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Fire Suppression System Control Panel


The Chemetronics“ Micro l-EV Control Panel brings
The new Chemetronics“ Micro l-EV Control Panel the latest state-of-the-art advances to automatic fire
offers significant state-of-the-art advances in fire suppression systems. It is designed for Halon 1301,
suppression system control. It is designed to deliver carbon dioxide, dry chemical, pre-action and del-
new peace of mind from the time of installation uge sprinkler systems.
through operation, monitoring and maintenance.
• Widely Approved.
Micro l-EV is so simple and economical that it is
practical for the most basic hazard; yet it includes a Micro 1 -EV is listed by Underwriters Laboratories,
broad range of built-in features to handle the most Inc., and Factory Mutual Research. In addition, it
complex hazards. has been submitted to all major international agen-
cies. For the latest approval information, contact
Microprocessor based, the Micro 1 -EV panel pre- Chemetron Fire Systems.
sents a wide range of options for automatic and
manual operation, system status reporting and post- • Versatile and Cost Efficient.
operation feedback, plus advances in dependability. Micro 1 -EV is designed to meet today’s pressing
New Freedom of Design and Function need for more sophisticated protection in the face of
growing cost limitations. As a result, it makes the
• Wide selection of built-in programmable modes latest in fire suppression systems available not only
• Fast, simpie menu-driven keyboard programming to better meet highly specialized needs, but also to
• Completesystem statusataglancewithAlpha-Nu- provide protection for hazards where cost contain-
meric display ment is a prime consideration.
• Alarm recall
• The Latest in Computer Control.
• Complete self-diagnosis of alarm and trouble con-
ditions Based on a microprocessor, Micro 1-EV opens a new
• Advanced circuitry provides on-board component world of control opportunities - all built in - provid-
protection ing a wide variety of alarm and system activation
functions. The computer approach, plus all-solid- Selective Finger Tip Monitoring.
state internal circuitry assures the latest in depend-
A keypad located under the Alpha-Numeric display
permits programming, quick, selective monitoring
• Programming Simplified. and troubleshooting of the control system. The key-
Advanced microprocessor technology permits each pad also allows: testing of batteries (volts and amps),
of the many variations to be set up with a simple lamps, panel and system; silencing of alarm outputs
menu-driven keypad entry system - no need to spend and trouble buzzer; adjusting of predischarge and
time and money adding modules or wiring, or set- discharge time; checking of alarm trip and stand-by
ting bit switches. current levels. In addition, the keypad provides panel
identification, and after an alarm, or an alarm and
Expanded Monitoring Opportunities. discharge, indicates the sequence of events that led
Complete system status is available on an Alpha- up to system activation.
Numeric display. Status indication is either auto- All Circuits Supervised.
matic or selective as required. It is readily visible
through a window in the enclosure door. During All detection, auxiliary inputs, manual and abort sta-
normal stand-by conditions, this display will illumi- tions, audible and auxiliary convertible output cir-
nate the word “SAFE.” In the event of an alarm or cuits, as well as the suppression solenoid coils and
trouble condition(s) the display will switch to an wiring, are Class “B” (2-wire) supervised. The Mi-
Alpha-Numeric code. This code can then be inter- cro 1 -EV Control Panel is designed to operate with
preted using a chart affixed to the inside of the door a commercial power source of 120 Volts AC, single
to pinpoint the exact location of the alarm or trouble phase 60 HZ (220 Volts optional). A power supply
condition(s). In addition, there are eight LED’S, module converts the incoming AC power to 24 VDC
visible through the front of the panel, to assist in to provide power for the entire system. Optional
determining if the condition is an alarm or trouble batteries and supervised built-in charger provide
signal. stand-by power.
