Annual Report 2021 New File 13 12 2021 3
Annual Report 2021 New File 13 12 2021 3
Annual Report 2021 New File 13 12 2021 3
2020 - 21
PRESIDENT’S COMMUNIQUÉ.....................4
FROM THE DIRECTOR’S DESK....................8
HUMAN RESOURCES...............................12
INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY..................17
CULTURAL ACTIVITIES............................18
ACADEMIC ACTIVITIES............................28
GURUGRAM CENTER...............................35
FRENCH LIBRARY....................................40
TRANSLATION CELL................................43
I am pleased to present the Annual Report alongwith the audited accounts for the
Financial Year 2020-21.
During the year, humanity experienced an unprecedented global health crisis which
left few untouched. Hopefully, the worst is over but it is imperative that we continue to
remain vigilant and safeguard our health and wellbeing.
Due to Covid and the subsequent lockdowns, AFD had to discontinue physical class-
es. Except for a few virtual events, the auditorium and art gallery also remained
non-functional during the entire year.
is significant to highlight here that AFD managed to declare a net surplus due to the
following measures:
• Seamless transition from physical classes to online classes. The execution of this
complex exercise was accomplished in a short span of time and I would like to con-
gratulate Mr. Guillaume Grangeon, the Academic Director and the teaching faculty
who so capably managed the onerous task.
• The Gurugram and Noida premises were wound up on account of online classes
being conducted thereby saving substantial expenditure on account of rent, house-
keeping and security etc. I would like to reiterate that closure of the Annexes is a
temporary measure and the same would be re-established once the situation is fa-
With regard to statutory compliances, the same were regularly complied with, however, due to the
lockdown, the finalization of audited statement of accounts for the financial year 2020-21 was de-
layed and therefore the AGM could not be held before the stipulated date viz. 30th September, 2021.
All other activities carried out during the year have been comprehensively detailed in the Annual Re-
port, a copy of which has already been circulated.
While most of the administrative staff worked from home, a few employees, at grave personal risk,
voluntarily went to AFD for executing crucial work during lockdowns. It is entirely due to their efforts
that disbursement of salary was done without even a days delay. Such service above self, under the
most perilious circumstances cannot be lauded enough and deserves much appreciation.
AFD shares a strong rapport and close working relationship with the French Embassy and Institut
Français. I am extremely grateful to Mr. Emmanuel Lenain, the Ambassador of France and Mr. Em-
manuel Lebrun–Damiens, Counsellor and Director of Institut Français for their continued support.
One of the keys to the smooth functioning of any institution lies in the synergy that the Governing
Body shares with the executive team. At AFD, this interaction is facilitated through five thematic
advisory committees i.e. Academic; Building; Cultural; Governance, Finance & Legal; and Member-
ship – that allow meaningful discussion and collaborative decision-making. In this regard, I would
like to convey my gratitude to the Director Mr. Stéphane Amalir and my colleagues in the Governing
Body. They have provided invaluable advice and spent enormous time and effort to ensure that AFD
goes from strength to strength. I would also like to place on record my appreciation for Mr. Stéphane
Amalir, who has been extremely proactive in understanding and implementing the decisions made
by the GB.
I wish you all the very best of health and happiness in the New Year.
Sandeep Sapra
J’ai le plaisir de vous présenter le rapport annuel ainsi que les comptes audités pour
l’exercice 2020-21.
Au cours de l’année, le monde a subi une crise sanitaire sans précédent à laquelle
peu de gens ont échappé. Nous espérons que le pire est à présent passé, mais il est
impératif que nous continuions à rester vigilants et à protéger notre santé et notre
Du fait de la Covid et des confinements qui ont suivi, l’AFD a dû interrompre les cours
en présentiel. À l’exception de quelques événements virtuels, l’auditorium et la galerie
d’art n’ont également pas accueilli de public pendant toute l’année.
• Une transition fluide des cours en présentiel aux cours en ligne. Cette tâche com-
plexe a été accomplie en très peu de temps et je tiens à féliciter le directeur péda-
gogique, M. Guillaume Grangeon, ainsi que l’équipe pédagogique qui sont parvenus à
la mener à bien de façon très compétente.
• La direction a rapidement pris des mesures prudentes visant à réduire les dépens-
es. Il convient de noter que nous avons réussi à le faire sans avoir recours aux licen-
ciements ou aux réductions de salaires des employés.
• Les locaux de Gurugram et de Noida ont été fermés en raison des cours en ligne,
ce qui nous a permis de faire des économies importantes en termes de loyer, d’entre-
tien, de sécurité. J’aimerais insister sur le fait que la fermeture des annexes est une
mesure temporaire et qu’elles seront réouvertes une fois que la situation s’y prêtera.
En ce qui concerne la conformité aux lois, elles ont été régulièrement respectées.
Cependant, la finalisation de l’état des comptes audités pour l’exercice 2020-21 a été
retardée du fait du confinement, et l’assemblée générale n’a donc pas pu être tenue
avant la date stipulée, à savoir le 30 septembre 2021.
Toutes les autres activités menées au cours de l’année sont décrites de manière ex-
haustive dans ce rapport annuel.
