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PrepositioNAL Phrase PDF

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Prepositional Phrase List with AT

At random At any rate At first sight

At rest At the moment At first
At risk At a low ebb At one’s side
At the hands of At a loss At one’s request
At for a fraction of At midnight At the ready
At one’s discretion At the latest At war with
At school At heart At the mercy of
At sea At liberty At one’s leisure
At all costs At least At a time
At the top of At ease At full tilt
At a guess At midday At one time
At noon At places At the thought of
At the foot of At pains At university
At the beginning of At last At full throttle
At the door At odds with At stake
At short notice At a rate of At issue
At the bottom of At a distance At the time of
At one’s disposal At a speed of At worst
At a stand At the age of At the end
At full strength At home At face value
At from the outset At most At a loss for
At the wheel At all hours words
At this juncture At night At length
At hand At work At once
At the table At that At times
At the peak of At fault At the height of
Prepositional Phrase List with ON
On tiptoe On occasion On the part of
On that day On a bicycle On the way
On the job On horseback On the move
On average On the menu On reflection
On the grounds of On credit On a pension
On principle On the hour On business
On the agenda On guard On paper
On a plane On foot On the roof
On my birthday On account of On board
On the increase On holiday On the ceiling
On the edge of On strike On end
On the first day On fire On the run
On the brink of On a spree On vacation
On the eve of On the dot On the horizon
On purpose On edge On an expedition
On a list On impulse On good terms
On behalf of On a ship On order
On bail On leave On the top of
On the strength of On trial On a bus
On the stroke of On the corner On the last day
On condition that On parade On display
On the radio On an island On a wall
On the outskirts On approval On hand
On the tip of On an island On a regular basis
On a train On sale On the phone
On the off-chance On remand On the way to
Prepositional Phrase List
For want of For fear of Within an hour
For example For ages Within reason
For granted For the time being Within grasp
For lunch For a while Within limits
For the sake of For love Within walking
For luck For the rest of Within sight of
For the moment For instance Within reach (of)
For a change For once Without a break
For a good cause For the good of Without thinking
For a good reason For a walk Without (a) doubt
For a holiday For real Without question
For good To the life Without delay
For ever To the extent of Without education
For a moment To excess Without exception
For a reason To the full Without fail
For safekeeping To the/ this day Without warning
For fun To the purpose Without respite
For breakfast To the last Without a hitch
For dinner To the limit Without
For a visit To the best of precedent
For certain To one’s credit Without a plan
For sale To the satisfaction At university
For short of At full throttle
For nothing To the letter At stake
For life To the detriment of At issue
For sure To an extent At the time of
Prepositional Phrase List with IN
In command of In compensation In conclusion
In vain for In force
In progress In exchange for In return
In disgrace In time In person
In case of In the mountains In prison/ jail
In anticipation of In combination In no time
In confusion with In principle
In all likelihood In good faith In hand
In fairness to In common In control of
In gear In an instant In due course
In the meantime In horror (of) In doubt
In connection with In full In the dark
In agony In labor In the end
In all honesty In keeping with In comfort
In secret In league with In business
In essence In length In a row
In detail In love with In effect
In decline In season In town
In a flash In distress In tears
In favor of In private In the habit of
In charge of In bulk In defense of
In touch In memory of In a sense
In the nude In awe of In confinement
In cash In moderation In flames
In confidence In character In some respects
In court In action In error

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