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Importance of Textbook

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The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan


S.No. Topics Page No.

1. Introduction ----------------------- 02
2. Curriculum ----------------------- 03
3. Textbook ----------------------- 03
4. Definitions of textbook - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - 03
5. Viewpoints about textbooks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 05
6. Textbook & Curriculum --------------- 06
7. Need & Importance of Textbooks - - - - - - - - - - 07
8. Benefits of Textbooks - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - 08
9. Characteristics of good textbook - - - - - - - - - - - - 09
 Physical Features
 Academic Features

10. Drawbacks of textbooks - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12

11.The procedure of textbooks development in Pakistan 13
14. Conclusion ------------------------ 13
15. Bibliography - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - - - - 15

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan


I n education textbooks are very important because these are

helping in attaining the school curriculum. Textbooks stated
at the heart of educational enterprise. In case of developing
countries like Pakistan where other instructional materials are
not available, the role of textbook is vital. Generally we know
that a textbook is a prescribed book for the student of a
particular age group. It covers the items as given in the
syllabus. Such a book forms the basis of teaching learning in
the class. In this assignment we discuss about the share of
textbook in curriculum, it means what is the part of textbook in
school curriculum and how textbooks are helping or aiding to
achieve the objectives of school curriculum and facilitating the
teaching learning process.

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan


“Curriculum is that reconstruction of knowledge and experiences

systematically developed under the auspices of the school ( or university) to
enable the learner to increase his or control of knowledge and experience”.

Tanner and Tanner (1980)


Textbook is frequently the most important teaching tool because it can

determine no only what will be taught but also how it will be taught.
Although television, computer, internet and other new media are rivaling
printed materials of communication, textbook remain major sources in
school and colleges.

Among various instructional aids such as textbook, supplementary

books is presumably the most important because it is used in formal as well
as informal situations of instruction and also in situation of self study. This
is the cheapest of all the aids enumerated above and also the teachers.

Definition of Textbook

A textbook has been defined as an instrument of instruction that

facilitates the teaching learning process. It is written on the basis of a
prescribed syllabus in which the major ideals of the subject mater are
selected and summarized judiciously. They are organized logically
according to the mental makeup and psychological requirements of the
students so as to facilitate teaching; sometimes a text book is called “The
teacher in print”

Some Definition of Textbook

Webster’s Dictionary
“A text-book is any manual of instruction, a book containing a presentation
of the principles of the subject used as a basis of instruction.”

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

Encyclopedia of Educational Research (Third Edition)

In the modern sense and as “commonly understood; the textbook is a
learning instrument usually employed in schools and colleges to support a
Programme of instruction. In ordinary usage the textbook is printed, it is
non-consumable, it is hard bound, it serves as an avowed instructional
purpose, and it is placed in the hands of learner.”

Dictionary of Education C.V Good

It is “any manual of instruction; a book dealing with a definite subject of
study, systematically arranged, intended for use at a specified level of
instruction, and used as a principal source of study material for a given

International dictionary of Education Terry page & J.B Thomas

“Basic book used in a particular course of study”

Tanner & Tanner (1975)

Textbooks are useful guides for teachers and stable orientation for the

Marsh (1992)
“ A tool used by teachers to motivate students and to give them maximum
understanding about a topic or problem.” *

S.k kochhar
“Any book used as the basis or partial basis of a concern of study can be
called a textbook. It is specially written book which contains selective and
systematic knowledge. Every care is taken for coherence and sequence. It is
made simple to the degree that suits the intended learner.”

Analysis of the definitions of a textbook gives us a few characteristics.

 It is a manual of instruction.
 It is a standard book in the subject.
 It is both content and technique.
 It contains selected material.
 It is meant both for student and teacher.
 It presents material in grade form.

Marsh, Colin (1992) Key concepts of understanding curriculum

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

 It is the foundation on which the course is built up.

 It is used for formal as well as informal education.
 It is a tool for realizing the instructional objectives of the subject.
 It is a principal source of study material for a given course.
 It is the most economical instructional material among others.

Of late, a serious reaction has set in against the use of textbooks. The
currents of movements generated by the thinkers like Rousseau, Froebel
Dewey and Allama Iqbal amounted to revolt against bookish knowledge.
Some of the educationist in Pakistan was also against the bookish knowledge
(see urdu page). This led to attempts made some for dispensing with the
requirements of book as an instrument and tool for imparting knowledge.