L’AFD a établi des liens solides ainsi que des relations de travail étroites avec l’Ambassade de France
et l’Institut Français en Inde. Je suis extrêmement reconnaissant à M. Emmanuel Lenain, Ambassa-
deur de France, et à M. Emmanuel Lebrun-Damiens, Conseiller de Coopération et d’Action Culturelle
et Directeur de l’Institut Français, de leur soutien continu.
Une des clés du fonctionnement harmonieux de toute institution est la synergie entre le Conseil d’ad-
ministration et l’équipe de direction. À l’AFD, cette interaction est facilitée par cinq comités consulta-
tifs chargés de différents sujets : 1) la pédagogie, 2) la maintenance et l’entretien, 3) la culture, 4) la
gouvernance, la finance et les questions juridiques, et en cinquième celui de l’adhésion. Ces divers
comités permettent une discussion constructive et une prise de décision collaborative. À cet égard,
je tiens à remercier le Directeur, M. Stéphane Amalir, et mes collègues du Conseil d’administration.
Ils ont fourni de précieux conseils et ont consacré énormément de temps et d’efforts pour s’assurer
que l’AFD ne cesse de se développer. Je souhaiterais également exprimer officiellement ma gratitude
à M. Stéphane Amalir qui s’est montré extrêmement actif en ce qui concerne la compréhension et la
mise en œuvre des orientations données par le Conseil d’administration.
Sandeep Sapra
I arrived in Delhi in October 2020, to take up my new duties as the Director of the
Alliance Française in the Indian capital. I began this assignment by undergoing a two-
week quarantine since the COVID 19 pandemic was then at its peak in the country.
When I was finally able to go to the Alliance and meet for the very first time the staff
that worked there, I found that though these were people who had suffered or were
still suffering from the effects of the first wave, they were above all people who were
keen to continue their work within this beautiful institution, even if it meant that they
had to work under circumstances that were still difficult.
The teaching staff, under the able leadership of Guillaume, our Academic Director,
had been able to adapt very quickly to ensure continuity in the teaching of French,
shifting from a 100% face-to-face model to a 100% online system almost overnight.
And in the months that followed, I observed that the teachers had not only become
experts in video conferencing, but had even transformed this technological and peda-
gogical challenge into an opportunity, by jointly creating new ways of interacting with
their students.
And when we were hit by the second wave, which was even more terrible than the
first, the teaching team was more than ready to face this new challenge.
I would like to acknowledge my grateful thanks to them here.
But even the best army of teachers cannot operate efficiently without the logistical
support provided by the expertise of the administrative team, the real backbone of
the Alliance Française.
Every member of this team adapted to this extraordinary situation: while some had to
make room at home to install a laptop, others had to deal with children who often did
not understand why mum and dad, even though they no longer went to office, could
not play with them because some people on the screen were discussing incompre-
hensible things.
The results however were well worth the effort put in by the staff: the Alliance has been able to con-
tinue not only its main task of teaching French to thousands of students, but also that of translating
hundreds of official documents, making it possible to borrow books and even offering cultural events
As in all difficult situations, strategic choices have to be made. In the long term, the Alliance’s desire
is obviously to serve students from across the entire National Capital Region, both through online
and face-to-face classes. However, we had to make a tactical retreat by temporarily abandoning the
Noida and Gurgaon Centers. As soon as the situation allows, we will all collectively examine the pos-
sibility of resuming our operations in these cities, or even in others.
Alongside the men and women who work every day at the Alliance, there are also those who have
chosen to work as volunteers on the Governing Body (reconstituted in March 2021): I would like to
sincerely thank each and every one of the members of the old and the new teams for their time, their
expertise, their vision, and especially for their continued support during this past year.
I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to my predecessor, Jean-François: under whose lead-
ership, the Alliance has continued to flourish thanks to some fine and ambitious cultural and educa-
tional projects.
Several challenges await us. Firstly, in addition to continuously improving the quality of our online
classes, we must also prepare for the reopening of face-to-face classes, and perhaps think of new
teaching methods to keep in mind the new learning habits acquired by students in recent months.
Thereafter, we must help the public to return to the cultural events at the Alliance, by ensuring that
all health precautions are taken by our teams at the events. And while on the subject of culture, the
Alliance Française is preparing to participate in the fourth edition of the Bonjour India Festival which
will take place early next year.
Our beautiful building is going to turn 18: the age of majority, and to commemorate this milestone, we
will give it a general facelift, which includes several important maintenance works.
I would like to conclude the introduction to this new activity report with a special tribute to an em-
ployee who left us: Rajeev Tamang had been working at the Alliance’s media library for more than
eighteen years. He was a colleague appreciated by one and all, ever ready to help, and who always
had a smile on his face. He will be deeply missed by all of us.
Stéphane Amalir
Je suis arrivé à Delhi en octobre 2020, pour prendre mes nouvelles fonctions de Di-
recteur de l’Alliance française dans la Capitale indienne. J’ai débuté cette mission en
effectuant une quarantaine de deux semaines : la pandémie COVID 19 battant alors
son plein dans le pays.
Lorsqu’enfin, j’ai pu me rendre à l’Alliance et rencontrer pour la première fois les équi-
pes qui y travaillaient, j’ai découvert des personnes qui certes avaient souffert ou
souffraient encore des effets de la première vague, mais surtout des personnes qui
avaient à cœur de poursuivre leur travail au sein de cette belle institution, quitte à
braver les circonstances encore difficiles.