• Compact Space Saver. Programmable Abort Modes
Chemetronics Micro l-EV puts all this into a com- With a simple programming change, qualified per-
pact enclosure which can be semi-flush or surface- sonnel can select one of three abort modes as out-
mounted to provide the most technologically ad- lined by the National Fire Protection Association and
vanced releasing panel available. listed by Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
Configuration Two of the abort modes are variations of what is
commonly referred to as a deadman type. The third,
The Micro 1 -EV provides single-zone, cross-zone,
an I.R.I. mode, complies with Industrial Risk Insur-
sequential and cross-sequential verification detec-
ers Interpretive Guide of N.F.P.A. 12A.
tion. In the case of the latter, two separate outputs
are available to annunciate first and second zone The deadman mode allows an operator to activate
alarms. The alarm circuit can also be programmed an abort station at any time during an alarm condi-
to provide a steady signal for first-zone alarm con- tion prior to discharge. The predischarge time con-
dition and a pulsing (march time code) signal for tinues the countdown until the preset time period
the second zone or manual alarm. Thus, a single elapses. During this time, the discharge will be over-
device can be used to annunciate separate alarm con- ridden if the abort station remains activated - or, if
ditions. Three independently supervised and timed the panel is reset prior to the release of the abort
solenoid output circuits are provided. Both predis- switch.
charge and discharge timers are field-adjustable with
The other deadman option allows the predischarge
a continuous numeric display on readout while ad-
timer to count down as above, however, will hold
the predischarge time with 10 seconds remaining
Manual Actuation until the abort is deactivated.
The Micro l-EV provides for instantaneous or timed Conversely, the I.R.I. mode can only initiate abort
solenoid release upon manual activation. The manual circuitry prior to activation of the second zone de-
circuits override all programmable abort modes. tector, or second detector in the case of sequential
verification. If operated when a single device is ac-
tivated, the discharge can be delayed indefinitely; System Protection
but if the circuit is not activated prior to a second
Ground fault indication is provided on all circuitry.
alarm initiation, the abort circuit becomes inactive.
Audible and solenoid circuits have short circuit in-
In either case, the Micro l-EV may be reset any time
dication. All output circuits are individually fused
by depressing the appropriate key on the keypad.
and current-limited to protect on-board components.
Three other abort modes are available; however, they
Supervised batteries, built-in battery charger and
do not meet current U.L. standards.
transfer circuitry, provide alternate power for sys-
Auxiliary Output tem operation in the event of brownout or total AC
power interruption. Batteries are sized to provide a
Two convertible 24 VDC circuits are provided. These
minimum of 24 hours service. Larger batteries can
can be programmed to activate on a first zone alarm
be installed to provide power for longer duration.
or a second zone alarm, or upon initiation of a dis-
charge timer. The output circuits are fitted with con- Solenoid Disconnect Switch
ventional relay sockets, each capable of accepting a
To disconnect power from each of the three sole-
relay with a Form C contact. The sockets will also
noids, the Micro 1 -EV has a solenoid disconnect
accept auxiliary output circuit boards which can be
switch permanently incorporated into the printed
used to supervise and power remote relays.
circuit board. Operation of the switch will allow the
user to service the system or other equipment such
as air conditioning without fear of inadvertent re-
lease of extinguishing agents.
The compact MICRO l-EV
Control Panel ...
... all you’ll ever need for a single-
hazard fire suppression system
The new Micro 1 -EV Control Panel takes advan-
tage of the latest in computer technology using very
large-scale integrated microprocessors.
Result: greater flexibility and stability provid-
ing a far broader range of programming opportuni-
ties - more options for custom system design.
Provides Wide Variety of Programming Options
The new Micro 1 -EV offers unprecedented new free-
dom for custom-designing a system. Options include
the following and many more ...
Simplifies Programming, Saves Start-up Time
Bit switches and potentiometers are eliminated. Pro-
gramming is accomplished through keypad entries
which allow access to all program variations. After
input of the proper access code, menu-driven pro- Tells System Status at a Glance
gramming simplifies configuration for the specific A space-age keypad and Alpha-Numeric display pro-
hazard. All program options are stored in non-vola- vide critical information at the touch of a key. The
tile memory, so no reprogramming is required when display tells in plain English whether the system is
both AC and DC power sources are removed. working properly - or, if not, where the problem is.
