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PODLOVE Couples-Therapist Pearl

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I. Title: Reading and Writing

(Reading and Writing Drill No. 1)

II. Type of Activity: THE FEB PODCAST (Performance Task)

(Group Work)
III. Objectives:

1. Develop logical paragraphs using the patterns of development.

2. Read non-fiction articles on the web and produce a comprehensive synopsis.
3. Identify the purpose for writing and create a podcast script about the read

IV: The Hows:

1. Find an interesting article which matches the topic the group has picked.
2. Read the chosen article then make a synopsis of what was read.
3. Identify the possible interesting key ideas about the article. Point out the themes or
concepts which are worthy of discussion.
4. After deliberation, create a 3–5 minute podcast script which relates to the article's
5. Choose the purpose of writing. Will you write to persuade? Inspire? To clear out false
beliefs? To give solutions? To address problems? To give steps? Give advices? Always
choose the most appropriate purpose for you podcast's content.
6. After deliberation, create a 3–5 minute podcast script which relates to the article's
7. The script shall include the hosts' introduction and the hosts' parting words.
8. Fill out the format which is available on the second page.
9. Only the leader will submit the output in the Google Glassroom with the file name
10. For references visit this url: https://live365.com/blog/how-to-write-a-podcast-script/


V: Format
(Place the needed details in this LAS. No need to create a new document.)

Name of the group: COUPLE’S THERAPIST





Name of the Podcast:


Topic of the Podcast:


Purpose of the podcast:

- There’s something to be learned about how to recognize love, how to make it
work, and how to be the best version of yourself. We wanted our podcast topic to
be fantasy because we wanted to tell all the people who are in love, who have
loved, who have ever loved, and even those singles who are keeping their love
for someone. That love is pure, love is selfless, love is an emotion we create and,
most importantly, love isn’t just about romance, it’s about how we treat each
other and how we long to be treated. Yet, this will also make you realize that
things don't always go as planned. Wait till God gives you the perfect person at
the perfect time in the perfect place. Like how Cinderella finds her prince, she
dreamed of a guy and yet he found the perfect guy. They managed to meet and
find each other in terms of difficulties because the right time and the right place
came to their side.

Whether you’re single or in a long-term relationship, this podcast will have

something to teach you about love, affection, admiration, romance, and
everything in between. After all, love is everything.


URL Web of the Article:
Retrieved at https://www.psychalive.org/true-love / last February 21, 2022.

Synopsis of the article:

Most of us spend our lives looking for it, desire to feel it, and arguing about it. Its
meaning is felt more than it is clearly expressed. It’s called the greatest virtue. It’s
love. Love is dynamic and fascinating. Romantic love, specifically, seems to be a
beautiful mystery we find hard to explain.

Love is so inexplicable that cynics believed it does not exist and we even need the
help of science to explain it. After all, psychologists have defined what true love
really is and the how's and why's of people falling in love. Some of us may have
committed ourselves to the fantastical notion that romance is just an act of
spontaneous combustion, but it is actually not. The truth is that, the couple have to
put in time and energy and make a conscious effort to sustain the relationship and
the passion to keep the fire burning.

Predictability can also dampen desires, so couples should strive to keep a sense of
adventure and surprise alive in their relationships. To be romantic is to make a
choice to wake up each day and ask yourself what you can do today to let your lover
know they are adored. The more effort you put into your romantic relationship, the
more love you will receive in return. Be the partner that you seek and live a life filled
with passion and romance.


Script proper:
(The script shall be used for a 3-5 minute podcast. If possible at least five (5) members
shall be included.)

Prince: “No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing the dream that you wish will
come true”
- Cinderella

Lander: Hello, welcome to our own episode with kwentohans with “Couple’s Therapist today we were
going to talk about the love, the affection, and the admiration we feel these days.

Shainaly: But first let us ask Llanzei to talk about her experience or she feels about this what you call

Llanzei: Hello, I was into poems these days and I was wondering on how I can find my true love. but as I
grow older, I wondered what it feels to have into a relationship and I have read an article, that if we ever
want to live like a fantasy, we must take actions that are loving, we should connect with and sustain
those loving feelings within us. Should we do this to find this fantasy?

Lorraine: YES! Fantasy. Fantasy has always been one of my dreams, and as a child, I was always intrigued
about how it felt to be in love in a fantasy world.