Et lorsque la seconde vague, encore plus terrible que la première, l’équipe enseig-
nante était prête à faire face à ce nouveau défi.
Qu’elles et ils en soient remerciés ici.
Chaque membre de cette équipe s’est donc également adapté à cette situation ex-
traordinaire : certains ont dû faire de la place à la maison pour installer un ordinateur
portable et d’autres ont dû jongler avec les enfants qui souvent ne comprenaient pas
pourquoi papa et maman ne partaient plus au bureau mais ne pouvaient pas non plus
jouer avec eux parce que des gens sur l’écran étaient en train de discuter de choses
Les résultats de ces efforts ont été à la hauteur de ces derniers : l’Alliance a pu pour-
suivre non seulement sa tâche principale consistant à enseigner le français à des
milliers d’étudiants et d’étudiantes, mais aussi à traduire des centaines de docu-
ments officiels, à offrir la possibilité d’emprunter des livres et même à offrir en ligne
des évènements culturels.
Comme lors d’un conflit, il a fallu faire des choix stratégiques. A long terme, le désir
de l’Alliance est bien entendu de servir les étudiants et étudiantes de toute la zone
appelé National Capital Region, à la fois en ligne et en présentiel. Cependant, nous
avons du effectuer un repli tactique en abandonnant momentanément les Centres
de Noida et de Gurgaon. Dès que la situation le permettra, nous étudierons tous en-
semble la possibilité de reprendre nos opérations dans ces villes, voire dans d’autres.
Derrière les hommes et les femmes qui travaillent donc tous les jours à l’Alliance, il y a bien enten-
du aussi des hommes et des femmes qui se dévouent en tant que bénévoles au sein d’un Conseil
d’Administration (renouvelé en mars 2021) : je tiens sincèrement à remercier chacun et chacune des
membres de l’ancienne comme de la nouvelle équipe pour leur temps, pour leur expertise, pour leur
vision, et particulièrement pour leur soutien durant cette année passée.
Je dois aussi remercier très sincèrement mon prédécesseur, Jean-François : sous sa Direction, l’Al-
liance a continuer à s’épanouir grâce à de beaux et grands projets tant culturels que pédagogiques.
Devant nous, plusieurs défis nous attendent. En tout premier lieu, il s’agit de non seulement con-
tinuer à améliorer notre enseignement en ligne mais aussi à préparer la réouverture de classes en
présentiel, voire à inventer de nouvelles méthodes d’enseignements, pour tenir compte des nouvelles
habitudes acquises par les étudiants au cours des derniers mois.
Ensuite, il nous faut aider le public à retrouver le chemin de nos évènements culturels à l’Alliance, en
les assurant quant aux précautions sanitaires prises par nos équipes sur place. Et puisque nous par-
lons culture, l’Alliance française prépare sa participation à la quatrième édition du Festival Bonjour
India qui aura lieu en début d’année prochaine.
Notre très beau bâtiment va avoir 18 ans : l’âge de la majorité, et pour fêter cet événement nous
allons lui offrir un lifting général qui se traduit notamment par d’importants travaux de maintenance.
Stéphane Amalir
Year 2020 -2021 will be long remembered by one and all in the history. A year which saw the pandem-
ic and then its impact in all parts of the world. A year which significantly and totally changed the work
culture. A year which was full of learnings and experiments. A year which taught us ’never say never’.
‘New normals’ were created, inorder to meet up with the challenges posed by the situation all around.
Focus entirely shifted on the ‘people first’ approach. Wellbeing of students and employees became
the first priority and the need to collaborate digitally was the immediate next. Tracking productivity
and employee engagement was another big challenge faced by the management.
Like others, the idea was to first ensure the wellbeing of our employees and student community
at large. We chose the well-being of employees as people, over employees as workers. Immediate
steps were taken to limit the impact of the virus as much as possible to one and all connected with
AFD. We were fortunate that inspite of the fact, that, many of our staff members were caught by the
virus in the second wave, we were able to sail through. Despite taking all precautions, one of our
faculty member did lose her spouse. But, as always the AFD family stood by each other. Must say
that both our academic as well as our administrative teams displayed exemplary camaraderie and
synergy at the time when many of our staff members were down with COVID 19, and thankfully, we
were able to pull out the peak admission time successfully.
In this respect the teams of AFD, both academic as well as administrative worked remotely for the
major chunk of the year. Administrative team did start to work from office in the month of March
2021, however the deadly second wave forced us again to close down from middle of April 2021. The
teaching faculty members on the other front continued to work from home until now.
Employers all around had to play an expanded role in their employees’ financial, mental and physical
wellbeing. AFD also did it’s bit by organising fun sessions every Friday evening, during the first lock-
down, in order to reduce the ongoing stress. These sessions did help us in achieving our purpose.
This time was also utilised to organise online training sessions for the teams to utilise the time more
effectively. As the future was unpredictable and road to recovery was erratic, we tried our best to
keep our teams motivated.
Economic uncertainty of the pandemic has caused many people to lose their jobs all over the world.
And many organisations responded to the pandemic’s economic impact by reducing their contractor
budgets. In this conjunction, AFD too had to say good bye to few of its AFD Gurugram employees –
as we had to vacate the premises and there was no longer work requirement. Though we did our best
to handhold these employees for more than a year, but eventually, had to take this tough decision,
which was beyond our control. We still continue to operate our Af Gurugram Centre from the Delhi
premises, as the team is fully operational.