Recently in the first half of 20th century, a thorough research was

undertaken by some thoughtful students of education in the U.S.A. Who
experimented with the bookless or nearly bookless system. They arrived at
the conclusion that text book could not be dropped out of the system of

The consensus of opinions of educationists in Pakistan as well as abroad

reveals that the textbook is an integral part of any educational system. In
case of developing countries like Pakistan where other instructional
materials are not available, the role of textbook is vital. ‘In much of the
Third world, textbooks become far more important in the educational
enterprise than the industrialized world, in the United States, Canada, the
Soviet Union and Western Europe, Schools are well equipped with audio-
visual aids, libraries and some times computers. In the these countries,
teachers have access to duplicating machines and can select class room
materials on their own from a wide variety of sources to supplement and in
some cases, replace textbooks…. In Third World countries there are few
instructional materials available at all.(Altbach & Kelly-1988,… cited in
Farooq, 1993 p.53) And the country like U.S.A the position of textbook has
been summed up in these words: ‘Although textbook are considered only
one of many instructional resources, the fact remains that many teachers are
generally dependent on them… Generally speaking, textbooks play a more
prominent role in high school instruction than in the elementary grades. In
some schools, the course of study for a given subject is still determined by
the contents of textbooks.i

. S.K Kochhar Teaching of History p-94

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan



Planned curriculum Hidden curriculum‡

Situational, Incidental, auto/self learning
(un Conscious learning )
Teachers, peers, environment

Academic or (social Attitude, Values)

Curricular activities Co- curricular activities
Syllabus (study tour, Field trips)

Text Book
(Languages, Maths)

of Traditional / Old Textbooks

Text Questions

Characteristic of Modern Textbooks

unit Objectives Text Illustrations Questions Instructions Chapter

Figure Exercises for Teacher summary
Activities ( T.Guide) Points

The hidden curriculum refers to the outcomes of education and/or the process leading to those outcomes,
which are not explicitly intended by educators.(

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

Need and Importance of textbook

Textbook are indispensable for the study and teaching due to various

To help the teacher:

The text book provides useful guidelines along which the teacher can
plan his day-to-day teaching; it serves as a reference book while actually
teaching in the classroom; provides suggestions for some assignment;
suggests activities to be taken up in the classroom and out side.

To help the pupil:

For the pupil textbook is the most accessible guide, a dependable
reference book and an all-time companion. The pupil makes use of the
textbook to prepare himself in advance for learning in the classroom; refers
to it during the course of learning in the classroom; revises and reinforces
the class room learnings; does assignment at home; prepares for the
examination; reads for pleasure; and seeks guidance and references for
further studies.

To give the minimum essential Knowledge at one place:

All teachers are not in a position to dig up facts. Some mature, well-
trained, experienced teachers may find it possible to use their out-lines and
thus find it possible to dispense with a basal textbook, but most teachers
cannot and should not do it.

To help in self-teaching:
The tradition of imparting education through the instrument of
lecturing has high value especially when the teacher is armed with special
gifts, i.e., inspiring the gifted and encouraging the weak students, etc. But it
needs to be admitted that even impact of best spoken message is necessarily
Transitory in character and even the most attentive listener loses any but the
obvious connection in the lesson. The efficacy of the textbook lies in making
self teaching a possible proposition through printed materials. Thus, a good
textbook can prove an insurance against illiteracy at home which is normal
in the case of many children.

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

To provide logical and comprehensive material:

A good textbook provides material in a systematic and
comprehensive form. That why, it sets a standard of minimum essential to be
achieved by pupils of all categories. It gives the beginner a grasp of new
matter. It also gives direction for further studies to enthusiastic pupils.

To ensure uniformity of good standard:

The text book provides a highway for carrying better practices to all
Schools. Some sort of uniformity of good standard is ensured. The Textbook
furnishes a common basis on which to master the process of reading,
analyzing, outlining and summarizing. It, thus, furnishes a common
laboratory in which to develop study skills.

To provide a base from which both the teacher and the pupil may start
and continue to work:
The textbook contain the minimum essential knowledge and can, thus,
provide appoint of departure for more comprehensive link. Further, it
provide the common ground which both the student and teachers may
explore together. Also it can focus attention on the same issues - event,
sequences and circumstances and serve well as rallying points.