Permits Alarm Recall Specifications for Architects
The sequence of events relating to an alarm condi- and Engineers
tion are displayed by keying in a code. The display
provides a code which can be used to indicate the All solid state circuitry and a very large scale inte-
cause of the alarm. grated microprocessor shall permit the unit to be
field-programmed to meet the needs of the specific
Provides Increased Dependability
Tamper-resistant field programming is accomplished
Programming for the various functions shall be accom-
by the use of access codes forall system program-
plished with a menu-driven keyboard entry system.
ming functions. Output circuits have been beefed
Programming shall be protected by an access code.
up: they include separate fuses and current-limiting
devices to guard against catastrophic failures dur- An Alpha-Numeric display shall be visible through
ing installation and operation. a window on the front of the enclosure. The Alpha-
Numeric display shall read the word “SAFE” dur-
Includes Battery Back-up
ing normal standby condition. In the event of a
A battery back-up power supply automatically takes trouble or alarm condition, the display will switch
over in case of a brownout or power failure. to an Alpha-Numeric code. A chart affixed to the
Saves Engineering and Installation Time inside of the door shall be employed to interpret the
code, thereby pinpointing the exact location of the
Major components are contained in an attractive trouble condition.
metal enclosure. Wiring terminations are simplified
by the use of clearly marked terminal blocks. Single Up to six trouble codes shall be displayed on a pri-
PC board design eliminates wiring from module-to- ority basis. A 0-59 second predischarge timer shall
module, which is difficult, time-consuming and of- be employed to allow evacuation of the hazard area.
ten confusing. A 0-10 minute discharge timer shall be used to re-
lease the extinguishing agent for the appropriate time
The digital readout shall display the trip level and Provision shall be made to accommodate two indi-
standby current of the detection loops, as well as vidually supervised polarity-reversible alarm out-
predischarge and discharge timer settings, when the puts. Each shall have a capacity of 1 amp at 24 VDC.
appropriate keys are depressed. Annunciation of ground fault and short circuit con-
ditions shall be provided. Each circuit shall be indi-
Class “B” (2-wire) supervision shall be provided for
vidually protected by a supervised overcurrent de-
automatic detection, manual station, external alarm
and releasing devices. The detection circuits shall
accommodate products-of-combustion, optical, ther- Three individually supervised solenoid circuits shall
mal, and open-contact devices. A maximum of 60 be provided. They shall have a maximum capacity
Chemetronics“ products-ofcombustion detectors of 75 amp at 24 VDC, and shall befitted with appro-
and/or any number of thermal devices or manual sta- priate fuses to protect against damage from electri-
tions may be installed in one detection loop. cal sources. Short circuit detection and ground fault
indication shall also be provided to assure proper
Two Class “B” supervised auxiliary inputs must be
operation of the release circuits at all times.
provided for supervision of products-of-combustion
detectors, or contact-type devices such as pressure A Form “C” trouble and alarm relay contact shall be
switches or tamper switches. provided. In addition, two programmable auxiliary
outputs shall permit a choice of remote or on-board
The circuits shall initiate a trouble or alarm condi-
relays. All dry contacts shall be rated to 5 amps at
28 VDC/120 VAC.
A Class “B” supervised manual station input shall
A dedicated 120 VAC, 60HZ commercial power
be capable of initiating an immediate or delayed
source shall be supplied to the panel. It shall be con-
agent discharge.
verted to 24 VDC by internal circuitry.
A Class “B” supervised abort switch shall be capable
A supervised battery and charger circuit shall auto-
of being programmed in accordance with the guide-
matically provide power for detection, alarm and
lines of the insurance underwriter or authority hav-
release devices upon loss of primary AC power.
ing jurisdiction.
Batteries shall be kept fully charged bythe integral
chargerwhen AC power is present. A battery test
The seller makes no warranties, express or implied
switch, capable of supplying a full 1 amp load shall
including, but not limited to, the implied warranties
be provided. This test shall generate a “pass” or “fail”
of merchantability and fitness for a particular pur-
reading on the Alpha-Numeric display. Battery volts
pose, except as expressly stated in seller’s sales con-
and amps shall also be displayed by depressing the
tract or sales acknowledgment form.
appropriate keys on the keypad.
A semi-flush or surface-mount enclosure shall be
provided. It shall have a minimum NEMA 1 rating;
a lock shall be provided to prevent unauthorized ac-
cess to the control panel.

Make Chemetron Fire Systems your

source for fire safety products
• CARDOX® Carbon Dioxide Systems
• CHEMETRON™ FM 200 Systems
4801 Southwick Drive
• CHEMETRONICS® Detection and Third Floor
Control Equipment Matteson, Illinois 60443
Phone: (708) 748-1503
Fax: (708) 748-2847
1997 Chemetron Fire Systems. All rights re-
served (9/97). Chemetron Fire Systems and
Cardox are trademarks of Chemetron Fire Sys

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