Providing continuity in all our services to all stakeholders was yet another challenge. Students with
their classes, clients with translations and cultural events for our Delhi audiences was the need of the
hour initially. It was satisfying to note that we were able to fulfil all our three objectives successfully.
Thanks to the team, indeed, we were able to throw ourselves all out to achieve our objectives.
meeting, but also, the elections for the members. With all the safety measures in place with regard to
Covid 19 protocols, we were able to successfully conduct the elections after following flexi timings
for the voting process for the very first time, which started at 10:30am and ended at 17:00pm.
We also bid goodbyes to some of our colleagues this year, who left AFD, due to their personal rea-
• Mr Gaurav Arya
• Ms Aruna Swain
• Mr Shiv Sahoo
• Mr Ajay Brahme
• Ms Shanti Das
• Ms Aayushi Nagpal
Welcoming new joinees to the administrative team:
Just as the goodbyes are tough, welcoming new members is a joy. During the pandemic itself, we
had the big responsibility of recruiting new members in our team who were to replace some key
profiles and fill in the vacuum created by people who left. Certainly, it was not easy, but, fortunately,
we found just the right people to fit the team. We were happy to welcome –
Last but not the least, we are quite aware that the next two years are still going to be challenging,
however, knowing how the teams delivered, we are hopeful that we will face these challenges togeth-
er and keep up with the momentum.
Since during the major part of the year, we saw employees and our other stakeholders working from
home, not much movement happened at the premises and hence not much repair and maintenance
work could be carried out. Upkeep of the building was the most important and the only concern
throughout the year. Thanks to the dedicated and committed team of the housekeeping, we were
able to face this challenge with ease. The housekeeping not only did their part of the work, but also
did small maintenance work as and when required. A special mention also goes for the security
team, who in spite of the lockdown during the pandemic were regular in their duty, as well as extend-
ed a helping hand to the AFD’s staff members. Our Cafeteria remain closed throughout the year – as
per the government’s guidelines.
There was a surplus of income over expenditure of Rs. 72.14 lacs against a surplus of Rs. 312.26
lacs in the previous year. The decrease in surplus by Rs. 240.12 lacs over the previous year were
mainly due to the spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) which has had its impact on both the
income and the expenses of AFD.
IT departments all over the globe proved to be the game changer during the time of the pandemic.
Not only they were to provide the much needed support but also train the teams to work from home
in an efficient manner. COVID 19 forced everyone to work from home. We saw a drastic change in
the work culture. The employees had to be equipped and trained with the necessary tools to function
smoothly. IT department issued laptops to employees, gave trainings on platforms such as Zoom
and Mon Alliance (tools used for online teaching).
Apart from this, the enrolment of students went to 100% online mode, and so provided the necessary
remote support to issues and concerns faced by students and concerned teams.
The orientation test too was conducted on an online platform called Evalang.
We also prepared for the transfer of data from the old student database software to a new software
called Arc-en-ciel. We hope that this shift/transition will not only help us in finding solutions to the
issues faced with the old software in use, but also provide us with the necessary reports required by
the management from time to time to make informed decisions.
Year 2020-21 has been an extraordinary year not just for the Alliance Française de Delhi but also for
the entire humankind. The breakout of the Pandemic “Covid-19” compelled the cultural fraternity
globally to switch to online events which resulted in both some advantages and some disadvantages.
Where we missed the real physical experiences of cultural events, there we also realized an addition
of newer and bigger audiences from across the countries. On one side there were limitations to invite
any artist on the stage; on the other hand, there were no restrictions to have artists from any part of
the world through online medium.
Despite various constraints, Alliance Française de Delhi, , coped up to provide a good number of cul-
tural events in last one year with its aim of widening the scope in organizing and promoting different
kind of online events. These cultural events covered a variety of area such as contemporary music,
dance, festivals, literature, debates and talks, design, film and theatre.
In such difficult times, many musicians who had already performed in the previous years at the AFD’s
stage, happily accepted to perform once again for the audiences, and came back with their Home
Editions. Famous artists like French Pianist, Maxime Zecchini, whom Delhi’s audiences still remem-
bers for his amazing performance at AFD in 2016; Christophe Panzani, whose Jazz performance
in 2019 left the Delhi audience in awe; Sangata by veteran composer and musician Thierry Pecou;
Khushboo: a musical and dance performance by Titi Robin, Murad Ali Khan and his troupe, Queens
of Melody on the occasion of Bastille Day and many such artists elevated our online cultural events
to another level.
AFD’s consistent partners such as “The Pianoman Jazz Club” and “Kalasetu” also made efforts
along with AFD to keep up the momentum going and brought some new and old artists to keep the
audiences entertained. Not only the musical performances, but also with some artists’ interviews
and online residencies between Indian and French artists.
In the months of January and February 2021, first offline opera concert post lockdown, “Harmonies
Deconfinées”, by Neemrana Music Foundation in collaboration with French Embassy in India and In-
stitut Francais en Inde, was organized for a small public while taking care of all the COVID measures.