To provide both confirmation and sustenance:

The textbook is supposed to contain the facts which are carefully
sifted and examined. Thus it can confirm the knowledge obtained elsewhere.

Benefits of Textbook
A good text book is very important because it serves as guide to the syllabus,
Particularly suggesting what should be taught. Textbook also provide
exercises, activities and suggestions for further reading, which encourages
the teacher to supplement material from other sources.

A good textbook can be a supplement to the instruction received in the

classroom; students can look up specific in formation, catch up when they
missed school and spend more time concentrating on comprehension than on
copying down every word.

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

A good textbook may also help to promote learning. eg. A student

may get interested in a topic that was introduced in class and want to know
more about it. So he/she consult the textbook and in this way not only
increases knowledge but also prepares in advance for the next lesson in
class. Further more the students learn to be an independent learner in this

The exercises at the end of a lesson in the textbook help to give the
students practice and also help them to retain information and apply it to
different situations. The same exercises help to the teacher in giving home
work, assignments and for revision purposes.

Textbook can also have a motivation effect on the students in the fact
that it may have attractive features and suit the interest and level of the
reader. The fact that the reader possesses the book also makes it available to
read at all times and when ever possible.

Textbook help the teacher to individualize instruction in the sense that

the teacher may permit each student to read it his/her own rate of

Textbooks are also a very good means to an order of procedure, a

topic sequence and to specify required of standards. In this sense they are
also great time savers.

Characteristics of a good textbook

A textbook is called good one if it contain both Physical and
Academic features.

Physical Features:

1.Size of the book

 It is suitable for the learners.
 It is convenient for in handling and carrying.
 It is neither too big nor too small for the students for whom it is

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

2. Printing of the books

 The printing is neat and clean.
 It is free from any type of errors.
 The spacing between the words, line and paragraph is even and
 There are sufficient margins on all sides of the page.
 Each chapter beings on a fresh page.
 Length of a line is within the eye span of child.

3. Type Size (font) of Textbooks

 Different type size is used for the cover page. Title, text and captions.
 The font size used in the book is suitable for the age group.
 An balance in the use of different font size is maintained (same theme
maintained for all book)
 It does not strain the eye sight of the pupils.

4. Paper used in Textbooks

 It is adequately thick.
 It is durable.
 It is smooth.
 It is reasonable of good quality.

5. Binding of Textbooks
 The binding of the book is sufficiently strong.
 It opens flat easily.
 The sides of the book are properly trimmed.
 The cover page of the book is durable.

6.Price of Textbooks
The price of the Textbook is reasonable. It suits the pockets of
majority of the parents.

7. Over all getup of Textbook

 The get up of the book is fine
 Its title page is attractive

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

Academic Aspect of the book

From academic point of view, a good textbook has the following
1. Thematic Content of book
 The subject matter is according to the mental level of the learners.
 It is capable of sustaining interest of the student.
 The facts given are correct and up-to-date.
 It provides new information to the learners.
 It is free from such incidents and references as may hurt the felling of

2. Organization of the contents and its presentation

 The subject matter is divided in to convenient units
 Length of each lesson suits the learners.
 The reading material is graded in order of difficulty.
 The style of presentation is simple and clear.
 The title of each lesson is brief meaningful and suitable.

3. Textual Language
 The textual language is according to the mental level of the learners
 The language used is correct.
 It is appropriate to the situation or context.

3. Illustrations (Visual Aids) used in Textbook

 Abstract concept of the book is clarified with the help of pictures and
diagrams. It makes easy to comprehend.
 The pictures used in the book are drawn well.
 They are realistic.
 They are relevant to the text
 They develop interest and motivate the learner.
 They are properly distributed throughout the book.

4. Textual Exercises in Book

 Every lesson is followed by exercises
 Instructions to do the exercises are clear
 There is avariety of exercises are on each lesson
 The exercises for each lesson are purposeful and adequate.

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

 They help the teacher to evaluate the achievements of the students.

Drawbacks in using Textbooks

Yes, there are some drawbacks in using Textbooks.