Thea: Well, when you say "fantasy," the first word that cross to my mind was the "Disney World." Diba
nga we usually say, na ang Disney World is where you can find people fighting for their love.

Prince: (AGREE) When we say love, the thing that you should look for love is something that your five-
year-old self is dreaming about. All the Disney Princes, that shows how gallant he is or how the art of
chivalry is shown. But the thing is, not all Disney films are accurate when compared to real life.

Shainaly: Minsan nga someone said to me na don’t compare Disney in your life because, they call it love
even though they hurt you. It’s literally sad that in real life, they don’t do this kind of stuff, or should I
say I? Because you know… For me, you cannot call it love if the person you love is the one ruining you.

Lander: Yeah, you have a point. The love that you will encounter will hurt you and it will ache your
innocent heart as if there is a rock dig in your chest, like for example hindi ka crinushback ni crush diba


iba yung sakit na ramdam mo, pero matatatanggal din ito agad if you find that right person in your

ALL: true I feel that!

Thea: (agree) And when you find each other’s souls, there will be a lot of "love" that you will meet in
your lifetime, and it will begin in a phase like an astrological phenomenon. The older you will be the
more you realize how the world created and that Disney World and real life aren’t the same.

Prince: (AGREE) They will show you their flaws and imperfections. And all the love that will form will not
stop until the light in the universe disperse. and there will be a time, or there will be a moment that
when you lay eyes on that person, your life will be a fantasy as if you were living in a Disney film.

Kizza: And of course, that person that you have found is someone who will make you hot chocolate
when it’s raining, or who will support you in all your endeavors, or who will cook you your favorite
comfort food, and who will adore and love you despite your flaws. And of course, you will have to
accept his also.

Kathleen: That was great, it was like you have been in that Disney film all along, but you just must find
the right person, or you just must wait until the right prince appears that will turn your life a happy ever

Gleah: how about you Edrian what can you say about this topic

Edrian: I am a hopeless romantic. So, for me, it's all in the hands of time if you're broken or single now.
In the future or maybe months between, you will be with someone, you will just have to look widely and
with an open heart for the soul that matches with yours.

Lorraine: (agree) and I want also to share some practices for healthy relationships. The first one is, to
know yourself and your power. Basically, to learn everything there is to know about you. Study yourself
like you would your most beloved. Beyond the stories, get to know yourself. Owning your power is
realizing that you can alter your reaction and, as a result, alter reality. Second one is, to choose love
because every decision you make in your life gives you the chance to practice choosing love.


Kizza: also, practice being vulnerable. It refers to sharing your true feelings and thoughts with those
around you. To gain a deeper understanding of your relationship, ask them questions. Say exactly what
you're thinking.

Gleah: Lastly, one is to surround yourself with like-minded people. To stay in love and abundance, it is
extremely important to find people who have the same beliefs and are seeking the same things and
want to practice the same things then you can support each other, and you can have each other grow in
love and abundance.


Thea: For love, you must speak out loud, just like how Disney characters speak theirs. Don't ever regret
loving someone. Because love is a responsibility that cannot be easily abandoned, it is something you
strive to achieve to fulfill the obligation you choose. Find a person who makes you laugh, not one who
makes you cry. Find a person who keeps their words, not one who can't spell theirs. And when you find
the right one, learn to look into each other's eyes and try to understand and appreciate how they look.
Because their eyes speak for themselves.
Shainaly: Sometimes, we don't need to rush into love. Basically, love will appear when the right time
comes. And never ever forget that when we love, we should put God in the center. Because he is the
one who will make you stronger in any trials you face, he'll help you to be wiser and braver in taking
steps towards the future. He'll help you choose the right path, and if we put him in the center, he'll help
you find your love and live like the Disney character you've been dreaming of for a long time.


Lorraine: Thank you for joining us this week on PODLOVE- cast episode, I hope that you have learned
something from us, especially you, (member guest), I hope you’ll be able to find the fantasy world
you’ve been dreaming of. BTW this is (members name)

Edrian: If you have any suggestion about love just visit our podcast, I’m (members name)

Prince: if you happen to like our podcast, you may also like to buy the benta of A.C Fenols food product,
(scream) nag-enjoy Kana nga, kumain ka pa!

Llianzei: Be sure to tune in for our next episode.

Kathleen: This is your PODLOVE-cast, see you again next week, thank you for listening! babye


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