The audiences thoroughly enjoyed and were in high spirits to feel the real experience of a musical
Fête de la Musique
A day dedicated to the promotion of music is one of the most important and a flagship event of any
Alliance Française in the world. To make it into a bigger event, this year the Alliance Francaise Net-
work worked hand in hand for a new project in collaboration with a WebRadio called Boxout. The two
weeks programme, from 7th to 21st June, offered a variety of musical compositions, live concerts
and live interviews of some incredible upcoming artists from all over the country receiving a great
appreciation from the masses.
Besides taking part in the Boxout programme, Alliance Française de Delhi also organized its first
InChorus Residency of the year 2021 between the Francophone Kora Player Cherif Soumano along
with Indian Classical Guitarist Shahnawaz Ahmed. The outcome of this residency was broadcasted
in the form of a video on the occasion of Fete de le Musqiue 2021. This beautiful collaboration will
be performed live in various cities of India during the Bonjour India festival scheduled for the first
trimester of 2021.
Francophonie Week
Francophonie Week is another flagship event of Alliance Française de Delhi which was organized
with support from the other Francophone Embassies present in Delhi, to make it a success yet again.
The week’s programme included reading sessions, writing workshops, musical performances, online
theatre premieres, talks, debates as well as two offline film screenings from different francophone
Design x Design
Due to the pandemic, only a handful of Design x Design talks could be organized with no annual
roundtable. However, the annual exhibition “20 under 35” got an opportunity to be organized onsite
with a slight modification in the format. 80% of the exhibition was displayed in the outdoor area of
the AFD building, while putting on view only 20% of the exhibition inside the gallery, which helped the
organizers as well as the viewers to follow the COVID protocol.
From this year, the Design x Design platform also launched an award initiated with the idea to broad-
en and deepen the engagement between the community of designers and civil society. The Annual
Design X Design Award has been instituted to honor the contribution made by discerning support-
ers/sympathizers, directly or indirectly towards the promotion and propagation of design and/or
the cause of the extended ecosystem of the design-based creative communities. The award will
be presented every year to a recipient at a simple ceremony generally coinciding with 20under35
Annual DXD Exhibition opening. The first award for the year 2021 was presented to Mr. O. P. Jain,
Founder-President of the Sanskriti Foundation, for supporting the design community, both directly
and indirectly, throughout his life.
New platforms
Besides the existing platforms, InChorus: a musical platform for rising talents from both France
and India; InView: to promote the young Indian artists from the fine arts background and InDebate,
a platform to brainstorm and to ponder upon various intellectual subjects, AFD launched two more
platforms this year:-
1. InWriting: In collaboration with Institut Français en Inde, a series of meaningful dialogues with In-
do-French authors focusing on the different aspects of writing. For AFD’s first InWriting session, Mr.
Jean-Claude Perrier and Ms. Aanchal Malhotra were invited for a conversation session at the AFD’s
Auditorium. It was again one of the few offline events that were organized during the small window
period between the two lockdowns.
2. InResearch: This platform was launched during the Francophonie week, with its first session on
the topic “Why does the lethality of COVID-19 differ so much across countries? “ for which Prof.
Nicolas Gravel, Director of Centre for Human Sciences was invited to be in conversation with Ms.
Abantika Ghosh, Senior Associate Editor from The Print.
Debates and Talks
By continuing its efforts to enhance and promote the core value of humanity and tolerance, AFD high-
lighted some important subjects throughout the year. Several talks and events were organized under
the framework of Gender Equality forum, such as a panel discussion on the occasion of Women’s In-
ternational Day on the topic “What does it mean to be a woman in power” by inviting some big names
from the diplomacy, business and academic arenas. A webinar on the topic was also organised
“Women in pre-historic time through the medium of rock-art” where Mrs. Meenakshi Dubey-Pathak,
an expert on rock art imparted her knowledge to the audience.
Several webinars related to the current scenario on subjects like “New solidarities in the time of
the Pandemic” under the framework of The Night of Ideas co-organized by Institut Francais en Inde
where eminent speakers Mr. Ashok Vajpeyi, Prof Ramin Jehanbegloo, Prof Savita Singh, and Prof.
Marilia Pisani were invited to share their views in length. A webinar called “Read and Reconnect the
World” a conversation between Mr. Rajkamal Jha, Editor in Chief, Indian Express and Film-maker
and writer Mr. Vijay Singh was also organised. Another webinar on a vital topic was also hosted
“Challenge the Change” a discussion on the impact of Climate Change on our planet, was organized
in collaboration with a Kolkata based organization named “FREED” for which a distinguished panel of
speakers consisted of the French Ambassador, Mauritian High Commissioner, Government Officials
from the Ministry of Environment Forest and Climate Change and experts from the UN and different
universities which left the audience introspective.
Alliance Française de Delhi also took an active part in the podcast series organized by the French
Embassy in India and Institut Francais en Inde called “Clearing the Haze”, the Indo-French conversa-
tions at the intersection of culture, education and language. Under the Generation Equality Forum,
this series aimed at making some of the powerful voices more vocal.
Among all these talks, debates and discussions, Alliance Française de Delhi, did not skip the annual
commemoration of Holocaust Day in collaboration with United Nation information Centre and Em-
bassy of Israel.
Alliance Française de Delhi would keep focusing to nurture the diverse platforms for cultural dia-
logues, expressions and exchanges with a hope to have a constant support from the Delhi audience,
to help keep the ever-evolving French spirit alive in the capital of India.
