The document is an exam paper for the Financial Market Operations course. It contains 5 questions related to financial markets. Question 1 asks about the definition and functions of financial markets or the structure of the Indian money market. Question 2 asks about the difference between capital and money markets or the functions and role of stock exchanges. Question 3 asks about the objectives and functions of SEBI or how grievances in stock exchanges are addressed. Question 4 asks about stockbrokers and their types or the difference between brokers and market makers. Question 5 asks about merchant banking and its importance in India or short notes on credit rating functions and merchant banking services.
The document is an exam paper for the Financial Market Operations course. It contains 5 questions related to financial markets. Question 1 asks about the definition and functions of financial markets or the structure of the Indian money market. Question 2 asks about the difference between capital and money markets or the functions and role of stock exchanges. Question 3 asks about the objectives and functions of SEBI or how grievances in stock exchanges are addressed. Question 4 asks about stockbrokers and their types or the difference between brokers and market makers. Question 5 asks about merchant banking and its importance in India or short notes on credit rating functions and merchant banking services.
The document is an exam paper for the Financial Market Operations course. It contains 5 questions related to financial markets. Question 1 asks about the definition and functions of financial markets or the structure of the Indian money market. Question 2 asks about the difference between capital and money markets or the functions and role of stock exchanges. Question 3 asks about the objectives and functions of SEBI or how grievances in stock exchanges are addressed. Question 4 asks about stockbrokers and their types or the difference between brokers and market makers. Question 5 asks about merchant banking and its importance in India or short notes on credit rating functions and merchant banking services.
The document is an exam paper for the Financial Market Operations course. It contains 5 questions related to financial markets. Question 1 asks about the definition and functions of financial markets or the structure of the Indian money market. Question 2 asks about the difference between capital and money markets or the functions and role of stock exchanges. Question 3 asks about the objectives and functions of SEBI or how grievances in stock exchanges are addressed. Question 4 asks about stockbrokers and their types or the difference between brokers and market makers. Question 5 asks about merchant banking and its importance in India or short notes on credit rating functions and merchant banking services.
2020 Distinguish between capital market and money market. 7+7=14 ( 6th Semester ) Or
COMMERCE (b) What is stock exchange? Explain the
functions and role of stock exchange. ( Honours ) 2+12=14
Paper : BC–605 3. (a) Explain the objectives and functions of
SEBI. 7+7=14 ( Financial Market Operations ) Or Full Marks : 70 (b) Explain how the grievances concerning Pass Marks : 45% the stock exchange are dealt with in the stock market. 14 Time : 3 hours 4. (a) Who is a stockbroker? Explain various The figures in the margin indicate full marks types of stockbroker. Discuss various for the questions roles of a stockbroker. 2+6+6=14
1. (a) What is financial market? Explain Or
various functions of financial markets. (b) What is the difference between brokers Discuss the role of financial markets. and market makers? How does market 2+6+6=14 maker work and earn? 8+6=14 Or 5. (a) What is merchant banking? Explain the (b) Explain the structure of Indian money importance and need of merchant market. 14 banking in India. 2+12=14
20L/538 ( Turn Over ) 20L/538 ( Continued )
( 3 )
(b) Write short notes on the following :
7+7=14 (i) Functions of credit rating (ii) Services offered by merchant bankers