- posed by Blair.
matical operations. Below are some examples
of students’ responses of this type. In fact, all Example 1: 3 × {25 + [(15 ÷ 5) – 4]}
examples presented illustrate problem-posing
products which are similar to the given Example 2: 3 × [(25 + 15) ÷ 5] – 4
problem but which differ from the initial
problem in their content. Example 3: 3 × {(25 + [15 ÷ (5 – 4)]}

5. Presenting a mathematical
Example 1: 3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 4 – 5

Example 2: 5 × 4 + 3 ÷ 25 – 15 operation in an equivalent form

2. Changing the order of the operations Some students combined the use of brackets
with the representation of division and multi-
In other problem-posing products, the order of plication in an equivalent form;
the operations was changed while the
numbers and their order were kept the same. Example 1:

Example 1: 3 + 25 ÷ 15 – 5 × 4 Example 2:

Example 2: 3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 4 – 5 Example 3:

6. Taking sub-structures
The examples here show that the student
had tried to pose other examples that resem-
bled the initial problem but differed from it in
the way the operations and the numbers were Problems were also obtained by selecting sub-
combined. structures of the given calculation. For

3. Changing the numbers

example, some students posed simple calcula-
tion problems by taking some of the numbers
and one or two of the given operations. These
Students also posed new problems by examples were drawn from Peter’s work:
changing the numerical information and
retaining the same operations and their order: Example 1: 3 × 25 + 15

2 ÷ 1 – 15 × 7 + 40 Example 2: 3–4

This example shows the application of a Example 3: 3÷5

reconstruction strategy in which both the

7. Combinations of two or more

numbers and the order of the operations are


4. Regrouping the problem

information by using brackets Some students combined two or more consec-
utive strategies and obtained new problems.
Students also made changes to the initial For example, in some cases both the order of
problem structure by imitating some tradi- the operations and the order of the numbers
tional classroom activities — solving problems were changed.

amt 61 (3) 9
1. Interpreting the division operation as
a ratio
Example 1: 5 ÷ 15 + 4 – 3 × 25

Example 2: 15 – 4 ÷ 5 + 3 × 25
Some students interpreted division as a ratio
All problems included here differ from the and then they posed word problems based on
initial problem in their content and they also the use of this new interpretation in a real-life
include additional information (the brackets) context. The example shown below was posed
that is relevant and changes the nature of the by Brad, one of the best students in the class.
given problem.
If the above ratio [3 × 25 + 15 : 5 – 4] is used
Example 1: 3((–4 + 15) 25) ÷ 5 to make a miniature of a famous painting,
which has an original size of 50 cm × 60 cm,
Example 2: ((25 + 15) ÷ 5 – (–4 × 3) what size will the miniature be?

2. Extending the problem structure by

Example 3: (–4 + 25) × 3 + (15 ÷ 5)

The next group of problem-posing products changing the goal

represent a combination of three basic sub-
categories. In these cases, students obtained A few students extended the structure of the
new problems by changing the order of the given problem by constructing a new goal
numbers and the order of the operations, and statement. Students changed the structure of
by presenting the division or multiplication in the given problem by extending the goal state-
equivalent forms. ment in such a way that the initial problem
became a step of the solution process of the
Example 1: new problem. The problem-posing products
resemble types of problems that were solved in
Example 2: some of the previous lessons. Students incor-
porated in the questions well known terms
Example 3: and concepts such as “prime factors”,
“number of factors”, “last digit”, and so on.

Imitation strategy
Example 1:
Which are the prime factors of this
[3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4] calculation?
A problem-posing strategy will be referred to
as imitation when the problem-posing product Example 2:
is obtained from the given problem-posing Around which two digits could you place
prompt by the addition of a structure which is brackets so that the answer [of the calcula-
relevant to the problem, and the problem- tion 3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4] is minimal?
posing product resembles a previously
encountered or solved problem. In other words, Example 3:
the imitation strategy takes into account two Write the prime factorisation of the result of
important issues: the problem-posing product this [3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4] calculation.
has an extended structure and the student
has encountered these types of problems Example 4:
before. How many factors does the result [of the
The examples of imitation sub-categories calculation 3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4] have?
Example 5:
What is the last digit of 3 × 25 + 15 ÷ 5 – 4?

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Implications for
teaching and learning
The issue of the extent to which problem
posing can be considered as an index of a I recently attended a talk by Merrilyn
student’s problem-solving ability was first Goos, a mathematics educator at the
raised by Kilpatrick (1987). At the beginning of University of Queensland, and the univer-
the school year, when asked, most students sity Teacher of the Year in the social
posed problems which they knew how to solve. sciences. In discussing what makes for
In other words, the problem-posing products quality teaching, Merrilyn emphasised the
did not represent problems for the authors. As importance of enthusiasm. Quality
the school year progressed, students started teachers not only have a passion for their
to feel free to pose more complex questions. In subject, but also eagerness to share this
some cases the students admitted that they with their students. It is worth noting that
had not solved the problem yet, but indicated this idea is embedded in the AAMT
that, if a solution was provided, then they Standards for Excellence in Teaching
would be able to understand it. On a number Mathematics in Australian Schools.
of occasions, some students recognised that Too often we forget that teachers who
they understood what the problem was about, demonstrate excitement about mathe-
but that they could not solve it, “because it is matics and a belief that all students can
very difficult.” be equally involved with the subject are
Data from the classroom, such as tests and the teachers that are remembered long
homework indicate, that problem-posing after school days are finished.
skills, as with all other skills, could be devel- This issue demonstrates the range of
oped and nurtured. At the end of the school interesting aspects of mathematics in
year, students exposed to a range of problem- which we can engage our students.
posing activities were observed to pay more Games, new and interesting applications
attention to the quality of problems posed and of technology, or poetry — truly there is
to problem difficulty. There was a strong something for everyone in maths. Let’s
tendency for students to pose problems by not forget that, as teachers, our first duty
using the imitation strategy, and to pose prob- is to engage our students so as to intro-
lems from different categories rather than to duce them to the subject that we all find
pose problems by reformulation or reconstruc- so interesting in so many different ways.
tion or to pose more problems from the same Maintain the passion!
category. Rosemary Callingham

Kilpatrick, J. (1987). Problem formulating: Where do good
problems come from? In A. H. Schoenfeld (Ed.), Cognitive
Science and Mathematics Education (pp. 123–147). Hillsdale,
NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Elena Stoyanova
Department of Education and Training, WA

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