2020-2021 did not follow the upward trend of the recent years. The pandemic severely impacted
the total number of students at the AFD. Coupled with the drop in demand, the maximum number of
learners per class was curtailed so as to maintain the QUALITY standards in the context of online
courses (12 for complete beginners and 15 for non-beginners, instead of 20 previously), which in
turn led to a reduction in the number of hours sold but to an increase in the number of hours taught.
Over the financial year, the decline in activity was around 16%.
Gurgaon and Noida
The “physical” closure of the Noida and Gurgaon annexes, to minimize the deleterious effects of
the crisis, has not had a negative effect on the number of learners. In order to retain a dedicated
public in the city of Gurgaon, the division between the two centers has been maintained despite the
online courses, rendering this geographical distinction obsolete. On the contrary, the Noida annex
was closed down given the low number of learners who were subsequently incorporated into Lodhi
Going online and the intensive promotion campaigns of the courses in Gurgaon have greatly helped
in developing this annex in an impressive manner.
1. The evaluation system: Implemented in the autumn session of 2018 the internal evaluation sys-
tem is now being completely followed. The evaluation at the end of a level (i.e. end A1, A2, B1, B2)
previously validated on the basis of exams prepared by our teachers has been temporarily suspend-
ed. Given the health crisis, these end of level exams could no longer be held as they were conceived
to be conducted in face to face sessions.
2. In addition, internationally recognized French language exams and tests are conducted from
time to time.
2.1 The DELF and DALF certifications designed by France Education International (FEI) former
ly the CIEP, under the aegis of the French Ministry of Education are as follows: Basic level (A1,
A2), Independent Level (B1, B2) and experienced Level (C1, C2). Since May 2012. We have been
organizing Junior DELF sessions for the A1 and A2 levels.
2.2 Tests to assess the level of French, TCF (Test to assess the knowledge of French) proposed
by the FEI are specifically aimed at persons wanting to emigrate to French speaking countries,
acquire French nationality or pursue higher studies in France. Since spring 2019, the AF of Delhi
is also offering TCF Canada. This particular test is necessary for those wishing to begin the
process for permanent economic immigration or to obtain Canadian citizenship at the Immigra
tion, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).
3. Registrations and results
3.1 Delf-Dalf
The year 2020-2021 was impacted by the cancellations of DELF-DALF sessions. Only two sessions
were held, one in December 2020 and the other in March 2021. Both Indian and French health regu-
lations (France Education International) compelled us to limit the number of candidates per level. In-
deed, the Compulsory distance to be maintained between the seats reduced our capacity to conduct
collective / common tests by more than half, whereas the need to limit the number of candidates on
our premises forced us to restrict the number of candidates per level to 50 only.
3.2 TCF
After a steady decline in this certification, observed for several years, an upsurge of interest spurred
by TCF Canada, allowed us to record 38 tests during the 2020-2021 financial year, an increase (+1)
over last year in spite of the pandemic.
Teacher’s training
1.Basic training course
Following the signing of a partnership agreement with the University of Maine, the Diplôme d’Univer-
sité de FLE “Inde” (University degree in Teaching French as a foreign language India) took shape in
two centers (Delhi and Bombay) offering the candidates the possibility to obtain a diploma with the
dual label AF /Le Mans University. In 2019, 16 candidates from Delhi cleared the selection test and
pursued this new training program coupled with a qualifying degree. A larger number of candidates
(24) registered in the year 2020, due in particular to the opening of the course to companions of ex-
patriates in Delhi, giving AFD the possibility of having a few native teachers who most often work in
pairs with an Indian teacher when they take up classes at the AFD.
2. In service training
The principle of in-service training is firmly rooted in the best practices of the AFD. However, due to
the impact of the coronavirus, the entire teaching team was unfortunately unable to participate in the
traditional off-site training program.
However, the dematerialization of practices has enabled us to focus on the following training as-
This upgradation of skills will be beneficial for the future and will allow us to expand our course offer
(co-modality courses which consists in managing two groups synchronously, one remotely, the other
in the classroom).
4. The digitization of practices: Arc-en-ciel
After the widespread use of the Apolearn LMS and virtual classroom applications, another important
project has made remarkable progress in the year 2020-2021.
AFD is growing, compelling the management to formalize and automate procedures in order to re-
main efficient. The switch from the “in-house” ERP software (selflrn) to the “Arc-en-ciel” software
already used in several AFs in the Indian and global network is part of this process.
After being launched in the Gurgaon annex, AEC has been implemented throughout AFD. This tran-
sition, which required the involvement of everyone - teachers, educational advisers, the HR and aca-
demic department, not to mention accounting – has been a tremendous success.
All employees now enjoy access to the platform equipped with features adapted to our course activ-
ity and enabling quick editing, compilation and retrieval of information.
Other departments or services will gradually integrate into the ERP: translation cell, rental of cultural
spaces (amphitheater and gallery) and media library.
The pandemic, which has impacted us all, is still lingering, certainly for longer than what was ex-
pected in 2020. However, this crisis has prompted us to question our ways of working and thus to
modernize our practices in order to adapt more to the needs of learners and to emerge even stronger
when « classroom teaching » resumes.
Whatever educators, students, and families had planned back in January 2020 quickly became irrel-
evant on March 11th 2020 when the WHO declared COVID-19 a global pandemic.