 Too much dependence on the textbooks gives temporary bookish

 There is lack of direct experiences. The students acquire second hand
 Teaching and learning become very rigid. The teacher has to teach
whatever is given in the book exactly.
 The textbook oppose the dynamic methodology of teaching learning.
They are, in fact, not suitable for teaching according to new
progressive methods.
 The textbooks are some times replace the teacher. When the student
find material better explained in the text-book, they do not shown due
regard to the teacher.

It is undoubtedly, right to say that there are some drawbacks in the textbook
used in the schools. At the same time advantage cannot be set aside
especially Pakistani classroom situations. Here in this country we need well
graded, organized printed material in the form of textbook and this we shall
ever need in times to come. Without textbooks our system of education may
lag behind. The best way out is to have good books written by distinguished

The procedure of textbook Development in Pakistan

The period from 1947 to 1962 may be considered as a period of “trial

and Error” in this field.
In 1962, on the recommendation of high-power committee, Textbook
Board was established in the then two provinces of Pakistan under the
legislative provision of the West Pakistan Textbook Board Ordinance, 1962

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

Since 1971, development of textbooks for classes I to XII has been the
sole responsibility of the four provincial textbook Boards Punjab Textbook
Board Lahore, Sindh Textbook Board Jamshoro, N.W.F.P Textbook Board
Peshawer and the Baluchistan Textbook Board Quetta. Earlier The West
Pakistan Textbook Board Lahore and the Textbook Board, Decca played this
rrole from 1962, the year of their establishment Textbooks related to higher
education or for classes above XII are developed, Published and marketed
by the private sector publishers or the concerned universities.

But how the textbook developed, produced, printed, published and

marketed in Pakistan? The textbook Boards receive the curriculum/syllabus
from the curriculum wing, Ministry of Education, Islamabad. Subject
Specialist may be considered as the “Key Person” in the whole business of
book development in the board. He is mostly a well qualified and
experienced person with a master degree and relevant on job experience to
his credit. At the very outset, the subject specialist goes through the syllabus
thoroughly and prepares a report and working plan with time scheduling for
the particular book. At each and every stage he takes his immediate
supervisor, the Editor-in-chief, who normally happens to be amore
experienced and versatile person, into confidence. The working plan is
approved by the director concerned who usually has a doctorate or is an
experienced academician/teacher. There are two modes of developing the
the manuscript. Either senior or experienced specialist/teachers are invited
through the press to develop a manuscript or the Board itself commissions

Manuscript received through any of the above mentioned methods are

refereed by a panel of three eminent scholars/retired teachers/university
professors. The best one, thus selected is sent to the external editor
commissioned by the Board for purpose. The external editor scrutinizes and
reviews and some and some time amends it to make press-worthy. Finally
the subject specialist of the board himself works on the script for the purpose
of technical editing. Before handing over the manuscript to the
publisher/printer the subject specialist discusses the lay-out and designed of
the book with the artist of the Board. The artist prepares the illustrations/title
according to the content of the book in consultations with the subject
specialist. When the subject specialist is satisfied that the manuscript is up to
the mark, it is sent to the curriculum Wing Ministry of Education, Islamabad
for approval. The curriculum wing convenes a two or three day’s long

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

meeting of the National Review committee in Islamabad or the premises of

the concerned Board for scrutiny of the manuscript and formulation of
recommendations. The Board start printing of the book when approval letter
of the ministry is received. The procedure for textbook development is
explained in figure on the following page.

Curriculum National
Wing Curriculum

Textbook Textbook

(Keyperson- Technical Editor

Artist Author/ Editor Publisher

Designer Developer Printer

The procedure of textbook Development in Pakistan

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan

Textbook occupy a very important place in the field of education in
Pakistani situations, their importance is all the more as we have shortage of
instructional materials like OHP. Multi Media, Computer, T.V etc.
Undoubtedly textbook is the core around which subject are taught. In very
real sense, in Pakistani situations where instructional materials (A.V Aids)
and facilities (library, study tour, field Trips) are not available and teachers
are not well trained and equipped professionally, the TEXT-BOOK is the

By: Sohail Ahmed

The Procedure of textbook development in Pakistan


R. Nacino-Brown et. al. “Curriculum and

Instruction”. Macmillan Publishers

Dr. Shurma
“Curriculum and Instrucation”, Manu
Publications, Delhi

Husain, S. Sajid
“Education & Methodology”, Kifayat

By: Sohail Ahmed

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