With evidence emerging that the coronavirus pandemic spread easily among groups in close prox-
imity, educational institutes across the world had no choice but to close their campuses to staff
and students. Alliance Française de Delhi, Gurugram Centre, was no exception. This meant the can-
cellation of in-person teaching and activities, forcing us to find alternative ways to continue French
Language delivery. We were forced to rethink the end of our ongoing Spring Session 2020 batch and
transformed all our classes into online-only events in matter of days, thanks to full efforts & co-oper-
ation of our Academic Director, Administrative Staff, and the Teachers.
We rethought how we connect with our prospective students and used technology to decrease the
virtual distance between the members of admission team. For example, all phone calls were diverted
to newly obtained official mobile numbers.
We prioritized and invested our time in utilizing & building software/tools that supported our admis-
sion team, made scheduling classes simpler and more efficient, and made connections between
different colleagues as easy as possible through continuous interaction on zoom calls.
We launched online admission process in the Spring Session 2021 which was an instant success
due to many advantages, it carried with itself – an pseudo e-commerce like admission platform, au-
tomated billing and receipts generation, ability to a student monitor his personal class attendance &
progress, and get a course attestation at a click of a button.
Our not-so tech savvy teachers in the pre-pandemic era are now comfortable in using various online
tools epitomizing that there is no age bar to learning. A big Kudos to all of them.
We have improved many processes & tools and we are sure that these improvements will carry over
to future batches and be helpful even when we return to in-person events.
2020-21, has been a mixed year in terms of number of student enrolments across in-house classes
and corporate classes.
While the total enrolments, including corporate classes, stands at 825 students, which is a decrease
of 12% from 2019-20. However, the number of enrolments for in-house classes has increased to 656
students, with a marginal increase of 8% as compared to 2019-2020.
Weekday enrolments stood at 243, which accounted for roughly 37% of the total enrolments. Week-
end classes as always, however, remain the most popular for all levels from A1 to C1. 413 enrolments
were for the weekend classes, which remained higher yet again this year, largely attributed to the
Gurugram student demographics of having more Working Professionals than students. It accounted
for 63% of the total enrolments for the year 2020-2021.
Fresh enrolments are at 239 (37% of total enrolments) and reenrolments at 362 (55% of total enrol-
ments). In addition, we had 55 (8% of total enrolments) registrations for Teachers’ Training Work-
shops. While fresh-enrolments declined by 8%, re-enrolments showed, a marginal increase of 5% in
comparison to last year’s proportion.
We continued with the specialized course offers in Translation and simultaneous interpretation for
students who had already acquired C1 + level, a trend which we started in year 2019-2020. Like-
wise we continued with the transition level courses especially designed for targeted students, who
felt the need to spend more time, to master the competencies, required for the level. These are
efforts worthy of mention in order to diversify our offers for higher levels which helped in retaining
our advanced level class students and took the reenrolment numbers higher. A major achievement
during the Autumn Session 2020 was Teachers’ Training Workshops. We had great participation
from French teachers PAN India. More than 55 registrations were made in these workshops and
teachers showed great intent & inclination to learn new techniques of French language learning. The
entire workshop series, divided into 5 workshops, happened on the last three days of each of the
months from July-November.
The number of enrolments within the corporate classes segment has decreased from 367 students
to about 169 students in the year 2020-2021, showing a significant decrease of 54% in terms of no
of participants from Corporate as compared to the last year. This was largely attributed to two major
corporate clients, Indian School of Hospitality, for which the participants decreased from over 160+
last year to about 70 in the year 2020-2021. In addition, Orange Business Services, a major client over
the last few years, saw substantial decrease among its employees to learn French due to change in
Learning Objectives & Preferences, Work-loads, Excessive screen-times etc. in the pandemic-era.
The learning requirement from our clients also showed a typical trend:
March to May, while the situation was still uncertain and all organizations trying to adjust to
online working and remote conditions, the demand for Online classes dropped, largely in antici
pation of quick solution to the COVID situation and dependence on Live classes.
June – October, a constant communication with our existing clients helped us get new online
business from our existing clients – Orange, AXA, and Indian School of Hospitality.
October – March, soon the demand for online language learning classes dropped.
The learning objectives for corporates changed towards skills that helped them efficiently
manage and carry out their remote working requirements. All the clients insisted to resume
face-to-face classes once the pandemic situation is over and things as back to the old “Normal”.
During the year 2020-2021, we also reached out to new prospective clients, Airbus, Suez, and Carre-
four to name a few. None of these proposals got a financial go-ahead from their respective manage-
ments due to financial non-viabilities during the tough COVID situations.
Nevertheless, we hope for the situation to be fine soon in the coming year. A new space and a fresh
opportunity awaits us, largely depending on the normalcy of the situation on the keenness of the
students to be back to in-person classes.
• an pseudo e-commerce like admission platform,
• automated billing and receipts generation,
• ability to a student monitor his personal class attendance & progress, and
• get a course attestation at a click of a button
The online platform resulted in saving a lot of resource time for the Gurgaon counselling team as
most of the enrolments happened online and Invoicing & Billing being taken care of by the auto-
mated system. This enabled the counselling team to spend more time in counselling & resolving
queries of prospective students resulting in a surge in fresh enrolments during the Spring Session
While we continue to develop & reform the platform by continuous monitoring and testing, we also
plan to have the Lodhi Centre on AEC & Kiosk in the next year to achieve the benefits of a central-
ized system having data from both the centres.
The sense of loyalty with which students having completed up to C1 level continue to enrol for var-
ious courses and activities that we carry out during the year is note worthy. The students enthusi-
astically attend all our cultural events including workshops, the club activities (ciné club/book club
or the conversation classes, etc.), and above all the activities of the Alliance Française de Delhi.
The high retention rate is therefore only proof of appreciation to the highly dedicated, qualified,
trained professional faculty and a team of enthusiastic, talented, dynamic, young friendly adminis-
trative staff and hard-working personnel of the centre.
It was indeed heart-warming to see both the student community and AFDG team’s putting their
best foot forward and standing in unison in time of need and adverse challenges thrown by nature
(COVID-19). They quickly adapted themselves to the new circumstances and forged forward pro-
actively together with more vigour.
However, we had to see few of our team members Ms Shanti Das, Ms Aruna Swain and Mr Bhola
Nath from the AFDG administrative staff left the AFD fraternity due to reasons beyond human con-
trol. We wish them all the best and hope to meet and work together again in future.
2020 – 2021 was a difficult year and full of challenges all over the world and the pandemic affected
us too. As thewhole of AFD including the library was closed due to pandemic and lockdown. But the
library continued with its functioning and was very much active online. We were fortunate to offer
the online platform called CULTURETHÈQUE ( )- international digital library
platform for the students, where not only the students but also the members and non members, of
the library can read, borrow and download books, magazines, comics … as well as watch short films,
documentaries, or listen audio books and music.
During the lockdown the library worked on its software (PMB), the librarians completed and correct-
ed online catalogue for the entire AF library network in India, as we shared the common catalogue
and also finished the inventory.
In this period of lockdown library worked very hard to give the best possible service to all the stu-
dents and members to avail all the necessary services of online library.
In collaboration with the academic department the French library organized various workshops for
the students of Alliance (Delhi and Gurgaon). These workshops were open to anyone who wished to
improve their French.
As mentioned earlier in this period of lockdown the librarians were also engaged in different Online
activities for the students:
Spoken French Workshop based on different interesting themes by Ms Sharbani Roy, twice a week
during lockdown.
Writing Workshops were organized on Monday and Friday and subjects were given to students in
advance to write upon. On Tuesdays and Thursdays workshops like ‘Lecture à voix haute’to help stu-
dents improve their speaking skills were conducted by then head librarian Joséphine Loterie.
In January 2021, a big event was organized ‘La Nuit de la lecture’. It was also a virtual reading activity
again organized by all the librarians of the AF Network.
Reading sessions for the adults and higher level students was done by MsSharbani Roy, where read-
ing of some passages in French was taken up, and then the participants had to tell related stories.
Two reading sessions were put together by Ms.Mridula Khanduri one on Albert Camus (B1 plus level)
level and another one for new learner (A1 and A2 level).
Story telling activity was animated by Ms. Aayushi Saklani for the schools, where 2 schools partic-
ipated (approximately 40 students attended) and students shared the stories created by them in
French. Second activity, on theatre was conducted at the night time to respect the theme of the event
with previous alliance students (B2 and C1 level)
With the Global Pandemic, announced by WHO on 11th March’ 2020, the Translation Cell entered its
31st year of functionality. The cell has come a long way since its foundation in 1989 and has wit-
nessed a considerable evolution ever since. The cell currently comprises of 13 members out of which
4 are pivot interpreters and one native proof-reader.
Despite the devastating economic and social disruption caused by the pandemic, the Translation Cell
continued to perform slowly but steadily. The major challenge as for others was to convert all our
services to online mode overnight, and we are happy to report that the cell succeeded in the smooth
The pandemic caused a breakdown in the functionality of many other Translation Cells of Alliance
Française network across the country. However, AFD took this as a challenge, and undertook the
voluminous administrative translation of documents required by the students from different cities
for their higher studies in France, including other translation jobs. This momentum of work still con-
tinues as we receive huge translation requests from students for administrative purposes.
Incessantly we are striving to increase our client base in order to fortify ourselves from the global
economic slowdown which currently is the case and as a result we succeeded in concluding a major
interpretation work for WHO. Mrs Jayashri SRIDHARAN and Mrs. Padma NATARAJAN piloted this
online project of four days, where participants from across the globe were present.
Along with this an essential interpretation task for French Embassy was completed by Mrs. Andita
RAO during the visit of Mr Jean-Yves Le Drian, External Affairs Minister of France to Delhi.
A sizable translation job of IFI Paris was undertaken by four different Alliance Françaises all over
India and was concluded successfully. This included – Delhi, Chennai, Hyderabad and Mumbai.
Glad to share that despite all challenges, we still continue to work with our clients such as Canadian
High Commission and Embassy of Belgium as their official translators.
S.NO. Particulars INR
4 Subscription - 0 % 1,313
7 Booking - 0 % 0
S.NO. Particulars INR
11.25% Interest
2.07% Translation
Suman Saurabh A. Shanti Das
Technician Office Assistant
Usha Ramachandran Shobhana Varma Madhulika Sharma
Adjunct Teacher Adjunct Teacher Adjunct Teacher
Alliance Française de Delhi
72, KK Birla Lane, Lodi Estate,
New Delhi - 110003
Tel. 011 43500 200 / 202
website -